The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on May 18, 2012


Hey guys, after that intensely HOT chapter, it is time that we get back into the normal roll of things right? Maybe...

Tuesday started off to be a drag. After bio and communications, I hung out with Michael in the library, not doing much besides studying. We did our best to focus on the studies but didn't last long, turning our focus to each other instead. I blame him first, the rubbing of his leg against mine, first the lower leg before moving up to my crotch.

Squirming in my chair, Michael pulls back, noticing a few others looking at my wiggles before heading back in, this time with his shoe off. His toes fooled around with my rising partner, them tickling it to submission, me moving in further to get the massage. Speaking softly, I murmur to him, "You know, this is kind of voiding the whole constitution thing... I think there was something in there about studies."

Michael, having kicked off his other shoe, wraps both feet around my pole, each toe vying for the top spot. "The constitution was bullshit and you know it." The glint in his eye was sexy, a deep seductive gaze piercing into me.

Coughing as he pushes in on my groin, I jump a little before settling back down grabbing his feet and massaging them, giving my cock a break. "Well most of it was yes, but the underlying issues are all there. However," as Michael works his feet out of my hands and back to my legs, rubbing them one then the other, "I am sure we can work some things out now if you want to."

I start packing up my books and papers quickly, moving away from the table while trying to not have my tent be too noticeable. Michael follows suit and stuffs his items away, following me out the door. He grabs my ass occasionally as we walk, but I am bee-lining it out, hoping to get out before my pants get cracked from the pre-cum.

He lays off of me as we stroll over to his room, hoping that Bryson is out doing whatever he normally does in the afternoon. Busting into the room, Michael stumbles forth, me falling after him onto the floor, giggling about how stupid we look. Our fit ends in an instant as Bryson drops his book, giving us a cold stare. Not even needing to say anything, he just looks at us, focusing first on Michael then me.

Quickly moving to our feet, I brush off my pants as Michael moves a few steps away from me. "Hey Bryson, I didn't think you would be here. Sorry about that."

"Whatever. Please don't do what I think you were going to do right now. I am studying right now so go somewhere else." Bryson moves back to his book, pulling it up to his chest as he rests on his bed.

Not to be a mood killer, I pull Michael out the hall, shutting the door slightly behind me. "Hey well since your room is off limits, mine is as well, what about the showers? And then after that, dinner and a movie?" Pressing him up against the wall, I move in close and connect our bodies as a passerby strolls by. The guy looks awkwardly at us, not sure if to be happy for us or not.

Michael pecks my lips, "A shower does sound nice. Let me get my towel real fast, as well as one for you." Michael ducks back into his room, emerging a few seconds later with two red towels in hand. His soap and shampoo are wrapped up inside his towel as he hands me mine. "You should have seen Bryson in there; he rolled his eyes when he noticed me go for the towels. Didn't have to say anything, he just knew. Still, his expression was worth it."

We both head down to his shower; thankfully no one was there as it was still early in the day. I strip down first, tossing my clothes on the bench outside the curtain. Michael follows me in, revealing his body in the process.

Our sex session, if you wanna call it that, is something more sweet than erotic. After Sunday night, both our libido's were satisfied enough to last a while. The whole library incident was more of a playful jolt, Michael arousing me to see how far he could go before I put on the brakes. I turned the tables on him by going to Bryson's room and apparently he wanted more so I gave in.

Michael enters into the shower stall with me, his mast rising up to greet me as we embrace each other. The warm water flows down our necks as our skin connects, forcing the flow to seek alternative routes down our bodies. We hadn't really had much of a chance to kiss passionately in the past day so the shower seemed like a perfect place to do it.

Taking the soap from the bracket, I move the bar across his body, running circles around his back. Sliding it between his checks, I grab it from the underside, pushing it up the front of his body. "Instead of sex, how about we take pleasure in making sure every spot is clean. Think of it as a full body inspection." I wink at him as the bar moves up to his chest.

Michael grabs the shampoo and releases a little of the liquid, the foams up my hair. "That actually sounds kinda fun." Taking some of the froth, he works my underarms, cleaning the strands of pit hair on each arm. Taking more bubbles from my head, he scrubs my ass, etching a line across my crack.

Switching positions, I pass him the soap as he starts to lather my body up. The rinse of the water sends the suds down our bodies, gathering at our feet to make a head of white over our toes. Grabbing the bottle, I squeeze a little out then move to his hair. Running lines back, I claw his scalp, gripping him close as he pumps my cock. "Oh god, that feels great."

