The Theft by JYM

By moc.loa@bnallaekiM

Published on Jan 29, 2010



The Theft by JYM ============= When I was seventeen, I worked as a clerk at a small gift shop near the center of town. It was fun because the other clerk was Beth, my best friend in the whole world and it was our last summer together. We'd just graduated from high school and it was a bittersweet time - we were out of high school and soon would be going our separate ways. Beth to Georgetown and me to the University Of Michigan. We'd met on the first day of kindergarten and had been friends ever since.

We were alike in many ways, but physically we were very different. Beth was tall and blonde and stunningly beautiful. I was small and dark and almost plain, but I had a good athletic body and very nice legs. Unfortunately, with Beth around, nobody noticed. Not that it bothered me much because I was as much in love with her as everyone else. Beth was our leader in high school - the most beautiful, most intelligent and most daring of us all.

She was usually the first to try anything. She'd been the first to lose her virginity, at 14, the first to drink, the first to smoke dope. She was class valedictorian, editor of the yearbook, voted most likely to succeed.

She was.....Beth, the most influential member of our class. Early one hot summer afternoon, a Thursday, when we both wished we were anywhere but the store, the owner came in and told us to close up because she wanted to talk to us. We didn't have any idea of what was going on but we locked the door and put up the closed sign and then drew the curtain on the door. The owner of the store, Kathryn, was waiting for us in the back room. She was in her late twenties at the time and divorced. She had a son but he lived with his father. Kathryn was an attractive woman with red hair, green eyes and freckles, but to us she was one of `them' - an adult. The back room, unlike the rest of the store, wasn't air conditioned. Kathryn was sitting behind the small wooden desk she used when she was working on the books or preparing orders. Beth and I slipped into the room and left the door ajar to allow the air to circulate. Kathryn glanced up with a serious look on her face and said, "Sara, please close the door and lock it.

What I have to say is private." I nodded, closed the door and then turned the key in the lock. After I closed the door, Beth and I stood side-by-side and waited for Kathryn to tell us what was wrong. She stared at us in silence for a moment before speaking. "Girls," she began, "What I have to say is very serious. Someone has been stealing money for the past several weeks. Not a huge amount, but a consistent $50-$60 a day. I was going to go straight to the police but I thought I'd talk to the both of you first and give the guilty party a chance to confess. If she does, I'll just dismiss her and not file charges." Beth and I glanced at each other in shock. Neither of us could believe that the other was a thief! We both protested our innocence at length but Kathryn refused to believe us. She said she had too much proof and since neither of us was willing to confess she had no choice but to go to the police. Beth started to cry. "Nooooo! You can't! It will ruin my chances of getting into law school!" I was stunned! I hadn't thought of that aspect - what would U of M think if one of their incoming freshmen was arrested for theft? Of course, I hadn't done it and I found it hard to believe that Beth had, but we certainly we would both be arrested. Beth stood there sobbing, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Ms. Hill, isn' t there any other way? Can't we pay you back? Or you could punish us yourself?" I glanced at Beth, surprised that she'd even suggest such a thing. But then I thought that anything might be better than having your life ruined before it even got started. Kathryn looked thoughtful for a moment, and then shook her head. "No, this is a police matter." She reached for the phone. I was stunned at what happened next. Beth screamed, "No! Please, don't!"

