The Tavern Server

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Aug 27, 2016




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Jaseen gloried in his waking well after the sun had risen. He was alone in the house, he knew, his mother and father and older brothers had all gone to work in the fields, but not him! No, not him for he had a job! An honest job, here in the town, as a tavern server. He would be bringing in coins, honest currency, not the right to a percentage of a crop in the field that he could then try to sell or trade for other things, like his father and brothers did, no, no, not him! And he had his mother's promise that of the money he made, she would permit him to keep three, count them, three pence from each week's salary! Wonderful!

Three pence a week, he could save two of that easily, spending a single pence each week to buy a bit of fine food or a new item of clothing now and then, and with the two pence safely stocked away, some day he could buy himself an apprenticeship in some honorable profession. He longed to study to be a silversmith, the apprentice fee was fifty silver royals, that was five hundred pence, and he could save best he could and hope for more money from another source to keep his wait from being in the decades. Hey, wait a minute...sometimes the servers in a tavern were given tips!

The glory of that revelation brought him out of the bed and he went to the window and opened it to the light of the new day. The sun was well up and his window looked out over a rooftop, not the street, so only a couple of sparrows caught sight of his naked body. Eighteen summers of age (his people measured age by the next summer solstice as being the date of birth, Jaseen had been born nineteen of them ago and so Jaseen called himself eighteen years old), tall and slender, his skin a golden tone where the sun could hit it often (his face and hands mostly) and pale as a bedsheet elsewhere. His cock dwelt in a thin thatch of pubic hair, elsewhere, his body was as near hairless as matters save for the dark brown patch on his head that had been cut by his mother, who'd turned a large baker's bowl over his head and then cut off all the hair that stuck out below it. He could sleep this late or later every day if he wished, for his new employer did not require him to appear until shortly before the noonday hour. He would pay for this by working in the late hours, and have to walk home after curfew each night (his employer would give him a note explaining he worked for the tavern to show any watchman who stopped him, that was no guarantee of safe passage but would help most of the time), and so the sleeping in on mornings was needful. He'd had to sleep with his two brothers for so long that not having them in the same bed with him was a luxury all its own!

His mother had left him a bit of bread to breakfast on, his lunches and dinners would also be supplied by the tavern. Good Old Miklas, he was such a generous master, everyone said that. The young men about town clamored to be hired by him, but he usually turned such away with a kind word and never, never an explanation. Yet Jaseen, he'd merely been walking down the street that day when Old Miklas had called out to him, stopped him, approached him and asked him if he was available! Available! With a hoe over one shoulder and a bucket in the other hand, of course he was available to get out of the fields! His father took over the negotiation, of course, and Jaseen had chewed his lower lip in agony as they argued. Finally, it was agreed, ten pence a week, and his mother had gently interposed that a pence per day for his room and board would be sufficient, the other three could be his, to save for his wedding day.

With all that boiling in his mind, Jaseen left for work a good hour before time, and the cook smiled at him when he walked in. "Well, now, you're the new server, are you, to take over from Young Nally?"

"I guess I am." Jaseen agreed.

"Ah, he's going to be missed a lot here. Gone to an apprenticeship with a jeweler's down the road, he is." the cook said. "You'll be wanting a bit of soup before your work, will you?"

"Yes, please." Jaseen heartened at hearing of Nally's good fortune. If it happened to another, it could happen to him! "Did Nally save up his tips?"

"Lord, no!" the cook presented him with the bowl and Jaseen lifted it to his lips and slurped in the broth, and a few of the vegetables and bits of meat. "The jeweler favored him like a son, he did. Many of the servers have their men who favor them. More often than not, they hire the young man away from the Master." The cook went over to the pantry at that point, leaving Jaseen alone with his dreams!

Those dreams took quite a beating through the lunch time and into the afternoon. Jaseen worked as fast as he could, and it was still never fast enough. And not a single customer thought to give him a single pence for himself when they paid. Usually, it was an attempt to underpay him and a snarl when he called them on it. It was worse as he saw other servers receiving pence after pence as they flirted and joked with their customers. He tried, but it was a poor effort and he knew he had to learn that skill if he wished to line his pockets.