Michael snickers, "Just making sure that it is clean." He then moves down my body, fluffing up my legs with the bar. Working each leg, his mouth wraps around my cock and sucks for a few seconds. I press back against the wall, letting him continue. Giving a little bit of an orgasm denial, he releases the hold over me, slithering back up my body, kissing each rib in the process. "Yea I think you're clean now."

"You are so mean." I laugh a little to him as we make sure that all the soap has cleaned off each other. Standing under the water for a few seconds, we take in each other's bodies; Michaels muscular rugby body, the built shoulders, toned chest, massive thighs, gripping arms, and my toned physique, a noticeable 6 pack chest, decent arms to throw some wicked disks, and slender legs, allowing for a quick sprint.

Grabbing the towels, we dry each other off, our towels running over the other's body. I work at his hair, soaking up every drop of water that I can while he runs across my chest, working down to my groin. My cock is still a little hard, still hanging on for some greeting but the most it gets is a rub to make sure that it is dry.

Before long we are heading out to the movies, me still in the same clothes as earlier. The Muppets had just come out last week and I had wanted to see it from the previews. Michael showed the same interest, having been a long Kermit the Frog fan. We both got some kicks out of it, Jason Segel doing a great job acting and singing throughout the movie.

We got back to campus around 8 at night, having grabbed dinner at a quick fast food joint. Being college students, we only got what we could afford; not wanting to spend too much with the holiday's approaching. We both wanted to sleep with each other that night, but with Bryson focusing so much on his studies, we decided my room was a better option. Checking with Bryan and Zach first to make sure that it was alright, we called it an early night, hoping to get early food the following morning at the dining hall.

To keep the guys on my better side, Michael and I didn't have some massive make out scene, just a few kisses on the lips before dozing off in front of each other.

Wednesday was a great start, waking up to Michael sleeping opposite from me. The other two were still asleep in their beds and to continue with that, I did my best to wake Michael as gently as possible. A slight flutter was all that was needed to post a smile on his face. It may have been a droopy one but it was still cute to see so early in the morning. "Hey sexy."

Placing my finger to his lips, I nodded over to the other two guys, "They are still sleeping. Let's go get some food before heading off to class." Softly pulling back the sheets, I reveal our hardened bodies, our lower sections wanting some action. "As much as I would love to help you out, we can't really do it here, not in front of them." Rearranging myself, I climb quietly out of my bed and to the floor. Tossing him his pants, I move to my drawers to get a fresh pair out for me.

English was an easy class, Michael moving a little closer to me in the seating arrangement. A few of the students took notice of the change, not so much of his attraction to me but more of him disrupting the natural flow of students that had been in place all semester. Mrs. Steiner took notice of this as well, not saying anything blatantly obvious but she did give me a slight glance, wondering if the change was for me. As she wrapped up the class, she did call me forward to talk; her suspicion confirmed when Michael stood by the open door.

"Looks like you have a little arm candy there." I blush as I move up towards her. "That's not what I was going to talk with you about though. It is cute however." Mrs. Steiner gathers her bag together, moving all the papers to their respective folders. Shifting her focus between me and her packing up she continued, "If you don't mind me asking, what are your plans for majors, or do you already have one?"

Swallowing hard, I hadn't expected to have this kind of a talk right after class. I had not really thought of what I wanted to major in, thinking business or something easy. "Umm... well I had not really thought of it. As of right now I am undeclared. I do need to look into something though."

Steiner finished packing up then places her briefcase on the desk, "Well it is a little late in the semester to influence what classes you are taking next semester but if you want to come by my office next semester, I would like to see if you are interested in looking into English as a major for you. Just a thought to plant." She moves around the desk before walking out with me.

"I'll think about it. I need to sort something out soon." I comment as I meet up with Michael. He has moved down to the stairs, wanting to give me a little speaking room. Steiner notices him still waiting but doesn't say anything.

"Well just think about it." She smiles out to me as she walks the other way, the stroll of her body creating a path through the students.

Michael and I were not able to hang out that much later; statistics revealing a mini test come Friday that I needed to study for and history telling of one come next Wednesday, though that was going to be more of a review.

Thursday came around with the notice of another test/review in Biology. Making the mental note to study with Zach, I looked forward to ending the class as soon as I could. Science was never going to be my high point so I could immediately rule that out as a major for me.

