The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Jul 2, 2012


It looks like we might actually have Chris meet Michael's family for the first time. Is Michael out to his family yet? Better yet, will he be taking Chris back or are they just "friends"?

Driving down the 101 freeway, it felt nice to see something different. I was excited to see Michael. I was excited to meet his family, see if they are anything like him or completely different. The call two days ago, a very long two days by the way, was strained, him wanting to tell me something but couldn't, at least not over the phone. I felt he was still hurt over our last talk, which I didn't blame him, but I wanted him to at least say something over it.

After clearing my trip with the General, it took me a day to get stuff together and map out how I wanted to get down to Santa Barbara. It was a nice down, or so I've heard. Tay was worried over me heading to see Michael, informing me that he might need more time but I wanted to go, no I needed to go.

So here I am, passing through Paso Robles. I had to leave at 9 to make good time, taking into account any stops I might need to take for gas, food, and toilet breaks. It's about 2 in the afternoon, overcast, which is usual for California in the winter. I had caught a few glimmers of the sun but I choose to keep my window up, not wanting the chill to shatter the driving experience. Thinking it out, I should arrive in Santa Barbara at about 4 ish, more like 4:30 but I really don't care as I am going down for the fun of it.

I am happy that the Christmas songs have been taken off the radios, their repetitiveness having grown onto my nerves enough. I was kind of nervous about seeing Michael to be honest, not knowing how he would react to seeing me. I mean I was going to be on my best behavior around his family as well as him but what I did... It was cruel. It was unwarranted and I am slightly concerned on if we are still where we were.

I arrived when I thought I would, or at least into the town. Getting to his house however was a maze, me getting lost multiple times. He had sent me the directions via Facebook, stating that he lived in East Mesa, a nice looking place right near the beach. I had been so caught up in the stereotypical palm trees lining the freeway that I missed the off ramp to Castillo Street, forcing me to take the next off ramp, which normally would have been Garden Street but as luck would have it they were working on construction in the area, making that exit shut off.

Grumbling to myself, I proceeded to the next street, finally making it off at Milpas Street. All I knew was that he lived back north of where I was and near the beach. Well, "near the beach" is a bad term to use as ALL of Santa Barbara is "near the beach." Pulling out my phone, I shot him a quick, "I'm lost, missed off ramp. Going to be late" text while I waited at a red light, wishing for the light to change quickly. The drive was wearing on me at this point, the 8 hours dragging my body into exhaustion.

Proceeding down the street, I took it all the way south, running right into the waterfront, the cold grey clouds hiding the beauty that normally would have made this beach crowded. Turning right at the park, I continued along the street, hoping that it would take me to his general area. Hearing my phone ring off to the side, I pulled over and answered, hoping it was him. It was.

"Hey, got lost? Where are you?" Michael said with a slight laugh. His voice was a bit more chipper than when we last talked over the phone, my hope it's him happy to see me.

Sarcastically responding, "Lost is a general term. I normally prefer taking scenic tours but I am too tired from driving to look around." Looking around, I catch a street sign ahead of me, "Cabrillo and Cesar Chavez. That's where I am." I inform with a heavy sigh. I just want to stop driving and stretch my legs at the moment.

"Dude that's perfect. Just keep taking that road and it will lead to my house. The road will change names near the harbor, becoming Shoreline Drive. Just stay on it though and you should see my house. K?" Michael sounds all excited over me arriving, hearing shuffling behind him in the phone.

"Yea. I'm sure you will see me when I arrive but if not, I'll call again. Thanks." I replied, trying to put a little jump in my voice.

Placing the car back in drive, I continued on my journey, working along the beach the entire way. I passed the harbor like he had said, the street splitting with an island in the middle of it before returning to the four lanes it had been. I at first took the city college to be USCB, but after seeing the city college banners, I laughed a little. Even though it was a city college, this still must have been a nice place to go to.

