The Trinity

By Silvenfox

Published on Nov 20, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't own Nsync. I don't know Josh Chasez in real life. This will be a Josh Chasez centered story. This story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This piece of literature is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, or anything associated with these shows. They belong to their creator Joss Whedon and whoever else owns them. This piece of literature is simply the work of a humble fan.

Now that all the disclaimers are out the way, time for the introduction. I have no idea when I came up with this story. It was a long time ago I know that. I think I was spacing out, while I was in Anatomy class and that's when I got the idea to do this.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Chapter 6

JC drove through Sunnydale taking note of the landmarks and buildings, so he could have a mental layout of the town. What surprised him was the number of cemeteries in the town. He had already counted four. A feeling in his gut, made JC stop at the fifth cemetery he passed. JC didn't know why, but he had an instinctive feeling that he could find Buffy here. He parked his car and armed himself with weapons before he entered the cemetery.

It was quiet as he walked between the old headstones and vine-covered mausoleums. JC's hand went to the pocket of the leather jacket he wore. For a cemetery that was in a town that sat on top of the mouth of Hell, all was a little too quiet. JC pulled a sharpened wooden stake from his pocket and held it ready. He stopped suddenly, hearing sounds of battle up ahead behind a tome. Without even thinking about it, JC sprinted towards the commotion. He ran behind a mausoleum and stopped abruptly at the sight before him.

A short, blond young woman was fighting against a slobbering demon that was at least three times as big as she was. JC knew immediately by the way the blond handled herself that she had to be a Slayer. He had found Buffy Summers.

He was pulled out of staring as the demon got a good hit on Buffy and she fell to the ground. Running to the fight, JC pocketed his stake knowing that it wouldn't be of any help. JC grabbed his sword that was strapped to his side as he ran. The demon didn't even have a chance to scream before its head was separated from its body by JC's sword.

Buffy looked up from her position on the ground in surprise as the demon fell dead. She took in the sight of JC standing tall before her. "Well, that was different."

JC held out his hand. Buffy grasped it and hoisted herself up. "Please, don't tell me your another vampire with a soul or the son of a Slayer. This town already has one of each."

JC gave her an amused smile. He knew she was talking about Angel or Angelus. The vampire with a soul was an area that William covered with him early on. The son of a Slayer was a new one however. "I can tell you I'm not a vampire or the son of a Slayer," JC answered, truthfully.

Buffy grinned but JC could still see the mistrustfulness in her eyes. "Who are you and what's with the sword? Are you like a wannabe Highlander?"

"I'm JC," he said, smiling slightly when he saw not even a spark of recognition in her eyes. His spell was still working perfectly. "I came here for you actually." JC stopped, his face forming into disgusted expression. "That didn't sound right."

Buffy crossed her arms, her eyebrow raised in query. "No, it didn't.

"I came here to help you. Well... I'm a Slayer."

Buffy's lips slowly formed into a smile then she burst into full-blown laughter. She barely managed to calm down to give him a response. "No offense. But you're missing some essential functions to be a Slayer."

"Like what?" replied JC, looking himself over.

Buffy pointed to his chest. "Like breast."

JC rolled his eyes. "Gee, I didn't notice that," he replied, sarcastically. "Listen and listen good. There are some tough times ahead and your going to need my help whether you want it or not."

"Trust me. I think I'm beginning to find out how hard times are going to be in the future. But what makes you think you're a Slayer."

"The months while you were dead, the Watchers Council looked for new Slayer that should have been called by your death. But they could never find her. That's when a Watcher named William found a prophecy in their archives."

"Oh great," Buffy sighed. "Another prophecy."

JC smiled slightly, continuing. "The prophecy proclaimed that after your second death a third Slayer will be called. A male. Only together it said will the Chosen Three be able to win the battle of the End of Days. When the Council heard the prophecy they immediately set out to find the new Slayer and train him. The new Slayer ended up being me."

Buffy looked at JC with new eyes. Her expression was wary but there was also a bit of trust in her gaze. She lowered herself into a fighting stance. "How about a little test. If you can fight me and keep up then I know your telling the truth."

"What if I can't?" asked JC, sheathing his sword.

Buffy shrugged, nonchalant. "Then you die."

