The Two Queens

By Eric Hayes

Published on Dec 11, 2019


The Two Queens Chapter 2 Return to the Kingdom

Sir Gray Whitestone still as the Queen and Sir Troy Mayhew made their way back to the Kingdom. Sir Gray was riding in the Queen's carriage pulled by two beautiful black horses. Sir Troy was on his trusted white horse. While on the road Sir Gray realized why women don't travel real well even in a carriage.

As a man he would very seldom have to relieve him self. But as the Queen and with her plumbing this was very frustrating to him. You see for a woman it takes a lot more time to take care of their business as Sir Gray finds out.

Of course Sir Troy was always the perfect gentlemen and very understanding. He was quite aware that Sir Gray was trying not to have him stop every few miles. Sir Troy would even scoped out the area to make sure nobody was around so Sir Gray could do the Queen's business.

Before they left it was agreed upon that no touching or affection of any kind since people were traveling with them could be watching. After all everybody still thought the Queen was traveling with them.

Five days later as they entered the gates all the Dukes, Knights, and commoners eyes were upon Sir Gray still as the Queen. He had changed about a mile before getting to the kingdom and was wearing the queen's most elegant black silk dress. Of course it displayed her ample bosom. The crowds cheered for both the Queen and for Sir Troy.

Of course Queen Sonia was with King Alex in his chambers while the Sir Troy and Sir Gray by themselves were making their way to the palace.

Once in the palace King Alex requested that they come at once to his Council Chambers. Sir Troy held Sir Gray's small hand as they made their way to the King's chambers.

Once in his chambers and all the doors closed, King Alex's eyes immediately became transfixed upon Sir Gray's sensual look! "My what a beautiful and graceful Queen you turned out to be Sir Gray".

"Thank you my King" says Sir Gray.

Then a small door opens from inside the chambers and Queen Sonia appears and stands next to the King Alex.

The King whispers in Queen Sonia's ear, "Sir Gray looks better than you do in that dress"! Immediately the Queen becomes furious that this mighty Knight was wearing one of her most prized dresses and the King was lusting after him in it!

Sir Troy addresses the King, "Your Majesty, Sir Gray and I have returned and have defeated the Traitor Duke Keel. Lots of Soldiers and Knights fought bravely and some have paid with their lives in your service. We honor you by being faithful Knights to you and your Kingdom. Sir Gray and I ask the King to hear a petition or request if you so choose".

King Alex still entranced by the beauty of Sir Gray says, "My Greatest two Knights please follow me and Queen Sonia to see Vincent the wizard".

As they made their way Queen Sonia would look with her pointed blue eyes

with jealousy at Sir Gray while going up twisting staircase to the wizard's door.

Once inside the Wizard's room Sir Gray began to feel faint. Sir Troy senses it and holds her from behind so he wouldn't fall on the floor.

The King seeing Sir Gray almost falling Sir Troy tells the King, "Sir Gray and I have traveled non stop to get back to the kingdom and we're both tired and weary".

Queen Sonia then sneered and said, "Oh what mighty Knight Sir Gray is! Does his feet hurt too?", she says with a wicked tone.

Meanwhile Vincent the wizard was surprised to see everyone once again. He was also amazed that Sir Gray was able to stay alive. In fact he is actually dressed more beautiful than the queen!

The King Alex looking at Sir Gray and Sir Troy says, "Your petition will now be heard. Sir Gray and Sir Troy you have saved both my Queen and the Kingdom. Sir Troy you have fought bravely and killed the traitor, Duke Keel. Sir Gray none of this would have been possible without you sacrificing your manhood and life above the Kingdom. So what is your petition my good and faithful knights"?

While traveling back Sir Troy and Sir Gray decided it would be best if Sir Gray

would make the request. Sir Troy figured that a woman has more of a chance of the King granting their request than a man.

Sir Gray speaking in the Queen's soft voice says to the King, "My King if it is possible I would like to remain as the image of your Queen Sonia. Sir Troy and I have fell in love and would like to be married with your blessing. Since it is unnatural for two men to marry and I'm already a woman, may you grant me the status of being the Queen's sister. This would explain why I would look like her".