And she dropped to her knees and began to beg Kathryn to reconsider. I was staring down at Beth in surprise when I heard Kathryn speak my name. "Sara, how about you? Do you agree to accept whatever punishment I decide upon?" I hesitated, but a glance at Beth's hopeful face decided me. I nodded and whispered, "Yes, Ms. Hill, I agree." Kathryn sat back and stared at us in silence for a moment. "Okay, this is your punishment. A strapping on your bare buttocks. Twenty-five strokes each." I was stunned! "You can't be serious?" Beth, still on her knees, glanced up at me in alarm. "Yes, I'm serious. You need to be taught a lesson. Now make up your minds. Start undressing or I call the police. Strip down to your bra and panties." Beth reached over and took my hand. "Please....." I looked down at her for a long minute and then shrugged. "Okay. I'll take the spanking." Kathryn got up and walked over to an old filing cabinet and began to rummage around in the top drawer. Beth got to her feet and began to unbutton her blouse. I glanced away and started to undress. Kathryn found what she was looking for - a leather strap about 18" long, 3" wide, and about 1/8" thick. It had a wood handle that was carved to fit the hand. She came back and stood watching as Beth and I finished stripping. Unfortunately, I wasn 't wearing a bra because I seldom did in those days - I was/am small on top (34a) and really didn't need one. Beth glanced over and saw me standing there in just my underpants. She still had tears in her eyes, but she smiled and then reached back and unhooked her bra. She slipped it off and tossed it on top of her other clothes. I remember how grateful I felt for the gesture. I also remember looking at her perfect, conical breasts and feeling a burst of envy that I quick surprised. Then Kathryn cleared her throat and said, "Who's first?" Beth and I glanced at each other and neither of us said a word. Kathryn nodded and said, "Okay, I'll decide. You first, Beth." I saw a look flash across Beth's face that I thought was surprise, but I assumed it had to be fear. Beth moved forward very reluctantly and positioned herself in front of the desk. Kathryn had her move forward until she was pressed against the desk. Then she told Beth to clasp her hands behind her neck and keep them there. Beth obeyed, but slowly. Kathryn turned to me and said, "Go and stand with your back against the door, hands behind your neck like Beth." I hastened to obey. I stood with my back to the door and watched as Kathryn stepped up behind Beth, but off to one side a little, affording me a perfect view as she pulled Beth's panties down. She took them all the way off and tucked them into the front of her jeans. I stared at Beth's perfect ass and felt a sudden warmth between my legs. Beth was already whimpering when Kathryn told her to bend forward until her upper body was resting on the desktop. As she did she was forced to spread her feet apart to maintain her balance. Kathryn waited until Beth was positioned and then she stepped back. I stared at Beth and shivered when I saw how exposed she was. Her pussy and her tight little anus were totally exposed and I felt another surge of warmth as I stared at them. I realized that in just a few minutes I'd be exposed in the same fashion! Then Kathryn raised the strap and brought it down across Beth's buttocks as hard as she could. Beth screamed and I saw the red mark flare across her bottom. Kathryn worked steadily, landing blow after blow across Beth's buttocks and upper thighs. After a half-dozen, Beth was sobbing like a baby. I remember thinking that I wouldn't blubber like that when it was my turn.

After another half-dozen, Beth was begging for mercy, her dignity and pride forgotten. Kathryn ignored her and continued the steady stream of blows. When it was over, Beth lay there sobbing and made no attempt to stand. Kathryn stepped closer and I watch in shocked fascination as her hand slipped between Beth's legs. Kathryn slipped two fingers deep into Beth's pussy and moved them around for a moment before withdrawing them. She held her hand up and I saw her fingers glistening with Beth's cunt juices. As I watched, Kathryn calmly lifted her hand to her mouth and licked her fingers clean. I was stunned by my reaction - I got so wet I was afraid it would show though my panties! But Kathryn wasn't finished. When she finished cleaning her fingers, she ran her forefinger up the crease between Beth's buttocks and pressed it lightly against Beth's tight little anus. I held my breath, unable to believe what I was seeing. I was horrified and terribly excited. I watched as Kathryn pressed harder and pushed her finger into Beth's ass. She pushed it in as far as it would go and probed around for a moment or two. Then she withdrew and wiped it on a tissue. She stood there, staring down at Beth for a moment, and then she slapped her on the buttocks, causing Beth to jump and scream. "Get up and go over and kneel by the door."