"Oh, is that all," replied JC smirking, lowering himself into a fighting stance. He spread his legs apart and positioned his arms. "Let's go."

Buffy didn't wait for an opening. She sprung like a lion that had been released from a cage. JC actually found himself going all out in the fight. He knew they were equal in strength but Buffy had been fighting the forces of evil since she was fifteen.

JC dodged a punch and went low with a sweeper kick. Buffy jumped over his leg and did a back flip to distance her form him. Breathing heavily, JC wiped the sweat that marred his brow. This was one of the most intense fights that he had ever had. He could see why Buffy Summers was one of the longest living Slayers.

A distance away from him, Buffy mirrored his own actions of wiping the sweat from her brow. She too was going all out in the fight. Her breath came out quickly as her lungs worked in overtime. Despite that Buffy was feeling pretty good. It's been a long time since she had been in such a strenuous fight.

JC looked up quickly and barely managed to duck the flying kick that went past his head. That didn't save him from a roundhouse kick delivered to the back of his head. JC fell to the ground, the breath knocked out of him. Buffy stood over him with her hands an in striking position. JC looked up at her with a questioning gaze. She could easily end his life right now. Buffy's fierce expression softened and she held out a hand. JC grasped it and picked himself up.

"I thought you were going to kill me?" questioned JC, looking at Buffy warily.

The blond Slayer shook her head. A smile was on her face. "Are you kidding? After a fight like that, there is no doubt in my mind that you're a Slayer. I haven't had a fight like that since skanky hoe--"

JC raised an eyebrow at the words, skanky hoe. Buffy stopped and smiled a little at her slip. "I mean Faith. I haven't had a fight like that since that time Faith broke out of prison."

"The once rogue Slayer now turned good, Faith?" he asked.

"Yeah, that's her. I guess your Watcher told you all about her, huh?"

JC nodded. "William made me study my knowledge of Slayer history and demonogly after every training session," replied JC, his tone turning a little wistful as he thought about his recently deceased Watcher.

Buffy recognized the tone in his voice, but didn't ask any questions. She figured he would talk about it when he was good and ready. "I'm done with my patrolling tonight, so you can come home with me and meet the group."

"Okay. We have a lot to talk about," replied JC, emphasizing lot. He had to tell her about the First's plan and about the Council being destroyed, if she didn't know it already.

He walked in step beside her as they made their way down the trail that led out of the quiet cemetery. Buffy whistled when she laid eyes on the silver BMW parked in front of the entrance gates. "This yours?"

"No. I'm just renting it. But I have one just like it at home."

They got in and JC drove to Buffy's house by following her directions. Mostly the conversation was focused on what Sunnydale was like and where the other hailed from. JC knew that the interrogation process hadn't begun yet. But he knew it was coming. Slayers didn't live by being too trusting, they lived by being smart and knowing their enemies.

JC pulled into a very modern traditional style home on a street called Rovello Drive. They got out of the car and JC followed Buffy to the front door. She opened the door and stepped into the house. Buffy held the door open wider, purposely not inviting him in. There was a no invite rule in the Summers household. One could never be too careful. JC noticed the sigh of relief that Buffy let out when he entered the house on his own accord.

"Please, have a seat. I'll go and get the others," said Buffy, showing him to the living room.

JC sat down and Buffy left the room. He didn't have to wait long. When she returned, four new people accompanied Buffy. There were two females and two males. Two of the arrivals looked the same age as Buffy, which was early twenties. One a red haired young woman with green eyes and the other was a young man with black hair and deep brown eyes. The oldest was a man who looked forty something with graying hair and a face that held a pair of wire frame glasses. The youngest was a teenage girl with long brown hair and face that resembled Buffy. JC could only guess that this was Buffy's sister.

Buffy introduced her friends to JC. "The redhead is Willow. The girl beside me is my little sister Dawn. The old guy is Giles and the brunette here is Xander."

JC smiled politely, committing all the new names to memory. "I'm JC."

Xander didn't waste anytime. He decided to get right to the point. "So, Buffster says you're a Slayer."

"I am," answered JC.

Willow's eyes flashed black for a split second. It was long enough for JC to see however. Only witches and warlocks eyes did that, which she had to be. Willow turned to Buffy. "He is a Slayer. I can sense the power. Its just like yours and Faith's."