The Queen who was sitting on one of Vincent's stools rises up and starts shouting, "By the laws of nature this is unnatural for two men to be in love. I have no sister. My King how dare Sir Grant want to stay as a image of me. No telling what they did while he has a body like mine! My King please allow Vincent to transform Sir Gray back into a man now! End this abomination before it spreads throughout the Kingdom!"

Then Vincent the wizard who was shocked by the Knight's request says to Sir Troy, "He looks and feels like the lovely Queen but he is still the Mighty Knight Sir Gray inside!"

Vincent then looks at Sir Gray and says, "Oh Sir Gray this spell I have cast upon you has really changed you more than I thought."

Suddenly King Alex raises his right arm up in the air and immediately Queen Sonia and the wizard become quiet.

King Alex ponders in thought for a moment and then with a stern voice says, "Sir Gray, right now the Kingdom needs all of its Knights to settle anymore unrest and bring order back. I'll give this request some thought but Sir Gray, I need you to be my mighty Knight again and not my Queen for now."

Of course Queen Sonia looks at the King Alex and says, "Sir Gray was never your Queen. I'm the only Queen!"

"Vincent come and reverse this spell so everybody can stop bickering about who the Queen is!", the King commands.

Vincent then asks Queen Sonia and Sir Gray to once again remove all their clothing and face each other.

Sir Troy then says to the king, "My Majesty I shall leave these your chambers out of respect for Queen Sonia and Sir Troy during the spell reversal."

Sir Troy looks at Sir Gray and says, "Meet me at the tavern later." Sir Troy leaves the chambers and while he walking down that stair case his eyes begin to tear up. For he knows the woman he fell in love with is going away forever.

Once Sir Troy was gone King Alex says to Vincent, "Let the transformation begin."

Queen Sonia shimmers out of her dress and is now naked once more in front of Sir Gray. With tears in Sir Gray's eyes he removes the Queen's beautiful black silk dress and now he is completely naked with her body.

Immediately King Alex notices Sir Gray is much more curvy and has a more womanly ass than Queen Sonia does!

As Sir Gray turns and faces Queen Sonia she says, "Please hurry up and transform this imposter back into a man again." Vincent performs the spell and just like before the candles start flickering and Sir Gray starts to feel funny.

Suddenly he opens his mouth and speaks. This time instead of hearing the soft sensual voice of the Queen, he hears his old male voice. Sir Gray looks down his body and his chest is now flat, his curves are gone, and his cock has returned.

After Sir Gray has transformed Queen Sonia puts her dress back on. She looks at Sir Gray with a wicked smile and begins to laugh. While she is walking out the wizard's chambers everyone still hears her laughing.

King Alex, Vincent, and a naked Sir Gray in his old male form now remain in the wizard's chambers. Sir Gray realizing he is naked in front of them picks up the queen's black silk dress that he was wearing earlier and covers his manhood.

King Alex feeling sorry for Sir Grays says, "Sir Gray I"ll send one of my guards to bring you some of your clothes."

After King Alex says this he leaves the wizard's chambers with mixed emotions and feelings. The transformation has really made him question a lot of things. Maybe this wasn't a good idea to do this he ponders to himself.

Vincent knowing that Sir Gray would probably like some privacy also leaves his chambers..

Sir Gray in the chambers alone and still covering himself with the black silk dress starts to weep. Finally the guard shows up with his clothes. He dresses back in his Knight's attire and looks at himself in the wizards mirror after wards. Immediately Sir Gray notices he is missing the queens ample breast, silky curves, and womanly ass that he possessed just moments earlier!

Meanwhile at the tavern which is almost empty because of the late hour. Sir Troy sitting at a table alone ponders what the future holds for him and Sir Gray. Then a hand touches his shoulder. He looks up and sees that its Sir Gray and he is a man again.

"May I sit with you?" ask Sir Gray.

Sir Troy surprised to hear Sir Gray's manly voice again says, "Take a seat."

At first there is silence between them. Then Sir Gray breaks the silence and says, "I know what we experienced these past days is what some people never get to have in a lifetime. Even though I do not have the Queen's body anymore I meant it when I say I love you. I know you feel the same about me. Love is not something you can just turn on and off. Just like fate brought us together to find love as a man and a woman it has also separated us back to a friendship again. Maybe this is best since we're both good at being Knights and not lovers. I hope we both find love again. Thank you Sir Troy for giving me something that I'll always cherish in my heart. Remember I will always love you deep down. But right now I'm Sir Gray your friend and fellow knight."