As Beth began to straighten up, Kathryn turned to me and told me to move over to the desk. I started to bring my hands down but she snapped, "Keep your hands where they are." I stepped aside as Beth stumbled toward the door. As I took my place at the desk I glanced back and saw Beth on her knees by the door. She was facing the desk, hands clasped behind her neck; knees spread wide, ankles crossed. She was still crying and tears were dripping onto her chest. Then I turned and faced the desk, pressing my hips against it as hard as I could. Kathryn stepped up behind me and I felt her hook a finger into the waistband of my panties. I took a deep breath as she tugged them down over my hips and let them drop around my ankles. I stepped out of them without being asked. "Bend over the desk. You saw how Beth was positioned." Kathryn' s tone was brisk. I spread my feet apart a comfortable distance apart and bent forward until my upper body was resting on the desktop. I turned my face to the left and stared at a spot on the wall while I waited to be whipped. I started when I felt Kathryn's hand touch the small of my back. She pressed her hand down to hold me while she stroked my buttocks with her other hand. I bit my lip and remained silent as she probed between my legs. I wanted to stop her, but I told myself anything that delayed the whipping I was going to get could be endured. She spread me slightly and I blushed as she ran the tip of one finger up the crease between my buttocks. She teased my anus for a moment before sliding her hand lower to cup my sex, leaving her thumb resting on my anus. I whimpered and whispered, "No, please don' t....." Kathryn chuckled as she discovered that I was very wet. Her fingers slipped easily into my cunt. At the same time, she increased the pressure on my anus and I moaned as her thumb forced its way into my ass. She gripped me tightly and lifted. She actually lifted my feet clear of the floor using what I later heard called `the bowling ball grip' - which is putting three fingers into the woman's cunt and your thumb into her anus. She held me like that for a moment. "You're so wet! You must have loved watching me whip Beth. Or was it your view of her ass and cunt that turned you on?" I whimpered but didn't reply. She shook me and said, "Answer me or you get another five strokes added." I took a deep breath and whispered, "Both. Both turned me on." Kathryn shook me again. "Answer fully and speak up. Beth wants to know too. Get it right or I add ten strokes!" I thought about it for a moment before answering again. "I enjoyed seeing her exposed and it turned me on to hear her beg while you whipped her." "How do you feel about that?" As she spoke, Kathryn moved her thumb around in my ass. "Ashamed. I feel ashamed that I enjoyed Beth's humiliation." And it was the truth. I did feel ashamed. Very ashamed. And very excited. Kathryn suddenly withdrew her hand and told me it was time for my punishment. I bit my lip and silently vowed that I wouldn't beg, wouldn't make a spectacle of myself the way Beth had done. I heard Kathryn's step back and then I heard a swishing sound. WHAAAACCCKKK! The strap landed across my buttocks and I was stunned by the pain. It felt as if I'd been branded with a hot iron! I felt tears welling up and wondered how I was going to get through 24 more strokes. It was the worst pain I'd ever felt! WHAAACCCKKK! Number two caused me to arch my torso and I actually lifted my breasts clear of the desk. I bit my lip hard to help me remain silent. WHAAACCCKKK! WHAAACCCKKK! WHAAACCCK! The next three strokes came in quick succession and my thoughts dissolved in a blur of pain. I was like a wounded animal - all I could think about was the pain. I was sobbing aloud by then. The next five destroyed all sense of pride and dignity, I started to scream. I screamed and screamed as the blows continued, but I didn't move. Some part of my mind still functioned and kept me from moving, from causing her to start the count over. I was counting and I sobbed with relief as #25 landed across my upper thighs. I started to straighten up but Kathryn's voice froze me in place. " Doesn't move thief, you still have another 10 strokes coming to you." That broke me. I began to beg. "Please, Ms. Hill, no more. Please! I' ll do anything! Please! Oh God, please don't whip me anymore! Please! Please! I'll do anything you say!" Kathryn placed her hand on the small of my back again. "Do you admit that you're the thief?" "No! I'm not! I'm telling you the truth!" I heard the whine in my voice and hated it. "I'm going to whip you until you admit that you're a dirty little thief."

Kathryn's voice was cold and hard. Her hand disappeared from my back and I tensed up. WHAAACCCKKKKK! I screamed. "Pleaaaaaasssseee! Noooooo!"