Finally I had entered into the housing area, the small homes quant but in an excellent location. I thought I lived in a nice area of Sacramento but here, this place was nice. I mean the houses were not as big as mine but to have this view must have been amazing. After the harbor, there was a nice beach to relax on, followed by a steep hill then a park to relax on. I can only imagine this place during the summer, resting under the sun on the nice beach. I was about halfway through when I finally came across a two story house, him having told me earlier that his is one of few on the strip.

Parking out in front of it, I looked at the address then the one he sent me, and confirmed it was his place. Opening my door up, my legs felt like Jell-O, me stumbling to get my footing after the long drive. Working around the front, pressing my hand to the hood for support, I finally reached the sidewalk and rested there for a second, letting the blood flow return to my legs.

His house, or his parent's house to be correct, was nice. White with black trim around the windows, it was wide open at the front, allowing for great views of the ocean. There was a balcony extending out from the house, the deck having a few chairs surrounding a card table.

Opening up the passenger door, I grab out my duffle bag, the few clothes I had brought down. I wasn't sure how long Michael would allow me to stay, and I didn't want to push my luck, so I packed four days worth of attire, figuring worst comes to worst I can wear it twice.

Moving up the entryway, I notice the yard is not too large. It is slightly gated off, the grassy area fenced in to keep what I would guess a dog in. Half of the balcony covers the lawn, allowing for some shade over the grass. The part that isn't covered has a small tree growing, its branches reaching over the neighbor's fencing.

I have finally reached his house, his door standing right in front of me. What do I say? How do I greet his parents? His last name suddenly disappears from my mind. How do I introduce myself? His boyfriend? No, because I don't know where we are at that stage...

As I just stand there, debating to knock on the door versus ringing the bell, a large teen answers the door, her towering height putting me in even more unease. All I can muster out is a weak, "Hi?"

This chick was Amazonian status, like standing at least at 6 foot tall. She bore a similar resemblance to Michael in her wavy hair though hers was a bit longer, hanging around her shoulders. "Hey you must be Chris. I'm Mel. Come in come in." The tower of a woman ushered me inside the house, the long hallway portraying the family pictures, the stairs right off to the right.

A Labrador Retriever galloped up to me, the massive paws of the dog pounding against the floor as it made its charge against the new guest. "Reece! Back, Reece!" Mel shouted at the dog, him suddenly dropping down, the tone of Mel commanding him to calm down. His tail however still wanted to play, waving at speeds unfathomable for a dog. With the dog keeping a watch on me, Mel directed me up to Michael's room, "It's the first door past the staircase, back near the balcony."

Working my way up the stairs, gripping the rail the entire way, I make it up after taking a long almost minute climb up, my legs still weak. The house was huge, becoming more apparent as I reached the top. It was a five bedroom house, one visible downstairs when I entered and four on the second floor. Michael managed to snag the second best room in the house, being the only other one to look over the beach besides the master room.

Around me are family pictures, professional family portraits for some occasions, others out on the beach, travels through the world, stuff that made me kind of jealous in a way. With the General working a good majority of the time, most of the family pictures I had were when he was at home, or the little times we got to visit him abroad, which were very far and few.

Michael's door was slightly ajar, but not to rush in, I knocked on it. "You in here Michael?"

There was some rustling behind it and before I could knock again, Michael widens the door. His smile has returned the happy pep back in his posture, him obviously happy to see me. His eyes though, they still show a bit of darkness to them, a cloud I had installed into the peacefulness that was my boyfriend. "Hey you made it!" Michael moves in to hug me, his arms wrapping around my body, chin falling onto my shoulder.

I am a bit stunned on how to take it, no kiss; no peck on the cheek? I hug him back, and then go in for the kiss, hoping that I can show him I still care for him. Moving my wrapped arms up his back to his neck, I move my face over to his cheek, planting a small kiss on the tender skin I had broken so long ago.

Michael instantly pushes me off, his eyes wide. There is a sense of fright in his eyes, me caught by surprise by it. Then it hit me- `Oh shit, he hasn't told his family yet.' Quietly speaking to him, I softly murmur, "Sorry."

