The Two Slaves

By hugh questorius

Published on Jul 6, 2003



This is another of those nasty and depraved stories by Hugh Masters, If you have read The Predator (1 June 03); The Chattel (1 April 03); Stripped (12 Dec 02); The Boss (24 April 02); or Humiliator (6 May 02); you will know the sort of thing to expect. You have been warned!


I was sitting on my usual stool at the bar with mick beside me. He was standing of course as I don't let fuck-boy slaves like him sit with me. Mind you, as I had given him a good thrashing before we came out, I guess he preferred to stand anyway. I tossed him a fiver and motioned for him to get a drink for himself as well. He moved down the bar to where Harry was pulling pints, well Harry didn't go to serve slavemeat like mick, it went to him.

I noticed a feller talking to mick. New guy, hadn't seen him before. I eyed him over, Nice. Yeah, he'd do if he was available, but perhaps he was a top making a play for mick whose slave collar was proclaiming his status. I didn't mind. I liked other men to admire my property.

As mick came back with the drinks he brought new guy with him. "Says he'd like to meet you Sir" said mick. I nodded and asked "What's its name?" (Well, if he was a top there's no way he'd let me get away with calling him "it" to a slave, but he said nothing. So, bottom.)

"What's your name, boy?" snarled mick. (Don't you just love the way that slave trash will seize the chance to put down a fellow submissive?)

"Chris" new boy told him.

"Chris, Sir" mick relayed as if new boy was not allowed to talk direct to me.

I eyed him up, and eyed him down, slowly and with deliberate insolence. He just stood there, eyes lowered. "You want to be fucked, boy?" I sneered.

"I want anything you want Sir" he answered. A good reply. I liked him more by the minute and felt my cock stir under my jeans. I told him to unbutton his shirt to the waist. He did so calmly and without hesitation. I reached out, slid my hand under his shirt seeking the nipple. "Look at me" I told him. He raised his eyes to meet mine as I found his tit and crushed it hard with my thumb against the side of my forefinger. His gaze did not waver but was soft and submissive. I twisted his nip brutally. He just stood there, making no move to pull away or protect himself, saying nothing. But oh, it was wonderful to see the pain in his eyes!

I released my grip and let my hand slide down over his body which felt taut and firm. I sat back and lifted my beer with just a hint of a salute of approval. "You've been well trained" I said.

"Thankyou Sir" he murmered quietly.

"So where's your Master then?" asked mick pointedly.

"He threw me out."

"I see," sneered mick, "unsatisfactory, eh?"

Chris turned to me, stung by mick's jealous taunting "He said he was bored, Sir," he explained, "said I was so thoroughly broken in after two years of use that I was no longer a challenge - that I was simply too obedient. That, and the fact that he brought in a younger, coloured guy. Said he fancied 'a bit of chocolate' to flavour his jaded appetite."

"Hm, so you are looking for a new Master, is that it?"

He cast his eyes down, ashamed, "I am the sort of guy who needs to be owned Sir" he murmered.

And what can you bring to the party that mick here can't supply?"

"I've been trained to obedience by experts, Sir"

"So has mick" (Mick smirked, smugly. I could have punched his face)

"My Master always said I had a particular talent for body-licking Sir."

"Did he, by Jove?" That touched a nerve. I have a special liking for having my body slave-licked. Mick looked concerned. He could see me taking on new-boy and giving him the elbow, though that was not what was in my mind. Not at all.

Mick rushed to defend his position. "The Master is very fussy about the way he likes to be licked and I have been specially trained in how to please him"

"That's true" I agreed "But it is no reason not to let Chris have a go." I finished my beer, got off my stool and told them both to follow me. The great thing about this bar was that it was only a few minutes walk from my flat. Once there I sat in my chair, leaned back and said "OK mick, time to see what we've got here. Strip him." Mick was only too keen to be able to demonstrate his superior role as "best boy". Chris stood quiet and passive, letting mick insolently strip him naked for me. I liked what I saw and made a rotating gesture with my finger. Obediently he turned round. His backside was striped with livid weals from a cane. Clearly they had been laid on hard by an experienced hand.