After Sir Gray said this each Knight then got up and went to their own chambers to prepare for the victory ceremony the next day. This ceremony was to honor all the Knight's that have saved the kingdom.

That same night King Alex lays in his bed with a restless mind. He fantasizes about how Sir Gray in the Queen's body was more desirable than the actual Queen. Also in his thoughts was the way Sir Gray spoke with a feminine allure that men love about women. Suddenly his thoughts gave him an idea to transform Sir Gray into the image of his Queen again. The outcome from this idea will be beneficial for everyone if is possible.

King Alex immediately rose up from his bed and summoned the Guards to bring the wizard Vincent to his chambers. Once Vincent arrived the King asks him, "Is there a transformation spell that would allow a man to live as a woman and return as a man without your help? My idea to transform Sir Gray into the image of my Queen worked beautifully and was a great weapon in protecting the Kingdom. But the downside of this idea was I did loose my best Knight when I needed him most".

Vincent then answers the King, "There is only one spell that can do what you ask. This spell has limitations. The transformation is daily and that the person will be a man from sunrise to sunset and transformed into a woman from sunset to sunrise. Your majesty I must caution you that whoever this spell is cast upon their life will be very difficult"!

"That spell may work. Because I could have a Mighty Knight during the day for battle and a second queen when I need her at night!", says the King.

Vincent then asks, "If you make me cast this spell on Sir Gray what will Queen Sonia do when she has her image of her in your bed? Also what about the request of Sir Troy and Sir Gray"?

King Alex replies to Vincent, "I know this does not make everyone happy but this is my Kingdom and I decide what it needs. I will give Sir Gray two choices. He can remain a man as my greatest Knight or he can have this spell cast upon him".

"If he chooses the spell I will grant him the condition that he can stay in Sir Troy's chambers at night. I believe that he has feelings for Sir Troy".

"Of course there is one exception. When my Queen Sonia has her monthly time or she cannot attend events at night then Sir Gray will take her place. I feel this would be a good compromise for Sir Gray and Sir Troy since they cannot marry. It is more than a reward for Sir Troy to be able to enjoy the body of my Queen. A second Queen is still a powerful weapon when this is the first place were my enemies

try to attack my Kingdom. Also I feel that my Queen Sonia has become too complacent in her role as Queen. Perhaps competition may help change her become more compliant!

Vincent when will you be ready to cast the spell", King Alex asks.

"Tomorrow night I will be ready", says the wizard.

King Alex make his way to the Queen's chambers. She is dressed in her long red silk night gown with her breast barely contained. She is surprised to see the King at this late of hour. The King thinks to himself about how Sir Gray would look in the same gown! King Alex then shares his idea for a new spell to cast upon Sir Gray.

Right away Queen Sonia starts to protest to the idea. No matter what she likes or dislikes King Alex has made his decision. Queen Sonia then realizes that she might have competition for the Kings affection. She knows that Sir Gray will accept the Kings offer because a Knight serves the King no matter what is ask of him. The Queen calms down and ask the King to be with her for the rest of the night.

The next day Sir Gray all dressed in his knights attire and Sir Troy along with all the other Knights and soldiers enter the courtyard of the palace.

King Alex and Queen Sonia rise up from their thrones and applaud their heroes. "Let the celebration begin now and end at sunset", declares the King.

As sunset nears and the celebration winding down Sir Gray and Sir Troy sees a dispatcher from the King coming toward them. A scroll is handed to both of them and it request that both Knights join the King in his chambers after sunset.

Immediately Sir Gray and Sir Troy looked at each other and wondered what the King wants. Especially after he decided that Sir Gray should be a man again.

As both Knights entered the Kings chambers they noticed The King was chatting with Vincent the Wizard. Sir Gray then noticed that Queen Sonia was dressed in the same black silk dress that he had worn the day before.

King Alex turns around and faces both Knights and shares his idea and conditions for the next spell to cast upon Sir Gray if he accepts.

