The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Mar 24, 2012


Disclaimer: The usual warning involving: Gay sex, harsh language, do not read where not allowed etc. This chapter does not include sex but it will be coming shortly. Need to build the story up first.

This is my first story and chapter so enjoy

"Heads up!" Those were the first two words that I heard when I got to college. Less than five minutes earlier my sister and I had just pulled into Cal State Long Beach and parked in the residence halls lot. Standing next to my sister near the trunk, I turned around and saw a disk flying towards me. Thinking instinctively, I forced my sister to stay tucked in the trunk with my left hand as I reached out to catch the Frisbee flying at us. It almost slipped past me to hit my sister before I firmed my grip on it.

"What the hell Chris?" My sister, the commanding one between the two of us, forces her way out of my hold and into my face. Taller than most women, her 5 foot 8 inch body stares at me annoyed. Her brunette hair is all fuzzed up from the long drive down from Sacramento but she still retains a sense of beauty to her.

Showing her the Frisbee, she relaxes a bit but her teal eyes still pierce into me. "Look, I am sorry for pushing you into the trunk. It was either that or you getting hit. Not that that isn't running through my head at the moment." I smirk at her as she returns the smile.

Turning to the grassy area where the Frisbee came from, I see a guy trotting over. As he gets closer, his body becomes more visual. Definitely a sports man, his biceps show through his bit too tight white shirt. The sun seems to shimmer off his blonde hair as he leaves the shade of the tree and enters the asphalt. "Were you the guy who threw the disk? Not to smart playing around cars, don't you think?" I shout as he gets closer.

"Sorry about that." Mr Frisbee hollers as I toss the disk to him in a forehand style. He catches it perfectly in near his chest as he approaches me. "My friends thought it would be fun to mess with the freshmen. I tried to catch it but sadly I can't jump that high." Dropping the disk into his right hand, he sticks out his left prompting a handshake. "My name is Pike."

I could go into a whole twilight montage about how sexy this guy looked up close but I don't want to bore you. Simply put, I don't know if it was his body, being that Adonis figure or his smile, being sweet and so disarming. Apparently my sister didn't fall for it as she stuck out her hand first, shaking it. "Hi, I am Ally. This is my brother Chris. Since you think one of us is a freshman who is it?"

Turning to her, Pike smiles sweetly, "Well my friends as I said earlier thought you were freshmen. You seem to have a fire in you that says otherwise so I am putting you at either junior or senior. Your brother though" turning back to me with that same sweet smile, "can't seem to take his eyes off of me so I am saying he is the freshman."

Turning beet red, I turn around to the trunk and quickly try to find a box to take out. "Um. Yea. I am... A freshman." Stacking three small boxes on each other I lift them out of the car and close the trunk. "Could you tell us where the Residence Hall is?" I want to get out of this situation as soon as possible. My embarrassment is growing by the second, not to mention the slight hard on.

Somehow though I think he is enjoying the situation as he pulls out a map from his pocket. Instead of just pointing us to where the hall is, he takes his time, pointing it out on the map. Placing the map on the trunk he comments "You are here, what you are wanting is right next to the Dining Hall. Basically right on the other side of that building." He turns around and points at the closest building.

In my head I am mutter to myself, "Like you couldn't just say that?" Turning to my sister, and her noticing my still red face, I ask, "Think we should get going? I am sure that Pike has a few more freshmen to torment."

Noticing my pleading discomfit to escape, she smiles mischievously. "Think you could escort us to the hall Pike? It would be nice to have some help when taking some boxes." My face turns to horror, expecting him to respond with a yes.

"Well I would love to, but I actually need to get back to my friends. They probably think that I am over here flirting with you." Pike said that to my sister but in my heart I felt as if he was talking to me. The word `flirting' filled me with butterflies as I take the first step away.

"Well have fun with your friends. Come on Ally, I don't want to keep him waiting." I start walking away, not even caring about the outcome of what might happen. A few feet down the line, my sister rushes back up to me and comments in a hushed voice, "What the hell was that Chris? Did you have a crush on him?"

Blushing slightly, I look at her while still walking. "What? No. I just arrived. I don't have time to start fantasizing about men. Plus he is wayy out of my league. It's not like you didn't notice how fit he was."

"I know, those arms. Man I would love for him to pick me up. And Chris you should have felt his handshake. You know how Dad always taught us to give a firm handshake, well he was very firm." Ally looks up and memorizes over the moment. "Aw man. Also you can't lie; you totally had a crush on him."

