The True Love of My Father

By private Gruesome

Published on Jul 18, 2018


Disclaimers The usual disclaimers and I'll leave it up to you to decide if this is fiction or not. FYI if your looking to knock one out this isn't the story for you as its pretty light on sex but full on love xx. Once you stop throwing up at the "full on love" bullshit I hope you enjoy

** The True Love Of My Father, Chapter 1 ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **

Hi so i'm Michael, Mikey to my friends. After months agonising I came out to my dad a little while ago and things really didn't go the way I expected, in fact in my wildest imagination I couldn't have imagined this. I really need to tell someone about it and can't tell anyone in real life at least not for a while anyway.

It's probably best to give you a bit of background first, I'm 16 and live with my Dad lets call him Greg, he's 38 good looking and a real charmer to the ladies, I can't tell you how many women he has been set up with by our neighbours at various BBQ's and dinners over the years. My Mum died when I was a baby and Dad raised me single handed with no family. We live in a reasonably large terraced house in North London, on a really friendly street full of people I grew up calling aunty or uncle.

Next door to the right has been divided into flats with Steve on the ground floor, although he is 35 I've always thought of him as good friend. Steve is gay and was completely open about it from the day he moved in when I was 10.

I was really lucky to have someone so close to confide in and get advice from before coming out to my dad. You see dad never batted an eye at me going in and out of Steve's to play playstation or whatever. He was always perfectly nice even giving Steve a key so he could check on the house while we were away but he just seemed to hold back with him somehow.

As I say I worked up to this for a while and as Steve said you never really know how someone's going to react when you come out, he's had friends with hugely homophobic parents turn around in a heartbeat and be the most supportive parents you could wish for and parents who had gay friends live with them in highschool after being kicked out then freak out when it's their own son. I need to tell dad sometime as I can't hide who I am from someone I love and respect. Steve's last bit of advice was to have a bag packed and that I could stay in his basement room if dad needs time. After all we took time getting used to being gay so if dad did need time it's not because he doesn't love me it's just a lot to take in sometimes.

The big day finally arrived.

It's a Friday about 7:30 pm as I walk down the stairs with the bag leaving it by the front door and continue to the kitchen at the back of the house where dad is sitting at the table reading something on his iPad. I get halfway into the kitchen as dad glances up at me for a second and says "whats with the bag, You staying at Ben's again?". He misses nothing! "No" I say pausing for a moment "I have to tell you your not going to like" "who's pregnant!' he asks giving me his full attention.

My heart is in my mouth, I can see spots, I could still make it a joke and run back to my room but it's time if I chicken out now im fucked. "I'm gay" I say flatly.

He turns back to his iPad with a slight eye flutter and says "Oh ok", I dont think he believes me and I feel this rage rising up "I'M SERIOUS" I hear myself say a little too loud as he just looks at me blankly, my rage builds even more and out of nowhere out comes "As in award winning, knob shining, fully fledged faggot...." the words dry up and my mouth hangs open for a second as I see a level of anger in him that I have never seen before and in a flash he was out of his chair. As the 2 meters between us disappeared fear kept me glued to the spot. I saw his clenched fists come up and I flinched closing my eyes.

Before I could take in what was happening having fully expected a beating and hospital stay from a father that had never even spanked me. I felt his arms wrap around me and him say "NEver Say THAT again" obviously trying not to shout he paused "your my son, my gorgeous gay son" and moved his head next to mine for a proper hug.

I was confused for a second what he meant but he continued "never define yourself with that disgusting word".

I just stood there expecting him to let go and walk back to the table but over a minute ticked by on the clock in front of me before I finally spoke up "are you going to let go!"

"NO! I've got years of hugs to catch up on" he said with an obvious smile on his face "no more of that macho bullshit about being too old now my boy, I get to hug you whenever I want!" and with that he buried his head in my neck and inhaled deeply "god I missed this" he whispered

"Oh My GOD are you smelling me you weirdo!" the tension had completely left the room.

"Yeah and did you empty the can of lynx this morning!" he laughed

"Seriously much longer are you going to crush me!" I said while really hoping this wouldn't end as i'd missed it too.

"Never" he said matter of factly.

"Your going to need to let go sometime as i'm not taking a shit like this" I threw back.

"Well with that potty mouth of yours i'm not sure you will need to but if you want to make me let go quicker you could turn returning the hug!" in his stern parenting voice that tells me it's all still fun but I'm getting close to the line.

"Fine!" i say finally wrapping my arms around him.

"So what's with the bag?" not only does he see everything but also forgets nothing!

"It was for if I needed to stay at Steve's" I said not able to think of a good lie

"Why would you need to stay next door?" he said in a flat tone

"If you needed some time" his arms go rigid "aftttter I I I told you" I stutter

His arms loosen as he leans back to look me in the eye but not letting go "you thought I would throw you out" he asked flatly but the hurt in his eye was so obvious I felt my eyes watering

"No i i i i i i i ....." gulping down the lump that formed in my throat "I didn't know if you would need time is all" looking firmly at the floor to avoid those eyes!

"But you know I don't have a problem with Steve or any of his dates he's brought round to dinner over the years so why'd you think I would be different with you"

I paused trying to look him in the eye again "I don't know, you're different with him than the other guys, I just wasn't sure.." but before i could finish not that I knew how I would dad cut in sternly "different how?"

"You just seem more distant, only the odd handshake when you put your arm over the other guys shoulders all the time" I say looking at the floor again.

"Does he see it that way too?" he asks in that same unemotional voice.

I don't respond but out of the corner of my eye I see dad glaring at me "I don't know, maybe" I say not liking where the conversation is going.

Dad leans in again and I feel his left hand let go while his right reaches the back of my neck and forces my face into his shoulder he gets his phone out and makes a call

"Hey can you get round here quick I've got a body to get rid off, just let yourself in" dad says hanging up as soon as he heard `ok'.

Next: Chapter 2

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