The Two Queens

By Eric Hayes

Published on Dec 11, 2019


The Two Queens Chapter 5 Miss Greta's Quest

Later that afternoon Sir Gray meets with all the Knights for the upcoming quest. He reveals a plan for them to scout out the castle grounds looking for the traitors before Sir Gray and Sir Troy arrive. The portion he did not reveal was transforming into Miss Greta to spy. Sir Gray appointed Sir Randall as the lead Knight for the scout expedition party.

Sir Gray says to Sir Randall, "Sir Randall, take your men and leave tonight. Sir Troy and myself will be a few days behind you."

"Sir Gray we won't fail you. May you and Sir Troy arrive safety to meet us in a few days." Sir Randall says to Sir Gray.

"Sir Randall, may you and all the knights travel safe as well. Remember don't engage the traitors. I think it would be wise for the scouts to divide up and go at different times. This way they can't get an accurate assessment of how many men we have brought with us.", Sir Gray says.

"Sir Gray I think it's a good plan. Don't worry just get there and we'll wait for you and Sir Troy." Sir Randall says.

Sir Randall and the other Knights leave the Knights hall and gather supplies to begin their journey to the castle grounds.

Now that all the other Knights have gone only Sir Gray and Sir Troy remain in the Knight's hall.

Sir Troy looks at Sir Gray and says, "We have a day before we leave. This means we can relax before the quest. Do you know if Miss Greta is coming to my chambers tonight?"

"Yes, Sir Troy she told me about the fun she had with you last night. In fact she was hoping you would be available to entertain her again tonight." , Sir Gray says smiling.

Sir Troy takes Sir Gray's hand and shakes it very firmly.

"Sir Troy, Miss Greta hopes you got enough rest last night.", Sir Gray says.

As they were walking out of the Knight's chambers Sir Gray says, "Sir Troy I would like you to come with me and get the sleeping potion Vincent the Wizard has prepared for Miss Greta. After he gives the potion to me we'll find Miss Greta and slip it in her drink at the tavern. As soon as she falls asleep we'll take her to my chambers. Before sunset I'll leave my chambers and go to hers. There I'll transform into her after sunset. After I transform I'll gather up some of her clothes to bring them on the quest. After wards I'll meet you in your chambers and will have some fun!"

Sir Gray and Sir Troy go to Vincent's chambers and he gives them the potion. From there they go to the tavern.

Sir Gray talks to the Tavern keeper and request Miss Greta to sit with them at a table. The Tavern keeper tells Miss Greta that her work for the day is over.

While removing her apron Miss Greta walks up to Sir Gray and ask, "So what do you need me for Sir Gray?"

"Miss Greta I would like you to go on a quest with us. I need a woman of your charm to help wipe out some traitors in the kingdom. It will be very dangerous", Sir Gray says to her.

Miss Greta suddenly smiles at Sir Gray and says, " When do we leave?"

"Miss Greta this is a secret quest and I cannot reveal the details here. There is many people in the tavern and I don't know who can be trusted. If fact it's customary for the Knights to have a drink the night before their quest is revealed to them. Sir Troy why don't you get us some drinks.", Sir Gray ask Sir Troy.

Sir Gray notices that Sir Troy is staring at Miss Greta's beautiful breast that is almost seeping out of her dress. Sir Troy not paying attention to Sir Gray was saying looks at and sees them both staring at him! At that moment Sir Gray felt a little jealous that Sir Troy was admiring Miss Greta's breast on her instead of him! Sir Gray wanted to be Miss Greta so he could would be the one Sir Troy would desire after.

Feeling embarrassed for lusting after Miss Greta's breast Sir Troy immediately gets up and goes to the bar and fetches some drinks. Before Sir Troy comes back with the drinks Sir Gray takes out the potion and makes it ready to be poured in Miss Greta's drink. When Sir Troy comes back from the bar he gives Sir Gray all the drinks. Sir Troy not want to let Miss Greta see Sir Gray pouring the potion in her drink blocks her view by standing in from of her. Sir Gray quickly pours the potion in her cup.

Sir Gray hands a cup to Miss Greta and one to Sir Troy and keeps one for himself. Sir Gray raises up his cup and says, "May the Knights and Miss Greta honor the King and his Kingdom on this quest."

Miss Greta is first to finish her drink. Sir Gray and Sir Troy take a little longer.

"Miss Greta it appears you can drink with best of them.", Sir Gray says to her.

Miss Greta smiles at Sir Troy says, "When it comes to drinking Sir Troy for being a mighty you're a lass!"

Miss Greta suddenly starts to feel tired and her eyes are slowly closing.

"Miss Greta it appears you're the real lass after all. We can see that one drink has already done you in for the night.". Sir Troy says to her knowing it was the potion.

"Sir Troy I feel so tired.", Miss Greta says.

Moments later Miss Greta lays her head down on the table and falls asleep. Sir Troy picks up Miss Greta and places her on his shoulders. Sir Gray tells the tavern keeper they're bringing her home to her Chambers. Of course they brought her to Sir Gray's chambers to keep her safe.