This catches Sir Gray off guard and he doesn't know what to say. He then looks at Sir Troy asks, "Since this affects you as well how do you feel about this"? Sir Troy responds,"I would glad to have you as a woman in that beautiful body half of a day then never at all.

"You're talking about my body", Queen Sonia says to Sir Troy!

King Alex turns to Sir Gray and asks, "What say you"?

Sir Gray with tears of joy in his eyes says, "I accept my Majesty".

Sir Troy looks at Sir Gray and says, "I'll be in my chambers once your transformation is complete". Then Sir Troy leaves the King's chambers with a happy heart and smile.

Sir Gray turns toward the wizard and asks, "Can this spell ever be reversed to be a man only again"? Vincent then says no and replies, "You'll live the rest of your life half man and half woman. You will not have monthly issues or get pregnant like normal women and you will not be able to get a woman pregnant as well". Then Sir Gray turns to the Queen and asks, "Malady may I request to use your black silk dress to wear tonight for my Knight Sir Troy once I'm transformed. It would be a great honor for me my Queen".

Queen Sonia the responds to Sir Gray, "You cannot"!

Then King Alex declares, "He is my Queen too and your request is granted. Any time when you're in the Queen's body you have full access to the Queen's wardrobe".

"Thank you my King. Now I'm ready to transform back into your Queen", says Sir Gray.

Vincent the wizard turns and asks Queen Sonia to remove her Black Silk Dress. Sir Gray watches her closely again as she pulls black silk dress over her head and drops it at her feet. One thing that caught his eye was that she was not wearing any under garments!

The knight felt a sense of pride that her alabaster skin, perfect breasts, lovely curves, and the most beautiful ass in the kingdom is what he'll possess just moments from now.

Sir Gray then kicked off his boots and pulled his tight leather breeches. Nude again in his maleness he steps up to the Queen.

Queen Sonia once again and for the last time facing him naked says, "You can never take my place as queen. You'll be a half man and woman and a freak. Sir Gray the mighty Knight during the day and on his knees as a woman at night!" she says with anger and hate in her blue eyes. Her stare could have killed Sir Gray if they were a weapon.

"Be still. Both of you are always moving during these spells", the wizard snapped.

Once more Vincent ask Sir Gray if he was sure about him casting the spell upon him. "Wizard I've been ready", says Sir Gray!

Vincent began his the spell. Once again Sir Gray grunted as he felt a sudden pressure against his eyes and ears. For a moment just like the previous times before he saw double before his eyes, two queens, two wizards. He shook his head and his vision returned to normal.

"The man/woman spell has been cast", Vincent voiced.

Sir Gray stared at the woman before him. So pale, so beautiful, it seemed to him as

The room grew quiet. "It is done," Vincent muttered.

"This is so unnatural that we're going to suffer because of this," the queen muttered before stepping back and falling onto the Kings bed naked.

"I love this feeling," Sir Gray says as he touches himself. To his ears, his words was with the queen's voice.

Like the firs transformation to turn him into a woman he shook his head once more, and his long, brown hair brushed over his smooth shoulders. He looked down at himself with delight. He was soft again, and he gazed at his beautiful, rounded breasts with a mixture of wonder and pride. Now his body was exactly the way it looked before Vincent transformed back to a man the day before.

This time instead of blurting it out loud the King thinks to himself, "I have two wives and the most beautiful is my greatest Knight Sir Gray"!

Now with the transformation complete.

Vincent the wizard tells Sir Gray, "Sir Gray there is no doubt where ever you are at Sunrise you're going to turn back into a man again! So in case you're in a compromising position with a man at that time remember this."

Sir Gray turns to Queen Sonia and asks for her black silk dress. Queen Sonia who slipped under the King's bed covers after the transformation tosses her dress to Sir Gray. He then slips on the Queen's dress. King Alex has to sit down so not to expose his hard cock. He became hard while watching Sir Gray transform into a more beautiful image of Queen Sonia.

Now dressed and in the Queen's body, Sir Gray thanked the King and says to him, "I'll be in Sir Troy's chambers all night long and we'll report to duty in the morning".

