The Troop

By Phangasm (Larry Flint)

Published on Aug 30, 2008


The Troop - Part 7: The Hanton Football Team - Coach Master's Sons - The Coach Masters Has Visitors - A Visit From The Statehouse.


This was the day of the week that the Junior football squad took to the field in Morehead and surrounding communities. The junior squad was made up of 7th and 8th graders usually ranging in age from 13 to 15. Most of the towns that participated in Junior football were within a 45 minute bus ride of each other. This was not the case for the Hanton team, which was a good 2 hour drive. All teams in the league played Hanton at least once a year.

This year it was the Hanton Bulldogs turn to travel to Morehead.

After 2 hours on the road, then another punishing 2 hours on the field getting creamed by the talented Morehead team, the visitor's locker room was fairly quiet after the game. Most of the boys were just exiting the showers, anxious to board the bus for home after an embarrasing 28 - 0 loss.

Coach Tom Masters was also anxious to get home. He was completely worn out, on top of that he could barely speak, his throat raw from yelling at his young men all night. Besides that, he was feeling pretty funky....he couldn't describe the feeling if you asked him to...he probably would have stated that he "wasn't quite all there." It had started around the beginning of the 4th quarter. The people who were handling the sports beverage had just placed some fresh cups on the table, so he had a couple just to cool his throat. By the time he headed for the locker room (which he didn't remember doing) he was feeling very funky.

It was coach Masters that first noticed that something was not quite right. While most of the boys had exited the showers well over 10 minutes ago, no one was getting one had so much as donned a pair of boxers or briefs. The guys were still in the act of drying off, although it was obvious that most were quite dry. He then noticed that they were looking at each other, all the while trying not to be obvious about it...glancing left, then right, then straight ahead. He looked around the was happening with all the boys

Also, not everyone had left the showers, even though all had entered at about the same time....25 minutes ago. Slowly, the coach walked toward the sound of running water.

There were 4 boys left in the showers. His star running back, Mike Halford had his hands against the wall in the back of the room. Tom's assistant coach, George Griffith was on his knees, his face buried in the young boy's butt crack. Mike was one of 4 African-American boys on the team...Tom watched his dark, shiney wet skin glisten as the boy writhed against the wall, his hands opening and closing as the man licked his asshole...Tom was too shocked to do or say anything. The look on the running back's face was pure bliss, eyes shut, mouth hanging open.

The other three boys watched, completly enthralled. Each stroked their own rock-hard young dick, but occasionally would reach out to rub or squeeze a team mate's shoulder or butt. Tom continued to watch, himself becoming enthralled as George moved out and another boy, a defensive lineman, aimed his stiff cock at Mike's slippery-wet hole and slipped it inside.

"Yeahhhh." The boys sighed in unison. "Fuck 'em," said another.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh." Mike moaned as the boy began to fuck his ass.

Tom turned just as the hooting and hollering had began. The Morehead team, complete with coaching staff had entered. Most of the boys were naked, but some still sported shoulder pads or jock straps. The visiting team, most of which had sat listening to the goings on in the showers, sat dumbfounded as the home team decended on them. Some were forced to their feet and made to lay over the benches. Other's heads were grasped from behind and forced downward onto throbbing, skyward-pointing young cocks.

"Time to have some fun, boys!" One of the Morehead boys shouted. This was followed by more hooting and cheers.

Tom watched, too dumbfounded to move.

The strangest part was his boys weren't fighting this.

Those whose mouths were forced down on hard cocks were sucking hungrily up and down, all to the moans of pleasure from the Morehead team. Those that were being mounted from behind let it happen, spreading their legs willingly.

"Ahhhhhhh yeah! Fresh meat!" The Morehead quarterback sighed, grinning as he pumped his cock in and out of a blond-haired young man. "Suck it! belonged to us out on the field, and now you belong to us in here." The 13 year old Hanton defensive lineman obeyed, sucking the sexy, young quarterbacks stiff meat as if he were starving. "Ahhhhhhhhhh, my God.....yeahhhhhhhhhhh."

Tom noticed his quarterback was being abused from both ends by the two defensive linemen that had had the boy on his back all evening long. The two members of the home team coaching staff were also getting their stiff cocks serviced by the young members of his team. The hooting and hollering had began to die down, replaced by the grunts, moans, sighs and sloppy wet sounds of sex. Tom didn't even notice that his hand was down his sweats as he continued to watch.

A few minutes passed. Now most of the young members of his team were bent over. Loud cries of pleasure filled the room as the Morehead team and coaching staff layed his boys. Young, muscular asses moved quickly, pelvises slammed against smooth, young butts. Many of the morehead boys fucked side by side, swapping partners back and forth.

Then, in a moment where it seemed as though he had skipped ahead in time, Tom noticed he was now in the showers. He could not remember walking in, but here he was, his sweat suit soaked. He watched as 25 year old assistant coach George Griffith worked his hard cock in and out of 13 year old Mike Halford's tight little ass. Tom looked down and saw that his sweat suit bulged at the crotch with his own hard on.....then, someone was taking his sweats down, forcing them over his shoes. Young hands touched his body, feeling him up...he heard himself moan as pleasure coursed over his body. His sweatshirt was pulled over his head and tossed aside. He was now being moved in behind the 13 year old running back....a young hand on his stiff cock, guiding him, a strong hand on his ass, pushing him forward...the head of his swollen cock now rested against the boy's slick sphincter. He moved his hips forward on his own.


His cock slowly glided forward into heaven.

The moment was short-lived as Tom had a moment of pure terror.

"The cheerleader's bus....." Tom said suddenly.

"....already gone." This from George, who was standing beside him. "They think we're having bus trouble...and that Morehead is fueling up a bus to take us home."

"How do you know that?"

"He told me." George said, pointing down. Tom noticed that a much younger boy of about 10 was busy slobbering on his assistant's stiff cock.

"Who's that?" Tom sighed.

"Towel boy." George said. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh....kid can suck....ahhhh my God."

"Why are we doing this, George?"

"Damn if I know....don't really care right now, coach."

Coach Tom discovered that he didn't care either...the only thing that mattered right now was pleasure. He grasped young Mike's hips and began to fuck the boy hard. Guilt danced briefly in the back of his mind...he had been to barbeques in this boy's back yard...invited by his father...they had discussed the boy's running skills. Now his tight little asshole gripped his coach's cock, milked it. The guilt vanished as quickly as it had arrived.

"Ohhh God big..." The boy moaned. "Yeah...ahhh yeahhhh...fuck me, coach...."

Tom leaned forward, wrapping his arms around the boy's chest, feeling him up as his ass rose and fell...slap-slap-slap-slap-slap-slap, fucking the kid like an animal.

"Why are we doin' this, kid?" Tom asked the boy, his curiousity returning momentarily.

"Dunno." Mike grunted. "Don't fuckin' care why....feels so gooood.....fuck me....fuck me..."

5 minutes passed with Tom dancing on the edge of cumming, always able to hold was incredible, as were the scenes unfolding before him.

George was now laying on the floor of the shower, the little towel boy was sitting on his face squirming as George's jaw worked. All around him, in and outside of the shower echoed with the wet sounds of sex, flesh meeting flesh with force, the moans and cries of pleasure from young boys and men.

Time flashed forward once again...Tom was begining to like the disconnected feeling.

"That boy over by the door wants to talk with you." George said, beside him once again. Obviously his little guy had moved elsewhere.

"Tell 'em to get his own piece of ass." Tom said, then giggled. No way was he moving, he felt as though he could fuck the 13 year old's beautiful black ass for hours.

Tom turned his head toward the door anyway.

There in the shower doorway stood the most handsome young man...fully clothed.

"I'll have to see what I can do about that..." Tom mumbled.

"Huh?" asked George.

"Never mind....take over for me here, ok George?"

"Yes sir."

Tom pulled out of the boy, then leaned in: "George will take care of you for a while buddy...but I'd love to see you when we get back home."

"Yeah...ok." The boy sighed, smiling.

George did not waste time mounting the boy, the two were grunting and moaning as Tom walked toward the beauty in the doorway.

"Coach Masters?" The boy asked.

"Yes," Tom said, already trying to picture the kid without his clothes. He stood for a moment under the running water, then walked toward the beauty in the doorway.

"Come with me please."

Tom had a distinct feeling that for him, the sex was over.

...impossible, he thought, I'm still rock hard.

He giggled.

They walked through the locker room, side stepping and stepping over young teenage boys coupling like dogs. Tom stopped by his young quarterback, who was now being serviced by the two defensive linemen, one in front sucking his hard cock, the other in back, his head buried between the boy's ass cheeks. Tom rubbed the boy's back.

"What is happening here, coach?" The boy moaned, "My God...this feels so good."

"I think I am about to find out." The coach said, gesturing toward the only boy in the room that was fully clothed.

The two entered the coaches office. The boy shut the door, quieting the moans and cries slightly.

"My name is Cameron Stromer."

"Hi, Cameron." Tom said. He was unaware that he had began to stroke himself while looking the boy up and down. "What can I do for you....or better yet, to you?"

The boy smiled and flushed slightly red. "I work for the people that did this to you and your team."

"I see....."

"You see, the drug has a...."

"...the drug?"

"Yes sir, you and your team have been drugged."

Tom considered this, then looked up at the boy.

"I guess that should disturb me, but it doesn't....not sure why."

"As I was saying...." are cute as know that?"

Cameron smiled again. "I am just here to fill you in about what has happened and what will happen later....not to have sex with you...sorry."

"Thats really too bad." Tom said, stroking himself harder.

Cameron tried to focus on the task at hand, which was filling in the couch on what to do when they reached Hanton. The doc felt it was time the Troop branched out. He would start with Hanton. Watching the man, Cameron felt his cock begin to stir in his jeans. Doc had asked him to be his alone and Cameron wanted nothing more than to obey, but was not sure if he could.

Cameron continued. "After your team and coaching staff ejaculate, they will pass out for about 2 hours." He had the man's attention now, even if he was still playing with himself. He went on to tell the coach about the canisters of gas hidden in the equipment area of their bus, along with the mini inhalers and the same powdered drink mix his team had been given tonight. He also told him about the building The Troop had purchased in Hanton...the old YMCA building and about the renovation work that was being performed on the place. Finally, he told him how The Troop wanted him to head up the Hanton Headquarters.

