The True Love of My Father

By private Gruesome

Published on Jul 27, 2018


Hi Guys Hope you enjoy the the chapter that explains the title.

A big thanks to Greg for getting in touch, in my haste I have shorthanded a bit to much in chapter 3 so rather than playful banter that sometimes misses the mark it when I read it back sounded a bit cruel. Its hard to convey the exact tone used which is why I didn't question it at the time.

As you might have guessed with the talk about getting rid of bodies, Dad has an off the wall sense of humour. Ben's met him quite a few time over the years so I guess is used to it. The sleepover and being introduced so clearly and kindly as my boyfriend told him it wasn't malicious.

Thanks to the other guys who got in touch and please feel free to comment and help me improve my writing skills. One other thing I forgot, It kind of goes without saying but as Londoners and europeans (whatever Brexit means) we are quite a bit more relaxed about personal contact and intimacy.


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The usual disclaimers and I'll leave it up to you to decide if this is fiction or not. FYI if you're looking to knock one out this isn't the story for you, I'm not prudish I had sex in the last chapter but I think it would degrade the story trying to give a blow by blow account of what we did. I hope you enjoy anyway.

  • The Truelove Of My Father, Chapter 4 *

I lay there listening to there whispered argument

"How can you be so calm, I was wanking your dick in my sleep." Steve said

"Look it's fine, you were asleep, it's not like you tried to rape me. Get back in bed." Dad said.

"Get back in bed after feeling you up! I'm sorry, but I've got to go home before things get any worse and you hate me." Steve threw back

"Now you're being stupid, it's too early to argue." Dad said but with a kind tone.

"Stupid, what about the kisses last night, you were being nice and I took advantage. I'm even wearing you dirty boxers for Christ's sake."

"I seem to remember I kissed you both times, as for the boxers, you like wearing guys boxers so I said about wearing mine." Dad said still softly but I could tell he was getting annoyed

"Yes exactly I took advantage of your offers while drunk"

"Drunk, I had one fucking beer! If that's all it takes, then we should have been married after Rob and Kry's party last month!" Dad said not hiding his annoyance anymore.

"I'm sorry, I knew you were doing it for Mikey. I took advantage to live out my fantasy, I need to leave before I do anything else. I just hope you forgive me." Steve was getting upset

"Just go if you're going, but don't delude yourself that I wanted you to go." Dad rolled over turning his back on Steve and saw I was awake.

I could see that Steve was crying as he picked up his clothes.

"Go back to sleep son." Dad said

I can't. Seeing them both so upset because of me. I sit up in bed "I'm sorry Dad." The tears are starting to run down my cheeks. "You wouldn't be arguing if I could be the son you wanted." I stop mid sentence as I feel a slap across my face, not hard enough to leave a mark but hard enough to shock me.

"Don't you fucking dare! The only thing I have ever wanted you to be is yourself. Don't you ever even think I don't want and love you for exactly who you are!" The anger in his eyes rips through me and the whispered tone burns it into my memory, I just nod knowing it's the last time I will ever say anything so stupid.

"As for you" Dad said while getting out of the bed in one movement, standing in front of Steve with barely a hair between them. "You see what your bullshit has done!" his eyes are like daggers. "I kissed you because I wanted to, it felt nice so I did it again, end of! As for the boxers, you can come here and have them everyday while there still warm if you want, to wear or sniff or whatever I don't give a shit as long as there returned clean! You can live out whatever fantasy you want to! Now stop being a cunt, say sorry to Michael and get back in that bed before I knock you back in it."

Dad was towering over Steve as he ripped the clothes out of his hands throwing them across the room. Steve looked more scared and confused than I have ever seen him.

He pauses before responding "But why would you let me do all that?"

Dad's face softened. "you know for such a smart guy at times you really can be thick as shit." Dad said with a small laugh.

Steve just stands there confused.

Dad pulls him into a hard kiss and slips his hand into the back of Steve's boxers, a second later Steve's moaning into Dad's mouth. Dad pulls back and asks "get it yet?" Steve stares blankly even though Dads finger is obviously still in him. "will, you, go, out, with, ME!" Dad asks running a finger across Steves chest.

Steve's eyes are like saucers and I'm just as surprised. "But your straight" he replies automatically, still unable to process what's happening.

"I'm Bi, you never asked!" Dad replied with a laugh.

Our mouths are wide open.

"And you like me?"

Steve's movement a second later told me Dad's fingers had done the talking

Steve just smiles and kisses Dad again.

"Now tell Mikey your sorry for what you said earlier. then let's get some sleep, it's not even 6am yet" Dad said lovingly but forcefully.

"I'm sorry Mikey, see your not the only one to overthink things and make 2+2=24." he said smiling.

Dad and Steve together. My face felt like it would split open, I was smiling so widely.

Dad looked at me and tried to fake a serious tone. "are you ok with us dating?"

"it's the best fucking thing ever!" I say far too loudly.

They both smiled and Dad said "good, now sleep"

I'm sure most of you saw this coming it's so obvious in hindsight but up until then I had never thought about them together even though they had always suited each other so well and looked so good next to one another.

I lay back down and wrapped my arms around Ben, who's still in a deep sleep beside me.

They get back in bed with Steve almost on top of Dad, kissing like a couple of teenagers.

"Go to sleep" I say mimicking Dad.

Next: Chapter 5

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