The Two Queens

By Eric Hayes

Published on Dec 11, 2019


The Two Queens Chapter 4 Back to One Queen

Sir Gray knocks on Sir Troy's door. Sir Troy gets up and answers his door.

When he opens the door he sees Miss Greta standing in a large robe.

Immediately he notices her fresh white face, beautiful red hair, and lovely green eyes looking up at him.

"Miss Greta why are you here?", Sir Troy asks.

" It's me Sir Gray you big goof. Please let me in before somebody sees me!", Sir Gray says in Miss Greta's sweet voice.

Sir Troy steps aside and Sir Gray enters his chambers.

"Is this a trick? How could you be Sir Gray?", Sir Troy ask.

Sir Gray says to Sir Troy, "Sir Troy please sit down and we'll talk."

Both of them walk to Sir Troy's bed and they sit next to each other.

Sir Gray says to Sir Troy, "Sir Troy the King has given us a new quest. There is still traitors around the castle grounds that is causing havoc. The King has requested you and me to stop these traitors once and for all. King Alex told me I had to become another woman beside the Queen for this quest. The King doesn't want to tarnish his Queen's reputation involving her in rumors of fighting with men. Earlier today when we chatted with Miss Greta I felt sorry that a woman such as herself couldn't protect the Kingdom like we do."

Sir Troy still thinking that this was still some sort of trick ask Sir Gray, "Miss Greta how do you know about Sir Gray transforming into the Queen? I know you want to go with us on these adventures but why make up a story about the King?

"Look Sir Troy I don't have all night to play games with you. I have come to let you know about the King's orders for us. Just because I look like the sweet lass Miss Greta on the outside doesn't mean I'm not Sir Gray on the inside. So let's get this out of the way right now!" Sir Gray says to Sir Troy.

"Sir Troy I have a plan. My plan is to have Sir Randall gather a few other knights and all of them travel with him non stop to just outside the castle. You and I will leave a day behind them. We'll only travel during the daytime. At night when I become Miss Greta, we'll make camp and I'll hide in your tent so we can have some fun after a long day of traveling. Sir Gray your primary task in this quest is to protect me before we arrive and meet up with Sir Randall. Sir Randall and his men will have already scoped out the traitors and gathered information by the time we arrive. By my estimation, we'll arrive in the morning on the 5th day of traveling. That day I'll consult with Sir Randall and find out who and where the traitors are.", Sir Gray says to Sir Troy.

Sir Troy ask Sir Gray, "So how do you being Miss Greta fits into your plan?"

With Miss Greta's sweet voice Sir Gray says, "I'm glad you asked that question, Sir Troy. Just before sunset on the same day we arrive, I'll act like I'm not feeling well and go into your tent. After sunset when I transform into Miss Greta I'll sneak out to where the traitors are. When I reach the location where the traitors are they will never suspect Miss Greta being a spy let alone a Knight. Sir Troy you'll follow me up to a point before I mingle with the traitors. I'll stay there all night and when sunrise occurs I want you to meet up with me and we'll both kill these traitors. They will never know where Sir Gray and Sir Troy came from!"

"Sir Gray I see a lot of problems with this plan.", Sir Troy says.

Sir Gray a little upset says in a Miss Greta voice, "What problems do you see about it? Let me guess the part that I'm little Miss Greta and a woman in harm's way."

"Sir Gray please don't take this personal but what if they think you're a spy as well. The traitors could really hurt you and maybe even kill you. I want to protect and help you." Sir Troy says.

Sir Gray looks at Sir Troy with an angry look from Miss Greta's face and he says, "Look Sir Troy I don't need your protection! You forget that even though I look like a delicate little woman on the outside but inside and during the day I'm Sir Gray the Knight! In fact, I'm your commander and you will do as I say. So just get those thoughts out of your head about being my protector. Whatever happens to me will be but as a Knight and your commander I feel this will be the best way to accomplish this quest."

"Sir Gray I'm sorry for making you upset. I can't help but feel this way because I love you. Deep down I know you have to do this and if you get killed there is nothing I can do about. I guess because we have an intimate relationship when you're a woman at night causes me to be confused about your real self. Please forgive me for questioning your plan and leadership." Sir Troy says to Sir Gray with a heartfelt tone.