Couch listened intently to all of it...then to the detailed instructions he was to follow when the boys began to wake up on the bus. Finally, Cameron quit speaking.

"Wow....that was quite a mouthful." Coach said, digesting the information.

"Yes." The boy stated, "I'm pretty sure I didn't leave anything out."

"I don't understand why this is happening.....what's worse is that I really don't understand why I am ok with any of this.....and yet I am."

It is a bit hard to understand at first, but you will get used to it quickly." said Cameron as he stood to leave, "I guess you can go back out and continue to play....I will be around later to help clean up."

"Why would I have to go back out's nice in here." Tom said, walking toward the boy.

"But I can't...."

"Can't...or won't?"

"It just that...well....I really can't."

"You don't like me?" Tom said as he slowly closed the distance between them.

"I like you fine...I sorta told another fella...well, that I wouldn't."

"Ah, I see..." Tom said, his voice dropped to a whisper.

Tom was now facing the boy, their bodies inches apart. Tom could feel the excitement coming off the kid in waves. "But you'd like to, wouldn't you, Cameron?"


Tom reached up and brushed the boy's hair away from his forehead. Cameron shuddered at the man's touch. "Yeah, you'd like to..."

Then Tom's voice dropped to a whisper once again as he moved his mouth to the 13 year-old's ear. "It could be our little secret..." He whispered softly, his lips brushing against the boy's ear, "I wouldn't tell a soul." His head dropped further, kissing Cameron's smooth neck. He could feel the boy trembling.

He knew that Cameron was his for the taking. He reached down and took the boy's hand and brought it to his hard man-dick. Cameron wrapped his fingers around the thick shaft and began to stroke it as Tom raised his head, gazing into the boy's beautiful young face.

"Ahhhhhhhh." The man whispered, "That feels so fine."

Cameron smiled. He liked this man. He still loved the Doc...but there was room for so much more now. Cameron had a feeling that jeolousy was going to become a thing of the past for most of the new fold....he didn't think Doc understood that yet, but hoped he would soon. The man moved in with his arms, his lips...Cameron let himself be taken.

Tom moved his hands down the boy's muscular back as they kissed with increasing intensity. When his hands reached the boy's shirt tail, he grasped it and pulled upward. They backed off as Cameron allowed his shirt to be removed, then came together again as if magnetically charged, kissing deeply as Tom's hands worked up and down the naked skin of the boy's back, then downward onto his denim-covered little ass.

Cameron loved the feel of the man's stiff prick in his hand, he gripped it hard, working his hand up and down as the two continued to kiss.

Tom was the one who broke the kiss, although he didn't want to...he knew they would continue again in a minute or two. Right now he had to get this kid naked. From the beltline on up, the kid was a bronze wonder this other man wanted to keep this one for himself....but to Tom, that seemed so selfish and unnecessary. His thoughts were similar to Cameron's. He would continue to have sex with his wife, but now, the possibilities were endless...he could have sex with any member of his football team, plus, maybe in time, with either of his two young sons....

...his beautiful young sons. He thought.

His plans now included gassing his two young sons as soon as he returned. His lust doubled in an instant. He dropped to his knees, his hands trembling as he worked the button and zipper on this beautiful creature's jeans. He could see the outline of the boy's package, and it looked like he was well blessed for a 13 year old. He noticed for a split second that the boy was wearing briefs, then he pulled both pants and underwear down to the kid's shoes. He took a second to admire the 13 year old's stiff cock and smooth balls before moving in and swallowing the throbbing young pole.

"Ahhh yesssss." Cameron hissed. He raised his hands above his head, then laced his fingers behind his neck as the man began to work his hot mouth up and down.

The young dick tasted just fine to Tom, he could not get enough, slurping noisily up and down, stopping to suck and lick the head. He pulled off to lick the underside, working down onto the boy's sweaty balls, sucking them into his mouth one at a time, then opening wide for both...savoring the musky flavor.

"Ahhhhhhhhh." the boy sighed as he felt the warm mouth on his balls. Cameron spread his smooth thighs as far as his pants would allow to give the man better access.

Tom started to clumsily try to remove the boy's shoes as he continued to suck and lick his sweet, nearly hairless young balls. Once the shoes were off, he removed the boy's pants and underwear from around his ankles.

Tom rose, taking the sweet naked young man in his strong arms.

Cameron wrapped his arms around the man's muscular torso, feeling his hardness against his smooth belly. He wanted it inside him, even though his guilt was so powerful, the doc's hold on him would not be relenquished easily.

"Maybe we shouldn't." Cameron said as he backed away, even though he knew if the man pressed him he would not be able to refuse.

"I think with all the boys this man has access to, he's being very selfish with you.....I think we should. I want you so badly, but if you don't want to I will respect that."

Cameron was surprised to hear his own thoughts about the doc echoed back to him. He moved in close again.

The coach smiled and took the boy into his arms.

As the two made love in the coaches office, out in the locker room, the boys of the Hanton Junior Football Squad were now playing top to the Morehead boys. Most of the home team boys had cum and now had their legs spread wide for their opponents. Young asses moved up and down, stiff cocks moved swiftly in and out of willing assholes. Loud cries of pleasure filled the room as one by one, the Hanton boys began to cum.

Young Mike Halford had lost count of the number of cocks that had entered him, now it was his turn. He pistoned his thick black cock in and out of his assistant coach George Griffith. George was not moaning. Minutes earlier George had spilled his load in young Mike's mouth, then for reasons unknown to the 13 year old, the man had passed out. Mike decided to help himself to the man's warm hole anyway. Even as his stiff black cock began to spurt, the world began to gray-out for Mike. He passed out cold still panting on top of his coach. His pulsating cock shot a couple more times, then began to soften, slipping out of George's well fucked man-hole. His pouty young mouth opened and closed a couple of times as his breath, ragged with lust, shuddered in and out. Finally he lay still, his breathing normal. He would awaken on the bus almost two hours later, his life changed forever.

14 year old Jack Martin, a Defensive End from Hanton, watched with mixed fasination and terror as his team mates cried out in pleasure, then went eerily still, eyes closed, mouths hanging open. He knew that he was probably going to suffer the same fate, but could not stop his pistoning hips. His stiff 6-incher was, incredibly, shoved up inside the 10-year-old towel boy. Jack did not know his name or why he had come to him, lying down and spreading wide. Jack also didn't know why he had immediately mounted the younger boy, sliding easily inside on what was probably the cum of other teenage boys. Earlier, when the rampage had started, he had been sitting in a daze on the bench. Then their on-field opponents had entered....most were naked. Jack remembered the surge of excitement that hit him just then, just moments before a boy slightly larger than himself had pulled him to his feet and turned him around, bending him over the bench. He felt a cold, wet liquid run down his crack, then a finger quickly probed his asshole as the hooting and hollering slowly began to change to moans and cries of a sexual nature. He cried out himself as the finger probed deep - then it was gone, replaced by something larger pushing at his sphincter. "Yes." he said, pushing up with his ass as the other boy entered him rudely. "AH GOD!!" Jack cried as the other boy began to fuck his ass. The range of emotion was incredible, but out of all of them, lust was dominent, pushing away guilt, fear and everything else that usually got in the way of a good sexual encounter. Now, fear had come to the surface once again, but still not enough to push away the insatiable sexual hunger. He picked up speed, hammering his thick, veiny young cock into the kid, whose little feet were on either side of his head. Jack's hands gripped the boy's ankles as he pounded him. "Fuck me!" the kid spat, "Ahhhhh God I fuckin' love it! Fuck my ass!" This was all Jack could take - the boy begging for more, the look of pure lust that had no business on the face of a 10 year old. Jack felt his load build, he felt his asshole, still tingling from the pounding he had took earlier. He felt his ball sack tighten. "AHHHH GOD!!!! AHHHHH MY GODDD!!! UUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!" He cried as his nuts let loose, his thick meat pulsating inside the boy. Then, as with his pals, he knew what was happenning. The boy, stronger than he looked, pushed him carelessly away. "Awesome." He mumbled, "Gotta find more....wish you coulda went longer." Jack watched, his vision growing darker by the second as the boy crawled away from him, spunk running from his hole and down his legs, dripping from his little nads. Then for Jack the world went away for a while, and when he woke up a few hours later, it would never be the same again.

The cries in the locker room had reached a crescendo and were now backing down. Tom didn't notice. his thick cock was buried up the kid's ass. Tom knew he was in love, or at least it felt like love.

For Cameron, it had never been better than this. The man's cock probed him so deep, forcing cries from his mouth that he had never voiced with the doc. He didn't want it to end, but he knew it would happen soon now as the man's own cries increased in length and volume.

Tom heard the load moaning, but was too absorbed in what he was doing to realize that it was himself making all the noise. "Ahhhhhhhhgaaaaaaadddd!" he cried as his load rocketed through his shaft. "AHHHHHH CHRIST YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Spots appeared before his eyes as his cock began to pulsate, filling the boy with his hot man juice. His vision they grayed. He grabbed the boy's hips tighter to keep from falling. His vision returned....the boy was looking back at him with obvious concern, worried about where he might fall. His orgasm complete, the man continued to pant, trying to catch his breath as the world spun before his eyes. Still holding on to the boy, he backed his still-hard cock out the boy's ass with a popping sound that excited him all over again. Tom placed his fingers on the tight little oraface, causing it to spasm, spewing more of his hot spunk.

"Man...that was so fuckin' hot." Tom panted.

"You didn't pass out." Cameron said. "Everyone passes out their first time."

"Uhhhh...sorry.....I still feel a bit dizzy, but I don't think I'm gonna faint or anything."

"Wow." Cameron said thoughtfully, "The doc will be interested in this....maybe he can eliminate the side effect."

Tom grinned. "Are you gonna tell him that I was fucking your ass when this big event happened?"

"Maybe I will." Cameron said, smiling. He rose up off the desk and turned to face the man. "We gotta get started cleaning this mess up...I'm glad you can help out."

The two looked through the office window...the same window where vice-principal Heckler had first seen Cameron naked a lifetime ago...and noticed that most of the boy's were out cold, only a couple were still at it. Cameron walked out to watch them finish up, Tom followed.

Cameron walked up to the first couple, a boy from Hanton of about 13 was busy fucking one of the Morehead boys. His ass pumped up and down with fury, a mixed look of pleasure terror was etched on his face as he worked, looking around at the tangle of naked, passed out boys.