Communications was simple, some student in the class trying to persuade their position to the students. It was the last of few speeches that needed to be made, mine already have been done early on just to get it over with.

Practice was a bag of mixed emotions, some of us getting pumped up for the tournament in two days, me not so much. Pike took notice of my inattentiveness and choose to work with me on some of the drills. During the starting throwing passes, Pike immediately called me out on what was on my mind, "It's about Kyle isn't it?"

Dropping the disk into a forehand grip, I fling the Frisbee over to him, commenting in the process. Sighing out, "Yea, I am not looking forward to seeing him again. I'm still hurt over what he did."

Tossing me a hammer, the disk flops upside down into my hands, having formed a perfect arch from Pike, "Have you even talked with him since the breakup?"

Pivoting to the left then right, I perfect my forehand again, "He has sent me a few texts but I didn't respond to any of them. I don't want to deal with him to be honest."

The disk flies a bit high for Pike, forcing him to jump a little to catch it. "Well, I am not going to tell you how to run your life but you might want to attempt to talk with him. At least hear out what he has to say."

The rest of practice is spent playing a few scrimmage games, some gut pass drills, and an L line drill. I didn't talk too much, most of my energy spent thinking about how to talk with Kyle. Every second I spent on him though, the image of him cheating kept coming back. It complicated issues further, making me think of any other times he may of seen other guys, and then what all he has done after we split ways.

Friday rolled around on a sour note, me waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Michael had tried to kiss me early on, but I pushed him off, hurting him a little. "I'm sorry. It's not you. My mind is preoccupied with Kyle."

We are eating at the local café on campus, each of us eating a bagel and drinking coffee. "Did he try to talk with you again?" Moving his hand from the warm coffee, the tender touch of skin feels good against my fingers. "You really should talk with him."

"Pike said the same thing yesterday. I want to but every time I think of him, I imagine him with other guys. I know I will be seeing him tomorrow so I am doing my best to prep seeing him." I stare out over the campus before turning back to Michael. There is a flame in my eyes that burns with rage, slowly getting snuffed out with the pings of pain.

"Just don't do anything rash. Please." Michael pleads with me, as if I am going to blow up on Kyle.

"I will do my best, it's not like I am going to kill him." A weak grin creases my lips, the thought suddenly sounding very appealing to me.

English was a simple wrap up of the week, Mrs. Steiner telling us of the last few days and the review coming on Wednesday. Statistics was a little harder, me passing the mini-test, just barely though. Apparently I had some studying to do.

Tournament day. I don't know how to describe my feelings of the day. My run with Peter was a simple one, only a lap around the campus. Apparently, and I didn't know this, the diameter of Long Beach State was just over 3 miles. Peter had a game later in the day that he had to play so it was going to be a simple run.

Throughout the run, he noticed my agitation, my impatience over the lights, my lack of talking. "You alright there?" Huffing past the library, I cough out, "Yea, just thinking. I'm going to be seeing an ex later. We haven't talked since our breakup."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Peter pulls back his hoodie, revealing the slick hair of his. I really don't know how he gets it so glossy so fast. The look in his eyes tells that he is a friend to talk with, but I don't know if I want to open up to him that much. I go for it though.

"I am trying to figure out the best way to compete against him without blowing up on him. He's made a few attempts to talk with me, all via text though, so in a way it is partly my fault for getting into this situation." Turning onto 7th street, we make our way to East Campus Road before turning up.

"Yea you got yourself into a jam then." Peter comments, running a few steps to my side.

"Thanks Sherlock." I mutter, light sarcasm showing in it.

"Well, before the game starts, I would suggest talking it over, maybe work out something?" Peter tries to lay out options for me, doing his best to help my predicament.

As the run continues we, thankfully, switch over to his game, talking about who he is going against. Apparently Hawaii has traveled out to play against him, though he seems unfazed by their impending showdown.

When the run had concluded, we wished each other luck, us both parting our separate ways. Bryan and Zach were up moving around when I got into the room and before 30 minutes had passed we were on the road with Andrew heading to Northridge.

Getting to Northridge was an easy trip, the freeways thankfully smooth, one of the few times to actually have it happen. Entering onto the field, finally our first outdoor tournament of the season, it was nippy further away from the beach. Unlike Long Beach, which had a massive playing field, Northridge seemed a whole lot smaller, only two playing courts set up on the grass between the baseball field and swimming pool. Most of the guys that were there were still bundled up in jackets and jogging pants.