His other sister was standing in her own doorway, looking at us, her eyes shifting from him to me, then to the both of us together. Michael noticed her and shot a quick glance, "Mary you promised not to say anything. Please." Michael pleads to her as I grab my bag. Had I just screwed it up again?

Mary, a direct copy of Mel, just stood in her doorway, a slight smile breaking her lips. Unlike Mel though, her hair was longer and straighter, the dark locks dangling around her upper back. She was just as tall, maybe a little taller but around the same height. Doing a quick comparison of Michael to Mary, he looked like a runt compared to her, his shorter frame obviously more muscular. "I'm not going to say anything. Neither will Mel. But just watch the PDA in the house, or mom and dad will find out. Not that it takes a brain surgeon to figure this friendship out. You must be Chris. I have heard a little about you."

Looking at her, then Michael, I move over to shake the hand, playfully saying, "I hope only the good things." There is a double meaning to that however, because when I look back, the hurt is showing.

After releasing from the twin, I move back to Michael and into his room, taking it in. He has a few trophies lining a shelf, a former football player and track sprinter back in high school. The walls are posted with dirt biking posters, movie posters, and some sports posters. Setting my back down near the window, I look at him, sorrow in my eyes. "I missed you. How have you been?"

Michael closes the door, and glances at me, then moves around his room, avoiding further contact with my gaze. "I've been recuperating. Figuring things out, deciding on how to proceed with us." He moves to the bed, sitting on the edge facing the door.

I take the motion and move over to sit next to him, looking down at my knees. "And...?"

Michael looks over to me, a slight glaze in his focus, "I don't know Chris. I really don't know. What you said, what you did. It hurt. I understand you still care for me, and that it was a mistake but it shouldn't have been made." Small dribbles of water etch their way down his cheek, him wanting to continue. "I want to take you back but..."

Resting my right hand over his shoulder I pull him close. Wrapping around him, I let him break open into me, hoping to absorb all the pain I had inflicted upon him. "I don't deserve you, or your love. But I swear Michael, I swear, I will work hard to make this work. I took you for granted and it was a stupid mistake. I'm sorry for it all." My own tears start to flow over him, dampening his hair some.

Michael pulls off me a little, looking at me deep into my soul. "I know." Moving off the bed, he walks over to the window, peering out over the ocean. The sun has come out, its bright light shining over the water, glimmers of light reflecting beyond Michael's body. Sniffling a little bit, he utters out softly, "I know you just arrived but my family is going to be getting dinner soon. I was thinking we could eat with them."

Looking out at him, I smile, happy to finally meet his entire family. Leaving my bag where it is, I move up behind him, kissing him lightly on the neck, "Kinda sucks your parents don't know but I understand that you want to tell them on your own time. I will always be here for you, regardless of what happens ok?"

Michael turns around and kisses me on the cheek, hugging me closely. "It's not just my parents, it's my brother too." After a few seconds of embracement, we part our ways, heading out to grab the meal with his family.

Sleeping on the floor is a hard way to rest, but if it allows me to stay as close to Michael as I am now, I am willing to deal with the consequences. We had just woken up, it being around 8 in the morning, Michael looking down from his bed to me, his dreamy eyes flicking their lashes out at me. I was literally sleeping next to him, the sleeping bag on the side opposite the door, so should anything happen, nothing will be seen right off the bat.

"Hey how was your sleep?" He coos to me, his head barely looking over the mattress. His body is hidden out of range, but I am sure it still looks sexy as ever.

Stretching out my limbs, I attempt to awake up my stiff joints. "Would have been better on the bed but I'm not complaining. I get to be with you for New Years and that is more than enough for me, regardless of where I have to sleep." I move around the bag, kicking off the sheet and revealing a slight hard on, the typical morning wood that needs to be sawed. Not this time though, as it would be a bad idea if his parents came in.

Michael does notice it though, reaching his hand down to pat the cock, it giving a standing ovation with every touch he makes. "Been a while since I've seen you my friend," Michael plays with me, teasing me along.