The kid, Alex Wells, looked up at Cameron, not missing a stroke. " I gonna....gonna die?" he panted, "Ohhhh God....what a way to die....feels sooooooooo gooooood."

Cameron hunkered down by the boy and placed his hand on his sweaty back, rubbing up and down, across his humping little ass. "'ll just sleep for a worries. ." Cameron soothed as he brought his stiff cock to the other boy's face.

Tom watched as Cameron fed the kid his cock. "Yeah.....suck it, man." Cameron sighed. He grabbed the kids ears and began to fuck his innocent young face. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Cameron moaned.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......oooophhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm." Alex mumbled, his mouth full of hot 13 year old cock.

"Ahhhhhhh God....suck....suck....ahhhh GOD yeah!!! AhhhhhhhhUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHH!!!" Cameron cried.

Tom watched, his cock growing hard once again, he began to stroke it as he watched the three 13 year old boys work out. Cameron was close now, his eyes drooping shut as the other boy slobbered his stiff meat, working it up and down as he fucked the tight ass under him. Sweat was flowing off Alex's muscular body in rivlets as he worked faster.

Cameron finally began to whimper. Tom watched, jacking his thick man-dick as the beautiful boy arched his back, his eyes squeezed shut tight as he filled young Alex's mouth to over-flowing.

Alex felt the warm blast of fluid fill his mouth...too much to swallow all at once, some leaked from the corners of his mouth as he began to drink. He could not believe he was actually swallowing the jizz of another was fucking delicious.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh it....swallow it all.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Cameron moaned.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." He moaned as Cameron continued to feed him. It was all too much....the incredible tight hole of a boy whose name Alex didn't even know, the pulsating cock in his mouth plus the rich taste of the thick goo on his tongue....finally tipped the teenager over the edge. He cried out even as Cameron pulled out, shooting the last weak spurts on his upturned face.

"AHHHHH!!! AHHH GOD!!!" Alex cried as his hot load shot from his cock into the tight asshole of the boy beneith him. As the cries of the last Hanton boy rang in his ears, the world began to disappear for young Alex.

"Awesome.....awesome...." He whispered as the world began to go dark. He felt the fingers of the handsome young man he had just sucked off running through his sweatly hair. "No, you are awesome, dude." Cameron whispered, then for the next 2 and a half hours, Alex knew no more, his head lay still on the back of the boy he had been fucking.

Cameron, still naked, stood upright. "Ok Troop!! Let's clean it up and do it quick!! We gotta get these boys home before parents start to call!!"

The whole session had lasted a bit less than an hour, which was good, but Cameron knew he had to clean this mess up and do it very quickly. Older Troop members began to file in, sorting out boys and doing their best to match them with their clothes. Cameron was not surprised to see Duncan helping.

"Hey, sexy....I didn't know you were in on this session."

"Wasn't supposed to be....was just supposed to brief the Hanton Troop Master and help in the clean up.....didn't quite work out that way."

Duncan grinned. "I signed up for this one, but doc just wanted the players and coaches I get stuck with cleanup."

"Well, speaking of that, I gotta get dressed and help out....if this don't go as planned doc will pitch a fit."

"I hear ya." Duncan said, then went to join the other Troop members.

Cameron walked back to the coaches office to gather his clothes. He was surprised to find Tom already dressed and talking on the phone.

"Yeah...we're fine here. You might wanna make some calls to the boy's homes.....yeah, we got totally skunked, plus our bus went to hell...then they loaded us on another bus and THAT one didn't run it's been a hellava afternoon.....yeah, we are loading onto our bus right now, they figured out the trouble while we were screwing around with their bus.....yeah, you bet...see ya in 3 hours......hehehe...yeah, no kiddin'....bye now."

Tom looked up. "Damn, look so fine."

Cameron grinned. "Nice sweat you gonna explain them back home?"

Tom just grinned. He had found a pair of sweats with Morehead colors and a plain white t-shirt here in the office. It would have to do since his own clothes were soaked, laying somewhere in the shower.

"I wish we had time....I'd take you again."

"I think I'd let you."

"Can I see you again?"

"Was hopin' you'd say that." Cameron said, grabbing his underwear off the floor.

Tom walked over to the boy and placed his arms around him, rubbing his smooth back. "I hope it will be soon." He whispered, kissing the boy's neck.

"Me too."

"Better get dressed kid, gotta lot of work to do."

The boys were dressed, which isn't easy to do with a boy who is passed out. Then each was carried to the bus and belted in. It was full dark, plus other busses were parked around the bus in order to prevent prying eyes from seeing anything. The bus left town using a less traveled route. While Tom could have drove, Cameron and some of the adult Troop members thought it better that he didn't....perhaps he would pass out later...who knew. The bus driver had also been involved in the session, so he was belted in the front seat beside Tom. Roy was driving the bus. He would stay at the new headquarters in Hanton, Doc would pick him up the next day.

Tom was grateful for Roy, while he didn't feel like he was going to pass out, the disconnected feeling the formula created was still with him somewhat.

About a half hour from town, the boys began to wake up. Some looked out the window, grins on their faces. Others paired off and began to neck. Still others had dropped their pants and began to play once again. The closer they got to town, the louder the moaning got. Finally, as the lights of the town came into view, Tom stood.


Most looked up, some continued to play.

"HEY! .....EVERYONE!!"

All stopped what they were doing at this point.

"You all gotta have your clothes on now, we are about into town!"

Groans of disapproval met this.

"Sorry boys, but that's the way it is."

At this point, Roy began to pull off the road, onto the shoulder.

"Roy here has some things to tell you about what happened this evening....."

All were attentive now. While none had any regrets, they were curious about their new feelings. Roy put the bus in park, then stood.

"Gentlemen." He started, speaking clearly, looking back and forth at the curious boys. "Life as you know it has changed forever. You are the first of the second wave."

He paused, grinning.

"Welcome to The Troop."

Tom sat, waiting on the couch, shaking with excitement.

It was almost a week since his adventure in Morehead.

When the bus had come to a halt, Roy had given a well rehearsed speech - A speech the Doc would have recognized. It was almost word for word the one Doc had given the boys of Morehead Middle/High school after the first big orgy at Troop headquarters. Uniforms would be handed out later, but one thing remained the same....small inhailers were handed out with instructions on how to use them. Warnings were given about being careful, to make sure care was taken in the area of privacy. Even though construction was still under way, the boys were told that there were private rooms available at the Hanton Troop Headquarters, located in the old YMCA building in Hanton. If they had any questions they were to contact Hanton Troop leader Tom Masters.

And my, had they contacted him.

Tom could not count the number of encounters he had with a variety of young boys. Once, late in the afternoon after football practice he had been approached by several member of the football team in the locker room. They all decided to shower at Troop Headquarters instead of the school. The two-hour orgy that followed was the single hottest sexual experience in the man's life.

Now, things were finally mellowing out and he had some time on his hands. His careful planning this week was paying off...finally, it was happening.

He was in the process of gassing his two young sons.

He had the large canister in the utility room in the basement. It was currently connected to the furnace, which was running. He did not have the heating unit turned on, just the fan as the system circulated the gas through the house.

Kevin, his 11 year old, was in the basement. Both of his sons were total fitness buffs. Tom had always encouraged this. Kevin was currently working out. Tom had told him on several occasions not to use the free-weights without a spotter...but no doubt that was what the boy was doing. He would go down in a few minutes to punish the boy.

His cock grew to fully erect.

Todd, 14, was in his room doing homework. It didn't matter where they were. The entire house was filled with the gas. Tom hadn't had any since that first night. Since he knew what was happening he could already slightly feel the effects....Roy had told him it was never as intense as the first time, but it was still good.

Tom had no trouble convincing his Wife of 16 years to go on that trip to Florida with her sister. Tom had initially told her that he didn't want her to go, and she had been disappointed. He had told her that he had had second thoughts, and that this would give him a chance to "bond" with his boys....he had to fight back the erection that threatened when he had told her the last part. He would definately "bond" with them.

He had seen both of his boys naked on several occasions. They had been taught that the human body was a beautiful thing, and nothing to ever be ashamed of. Even 14 year old Todd could be seen on school nights passing his mother in the hallway, bare-ass naked, heading for the shower.

A half-hour had passed. Tom wanted to give the gas time to work fully before going to see Kevin.

He stood and moved to the stairs.

Kevin was doing exactly what his father had told him never to do, lifting the free-weights without a spotter. He knew it could be dangerous, but it seemed like every time he wanted to work out, Todd and his dad were doing something else. He occasionally had his mom spot for him, but she was never really into it and he could sense her boredom, which made working out less fun.

Now, he sat up on the bench. He looked over at the stairclimber, thinking that maybe he would get on that for a while. Then, he sat up.

Wait, hadn't he already been sitting? He was certain that he had sat up while considering the stairclimber.

"Man...I feel fuckin' weird." he said to no one. His voice didn't feel like his own, it was almost like someone else was talking. He figured that he simply pushed himself too hard....he sometimes got a bit dizzy if he overworked himself, but this was completely different.

"Hows it goin', champ?"

Here was his father.

"How long you been there?"

"About 5 minutes or so."


"You ok, buddy?"

"I guess so....I think maybe I pushed it a bit."

"Using the free-weights I see."


"Where's your spotter?"

"Geez, pop....sorry, I know I'm supposed to....." he trailed off.

Tom waited, grinning.

"What were we talking about?"

"Your spotter, sport."

"Oh...sorry dad."

"It's ok this time." Tom said, kneeling down by his precious little man. He reached up and ran his fingers through the boy's sweaty brown locks and looked into the deep brown of his eyes. He reached down and squeezed Kevin's left bicep. "Man, you are getting a set of guns on you for your age, kiddo."

"You think?" He said, his eyes twinking as he gave his father his most winning smile. Tom felt a bit woozy....why didn't he see all this before? Kevin raised his arm and flexed his bicep, squeezing it with his right hand.

"You arm isn't the only thing thats firm right now, sport." his father said suddenly.

Kevin looked down at the shiney red shorts he was wearing. He was indeed pitching a tent. "Whoa....when did that happen?"

"Not sure."

The boy didn't seem embarrassed at all, even though Tom had never seen him hard before.