Our first game started at 10, rivaling against CSU Los Angeles. I was on the starting team, playing as part of the beginning 7. Outdoor games are not that much different than indoor, just a larger field and a 10 second stall count instead of 8. The main issue that we needed to focus on was the wind blowing over the canyons into the valley. I played well for the first game since my cast came off, scoring a few shots to Pike, Andrew and Zach off my right arm.

My focus was interrupted however about 10 minutes into the game when I noticed a murmur flow through the crowd watching. The current score was standing 4 to 1 our lead. Looking out to the onlookers, my eyes immediately focused onto a face, his blond hair longer than I had last seen it. However his ocean blue eyes were still recognizable through the strands. Pike too noticed him, flinging the disk in the process. "Focus on the game Chris; you can deal with him later."

The embers in my chest burst back to light as I got closer. Kyle stood there with his team, them checking out our play. Glancing beyond Kyle I noticed that Steven was not there, a slight smirk erupting off my face. `I wonder where his lover is.' I spitefully think to myself as I mark one of the LA players.

I did my best to focus on the game, but my aggression started to show as I got a little too close to the player a few times. He began to notice it after a while, giving me a warning that he might start calling fouls on me. I brushed off his threats as the disk turned hands, heading back towards their end zone. Staying as far as I could from Kyle, I worked my circles, staying out of any single lane for too long.

Pike threw me the disk, running down along me, yelling to pass it over to Rachel who was open in the end zone. My attention was diverted when I noticed someone approach Kyle, wrapping his arm over Kyle's shoulder. My fire burst to life when their hands interlaced, the fingers greeting each other in the same manner that I used to do with him. Sarah is shouting from the sideline to pass the disk, the LA player stall counting me at 7, 8.

I quickly look for an open pass, seeing Bryan off in the end zone. It will be a tight pass but I go for it anyways, throwing a hammer over the player, hoping it will fly to Bryan alright. The wind however has second thoughts over letting it soar, instead pushing it off to the side a little, enough to make it touch the ground.

My player runs off, leaving me standing cold and alone. Kyle's man, whoever he is, has moved to rest his head on Kyle's shoulder, whispering something into his ear, looking straight at me. Pike runs up to me, growling to me, "Don't focus on him Chris. Get to your guy!"

Snapping out of my blunder, I sprint towards my player, noticing that he is wide open to receive the disk. He is standing near the Fullerton team, close to where his handler is pivoting around. The handler notices my mark open and attempts to toss it to him but I intercept the disk, recovering enough to get the disk to Tyler in the end zone. Fire flares out of my eyes as the group claps around us. I direct my eyes to Kyle, hoping he would shrink at my sight.

Pike moves me down to the other end, "Keep your head on straight. We need this win." The rest of the game is smooth, Kyle thankfully disappearing into the group, another lost face in the onlookers. Fullerton, my guess at least, has gone to start practicing for their upcoming game. In the end we win a solid game, our lead being 7 to 4.

Moving off the field to cool down, we make our way to the edge, resting near the tennis courts. Pike does a recap of the game, pointing out our strengths and weaknesses, and then pulls me aside. "Look, Chris get your act together. We are going against Fullerton in 10 minutes. Think you can play against Kyle or do I need to bench you?"

Ally has just arrived, moving up to the two of us, unaware of the situation at hand. "I'm fine. I could care less about the little prick." Turning to Ally, I glare at her, "Did you know he was seeing someone?"

Ally, totally caught off guard at my sudden attack, is saved by Pike. "Yea, you really don't care about him." Sarcasm is evident in his words.

Ally hugs Pike, kissing him on the lips before focusing on me. "Nice to see you too Chris. And no, I didn't. Even if I had, what difference would it have made for you?" She has me there, not able to respond back to her. "How was the first game?"

Pike looks at her, then to me, "We won but Chris was a little distracted. I am debating whether or not to bench him for the next game. We are going against Fullerton."

Ally breaks off from Pike then pulls me aside. "Look, you need to sort out Kyle right now, as in before the game starts. Now swallow your pride and go talk with him." She points her hand in the direction of where Fullerton are residing. "Go."

Glaring at her, I grab my jacket and then start to walk over. Every step I take towards him brings me closer to looking at him. Reaching their little circle, Ellie notices me first, her hair now changed to a wintery color, black with a silver shine flowing through it. "Umm, hey Chris what brings you to this side of the field?"

