The Trinity

By Silvenfox

Published on Sep 22, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't own Nsync. I don't know Josh Chasez in real life. This will be a Josh Chasez centered story. This story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This piece of literature is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, or anything associated with those shows. They belong to their creator Joss Whedon and whoever else owns it. This piece of literature is simply the work of a humble fan.

Now that all the disclaimers are out the way, time for the introduction. I have no idea when I came up with this story. It was a long time ago I know that. I think I was spacing out, while I was in Anatomy class and that's when I got the idea to do this.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Chapter 5

William sat on the couch in his living room, book in hand. His eyes scanned the pages of the small book, while he periodically sipped from the small cup of tea that sat on the wooden coffee table in front of him. Hearing a creaking sound from behind him, instantly made William go on alert. He hurriedly stood up, looking around the room intently. William cursed silently for not having a spare weapon lying about. If someone were truly in his apartment he would be at a disadvantage. Slowly, William crept down the hallway.

William barely managed to dodge the swipe of a dagger as he walked out of the doorway. He jumped back breathing deeply. In front of him were two black robed figures. He couldn't make out their faces because of the hoods that covered their heads. Together they charged at him with their curved silver daggers.

William held up his hand and whispered. "Inflamare."

A small baseball sized ball of fire materialized in his raised palm. Quickly, he threw it at the closest robed man. The fireball hit the figure's arm, consuming its whole right arm in flames. The fireball didn't stop its partner however. William engaged the other man in a hand to hand fight. William delivered a quick kidney punch, making the figure drop its dagger as all the air was forcibly knocked from his lungs.

William concentrated on the fallen dagger and it floated steadily into the air. With all of his power focused on the dagger, William made it rocket forward through the air. It hit true impaling itself into the robed figure's heart.

William sighed in relief as the man dropped to the ground lifeless. He looked to the spot where he last saw the other attacker. He frowned seeing the area was empty. There was no sign of the other one. William started to turn around when his body was hit by excruciating pain. Every nerve in his body felt as if it were on fire. It was a pain he had never felt before in his entire life.

With all his strength William turned around. The robed man he had hit with the fireball was standing behind him. His right arm was burned badly and the hood had fallen from his head, revealing his facial features. He had runes branded in his flesh where eyes should be, giving him a horrid appearance. William's eyes widened, recognizing the figure.

One word escaped his lips as he slumped to the ground with a dagger imbedded in his back. "Harbinger."

JC shoot up in his bed. Sweat dripped from his head and his breath came raggedly. He clutched his head, remembering the dream or nightmare he just had.

"William," he whispered, softly.

JC hurriedly got out of bed and got dressed. All the while his mind wandered to William. He hoped it was just a dream, but for some reason the overwhelming feeling of wrong-ness overcame him. A small part of him believed that the dream was real. He had seen those robed men in a dream before, but he had thought it was just a nightmare.

With no care for the speed limit JC sped down the streets to William's apartment building. He parked his car in front of the building and sprinted inside. He approached William's apartment, immediately noticing that the door was ajar. Cautiously, he slipped inside. He gasped noticing the disheveled contents of the room. Chairs were tossed over. A glass lamp lay scattered on the floor and books were strewn along the ground. JC felt his heart quicken in his chest, fearing the worst for his Watcher. He walked to the living room stepping over glass and books on the ground.

He eyes searched the room till they landed on William. JC raced to the older man's still body. "William," he said, worriedly. Quickly, JC wrenched the dagger from William's back and turned him over. He brought William's body close to him so William's head lay nestled in his lap.

JC checked for a pulse. It was faint and very slow. JC closed his eyes as tears made their way down his cheeks. He knew that without a doubt that William wouldn't make it.

"JC," said a rasping voice.

Startled, JC looked down at William. The dying man blearily opened his eyes. He looked up at JC his vision dimming in and out. JC tried to smile but failed horribly.

"Your going to be alright," lied JC.

William shook his head. "No, I'm not." William was overcome with a coughing fit. Drops of blood appeared on his lips that were slowly losing their color.

He regained control and continued. "The Bringers were here."

JC opened his mouth to ask who they were, but William hushed him. William grabbed his hand, gripping it in a vice like grip. JC looked down in surprise. His hand was getting warmer.

"Take... my... power," said William.

JC gasped as he felt tiny electric bolts go up his arms and infuse his veins with an unknown power. He threw his head back and his eyes glowed black briefly before returning to their normal blue. Gasping and wide-eyed he looked incredulously at William.

"William," called JC, shaking his shoulder. The Watcher stared up at the ceiling unblinkingly. JC bowed his head and moved his hand to close William's lifeless eyes.

JC lowered William down to the floor. Next to him lay the dead body of the Bringer that William had killed. JC stood up glaring at the body. Anger coursed through him. Why would these Bringers kill William? He didn't pose a threat to anyone. Anger left JC and he began to feel lost. He didn't know what he was going to do without William. He was his Watcher and friend.

"I'll find the person responsible for this," JC promised, gazing down sorrowfully at William's body.

JC went to the closest and pulled out a gym bag. He went around the room and collected any books that he thought might be useful in his search. He also took some spellbooks that he knew William kept hidden. If he did give JC his power, he needed to learn to use it. JC gazed sadly around the apartment one last time before picking up the bag and leaving.