"Your master did this?"

"Er, not exactly Sir"

"What do you mean, not exactly?"

"He ordered Gaz, his new boy, to do it"

"You were thrashed by his black slave - while he watched?"

"Yes Sir"


"When he dismissed me - three days back Sir"

"Why? What had you done?"

He shrugged. "He said I should have something to remember him by"

I looked at the wolfish expression on mick's face. "You'd like to thrash him too, wouldn't you, you dirty little bugger?" He nodded so eagerly that I continued "Unless I get HIM to flog YOU!" That wiped the smirk off his face!

"I'll tell you what I'll do, I'll get the two of you competing to see which one can give me the most tongue-pleasure. You can get one on each side and starting at my hairline work down over my face, chest, arms, ribs, hips, thighs and feet. It is a race, the one who gets there first LOSES! The winner will be allowed to work his way up to my crotch and suck my cock till I'm ready to fuck him."

"And the loser, sir?" enquired the new boy.

"The loser gets to watch his rival get fucked - then sucks my cum out of his arse"

"And gets to thrash the loser too?" asked Mike, confident that his experience would give him victory. But before I could answer chris threw himself to his knees and seizing my hand begged not to be beaten saying he could not take another caning so soon. "Then you'll just have to make sure you are the better body-licker, won't you?" I said.

I led them upstairs to the spare room, my "Play Room", I stripped off and lay stretched out on the single bed in the centre of the room so that each could kneel on opposite sides of me. I clasped my hands behind my head to give them full access to my armpits, splayed my legs, closed my eyes and told them to begin.

I am a sensualist. I love having my body slave-licked. All over. Very slowly. Inexperienced slaves get excited at being allowed to lick their master's body and get passionate and over-enthusiastic. They go charging around, clutching and grabbing. No bloody good at all. I like to be tongue-bathed slowly and gently, with a light variation of licking, lip work, wet tongue and tongue flicker. And in silence! I don't need a slave to tell me how much he enjoys licking my body and what an honour it is. I don't give a fuck whether he's enjoying himself or is bored out of his mind as long as he works diligently at giving me pleasure.

This was the first time I'd had two men working on me together - and it was bloody fantastic! A tongue in the ear always drives me wild, but a tongue in both ears at the same time - Jesus! And, of course, they were watching each other like hawks, each determined to outdo the other in their dedication to their work. This was noticeable when they worked my nipples, neither wanting to be the first to leave these centres of sensual gratification. And chris was good, bloody good. He'd obviously been well trained. He matched mike's repetoire of tongue swirling, lip tugging, sucking, gentle teeth gnawing and even rolling my tit between his teeth, but then he did something no man had done to me before, he lightly rasped his chin stubble across my oh-so-sensitised nipple. I gave an involuntary jerk of movement and a moan of pleasure. Immediately mick was alert - what had this interloper done to get such a reaction? - and quickly copied him. This new sensation, now doubled, drove me wild and, feeling me twist with pleasure, both intensified their efforts, ripping their harsh stubble across my erect nubs and grinding their chins into my chest until I could bear the pain and the pleasure no longer. I gripped their heads to still them and moved their faces into my armpits. Athough I had showered that morning, it had been a hard, hot day on the site, giving them plenty of dried muck-sweat to scour clean with their tongues. I tell you, until you have lain sprawled and naked with two slave-boys licking your armpits you haven't lived!

Once again they were in this problem of who would be the first to break away. And so they went on, snuffling and sniffing and licking my pits again and again while my cock throbbed and dribbled - the rampant prize that only one would be allowed to gobble. It was mick who broke the impasse, using his experiece of my foibles he knew I liked to have my biceps licked and so he moved out there. Yeah, well, biceps can't compare with armpits for sensual pleasure, to say nothing of nips, but I've got good biceps and I'm proud of 'em so I think it only right that a sex-slave should pay them proper homage.