The afternoon he was kept busy in the kitchen, one hot, miserable chore after another. The servers were old friends and laughed and talked, and while Jaseen wasn't entirely shut out, he wasn't quite welcomed either. Some even seemed suspicious of him!

"Don't you worry about nothing." the cook told him sympathetically when he chose a moment in late afternoon when they were alone in the kitchen. "Just keep your head about you and pay attention and learn as quick as you can. They'll come around in a few weeks...usually."

By the time the supper crowd arrived, Jaseen was fatigued beyond words. He was used to the fields, where all movements were smooth, even, unending. This was a series of rapid shifts, broken by periods of inactivity. His muscles weren't used to it and they complained endlessly.

And after the supper guests had left, there were the evening customers. These were men and women out for entertainment of various sorts. The tables became gaming tables, with games of cards and dice going on all around. Other tables had the more dedicated drinkers and Jaseen got his first tip of a pence from one of them when he brought over their pitcher. "And keep t'other for yourself." the man told him.

Jaseen's face lit up. "Yes, Sir! Thank you, Sir!" he gushed effusively and too loudly, other patrons laughed to hear his happiness. Jaseen didn't care. He joyfully turned his back and took out his purse which he wore around his waist under his clothes, and deposited the coin inside, and then went back to work with his energy restored.

Beyond the main area of the tables were a row of smaller tables on each side, with the kitchen and bar on the far side from the door. Above these tables were the walkways to the upper rooms, for this tavern also had a few bedrooms to rent out to travelers. On the other side were the rooms of Old Miklas and his family and curtains kept the smaller tables separate from each other. These walkways made the smaller tables almost cavern-like in quality, and in the darkening light (curfew was two hours after sundown which, in these summer days, was nearly midnight), the tables were heavily shadowed. "Over here!" the man in one of these tables barked. He was a big, hulking shape up against the back wall, "Another pitcher!" he commanded as Jaseen hurried over.

Jaseen couldn't remember what this man had ordered before. "Did you have beer, or wine, sir?" he asked.

"I had mead, by the White Goddess!" the man snarled at him. "Can't you tell?"

Jaseen looked again at the pitcher, the tapster always poured mead into a pitcher with a particular handle. Yes, it was mead. "My apologies, Sir!" he hastily said and snaffled up the empty pitcher and scurried away. "Another pitcher of mead for the third table!" he said to the tapster.

The tapster looked over and then grinned at Jaseen. "He's good for another tuppence or three, I think." he said as he poured from the cask. "But he wants you to do as he asks and quickly."

"I shall, and I thank you." Jaseen hastily rushed the pitcher over to the table. Your mead, Sir." he said and placed the pitcher on the table.

The man had the money but instead of placing it on the table where Jaseen could reach it, he held the money in his hand and close to his body. "Here you go." He said.

Jaseen stepped down into the lowered floor area to walk around the table and reach the man, who made no effort to meet him in any wise. Jaseen reached out to the hand and the man dropped all the coins but one into his hand, the coin remaining was a silver noble, worth twenty pence. Twenty! Jaseen's eyes followed the coin eagerly.

"You deserve something for your efforts." the man went on. "Here you go." He flipped the coin, but it did not fly in the direction of Jaseen, but straight up and down. The man was slouching on the bench and the coin landed on his trousers in the folded up area across the crotch. The noble fell into that fold and there it lay.

It was his coin and the man did not make an effort to retrieve it. Jaseen did not think overmuch on the matter, the one coin was worth two weeks' salary by itself. Such a tip once a week would cut his time until he had the apprentice fee to a mere year or so!

He reached down and his hand went to the man's crotch, his fingers caught hold of the coin and the man's hand caught hold of Jaseen's wrist at the same time.

"I...I'm sorry, Sir." Jaseen said. "The coin fell here and I only...."

