The Trinity

By Silvenfox

Published on Aug 23, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't own Nsync. I don't know Josh Chasez in real life. This will be a Josh Chasez centered story. This story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This piece of literature is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or anything associated with it. It belongs to its creator Joss Whedon and whoever else owns it. This piece of literature is simply the work of a humble fan.

Now that I have all the disclaimers out the way, time for some introductions. I have no idea when I came up with this story. It was a long time ago, I know that. I think I was spacing out, while I was in Anatomy class and that's when I got the idea to do this.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Chapter 1

Music pumped loudly through the speakers of the soundproof room. JC sat behind a long console that was filled with small dials and various switches of different sizes. JC didn't bother to brush back his long hair that fell into his eyes as he nodded his head to the fast paced beat. His fingers rapidly flew across the board in front of him, flipping switches and turning dials with a seasoned ease.

"That's sounds really good, Josh," said Lance who was sitting behind JC on a long leather couch.

JC swiveled around in his chair to face Lance. "You really think so?"

"I think it's some of your best work," replied Lance truthfully.

JC smiled happily. Since Nsync was taking a break, the members were all doing their own thing. JC had put out an album soon after Justin put out his. He and his friends were pleased that it did so well. Right now he was just taking a break from all the singing. Instead he was focusing on trying to hone his producing skills, which was what he was doing now. They were in JC's home studio that was filled with all the latest studio equipment.

"I think I'll stop here today," said JC, flipping a switch on the console. Instantly the lights on the board died and the music abruptly cut off. "I'm in the mood for something to eat."

Lance stood up rubbing his stomach. "I could go for something to eat too."

JC and Lance exited the room cutting off the light behind them. "So do you want to go out. I don't have any food here," said JC as they walked up a staircase that led to the house's first floor.

"Let's go to that place inside the mall where they sell those cinnamon roll things," said Lance.

JC shook his head at Lance's sentence. "Why the hell would we go to the mall just to eat?"

"The place in the mall is the only place that sells them, numb-nuts," said Lance chuckling.

They walked into the kitchen and JC grabbed his keys off the counter. He gave Lance a glare. "Never call me numb-nuts again or I won't ever feed you again, bitch."

Lance pretended to look shocked. "No, not that. Anything but that," he said dryly.

They walked out the backdoor going to Josh's silver BMW parked in the house's driveway. Josh unlocked the door and climbed into the driver's side. He turned on the radio as Lance slid into the passenger side. Evanescence's Bring Me to Life immediately began to blare loudly from the car's speakers.

"Its amazing that you haven't gone deaf yet," said Lance, rubbing his ringing ear as they drove down the street. It was the evening time and the sun was still up and shining down its rays.

JC laughed watching, as Lance rubbed at his ear even harder. "Are you trying to find your brain?"

Lance gave JC the finger and a large grin in answer. JC didn't live too far from the mall. It was only a few miles from his neighborhood. He pulled into the mall's parking lot and parked his car into an empty space. He didn't have to cruise around for one, since it was after all a school day.

Lance turned to JC looking serious. "Disguise time."

JC nodded, fixing his face into a serious look also. Lance reached into the glove department and pulled out two pairs of sunglasses that he knew JC kept there. JC grabbed the pair that Lance handed him.

"Now lets synchronize our watches," said JC.

Lance shook his head. "You ruined it, right there. You are not Tom Cruise and this is not Mission Impossible"

"I know. I'm better looking," replied JC, getting out the car.

Lance followed walking beside him. He shot JC a look of mock condescension as they progressed to the mall's entrance doors. "Now, don't go crazy in here. I know how you get when you see clothes."

"Don't be hatin on my fashion sense," said JC.

Lance stopped in mid stride. He slowly turned his head to JC his eyes wide. "Don't ever say that again. The slang works for Justin. But not for you."

JC rolled his eyes. "I'm the gay one and you're more dramatic than me."

"Kiss my ass," laughed Lance, ducking his head as a small group of girls eyed him for a long period of time. They walked directly to the elevator and pushed the call button.

They talked waiting for the elevator to come down. JC looked around him quickly suddenly feeling like someone was watching him. His blue eyes met the cool brown ones of an older gentleman who was walking towards him. He was wearing a clean pressed suit with a dark coat over it. When their eyes met the stranger quickened his pace toward him. JC spun around quickly.

"Lance there is some creepy guy coming towards us," whispered JC, not taking his eyes off the doors. He had a feeling that this guy was not a fan.

Lance started to turn around but JC caught his arm stopping him. "No, don't turn around."

There was a ding and the elevator doors opened. JC and Lance hurriedly stepped in. They turned around and saw the guy walk even faster towards them. He had not taken his eyes of JC. Lance quickly began to press the button beside the door to close the doors.

"Hurry Lance!" said JC frantically, feeling his pulse beat rapidly.

The doors closed with a whoosh and the elevator lifted up. They looked down below through the see through glass walls. The stranger stood looking up at them rising to the second floor. The creepy thing was the strange man was still staring at JC.

They exited onto the second floor and ran into the nearest shop. Lance looked at JC his breath coming in short gasps because of their run.

"So, was Chester the Molester a friend of yours?" asked Lance.

JC shook his head. "I don't know him."

"Maybe it was an ex-lover," suggested Lance, waggling his eyebrows.