At Sir Gray's chambers Sir Troy lays Miss Greta on his bed. Sir Troy shakes Sir Gray's hand and says, "I'll see Miss Greta after sunset."

"Sir Troy remember she'll come to your chambers after sunset." Sir Gray says to him as Sir Troy leaves.

Sir Gray now alone with Miss Greta sleeping in his bed notices how beautiful she is sleeping. In his mind he wonders if he looks better than she does when he transforms?

Sir Gray leaves Miss Greta's clothes on her and covers her up with a couple of blankets. He looks out the window and notices it almost sunset. He then takes off his clothes and waits to transform.

The sun sets and Sir Gray transforms into Miss Greta. After his transformation he looks at her closely and his self in the mirror. He touches her face and arms.

Finally he came to a conclusion and says out loud, "I do look better than she does. My face and skin are more pure and softer than hers. I'm the perfect image of her."

Sir Gray dresses himself in her clothes and makes his way to Sir Troy's chambers.

Once he is at Sir Troy's chambers he knocks on his door and receives no answer. The door is unlocked and Sir Gray enters.

Right away Sir Gray notices why Sir Troy didn't answer his door. He is asleep in his bed. Sir Gray realizes Sir Troy is tired did not want to wake him so he goes back to his chambers.

Back inside his chambers Sir Gray decides to sleep in his bed with Miss Greta next to him. He finds one of her nightgowns in the bag of clothes he got from her chambers and puts it on. In no time Sir Gray falls asleep.

The next thing Sir Gray is aware of is that the sun has risen and Miss Greta is still asleep next to him. He still has her nightgown on even though he has transformed back into a man! Suddenly he hears laughter in the room. There is Sir Troy sitting at Sir Gray's table looking at him laughing.

"Well Miss Greta you sure look different after the sun comes up. That is for sure!", Sir Troy says still laughing.

Not wanting Sir Troy to see him right after he transforms Sir Gray decides to have some fun with him. Sir Gray gets out of bed and starts walking very seductively towards Sir Troy in Miss Greta's nightgown. Her nightgown is extremely tight on him.

Walking to Sir Troy he says in his male voice in a feminine tone, "Sir Troy since I didn't share your bed with you last night do you want to now? Even though I'm a man I still know how to please you my mighty Knight Sir Troy!"

Feeling uncomfortable that Sir Gray as a man is saying this to him he says to Sir Gray, "Sir Gray don't worry about it. I'm glad we both got some rest. I'll go and get our supplies and make ready the horses. Don't forget your other clothes."

Still fooling around Sir Gray says, "Why Sir Troy don't you love me even when I'm a man during the day?"

Sir Gray removes Miss Greta's nightgown and stands naked in front of Sir Troy!

Sir Troy jumps up and runs to the door. He opens the door and says, "I must go now and get ready for our quest."

As Sir Troy is walking out the door Sir Gray says to him, "I'll meet up with you in a little while."

Feeling like he had his revenge fun with Sir Troy he gathers his personal supplies for the quest.

Sir Gray then makes his way to the main gate and sees Sir Troy ready to leave with the horses and supplies.

Sir Gray walks up to Sir Troy and says, "I'm sorry for the improper way I acted earlier in front of you . I guess you being there just after I had transformed made me upset. I like to keep that a mystery in our relationship. Because a woman has to have part of her that is mysterious for her man. Did you see me transform?"

"I'm also sorry Sir Gray for the way I acted as well. I should not have invaded your privacy by entering your chambers. No, I did not see you transform. You will always be mysterious to me because you are the love of my life and my soul mate.", Sir Troy says to Sir Gray.

After finish apologizing to each other then both Knights mounted their horses and set out on the quest.

Sir Gray who wanted to make good time rode his horse very hard. In fact Sir Troy's horse had a hard time in keeping up with them.

"Sir Gray why are you riding so fast? We have such long way to go.", Sir Troy shouts at him trying to keep up.

Sir Gray stops and Sir Troy finally catches up with him.

"You know we can only travel during the day. I want to travel as far as we can while the sun it up. When I become Miss Greta she is not going to be able to travel very far because of her delicate bottom and plumbing issues. We'll stop and make camp each day before sunset until we get there."

Both knights then rode off as fast as they can.

As the sun began to become lower in the sky Sir Gray and Sir Troy stop and make camp. After their tent was up Sir Gray cooks food for them to eat.

Sir Gray then notices the sun is about to set and says to Sir Troy, "Sir Troy, its almost sunset I'm going into the tent to transform into Miss Greta. Please start a fire since the weather is getting colder. I'll come out after the transformation."

Sir Gray enters their tent and as the sun finally sets he transforms into Miss Greta.

He gets a small mirror out of his bag and looks into it after transforming. Sir Gray admires Miss Greta's beautiful face which he has now. He then slips on Miss Greta's silky night dress and meets Sir Troy by the fire.

As soon as Sir Gray exits their tent Sir Troy notices that he is cold in Miss Greta's form.

Then Sir Troy says to him, "Come sit with me by the fire. You look cold."

Sir Gray answers him in Miss Greta's sweet voice, "It appears that Miss Greta's body doesn't handle the cold very well."

"Come and sit with me so I can warm you up.", Sir Troy says.