"Looks like it's really fuckin' stiff, champ."

Tom did not usually swear in front of his kids, but Kevin didn't notice, he simply continued to stare down at his crotch. Watching as his father's hand came in and rested on his thigh, then sliding toward his little stick....seemed like it would take him forever to get there. Then suddenly he was there, his fingers stroking his little stiffy through the shiny fabric.

"Mmmmmmm....feels good." Kevin said, smiling, not even stopping to wonder why his dad was feeling him up.

"I wanna suck on your little prick, champ." Tom said calmly.

"Seriously?" the boy said....a little of what was happening finally registering a tiny bit...then his face changed again. Tom looked into his eyes and saw the fire of lust burning there.

"Yeah...I wanna suck it up and down....make you feel good. Bet it fuckin' tastes great."


"It's ok if I take it out then?"

"Yeah...that'd be ok, I guess."

Tom gently tucked his fingers into the waistband of his son's workout shorts, slowly moving his hand inside.

"Take off your shirt, pal."


"Yeah! I wanna see that muscular little chest."

Kevin grinned and pulled the muscle shirt over his head while his father's fingers finally reached his stiff flesh. Tom fondled with his fingers, then wanted to see it, so he pulled back shorts and underwear. His hairless little 4 inch circumsized cock stood up and an angle, throbbing.

"Mannnnnn....what a beautiful little fuckin' prick." Tom sighed and lowered his head into his son's lap. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." He moaned as he began to suck the tasty little pudder, pressing his lips hard against the smooth hairless flesh.

"Jesus......fuck, dad...that feels GOOD!" Kevin stated as he began to lean back on the weight bench.

Just then, they heard footsteps on the stairs. Tom raised his head, letting the boy's shorts and underwear snap back into place. A couple of seconds later, Todd opened the door.

"....Dad.....uhhhh...I thought just Kev was down here....what....what are you guys doing?"

"Not much....what's up with you?" Tom said.

"Well...I just wanted to talk to Kev...I wanted him to come up to my room with we could....could talk."

"Ahhh....I see. You could talk to him right here, couldn't you?"

"Wellll....I guess I could...." Todd said, then seemed to change his mind, ".....well, it could wait till later."

"I thought we could all hang out for a while...." Tom spoke quickly, " know....mess around." Tom grinned.

"!" Todd said, his brown eyes, almost identical to his younger brother's, looked confused.

"Me and Kev was messin' around right before you got here, weren't we Kev?"

"Yeah....yeah we was."

"Oh yeah?" Todd said. "Were you liftin'?"

"Kev was for a while...."

Kevin grinned, his small hand dipped down inside his shorts and began to move there.

Todd watched, his hand threatening to go to his own crotch, he was barely able to control it.

Tom said nothing, starting at the knee his hand slowly moved along his youngest son's leg, moving ever so slowly upward as he watched his oldest son' reaction. The hand slipped into the leg of Kevin's shorts, moving all the way up onto the boy's stiff cock.

"Jesus.....Jesus Christ." Todd whined, his hand moving onto the front of his sweats, there was no stopping it now. He began rubbing, watching as his father fondled his little brother.

"Why don't you come over here, son." Tom said, looking into the eyes of his confused 14 year old.

"Yea.....yeah..." Todd stammered as he watch the place where Tom's forearm disappeared into the leg of his little brother's baggy shorts. "Why....why you doin' that?"

"I was over here checkin' out Kev's muscles and I noticed he got a I just thought I'd help 'em know, play with it for a bit."

"Oh....yeah....but you never done that before..."

"That's true, but it feels different now, you know?"

" does...why is that, do you think?" The confusion returning to his beautiful brown eyes once again.

"Not completly sure....all I know is that it feels right. I think that's enough for right now."

"Yeah.....yeah." Todd said, watching as his little brother's eyes slipped shut.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....that feels so good, dad." Kevin sighed.

"We're just getting started, little man." Tom said, "Todd and I will make you feel so good."

"Me?" Todd questioned. His hand was now down the front of his sweats, playing there.

"I thought," Tom said as he removed his hand, "That maybe we could take turns fuckin' his tight little asshole." Kevin raised up slighly and allowed his father to remove his shorts and underwear. His little cock stood straight up, throbbing. "I mean, that's why you wanted him up in your room, were going to ask him if maybe he felt like playing around?"

"Welll....uhhh....Yeah....yeah...I guesso.....I donno really....I was just feelin' a bit strange...just thought we could talk about it."

Kevin heard this exchange. He imagined the two of them taking turns lying over his little body, using him, working their stiff dicks in and out of a part of him that had never been used before, violating him, abusing him. The words did not scare him, they excited him to the point of shaking.

Tom smiled at his 11 year old. "My...look at that sweet little body."

"Sweet Jesus." Todd whined again, his hand moving up and down inside his sweats.

"Come here, son..." Tom whispered, "...hunker down here by me."

"But why....why're we....?" Todd said, afraid to give in without a fight. "I can't believe we're doin' this, you know...I HAVE to, though....fuck, this is over the top."

"I can try to explain it later...would that be alright?"

"Yeah...sure.....Jesus...this is fuckin' heavy shit, dad."

"I know son....I know."

Todd moved down on his knees by his father, between his little brother's wide-spread legs. Once there, Tom placed his hand on the back of the 14 year old's neck, applying slight pressure. It didn't take much, Todd's face slowly moved closer to Kevin's rock hard and throbbing little pecker. Todd could see the little veins running under it's surface, he could see the way it throbbed in time with the little boy's heartbeat. He could smell the sweet/acrid smell of his sweat.

"Oh sweet Jesus." He whimpered as he closed in, his teenage mouth opening, then closing around the totally delicious little tool. All his worries about why they were doing this disappeared as the sweet flavor of his little brother's cock filled his mouth. He began to suck it hard, up and down.

"AAhhhhhhhhhhhhh......yeahhh.....yeahhh." Little Kevin moaned as his big brother slurped up and down on his stiff little meat.

Kevin had only recently discovered his new toy. He jacked himself to one dry orgasm after another after his big brother went to sleep. He had also noticed that Todd was doing some stroking of his own. Nothing he had done up to this point compared to what he was feeling now. His brother's warm mouth worked and massaged his little woody. He didn't have a clue why they were doing this, but he also knew that he didn't care. He had heard his dad say that him and Todd were going to share his butt....he couldn't wait. That thought brought on his first dry orgasm of the day, the first of several. Since he was pre-pubecent, he would not pass out today like his older brother. He cried out as the wonderful tickle hit his little tool, arching his back, his lithe little body squirming as his brother continued to suck.

Todd felt his father's hand slip under his shirt and onto his back. "Yeahhh....that's it got 'em off once already.....suck 'em." Tom whispered, his free hand finally moved to the front of his own pants...anxious to be free of his clothing and be naked with his boys.

Little Kevin began to squirm harder as his cock went sensitive, he tried to push Todd off his dick, and was rewarded with the 14 year old moving down onto his balls, licking, sucking the sweet little sack into his mouth.

Tom removed his hand from his boy and stood, watching Todd work for a few seconds more before going to the storage room. He reached up onto the top shelf and took down a couple of sleeping bags. Returning to his boys, he discovered that Kevin had his legs spread further still, the numb-tingles had finally left him and Todd was once again sucking his little cock. He untied the sleeping bags and unziped them, then layed them down in two layers.

"C'mon, Kev." Tom said once he was finished making the makeshift bed. "Come on down here....on your hands and knees."

Kevin was only too happy to comply, quickly getting down onto the blankets. A little less confused-looking Todd followed. Tom got down behind his youngest son.

"Come back here," He said, grinning at his teenager, "Check 'em out."

Todd hunkered down with his father. Tom reached over, grabbing the tail of Todd's t-shirt, Todd raised his arms and allowed his father to strip him to the waist. He looked at his 14 year old, now bare chested. So beautiful. Tom then turned his attention to his youngest son, moving his head down to the sweet, smooth little ass.

Tom looked at his oldest son. "This'll blow you away." He said as he moved his face to the perfect little globes.

While Kevin knew that Todd would be shocked, he felt his father's warm breath on his ass and knew exactly what was coming. "Yeahhh.....yeahhhh...." He sighed, moving his head down onto the blankets and pushing up with his ass.

Tom looked at the beauiful pink slit and didn't hesitate, moving in quickly with his tongue he began to lick his 11 year old's asshole, pushing at the tight little hole, then covering it with his entire mouth, sucking at it, slurping and licking, eating his little guy. He reached between Kevin's legs, fondling his balls, his stiff little cock.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." The boy sighed over and over again as he felt his father's warm, slippery tongue push and work it's way inside him....he relaxed, allowing it to happen, wondering what it would be like when his father and teenage brother would slide their stiff cocks inside him and take turns using his ass. He shook with excitement.

"Jesus!" Todd said, once again reaching for his hard teenage cock, rubbing it through the soft fabric of his sweats, "You're licking his fucking asshole......Jesus!"

"Mmmmmmmm." Tom moaned, pulling away for just a second to see the shocked reaction of his 14 year old, "Good." He mumbled, then moved in quickly once again.

"Yeeaaahhhhhhhh.....lick it.....fuckin' lick it." Todd heard his little brother moan, his little ass moving up and down in a humping motion while his own father licked his hole. "Feels sooooo gooooood." He sighed.

Finally, Tom raised his head. "Come on down here." He whispered, grinning up at his oldest boy. Mesmorized and more than a little bit stoned from the gas, Todd could do nothing but obey. He joined his father between his little brother's smooth legs.

"Check it out, warm and tasty..." The words echoed in Todd's head. He moved forward as if he were in a dream. His lips contacted Kevin's right butt-cheek, he kissed it...then licked it, loving the taste of the smooth flesh. His lips contacted the top of the 11 year old's butt-crack...he moved down, licking as he went. When his tongue finally touched the tight little hole, Todd began to whimper. His moans and whimpers increased in intensity as he doubled his efforts, pushing his tongue inside the younger boy. Reaching into the tight little crack with his fingertips, he spread Kevin's asshole wide, spearing it with his tongue over and over again as the little boy moaned, begging for more as his little ass humped gently up and down.

" it....FUUUUUUCCCKKKKKKKK." Kevin moaned, his little hole tingling in pleasure.