Chris soon spotted what his rival was up to and followed suit but went on to my forearms. Now having your forearms licked is alright but it ain't sexy and mick knew better than to waste time there. He quickly retraced his steps via my armpits and back onto my chest, thence started down over my ribcage. By the time the newboy had realised his mistake and headed back too, mick had already acheived my navel and was busily working his tongue into it, giving me shocks of pleasure. Advantage mick! What was chris to do, wait for mick to move on and lamely follow him into my navel? Obviously he decided on a more daring manouevre and swept his tongue down my side, over my hip and up onto my thigh, carefully avoiding my genitals, knowing they were reserved for the victor only. I was much amused by this use of my body as a battleground as they vied with each other to pleasure me.

Now it was chris's turn to score a very definite advantage by getting his head between my legs so that he could lick the sensitive inside of my thigh and, in so doing, denying space to mick to do the same. So the resident slave had to be content with licking the top and outside of my other thigh. That's nice enough but no comparison to inner-thigh lick. What is more chris licked me very wetly, drooling and sliding and slobbering along my leg, then using his incisor teeth like a Roman strigil to scrape the saliva off again in long, slow downward sweeps. No man had ever done that to me before either and I found it very sexy. Advantage chris, very definitely!

Legs below the knee are a sensual desert and both men wasted no time on my shins before getting to my feet. Now feet are a very different affair. Not only are they very sensitive but also carry a huge symbolic and emotional charge. No slave can be unaware of the self abasement involved in licking his master's feet. Strangely, I had always sensed a slight reserve from mick in this area. His feet-licking was thorough enough but somehow dutiful and lacking in devotion. Not so with chris however. He revelled in his abasement! He delighted in insinuating his tongue between each of my toes in a marvellously obscene and suggestive way and then wiggling that moist muscle so that I squirmed with pleasure. He took each toe individually into his mouth and sucked it devotedly. He collected them all into his mouth and sucked and slobbered appreciatively. He wet the sole with saliva and slipped the balls of his thumbs over the wetness with a firm pressure which was deeply pleasing. He was in a different league to mick. I placed the sole of my foot against mick's face and gave him a firm shove which unbalanced him and sent him sprawling on his back in an undignified heap.

I hooked the backs of my toes under chris's chin and lifted his face to look at me "You've got a new name, boy. Licker!" He grinned happily and dove headfirst between my thighs licking all the way up what had been mick's leg til he reached my crotch. I expected him to plug straight onto my dribbling cock but he was too subtle for that. He gently butted my ball sac with his nose, fastidiously sniffing my crotch, first one side then the other, finally insinuating his nose right under my scrotum to savour my warm man-stink and to work his tongue into that most secret place behind my balls where he pleasured me mightily! Then, before starting to lick my testicles with lascivious attention, with great care he completely engulfed one in his moist mouth, rolling it slowly round and round like a ripe plum before doing the same to the other.

Mick was in a rage of frustration and jealousy. He nuzzled my side whining and pleading that I should let him suck my cock. I shoved him back onto the floor with dismissive contempt so as to concentrate on what Licker was doing. He had his tongue right at the base of my dribbling shaft between my balls. And he climbed up it like a monkey up a pole, but slowly, using lips and tongue as if he were sucking a lollipop. The bugger made me wait and wait for him to reach the top and the intensity of the pleasure when he finally slid his moist lips down over my slimy cock-head was so intense I had to stop myself from shooting straight away. As it was I could not stand the sensual overload of his swirling tongue skills and deep sucking for long. The fuck-lust surged within me and could not be denied any longer. I yanked his head away, leapt up and threw him across the bed and was about to launch myself onto him when mick interposed himself, pleading "Fuck me, Master, please, fuck me fuck ME" I was angry at the insolence of his interruption but had a sudden idea how I could fuck both slaves at the same time!