Finally approaching the hall's entrance, I turn to her. Quietly I comment "Fine, yes he was amazing, not going to lie. Can we drop this, I may be out back home but not knowing my roommates yet, I want to go in slowly. Warm up to them first." We enter the lobby of the hall and head towards the elevator, riding it up to the third floor.

"Fine, hot man is being dropped. And I'm sure you like to go in slowly." Ally suppresses a small laugh as she follows. We turn and give each other a smirk.

"Ah here you are. 212." Ally reaches into my back pocket and fishes out the key while I look up and down the hall. Students move like maniacs, bee-lining here and there for various items. Boxes line the walls, some entering and others being flattened for space. It almost looks like a weird dance, with students and parents moving around each other, each travelling at their own rhythm and speed.

Entering into the room, Ally and I are greeted to a giant of a student. At a quick glance I could have sworn this guy was 6 foot 5. In reality he was more like 6 foot 2. But it was his weight that also contributed to the image. My guess is that he was a former footballer. Stocky with raging biceps and calf muscles, this guy was built for sports. He just looked so imposing I would not want to piss off him. He is standing with his back to us as we entered. "That you Zach?"

"Umm no. It is your new roommate. Name's Chris". I move into the room, attempting to make room for Ally. The room is decently sized; two bunk beds and their desks are on opposite sides of the room and a normal bed against the wall under the window. Glancing around the room, I notice the last desk next to the closet in the corner. It is already full of books, papers and boxes, informing that most likely the window bed is taken as well.

The giant turns around and smiles warmly. "Hey so you are number 3. Welcome to casa de 212. I am Bryan." He must have sensed my nervousness by adding "I may look big but I like to think of myself as a teddy bear. Completely harmless unless aggravated." Motioning to the bed furthest from the door, Bryan noted "That is the only bed left. I hope that is ok with you. I took the window bed, hoping that it might support me better. Zach, the roommate whom you haven't met yet, wanted the one closest to the door. Something about coming in drunk at nights and not wanting to make much noise." He laughs and takes a box off me and places it on the desk. Ally walks in beside me and places my suitcase on the bunk. I follow suit and place the rest of the boxes on the desk as well.

"Hey bro, is there anything else that you might need help with? I wish I could stay longer but I need to get going soon. I hope that is alright if I could jet. College is calling for me as well." Ally looks at her watch then back at me. Her faint smile shows she wants to let me start getting the college experience.

"What college do you go to?" Bryan asks, having moved to the other bunk bed. Leaning up against the opposite bunk bed, his body shows what he has to offer. Beneath the white t-shirt a visible 6 pack is shown. It doesn't help that the sun just happened to be shining in on him. Raising his hand to cover his eyes, he moves onto his bed and closes the blinds. As he does so, his ass shows its firmness through the denim. Good god man, I am going to have some guys to jack off to. I avert my eyes to Ally so I am not caught staring again.

"I go to Fullerton state. Go Titans!" Ally proudly states smiling at Bryan. She knows that he is going to retort but still eggs him on. Ignoring the mini spat going on, I quietly turn back to my bed and start taking out my clothes from the suitcase. Not realizing there is a lull; Ally taps on my shoulder and asks me again if she is alright to leave.

"Um yea, sorry about that. I was letting you two show your school spirit. Let me walk with you out. Mind if I keep the door open, Bryan? Saves me from having to bring my keys." I turn and start heading out the door with my sister.

"Yea go ahead. We could use the air as well; the window only opens up so much." Bryan states, moving back into what he was doing, whatever that was.

When we got to the car, I subtly look around for Pike. Wishful thinking wanting him to still be out here. The sun is heading down and most everyone has headed inside to unpack. Admitting defeat I turn back to my sister who happens to have a grin on her face. "He isn't out here Chris. Bummer as I would have loved to have seen him one more time as well." Feigning stupid, I ask who she is talking about, knowing full well who. "Well just remember, you are now living with two other guys. It probably isn't in your best interest to be caught beating off to gay porn. At least not yet. Get to know them first..." Her voice trails off on that last statement. "Also be careful. I am not that far away so if you need me let me know."

"Ally I will be alright. I survived back in Sacramento while you and dad were gone right? How is anything different here? If anything, with you being closer it makes you more able to protect me. Not that I need that." I open the driver's door for her, ushering her to get in.