Todd grunted and slurped, rimming the little fucker as if he had been eating ass his entire life. He couldn't wait to raise up on his knees and fuck the little bastard. As that thought passed through his head, he had a split second of disbelief. "I'm gonna fuck 'em? ...I'm really gonna fuck my little brother?" he thought. This followed almost immediately with "Yeah, I am...oh yeah."

Tom squeezed his rock hard man-dick through his jeans as he watched his oldest boy pleasure 11 year old Kevin. He had to get out of his pants soon, but first he wanted to unwrap his second present of the day. He moved down, his hands moving along the 14 year old's smooth muscular back. He grasped the waistband of the boy's sweats and began to remove them, sliding them over his delicious young rump. Todd raised his knees one at a time, allowing his own father to strip him bare.

Tom stared at his teenage boy, watching as his head worked, tilting left, then right. Listening to the wet sucking sounds as Todd munched on his 11 year old brother. Tom hunkered down further. He had seen his oldest son's penis on several hundered occasions, this was the first time he had seen it fully erect. He reached between the boy's legs and took it in his right hand, stroking it as his left hand fondled his ballsack.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm." Todd mumbled, his mouth full of sweet boy-hole. Raising his mouth for a just a second or two, the teenager sighed "Ahhhh dad, yeahhhh," Then immediately went back to work.

Tom rose, pulling his shirt over his head. His little man opened his eyes, watching as his father took off his clothes. Tom dropped his pants and underwear all at once, his fat 7-inch-plus man dick sprang free of the painful confines of his clothing. Tom had never felt anything so good.

Kevin could not believe the size of his father's cock....nor could he believe that the monster could actually enter his body without ripping him apart....once again he began to shake with excitement. Then, in an instant, his excitement doubled, tripled.

His father was kneeling down before him, the huge purple head was inches from his lips. He knew what he had to do.

Kevin opened his mouth so wide that it actually hurt, placing the wonderful velvet tip on his tongue, letting it lay on his tongue just that way before finally closing his lips around his father's hard-on. He began to suck, barely getting one third of it's veiny length into his little mouth.

Electric pleasure coarsed through Tom's penis, his head fell backward as an animal groan escaped his throat. At this, Todd raised his head to watch, facinated.

A finger replaced his mouth at his little brother's hole, gently massaging, stimulating. He could feel the little oriface dialating, relaxing at his touch. Ever so gently, he began to insert his middle finger as he watched Kevin blow their dad. In no time at all he easily buried his finger to the hilt, then began rotating his hand, feeling the smooth, warm walls of Kevin's tight hole.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....that's my little man....suck it, champ....suck....suck..." Tom sighed, dropping his right hand onto the back of the boy's head, tangling his fingers in his soft brown hair.

Todd watched, now harder than ever, amazed how the boy's hole gripped his finger, now more curious than ever what it would feel like if he put his cock in there.

No time like right now, he thought.

Todd went down on the boy again, eating him deep, getting him as wet as he could. He pulled back, anxious to get started, then he looked at the spasming, slippery pink hole and dove back in, unable to stop, loving the feel of the rubbery-wet flesh on his tongue. Even though he wanted to take it to the next level, he pushed his tongue in hard, eating the boy for another five minutes, working his tongue until it was practically numb. Then he became aware of his throbbing teenage cock and the need he felt there. Lowering his head for just a second, he spat into his hand. He began slicking up his stiff young meat while he continued to rim young Kevin. Finally he rose, his handsome teenage face shiny with saliva, and moved forward between the little boys legs.

Tom saw what was happening and reluctantly removed his cock from the 11 year old's sweet mouth. He moved to watch his teenage son fuck his little guy.

"Mmmmmm Kev....gonna fuck your little ass....mmmmm yeahhhhh." He sighed, panting with lust. Todd knew that fucking his little bro would become a ritual, a habit....he knew that in the furture he would be inviting friends over to share his little ass.....he was not sure how he knew this, but he knew his life had changed forever....he couldn't have been more excited.

His teenage cock was so hard it was pointing skyward. He pushed it down with his thumb and aimed carefully. He could feel the heat from the boy's hole as his cock-head came in contact with the tight little slit. He pushed carefully. The head popped inside and Kevin gasped softly.

"You ok, squirt?" Todd asked.

" it." The 11 year old whined.

Todd pushed again and glided easily in. "Ahhh Jesus.....Jesus tight." The teenager moaned. Todd looked down, trying to see his little brother's face.

"You sure you are ok, buddy?" Tom asked.

"Yeah..." Kevin grunted, "So big....Just gotta get used to it for a sec."

Todd waited, gently rubbing the boy's back with his fingertips. Eventually, he started to back out, slowly until the head of his rock-hard cock was the only part hidden. Then, ever so slowly this time, he glided forward.

"Jesus." Kevin whispered.

Todd pulled back out again. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh..." The teenager sighed. Then slowly back in again.

"Ahhhhh my fucking God." Kevin moaned.

Back out once again, faster this time, then immediately back in. Both boys moaned in unison.

Slowly, gently, Todd began to fuck his little brother. The sensations along his stiff rod were was all he could do to keep from blowing his wad right then. "Damn, Kev....feels so good...." Todd moaned as he began to pick up speed.

Kevin could not believe something like this could feel so good....he could feel his brothers cock deep inside him, the friction on his sphicter was incredible, sending tingles throughout his crotch. He wanted to say something other than moaning to let Todd know how he felt. Finally a line from one of his dads porno tapes came to mind.

"Fuck me!" he spat, then after a second or two, he improvised: "Fuck my ass!"

Todd grinned. Then he grabbed the kid's hips tight and began to pound his little ass, his muscular teenage butt moving rapidly, flexing as he worked.

"Yeahhhhh." said Tom as he stroked his own cock. "Fuck 'em, son."

"Ohhhhh my GOD, dad....this feels so fuckin' goooood." Todd moaned.

Tom moved in behind his teenage son, reaching around front, feeling his sweaty chest, feeling his muscles move as he worked, kissing and licking his neck. Starting at his abdomen, Tom's hands moved up the boy's slim, humping body, stopping at his nipples, gently rubbing them with his fingertips, tweeking, pinching. He felt his boy shudder in delight.

"Ahhhhhhhh yeahhhhhh........yeahhhhh dad." Todd moaned as his father's face moved before his own. Tom immediately moved in, placing his mouth over his teenage son's. Moaning, Todd didn't miss a stroke as they began to kiss....completely unaware of the two sets of eyes watching the them.

"Jesus!" Ben hissed, "He's kissin' his own fuckin' son!"

"Shhhhhh!!" His brother Kaleb hissed in return, "They'll hear us!"

14 year old Kaleb had planned on leaving the house alone to see his friend Todd, but just as he was heading out the door, his little fuckin' brother was coming down the stairs.

"Where you off to?" He said, wondering how he could piss his older brother off today. Most days he and Kaleb had gotten along just fine, but lately he had been a bit distant. So Ben did what all self-respecting 12 year old brothers do....he had became a major pest.

"What's it to you, butt-munch?"

"Maybe I wanna go too.....can I?"

"NO!!" he said, wanting to be alone with his buddy. I wasn't that he didn't like his little was just that things had changed recently.

His friend Todd had recently aquired some of the coolest DVD's he had ever seen. He had seen softcore porn before, he even had a few of his own Playboys and Hustler mags under his own mattress.....but these movies were so cool. This was REAL sex! Real adult men actually fucking real women. Kaleb usually got to Todd's place early enough, or he would spend the night. Todd's little bro was only to happy to camp out in the living room and let him take his bed....which was cool. Most little brothers, Ben for example, liked to hang around and get in the way. Most times if it was early enough, they would put in a movie. Then usually about halfway through their teenage hormones would kick in and their pants and underwear would end up around their ankles, which was pretty cool. He didn't like Todd THAT way or anything, but it was neat to compare his cock to Todd's and share jack-off techniques, and talk about what it would be like if THEY were the guys fuckin all those women on the screen. They would end up lifting their t-shirts up to their necks and then see who could squirt farthest (Kaleb almost always won), then they would get dressed. Kaleb sometimes thought what they did was a little weird, but it wasn't like they were TOUCHING each harm done.

Kaleb had not gotten a chance to pound his meat last night, little fuckface wouldn't go to sleep. He had ended up going to sleep before Ben, as a result Kaleb was super-horny this morning.

"Why not?" Ben said, not trying to hide the hurt in his voice.

"Todd and I wanna hang by ourselves."

"That's ok...I can hang with Kevin."

Kaleb thought for a moment.

Ben tried not to smile...he tried to keep the hurt look on his face. He had no intention of hanging with Kevin....they didn't have much in common. Kevin was a sports nut, Ben was into comic books and video games....they had nothing to talk about.

"I thought you didn't get Kevin?"

"We get along ok."

"Bullshit! You always say he's a fuckin''ll end up hangin' with Todd and me."

"I'm coming with..."

"I don't think so, dick-wad."

There was silence for a moment as Ben glared at his older brother.....then he began to smile.

"What's with the shit-eating grin? You're not coming...."

"I wonder what mom would think if she saw those magazines under your mattress......?"

"You little fuckin' shit....stay the fuck away from my bed!"

"Hey!!" A loud male voice from the living room. "Everything cool out there?"

"Uhh....yeah dad...just a friendly argument!" Todd returned. Then he whispered to Ben: "Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"Cause....I'm fuckin' bored."

"Well you need to find something to do then, don't you?"

"Wonder what mom would think if she knew you jerk your pickle every night....."

"What are you talking about!?" Kaleb's face grew bright red, partly from embarassment, mostly from anger.

"Oh come seriously think I don't know? I sleep in the same fucking room....there's a night light! I see you on top of the covers in the nude stroking it."

"I....I...thought you were asleep." Kaleb said sheepishly.

"I almost was asleep the first time I saw I stay awake. So next time you are doing it, keep in mind that I am watching." Ben said, then he made a jacking-off motion with his hand in front of his crotch, giggling.

That was the last straw. He had no choice. If he wanted to leave, he'd have to take the little prick with.

"I guess you can come then, fucker."

"Thought you'd see it my way." Ben returned, even though he had not wanted to win this way....he wanted Kaleb to WANT him along. Maybe they were drifting apart. He was about to let him off the hook and stay home.

"You know, when did you become such a worthless little fuck?"