Sir Gray realized that he might have come down on Sir Troy more than he should. Seeing that Sir Troy was ashamed by what he said Sir Gray says to him, "I'm sorry too. I don't know why I snapped at you. You're a good friend, Knight, and especially a lover! My goal is to get neither one of us killed or anybody for that matter. Since I needed to become another woman beside the Queen I wanted to honor Miss Greta by giving her what she dreamed of doing."

"How is Miss Greta going to benefit from you becoming her during this quest?", Sir Troy ask Sir Gray.

Sir Gray smiles at Sir Troy and says, "I'm going to ask Vincent the wizard for a potion that will make her fall asleep during our quest. I will also ask him to provide me with another potion to wake her up when we come back. I'll invite her to the tavern and give her the sleeping potion and we'll bring her to your chambers. When the quest is completed she'll be the hero in helping to kill the traitors. Of course, when we come back I'll give her the potion to wake her up and tell her what she did while she was unconscious. Both of us will petition the King to give her a title of Lady Greta for the risk she took on the quest for the Kingdom. I would like to help her have a better life than the one she has now. The King knows all about this."

"Wow, Sir Gray I can't believe how much you care for people. Miss Greta is very fortunate to have you care about her. Instead of being jealous of her when she spent the night with me you embraced her and became her friend. Once again you are this Kingdom's greatest Knight and I will follow you anywhere and anytime.", Sir Troy says to Sir Gray with a serious tone.

Sir Gray now felt confident that Sir Troy was on board with his plan. Still in an oversized robe, Sir Gray decides its time for Sir Troy to be rewarded for his wonderful praises to him.

Sir Gray rises from Sir Troy's bed and stands in front of him and turns around. Without a word spoken Sir Gray removes his robe. Now naked with Miss Greta's body he looks over his right shoulder and sees Sir Troy admiring Miss Greta's tight beautiful little ass and says to him, "Doesn't Miss Greta look good? Sir Troy I hope you will still desire to be with me even though I'm the image of Miss Greta."

"I love you no matter what woman you are.", Sir Troy says to Sir Gray.

"Does her tight little ass look familiar my love", Sir Gray says while admiring Sir Troy's cock now standing at full attention in his pants.

Sir Gray finally realized that Sir Troy was in love with him no matter what woman he became. His goal tonight was to get familiar with Miss Greta's body. He was sure he could please Sir Troy using her body! In case his plan did not work with him as Miss Greta he would have to know how to use her body to possibly survive if he was captured.

"Sir Troy what are waiting for? Take off your clothes and lay flat on your bed. I'm going to straddle and ride you like I always do. I want to see if Miss Greta's pussy can handle your massive cock", Sir Gray says in Miss Greta's seductive tone.

Sir Troy ask Sir Gray, "Are you sure about this position because last night when she laid on the bed and from behind her pussy was very tight in that position. This position might be very painful for you."

"Don't worry about me big boy. As you know yourself us knights have experienced our fair share of pain. So let's have fun while I'm Miss Greta and get this going because sunrise will be here before we know it.", Sir Gray says to Sir Troy.

Sir Troy lays flat on his back in his bed. His massive cock is now sticking up in the air at his full 10 inches. Sir Gray raises himself above Sir Troy's cock and takes hold of it. Sir Gray positions Sir Troy's cock over Miss Greta's pussy and slowly inserts into it.

Sir Troy pushes his cock almost all the way into Miss Greta's pussy. Sir Gray with a painful look says, "Oh you weren't lying about how tight Miss Greta's pussy feels! Your cock feels like a log inside of me!"

Sir Troy moves his cock slowly in and out of Miss Greta's pussy.

"Oh, Sir Troy that really feels good. You're hitting all Miss Greta's pleasure places", Sir Gray says while moaning.

Suddenly Sir Gray starts shaking and Miss Greta's pussy clamps down on Sir Troy's cock. Sir Gray experiences his first orgasm in the lovely 18 year old's body.

"Wow, Sir Troy that orgasm was super strong! That was the strongest I have felt since being able to become a woman. My whole body is tingling all over. Let's go some more!", Sir Gray says to Sir Troy with a smile.