Before she does though, as in all family matters, she goes in for the hug. Ugh the hug. It always happens, either if she is leaving or I am. "Ally, I will be alright, trust me." I escape from the grip and smile at her.

"Alright, fine. Just remember to call dad. He may not answer but still try." Ally slips into the seat and starts the engine. I back away and start to close the door as she clips the seatbelt in.

"Drive safe sis." I put on a faint smile for her and start to walk to the sidewalk. Turning around I watch as she heads out of the parking lot. Last thing I hear from her, and this was to be expected from her, was "LOVE YOU CHRIS!" Yep, my sister in all her awesomeness, shouted out to me before I could do anything.

"Finally. Freedom." I think out loud as I head back to the hall.

Walking back into my room felt relaxing yet daunting. "This will be my room for the next year. Heck I might be here for the next four years." The door was shut, causing a slight worry to erupt over me. Hurrying over to the door I find, thankfully, that it is still unlocked. Getting in, I prop the door back open, allowing for air to circulate throughout the room. Bryan apparently has left so absent-mindedly I head over to my boxes and start unpacking. Taking out my family pictures, I place them at the corners of the desk. I smile as I look at one of them; me, my sister and dad in his army uniform. The typical family photo all posed and perfect. But in a way it wasn't.

My mom died giving birth to me, leaving my dad to raise us. It was hard with him being in the army but he was thankfully able to get stationed stateside. When I realized I was gay, the guilt that was placed on me was so hard. I had lost one parent and didn't want to lose him as well. My sister was the first to be told and it was her that helped me tell dad.

Moving to a different box I open it up to see the American flag on top. A bigger smile appears on my face, realizing that the General had snuck it in before he deployed back to Afghanistan. I place the flag up on the bed then go back to the boxes to find some pins to post it up to the roof. As I climb up onto the bed, I hear Bryan approach with another guy.

"Hey Chris, you're here. Perfect." Bryan says as he walks in. Heading straight for his bed, I hear him sit down and sigh. "Chris, meet Zach. Zach this is Chris."

Reaching the top of the bed, I turn around, accidentally dropping the flag down to the floor. "Oh shit." I say quickly. Before the flag reaches the ground though, the third member of the room reaches over to grab it. And he did it with such lightning fast reflexes. Leaning back up to hand me the flag, he says with a smile "Should watch this, some people might get upset should that touch the ground. I'm Zach."

"Yea I know. My dad is a General. He is very stern on treating the flag with respect. I am Chris." I take the flag from him and then shake his hand. Zach has potential but unlike Pike or Bryan, he is tall and lanky. Lanky isn't the right word as he does have definition. But it isn't big muscles as more of toned muscles.

"Ah ok cool. Yea I have a friend's mom who is stationed in Korea at the moment. With the way things are progressing at the moment, I wouldn't be surprised if that became the new warzone." Zach comments as he heads over to his desk. He looks to be mostly unpacked short of two boxes that lay on his seat. Speaking as he clears off the chair, "So where are you from? I am from Santa Maria. Bryan here is from Pomona."

I lie down on the bed, figuring out the best way to pin the flag, "I hail from Sacramento. I applied to some universities up there but wanted to get out of Nor Cal. Some like it others not so much. I fell into that not so much category. You guys play any sports?" I turn the flag around and start pinning it in, with the stars being right over my pillow.

"I played football for Pomona High and wanted to play for CSULB but they don't have a team. What university does not have a football team??" Bryan says as he pops open his laptop. It would figure that he did play football.

Zach explains his sports past, "I know right? At least they have baseball team. That is my sport back home and while I wasn't able to get picked here, I have no problem dragging your asses to the games." Ahh so two sports men, man this could be a wet dream for me haha. That does clarify why he had lightning fast reflexes. I wonder how fast he could pump his hand...

My thoughts, and growing boner, are interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in." Bryan and Zach shout at the same time. My boner dramatically grows as my eyes follow the newcomer to the room.

"Hey guys, I was wondering if you might be interested in joining the Ultimate Frisbee team. I am the team captain/ president. We are looking for anyone to join, experience doesn't matter. Oh hey there Chris didn't see you there." Pike finishes as his smile radiates through the room. He walks over to Zach and Bryan, handing them flyers. Lastly he walks over to me and hands me a flyer. "You should come out; you have quite an arm and wrist there. We could use you on the team." He winks at me then turns to the door, and before leaving comments, "Practice is tomorrow at 4. Most lectures are over by then so hopefully you guys can make it."

Next: Chapter 2

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