"The question is how come you're here now?" asked Giles.

JC leaned back in his seat on the couch. His eyes closed as he remembered the reason for him being here. "My watcher was killed recently. Before he died he told me who killed him. It was the First."

Buffy and her friends shared looks with at each other at this news. "Go on," urged Giles.

"I did some research into the First and I figured out its plan. It's killing off potential Slayers and it destroyed the Watchers Council, all for a single purpose. It wants to completely wipe out the Slayer line. When I figured out its plan I decided to come here to help Buffy. I knew she would need my help. The only way were going to win this is if we're united. That's what the prophecy said."

"Buffy told me you mentioned a prophecy," interrupted Giles, curiously. "What exactly does it say?"

JC closed his eyes and recited the words that he knew from memory, word for word.

"The Slayer of fortune will die then rise breaking the power line. Another will be called, making what was one now two. The Slayer of fortune die again, only to be risen by her crimson friend. What was one then two will now be three. The third is different for this one is not woman but man. They are the Chosen Three, the Slayer Trinity. Generals of the Army of Light they are together. Only united will the light triumph in the End of Days."

"Well, that's not the least bit vague," voiced Dawn, dryly. "What is the End of Days?"

"That is the battle that is ahead. If evil wins... it's the end of the Earth. If good triumphs then it's a new day," answered Giles.

Xander let out a chuckle, his face smiling. "Is that all. With all these prophecies and new Slayers, I'll have to say it must be a Tuesday."

Willow giggled. "Definitely. Only the really strange things happen on Tuesday's."

"So, I guess you'll be staying with us then?" questioned Dawn. "We all know that we need all the help we can get. Plus, the Potentials might feel a little safer with two Slayers living with them."

JC's eyes widened in surprise. "How many Potentials are living here? I would think that this house would be too small for all of you to live here."

"There are twenty five girls in all," answered Buffy. "Believe me, we feel the lack of space."

"What's going on in here?" asked a brass sounding British voice.

Everyone looked towards the entranceway of the living room. Three people stood there holding grocery bags. All three of them were blondes, just various shades. They all looked close to the same age, which was twenties. There was a young woman who was very pretty. The one who spoke was a bleached blonde Billy Idol look-a-like. He was dressed in a black leather duster that matched his black shirt, boots and pants. Something about this guy put JC on edge. The third blonde was a young man with a cute face and wide curious eyes that looked so innocent. JC couldn't help but stare as he laid eyes on this last figure. He had never seen anybody look so adorably innocent before.

Buffy pointed to the new individuals. "This is the rest of group who's living in El Casa de Summers. The British one here is Spike. The girl is Anya. And this is Andrew." Andrew received eye rolls, as he waved excitedly when his name was called.

"So, who is the bloke?" asked Spike, sitting the bags in his arms down on the ground. He crossed his arms and glared openly at JC.

JC felt himself glare back. Whatever it was about Spike that was putting him on edge was increasing. It was like something inside of him was trying to tell him to kick the blond Brit's ass.

"Guess what?" said Dawn to Spike, beaming like she had a secret. "His name is JC and he's a Slayer."

"Whoa! She is extremely flat chested," voiced Anya. "And I can even see her Adam's Apple."

JC turned in his seat so she would stop staring at his throat. "That's because I'm guy, you psycho!"

"I don't get it," said Andrew, frowning. "I thought it was one girl in all the world that was called to be the Slayer. What happened?"

"Mix one Slayer who came back to life twice and add in a doomsday prophecy. Then stir carefully. Wait a few minutes and then presto you have one male Slayer," kidded Xander, smiling wide like a game show host.

Spike smirked at JC, making his fists clench in anger. "Isn't this just peachy. We have ourselves a new Slayer. He looks a bit wet behind the ears to me. Are you sure you're a real Slayer?"

JC stood up quickly. The feeling he was getting about Spike was going off the charts. "Do you want to say that within choking range?"

"What are you going to do, Slayer?" challenged Spike.

"I'm going to take a bottle of peroxide and beat you across the head with it," responded JC. He pretended to think for a second. "Wait... it looks like somebody already beat me to it."

Buffy placed herself between the two of them. "That's enough. I don't know what's wrong with you two, but you better get over it fast!"