I ordered Licker to his feet, told mick to lie on his back in the same position across the bed and made Licker lie face down on top of him. Then I lowered myself over the two of them and penetrated Licker. Oh but he was a good fuck! He was a GORGEOUS fuck! I banged into him knowing that every forceful thrust would be transmitted through his body to mick beneath him so that mick was being fucked by proxy as it were. Licker writhed and gasped and grunted, sandwiched between master on top and slave beneath, his sweat-slippery body gripped firmly and held in position for me by mick. "Fuck him Master, fuck him" urged mick in time with my thrusts "fuck the bastard, make him yell, fuck him harder, hurt him Master! Yes, yes, yes, YES!" and incredibly mick, attuned to my rhythms, shot his load at the same moment as I fired wads of cum into Licker's body.

After a while I heaved myself off the sweaty mess of slaves beneath me and Licker slid to his knees off mick's body which glistened with sweat and his own spunk. I told mick to lie on hs back on the floor, his head touching the wall. Then I made Licker stand astride him,leaning back against the wall and slide down the wall till his ass was over mick's face.

"You wanted my spunk in YOU, mick? Well now you can. It's called energy-efficiency - recycling one fuck between two slaves! Suck my cum out of Licker's ass!" I told him. But it didn't quite work like that because the air that my vigorous fucking had pumped into Licker suddenly escaped in a long, bubbling, wet fart that sprayed cum and lube and mess all over mick's face. I laughed and urged Licker to wipe his bum on the other slave's phiz. "Spread it around" I urged. "Rub it in!" I made mick tongue-scour the cheeks of his ass clean and then get his tongue right up inside his fucked ring to clean it out. I asked Licker if he could feel mick's tongue inside him. "I - I don't think so Sir" he said, uncertainly. "Well grab him by the balls. Persuade him!" I commanded. Licker leaned forward, scooped up a fistful of testicles and mashed them purposefully. Mick yowled in distress but the sound was quickly muffled as he plunged his face into his tormentor's ass-crack.

"Can you feel his tongue now?"

"Yes Sir, oh yesss!" he moaned.

"He's got his tongue INSIDE your body?"

He nodded, his eyes glazed, and loosing his grip on mick's balls started to jerk himself off. I ordered him to spatter his spunk onto mick's body and in moments ropes of jism were flung across the boy's belly and thigh. Spent and slumped Licker was of no further use to me so I grabbed him by the hair and pulled him off mick's fuck-soiled body and sent him sprawling on the floor out of the way. I supported myself against the wall over mick's head and with one foot smeared the slave-spunk over his nakedness, finally holding my foot over his face. He didn't need telling, he clasped it in both hands and dutifully licked the sole clean. I had to hand it to mick, he knew what was wanted!

Licker gave a sneering snort at mick's humiliation which irritated me so I grabbed his hair again and forcibly scrubbed his face on mick's body, ordering him to lick off the smeared remains of his own ejaculate. He didn't like that. He didn't like that one little bit but I wasn't having him think he was superior to mick just because I had chosen to fuck him instead of my regular fuck-boy.

When he was done I ordered him to write his phone number down in case I wanted to use him again, then to dress and get out. He asked permission to have a shower first, but I told him no, as I was finished with him and wanted him out. Some slaves would get surly at this point but not Licker. He quietly did as he was told, murmered "Thankyou Sir" and let himslf out. Clearly his previous owner had done a good job in training him to obedience.

I looked down at mick still sprawled on the floor. "But you, you bugger, you definitely need a very thorough scrub before you are allowed in my bed tonight" He grinned happily at the thought of being allowed to sleep in my bed instead of on his mattress on the floor. "Yes Sir!" he said as he leapt eagerly to his feet and headed for the shower.

I smiled to myself reflecting that I'd give him a good fucking tonight. After all, he deserved it after what I'd put him through.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx END xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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