Sir Gray sits down next to Sir Troy and snuggles up to him as close as he can. Sir Troy grabs a blanket and wraps it around them to keep both of them warm. Sir Troy can feel the silk nightgown Sir Gray is wearing against his arms.

As the night gets colder Sir Gray looks up to Sir Troy's and says, "The fire is dying down and it feels like the temperature is still dropping. Let's go into the tent and make so natural warmth between us. Its been a long day of riding and we deserve some pleasure with each other. Besides we'll sleep good after wards.

Both Sir Gray and Sir Troy go into their tent and removed their clothes. In no time they are naked and kissing each other. Sir Gray then lays down on a big blanket and opens his legs exposing Miss Greta beautiful tight pussy for Sir Troy. His cock already hard Sir Troy lays on top of Sir Gray and enters Miss Greta's pussy. Sir Gray began warming up as Sir Troy's slide his cock in and out of Miss Greta's pussy.

A few moments after Sir Troy's cock entered Miss Greta's pussy Sir Gray has an orgasm. After coming down from his orgasmic feelings Sir Gray says to Sir Troy, "You can release your seed into Miss Greta's pussy now!"

Sir Troy needing anymore command shot a large amount of seed into Miss Greta's pussy. Once he was finished Sir Gray turned over onto his side and snuggled Miss Greta's ass against his now soft cock.

"Sir Troy please hold me and let's fall asleep like this. Our passions have now been released from each other. Lets get some rest so tomorrow we can continue on the quest.", Sir Gray says to him.

Not long after Sir Gray finished saying this he and Sir Troy both fall asleep.

The next morning Sir Gray opens his eyes and realizes the sun has risen already. To his dismay he is still laying on the blanket cuddled next to Sir Troy. What shocked him the most was Sir Troy's cock is still between his ass cheeks! Not wanting to wake up Sir Troy he slowly moves his ass away from him. By doing this Sir Troy's cock slides out from his ass cheeks. Sir Gray then stands up and suddenly he feels Sir Troy's seed leaking from his cock and balls. He then grabs his own clothes and walks out of the tent and dresses.

Now dressed Sir Gray wonders why he slept longer and did not awake before sunrise. His only conclusion is that Miss Greta sleeps later than the Queen. Sir Gray knows he must try and come up with a plan to avoid man on man contact. Sir Gray then has an idea that after their intimate time together tonight he'll put on his male undergarments before falling asleep. This way Sir Troy's cock will not make direct contact with Sir Gray as himself.

Sir Gray goes back into the tent and wakes up Sir Troy.

"Sir Troy, it appears Miss Greta must have wore you out last night. Rise you need to get dressed for we have a long day of riding ahead of us.", Sir Gray says to Sir Troy.

After Sir Troy gets dressed the knights pick their tent and mount their horses.

Like the day before the Knights ride their horses hard. Also just like the previous day before they stop and make camp before sunset. This time it was Sir Troy's turn to cook.

"Sir Troy the sun is about to set I'm going into our tent now. Miss Greta will be out shortly to sit you by the fire just like last night.", Sir Gray says to Sir Troy.

Just like the night before he and Sir Troy make love to each other. After making love Sir Troy fell asleep and Sir Gray slid Miss Greta's ass away from his cock. Next he slipped on his male undergarments and laid back down next to Sir Troy.

Sir Gray knew that with his undergarments on there is no way Sir Troy's cock will touch him if he oversleeps after sunrise.

On this morning it was Sir Troy who woke up first. Sir Troy who has his arm around Sir Gray and notices that a man is next to him! Sir Troy sees that the sun has risen and Sir Gray has transformed back into a man. Also Sir Troy realizes that his cock against Sir Gray's ass and he is wearing his male undergarments.

Sir Troy not wanting to upset Sir Gray slowly slides his cock away from him and grabs his clothes. He then steps out of the tent and dresses.

Sir Troy figures out that during the night Sir Gray slipped on his undergarments in case he would oversleep. He knew Sir Gray did not want to not make him feel uncomfortable when he was a man.

Sir Troy pokes his head into the tent and says to Sir Gray, "I believe you have gotten all the beauty sleep you're going to get my love. It's time to rise and ride."

Sir Gray opens his eyes and realizes the sun has already risen. He sees that Sir Troy is up before him today. Sir Gray knew his plan worked because he overslept again and no male cock to male ass contact happened like yesterday morning.

Sir Gray dresses quickly and helps Sir Troy take down the tent. As they are folding up the tent Sir Gray ask Sir Troy, "Did you see me transform this morning?"

"No, I did not see you transform but I notice as man you snore a lot more! Apparently you knew you might oversleep. Thank you for preparing yourself for it. It means a lot to me not to have my cock touch another man.", Sir Troy says to Sir Gray.

Sir Gray says, "You're welcome. In fact Sir Troy I feel the same way as you do when I'm a man. But when I'm a woman I can't get enough of your cock!"

"Sir Gray don't just do the same thing tonight. What happen this morning doesn't bother me. My love lets get riding because it will be dark before we know it.", Sir Troy says as they ride off.