The man's hand moved, and Jaseen's hand moved perforce the same way, but the man didn't shift Jaseen's hand away from his crotch, rather, he ground it down around against his crotch. Jaseen could feel the man's genitals inside the trousers which were of soft material, and he looked up at the man and flushed, he could feel the heat in his cheeks.

"You deserve something for your efforts." the man said again, softly. "And the more your effort, the more you deserve, do you not?"


"Can you feel it in there?" the man said. "Feel how stiff it's getting?"

"I can feel that." Jaseen admitted, for the dong now under his hand was a hot piece of steel inside the man's clothes.

"I could use some of your effort on that. I have more nobles in my pouch, and a few might find their way into yours if you applied some effort where I need it most."

Jaseen didn't need a map drawn for him, or rather the man had drawn a map clear enough, for his intent was far from obscure. Jaseen hesitated, but not overlong, then he knelt down and the man pulled the tie of his trousers, a cord at his waist which he untied, and now the material could and did separate at the crotch, and Jaseen first captured the silver noble from that material before it could fall onto the floor. As he put that away quickly as he could, the man fished his cock out of his pants and Jaseen looked up to see the tall shaft waiting.

He timidly reached up and took hold of the shaft. He knew what to do of course (what young man hasn't become intimately acquainted with the demands of the little head between his legs?), but had never done it to anyone besides himself. The dong was thick and the shaft was like warm iron and the skin over it was like thick velvet, soft and slippery. He moved his hand up and down and the glans flowed with a thick stream of clear fluid that gave off a salty, animal smell. Jaseen expected that smell to be nasty, but instead found it gave him an erection of his own!

"Come on, give it a kiss." the man murmured and his ham of a hand landed on Jaseen's head and pushed him down toward that leaking prong. Jaseen's cheek touched that glans and the thick rope of precome came away with him as he drew away again, connecting his head to the cock with a line of clear fluid that bent down like a bow being drawn by the archer, and from the place where the arrowhead would be was a drop that grew and fed from the bow and then the bow broke, became two straight lines, then the side away from Jaseen snapped and the entire glob flew over and landed on Jaseen, from his cheek to his neck and down his shirt front!

"Come on, kiss it for me." the man said again, louder and he shoved Jaseen down again. This time Jaseen complied, opening his mouth and letting the man stuff his cock into Jaseen's mouth.

"Ahh, agh, ah, ah!" the man grunted as Jaseen took the stiff dong into his throat far as he could, then closed his lips and braced himself to prevent the big man from sticking it further in. "Yeah, come on, you can do it, get to work, boy, and get it now!"

Jaseen whimpered and began to move as best he could. If he'd never played with another man's hard cock, he'd certainly never taken one into his throat, but he knew somewhat of what he had to do and did it as best he could.

"Ah, ah, God, you never sucked a cock before, have you?" the man gasped.

Jaseen grunted the negative which the man took the right way.

"Ah, damn, I got me a virgin! Shit, come on, you're doing it right, just work it faster, is all. Faster and deeper if you can, boy, come on, work it, I won't take long for you, not a first time I won't." The hands of the man came over and claimed his head and made him serve whether he would or not.

Jaseen took heart at the promise to be swift, and managed to obey with the man's wishes, his lips and mouth worked with heedless abandon, slurping without taking note of his body's desire to breathe and it was enough to make him dizzy very quickly, but the man was telling the truth, for he groaned, then again, harder, his hips thrashed and he moaned rather loudly and then he was spraying his spunk up into Jaseen's mouth and throat. Jaseen strangled somewhat, then caught himself and began to gulp it down, for the hands on his head would permit nothing else, and the man gurgled and more sprayed up into Jaseen and then the squirts became a dribble, and the man's moans became labored breathing and he was done, his hands ceased their peremptory hold on Jaseen's head and then Jaseen was allowed to pull up and the man moaned listlessly, his cock flopped onto his trousers toward one leg, a spent, wet remnant of its former glory, and Jaseen rose to his feet and awaited what would come next.

