The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Jul 5, 2012


After last night's banging sex scene (yea I threw that pun in there hehe), it is now time to see how Michael and Chris go about dealing with their next few days with each other. What is the deal with McKenzie? Will Michael tell his parents? It will be fun to find out. Hope you all enjoy.

"Michael! Wake up! We have to get going soon!" My eyes shoot open at the voice yelling from the other side of the door, the knocking on the door disrupting our spooning session. Michael as well jumps awake, flying up off the sheets before I knew what was up.

"Shit!" He curses quietly as I lie there, trying to become more coherent. Looking at the door, then me, then back at the door, he does the only logical thing that came to his mind, pushing me off the bed onto my sleeping bag, my body flailing out into the air as I try to grab onto him.

I squeal out from the surprise, not expecting to be shoved to the floor in such a manner. Michael's mom continues on her knocking, this time jiggling the door knob, her presence about to be made into the room, "Is everything ok in there? Are you waking Chris up as well?"

Michael groans out to Mrs. Ayers, "Yea mom, we're awake! We'll be down in a few minutes!" Michael stumbles out of his bed, his limp cock whirling about, him looking super cute as he works over me to grab some clothing out of the drawers.

I move back onto my arms, leaning up to him, confusion and slight annoyance clear in my voice, "What's going on? Why are we awake so early?" I'm lying nude as well, my ass suddenly sore from the unexpected drop to the floor. I start to move towards my bag, rubbing my ass in the process.

Michael stuffs his legs into his briefs, his penis making a small bulge against the lining. Working his feet through his jeans, he hopped around the room, working towards his closet to grab a shirt. I too grab my clothes, taking the cues from his urgency. As Michael pulls a shirt on, flicking on the lights in the process, he informs me of what all is going on.

My eyes are slightly shot by the intensity of the light, Michael covering his eyes as well. "I completely forgot that we are heading down to Pasadena for the Rose Parade." He moves back to his bed, scouting underneath the mattress for his shoes. Finding them, he rests on the sheets, bringing the Nike's to his feet.

Still groggy from waking up, my eyes blinded, and making sure that my hearing isn't out as well, I repeat what he just said, "Pasadena for the Rose Parade? What is the Rose Parade?" Finding my phone still in my pants from last night, conveniently placed at the end of his bed from when I had them taken off. No wonder I am so tired, its 5:05 in the morning!

Groaning out to Michael, I show him the phone then whine out to him, "How far away is Pasadena and when does it start?" Moaning, I grab a shirt and pull it over, making sure I have everything important before heading out.

Michael walks over and kisses me gently on the lips, interlacing our fingers in the process. "It's about two hours away and it starts at 8." Moving us towards the door, he unlatches his fingers, the closeted Michael taking over, "You can fall asleep on the way down if it's any consolation."

I want to take one more kiss before we leave but Michael's mom knocks on the door again, starting to urge us on, "Guys, we need to get..."

Michael opens the door, looking at her and the rest of the family shuffling around in the hallway. "We know, we're ready, just need to brush." There is the mother/son banter that I had been missing my entire life, growing a little envious of her protectiveness. I always had Ally pushing me along, the General doing his best but without a mother, it empty at times.

We both push past Mrs. Ayers, me smiling a good morning to her as we slide though, cutting a direct line to his bathroom, us each brushing quickly. The bathroom gets crowded quickly as Mel and Mary file in as well, each of them grabbing a brush to untangle their hair. It took a few seconds for Michael and I to catch their looks, them glancing from him to me, then back. Hushed, Mel asks out to the two of us, "So... Have a good night?"

I turn around, wondering what all they are talking about, wondering if they actually knew what we had done. Michael confirms my suspicions, turning around, a defiant stare in his eyes. "You said you wouldn't say anything!" The hissing of the water as we washed off our brushes matched the tone of his voice, cutting it off from traveling too far outside the washroom.

Mary grins playfully, happy to get the response from Michael. "You DID! How was it?" Mel continues on, prodding Michael, "We said we wouldn't tell anyone, but that doesn't mean we can't inquire into our brother's life. We just want to make sure he is getting proper loving." The two of them look me over, undressing me with their eyes, making me blush. Mary retorts to Mel's comment, "Not that that would be too hard with Chris here, I mean look at him."