A knock at the door jerks him away from me though as his mom calls out from the other side, "Hey we're making breakfast downstairs. You two want to join?"

Michael looks down at me, then over to the door, answering for the both of us, "Nah it's ok. I was going to show Chris around town, grab a bite at Spudnuts in the center and walk around. Thanks though!" He moves out of his bed, playing with my cock with his foot before stepping over me and towards his dresser.

Knowing I have seen his nude body multiple times prior, he doesn't mind me watching him strip in front of me, his nice firm ass hanging over me, taunting its flesh in my face. "You know this isn't fair." I whine out to him as I resist the urge to stroke myself off.

"Life isn't fair; you should know that by now. Now come on, get dressed." Michael says to me, kicking my body slightly in the side, erupting a squeal from me.

Groaning as I move out of the sack, I stumble to my feet, strutting over to my bag to grab a fresh pair of jeans. Michael notes my tented boxers as he comes up from behind me and kisses my back and slips his hands beneath the elastic, his fingers curling around my cock. Slipping my jeans on, I am reluctant to zip them up, taking pleasure in the tease, while also knowing that nothing can happen, at least not right now.

Taking his hands out, I kiss them softly, taking in the smell of musk with every peck I perform. "So where all are you going to take me?"

"Well first I was thinking doughnuts, as I had said earlier, then just wander around the streets. It's not too big of a town, and I think we can cover a lot in what time we have." Michael takes his hands back from me, and pulls on his shirt, a simple polo, not the normal branded shirt like he usually wears. "Thing is, we have to be at the beach around 6-ish to save seats for the fireworks. I know it's early but you should see how crowded the beach will get at times."

"I bet. Where do they fire the explosions from?" I ask as I put on my own shirt.

Moving towards the door, Michael opens it slightly, responding as he heads out. "They've always done it from the harbor, so that is where I kind of expect them to do it this year. You coming?" Michael looks at me, expecting me to follow him down, which I don't mind doing at all.

A good majority of the day was spent doing as he had said, wandering around Santa Barbara, well mainly the downtown district. There was a very Spanish architecture to the buildings, it looking very classic and stuck in time, short of all the cars moving past.

He took me near the city hall, which was very nice, the Spanish influence showing the most here, its white walls with arched windows looking like a transplant of the Spanish hills. If ever there was a town that looked stereotypical of California, this was it. Palm trees line the streets, the weather, while slightly cloudy at first, was burning off to a cool high 50's low 60's degree heat. While it was not cold enough for a jacket, it was not cold enough for short sleeves, me choosing to wear a long sleeve t shirt I had picked up from CSU Long Beach. Michael however chose to wear a jacket, the black of the jacket complimenting his red polo shirt.

It was about 4 when we started heading towards the beach, choosing to walk there instead of driving. As it was we walked pretty much everywhere, even from his house to the doughnut shop. Everything was within a mile or two of walking distance, Michael explaining everything out to me as he gave me the resident guided tour.

He showed me his high school, the Santa Barbara High School, aptly named because it is, as you guessed it, the only high school in Santa Barbara. Well public high school at least. It felt weird being near a high school again, bringing back memories of me with Tay. I learned that while he did have a girlfriend, there really was no connection between the two of them, they just being best friends. He wasn't ever interested in having sex with her, thinking her more of best friend than actual girlfriend.

He walked me down State Street, apparently the main street of the city, ending his tour at the wharf pier, walking me out to the end and showing me Moby Dick, apparently a restaurant. He was teasing me along the entire walk out, saying instead that it was just a statue that had been erected there of the whale, telling me that the story had been based off of a whale caught off of the California coast. I almost believed him for a second, thinking of how the Japanese hunt the whales themselves, but his cracking smile couldn't hold up the facade.

After the walk out to the end, it was approaching time to head to the beach, looking around for a place to kick it come midnight. We found a great spot just north of the pier, just a little below the Ambassador Park. There were, as he had explained earlier that morning, groups of people already resting into the sand, some pulling out lawn chairs and blankets to keep them comfy. Knowing that his family would be coming soon, we too decided to just sit down, grabbing a great place in the sand.