The man panted still as he readjusted his clothing and he said, "Well, now, for a virgin, you did very well indeed. You need practice of course, but that just makes me certain I was your first." The man reached into his pouch and Jaseen heard the jingle of coins and his heart beat fast. This money meant a better future, a life beyond the scant survival of the farming labor of his brothers and father, and a chance for a wife and children of his own (for if things had remained unchanged, only his older brother could have afforded to marry and Jaseen as the third son had despaired of their ever being enough money for him to take a wife).

"Here you are, and a bit more for your virginity." the man announced. "And if you are virginal in the other side, make them pay well for it, is what I say." He poured a handful of silver coins into Jaseen's hand, so much money that Jaseen did not dare pause to count it, he hastily lifted his tunic to push the money into his own pouch, and it sagged satisfyingly full and low when he did so.

The man looked frankly at Jaseen's own still-erect prick and said, "If I had known that was inside, I would have insisted upon us taking a room." he declared. "That is a tasty morsel indeed you bear inside."

"I thank you." Jaseen said bashfully and covered himself again. He had not intended to display himself, but unlike the man who wore full trousers, Jaseen wore only a tunic and leggings and the leggings were old and small, so that he simply pulled them up high as he could and made no effort to pull them together at his waist, the tunic was low enough on him to keep him decent so long as nobody looked when he raised his tunic to get at his pouch.

"Boy! Boy!" came the call at the table to Jaseen's left, the next table over in the lowered section. "Another mug of ale for me! Now!"

The man nodded knowingly and caught Jaseen's eye. "Make him pay well." He said again and laid a finger alongside his nose, the signal for "take careful note of what I said."

Jaseen went and fetched the mug of ale, he would replace the mug at the man's table as was needful for the ale with its heavy sediment in the bottom. He returned to the table to the first man's left and, knowing that this man must have heard what he'd done with the neighbor, stepped on into the second man's alcove.

Another man much like the first, but younger and less burly, he was only a scant half-dozen summers older than Jaseen at most. "Your ale, Sir." Jaseen said and placed the mug on the table.

"Very good." the man had already lowered his trousers and his manhood stood at full attention. "Come and sit awhile on my lap and keep me company."

Jaseen gulped as he realized what that meant. But the money, if his first attentions had brought him that much silver, think what this other attention would gain for him! He could not refuse. "I am unknown to men in this way." he said as a prelude.

"I heard that." the second man said. "In fact, it is what I relish about this place, for the servers are often young men new to the pleasures of the body. Old Miklas knows how to shop for his boys among the peasants and pluck the tastiest morsels for his customers at night."

Jaseen licked his lips. "As a result, I must ask triple what you would otherwise pay." he said boldly as he could. He intended it to sound mercenary, but it came out more like a widow haggling with a pawnbroker over the value of her prized silverware, unskilled and ashamed, but determined still.

It was the best tone he could have made in this situation. "You ask a high price, but if I am satisfied that I indeed pluck the very first apple from your tree in this, then I shall pay it. Now come!"

Jaseen gulped and said, "I needs must have some oils upon your tool before I try it."

"Did you not bring any?" The man then answered himself, "Of course not. By the Green God of Nature, you are an innocent, are you not? Well, I have some and will permit you to apply it. Use all you feel you want upon me."

Jaseen had never done such a thing as he now did, which was to squirt the oil from the small bulb of leather onto his palm and then apply it upon the man's proud pillar of prurience, and the man grunted and his dong surged and throbbed as Jaseen worked the oil into the skin.

"Oh, God and Goddess of Night, be done with it soon!" the man begged. "Have you not done me enough now?"

"My pardons." Jaseen said and gave back the bulb of oil. "I am hesitant as you must understand, but I have agreed to do this and I shall." He swallowed hard and stepped over and straddled the man on the chair and then lowered himself down. "If you will guide yourself as I lower, we shall join as you request."

"Just do it, already!" the man groused but then Jaseen's anus touched his cockhead and he forgot his complaints. Jaseen grunted and strained as he fought to accommodate the organ, it felt like he was pressing inside of himself something three times the size of the man's dong. But after a time, he felt the head fully go inside of him and after that, it was easier and he managed to work more and more of the length of that man-sausage up into his bowels.