"Sir Gray you have no know idea how tight Miss Greta's pussy feels on my cock right now! You feel tighter than she was last night. It feels like a warm hand constantly squeezing my cock and I can feel your heart pounding from inside Miss Greta's pussy", Sir Troy says.

Then Sir Troy feeling the throbbing on his cock from Miss Greta's pussy suddenly causes him to release his seed before he's ready. Sir Troy began spurting with powerful throbs from his cock for at least a good minute!

"Wow, Sir Gray my cock is still hard even after I've cum the hardest ever in my life.", says Sir Troy.

"Oh, Sir Troy that feels so good. I wonder if Miss Greta could feel your cock between her pussy and her ass last night like I do now?", Sir Gray ask.

Sir Troy looks at Sir Gray and asks, "Are you in pain my love?"

With Miss Greta's sweet voice Sir Gray says, "No my love. In fact, I'm going to start rocking back and forth on your cock instead of you sliding in and out. I want to see what happens. Just follow my lead and I think this will be fun for both of us!"

Sir Gray begins rocking back and forth on Sir Troy's cock. Faster and faster Sir Gray moves until Sir Troy says, "Oh no not again! My cock is going to spurt into you again!"

Sir Troy's head falls back upon the bed very hard and his cock once again starts spewing his seed into Miss Greta's tight pussy.

Sir Gray keeps rocking on Sir Troy's cock even after he stops spurting.

Then suddenly Sir Gray starts to feel a sharp pain coming from his stomach. Right away he realizes what is causing his pain.

"Sir Troy I hate to stop this wonderful time of pleasure but it appears Miss Greta has to take care of her business if you know what I mean. Can I use your latrine?", Sir Gray says looking at Sir Troy with an embarrassing look.

Sir Gray raises up off of Sir Troy's cock and lots of cum starts leaking out of Miss Greta's pussy.

"Sir Gray don't be embarrassed everybody has to do this sometime each day. Even a beautiful woman such as yourself has to.", Sir Troy says.

As Sir Gray stands up he tries to tightly clinch Miss Greta's ass and places her hand over her pussy to stop the massive droplets of cum from leaking on the floor while rushing to Sir Troy's latrine.

Sir Troy stares at this small red hair siren's tightly clinched heavenly ass as he is walking quickly to Sir Troy's latrine. Sir Troy still can't believe this is the mighty Knight Sir Gray! When Sir Gray would transform into the Queen they were both about the same height. Of course, the Queen being a woman closer to Sir Gray's age her body was different than Miss Greta`s. The Queen definitely had some qualities that Miss Greta didn't have and vice versa.

Sir Gray reaches the latrine and closes the door behind him. He immediately sits on the large ceramic pot and feels the release and relief he needed.

After Sir Gray was done in the latrine he walks back to the bed sees Sir Troy on the bed smiling.

Sir Gray smiles back at him and slides under the covers in bed with Sir Troy. They cuddle facing each other. Sir Gray feels Sir Troy's hard cock already trying to slip into Miss Greta's pussy again.

Sir Gray looks into Sir Troy's eyes and says, "I'm sorry I got carried away using Miss Greta's pussy like that. I hope you're not displeased with me. I feel ashamed having to take care of Miss Greta's business in between our making love time. She must have been really tight for you last night. Even though Miss Greta has stronger orgasms I still like to be Queen with you inside me. She feels wonderful and her pussy can handle you a lot better."

Sir Troy smiles and says to Sir Gray, "Sir Gray you know how to please me no matter if you're the Queen or Miss Greta! It doesn't matter what woman you become because your mind in them knows how to please me. So don't worry about things and let's just enjoy ourselves as a man and a woman in love."

Hearing these words from him Sir Gray looks at him with a seductive look from Miss Greta's face and says, "Sir Troy, I'm going to lay on my side with my back facing you. I see that my Knight's cock still has some life in it. Go ahead and slip it into Miss Greta's pussy this way. When I turn around and with you inside me go ahead and release some more of your seed into me."

Sir Gray turns around on the bed and presses Miss Greta's ass against Sir Troy's cock. Sir Troy wraps his arm around Sir Gray's tiny waist and places his right hand on one of Miss Greta's breasts. Sir Troy guides his cock into Miss Greta's pussy from behind.

