The Trap Four

By John Bromfield

Published on Jan 8, 2019



The Trap Four John Bromfield>

Note: This story is based around a short story I wrote at work years ago but without the sex

I work in advertising (Well someone has too) and my job is to check all the displays that are in the right area in a nation-wide supermarket chain. All staff are given instructions on where signs are to be placed. But store managers have other ideas about less signs are better. When that has happened product sales are checked and if they are down a strongly worded message in his "In Box". But on the other hand if sales remain the same. Maybe a rethink on the adverts in place at the moment. I only have to visit head office once in 3 – 4 weeks. That means I am very much my own boss.

East coast town "Green's Happy Shopper Supermarket" (Yes one year I'm go to ask them to shorten that name). Check 4 levels all seem to be of a reasonable standard. A cup of coffee required from the café and I type out a boring report on the laptop. The waitress notices me and sidles over to me because I look like management (She wants her 4 star ratings). "Is there anything else I can get you Sir?" She is wearing a micro skirt that barely covers her ass, "No, no I am fine thankyou" I reply "Well have a nice day"

I need to go to the washroom I scan the horizon and see the signs. Nice and clear but not made or designed by our company. Getting the door there was a sign on the door saying closing for cleaning at 4pm to 4:30pm. Please use other washrooms in the building. It nearly 4 but I needed a shit now. All. were full except Trap 4 that had an out of order sign on it. Well needs must as they say. It was clean and after I sat down was greatly releaved of my burden.

What happen next I was not prepared for something from the toilet rammed itself in my ass lifting me up 6 inches the pulled me down and held me firm in place. What the fuck is going on??? I look down and there is like a green hose-pipe sticking in my ass. That is weird. I notice another tentacle working its way to the place between my balls and ass and has teeth. It bites and I pass-out.

I don't know how long I was unconscious for but woke on the washroom cleaner's bench seat. The man was standing over me "You be awake then, door said not to go in. Sorry not my fault" He was young handsome man in his twenties I guess. His brain was that of 12 year old and some say they are people that are blest. "You have been attacked by the creature. You feel between your legs and don't be alarmed its ok" A smile crossed his face.

Carefully I put my fingers between my legs. "What the fuck is that?" I asked "Don't know creature gave me one too. Rub it see what happens" There was an opening with a sea of waving small green tentacles and when I rubbed them they sent me into another world. Waves of pleasure rolled towards my brain oh fuck yes yes yes.

"Hey Mr you wanta rub mine too?"

"Sure" I replied

He took his clothes off and indeed he had the same little green of sea of green too. My cock was hard "Did you want this inside you?" he looked at me "Never done anything like that before"

"Would you like to try? I wont hurt you" then he says "Only if after I can put mine in yours"



I knew we would have to be careful as not to overload our brains. I entered his tunnel of joy it rippled but at the end were lips that kissed and sucked my cock that were hungry for cum. Then it happened the lip sensing me cumming quickened the pace and wrapped around my bell end and taking it into another chamber. Making also the base of my cock rub all those little tentacles to give him a rolling orgasm wave after wave of joy. He had pass-out but still his cock was stiff. So I lowered myself on his cock sliding down ever so slowly mmmmm When I reached those tentacles Oh wow like they started the wave to travel through me. Now I know what a woman feels like but 10 time better. He was coming round now thrusting in time with mine. His face went red "Its cumming its cumming aaaaah please please its cumming aaaaaah" as I finally rammed it home "Yes Yes mine all mine"

I collapse on top of him in a blissful embrace "Thankyou" and I kiss him "Thankyou too" Things were coming back to normal. "Did you want a coffee? I'll put the kettle on" not waiting for a reply. My name Jenson and I work for the company and live Mid-West. What's your name?" "Oh I'm Bradley this is the only job my father will trust me with" he was not out to condemn his father because he knew the job market was limited to his abilities. "What does your father do?" "Oh he is Mr Green the owner of this place. I am ok if I don't cause trouble. I see no one to talk too so no one who works here knows I am his only son. That's the way he wants it and the work is not hard." But there was a sadness in his face like there should be more to life than this. Brad spoke first "Can I see you tomorrow?" he had tasted such sweetness and wanted more. "I will be here tomorrow just before 4pm" at that his eyes lit up with joy "Oh thanks" and gives me a gentle kiss. "Where's my coffee you were making me?" "Sorry please forgive me" "Brad its fine, milk 2 sugars please"

Just before 4pm I enter the washroom and go into Trap 4. I wait have a piss and a tentacle rams up my ass and I stoke it and is calm and some how knows its me. Next a tentacle appears with teeth and snaps its mouth taking all my balls. Now babe be kind please don't hurt them. I felt the pain as the needle sharp teeth broke through the skin. I pass-out.

I was in Brad's place on his bench when I woke still feeling this pain oh fuck that pain. "It's attacked you again my friend but in another area, It's your balls this time and they don't look too good" I was covered with a blanket. When I moved the blanket I saw they were swollen with a network of green veins. A thin green line appeared to be where my creature once given me a cunt. I enquired "Has your new hole disappeared that the creature gave you?" but Brad said "Mine still here oh yes mmmm, Thankyou my creature for this present" I could hardly walk so Brad ordered a taxi for me to my hotel. The next day the swelling had not gone down in fact my balls were bigger. Made up my mind to face this creature face to face. I left a note under the door of Brad's office "Gone to meet creature and may be gone for some time. It will be fine don't worry, Yours Jenson xxx"