"Oh, enough already, I am nearly taken whole!" the man said at last. "You are virgin, I doubt not, but you are supple and agile as a deer!"

"I shall strive to ride you as smoothly as they run through the forests." Jaseen smiled at his new lover and he began to do a sort of squat-thrusts up and down on the man's lap.

That proved less efficacious than he'd intended and the man grunted in frustration and caught hold of Jaseen's buttocks and said, "Let me work you." he declared and he stood up bodily and that lifted Jaseen into the air and he laid Jaseen down on his back on the table and standing above Jaseen in this position, he began to thrust into Jaseen's intestines in the manner of a man who has been driven to near-insanity by delays and obstructions.

Jaseen winced and grunted as the man rammed his ass, but the pain was mostly assuaged by the oil he had applied (he now was glad he had used most of the bulb's contents on this angry shaft), and the remaining pain grew less and less the longer he was thrust into.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!" the man grunted as he made hard jabs into Jaseen's innards, and the man's hands grabbed Jaseen's breasts and squeezed them hard, Jaseen cried out as he grimaced from the pain and the man seized this moment to drive himself into orgasm.

"Ah-hah, ah-hah, ah-hah, hah-hah-ah-ah-AH-AH-HAH-AH-HAH-HUNNNHHHHH!" The man's face flushed darkly, visible even in the dim light, and he crammed his cock as deep into Jaseen as he could and he ejaculated there, filled Jaseen's bowels with his spooge.

As he finished, he lay down on top of Jaseen with his upper body and looked into Jaseen's eyes and smiled, and then with swift determination he kissed Jaseen ardently. Jaseen kissed him back once he was over his surprise, and tried to give him as well as he received.

"Wonderful, wonderful!" came Old Miklas' voice.

Started, Jaseen looked around. His Master was there, looking down on the proceedings. "Master Miklas! I...I am very sorry, but this man...."

"This man is paying triple, I heard and came to see for myself that he pays in full." Miklas said. And to Jaseen's consternation, he held out his own hand and the man paid the fee agreed upon into Old Miklas' hand himself rather than to Jaseen! Then left without turning a single pence of it over to Jaseen!

Jaseen was standing in the now otherwise vacant alcove (the man had departed with his ale after paying) and considering this new set of problems (was he expected to turn these monies over to Old Miklas and be content with a mere ten pence per week as his sole salary?), when another server came over.

"I saw what the old ass-breaker did to you." he said to Jaseen.

"He took all my..." "My fee" was what he was about to say and he blushed to admit to himself he had become a simple male harlot this very night.

"I saw. You get a rich pig like that in your stall, take him up to the room and get his money there." the server advised him. "Old Miklas can't collect your money if he doesn't know you're getting it. You have to keep all this secret as you can."

"I...I see." Jaseen placed this information into his new store of knowledge. "I can see I have much to learn here."

"You're off to a good start." the server told him. "Keep a second pouch under your tunic, and only transfer from your regular pouch to the second one when no one can see you do it. Old Miklas will ask you to open your pouch at the end of the night, and if you have more than a few pence inside, he'll take it all. Keep a few silver coins in there for him to claim, and hide the rest. That's what we all do."

"I shall remember that well." Jaseen didn't have a second pouch, but he went outside long enough to transfer his money from his pouch to one of his shoes and returned inside. Three more customers claimed his body before the curfew horn blew, and Jaseen was caught by Old Miklas with only five silver nobles in his pouch which he relinquished without more than a visible show of pain and remorse, for twenty more resided in his shoes, making uncomfortable lumps. But he would walk all the way home on those lumps and let his feet suffer, to keep it safe!

His mother was waiting up for him and insisted on serving him a bit of her soup as a late night meal. "And how was your work this day, my youngest son?" She asked as he ate it for her sake, for he was not hungry.

"The work was grueling, but I think it will serve me well." Jaseen said.

"Working as a tavern server, yes." she commiserated. "The hours are so long and the work is so very hard."

"I am not so sure about the 'long' part." Jaseen agreed, "But it was certainly very 'hard.'"


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