Just like the previous two days of riding the knights push their selves and the horses. Again they make camp before sunset. Like the night before they enjoy the sexual release of a man and a woman.

The next day they both wake up at the same time and Sir Gray dressed again in his male undergarments smiles at Sir Troy and says, "Good morning my love. Since I have undergarments on I'll let you get dressed first."

In no time they mounted their horses and rode on. By the end of the third day they were about a half a day's journey from the edge of the Castle grounds. Both Knights realized they would have to make camp one more time before reaching Sir Randall and the others.

Just before the sun began to set Sir Gray says to Sir Troy, "Tonight will be our last night together before we meet up with Sir Randall and the others tomorrow. I have something very special planned for us tonight. Remember tomorrow night I have become a spy as Miss Greta. Sir Troy promise me under no circumstances are you to try and protect me if I get caught. I love you but we have to serve the King and sometimes it requires sacrifice for the good of the Kingdom."

"Sir Gray, I'm under your command so whatever you want me to do I will do. What is your special plan for us tonight?", Sir Troy ask.

Sir Gray smiles at him and says, "You'll find out after sunset big boy. I'm going into the tent now that the sun has begun to set."

As soon as the sun had completely set Sir Troy entered their tent. Immediately he was speechless by what he saw. Sir Gray was naked on his hands and knees with Miss Greta's beautiful tight ass up in the air.

With his best Miss Greta seductive voice Sir Gray says to him, "Sir Troy, I need a man to take care of my womanly desires. Who knows if this will be our last night together. Why don't you take off your clothes and put your cock in Miss Greta's pussy!"

Without any hesitation Sir Troy removed all his clothes. Seeing Sir Gray as a submissive Miss Greta made his cock harder than it ever been. Somehow Sir Gray knew it make Sir Troy turned o more than ever. Sir Troy then gently placed his cock into Miss Greta's pussy. He began to slowly move his cock in and out of Miss Greta's tight pussy. Sir Troy could hear Sir Gray moaning over and over.

After a short time with his Miss Greta's pussy Sir Gray has a orgasm that made him fall to the ground.

"Sir Troy please stop moving your cock for a few moments. Miss Greta's pussy is very very sensitive right now. Her orgasms are so strong.", Sir Gray says to Sir Troy.

Sir Troy says to Sir Gray, "Sorry my love I didn't realize pleasing you from behind would be more sensitive."

"I'm fine. Why don't lay on your back and you can enter Miss Greta's pussy with me on top.", Sir Gray says to Sir Troy.

Sir Troy removes his cock from Miss Greta's pussy and lays on his back. Then Sir Gray raises himself up and positions Miss Greta's pussy just above Sir Troy's cock. Slowly Sir Gray allows Sir Troy's cock to enter into Miss Greta's sensitive pussy.

"Sir Troy your cock feels so huge like this.", Sir Gray says to him.

Sir Troy worried about Sir Gray says, "Do you remember the last time we did this you had to take care of Miss Greta's business during it! Please be careful riding my cock! I don't want to hurt you."

Sir Gray felt that Miss Greta's pussy was now familiar with Sir Troy's cock. By having a man inside of Miss Greta's pussy in different positions allowed Sir Gray to learned how to use it. Now Sir Gray was experienced how to use Miss Greta's pussy if needed to find the traitors.

Before long Sir Gray could tell Sir Troy was ready to spill his seed. He says to Sir Troy, "Go ahead and release your seed into Miss Greta's pussy."

Suddenly Sir Troy releases what feels like a cup full of seed into Miss Greta's pussy. When he was finished Sir Gray could feel his cock start to go soft.

"Sir Troy I'm going to slide your cock out of Miss Greta's pussy and clean both of us up.", Sir Gray says to him.

Sir Gray lifts himself up and places his right hand at the bottom of Miss Greta's pussy to catch Sir Troy's seed from leaking all on their blanket. Sir Gray then found a rag and cleaned both of them up.

Both Knights now satisfied Sir Gray once again snuggles against Sir Troy however, this time he falls asleep without putting on his male undergarments!

As the morning light came through the tent Sir Troy opens his eyes and sees that Sir Gray has transformed and is laying naked against him. Sir Troy moves very slightly and Sir Gray awakes. Right away Sir Gray becomes aware he doesn't have his male undergarments! Their male bodies are laying on each other naked!

Quickly they move away from each other. Sir Troy trying to not panic begins to laugh and say, "Sir Gray we must be a sight to behold. Lets just get dressed so we can get riding again. We'll forget this even happened!"

Sir Gray smiling at Sir Troy says, "I agree. I did have a good time with you last night but I understand if you don't want a morning roll in the blanket with me now."

After the awkwardness between the knights they pack up and ride out.

Making good time they reach the castle grounds in less than half a day. Right away they find the knight's camp. Their camp was located in the woods a short distance from the Castle grounds.

Sir Randall knowing they had arrived comes out of his tent and greets Sir Gray and Sir Troy riding up.

"Sir Gray, I'm glad you and Sir Troy glad you have made it. Did you run into any trouble on the way?", Sir Randall ask.

Sir Gray glances at Sir Troy with a smile and says to Sir Randall, "Just a few awkward things that happened nothing major."