Ben's face fell, the grin leaving his face almost instantly. He hung his head. Kaleb knew he had gone too far. The 12-year old looked up at his big brother, someone who was slowly becoming a stranger. Tears shone in his blue eyes.

"Awww geez, kiddo...I really didn't mean that....I'm awful sorry......"

The damage had been done, Ben was running up the stairs to their room.

The hormones that were raging a few moments earlier were now 2000 miles away on vacation.

"FUCK!" Kaleb spat and took the stairs two at a time

He found his little brother on his bed, face down, weeping bitterly. The little fart had not locked the door, leaving Kaleb to believe that he had wanted to be followed.

"Kiddo?" he said softly.

" wanted go...." he sobbed in reply, " why don't you just fu....FUCKING GO!"

"Geez Beners," he said, "You know I didn't fucking mean that."

He hadn't called him "Beners" in ages. This caught the boy's attention.

"Then.....then why did you fuckin' SAY it then?" he sobbed, bawling harder now."Why don't you me anymore?"

Kaleb sat on the edge of the younger boy's bed. " gotta know I still love ya, kiddo." He placed his hand on the sobbing boy's back, rubbing gently. As he figured, this caused him to sob harder than ever. "You kinda took me by surprise is know....I had no idea that you were.....watchin' me."

Kaleb sat that way for the better part of 10 minutes, rubbing his little brother's back as his sobs subsided. Finally Ben turned over. "I don't watch all the time...I just said that to piss you off."

Kaleb grinned. "It worked."

"And I would NEVER tell mom about something like that."

"I know you wouldn't, bro."

"Its just that we don't hang out much anymore...and mainly I was just tryin' to be mean about you jerkin' it....I guess I'm just....curious."

Kaleb thought for a moment.

"About what part?"

"Well....about why you do it so much....and why you moan when you do it...what's it feel like? It must be pretty good.....I tried doing it, and I got this cool little tickle, but nothing comes there something wrong with me...."

"Whoa!" Kaleb grinned, then flushed. "'s the most awesome feeling. And it's the same every time, it never gets old. can't tell anybody this..."

"I won't!"

"....and, I do it ALL the fuckin' time...not just in bed, but I get home right away after school and do it before you get here...I do it in the fuckin' shower, when I'm on the can....and once....remember, you can't tell..."

"Yeah yeah!! I promise."

"....once I took off all my clothes when you, mom and dad were out picking up take-out.....I layed on the kitchen table and jacked off! I barely got up the stairs when you guys were coming in the door!" Kaleb giggled. Ben joined him as he tried to picture his older brother flying up the stairs, naked, sperm dripping from his chest.

Right then Ben saw his brother in a whole new light. He knew that they would be friends forever. It was incredible the things he had done, but not nearly as incredible as what he had just done. He had trusted him with a wealth of information any 12 year old would LOVE to have on their 14 year old brother. Ben knew he would take what he had just heard to his grave with him.

He grinned at his older brother. "You fuckin' little hornball!"

Kaleb laughed. "Yeah...I CAN'T fuckin' tell!"

"Hey....I promise I won't." He held out his hand and his older brother shook it. "Why don't you want me hangin' with you?"

Kaleb sighed. "One more secret."

Ben sat up. "The promise is good on this one too."

Kaleb proceeded to tell him about his and Todd's adventures in porn. Making sure to tell the boy that him and Todd weren't queer, they just liked watching the stuff together.

When Kaleb finally finished talking, "Cool" was all the boy said.

"And another thing," Kaleb added, "There is nothing wrong with are just not old enough yet, but that little tickle is the start of it. Just keep doing it, it just keeps getting better."

Ben grinned. " don't know what that means."

"Oh yeah, I do. I wish I had someone like me to explain this shit to me when I was your age....I was REALLY confused!"

"I bet!"

"Ok....let's head on out."

"Nah...I can stay that I know what's up."

Kaleb ruffled the boy's hair. " come with....maybe you'll learn something."

That had turned out to be The Understatement Of The Year, judging by what the two boys were looking at right now. The boys had been in the house almost 15 minutes when the discovered what they were watching right now.

When the boys first arrived, Kaleb had hope of having a bit of fun after all....the house appeared empty. Todd, who he hoped was up in his room right now, had always told him to just walk right in. He was excited...he was surprised to be excited for his little brother as well. He was planning to ask Todd if he could join in....make it a circle jerk.

"Let's go up to Todd's room....maybe he's waiting for me there."

"What about me? Won't he be pissed that I'm with you?"

"Maybe a little at first....I'm gonna ask if it's ok if you watch a movie too."

"ReallY??" Ben said, clearly excited. "You think you guys' know..."

"Maybe....let's go."

When they found no one in Todd and Kevin's room, they waited for a few minutes before coming back down stairs. Ben stumbled a bit as they re-entered the living room.

" ok buddy?"

"Yeah...I just got a little dizzy there for a second."

"Maybe they're working out....they have this whole freekin gym down the basement...."

"Yeah, I've seen it." Ben replied. "They gotta be here...would they leave their house unlocked if they weren't?"

"Dunno...they let me just walk in anytime I want, so who knows?"

They quietly walked they did, the sounds of sex drifted upward. Moaning, grunting, the slap-slap-slap sound of flesh meeting flesh - the sound of fucking, plus the occasional cry of pleasure. Kaleb thought at first that maybe Todd was watching a movie down here, he then realized that he didn't hear any female voices. He placed his hand on Ben's chest, halting his desention.

"You hear that?" The younger boy said.

"What, you think I'm deaf?"

"Someone's doin' it." Ben said, reaching for the door knob.

Kaleb held him off again. "Easy, let's take a look first."

Kaleb had slowly turned the knob and eased the door open just a crack. The two boys had peered through to the scene they were watching now.

Kaleb was shocked, he did not have the first clue what to do. He at first thought about calling the cops, but his cell phone was at home in the charger....Ben was still too young for a phone and would not get one until he turned 13. Kaleb thought he maybe should climb the steps and use the house phone, but what would he say?

He still didn't trust his own eyes.

What his eyes were telling him was that his best friend had his cock shoved up his little brother Kevin's the same time, he was frenching his dad. He watched, mesmerised, as his best friend's ass moved rapidly. Young Kevin was moaning, begging for more as his brother's teenage cock sank deep into his tight hole and reappeared over and over again. The minutes ticked by, the fucking and kissing went on and on.

Kaleb had no idea how long they had been watching, it was like time had stopped. He watched as the two changed places, as Kevin's dad was now kneeling behind him, slowly penetrating his tight hole. Once his pelvis rested against the 11 year old's tiny ass, he began to fuck. The little boy's moans began again as Todd stood, naked before his father, feeding him his teenage cock. He tiped back his head and moaned as his hips began to rock once again, this time fucking his dad's face.

"Jesus." Ben whispered.

"Yeah." Kaleb agreed.

They continued to watch. After a bit, 12 year old Ben's hand moved down to the front of the jogging shorts he was wearing. He was not surprised to find his 4 and a half inch pecker was totally wood. He put his hand down his shorts and took his hard steel in his hand, rubbing. Damn, he thought, that feels fuckin' good. He looked up at his brother's face. He noticed a stream of drool running from his mouth as he stared at the threesome. Looking down, he noticed his brother also had wood....huge wood.

"Fuckin' A," The boy sighed. he went from staring at the coach and his sons to staring at his brother's tented underwear....he couldn't take his eye's off of it. he noticed that every now and then Kaleb would make it flex, causing it to stand straight out. Ben didn't realize that he was salavating, drool dripped from his chin as he continued to check out his teenage brother's swollen cock.

"Jesus Christ." He whispered. Little Ben couldn't help himself...he reached for his brother's rod.

Kaleb couldn't move...he could watch this shit all, this shit was fuckin' HOT! ...he was not sure why he felt that way, but he did. He suddenly feel a wave of pleasure, better than any of the times he had stroked himself. He looked down and saw a hand playing with his tented shorts. The hand was connected to Ben.

"What the fuck....?" He started slowly. He heard himself speaking but he wasn't completely sure it was him.

"Fuck...your so fuckin' hard, nice...nice fuckin' cock." Kaleb heard his brother whisper.

"Gotta fuckin' have it..." Ben looked up at his brother with a helpless look on his face, looking almost as though he was going to cry. "Jesus...I don't fuckin' know why...I can't help it....I gotta."

"What do you gotta what?" Kaleb asked, although he was pretty sure he knew what came next....and he was damned if he knew why either.

Ben proceeded to pull his big brother's shorts and underwear down, his eyes and wide as saucers as Kaleb's rock-hard pole sprang free. He took it in his fist, stroking. "Jesus, gotta nice fuckin' dong......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm."

Kaleb watched, amazed as his kid brother sank slowly to his knees, licking his lips. He looked out at two-thirds of the family he had known most of his life, watching as their sex play intensified by the minute, suddenly wanting to join them. He felt the wet warmth of his own brother's mouth on his cock, then jolts of pleasure traveled through his young body as the sucking sounds started, filling the stairwell. His knees buckled, he grabbed the handrail for support as he swayed on his feet.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." It was though the sigh of pleasure had come of it's own accord, as if he had no control of his vocal cords. The feeling was as exciting as it was disturbing. "....suck it, Benny....suck my fuckin' cock.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Kaleb moaned, not believing the words he was speaking. He knew the threesome behind the door would soon discover they were not alone.....Kaleb thought about it, and just like most boys flying high on the formula for the first time, he discovered he didn't care...the only thing that mattered right now was his prick, and the beautiuful young man servicing it. There would be plenty of time for the two post-pubescent guys in the other room to plow his ass...and he was quite sure that they would....they could both fuck him silly.

Young Ben discovered that he was starving for his brother's cock. Unlike most boys his age, Ben discovered he had always wanted to get closer to his older brother, especially when he was jacking off in the next bed. He had just refused to admit it to himself until right now. He had watched his brother's hand move up and down on his swollen tool, hearing him moan, wondering what it felt like to feel so fucking good. Now, with Kaleb's hot, throbbing tool in his mouth, he had never felt hungrier. He slobbered up and down it's veiney length, pulling it in so deep that he occasionally tripped his gag-reflex. He wrapped his tongue around the smooth, velvet tip, then licked the entire length downward, not stopping at his balls, but opening his mouth wide and sucking them in. His little hand took over on the teenager's cock, squeezing hard and jacking as he sucked Kaleb's delicious nutsack.