JC flicked him off and peeked outside the shop window. "It looks clear," he said to Lance.

Lance looked around the shop they were in. For the first time he noticed what they had walked into. "Hey, Josh. Is knowing where a clothing store is like some natural gay instinct."

JC laughing for a second then stopped suddenly. "I thought that was funny then I had to think about it and realized... it wasn't."

"Awwwwwww. You hurt my feelings."

They exited the shop going to the cinnamon roll stand that they had initially came to the mall for. They took their glazed buns and sat on a nearby bench. After a while JC and Lance noticed that the man was a no-show and wasn't looking for them anymore.

"I see your stalker friend gave up," said Lance, swallowing the food in his mouth.

JC looked around quickly at the word stalker. The man had made him very skittish. For the last few minutes he had been looking over his shoulder for any sign of the guy.

"Don't say that, Lance," he said scowling, once he noticed the coast was clear. "He could be hiding in the shadows somewhere."

Lance laughed. "Josh calm down. Its not like he was Freddy Krueger. He's obviously gone anyway. We haven't seen him yet."

JC crossed his arms frowning. "I wonder why he was staring at me so weird. It wasn't a normal you're a celebrity stare. It was... different."

"Maybe he just thought you were really sexy."

"Is there something you want to tell me, Lance," said Josh with mock concern.

Lance laughed throwing a balled up napkin at JC. "Fuck you, Josh. I know you want me to be gay, so we can be together and all but it will never happen."

They had a good time at the mall before they got tired of it and drove back to JC's place. The sun had long gone down and the stars had come out. The moonlight shined through the window in JC's living room illuminating the forms of JC and Lance. They sat around the room watching A Nightmare on Elm Street. The movie went off and JC sat staring at the screen not blinking.

"So that's it. Is Freddy dead or not dammit!" said JC.

"Josh what are you surprised about? You've seen the movie before," inquired Lance half-laughing.

JC hugged a pillow to his chest pouting at the rolling credits. "I know. I've seen the movie before. It's just the principle of the thing. They shouldn't leave people hanging like that."

Lance stood up from the armchair he sat in. "When you pout that's when I know that its time to leave."

JC quickly stood up nearly tripping over his feet. "What! You can't leave. That movie has got me thinking about the psycho from the mall."

"What about him?" asked Lance.

"He's probably hiding in the bushes outside the window right now! I can't be here by myself," said JC. His demand came out sounding more like a whine however.

Lance gave JC a look of mock sadness. He walked forward and took the dark haired man hands within his own. Lance looked deep into JC's blue yes. "Josh, I'm sorry. We need to break up."

JC started to open his mouth, but Lance shushed him.

"No, don't say anything. Listen, its not you. It's me. I need more me time and not more we time," said Lance resignedly, putting up his hands and making air quotes.

They both laughed. JC ripped his hands from Lance's. "Its not funny asshole. I have a creepy stranger after me and you're making jokes about it. Nice friend you are."

Lance scoffed. "Don't try and guilt trip me. No one is even stalking you. We only saw that guy once." Seeing the look on JC's face, Lance sighed loudly. "Alright, how about if you see the guy again call me and I'll rush right over."

"I'm holding you to that," said JC.

"You do that," said Lance and with a wave he left.

JC ran to the window and wrenched the curtains shut. "No, stalker is going to get me," he muttered softly.

"I assure you I am not a stalker," said a voice from behind him.

"AHHHHHHHH!" yelled JC, spinning around. The stranger from the mall was standing in front of him. He face was serious, while JC's was filled with nothing but fear.

"There is no need to be frightened. My name is William Thomas. I have been sent here to help you."

JC raised his arms defensively. "Look man. I don't have any money. Well, I do, but not on me. Its all in a Swiss bank account in Switzerland," rambled JC.

William waved his hand to quiet JC. "Mr. Chasez there is no need for that. I am not here to harm you. Like I was saying. I was sent here to help and inform you of your destiny."

JC shook his head. "No, I'm not destiny. You have the wrong person. Destiny Crawford lives up the street. I can take you to her house if you want-- "

"No. That's not what I mean. I am a Watcher. Your Watcher in fact."

"I knew it! Your are a stalker!"

William shook his head quickly his cheeks reddening a little. "No. I assure you. I'm not that kind of watcher. You Mr. Chasez are a Slayer."

JC had been unnoticeably backing backwards toward the phone beside the couch. He stopped, perking up at the word. "Slayer? Of what exactly..."

William nodded. He stood up straighter as if what he was about to say was of extreme importance. "Into each generation a Slayer is born. One girl in all the world, a Chosen One. One born with the strength and skill to fight the vampires, to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers."

JC pointed down below to his groin. "Hello? Can you say, male?"

William pulled a long knife from his pocket and quickly threw it at JC. The knife whizzed through the air whistling softly. Involuntarily, JC caught the knife an inch away from his nose. Before he even realized it, JC threw it back at William. The knife impacted the wall next to William's head with a loud thud. JC dropped his jaw looking from his hand to the knife stuck in the wall.

William smiled brightly. "See you're a Slayer. You have quite the aim too."

"I missed," replied JC weakly. He looked at William wide-eyed. "I think you better start explaining."

Me and my different stories. Mine are always unusual. I like to bring new ideas and things to stories. Just so you know. Yes, Buffy and the rest of her friends will be in this later.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Next: Chapter 2

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