"Oh Sir Troy your cock is so big it fills Miss Greta's pussy this way as well.", Sir Gray says with Miss Greta's sweet voice.

Sir Gray immediately starts grinding Miss Greta's pussy slowly on Sir Troy's cock. Moments later Sir Gray grabs Sir Troy's arms and braces himself. Sir Gray shouts, "Oh, my love it's happening again."

Suddenly Sir Gray starts shaking uncontrollably and Miss Greta's pussy clamps down on Sir Troy's cock.

Sir Troy once again feeling the tightness of Miss Greta's pussy around his cock says to Sir Gray, "My love, here comes some more of my seed!"

Once again Sir Troy releases his seed into Sir Gray.

"My Knight your seed feels so warm in Miss Greta's pussy. That was another strong orgasm that I experienced again. If you want to I can go again. Remember Miss Greta is very young and active.", Sir Gray says to Sir Troy.

Sir Troy feeling tired says to Sir Gray, "Sir Gray I'm very exhausted and you need to meet with the King tomorrow to go over the details of your plan. Also, this is my third night with a woman and my cock is telling me it needs rest. I love you and want to be my best under your command for the upcoming quest."

Sir Gray slides Miss Greta's ass away from Sir Troy's cock. He turns around and snuggles under the covers next to him. Sir Gray then says in Miss Greta's sweet voice, "My Knight you're so wise about needing our rest. I guess when I'm a woman I forget how much it takes out of a man when we release our seed. I need you to be at full strength to fight when we get to the castle."

Sir Gray gives Sir Troy a long passionate kiss. Sir Gray then turns around again so Sir Troy's cock is nestled between Miss Greta's tight little ass cheeks. Sir Troy wraps his arms around Miss Greta's waist and they fall asleep.

Right before sunrise, Sir Gray starts to wake up. Right away he feels that he needs to use the Sir Troy's latrine again.

As soon as Sir Gray is sitting on the latrine pot he says to himself, "Miss Greta's plumbing is certainly a lot more active than the Queen's."

After Sir Gray was done with Miss Greta's business he sees Sir Troy still sleeping. He bends over and gives him a kiss.

Sir Gray grabs the robe he came with and puts it on. He decides to leave Sir Troy's chambers before sunrise and he changes back to his male self.

As Sir Gray leaves and closes Sir Troy's chamber door he turns and sees Sir Randall is standing right in front of him.

"Well, it looks like Sir Troy must have had a very good time last night with you lass. Maybe you could come to my chambers a night or two and I'll show you a real man!", Sir Randall says looking at Sir Gray with a lustful look.

Realizing the sun was starting to rise Sir Gray decides to use Miss Greta's womanly charms and distract Sir Randall so he could get back to his chambers.

"Why yes Sir Randall maybe the next few nights I'll visit your chambers and we'll have a lot more fun than Sir Troy and I did.", Sir Gray says to Sir Randall while opening his robe and exposing some of Miss Greta's cleavage.

Sir Randall still staring at Miss Greta's cleavage Sir Gray says to him, "Oh Sir Randall I need to get back before someone else sees me and starts rumors to spread around the kingdom."

Sir Randall steps aside and says to Sir Gray, "Yes, my sweet lovely lass I'm looking forward spending a night in the future with you."

As Sir Gray walks by Sir Randall he sees him still staring at him. Sir Gray smiles and lifts his robe just enough to expose Miss Greta's tight little ass. Sir Gray did this to tease him.

Sir Randall immediately places his hand over his place where his cock is in his pants. He continues to stares at Miss Greta's ass until Sir Gray turns the corner and is out of sight.

Once Sir Randall was out of site Sir Gray lowers his robe back down and starts running to his chambers as fast as he can.

When Sir Gray reaches his chambers he quickly enters inside and removes his robe. Right at that moment, the sun has fully risen. Immediately Sir Gray starts transforming back into his male self.

Moments later he is a man again and standing naked in his chambers. Sir Gray looks at himself in the mirror and notices that he has wetness between his thighs. He takes his hand and touches it and starts to laugh and says out loud, "Well Sir Troy's cum must have leaked out of Miss Greta's pussy down my leg before I transformed back to my male self!"

Sir Gray takes a bath and dresses in his Knight's attire. Later in the morning, he makes his way to the King's Council chambers so he can reveal his plan to King Alex.