"Sir Gray the traitors we seek are hidden very well. I suggest we split up and approach the castle tonight or tomorrow night.", Sir Randall says to Sir Gray.

Sir Gray ponders on this for a moment and then says to him, "Sir Randall, I think Sir Troy and I will rest for tonight. This will give me an opportunity to think about what you suggest. Until then do not seek them out until I have a plan."

"I understand. Sir Gray a night's rest will do you and Sir Troy some good after such a long travel. It took us a day or two to recover.", Sir Randall says to him.

Sir Gray and Sir Troy set up their tent away from the other knights.

Sir Troy quietly ask Sir Gray, "What is your plan for us tonight?"

"When I transform into Miss Greta I'm going to the castle and will get as much information as I can. Remember Sir Troy you must stay here in the tent for my plan to work.", Sir Gray says.

Feeling concerned about Sir Gray's plan he says to him, "I know you handled yourself as the queen against the traitors the last time. This time is different because I have no way of knowing where you are at if you get captured. Also you're in a body of a smaller woman."

"Sir Troy please trust me. I need you to follow my orders.", he says to Sir Troy.

By the time they were finished setting up camp it was almost sunset.

"Sir Troy, I'm going into the tent now to transform. If anybody wants to talk to me tell them I'm resting and not to be disturbed. Wait until after sunset to come into the tent. When you do I'll leave as Miss Greta and head to the castle.", Sir Gray says to him.

Sir Gray enters their tent and after the sun had set Sir Troy entered into it.

Now transformed into Miss Greta he is wearing a long robe with a hood. Sir Troy wraps his arms around him and kisses him.

"My love please be careful. I know you're a mighty knight but we don't know who or where the traitors are.", he says to Sir Gray.

Sir Gray breaks away from his arms and just before stepping out the tent says to him, "Goodbye my love remember no matter what happens I love you Sir Troy."

Sir Gray leaves the tent and makes his way to the Castle. Meanwhile Sir Troy sits on their blanket that they made love on and waits for him to come back.

When Sir Gray starts getting closer to the Castle he hears voices and sees a couple of torches lit in the background. Making sure nobody sees him he tries to stay hidden in the brush.

Suddenly he is lifted up by two large men by his arms and they start carrying him. While they're carrying Sir Gray he hears them say, "Well we have a light one here."

Sir Gray does his best as Miss Greta to try and wiggle free from the large men. He notices they're bringing him closer to where the voices and torches are.

Sir Gray with all his strength as Miss Greta kicks one of the men. Unfortunately since he is small woman the kick doesn't even slow down the man.

Without warning they throw Sir Gray to the ground. Immediately he sees a man with his back facing him next to the torches. The man then turns around and says, "Well, who do we have here?"

This man reaches out and lifts the hood from Sir Gray's head. Sir Gray is shocked to see that the man is Sir Randall!

"Well Miss Greta you're along way from the Tavern aren't we. You must have traveled a long way to come and see me or maybe your a spy for Sir Gray and Sir Troy.", Sir Randall says as he caresses Sir Gray's face.

Sir Gray surprised that Sir Randall is one of the traitors knows he will have to act like Miss Greta as much as possible.

Sir Gray says in Miss Greta's sweetest tone says to him, "Sir Randall, I was brought along as a companion for Sir Troy. I am not as spy please believe me."

Sir Randall pauses for a minute and without warning slaps Sir Gray hard to the ground! Sir Gray now dizzy suddenly hears the sounds of men moaning coming from behind them. Immediately Sir Randall's men start to scatter.

Sir Gray then hears Sir Troy shouting in the back ground, "Sir Randall, you traitor I'm going to kill you for laying a hand on Miss Greta."

Sir Gray still dizzy from Sir Randall's slap sees Sir Troy kill many of Sir Randall's henchmen.

Sir Randall then reaches down and grabs his sword and starts fighting with Sir Troy. Sir Gray knows Sir Randall is really a good swordsmen. Still dizzy he is unable to help Sir Troy.

Sir Gray feeling a little less dizzy starts to gets up. Right away one of Sir Randall's henchmen grabs him around his neck and starts choking him.

Sir Troy while fighting Sir Randall sees that Sir Gray is in trouble. Sir Troy angry that the woman he loves is being hurt swings his sword to the left and misses Sir Randall. Sir Randall seeing that Sir Troy is distracted by his emotions moves to the right and stabs him with his sword.

While the henchmen is choking Sir Gray sees Sir Troy fall to the ground and he yells, "SIR TROY GET UP! PLEASE GET UP!"

Sir Randall sees the henchmen choking Sir Gray and says, "Stop choking her at once! I have plans for her later."

The henchmen releases the choke hold on Sir Gray and holds him down. Sir Gray still gasping for air watches as Sir Randall removes his sword from Sir Troy's side.

"Well Sir Troy you really do love that redheaded lass. In fact I will not kill you but I'm going to leave you here. Whether you live or die will not be by my hands."

Now looking at Miss Greta Sir Randall says, "My dear it was fair fight. His love for your pussy is got him in this situation."