Around 5 his brother and sisters showed up, them carrying blankets and a mini cooler, food resting inside it. Michael was the first to notice them, wondering out loud as they approached, "Hey where are mom and dad?"

His brother, a few years younger than him, looked just like Michael, the curly locks and all. He was going to be taller than Michael when he was 18 but the facial features would still look similar enough to say they were brothers. Same blue eyes, his lighter though, more of a sky blue, taking after his dad on that part. Where Michael took after his mom on the short but stocky side, McKenzie took after his dad, being tall, still muscular but tall as well.

McKenzie was the first to notice us, the three of them migrating towards us. Joking as a younger brother would, he commented out, "Look at that cute couple there. How sweet." He cooed to us as they approached us. "They are on their way, grabbing Reese and locking the doors so him and Piece doesn't get out." Piece was their cat, named such as it was black and fit with Reese well.

Michael went flush when McKenzie said the couple comment, looking away real fast to hide the red cheeks. Mel and Mary exchanged looks at each other then at McKenzie. He was slightly confused at what was going on, "What? Was it something I said?"

Michael actually shocked us all right there, turning around to tell his brother. Mel, Mary and I were not expecting him to open up to his brother, me the most, especially being right there. Michael rolled over onto his chest, watching McKenzie as he settled in beside us. "Mac, there is something that needs to be cleared up."

McKenzie looked even more confused; looking at his sisters for assistance then to me, as if I were going to tell him, then back to Michael. He had just moved into his chair, all comfort lost in the seriousness of the rising situation. "What? Are you two... are you actually..." His voice drops off there, color slightly dropping from his face.

Michael cracked a smile at him, moving his hand over to grip mine in the process. "Surprise?" There was a pause in his voice as he continued forward. "Yea... Chris and I are... boyfriends."

McKenzie slowly came to, the realization sinking that his brother was gay, and that his boyfriend was lying next to him. "Umm... well congratulations?" It was clear he didn't know what to say so his sisters did for him.

Mel and Mary, being the twins they were, spoke together, finishing each other's sentences as they both spoke. "Like Michael told us, he wants to be the one to tell mom and dad. This is no different than if he were with a girlfriend, just a guy."

McKenzie looked over to them, then to Michael, a slight upset in his eyes. "You told them before you told me? Why?"

Michael started to speak but the twins cut him off, happy to spill the secret, "Well, actually we called him out on it. We both knew something was up and after prying long and hard, he cracked." That spillage of secrets made me worry that he did tell them about me, what I had done to him and how I had hurt him.

Before the conversation could continue much further, his parents walked up, his mother leading the way, her 5'7 frame towering over the other women around her, her long black hair waving in the wind. She had a nice pea coat jacket on, jeans fitting in with the Uggs to the sand. His father was just as brawny, the muscle of his walk pressing into the sand with every step he took. It was an equal spilt where Michael got his genes from, half and half coming from each parent.

His mother, Trisha Ayers, opened up first, happy to be here with us. "That dog did not want to go inside. Sorry we're late guys." By now the beach had filled up a little more, a good number of people residing on the sand. It was only 7 at this moment...

We all ate the sandwiches from the cooler, devouring the homemade meals over the course of the hour. Michael and I recapped our day together, avoiding any romantic sections that might have been awkward to explain (IE a sweet kiss on the end of the wharf, or sharing a meal for lunch...). They both listened intently, and at times McKenzie would comment up, slightly inquiring about us while totally avoiding the whole gay issue, at least as best he could.

It felt weird being `back in the closet' but being here with Michael made it ok. We were together and in a few hours we would be spending our New Year's festivities together.

At around 9, Michael received a text, shot something back, and then looked up to his family, primarily his parents. "Hey, Becca just texted me asking if I wanted to hang out with her, do you mind if I take Chris and hang out with my friends."