"Ahhhh balls....Jesus..." Kaleb moaned as he felt the wet-warmth envelope his nads.

Just then, the door opened slowly. Tom stood, watching the pair, his two sons peaking around him.

"What's up, fellas?" Tom asked. Kaleb thought it was a pretty strange thing to say....he though it should have been more like "What the fuck are you doing in my house?" ....but then again, the dude was fuckin' his own kid.

"Hey," Kaleb panted. Ben didn't stop what he was doing to say hello.

"Hey Kaleb....what's goin' on?" Todd asked.

"Not sure....not really sure of anything any more....I just know that this feels so good....Jesus...." Kaleb sighed.

Tom moved forward into the stairwell and stood by the teenager. He raised his hand and placed his fingers in the boy's hair. "My, you are a fine looking young man, a friend of Todd's?"

"Yeahhhh." Kaleb sighed as he stood there, his eyes half-closed as the man moved his fingers through his silky-soft hair.

"How long you been in the house?" Tom asked softly.

Kaleb wasn't sure....time was a really funny thing right now. "Man....I really don't know."

"Long enough obviously." Tom mumbled as he looked down at Ben.


"Oh nothing." Tom said as he reached down and lifted the tail of the boy's shirt. Kaleb dutifully raised his arms and allowed himself to be stripped.

Tom stood back a bit and admired the naked young man. He was slim, tan and muscular with brown hair and blue eyes. Tom placed his fingers on the teenager's smooth chest and began to stroke.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Kaleb sighed.

Tom noticed his son's watching him, both stroking rock-hard cocks.

"That feel good, boy?"


Tom moved his hand around back, to the boy's firm, young butt. "Man, you got a nice ass, kid....." Tom said, moving his fingers down the crack, moving slowly down to the warm spot. .....What would you think if I stuck my dick in there, Kaleb?

"Jesus.....Ohhh yeahhhh.....yeahhhhhhh."

"Oh, I think that would feel so fine, don't you?"

Kaleb felt his head nod on it's own...he was so completely out of control...this was so cool. He giggled.

"I think," Tom said, "That I could use you pretty much any way I wanted, is that true?"

"Yeah.....yeah." Kaleb sighed.

"I take it the little cocksucker is your little brother?"

"Uh huh....yeah."

"Looks like he likes what he's doin' there....he's pretty good at it, huh?"

"Ohhh Christ, yeah....who knew?"

Tom grinned, the boy returned a dopey grin of his own. The formula had affected this one hard Tom thought....he might be out for half the day after he shoots.

"Anyone expecting you two at home soon?"

"Nah....not until tonight."

"Cool...then you can stay here and play with us then."

"Ohhhh yeah...."

Tom hunkered down and placed his hand on the younger boy's back. The boy stopped what he was doing.

"I don't wanna interrupt." Tom said. With that, Ben swallowed his brother's tool once again. Tom began rubbing the boy's back, then moved downward.

"Let's see what we have here." He said, grasping the waistband of the 12 year old's shorts, pulling them and underwear down to his ankles. "Oh very nice." He looked up at Kaleb. "I think I might have to fuck your little brother'd let me do that, right?"

"Yeahhhhhh!" Kaleb moaned.

"You could watch us fuck....that would be hot....we could take know, share his little asshole....what do you think?"

"Ohhhh God yes." Kaleb whimpered.

Tom loved the fucking formula. A whole town full of young boys....all his for the taking. He knew that he would fuck each and every one of them....starting with this one right here. He moved his hand down and forced Ben's short's and underwear over his shoes. Then he moved his hands to the 12 year old's sweet little crack, spreading him. He looked pretty clean.

"You boys shower this morning?"

"Ben did....I did last night."

"I take it he's ain't been fuckin' him in your room at night...."

"No....uhhh not yet."

Tom grinned.

He spread the boy further, Ben helped by spreading his legs.

"Check it out Todd." Tom said. He glanced up at his oldest, who was licking his lips. "Look at that sweet little hungry, son?"

"Yes sir." He said. A thin stream of drool ran from the corner of his mouth.

"Kaleb....sit down on the stairs."

The boy immediately obeyed. Ben raised up for a second, never taking his eyes off his brother's throbbing cock as Kaleb stepped out of his shorts and undies and sat down. Ben's head was immediately in his lap, His little ass in the air as he sucked his brother up and down once again.

"C'mere son...down here." Tom said to his oldest. "Check this shit out." Todd joined his father between the boy's legs. "Look at that hot little fuck-hole." Tom whispered in his son's ear.

"Ohhhh God." Todd whimpered, licking his lips.

Tom put his hand on the back of Todd's head, tangling his fingers in his soft hair, pushing him forward while moving in close so he could watch his son. " want it....lick it, son....yeahhh."

Todd moved in, placing his open mouth over Ben's hairless little virgin hole. Saliva ran from the place where their flesh met, dripping from the little boy's balls as Todd began to munch hungrily, grunting as he worked. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmphhhh....goood....mmmmmmmmmm."

Little Ben raised his head, his eyes open wide. "Ohhhhh! uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The little boy moaned as his eyes slowly closed again, a smile playing at his lips.

14 year old Kaleb watched, unable to believe his best friend was licking his little brother's butt crack. It was the hottest thing he had ever seen in his life. He jacked on his cock as Todd moved out and his father moved in, working the boy's little ass hard. Tom was there less than a minute and Todd was back....then Tom again. Back and forth, as the two shared young Ben's pink little shit-hole. Kaleb looked up, still jerking his own cock, and saw a bronze little God standing, watching his family use the new boy. He looked up and grinned at Kaleb......the teenager was instantly in love.

Where had this little hottie been hiding? This couldn't be Todds little brother. This boy was tanned, slim and muscular. Kaleb knew the boy worked out - hell, the whole family worked out, but still, it seemed funny that he had never really noticed the boy.

Until now.

Kevin held out his hand. Todd took it and stood, stepping out of the stairwell, allowing himself to be led by the younger boy to the sleeping bags on the floor. Once there, he gazed down into Kevin's dark brown eyes. The boy dropped his hand and picked up something else. Kevin's warm little hand on his cock was incredible. The boy began to stroke him, still gazing into his eyes. Kaleb couldn't have looked away if he tried.

"You're so big." The boy said finally. Kaleb felt his face get warm. "So good looking too." All the older boy could do was flush red and grin. Young Kevin began to sink slowly to his knees....Kaleb was disappointed at first, he could stare into that face all day...then he watched as the younger boy moved in on his throbbing hard teenage cock, opening his mouth wide and taking him in deep, sucking hungrily.

"Ahhhhhhh my God......Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." He moaned, his eyes slipping closed, his head falling backward as the boy's head moved up and down, tipping from side to side, polishing his stiff rod.

Time seemed to flash forward. Young Kevin was now sucking his balls....he heard himself moaning, but it was as if it was someone else making the noise....he had completely lost control....he grinned, loving the disconnected felling, as well as the feeling of the boy's smooth, wet mouth on his balls.

Kaleb heard his little brother's cries of pleasure, only closer now. Young Ben was laying on his back right beside his brother on the sleeping bag, his smooth legs spread wide and elevated. His best friend was still eating the kid's ass while Tom slurped up and down on his little cock.

"Ahhhhh shit.....ahhhhhhhhhh shit.....soooo goooooooood....." Ben moaned, his head rocking back and forth.

Kaleb imagined little Ben, naked in his own twin bed....Kaleb would come into the room and see the boy lying on his back, his sweet legs spread as he fondled his little prick. He pictured himself moving toward him, stripping off his bedtime t-shirt and undies as he went...then he would move onto the bed...grabbing little Ben's ankles, he would rise above the boy...their lips would meet as Kaleb's hard cock would slowly sink into his little brother's tight asshole.

Time flashed forward quickly once again. Kaleb was now on his knees. His best firend's little brother was now in front of him on his hands and knees, his head lay on the blanket, his little ass in the air. Kaleb's stiff teenage cock was aimed directly at the boy's asshole. He glanced off to the side where he could see his friend preparing his little brother in the same manner. Tom knelt in front of young Ben, who was eating his thick man-meat like a sausage...saliva dripped from his chin as grunts of satisfaction escaped his hungry lips.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....suck it, little man." Tom groaned as his fingers stroked the boy's soft hair.

Ben couldn't believe this. The man's fat dick tasted so good! Saliva ran from his mouth as he sucked, he could feel it dripping from his chin. He hoped the dude would blow his fuckin' load...he had never thought of doing such a thing before, but he knew he would let it fill his mouth and coat his tongue, savoring it before swallowing it down his throat. The more he thought about it, the harder he sucked. He loved the moans and groans coming from the man in ever increasing volume....little Ben knew it was him that was making the man feel so good. Even as he felt the tip of Todd's teenage cock pushing at his asshole, he began to work harder, slobbering the fat cock up and down.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Todd moaned, watching as his cock-head penetrated, as his fat young cock slowly disappeared into the kid.

Young Ben did not stop working on Coach Tom, but he did moan as the incredible pleasure filled his young ass. As Todd began to piston, Ben couldn't help but to remove his mouth just for a few seconds to cry out.

"Ahhhhh GOD!!" The boy cried, his eyes squeezed shut, his head tilted back on his delicate little neck as pleasure coarsed through his skinny frame.

Todd hammered his cock into the boy, turning his head he watched as Kaleb sank his cock into his little brother and began to fuck, matching him stroke for stroke. Grinning, they looked at each other.

"How is he?" Kaleb panted.

"Fuckin' tight....feels so good." Todd answered. His eyes slipped shut as waves of pleasure moved up and down his slippery teenage prick. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my God...yeah." He moaned, fucking the boy harder, faster.

Kaleb did the same, watching his stiff meat disappear and reappear, grunting on every stroke as the kid's tight little sphincter gripped his cock. At this rate, he knew he wouldn't last long. After about 3 minutes of intense fucking, he turned to Todd. "Trade ya?"

Todd was reluctant to give up this new boy, but he knew that he had to watch Kaleb fuck his little bro....and slipping inside his own little brother wouldn't be bad either.

"Sure." He said.

The two teenage boys pulled out. As they were trading places, Kaleb pulled Todds handsome young body towards him, placing his mouth over his best friends. Todd was a bit surprised at first, then he returned his friend's advances, wrapping his arms around Kaleb's muscular torso as their tongues entered each other's warm mouths.