Looking back at Sir Troy he says, "After I kill Sir Gray and if you live I'll give the option of following my command. Sir Gray always thought very highly of you. In fact I don't believe is he is too far behind."

Sir Gray watches helplessly as Sir Troy is bleeding from his side. Immediately he starts thinking of a way to defeat Sir Randall as Miss Greta. Then a revelation comes to him.

"Sir Randall, why did you hurt Sir Troy. He is good man. I love him very much.", Sir Gray says while weeping in Miss Greta's tone.

"My lovely redheaded lass I'm sorry you had to see me hurt your man Sir Troy. But there is still the problem of what to do with you my lovely creature.", Sir Randall says to Sir Gray.

Knowing that for his plan to work he'll have act like betraying Sir Gray but still make Sir Troy as her protector.

Sir Gray then says to Sir Randall, "Please forgive me for spying on you. Sir Gray made me do this and Sir Troy was against it and followed trying to protect me. He became angry when you slapped me. Since he can't protect me anymore and if it will spare my life I believe I still owe you a night of pleasure."

Sir Randall smiles and says to Sir Gray, "Yes, my lovely redheaded lass you do. In fact I still can't get the image of your little ass that you show to me the other day out of my mind. Tonight I want some of that little ass so I accept your proposition."

Sir Gray looks at Sir Randall and ask him in his best Miss Greta tone,"May I say goodbye to Sir Troy since I don't know if this will be last time I see him or not."

Sir Randall looks at his henchmen and says, "Release Miss Greta and let her say goodbye to Sir Troy. Miss Greta once you're through saying goodbye we'll ride together on my horse to the castle. I'm looking forward for our night of pleasure."

The henchmen releases Sir Gray and he runs over to Sir Troy who is laying on the ground. Sir Gray takes his hand and helps Sir Troy to cover his wound the best he can.

Sir Randall says to the henchmen, "This is not over go and find Sir Gray along with the other knights and kill them all! Leave Sir Troy alone. If he stays alive he could be a valuable asset to our cause. Remember Sir Gray and the other knights will not be expecting you so use the element of surprise. May you have success."

All the henchman that were remaining mount their horses and ride out towards the knight's camp.

Sir Gray while holding Sir Troy's hand over his wound bends over and quietly says, "I love you Sir Troy with all my heart. Try and make your way back to the knight's camp. Hopefully they'll defeat Sir Randall's henchmen. Don't worry about me I know how to kill Sir Randall. Just try and stay alive."

Sir Troy not to reveal that Miss Greta is really Sir Gray says to him with tears in his eyes, "Miss Greta I love you. I'll pray that we see each other again."

Sir Gray kisses Sir Troy and leaves him lying on the ground still bleeding with tears in his eyes.

Seeing Sir Randall sitting on his horse waiting Sir Gray walk up and mounts on it. Now sitting in front Sir Randall places his hand around his waist and says to him, "Miss Greta hold on this ride is going to be bumpy if you know what I mean."

Sir Troy watches as Sir Randall rides off with the love of his life toward the castle.

As they are riding Sir Gray starts to feel that Miss Greta's delicate little ass is getting very sore from bouncing when the horse would gallop. Fortunately Sir Gray sees that the castle is near.

They ride all the way into the castle courtyard. Sir Randall now unmounted then helps Sir Gray off the horse.

Sir Randall sees a guard at the castle door and says "Guard fetch me a young maiden. Miss Greta is weary from her journey and needs a woman's attention."

As Sir Randall waits for a maiden to come he sees that Sir Gray has taken his robe off. Sir Randall admires Miss Greta's cleavage spilling out her blouse and perky nipples.

Sir Gray who places his robe in the saddle bag notices Sir Randall looking at him lustfully and ask, "Would you mind if I freshen up before our night together?"

"That is why I asked the guard to fetch a maiden so she could assist preparing you for our time together.", Sir Randall says to him.

Finally a young maiden opens the castle door and ask Sir Randall, "My knight what is it do you need?"

"Take my guest Miss Greta and see that she is dressed tonight that is pleasing to me. Then bring her to the large bed chambers.", Sir Randall says to the young maiden.

The young maiden then says to Sir Gray, "Miss Greta come we shall prepare you for a night with Sir Randall."

Sir Gray leaves with the young maiden and they go inside the castle. Of course Sir Gray knowing every room in castle pretends to not know where they're going. Eventually they make their way to the large bed chambers. Right away Sir Gray remembers when he was the Queen making love to Sir Troy in there. Looking at the bed he also remembered many nights of pleasure were spent with each other on that bed.

The young maiden says to Sir Gray, "Miss Greta do you need my help removing your garments?"

"No, I'll be fine. Go and get some rest.", Sir Gray says to the young maiden.

The young maiden leaves the large bed chambers and Sir Gray began removing Miss Greta's garments from his body.

Now naked Sir Gray opens the large wardrobe and immediately sees the dress he wants to wear when he kills Sir Randall.

The dress he picks out is the same silk blue dress he wore the first night Sir Troy and him made love. Since it was the Queen's dress he had to take it up some so it would fit him as Miss Greta.

Sir Gray now dressed sits on the large bed and waits for Sir Randall to come.