His parents merely nodded their heads, looking at each other before allowing us to leave. "Be careful with them ok? If you drink, which we don't encourage, don't get drunk." "Or arrested." His dad piped up as him and I gathered our things and made off. I did catch a slight wink from Mel and Mary as we left, leaving me to wonder what all was really going on.

Our trek to where his friends were hanging out was near his house, taking us about a half hour to 45 minutes to reach there. It was a leisurely stroll back, Michael apparently not in any rush to get back. I was looking around the grass, scanning over the groups of residents for his friends, looking for anyone who might be raising a hand at us. It didn't help much that I didn't know who to look for or what they might be wearing, especially since Michael was staying mum about the entire thing.

At 10, I gave up searching and just looked at him, us still strolling around the grass for his friends. "Where are your friends? Or are they coming to pick us up?" By this time we were nearing the end of the park, having passed the parking lot and walking back towards the street.

Michael pulled off to the side, moving towards a tree and pulled out his phone, typing something into his screen. I move towards him, expecting some answer. Instead, I got something more. He pocketed his phone and pulled me in close, turning me around and pressing me against the tree. Kissing me passionately on the lips, he held my head with his hands, gripping firmly onto the back of my neck.

I was shocked at first but gave in immediately; returning the pleasure to him, wrapping my arms around his head and kissing him back. We started French kissing, our tongues making greetings to each other then moving on to explore the cave of wonders. His lips felt great, the intense blood flow of our bodies increasing the passion with every kiss we made. The contact of his lush mouth to mine sent me over the stars, the fervor something I had yearned to get back long ago.

We were there for about 15 minutes enjoying the time together, the night sky looking down upon us, our bodies rubbing together as people pass by. I was slightly worried for him that someone might notice us, more notice him and pushed off, making sure it was alright with where we were.

Michael, a glint shinning in his eye, the mouth crooked from what he was about to say. "You're right. Wanna head back home and enjoy the fireworks from my room?"

Kissing him on the lips, I held his hands, happy to be in his company again. "Lead the way babe." It was the first time I had called him a name but it rolled off so well that it fit. As we were walking back, it began to dawn on me what had happened, "Your sisters set this up didn't they?"

Michael merely smiled as he continued on the way. Arriving back at his house took about 15 minutes, us strolling along the way, holding hands the entire way. Reese and Piece met us at the door when we arrived, the popping of early fireworks sending the two of them into a frightened mode. We both tried to comfort them as we moved up to his room, undressing each other in the process.

I was working around a dog, undressing my boyfriend, while watching my steps as I made my way up the stairs. This was a very complicated task, especially when you take into account that Michael is kissing me back, Reese is barking at me, Piece is skating in between our legs, and I was being undressed as well.

Michael and I were finally able to make it inside his room, though unable to close the door as Reese came in and barked at us the entire time. I didn't mind, thinking it was cute as I kissed Michael on the neck, taking off his jacket in the process. He knew what to do, arching his back so the clothing would remove itself from him.

Returning the favor, Michael unbuttoned my shirt, taking his sweet time with each bottom, at first kissing me on the lips, then the neck, then the chest as he worked his way down. Or actually it was me working my way up him, moving my body further up his so he could continue to peck my torso. Before long I am shirtless over him, my body being taken in by his tongue.

Michael starts to unbuckle me, unfastening my pants with the flicking of the button but right as he is about to pull them down, he pushes me back. I was slight confused, looking down at him as he looks over to Reese, still barking his head off at the sight of two men about to screw each other. "I'm sorry but I need to shut him out. Hang on."

I move off of him, rolling onto my back as Michael rolls off the bed, dragging the dog by his collar out the door. Closing the door didn't help much, Reese just lying down outside, his shadow blocking out the moonlight shining in from the balcony. "There, now we have us time." Michael purrs to me as he moves up my legs, kissing my thighs as he approaches my groin. I was already slightly turned on, my wood hard from everything that I had missed.