I brought a torch with me and in the far corner of the washroom was a man-hole-cover. I lifted it but was stiff. There descending were hoops that made a ladder down to the sewers. I was sensible in obtaining some rubber boots to wear. There was a side culvert that look as if it had not been used in years. It was labelled 452 East. I waited I heard only the sound of water. Then a tentacle suddenly wrapped around my left leg. I bent down and stroked it and it knew it was me. The tension softened as I walked down the culvert and as I did more tentacles wrapped around my body. I could not judge the size of the creature as I dropped my torch. But it was a seething mass. I was soon naked in front of it. A tentacle dripping with liquid came my mouth. So I drank and tasted of oranges and was pleasant to drink. It stayed by my mouth all the time I wanted to drink it was there. A tentacle went up my ass giving me a good douche. Another came and opened my cunt but this time no pain and it started to rub my fringe of delights bringing waves of pleasure throughout my body. The creature can feel my movement as a reel in bliss. It pulls me closer and my cock enters its chamber of love. I start to rock back and forwards. The whole thing shakes. A thin tentacle enters my rosebud and starts rubbing my joy-spot. I can feel a slight stinging at the tip of my cock and then it happened. My cock started to do things it has never done before . It lengthens then contracts then boom. What? boom. These were the creature's baby makers and they were coming home. That's why my balls are big one at this time boom ahh boom ahh firing them right into her brood chamber boom boom. Then she fucks them into my waiting cunt giving me orgasm after orgasm oh yes my beautiful creature give me your babies yes yes oh yes yes. I then fall sleep with my cock still deep in her brood chamber and being made love to by her tentacles. I awake with the same situation as when I went to sleep I am thirsty and drink deeply from orange food. I wiggle and my cunt feels full and warm. I am aware of itching on my abdomen like I have been bitten by something and my stomach and chest expands. I cuddle up to the creature and falls asleep. On waking I hear men talking. "We have to check sluice gate 450 as there is a storm coming and liable flooding" "Here's the one I'll spay some WD 40 leave for a few moments" Bang bang bang as a hammer hits a spanner the opens the gate. "Soon it wont be safe here, let move on" and steps start to disappear into distance the creature relaxes. I feel my chest and I have extra nipples 4 in fact giving me 6 altogether. I have pains its time the pain I really grip a tentacle the creature knows its time. The creature waits with its tentacle in my cunt ready to receive. Then they come the creature puts the first six on my nipples and they start feeding. I too need feeding. The rest of her brood I have no idea what happened to them. The little ones grow so fast my torso is a mass of reeling arms and soon they will have to find a new home. Warm arms around me but something is up. The water has risen and as it reaches our brood they no longer babies but adolescence. One by one start to swim away.

The water rises and air get foul and I pass out

I wake in Brad's office I don't feel very well. "Jenson breathe take deep breaths its dangerous to go down there. Smell bad had to put you in my shower because you stink. You stink bad. I wash you now smell nice. Found you by man-hole in the corner barely alive" still dizzy I look into his eyes "Here drink this hot sweet drink make you better" "Thanks how long was I way?" I asked drinking the tea I was now getting warm. "you have been down there 9 days, Much I worry about you thought I loose you, You only one I want you make me feel good make me feel I am wanted AND cause I wanta be with you" tears now started to roll down his cheeks. I put down the mug ""Come here you silly man" "Not silly just slow" " Then come here slowly" that brings a smile to his face "Give me a kiss" and he gives one of those gentle kisses "If this is love I wanta it not to stop" he was serious and meant every word. Dear that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. If you want me always then It can be arranged" it was time for me to be serious. "Jenson would like to live with me on a permanent basis and no more cleaning washrooms." I drank some more of my sweet tea. "Let see what the creature has gifted to us stand up" Brad stood up his tentacle cunt was in place and I rubbed it and yes it still worked. Now lets see what I have "Oh fuck look at that" between my legs was a 9 inch green tentacle that had a mind of its own. Big balls meaning I have creature sperm that fire like joy bullets and felt lovely "Oh thanks creature I have my tentacle cunt too" I smiled. "Brad the creature has given both of us its gifts that we both like using. When my cock was in the creature it changed my cock to tentacle." Now we have to sort out his father and left a message with his secretary that I wanted to see him and I was only in town for a limited period. His PA came back with an appointment at 5pm if it is going to be a short meeting. I confirmed it was.

The next afternoon Bradley was suited white shirt and tie. I told him only reply if spoken too OK "Yes sir" already the years of bullying showed "Darling it means we get away from here quicker" that put smile on his face. "And quicker we get back to my hotel room and we can really have some fun" "Jenson I love you" "Love you too babe. Now lets go"

We were led into very large room with very large deck and very small man behind it. "Mr Jenson Perkins how can I help you" and Bradley was hiding behind me. "You" the little man said seeing his son "What are you doing here?" "I have befriended Bradley and would like to take him back to the Mid-West. I can assure you no harm will come to him and he won't return to this town unless invited. He is over 21 and an adult. ""Bradley is this true you wish to be with Mr Perkins" turning his nose up. "Yes I wanta be with Jenson" and he smiled, a sight his father had rarely seen anyone do. "Yes yes very well" he was busy man "Give all your details to my PA and she can type it up and file it in the morning. Well good luck my boy" he held out his hand and shook his son's hand and was gone, We were free and I left my details with the PA and headed back to my hotel room via the sports shop. Sports shop??? For some cycle shorts in tight lycra to keep this green monster trouser snake under control

And as in all good stories go and they lived and fucked eachother happily ever after

Note: WD 40 is used as a freeing agent on sewer sluice gates and use a spanner and hammer to open or close the value opening. Very odd things have been found in the sewers even a double bed. There are rumours of crocodiles living there but not confirmed

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