The Third Runner Up

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jun 3, 2017



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The Third Runner-Up

Both the New York and Boston Marathons are a smidgeon over forty-two kilometers long. I have run both of them, and finished strong. So when the small city I lived in announced that they were sponsoring a twenty-five kilometer race, I was more than interested, and I signed up immediately.

I was attending Boston University at the time, and I was home for the summer. The race was to be held on Labor Day, and luckily I was not due to return to Boston until the following Monday.

The race was for the benefit of a cancer research charity. Each entrant had to sign up as many sponsors as possible, and those sponsors had to agree to pay $10 a kilometer for each kilometer his runner completed. The maximum exposure was a mere $250 per sponsor. Between family and friends, I signed up fourteen sponsors. I knew I would easily finish the race, and reckoned I would raise $3500 for the charity. I was ecstatic.

The day of the race, we runners were asked to arrive early for instructions. I lived close enough to the starting line that I walked there. There were 215 of us. I looked around and everyone appeared to be fit, hale, and hearty. I knew that these men and women could easily finish the race, and I felt certain that the city would raise a good deal of money for the charity.

I started out easily enough. I was saving my spurt of energy for the last few kilometers. Even though the race meant nothing, and the winner would have no recognition, I set myself the goal of winning. By the time I reached the twenty kilometer mark, there were only a half dozen runners ahead of me. I figured it was time to increase my speed and do some serious running.

When I started running faster, I sensed someone tailgating me. I glanced over my shoulder and saw another runner, so close behind me, that we could easily have collided, and knocked each other down. In an effort to distance myself, I began to run faster. The man behind me began to run faster also. It seemed like he was using me to set his pace. I couldn't lose him, so I concentrated on closing the distance of the men and women in front of me. The tailgater kept up with me to the end.

I should have started to speed up earlier. I was the second runner-up, and my shadow was third runner-up. He crossed the finish line a Nano-second after me, and as he did, he passed out. His running movement propelled him forward, and he fell against me, knocking me over. I was fine, so I turned my attention to him. I sat up, and lifted his head. I laid him gently on my lap. I shouldn't be having carnal thoughts for a man in so much distress, but I did. I don't know why. He wasn't particularly handsome.

I yelled for water, but I got better. A couple of EMT's, hired especially for emergencies like this one, were there in a moment.

"He's dehydrated and suffering from heat exhaustion," one of them said. The men brought a gurney with them. They transferred the unconscious man to the gurney and started to load him into the ambulance. I asked where they were taking him, and they told me it was to a near-by hospital. I lied and said that we were cousins, and I asked if I could go with him. They allowed me to ride to the hospital in the ambulance.

If I live forever, I will never know why I did that. The man was a perfect stranger, but somehow I felt a certain responsibility. I had paced him beyond his limits, and he had gallantly fought to keep up with me. When he fell, he fell against me. I broke his fall, and prevented further damage.

In the ER, they started an IV immediately, and a nurse kept bathing his head with ice water. I sat by, and held his hand. Finally a doctor told me that as soon as they got him filled with fluids, he would be good to go, so they weren't going to admit him to the hospital as a patient. Then like magic, the stranger woke up, looked around him, and he seemed more than perplexed.

I took his hand, and filled him in on what happened after he crossed the finish line. I guess he considered me to be his benefactor, because as I spoke he began to squeeze my hand. As he did, a handsome young doctor came in and quizzed him about his medical history. I learned that his name was Colin Taylor. When the doctor left, a woman from the business office came in and took his insurance information. By that time Colin was fully recovered. When the nurse did her rounds, she called the doctor, who came by, examined Colin, and wrote papers for his discharge.

The staff had undressed him when he arrived. As he started to get dressed, he asked, "And what's your name?"

"William," I said. "Everyone calls me Bill."

"Bill," he said, "a friend of mine drove me to the starting point. Do you think you could drive me home?"

"I walked there," I told him, "and I came to the hospital in the ambulance. Tell you what? I'll get us a cab to my house. My folks are away for the holiday weekend. We both need to shower badly. We stink to high heaven. After we clean up, I'll give you a clean warm up suit, and drive you home."

"I'd really appreciate that," he said, and promptly dozed off.

When we got to my place, Colin looked like he didn't know what he should do next.

"Strip," I told him, "and while you're doing that, I'll put fresh towels and a warm up suit in the bathroom for you. You can shower first."

"I was hoping we could shower together," he said. "After all, we're both gay."