WHAAACCCCKKK! I lost it completely and blushed in shame as I emptied my bladder. I felt the urine splash against the desk and run down my legs. Kathryn laughed and I heard he say, "Look, Beth, your friend's wet herself! Now, thief, down on your knees and beg for mercy or I'll whip you until you can't stand up." I straightened up and turned toward Kathryn. Then I dropped to my knees, right in the puddle of urine, and began to beg for mercy. Kathryn listened for a few moments and then held her hand up for silence. "I'll stop the whipping now but you have to sign a paper stating that you agreed to be punished to avoid police action." I nodded eagerly. "Yes, I'll sign it." She stared down at me and said, "Get down on your belly bitch and lick the tips of my shoes while you beg me to let you eat Beth's cunt." I stared up at her for a long moment, unable to believe my ears. She raised the strap and gave me a backhanded stroke across my breasts. I screamed and threw myself down on my belly. I licked the tips of her shoes and said, "Please, let me eat Beth's cunt! Please!" While I groveled, Kathryn said, "Beth, get your thieving ass over her and join your friend." Beth was on her belly beside me a moment later and we each licked the tip of one shoe. Kathryn chuckled. "That's what I like, two obedient little slave bitches!" After enjoying our humiliation for a few minutes, Kathryn told us to get going and start eating each other. "Beth, get on your back. Sara, turn around and straddle her." We moved into the classic sixty-nine and I lowered myself over Beth's face. I moaned as I felt her tongue run along the furrow between my labia. Kathryn nudged my butt with her foot and said, "Get your face down in Beth's cunt." I lowered myself slowly and quickly smelled the musky scent of an aroused female. It was scary and exciting. I pressed my mouth against Beth's plump mound and inhaled deeply. This was followed by a first, tentative lick. I tasted cunt for the first time and found that it was very enjoyable. I began to lick with more enthusiasm and Kathryn chuckled. A few minutes passed and I was starting to grind myself against Beth's mouth. Then I felt Kathryn stroke my buttocks. I paused and glanced at her and saw that she was nude. Her body was pale and freckled, but very lovely. Nice breasts tipped with puffy pink nipples that hardened as I watched. I moaned as she played with spread my buttocks and ran her tongue over my anus. Then I stopped thinking and lost myself in the sex. It went on for at least two hours, in all possible combinations. I had my asshole licked and probed while I moaned in pleasure. I ate both of them several times, enjoying it more each time, especially eating Kathryn because she was shaved. I loved playing with and Beth's beautiful tits. I went wild when Kathryn masturbated me while I was eating Beth for the second or third time. She got four fingers into me and told me she'd fist me someday if I asked nicely, but said I was just too tight to do it then. Later, when we were all sweaty and exhausted, Kathryn leaned against the desk with Beth and I on our knees in front of her. "Listen, bitches, this is how it's going to be for the rest of the summer. You will continue to work here at the same salary. I'll forget the money that was stolen. But both of you will be my slaves until you leave for college. Any objections?" Beth and I glanced at each other for a moment and then back up at Kathryn.