JC sat on his bed with books all around him. He had been reading through the many books for hours, searching for any sign of the Bringers. It would have gone quicker if he knew which book to start from. JC wished that William was here to help him, but he knew that he would never see his Watcher again. JC brushed away a stray tear and continued his search. He stopped as a sentence caught his eye. He picked up the book and held it closer.

"For they are the Harbingers of death. Nothing shall grow above or below them. No seed shall flower, neither in man nor earth," JC read aloud. He scanned further down, getting to exactly what he needed to know. "The Harbingers (or Bringers) are demon high priests of The First Evil. They have runes branded in their flesh where eyes should be, and their presence kills off life..."

JC stopped reading. It seemed the Bringers were just the little fish. They were actually working for The First Evil. JC frowned. He had never heard William mention a First Evil. He flipped through the book till he found the section he was looking for.

"The First Evil is a non-corporeal entity, neither monster nor demon--as if the concept of evil took the form of a being. It can take the form of any dead person, and appear to one person while being invisible to someone else. The First Evil isn't the most powerful evil; it was just the first. It had no form and laid in wait until the animal, demons, and man came along. Through the eons it became more controlling by using the darkness in man's/demon's minds to do it's biding. Without the evil that dwells in each of us, then the First Evil would be harmless."

JC shook his head. It was unbelievable. The evil of all evil was actually trying to take him out. The Bringers must have thought that he was at William's and that's why they came. They wanted to kill him. JC remembered back to his first dream he had of the Bringers. They had killed a young teenage girl. With a start, JC realized what that girl was. She must have been a potential Slayer.

"How could I have been so stupid," JC muttered. It was so simple. William had covered potential Slayers in one of their lessons. The First Evil's plan was glaringly obvious. It wanted to take out every single potential Slayer and Watcher then kill the Slayers. If it was after him then that meant it must have killed off the potentials.

"Where the fuck is the Council?" JC blurted out. If there were some big evil after the whole Slayer line, it would make sense that the Council would be all over it.

JC wanted to get some answers. The Watchers Council was supposed to keep them informed about this sort of thing. Why didn't William or JC know that they were in danger? The Council should have told them so. JC reached for his phone beside his bed and dialed the number to the Watchers Council. William had put the number in JC's phone saying one day he might need it.

"Thanks William," JC said softly to himself.

JC dialed the number over and over and each time he got an out of service message. "Fuck!" exclaimed JC, throwing the phone down.

"They must have gotten the Council," realized JC. It made sense. If the First Evil wanted to wage war against the Slayer line then the strategic thing to do would be to take out the Council.

JC knew he couldn't stay here. The Bringers were still after him. They would surely come back after him. He knew what he needed to do. JC picked up the phone and dialed Lance's number. It was early morning and Lance always woke up at the crack of dawn.

"Hello," said Lance.

"Hey, Lance. Its me."

"Hey, Josh," said Lance. "Is something wrong? You sound funny."

Josh smiled. Lance was always concerned. That was what made him such a good friend. "No, I'm fine Lance. Listen I'm going out of town for a while. I need to see a friend. They're in trouble and they need my help. So if you or the guys need me just call my cell."

"Is it serious?" asked Lance, worried.

JC bit his lip. He really didn't want to lie, but he knew that he had to. "No, not really."

"Well call me if you need me."

"I will. Bye, Lance."

"Bye, Josh."

He hung up the phone and went to his closet. There was one place he knew where he was needed. He picked up the phone and dialed the number to the airport. "Hello, I need a flight to Los Angeles, California. First class, please."

After he made the arrangements he hung up the phone. From LA he would drive to Sunnydale. The town was too small to have its own airport and LA was the closest city that had one. If there was one person who needed him right now it was Buffy Summers. He and William had talked about Slayers constantly in their lessons. Buffy was always JC's favorite. She was one of the oldest and most experienced Slayers in history. Since Sunnydale was on top of a Hellmouth, there was no telling what kind of havoc the First had wreaked on the town already.

JC packed his bags and made arrangements over the phone to let people know he wouldn't be available. Once he was finished, JC opened one of William's spellbooks. He needed to do a spell to prevent people from recognizing him. He scanned the contents of the book till he found a suitable spell. It wouldn't change his face only make people unable to connect him to JC of Nsync. They wouldn't figure it out even if he were standing in front of a poster of himself. Only when he told a person that he was in Nsync would the spell not work on them anymore. He concentrated on his task and focused his will into making the spell work. Slowly, he read the words on the page.

"Let the object of Affection become but A dream as I cause My face to go unseen And not make a scene."

There was a tingling sensation that spread through his body for a moment then stopped. JC looked in the mirror in his bathroom and was happy to see that his face hadn't changed. The test would be to walk out in public without getting recognized.

JC stepped out of his rental car and surveyed the sign he parked next to. The words `Welcome to Sunnydale' were displayed in big bold font. JC turned and watched the sunset. Soon all the things that go bump in the night would be out full force. His spell that he worked a few days ago had worked perfectly and so far nobody had even batted an eye in his direction. JC got back in his silver BMW and drove into the town. He didn't have Buffy's address, but he knew where he could find her. If a Slayer lived in a place that attracted demons like the Viper Club attracted stars then she would surely be out patrolling. The moon and stars had come out as JC drove to the location where he knew he could find Buffy. The cemetery.

JC will meet Buffy and the whole Scooby gang next time. I will try and get the next chapter up soon. School just came back with a vengeance and I'm trying to balance my time. I know all of you are anxious for the big meeting so I'll try to have it up as quick as I can.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Next: Chapter 6

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