I start to blush up a lot, wanting to get out before much more is said. Moving out of the room, I feel one of the girls pat me on the butt, eliciting me to jump off the floor a little. Glancing back at the three of them, I watch Michael scurry after me, speaking low voice, "Cut it out!" The two girls look at each other, giggle, and then focus on each other, gossiping between themselves.

After grabbing our jackets from his room, Michael ushers me down the stairs, the family starting to come together at the front door. While the rest of family had a little chatter going on, when the Michael and I joined the group, I noticed McKenzie clam up, passing glances between his brother and me; I couldn't help but take a sense of unease from him. It was about 5:20 when we got out of the house, a trip down to Pasadena on its way.

The drive down was a long as Michael had said; him and his siblings falling back asleep barely before we passed into Carpentaria. I had a window seat in their suburban, its high riding stature towering over what few cars were out on the freeways. Michael was seated next to me, his three siblings all behind us; their heads leaning over onto each other. Michael and I were separated by the middle isle, his head resting against the driver's side, the coastal mountains passing outside his window.

It felt great not to have to drive the distance, my burnout of constant driving starting to wear on me. I couldn't help but stay away the entire time though, watching the glimmer of stars off the water as we snaked our way along the 101, its beaches literally coming right up to the freeway at times. After about 30 minutes of driving, Mr. Ayers piped up, noticing I was awake. "Hey Chris, surprised you're not sleeping like the others."

We had just passed a Crown Plaza hotel, entering into some town called Ventura. Off to the hillside stood a cross, the lights beneath it illuminating it. Passing under some railroad tracks, I responded, taking in the dim sights as much as I could, "Yea I couldn't sleep. Figured I might as well enjoy as much of this ride as I could."

Mrs. Ayers looked out her window, trying to see what I see, "Not much too really enjoy at this time of the day. The dark really cuts off what is really out there." Continuing on for a minute or so in silence Mrs. Ayers opens up, "So how did you and Michael meet?"

I was too focused on the passing scenery to pay much attention to the question, the answer just slipping off my tongue. "We had English together and after a speech I gave about one of our topics, he came up to me to talk." It was then I realized what I had almost blurted out, thinking about the topic of the speech I gave, what he wanted to talk about, everything. Grimacing my face, I prepared for the follow-up, hoping it was anything NOT having to do with the performance.

Mrs. Ayers continues on with her inquisition, quizzing me on my relationship with Michael, ever detail she could pry out of me. "Yea Michael had been talking about you for a while, telling us how he stopped attackers from hurting you, to how you helped him out in English. You made quite an impression on Michael, something few are able to do. He is a bit shy around most people."

That caught me by surprise. I had never really taken Michael to be the closed type. Closeted yes, closed no. "Interesting. All the times Michael and I have hung out, he is always outgoing and happy. We're great friends." I tell his mom, hoping she wouldn't pry any more into our relationship.

Mr. Ayers on the other hand, starts his own interrogation. "So you play Frisbee right? Or that is what Michael tells us. Do you hang out with his team much, or vice versa?" Glancing into the rear view mirror, he connects his eyes to mine, the strong parental intuition taking effect.

Come to think of it, no we really hadn't. I mean I knew Bryson kind of in a way but when it came to the rest of his team, I really didn't know too many of his mates. The same went for my team, Michael not really showing much interest in the sport. "Um... well I do occasionally but not too often, our own sports take up a lot of our time so when we do hang out, it mostly tends to be one on one." Sexual images run across my eyes, all the times we have hung out `one on one'.

His parents only hmm to themselves: their silence worrying me a little. `Had I mistakenly told them something? Had I not told them enough, not selling the lie good enough?' Mrs. Ayers speaks out to the road, her voice floating back to me, "Well, it's nice to know Michael is making friends at Long Beach. You look like a good influence on him."

Coughing slightly, I look over to Michael, wondering if he is faking being asleep, listening the entire time. Speaking softly, careful to walk on eggshells, "Yea, we are good with each other; keeping each other in line should we act up."

The rest of the drive was silent, its eeriness crawling under my skin at times. I did my best not to focus on it, hoping that we would arrive there soon.