When he enters the King's council chambers he sees King Alex and Queen Sonia standing at the large round table. Queen Sonia looks at him and smiles.

"Come in Sir Gray. My Queen would like a word with you alone. I granted her permission to do so.", says King Alex.

King Alex leaves the room with Sir Gray and Queen Sonia alone by their selves.

A few awkward moments go by then Queen Sonia starts to speak.

"Sir Gray, I'm sorry for being very mean to you since Vincent cast these spells upon you. I know you're faithful to my husband, The King knows you would die for him. Deep down when he made you first transformed into my image I felt jealous that you could replace me. I know you're a man and you would do whatever the King ask of you even if it meant becoming the Queen to share his bed with. However, since that night you were asked to share the bed with my husband, The King he has been a changed man! Sir Gray please don't get offended but he shared me what you did for him when you had my body. He also shared with me what you did to make him come back to me as well. My husband, the King is now worshiping and adoring me as his Queen like never before and I have you to thank for it."

Sir Gray stunned by what the Queen said looks at her and says, "My Queen I'm sorry as well for anything that I have done to offend you as well. It was not me in a body like yours that turned your husband, the King but you Queen Sonia. You're the one who has captured King Alex's heart! My Queen, you're greatest Queen that has ever sat by a King ever in this kingdom. Your beauty and grace are unmatched by anyone. My Queen nobody could ever replace you!"

After Sir Gray finished speaking he bowed in front of Queen Sonia.

"Thank you, Sir Gray for those kind words. Please get up you don't need to bow down to me. I would like to ask you a few questions." , Queen Sonia says to Sir Gray.

Sir Gray stands back up and says, "My Queen what is it that you would like to know?"

"Sir Gray, do you like having a body like mine? Also, do you like being a woman?", The Queen asks Sir Gray.

A moment goes by. Sir Gray looks at Queen Sonia and sees her beautiful womanly assets and says to her, "My Queen please don't take offense but your body is the most beautiful in all the kingdom. Yes, I do enjoy being a woman. My Queen, I have learned so much about what women endure that it makes me fight for them when I'm a man! In fact, I realize women are not just for men's pleasure but they're even more powerful to contend with than any man. My Queen I know I'm not worthy to transform into your likeness every night. After I meet with the King I'll request to transform into another woman at night."

"Sir Gray, I now realize why my husband, the King says you're his greatest Knight. I see why the King puts his trust in you. When you get back from this upcoming quest I'll petition the King on your behalf to grant you the status of being my sister. Of course, I know this would only be good at night. Also, I'll request the King to allow you and Sir Troy to get married one night. This way no rumors about me visiting Sir Troy's chambers at night will be spread around the Kingdom. By doing this you and Sir Troy this will allow both of you to be happy and enjoy each other. During the day as friends and lovers at night", Queen Sonia says to Sir Gray.

With a smile on his face, Sir Gray says to his Queen, "My Queen thank you for being so caring towards me. Sir Troy and I would love that very much. Also My Queen, would you be my matron of honor for our wedding if the King grants it?"

"Sir Gray I would be honored to stand beside my sister during her wedding," The Queen says with a smile on her face.

As soon as the Queen finished talking King Alex walks back into the Chambers.

"My Queen I'm sorry I need to speak to Sir Gray urgently. My love, did you finish your conversation with Sir Gray?" , King Alex asks Queen Sonia.

"Yes, My King we just finished. Sir Gray please be careful.", Queen Sonia says to Sir Gray.

Sir Gray looks at the Queen and says, "My Queen I will do my best to protect your honor and the Kingdom."

The Queen leaves the Chambers and Sir Gray immediately reveals his plan to King Alex.

"Sir Gray I believe this will work. Yes, I'll grant your request for Miss Greta when you and Sir Troy come back and have finally ridden me of these traitors. Remember Sir Gray you must be careful because we don't know who these traitors are.", The King says to Sir Gray.

With confidence, Sir Gray says to the King, "My King, Sir Troy and myself will be successful along with Miss Greta."

With King Alex's approval, Sir Gray left the chambers and headed to the Knight's hall to assemble the Knight's that would be traveling ahead.

Next: Chapter 5

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