Sir Gray then gracefully leaves the King's chambers. Vincent then leaves and returns to his chambers. King Alex then removes his clothes and turns around and ask Queen Sonia to suck his hard cock. The Queen still lying on his bed looks at the King and says, "Oh your majesty did your cock become hard for a man in a body that looks like me? Does your mind now wonder how your Mightiest Knight can use my body?"

The King replies, "My Queen Sonia you are my only love in my life. The reason I'm hard is that Sir Gray seems to enjoy being feminine in your body. At one time you were like that and wanted to please me very much".

"My King and husband I do want to please you and make you happy. But turning Sir Gray into a image of me is not good for us. I worry that you'll want him over me even if I become like I was when we first met. Remember I'm a real woman on the outside and inside my love", Queen Sonia says in her sweet voice.

"Don't worry my beloved Queen nobody can take your place man or woman. I know that he is not you and never can be you. You're the real Queen and the real woman that I love", King Alex saying gently to Queen Sonia.

The Queen then sits up and and says, "My King I believe you need some relief so come over to me". The King moves towards the Queen and she opens her mouth and engulfs the King's cock and starts sucking like a woman possessed. In no time at all the King started spurting his seed into her mouth!

"My King your seed is so sweet and I need some more. Lay beside me and rest for a little while and let your heavenly balls make some more for me", Queen Sonia smiling with cum dripping from her mouth tells the King.

The King lays back and the Queen sees that a small drop left of cum on his cock. She leans over with her tongue and licks it up and swallows. The King smiles at her. She then lays back and they cuddle with one another for the rest of then night.

Mean while at Sir Troy's chambers small candles are flickering all around. He is nervous and is pacing all about. Then suddenly there is a gentle knock at the Knight's door. He opens the door and sees a woman in a large robe. The woman asks to come in and he lets her in. Suddenly the woman takes off the large robe and his eyes beholds Sir Gray in the black silk dress again. Sir Troy immediately looks at Sir Gray and he is more beautiful looking now than yesterday in the same dress!

Then Sir Gray says, "I may be a man, Sir Troy. But I'm a woman now. Sir Troy take me Now"!

Without any hesitation he wrapped his arms around Sir Gray, holding him as

softly as he could and starts to kiss him. Sir Gray's heart pounded in his chest as their mouths meet once again.

Then Sir Troy picks him up and carries Sir Gray to his bed. He lays Sir Gray, his Queen down gently on the bed.

"My Sir Troy, no wonder I miss and love you so much," Sir Gray cooed while Sir Troy was removing his tight breeches. Once Sir Gray notice his heavy cock, golden with a broad and purple head that was already leaking.

"It is all for you now, my sweet," as he smiled and knelt before Sir Gray. As he knelt on the floor he pushed the silk material of Sir Gray's dress up around her narrow

waist. When he did this it exposed that Sir Gray had no panties covering the Queen's womanhood.

"I want you so badly, Sir Troy put your cock in the Queen's Pussy and don't pull out until you fill me with your seed My Knight", Sir Gray pleading with Sir Troy!

"Yes!" was all Sir Gray could manage to say as Sir Troy entered the Queen's pussy. As soon as he did Sir Gray convulsed under him. The Queen's pussy squeezed his manhood tight, with Sir Gray's juices flooding the shaft and leaking out over Sir Troy's heavy sac. Sir Gray silently thanked the King Alex and Vincent for transforming him again. Also he thanked Queen Sonia for her pussy as the orgasm overwhelmed him. Oh how he missed it even for one night.

"Oh my Knight I feel so protected and safe with you", Sir Gray whispers to Sir Troy.

Now it was time for Sir Troy to spill his seed. He threw his head back and roared, Sir Gray gasped as Sir Troy's hot seed gushed into Queen's pussy. Sir Gray held him tight, his toes curling into Sir Troy's flesh as he spurt over and over. "Oh my Queen you're amazing," he finally panted.

"No, you are," Sir Gray giggled and kissed his square chin. "I'm so glad to be your woman and best friend."

He removed his cock from the Queen's pussy and his manly staff stood up straight, still hard and shining with their juices.

"At least I'll have my cock during the day!" Pointing at his massive cock.

"I'm quite fond of mine Sir Gray, but yours even when it comes out during the day I don't think you should display it," he said with a smirk.