I was flabbergasted. "How in the world...?" I stuttered, unable to complete my question.

"My gaydar is faultless," he said, and he broke out laughing.

I wasn't particularly attracted to this guy. We were about the same size and weight. His hair was a mousy brown, and his face was covered with childhood freckles. I couldn't get past the freckles, or so I thought.

Not to be rude, I said, "Sure let's shower together, and we can do our backsides." I began to strip, and when we were both naked, we did the thing all men (straight or gay) do. We checked each other out.

I've never been ashamed of my seven inch (when erect) cut cock, but laying eyes on Colin's appendage, I was stunned. He was flaccid at the moment, uncut and at least seven inches. His cock was double the size of mine in girth. I wondered how anybody could take that in his ass.

"I know you're wondering, and you'll soon find out, that when I get hard I'll give you ten to eleven inches," he said.

"What do you mean you'll give me? Is that a challenge?" I asked.

"I don't know," he laughed. "Let's see how it all works out."

I turned on the spigots in my stall shower. It took a minute or two before I was satisfied with the temperature. "Is the temperature to your liking?" I asked. He tested the water and nodded.

We stepped into the shower, and Colin grabbed me. I hadn't expected it right up front, and I was unprepared for all that happened next. He wrapped his arms around me, smashed our (now) hard cocks together, and began to kiss me. I didn't respond immediately, because I was so stunned. I felt his tongue trying to force open my lips, and I obliged him. All the time his hold on me got tighter and stronger. I must admit he totally overwhelmed me. At the same time it was nice to be held, caressed, and apparently, loved.

At some point I felt him gently soaping my back. It felt wonderful, but when one of his fingers started playing with my ass hole, I nearly fainted. Luckily he was holding me so tight, that I couldn't fall.

"I want to fuck you," he said very quietly.

I opened the shower door, and reached for a tube of lube and a condom lying on the counter. I closed the door, handed him the lube and the condom, and nodded at him. Colin wasted no time. He applied generous amounts of lube to my ass hole. He struggled to get the condom onto his mammoth cock, but it ripped, and I told him to forget about it.

It seemed to me he spent forever lubricating my love hole and more importantly, stretching it. At some point he had four fingers in, and I was feeling very little pain. "Now," I whispered, and he began to enter me slowly. Of course it hurt a lot, but I could bear it. When he was all the way in, he held still, allowing me to get used to him. He also reached around me and held my cock in his hand. He didn't stroke it at all. He just held it.

It didn't take long, and I felt little or no pain at all. I asked him to please start fucking me, and he began to stroke. At first his strokes were slow and short, but all too soon, he started giving me longer strokes, and he came way too quickly. He apologized for his speed, and told me he couldn't remember ever being so turned on and so horny. Then he laughed, and gave me all the credit for his sudden burst of lust.

He grew flaccid very quickly. Then he cleaned his cock with the running water and begged me to fuck him bareback, as he had fucked me. Somehow I trusted him, and I fucked him without protection, so I had the same pleasure as he did. We lubed his ass really good, and I entered him much quicker and easier than he had entered me. I came quicker and easier also.

We dried up, and I gave him a pair of boxers to wear, and I wore the same. Our running clothes smelled badly, and I threw them in the wash. We sat down on the living room furniture and smiled at each other in such a way that we let each other know how great it was.

He asked if he could rim me next time, and would I do the same to him.

"Gladly," I said. "Will there be a next time?"

"I hope so," he said, "but in the meantime could I ask you to go out on a date with me?"

Everything Colin said surprised me. I sure didn't expect that he would ask me out on a date. What could I say except, "Sure. Where and when?"

He asked if I could make it the following Friday evening. I told him that I could, and warned him that I was returning to Boston on the following Monday.

"I know," he said.

"What's going on here?" I asked. Frankly, I was beginning to feel that Colin was stalking me.

"I go to BU also," he said. "I've seen you around campus, and I really got the hots for you. When I saw you in the crowd at the starting line this morning, I almost creamed my underwear. You didn't know it, but you made all my fantasy dreams come true in the shower."

"What do you want of me?" I asked. "I barely know you."

"I just want you to give us a chance."

"Colin," I said, "The last thing I want is to get involved with you or anyone. We're both too young. I want to have lots of partners, and lots of fun, before I settle down."

Colin looked like I had slapped him in the face, but that was how I felt. Colin could be an occasional trick and fuck buddy, but nothing more.

"Get dressed," I said coldly. I'll drive you home."