"No, ma'am," we chorused in unison. Kathryn smiled. I'll have a uniform for you both to wear. A cropped T-shirt and a short denim skirt. And I mean short! You'll wear nothing else - no underwear, stockings, or shoes. Do you understand me, sluts?" We chorused, "Yes, ma'am." She told us to get dressed and go home and be back the next morning promptly at 9:30 a.m. to try on our new uniforms. She wanted us ready when the store opened at 10 a.m. She wrote down our sizes and measured us from waist-to-knee before allowing us to dress. Beth and I didn't talk much as we walked to her car. I think we were both a little embarrassed and uncertain about what had happened. Neither of us had any underwear on and we were both still sore from the whipping we'd received. Beth drove me home and I saw that my parents had already left to spend a long weekend at our cottage on Cape Cod. Beth pulled into the driveway and I asked her if she wanted to come in for a while. She hesitated, and then nodded. "Sure, no sense in rushing home. My folks are gone until a week from Saturday." We went inside and as soon as the door was closed and locked, Beth put her arm around me and drew me close. I turned my face up and sighed as she kissed me. "Take you clothes off," she whispered. "I want you nude." I stepped back. "You too? Am I your slave too?" Beth hesitated for a moment and then nodded and stepped forward, slapping me lightly across my face. "Yes, you're my slave when we're not with Kathryn." I stripped and got down on my knees and watched as Beth undressed. When she was finished, I got down on my belly and licked her bare feet in submission. She walked out to the kitchen to pour herself a Diet Coke, making me follow on my hands and knees. I was totally aroused, dripping wet, by the time we got there. Beth looked down at me as she sipped her coke. "You' re such a slut!" I flared up at her. "Don't forget, you'll be on your knees tomorrow too! You're one of Kathryn's `bitches' and don't you forget it!" She grinned. "True, so I'd better enjoy myself tonight. I'm going to sleep over. Now lick my cunt. I want a couple of nice cums in the next ten minutes or I'll whip your tight little ass!" I got busy and brought her to orgasm twice, just beating the deadline. The next day, we showered together and had sex while we were in there. Then we got dressed and drove to the gift shop. We dressed minimally - shorts, T-shirts, and running shoes, because we knew we'd be stripping down as soon as we arrived in the shop. Kathryn was waiting for us. As soon as we were inside she made us strip. She had us stand with our hands behind our necks while she inspected us. Then we tried on the new outfits she'd bought. The tops fit nicely and ended a couple of inches below our breasts. The skirts also fit and were VERY short, barely covering our bottoms when we were standing straight. We'd have to be very careful about bending down while wearing them, especially since we'd be completely bare underneath. Kathryn was pleased with the effect but said she'd see about having us wear white thigh highs and sandals for variety. That first day was very exciting, as was the rest of the summer. I realized, early on, that the whole scene was much too attractive to me and I vowed to distance myself once I went away to college. But, for the rest of that summer I immersed myself in the whole scene. That first day was special though. I remember leaning on the counter, chatting casually with Beth who was sitting on a chair behind me and a little to my left. What couldn't be seen from the other side of the counter was Beth's hand which was up under my skirt. I had a hard time looking calm when Beth was masturbating me. And bringing me to orgasm! At one point, I had to go into the back to use the bathroom. Kathryn was there at the desk, working on some orders. I slipped my top and skirt off as soon as the door closed behind me - one of Kathryn's new rules. She glanced up and smiled as I walked back to the bathroom. I heard her chair scrape and glanced over my shoulder. She was following me. She told me to leave the door open. Then she said, "Forget the toilet. Move that plastic bucket into the center of the room and squat over it." When I was squatting over the bucket, knees spread wide, hands clasped behind my neck, Kathryn told me to look up at her. I did. It was so erotic to stare into her eyes while I urinated into the bucket. When I was finished I poured the contents of the bucket into the toilet. Kathryn told me to use the bucket from then on. I glanced at her. "Even when...." She smiled. "Especially then." I dried myself and washed my hands, all the time thinking about how it would be to squat and defecate into the bucket with Kathryn watching. Would she watch me wipe myself afterward? I was sure she would and realized that privacy was a thing of the past for me. At least until the summer was over. Another change from the old days was punishment. Beth and I were routinely punished for any mistake, no matter how minor. At least once a day we'd be bent over the desk for a spanking. And each spanking was followed by sex - great sex, exciting sex. The kind of sex that I soon came to crave. Of course, I soon came to crave the spankings too. Kathryn conditioned us so nicely. And she found other ways to punish us. Ways that worked while we were on duty - clips on our nipples or on our labia. Butt plugs. A little device that was held in place with straps - it was positioned over the wearer's pubic mound and delivered a little jab with a sharp needle when a remote was activated. At the end of August it was time to leave for college. Kathryn, Beth, and I had one last orgy of sex and punishment the weekend before I left for college. Beth and I were whipped into screaming submission and then Kathryn raped us with a huge dildo. Afterward, as we knelt before her for the last time, she gave us each a gold slave bracelet set with a one carat diamond!