It was about 7:15 when we arrived, us all piling out to seek seating before the parade started, leaving Mr. Ayers to park the car. They apparently had their usual spot saved for them in the grandstand bleachers, an extra seat saved for if anyone ever joined them on the expedition south.

The parade was amazing, the smell of roses everywhere as the floats passed. It was cool to see how the florists arranged the plants to design exquisite patterns, each one being different from the next. As was to be expected, Mrs. California (this year's pageant queen) was in attendance, her slow wave looking down at all us watchers, her printed smile never falling off that perfect face of hers.

There were dancers, appearances by the Armed Forces, each regimen having its own out walking, marching bands from many different universities and high schools. Participating cities as well took to the festivities, surprising me with their own floats. The whole event lasted over two hours, the smell of the blossoms leaving a distinct aroma in the air, something that is reminiscent of spring time.

After the parade, Michael and I were standing in line to use the port-a-potties, the long line working around. Thankfully we were moving fast, also that we were alone, well by alone I mean not near his family. Looking around to see if anyone is listening to our conversation, I whisper to him, "So when are you going to tell your parents?"

Michael is caught off guard by the change of subject, our previous topic just being the parade. "Umm, I don't know. Why?"

I glance around, slight unease showing in my stance. "I almost told your parents on the drive down." Michael's eyes go wide as I continue, attempting to calm him down, "I didn't, trust me; I would never do that to you. I just am not used to this being kept a secret. It's a change that I am getting used to."

Michael looks a little worried, the fact that I almost outted him a concern for him, obviously. "Thank you. I trust you. But still... be careful. I don't know if I am ready to tell them yet."

Looking with concern for his wellbeing, I deflected to a lighter but still as serious topic, "I would actually focus on your bother at the moment. I don't know how well he is processing the whole "gay brother" thing. Especially with me being around..."

Before we can continue too much further, the stalls open, Michael breaking off to relieve himself. Before he exits, another opens up so I go to use it, emptying my bodily septic tank, then moving out to wash in the set-up sinks. Michael is there waiting for me, as are his sisters, the three of them chatting about something that dies down as I approach.

Not wanting to pry, I wash up and follow them back to the car, looking out at everything that I had missed on the way down; the sun shining on the hills, the small shrubbery showing a clear lack of life, a sign that Southern California receives way too little water to support the sprawling ecosystems that inhabit it.

We got back into Santa Barbara at around 11, allowing us still plenty of time to enjoy the day, the New Year starting off really slow. Most shops were celebrating it with shortened hours so to occupy our time; Michael instead took me to UCSB, showing me around the campus.

I had always heard that UCSB is a great place to go, Isla Vista ranking on one of highest places to party in the United States. That being said, the campus itself was very nice, laid out bike paths for the riders to travel down, not having to worry about pedestrians walking into them. Michael informed me that he would come here at times to do research for his high school, often times amusing himself whenever he would witness a bike crash. While the campus was empty right now, he tried to make me imagine the lanes full of riders pedaling furiously to their next class.

The campus was pretty big and I was kind of jealous that they had beach side property. While Long Beach is only a few miles away, UCSB students could literally walk outside and be on the beach. Their halls were located near a lagoon, the beach on the other side. It was amazing. I felt a little jealous but when I thought of the price tag to go here, I was happy where I was.

The rest of the day was pretty much chilling. Michael wanted to talk with McKenzie but his brother had gone off to hang with his friends before any conversation could be had, making it hard to clear up any issues.

Waking up on the 2nd was hard, the floor being as unforgiving as when Michael kicked me off the bed the previous morning. Today though I was woken up by the ringing of my phone, the blaring music snapping me up off the floor scrounging for the mobile before Michael could wake up. Locating it, I quickly but quietly answered, "Hello?"

The voice on the other side was gruff, catching me off guard at first, and then cleared up. "Hey Chris, sorry for waking you. Is now a bad time?" It slowly began to dawn that this was Peter chatting to me, my hearing coming to, recognizing the voice on the other end.

Stumbling out of the bag, I made my way to Michael's door, opening it slightly before tiptoeing out. "Hey Peter what's up?" I was still dazed, rubbing my eyes to clear up my vision. Piece was roaming the halls, the black ball of fur moving around my legs, purring as it met me.