Kevin looked up, but remained in position, waiting for his big brother to finish kissing his friend. He reached back with his hand, dipping two fingers into his sloppy little hole. He moaned.

Kaleb placed one hand on his little brother's ass as he kissed his best friend on and on....he couldn't get enough. His hand groped, finally finding the warm, wet little hole and gently massaging.

Watching the two teenagers make out was more than Tom could take. The little boy was almost swallowing him whole.

"Ahhhhh God....gonna cum, little gonna swallow my juice?"

"Mmmmmmmm....MMmmmmmmmm!!" Ben moaned, not missing a stroke as he felt the man's cock stiffen even more.

"Ahhhh God!! Ahhhh God!!" Tom cried as he felt his thick load travel the length of his cock.

The two teenagers broke their kiss as Tom cried out.

"Yeahhhhh.....squirt it, dad." Todd sighed, reaching down to stroke himself.

Ben felt the man's cock begin to pulsate, he prepared himself.

"UUUUUUGGGGGGGGG!!!!! UGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" the man cried as his cock began to fire shot after shot into the hungry kid's throat. Filling his little mouth. Ben tried hard to swallow quickly, but the man's load was just to much. Thick cream ran from the corners of his mouth as his little adam's apple bobbed. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmm......mmmmmmmmmmmm." Ben moaned as his mouth was filled again and again.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Tom sighed, running his fingers through the boy's hair as he continued to drain his softening dick.

Tom looked down at the boy as he was fingering the overflow from his face into his mouth. Ben looked up and smiled. "Mmmmmmm....more." Tom laughed. "I'm tapped kid, you took it all for the moment....but you can suck me again any day, little man."

Ben smiled even as he felt the warm breath on his ass. He turned to watch his brother move in. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh." He sighed as Kaleb's wet tongue touched his asshole, licking him, probing. He felt his brother's hands on his cheeks, spreading him wide, his tongue probing deeper. Then he backed off and spat. Ben felt the warm liquid run down his crack....then Kaleb's fingers were there, pushing the saliva into his hole...relaxing him...lubing him. He moaned again as he felt two fingers enter him quickly, then twisting and turning...the sensations were incredible. Ahhhhhhhh.....ahhhhhhh....uuuuuuhhhhhaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. Ben moaned as Kaleb continued the butt play. Then Kaleb was on his knees moving forward...he aimed carefully, not slowing, entering little Ben quickly and completely.

"Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh." Kaleb moaned as the walls of his little brother's asshole carressed his stiff teenage pole. He grabbed the kids hips and began to fuck, pounding the little fucker, loving the sweet moans and cries of pleasure from the little guy. He wondered how he would keep him quiet when he fucked this sweet little ass at home. Kaleb looked off to his right side and watched as Todd's beautiful young dick entered Kevin.

"Fuck 'em." Kaleb sighed, smiling at his friend.

Tom watched as both teenage boys picked up speed, their pelvises slapping against sweet little boy asses, the sounds echoed off the walls, along with the moans and cries of 4 young boys. Tom found his cock growing once again. He moved in behind the handsome Kaleb. He placed his arms around the bucking young kid, finding his nipples on his firm, muscular chest. He began to pinch and tweek as he kissed the boy's neck. "Fuck that hot little warm and tight."

"Yeahhhhhhh." Kaleb sighed.

"Gonna fuckin' shoot that hot juice up inside him...."

"Ohhh God yeahhhh....yeahhhhh." Kaleb moaned, feeding off the man's whispers, loving the electric feeling of his fingertips flicking at his now-sensitive nipples, plus the feeling of his hot breath on his neck. He could feel his load boiling in his loins...he had to fuckin cum....HAD to. He picked up speed, his hips slamming into his little brother's sweet, plump little buns.

Ben could not believe that the big rod he had watched his brother stroke just a couple of nights ago was now up his ass, whipping in and out. The nerve endings in his butthole sang with pleasure as his big brother fucked his little ass, pounding into him harder, faster. "Ahhhh God, yeahhhh....harder....harder..." The little boy cooed.

"Yeahhhhhh...." Tom sighed, his man-dick now iron-hard once again and rubbing against the humping teenager's firm young ass. "...shoot that hot load....cum inside that hot little hole...." He continued, working the boy's nipples harder now, pinching and twisting.

It was all Kaleb could handle...the incredible pleasure of the tight little hole milking his cock, the warmth of the sweaty man behind him and the wonderful pleasure-pain of twisting fingertips on his nips sent the boy tumbling over the top. He began to pound harder, losing rhythm as the most incredible orgasm of his young life took control of his body.

Tom felt the teenager's body begin to quake, knowing that it was going to be a big one and that he would probably go down hard and fast afterward. Across from him, his own teenager's moans began to increase in volume. He looked and noticed that Kevin was now on his back, his skinny little legs in the air. His handsome teenage boy was laying over him, his muscular young ass humping madly.

"Yeaaahhhhh....squirt it, boy." Tom said.

AHGHHH GOD!!! AHHHHH!!!!" Kaleb cried, his young ass humping like a rabbit, "UUUUUHHHHHH!!! UUUUGGGGGGGOOOOODDDDDD!!!" He cried as he slammed his cock home, holding there as his cock began to pulsate, firing his hot juice up his little brother's ass. He began to hump again, slower this time. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh God......Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... My God.......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." The boy sighed, his humping stopped as his body began to sway.

Tom's strong arms held the boy. He looked into his eyes and watched as they rolled up inside his head. His young body went limp in his arms. The man gently lowered the teenager to the blanket beside his panting little brother who was frantically jerking his little prick, working on his next dry orgasm, moaning as the pleasure took him. He had not yet noticed that his brother had passed out cold. Tom had other fish to fry. His own teenage son's cries of release had began.

"Ahhhh Jeez, good...sooooo Good...Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! uuuuhhhh.....uuuhhhhhh....uuuhhhhhhhhh." Todd cried as his load flew from his cock, filling Kevin' willing little butt as the little boy jacked on his dick, his little head rocking back and forth as the dry orgasm ripped through him.

Todd pulled free of Kevin and was on his hands and knees above the boy. Tom thought at first that he may not pass out, like he himself had not, but then the boy began to sway and Tom caught him just before he would have crashed down on his slim little brother, moving him off to the side, lying him on his back beside Kevin.

"What's wrong with Kaleb?" Ben said, the worry evident in his voice as he had finally discovered that his brother was unresponsive.

"Somethin's wrong with Todd, too!" Kevin cried.

"Easy, guys. They are both ok.....look at me."

Two young heads turned.

"I swear to you that they are both ok and will be up and around in a couple of me, ok?"

Kevin looked releved, but young Ben needed more convincing.

Tom sat between the two boys and prepared to tell them the story of The Troop.

The Doc sat at his desk in his office.

He was alone, although he really would have enjoyed some company right now. He wished Cameron was here, but alas, he was still on assignment in Hanton. He missed him so much when he traveled. Not that the doc didn't have his choice of young boys to choose from...hell, he could even coax a new boy into one of his gas-filled chambers if he so desired....but he really wanted HIS little man at his side right now.

He was watching a bank of monitors, all of the same room at different angles. The mayor had invited one of the state's senators to town. One of the planned visits had been a tour of Troop headquarters. The senator was encouraged to bring his family on the trip. Right now the gas was running though the veins of the Honorable Jeff Stevens, as well as the senator's 14 year old son, Brian. They were currently in the pool area along with mayor Williamson and his young son, Jake.

The excitement was just beginning.

No matter how many times the doc had watched the formula take over a boy, he never tired of the excitement it brought.

Now, the senator watched with a stunned look on his face as his son dropped to his knees, pulling young Jake's cargo shorts with him, and helped himself to the other boy's stiff pole, swallowing it up and down. He walked toward his boy, rubbing the front of his own slacks as he went.

Doc turned up the sound.

"Jesus...." He whispered, then dropped to his knees beside his only child.

Brian moved off the hot little teenage dong. Grinning, he pointed it at his father's mouth. The senator didn't hesitate, swallowing it whole as he felt his son's hands begin to play on the outside of his slacks.

The phone rang. Doc saw from the caller ID that it the laboratory buried deep in the bowels of Troop headquarters. Doc turned down the sound.

"Williams." he said, then listened to his top lab tech speak.

The doc began to smile.

"Excellent. I want production as soon as testing is will do the testing myself."

He hung up the phone, then reached over and turned up the sound.

The senator's 14 year old son was now naked, lying on his back on the floor. Which amazed the doc, he hadn't taken his eyes off the monitor for only a couple of minutes. The senator was on his hands and knees between the boy's wide spread legs slurping up and down on his stiff teenage cock.

"Ahhhhh Dad....yeahhhhhh......yeahhhhhh.....ahhhhhh God..." The boy moaned.

The doc stuffed his hand down his pants and began playing with his stiffening cock.

Jake was busy relieving the senator of his pants. The boy yanked on the man's tented boxers. Once he had them down and the man's huge cock was reveiled, Jake was down on him in a heartbeat, noisily sucking his thick man-meat.

The mayor had wasted no time getting naked, hoping he would get a few moments with this handsome new lad. He stood watching, jacking on his dick.

The entire sequence was being digitally recorded from every angle possible, which meant the senator was now tucked neatly into the doc's pocket. That, plus the news from the lab excited him greatly.

Phase IV was now ready.

Hey guys! Hopefully you are not too bored with this one. It is one of my longest tales to date, yet not one of my reader's favorites. The reason it continues is because it continues in my head, and although I enjoy my reader's emails, I do not pretend to write for any other reason than to please myself first. So, anyways...I THINK this one has one more chapter....who the fuck knows?? :) I am picturing something a bit darker for this last chapter, not that this story isn't dark enough already - something involving some sort of a Boy Scout Jamboree, hosted by The Troop, of course....Camp fires, toasted marshmallows, naked boys...and weiners!! Anyway, if you are really getting into it (or even if you are not), Please drop me a line and let me know. If you email to flame me, "Fuck You" in advance...I will delete it before I finish the first line.

As usual, I proof-read this a thousand fucking times - but I just know I fucked up somewhere. So if you find some really stupid mistake, just chalk it up to me typing with one hand and.......well you know. ;)

As always - stay hard!


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