Michael takes his time teasing me, pulling my jeans down to the floor and nuzzling his mouth around the stiff piece of meat. He teases the tip into his mouth, the piece of fabric the only thing separating the flesh of my body from the saliva of his mouth. Not that that took too long though as he fingers the elastic down, working around the rear to the front, moving at what seemed like millimeters down my thighs.

I couldn't help but groan, causing an outcry from Reese outside the door. Michael took pleasure in this, looking at the door, then me, then my cock, a lust visible in his eyes that he couldn't contain. Slipping his lips over my now visible cock, he starts slow, taking his time reacquainting himself with the old friend. He took his time, the foreplay lasting at least a good 30 minutes playing around with my cock, its surrounding sensitive areas and my lower chest.

I pulled him up when I had had enough, wanting him to feel the pleasure of what I had been missing. I kissed him on the lips, my precum flying from his tongue to mine with our initial contact. I moved over to his neck, wanting to leave him a hickey but knew better, especially since he was not out at home yet. Add that to my checklist of things to do to him though...

Flipping over to top him, I pressed against his firm body, digging my hands into his muscle breasts. Moving down his chest, I kiss each piece of skin I can. Reaching his groin, I start my foreplay for him, working around the area for a good five minutes, kissing the area twice over, then moving to unbutton his jeans. Once I had him nearly nude, I took pleasure with his pistol, shooting myself with every smell of musk that shot off his body.

Our pre-sex sex session didn't really kick into high gear until around 11:45, an unintentional buildup to when the fireworks were going to happen. We were nude, the kissing and grinding of our bodies sending an ecstasy to our brains at a million neurons a second. His cock was rubbing against mine, its crown spreading its juices to mine, mine returning its own saliva to Michael. As the time got closer to midnight, we knew it was time to fuck.

Looking deep into my eyes, Michael on top seeped his emotions into mine, our connection restored and full again. "I want to bring in the New Year with a bang. Do you want to do the honors of exploding my world?" Michael positions his ass over my cock, spreading his hips wide, my sword ready to enter its stone.

"Yes! I would love to." I cry out to him as he starts to grind his hole over my tip, the edging working me up. Michael moves off of me, grabbing some hidden condoms from his drawers and returns, unwrapping the thin layer of pleasure over my cock, sucking my pipe as he unrolls the protective wrap.

Satisfied that it has been sufficiently placed, Michael moves his ass on top of me again, spreading his cheeks wide, positioning the tip to pierce his pucker. He screams out in pleasure as the pop happens, grabbing my chest hard as he slides down the pole, taking it slowly at first but continuing down deep. Fireworks start to fly out behind him, the flashes of its explosions lighting up the room with every bang they make. Resting at the base, he leans over to me and kisses me, "Happy New Year."

His ride isn't over though, sliding up, his tight ass flexing against the flesh, his prostate being relieved of the pressure from my cock. The lack of force is short lived however as he slides back down, this time timing it perfectly with an explosion behind him, him leaning back to take more of the cock in, my crown feeling the ball of his prostate muscle pulsating against it. Michael screams out again, causing Reese to whine out from behind the door, the dog pawing at the wood, wanting to be let in.

As the fireworks increase their tempo, so does Michael, him upping the piston of his body, me trying to counter it with my own arching of my body, pounding into his sweet perfect ass with every down force he makes. Reaching climax, we both spill our juices, me spraying my seed up into the condom, sending it further up his ass. Michael shoots his load all over my chest, his sweet white cum firing like the rockets of New Years onto my chest, the heat from the flow burning into my chest.

As the finale starts to finish, I lean up to kiss his chest, his load slithering its way back down to him, working into a puddle around the base of my cock. With him sitting ass to skin, the cum attempts to hold him in place, its grip not strong enough as he leans down to kiss me on the head, then the lips. "Now that was an explosive way to start the year." I murmur to him as he pulls off of me.

Hey everyone, think this was a great way to bring in the New Year? Well the next chapter will be just as good, dealing with McKenzie a bit more. It looks like things are slowly getting back to normal between Chris and Michael.

Let me know what you thought and any suggestions you might have.

Next: Chapter 25: Winter Break 3

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