Swallowing hard, the saliva feels like sand as my mouth goes dry. Opening it up, I hoarsely ask, "Is Kyle around here? I need to talk with him." I look around for the little shit, but he is not to be seen.

"I think he has gone to use the toilet, he should be back shortly. If you want to stay around you can." Ellie tries her best to make it welcoming, knowing of the friction between Kyle and me.

"Nah I am alright. Thanks though. Just tell him I came to look for him if you could." Annoyance shows on my face as I turn, heading back to my team. With every step I take my frustration pounds into the ground. Pushing through the cluster of people, I attempt to reach my teammates, hoping to avoid Kyle if possible. I abruptly push into a shoulder, erupting a "Sorry" from the person. Looking to see who it is, I notice the shoulder is attached to Kyle, standing in with a few other guys from some team. "There you are. We need to talk." I grab him by the arm and try to pull him off to a side.

Kyle breaks me off, ripping my hand from his arm. "First off, don't grab me like that. Second off, I tried to talk. You never responded. Third off, you really want to do this here?" The question is followed by a slight laugh, as if asking if I had the balls to call him out in public.

My voice rises at him, anger starting to flow into my words, "Yea here is a great place to do it. You hurt me. You must be dumb as fuck to think that I didn't want to respond. I wanted to, I wanted to tell you how much it hurt to see you with your roommate, how much it hurt to think that you were seeing other guys when I was holding out for you. I TRUSTED you!"

Kyle's eyes go wide, not expecting me to blow up at him. "I didn't go around on you! We never had anything set; you never took the next step." Instead of cowering, Kyle apparently has decided to go on the offensive, calling me out even more.

Laughing out crazily, "Never took the next step? That's why I had come to see you! To take the next step you dick. Apparently it didn't take you long to move on either, having another guy at your arm. Makes me wonder what happened to your roommate, is he not good enough for you as well?" I burn into him, a storm brewing from my eyes.

"Steven? After you blew up at me, we went our separate ways. I made a mistake and I tried to talk to you about it but you were too pissed off at me to see past my mistakes. As it is, he isn't my roommate anymore, or on the team. Leon and I met a few weeks ago during a protest on budget cuts."

"Glad to see you're happy. I hope he takes care of you, at least more than I could." My face twitches from the anger flowing through it.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kyle moves in close to me. "You actually think I didn't care about you?"

"As I remember you saying, all we did was have sex. Those were your words right? Well hopefully Lionel" "Leon" Kyle interjects defensively. "Whatever, I hope he gives you more than just sex. You could use some humanity tossed into you." My anger seethes over to him. We have gathered a slight group, Pike and Ally emerging behind me without my knowledge.

Kyle snorts, "At least I am rebuilding mine. You seemed to have lost all of yours."

That was the last straw. My arm flies out, fisted fingers connecting to his cheek, sending him flying to the ground. I start to move into him, my "loss of humanity" taking over me, rage filling over me. Pike rushes in, grabbing my shoulders before I can place another blow.

I struggle out from him but he morphs into a bear grip, wrapping his arms around mine interlacing together at my chest. My bucking makes it hard at first but he eventually gets the upper hand, restricting all movement except to my legs. Dragging me over to our group, Pike rips open on me, "You're out for the tournament! I can't let you play now at all Chris. Damn it! You just had to punch him! You couldn't hold yourself together, be the better man."

I look back over to Kyle, the group moving in to help him as if he is the injured party. Please, he's alright. My attention is slapped back as Ally takes my face into her grip. "You and I are leaving now. Get your shit and get in the car." Her grip on my chin is rough, her release no gentler. As I gather my stuff together, Pike moves into Ally, hugging her.

Moving over to her car, I cross my arms, the fire dying down slowly. Propping open the trunk, Ally motions for me to put in my stuff then moves to the driver's door. Our ride back is complete silence, me reflecting on what I did, a slight satisfaction in my release. Ally is none too happy about having to leave, her driving slightly erratic.

Hey guys, I am not able to send out the notification emails as I normally have as things are picking up for me. The next two weeks I will be a little busy so the stories will instead be posted on the 24th (Chapter 18) and the 31st (Chapter 19). After that the next chapter will most likely be posted on the 5th or 6th.

I hope that you enjoy the coming chapters and if you do send any emails to me I will still gladly respond back to them. It is nice to hear what you think of the plot, how it is developing and what suggestions / comment / concerns you might have for the future.

Next: Chapter 18

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