Looking around, I found a clock on the wall- groaning as I realized it was 7 in the morning. Man Peter was an early riser. Peter speaks up on the other end, obviously wide awake and moving around, "Hey what are your plans for next semester? Room wise? I know you, Bryan, and Zach are a bit cramped in your room so I was wondering if you might be interested in rooming with me. My roommate just let me know that he is moving out, leaving me with an open space. I was hoping you might be able to fill it."

Oh this is too early for me to be thinking about this. "Umm... Peter I am going to have to get back to you on that..." Stretching out my arms, I extend my body, trying to wake it up. "I will need to talk with Bryan and Zach as well, but as of right now I see no problem with it. Of course I would need to talk with the front desk." Off to the side I see McKenzie passing by, him glancing at me as he enters the bathroom.

Peter sounds a little depressed by my answer and while I do want to talk more about it, right now just isn't the time. God it is so early... "Ok, well let me know. Happy New Year Chris."

I felt kind of bad for his sudden change in attitude but I really didn't know what to say. "Thanks Peter. Happy New Year to you too. I'll let you know on the housing issue ok?" Moving slowly towards Michael's room, I pop open the door silently, hoping not to wake him.

Peter replies with a hushed "Ok" before hanging up, allowing me to return to my slumber. Not that I was able to however as Michael had started to stir in his bed, the sexy outline of his body rolling over to face me as I returned to my sleeping bag.

"Who was that babe?" Michael asked quietly. His eyes flutter open to me, his arm slipped under his pillow.

Slipping back into the case, I turn to look up at him, "Just Peter. He was wondering if I wanted to room with him next semester. It's too early to think it over, and I want to hear what Bryan and Zach have to say over it." I attempt to make myself comfortable again, squirming around.

Michael merely replies with a "Hmm..." before nodding off back to his sleep.

Later that day Michael took me to the beach again, this time to Carpentaria, and though the beach was still cold, we did grab food at this nice shop called "The Spot." It had great food, the burger's made when you ordered them. Michael told me that I had to get a milkshake and I have to say, it was pretty good, especially for being a family owned shop.

The rest of the day was just lounging around, enjoying each other's company. Being away from home, we were able to show each other some affection, us holding hands out on the beach and during the drives. Around 4 though Michael was compelled to talk with his brother, the issue of McKenzie's unease annoying him as well. After making the call to McKenzie, the two of them agreed to meet up at Shoreline Beach Café.

McKenzie arrived around 4:30, walking to the hut alone. He didn't look like he wanted to be here but after some urging from Michael, he caved in. His eyes flickered between the two of us as he grabbed a seat. "What's up?" There was the slight sarcastic tone Michael and I had been expecting, him warning me that it could get tense.

"Hey Mac. I think you know what's up. Ever since New Year's Eve, you've been acting a little different." Michael looks at him worried, wanting to make sure that he was alright. I sat next to Michael, not taking any part in this unless it was absolute necessary.

Scoffing, McKenzie retorts, "Different? Different?! I have been acting different? I just found out my brother's gay. How did you expect me to take that?" He crosses his arms, closing off Michael.

Michael pleaded out to him, bringing in the older brother status, "Look, I didn't choose for this ok? And I am still your brother, show a little respect!" The commanding older brother that McKenzie had always looked up to took charge, demanding McKenzie reevaluates his actions towards his brother.

In the same way that Ally reams me when I make mistakes, McKenzie shrunk in his chair, trying to be careful not to say anything stupid. "I know. You are my brother but..."

Michael cuts him off there, "McKenzie, there are no buts. This is how things are. I still look out for you and I still want you to do the same. If you have questions, ask them. But don't be stupid about it!" There is a fire burning in his eyes that shows his conviction over the situation, wanting to wake McKenzie up from his perfect world.

"Does... Does it hurt?" McKenzie asked sheepishly, as if that was a proper question to ask. His arms have unfolded from their grips, instead moving down to his legs where he rubs them as if there is a stain he can't remove.

I nearly puke at the question, having never expected that to come up. Our sex life- being talked about to his younger brother! Michael blushes as well, coughing up some of his coffee. "I'm sorry what?"