The inside was engraved, "Kathryn's Forever" and Beth and I both cried as we put them on. Well, that was ten years ago. I went off to the University of Michigan and got a degree in Art History. Then I went on to graduate school for an MFA and finally a PhD in Art History. I recently got the job of my dreams with a museum in New England and came home again for the first time in about five years, since my parent's funeral as a matter of fact. They were killed in an automobile accident. Our tenth high school reunion was last month and I decided to go after rejecting the idea at first. I've been married and divorced, have a daughter who's almost three years old, and I'm fairly happy. We have a nice apartment in a small suburban town with a good school system. It's a twenty minute ride from my old home town but I've avoided the trip because I didn't want to dredge up old memories again. I went to the reunion after arranging to leave Beth (yes, I named her after my friend) with my cousin. I wore a conservative gray dress with white stockings and black high-heeled pumps. I arrived early and got a seat at a table near the back of the room where I could see everyone that came in. I was working on my second glass of white wine, chatting with a guy I remembered only vaguely, when Beth arrived. I recognized her instantly despite the fact that her hair had been cropped very short. She was still the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. She was wearing a short slip dress in black silk with black stockings and black heels. She was nicely tanned despite the fact that it was early October. I excused myself and headed toward the bar. Beth was ordering a drink when I stepped up next to her and said, " Hi." She glanced at me and smiled. Her glanced dropped to my wrist and she saw that I was wearing my bracelet. I already had seen hers. "Hi, long time... " I nodded, "Yes, a very long time. Did you come alone?" She smiled and nodded. "You?" "Yes, I'm divorced and not dating. How about you?" "Still single. Never married. Not dating. Never have, really." I raised an eyebrow at that. "Why not? Did you go to law school? What are you doing for a living?" She took a sip of her drink before answering. "Because I'm still with Kathryn. Yes, I went to law school and I'm in practice now in partnership with another lawyer, a man named Johnson." It was my turn to delay by sipping my drink. I was astonished that she was still with Kathryn! "Are you still...." My voice trailed off. How do you ask someone if she's still a slave? She grinned. "Come with me for a moment." She picked up her drink and walked across the bar and out into the hall. I followed and she led the way to the ladies lounge on the next floor. Inside, she checked to see if there was anyone else there. Then she set her drink down and bent to catch hold of the hem of her dress. She straightened up and lifted the dress over her head in one smooth motion. She had nothing on underneath, her stockings were thigh highs. Her body was smoothly tanned all over, including her smoothly shaven pubic mound. Her nipples and labia were pierced and fitted with sterling silver rings. The base of her clit was pierced by a tiny silver stud. Another silver ring pierced her navel. There was a small tattoo of a broken heart at the top of her slit - where it would be hidden if her pubic hair was allowed to grow. I stared at her for what seemed like an hour but was probably only a minute or two. Her body was even more beautiful than when we were in high school - all the baby fat had burned off and she was tight and trim. Her pert pear-shaped breasts were still high and firm, with no trace of sag. I licked my lips and whispered, "My god! You're even more beautiful than I remember!" She grinned and took my hand, leading me into the handicapped stall. She locked the door and said, "Your turn.....slave." I stripped down to my garterbelt, stockings, and shoes. Then I leaned against the door and spread my legs while she masturbated me to orgasm. Afterward, she kissed me and said, "Come back with me to Kathryn's. Join us again." "I have a daughter. And a new job." "That's fine. Your daughter will be welcome. She'll never know her mother is a slave. And you can keep your job." I looked her right in the eye and said, "There's one thing I need to know. There never was a theft, was there?" Beth hesitated for a moment. "No, we set that up because we both wanted you." I laughed. "You both wanted me? I'm small and dark and plain. You're both beautiful. Why'd you want me?" Beth shook her head. "You're kidding, aren't you? You have the most perfect body and the best legs either of us have ever seen!" I shook my head. "You're not serious, are you? I'm practically flat on top!" Beth grinned. "Big tits aren't everything. You have a fantastic body, a great little ass, and superb thighs! And the tightest, tastiest little cunt! We were both so hot for you that we cooked up that whole theft story just to get you." I stared at her in silence for a moment. Then I shook my head and grinned.

"I should hire you to sue yourself and Kathryn!" She grinned back at me. "On your knees, slave." "Don't you want me nude first?" She nodded. "Yes," she said in a hoarse whisper. "Always!" I stepped out of my shoes and removed my stockings and garterbelt. Then I dropped to my knees on the cold, hard tile and had my first taste of pussy in ten years! It was fantastic! After Beth's orgasm, we slipped our dresses on and left. Within 30 minutes I was on my belly, nude, licking Kathryn 's feet in submission. I was a slave again. I was home. That night I screamed my guts out as I hung by the ankles and received my first whipping since that August weekend ten years ago. The End.

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