Spike looked at Buffy for a second before he turned on his heel and stalked from the room. Buffy sighed and turned tired eyes on JC.

"I don't know what happened, Buffy?" he said, speaking truthfully. "Its just... something about him really sets me off. Its almost like I'm supposed to not like him."

Buffy looked surprised at this information, but then understanding appeared in her gaze. "I think I know what it is, but I'll tell you later when you're calmer."

Willow yawned and stood up. "We're all tired, so how about we turn in for the night."

"Where is he going to sleep?" asked Dawn. "We don't have anymore space. We're cramped as it is with all the Potentials here."

JC's mind started to go into overdrive at the word space. Something about that word tugged at his memory. He gasped as a memory from last month came to him.

One Month Ago... JC sighed in exasperation. William really didn't have a sense of humor. There was not one funny bone in that man's body. With extra slowness JC followed William down the hallway. They stopped in front of a closed door. William knocked thrice on the door and whispered. "Show me." He turned the doorknob and opened the door. JC's jaw dropped as he stepped inside of a place that couldn't possibly be real. It looked like the inside of a mansion. There was no way that a space so big could fit inside of the apartment. They walked into a large entre fore. Black marble floors were under them. Off to the side was a living room. A furniture group with a table and very comfy couch took up much of the space in the middle of the room. William gestured to JC to follow him. There was a set of grand looking stairs in front of them and on either side of where they stood were two long hallways. "Ho-ho-how?" stuttered JC, looking around in disbelief. "This is the Crystal Keep. A sanctuary that exist outside of space." "But how?" asked JC, incredulously. "I come from a long line of very powerful witches and warlocks that date back before the first colony was settled in America. My ancestors established this place during the time period when witches were persecuted for being what they were. It can accessed only by my bloodline and those that I give permission to."

JC shook his head, clearing his mind of the memory. "I think I know how we can have more space. There was something that I left out of my story. My Watcher was a powerful Warlock and when he died he passed on his power to me."

"You're a Warlock?!" said Willow in surprise. "I had no idea you knew magic."

"I can see you guys will have loads to talk about. Willow here is our resident Witch," voiced Buffy, smiling at Willow's excitement.

JC nodded his head at Willow's inquiry. "I have been practicing using the power that William gave me. I think the Slayer inside of me sees my magic as a weapon. And you all know how good Slayers are with weapons."

Willow was almost bouncing from the excitement bubbling inside her. "I will be more than happy to help you with your magic. I had a bad time with a for a while, but I'm better now." When she said the last part her eyes appeared haunted before it vanished as quickly as it appeared.

Giles took off his glasses and wiped them on his shirt. "You were saying JC, how can we have more space? Do you know some type of spell?"

"It's not a spell. I know a place called the Crystal Keep. It's a sanctuary that exists out of normal space. William's family made it during the time when Witches and Warlocks were hunted down and killed. It's made so only people in his family line or people given permission to can access it. I am the latter of the two."

"Sounds great," replied Buffy, smiling. "But where is it?"

JC smiled and stood up from his seat on the couch. He gestured for them to do the same. "Where is your closet?"

Buffy frowned, not understanding but led him to the closet without voicing her thoughts. JC knocked on the closed door three times and whispered. "Show me."

He opened the door and gasps and cries of shock were heard from behind him, as they got their first glimpse of the Crystal Keep. They stepped in and looked around in awe and wonder.

"It's just like that tent in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It looked like a normal tent, but when you went inside it was like walking into a bedroom." He looked around at all the blank looks he was getting. "What?"

JC smiled as Andrew flushed in embarrassment. "I know what you're talking about," JC admitted, smiling at Andrew. "It was when Harry and the Weasley's were at the Quidditch World Cup."

"You've read the books?" asked Andrew, astonished.

"Yep, all five of them." JC stared at Andrew for a minute, liking the smile he put on the blondes face. It made his stomach feel like it was doing flip flops in zero gravity.

JC snapped out of his dazed state and started to show the group around. It made him feel warm that Andrew walked next to him during the whole tour. JC knew he must have looked like a fool every time that Andrew accidentally brushed against him. But for some reason he didn't care at all.

**************************************************** I hope you all liked this chapter. Sorry, about the wait. Real life problems holding me back, from writing at the speed I wish to. Email me and tell me what you think.

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Next: Chapter 7

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