"You should be proud, My Knight!" Sir Gray sighed and rubbed his broad, sweaty chest. "Even though I will have a cock during the day your cock is the only one I'll ever need! That is why I'm glad my cock is gone at night so I can use the Queens pussy to satisfy you my Knight."

"Are you sure my love?", he asked, with love and concern filling his warm dark eyes.

To answer him with action that Sir Gray was sure she gets up and offers her beautiful womanly ass to him! Sir Troy got up and got up and entered him from behind, holding his hair like reins as he stretched the Queen's pussy and slapped his plump, womanly ass. Both of them felt like they were in heaven.

After Sir Gray's second orgasm he gets up and asks Sir Troy to lie on his back in the bed. Once Sir Troy was laying on his back Sir Gray straddles his cock and sits on it! Then Sir Gray started to ride his cock like no woman he been with before. Sir Troy marveled at Sir Gray's bouncing breasts and perfect body. It amazed him just how much Sir Gray loved taking his cock. After a few minutes of riding him Sir Gray experienced her third orgasm on the night!

Sir Gray then noticed the soft gray light of pre-dawn filtering in through the Sir Troy's stain windows.

Suddenly Sir Gray remembers what Vincent told him about what happens at sunrise.

"While still on top of Sir Troy he looks at him with love and says, "My Knight I know you like the Queen's pussy riding you but, I must go to my chambers before the sun rises completely. If I stay like this when it has fully risen it won't be the Queen's pussy anymore but my cock".

"My love please my balls are needing relief! Please let me release my seed once more in the Queen's pussy before you go", Sir Troy begging. "Hurry my love give it to me", Sir Gray says. Without hesitation Sir Troy began spurting his seed in the Queen's pussy once again. When he was finished Sir Gray lifted himself up and removed his cock from Queen's pussy.

Sir Gray jumps from the bed and in a matter of seconds Sir Gray slips the Queens black silk dress on and a oversize robe. As Sir Gray opens the door he blows Sir Troy a kiss with his sweet lips and says, "See you in the Knight's hall room in a little while my love". Sir Gray closes the door and runs as fast as he can back to his chambers.

Now in the quiet of his chambers Sir Troy could still smell Sir Gray's womanly juice along with his cum all over Cock and his bed sheets.

He thought to himself this might be very hard to be with Sir Gray the Queen at night and Sir Gray the Knight during the day. One thing for sure he was very sexually satisfied and Sir Gray made him very very happy! But really what we felt for Sir Gray deep down was love.

Down the Knight's hall Sir Gray ran as fast he could with his ample breast bouncing on his chest and Sir Troy's cum leaking down his legs.

He finally reaches his chambers and closes the door behind him. Sir Gray then takes off the big robe leaving him dress only in the Queen's black silk dress.

He then looks out his door and sees the sun is almost risen completely and closes the door. Slowly he removes this special dress he loves from the Queen's body. Now naked he looks in to his mirror and says, " My Queen we fucked Sir Troy all night and it felt so good"!

Then suddenly his vision starts to become blurry and his insides started tingling. Once the symptoms subsided he looks in the mirror and the image looking back at him was Sir Gray the man. His cock and balls are now hanging were the Queen's pussy was just moments ago. "This is amazing that I can transform from the Queen and back to myself", Sir Gray says out loud.

One thing that Sir Gray noticed was that Sir Troy's cum was still on his legs. All of a sudden his cock started to become hard thinking about how it got there.

Now that Sir Gray had his cock back he decided to see if he could still use it. So he took his right hand and scooped up Sir Troy's cum from his leg and decided to use it as lubrication for stroking his cock.

While stroking himself Sir Gray began to fantasize about when he was in the Queen's body fucking Sir Troy. Suddenly his cock starts shooting ropes of cum and most of it lands on the black silk dress located on the floor! Now feeling relieved as a man he picks up the black silk dress and cleans up. After this Sir Gray starts to dress in his Knight's attire. Looking at himself in the mirror he thinks to himself oh how wonderful it is to cum once as a man and many times as a woman!

Later in the morning in the hall room almost all the Knight's are assembled except for two.

Sir Troy then walks in (With a big smile on his face which surprised all of the other Knights) and takes his seat.