Meanwhile Sir Randall not revealing himself as the traitor to the castle staff quietly walks to the large bed chambers. He enters the chambers and sees Sir Gray looking seductively at him on the bed.

Sir Gray then stands up and walks up to Sir Randall and says, "Does my appearance please you my Knight?"

"Miss Greta you look very beautiful tonight.", Sir Randall says to him.

Sir Randall then lifts Sir Gray up in his arms and places him flat on the bed. Sir Randall then unfastens the silk corset on Sir Gray and Miss Greta's breast slide out.

By letting Sir Randall do this Sir Gray knows that it won't be long before he executes his plan. Now that Miss Greta's nipples are exposed Sir Randall takes his tongue and starts licking them. Of course this really excites Sir Gray because Miss Greta's nipples are very sensitive.

Then Sir Randall stops licking Miss Greta's nipples and lifts up his dress. Sir Gray ask Sir Randall, "Sir Randall what are doing?"

"Miss Greta I want to see your pretty little pussy.", Sir Randall says.

He sees that Sir Gray has the queen's silk undergarments on. He then slides them down so Miss Greta's pussy is now revealed.

"Miss Greta you have a pretty little pussy.", Sir Randall says to Sir Gray.

Sir Randall then places his tongue on Miss Greta's pussy. Sir Gray starts feeling a orgasm coming on and says to Sir Randall, "Oh your tongue feels so good on my pussy."

Within moments Sir Gray has a orgasm. Sir Randall then sits up seeing that Sir Gray appears to very sensitive.

"Miss Greta you must have a very sensitive pussy. Why don't you perform your womanly skills on me now.", Sir Randall says to Sir Gray.

Sir Randall then stands up and removes his clothes. After removing his clothes he places his sword on the large settee at end of the bed. Sir Gray then removes the queen's dress and undergarments. He places them on the settee next to Sir Randall's sword.

Now standing Sir Gray says to Sir Randall, "Please my knight and lay on your back so I can pleasure your cock."

Sir Randall never have been with a woman so forward about sex eagerly lays flat on the large bed. His cock very hard at this point.

He looks at Sir Randall's cock and notices how much smaller it is compared to his and Sir Troy's.

"Miss Greta you are so beautiful. I love that little patch of red hair just about your sweet little pussy. My cock is ready for your mouth to be placed upon it." , Sir Randall says to Sir Gray.

Sir Gray wanted to follow his plan uses Miss Greta's hands and strokes Sir Randall's cock.

To feed Sir Randall ego he says to him,"Sir Randall your cock is so big. I don't know if I can fit all of it in my mouth."

Sir Gray knew the more he fed Sir Randall's ego the easier he will let down his defenses. Sir Gray then lowers his head and places Sir Randall's cock in Miss Greta's mouth. Now with his knowledge of how to use her body he knows exactly how to pleasure Sir Randall.

In fact he brought Sir Randall many times to the brink of spilling his seed.

"Miss Greta please there is great pressure inside my cock. I need to release my seed.", Sir Randall says to him.

Losing track of the time Sir Gray suddenly realizes it was getting close to sunset. He could see the darkness in the windows was starting brighten up. Sir Gray knew that he was close with his plan.

"Sir Randall, I would like to sit on you so you can spill your seed into me this way.", he says to Sir Randall in Miss Greta seductive voice.

Sir Randall desperate for a release of his seed says to him, "Miss Greta that would be heavenly. No woman has ever made me last this long without releasing my seed. I don't know how long I will last with my cock inside your tight little pussy."

"Sir Randall let me worry about that. After all I'm the one with the pussy.", Sir Gray says.

Sir Gray still wet from the earlier licking raises up and grabs Sir Randall's cock and places it in Miss Greta's pussy. Sir Gray then leans back towards the settee and slowly moves Miss Greta's pussy up and down on Sir Randall's cock.

Sir Randall began moaning and Sir Gray starts feeling his cock began to twitch and he shouts, "Miss Greta here it comes!"

With his eyes closed Sir Randall seed starts to spill into Miss Greta's pussy. While Sir Randall's eyes are closed Sir Gray reaches behind him and pulls his sword out and places behind him under the blankets.

Sir Randall with a smile on his face opens his eyes and says, "Miss Greta you must have the tightest pussy in all the Kingdom! It's still clamping down on my cock."

"Sir Randall your cock is still hard can we go again? I need more of your hard cock.", Sir Gray says to him.

Sir Randall looking very tired says to Sir Gray, "Miss Greta please let me rest for a moment or two so I can make some more seed for you. Go ahead and lift your pussy off of my cock. There is a cloth next to you at the end of the bed to clean us up with."

Sir Randall closes his eyes and at that moment Sir Gray knew what he had to do.

Sir Gray removed Sir Randall's cock from Miss Greta's pussy and slid to the end of the bed. Acting like he was reaching for the cloth Sir Gray instead grabs Sir Randall sword.

Now the moment had come for Sir Gray to implement his plan. Sir Randall still with his eyes closed and enjoying the afterglow of releasing his seed into Sir Gray. Begins to fall asleep. Sir Gray then looks out the window and notices the sun is about to rise.