The wash machine had stopped, and Colin asked if I could wait until his clothes were dry so he could wear it home, and not have to borrow anything from me.

"Sure. In the meantime, would you like something to eat?" I asked.

"No thanks. I've lost my appetite."

"Hey, don't be like that. We can still be friends." I smiled broadly at him, and he managed to smile back.

"Are we still on for Friday night?" he asked, afraid to hear my answer.

"Of course," I said. "We can even have some hanky panky, if we can find a place to do it, but no commitments."

"How are you getting back to school?" Colin asked me.

"I'm taking the 7:30 bus Monday morning."

"Great, I'll take the same bus, and we can be company for each other."

"Great," I said, and I meant it.

I borrowed my dad's car and picked Colin up for our date. We never did have sex that night. Both sets of parents were home.

We sat together on the bus going back to Boston, and made small talk. Colin was so easy to talk with. We were both juniors, and we both lived off campus. We exchanged telephone numbers, and took separate cabs home.

After that, I felt like Colin was smothering me. Every time I turned around on campus, there was Colin grinning at me. I have to admit we fucked each other a couple of times in our apartments. I really didn't have any other dates, but I told him that I did, and we couldn't get together whenever he wanted to. He looked like he was walking to his execution. I definitely had to do something about his obsessive adoration of me. I vowed to find Colin a boyfriend.

The moment I put that thought in my head, my entire belief system went south. I began to picture Colin fucking another guy, and I grew extremely jealous. I was surprised at my jealousy. After all, it was I who wanted Colin out of my life. I vowed to avoid him, and I stopped answering his text messages and telephone calls. His text messages increased instead of decreased, and I continued to ignore them.

I didn't notice at first, but gradually his texts and his calls began to diminish. I woke up one morning, and realized that I hadn't heard from Colin in nearly three weeks. Finally, I spotted him in the hallway of one of the academic buildings. He was with a very handsome young man. I grew insanely jealous, unreasonably so. I followed them, and when they separated they hugged each other. It was not a brotherly hug. They crushed their cocks together. I couldn't believe how awful that made me feel. Much as I hated to admit it, I realized that I was in love with Colin.

I prayed that I hadn't blown my chance with him. Immediately, I called him, but he didn't accept the call. I texted him, and never got an answer. I called and texted persistently, to no avail. I cried a lot, and I realized that I had done the same thing to Colin.

There was a gay bar in downtown Boston where Colin liked to hang out. I wasn't much for bars, but I began to hang out there, hoping to run into him. It took two weeks, but finally one evening, he came into the bar. Blessedly he was alone. I went right up to him, and I told him how glad I was to run into him.

"You didn't just run into me," he said. "You've been stalking me."

He was being so cruel? Why was he acting that way? I began to cry. Not cry. I began to sob.

"I'm sorry," I blubbered. "I didn't realize how much I love you." Philosophically, I had trouble saying that. It went against my belief system. In addition, I was crying so hard, it was difficult to get those words out.

He looked at me with an expressionless face. I had no idea what he was thinking. At last, he made a move. He broke out into a big grin, and grabbed me. He began to kiss me, and he made sure that our cocks were dry humping each other.

"You big jerk," he said. "The only other man in the world I could make love to is myself, with my fist. I don't think you have an iota of an idea, how much I love you." He kissed away my tears, and asked me to come home with him so he could demonstrate how much he loved me.

I couldn't leave well enough alone, and blurted out, "Who was the hottie I saw you hug in the hall a couple of weeks ago?"

"You must mean that guy, who looks like me, but somehow he's handsome, and I'm not. He's my cousin, dufus. We have a class together, and after class we walk each other to our next class. Also, for your information, he's straight, and we always dry hump each other when we hug. I do it to kid him about getting converted."

"Forgive me for what I was thinking," I begged. "I was just so fucking jealous."

"Did anyone ever tell you that you talk too much? Do you want to be a lawyer or something?"

He finally got a smile out of me. "Now let's go to my apartment," he said. "I'll show you just how much I love you."

I had a month to month tenancy and Colin had a lease, so I moved in with him as soon as possible. We made love constantly. After a while, I was able to take his monstrous cock deep within me, without any pain. With persistence and practice, I was able to take more and more of his cock into my mouth.

I only had one regret. I berated myself constantly for taking so long to realize how much I loved Colin, and how much he loved me. Every night we made love like we were making up for lost time. I wondered if we would ever slow down. Back then, I didn't think it was possible.

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