Then a couple minutes later Sir Gray enters as well and takes his seat next to Sir Troy.

Another Knight that just returned from the castle by the name of Sir Randall (whose chambers is next to Sir Troy's) says to Sir Troy, "Wow who is the lass that was in your chambers last night? All night and almost till morning of sounds of delight coming from your chambers! Maybe you could give me her name so I could see her".

Sir Gray who was overhearing what Sir Randall was saying looked at Sir Troy and asked with a smile on his face, "Who is she Sir Troy? Maybe I would like to bed a lass like that as well"!

Sir Troy then turns to Sir Gray and says, "I would never dishonor this beautiful woman's name or reputation for anyone here"!

Sir Gray looks at Sir Randall and says, "This man is the most noblest of Knights in all the Kingdom. King Alex and his beautiful Queen (Sir Gray winks at Sir Troy from his right eye) trust him to protect them and the kingdom".

As soon as Sir Gray stops speaking the large double doors on the east side of the Knight's hall room suddenly open.

King Alex walks through the door entrace and all the Knight's stand to attention.

Then the King says, "My knights tonight is the grand ball of the year and I decree that all will attend to honor your King and Queen. Right now all shall leave shall and find a date except for Sir Gray and Sir Troy".

Right away both Knights thought the King had other plans for them since they know Sir Gray could not attend because of the spell.

With all the doors closed in the Knight's hall room and only the King, Sir Gray and Sir Troy remained.

The King Alex addresses them, "It appears Queen Sonia is feeling unwell and will not be able to attend the ball tonight. But my other Queen will take her place and nobody will know besides us and Queen Sonia. Since Queen Sonia loves me dearly it was her idea to have Sir Gray pose as her tonight".

Sir Gray then asks the King, "My majesty I don't know how to dance like a woman and I don't want to embarrass you my King."

Then King Alex says to Sir Gray, "Don't worry what I have seen of you as the Queen you seem to handle yourself as her very very well".

Then King Alex turns to Sir Troy and says, "Already there is talk around the Kingdom about a mystery woman you were with last night. To keep these rumors from spreading about this mystery woman I have arranged a woman for you to bring as a date to the Ball. Her name is Greta and she is lovely. Take her to the Ball and later tonight bring her to your chambers. Make sure everyone sees you do this".

Sir Gray who was listening to the King speaking to Sir Troy is not very happy about what he asks Sir Troy to do.

King Alex then turns to Sir Gray and addresses him, "Before the ball Sir Gray you will go to the Queen's chambers before sunset. No one will be around to see you enter her chambers. Everything will be prepared for you to wear when you transform into the Queen. Sir Gray since the Queen is ill and before the spell you agreed to take her place whenever I needed you to. Tonight after the Ball I still need you to be Queen if you know what I mean. Now go Sir Gray and stay in your chambers just before sunset. I look forward spending time with you".

Sir Gray then turns and leaves the Knight's hall and looks at Sir Troy with a very disappointing look. Now only Sir Troy and the King remained.

Then King says, "Sir Troy I know this may upset but its what Sir Gray agreed to before the spell. His loyalty, protection, and unity to my Kingdom is why he is my greatest Knight. I have given you a wonderful gift. Which is being able to bed my mightiest Knight in the whole kingdom when he has my Queen's body. This something we both will share and its a great privilege for any knight in the kingdom to have".

Sir Troy is overwhelmed with his thoughts and feelings that it seems like a blur of words coming from the King.

King Alex looking at Sir Troy decides to ask him a question.

"Sir Troy do you love Sir Gray" asks the King?

Sir Troy raises his head and say, "Yes my King with all my heart! For many years we have been best friends. We have trained together, fought together, slept in the same tent together, and even spilled our blood together. This is still the relationship I have Sir Gray now during the day. Now our bond as friends is more powerful and stronger when he becomes your Queen at night. This is how feel about my love for Sir Gray"!

"Sir Troy thank you for your honesty. You are very wise and humble as a knight for my kingdom. I promise to request Sir Gray when he is the Queen only when I absolutely need him. You may go and I hope you enjoy your lovely lass that I have given you tonight", says King Alex.

Sir Troy leaves the Knight's hall in very down mood.

Next: Chapter 3

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