Sir Gray knowing he had to act now swings Sir Randall's sword towards him and next came a sound of something dropping onto the floor. Sir Randall immediately opens his eyes and right away his body goes limp. Suddenly there is blood coming from where Sir Randall's cock was and it was spurting out of him!

Sir Gray naked gets up from the bed and sees Sir Randall's cock on the floor. Still partially hard he picks it up and to Sir Randall's shock Sir Gray shows it to him.

Sir Randall moved his hands down to where his cock once and tries to stop the bleeding. Feeling weak he sees Sir Gray smiling at him with his cock in Miss Greta's hand.

He looks at Sir Randall with a smile and says, "Sir Randall it looks like you lost your cock. How are you going to fuck me now?"

Barely able to talk Sir Randall shouts at Sir Gray and says, "You bitch I'm going to kill you! I'm going to cut you open from your mouth down to your pussy."

"Sir Randall I don't think so. You have to find me first. You know this is revenge for hurting Sir Troy don't you.", Sir Gray says to Sir Randall.

Sir Randall feeling lots of pain realizes that he might not get his cock back begs Sir Gray, "Miss Greta please give me back my cock. Please have mercy on me."

Sir Gray smiles at him and then looks over at the fireplace that still had a small fire burning from last night. Sir Gray walks over to the fireplace and tosses Sir Randall's cock into the fire!

Sir Randall helpless watches as his cock burns in the fireplace.

"Sir Randall I'm going to extend the same mercy as you extended to Sir Troy. If you live or die it will not be by my hand.", Sir Gray says to him.

Suddenly Sir Gray hears doors open and closing. He knew they must have heard Sir Randall shouting. Knowing that there was a secret exit Sir Gray grabs Sir Randall's clothes and runs towards a side room. Immediately he opens the secret passage door in there and closes it.

As soon as he enter the secret passage Sir Randall's henchmen come in with their swords drawn in the bed chambers.

During this time when the henchmen were in the bed chambers the sun began to rise. Sir Gray knew had to stay in there and transform so he could come out and fight them.

Once the sun had risen Sir Gray put on Sir Randall's clothes and came out of the secret passage way and Sir Randall was gone along with the henchmen.

With a trail of blood out of the bed chamber Sir Gray follows it to the outside courtyard. There the blood trail stops in the middle of the courtyard. Sir Gray knows that Sir Randall's men must have rescued him. Suddenly he sees Sir Ben one of the knights from the camp riding up.

"Sir Gray you're alive. What happened", Sir Ben ask.

"Sir Randall is wounded and his henchmen rescued him while I was trying to find them. How is Sir Troy?", Sir Gray ask.

Sir Ben says while getting off his horse, "Sir Troy is alive but in very bad condition. If he doesn't see a healer very soon he will die."

"Sir Ben let me have your horse so I can ride back to the camp. Find two of the fastest horses in the castle stables and hitch them to the Queen's royal wagon. Bring the wagon with the horses to the camp so I can carry Sir Troy to a healer before he dies. Hurry Sir Troy's life is in the balance!"

Sir Gray leaps on Sir Ben's horse and rides as fast as he can to the camp. Meanwhile Sir Ben rounds up the two of the fastest horses and the Queen's royal wagon and travels to the camp as well.

In no time Sir Gray enters the camp. Right away he sees a knight by the name of Sir Henry and ask him, "Sir Henry where is Sir Troy?"

"Sir Gray, he is in the tent to left of you.", Sir Henry says to him.

Sir Gray immediately enters the tent and sees a young scout tending to Sir Gray's wound.

"Young man please give us some privacy.", Sir Gray says to the young scout.

Sir Troy hears Sir Gray's voice and opens his eyes and smiles. Then Sir Troy says to Sir Gray, "I see you must have of gotten the best of Sir Randall. Is he dead?"

Sir Gray not wanting to reveal his feelings for Sir Troy in case someone is listening says, "No, Sir Troy but he has lost something very valuable from his body. Try and relax because in a litle while I'm going to bring back to the Kingdom so a healer can treat you. You're going need your strength to ride in the Queen's royal wagon so you can be comfortable. Just hang on until we get there."

"Sir Gray please lean down so I can tell you something in your ear.", Sir Troy says to Sir Gray.

Sir Gray leans over and Sir Troy says, "My love I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. I'm glad your safe. Don't worry about me just take out that traitor Sir Randall."

Sir Gray stands up and says to Sir Troy, "Sir Troy, you are more important to this Kingdom so I will send the other Knights to hunt him down. As for me I'm taking you back to the Kingdom myself. Get some rest before we start on our long trip."

Sir Gray leaves Sir Troy's tent and sees Sir Ben riding up with the Queen's royal wagon.

"Sir Ben gather some men and lets put Sir Troy in the Queen's wagon so I can leave at once.", Sir Grays commands.

After loading Sir Troy in the Queen's royal wagon Sir Gray says to Sir Ben, "Gather the remaining Knights and have them hunt down Sir Randall. Capture him alive so the King can judge him as a traitor. Be careful he is very angry since I have wounded him in his private area."

Sir Gray gets on the wagon and heads back to the kingdom with Sir Troy.

Next: Chapter 6

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