McKenzie looks at me, then back to Michael, unsure if he wants to ask the question again. Sensing that he does want to know, I cough up hoarsely "It can at times... But if your partner knows how to do it, it can be minimized to the point where the pleasure is so extreme, well the pain almost disappears." I try to regain my composure, avoiding the topic about us as much as possible. Looking over to Michael, I shrug, "At least that is how it is for me. I'm sure that Michael feels the same way at times."

McKenzie's eyes grow wide, looking at the both of us, "Wait, you both, you know... fuck each other?" There is a slight interest in the conversation, something I don't really feel comfortable talking about.

Michael looks at him dead in the eyes, not waving off to the side, "Yes, we have both bottomed for each other. But when you love and care for someone, you do make sure that your lover is getting what he wants, hoping that in change, he will please you in whatever manner you enjoy." He looks down to his coffee, then to glances over to me, speaking volumes to what we have, and what I almost fucked up a few weeks ago. How did I almost mess this up?

McKenzie doesn't really ask much more, his mind still processing it all. Michael glances over to him, "So are we all cool? `Cause I need to know you won't tell mom and dad. That is something I need to do."

McKenzie looks up from his hands, "Yea, sure. I still support you but it will be weird at times. I will do my best to accept your boyfriend, Chris," McKenzie looks over to me real fast before moving back, "But there will be things that I don't know if I can ever get around, especially the whole sex thing..."

Michael looks at him, a brotherly grin flashing onto his face, "I would actually prefer not to talk about it as well. It feels kind of weird to be honest. I mean I will should you have any more questions..."

McKenzie quickly blurts out, "No, I think I have it alright. The thought alone is hard enough to get out; I don't need my brother explaining what it feels like to have a dick inside his ass..." McKenzie looks around, then back to us. "Are we done here?"

Michael looks to his brother then stands up to hug him. "I don't want to lose you over this. Thank you." With that, their brotherly bond had been returned, the connection almost back to the point of where it was when I first arrived.

The rest of the day was stuck back at Michael's house, me packing to leave back for Sacramento. It was going to be a long drive back and I wanted to leave early.

I didn't want to leave Michael the time the morning arrived but given my long drive back, I knew it had to happen early. I had a good 9 hour drive ahead of me, taking into account the gas stops, food, and any other breaks that might need to happen. Waking up in the morning, I got my last kiss from him for the trip, the issue at hand being I might not see him till the semester starts. It was about 9 before I was packed and ready to go, his parents making us a nice breakfast.

Sitting around the table, it felt nice to look at a normal family, brothers and sisters, two parents, the dog and cat, something that I had always been a little jealous of. During the course of the meal it hit me on how I might be able to see Michael again, "Hey, if you want, my dad rents out a cabin for Ally and I at Squaw Valley. You could always come up and board with me down the slopes." I had primarily left it for Michael only, hoping that only he would be coming up.

Michael looked at his parents, then back to me, "I need to talk with my parents about it but I'm sure they won't have a problem with it. Would you?" Michael does his best to suck up to his mom and dad.

"We'll think about it. When is it for Chris?" Mr. Ayers asks me, taking a bite from one of his waffles.

Swallowing my bite as well, I inform the two of them, "Well, it's anytime to be honest. We share the house with my neighbor but I am sure I could get it to be just us, Ally too if you want someone to watch over us." I was not going to allow Ally to come, not on her life. If Michael were to come up, it would just be him and I relaxing in the hot tub, wreaking the slopes together.

"Like Michael's dad said, we will think it over ok?" Mrs. Ayers nods to her husband as she looks to me. There was hope that I could spend more time with him before the break ended.

Don't think for one second that Winter Break is over because there is a lot more to be covered before the semester starts up. I hope you all enjoyed the way McKenzie went about "the talk" and let me know what your ideas are on Michael telling his parents (as it obviously hasn't happened yet...).

I look forward to hearing from you guys and if there are any new readers, I am glad to have you onboard. This has been a fun series to write and I look forward to displaying many more chapters. Also, as part of my use of Nifty, if you could donate a dollar or two, anything helps to keep the site up and running. Thanks and take care.

C. Wolfe

Next: Chapter 26: Winter Break 4

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