The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Aug 15, 2012


It was about one when the dance ended, not because of the time but mostly because of the lack of dancers. Most of them had gone home or to their rooms, leaving about 50 people still on the floor with their partners. Looking around me, I couldn't help but suddenly get worried; Tay was missing. So was Ryan. I had seen Ryan pull Tay off the floor a few hours earlier but I figured it was because of the heat. They should have been back by now.

Looking to Michael, who at the moment has his hands around my waist, I glance worried into his eyes. "We need to find Tay. He should have returned by now, even if he took Ryan up to his room to change." Breaking off from Michael, I glide him through the floor, heading for the doors. Michael didn't object, knowing full well that it is all about safety in numbers.

Reaching the concourse, I pulled out my phone and called up Tay, the first call going straight to his voicemail. Grumbling, I hung up and tried again. Widening my eyes at Michael, I motion that Tay is getting on my nerves, this not being like him. Trying again, I managed to get through, speaking before Tay even gets the chance, "Tay, where the hell are you? I'm worried about you." It was pretty blunt and I instantly regretted it the moment I said it. "Sorry Tay, I didn't mean that."

"Chris? Oh shit!" I hear a huge crash in the background, the thud of something happening behind the speaker of Tay's phone. "Sorry Chris. Hey what's up?" There is a muttered shushing in the background, someone else near wherever he is.

"Tay where are you? And who are you with? Where is Ryan?" I launch a barrage of questions at Tay, hoping he might answer a few of them. Looking to Michael, I can tell he is getting tired.

"Umm... well... I'll meet you at the hotel lobby ok?" Before I could respond, the click of the ended call cut me off, the phone shutting off with the dropped call.

Looking at my phone, I am baffled that Tay just hung up on me like that. Eyes wide, I stare at Michael, "What is going on here?" Moving towards the bridge that connects the hotel to the convention center, we walk briskly, me leading the entire way.

Michael offers his opinion, one that I don't know if I like, "Maybe he was getting laid... I mean I think him and Ryan have something going on." I didn't want to turn around and confront him about it but it was a strong possibility. I mean Ryan and Tay were a great couple, but I don't know... I was going into brother mode.

Reaching the hotel lobby, I couldn't help but pace. Michael wanted to stop me but I was too riled up to be contained. The instant Tay emerged from the corner I was on him, a cheetah to a poor zebra. "Dude you know not to leave the group! I was worried about you!" I tore into him, the stupid move he pulled getting me angry.

Before I could finish another voice piped up, a figure in pajamas emerging from the corner. "Actually Chris it was my fault." Ryan stood there behind Tay, his figure acting as a shadow over him.

Tay stood there with his clothes wrinkled, his hair slightly undone. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see what had happened between the two of them. I didn't want to ruin their night so I just extended my hand out, palm open. "Gimme your card to get into your dorm and go back to enjoying the night." I didn't want to say more but I felt it needed to be said. "Ryan, take care of him. Please."

Ryan wrapped his arms over Tay's shoulders, giving the impression that he almost owns Tay. It was cute to watch, especially when Tay looked up at Ryan, his eyes glancing over Ryan's face. Ryan looked out over Tay's forehead, his piercing green globes backing me down. Tay was no longer mine to protect, "I will Chris. Trust me he will be safe."

With that, Tay handed me his card and left with Ryan, their arms wrapped around each other's waists. I was happy for the two of them, a bit jealous on both parts, some of me wanting Ryan and some wanting to hold onto Tay. Heading back to the car, I was reminded of what I have as Michael interlaced his fingers with mine, his palm sharing warmth.

Waking up next to Michael was a great feeling, even though we were still clothed. It would have felt extremely weird to sleep nude in Tay's room, even if he was not there. Given that we took the chance to sleep in, neither one of us actually getting active till around 10. We knew that we were missing out on the convention but we were enjoying our alone time, the ability to snuggle up close to each other was great.

"How many more days is this going on?" Michael speaks into my ear as he pulls himself close to me, the tension of his arms increasing. He has morning breath to him, a normally unsexy smell but I know I have the same scent so I can't complain. It's one of those many joys of sleeping together.

Groaning out loud, I wiggle a little then respond. "It goes for another few days but I think today might be our last. I don't know about you but I want to get back home to make sure I have everything for college."

Michael leans up over me, kissing me on the cheek. "I totally understand. And to be honest, while I am enjoying the costumes, I really don't know if this is my thing. I mean it's cool and all but I just don't feel like I fit in." His shirtless body flexes as he lies over me, the pecks taunt.

Getting dressed was a bit of fun, the two of us almost dancing around each other in Tay's small room but we made it work, being on the road around 10:30ish. After grabbing breakfast on the way, we had a very nice ride in, very little traffic on the freeways (it was the weekend by the way). Finding parking though... that was a different story. Unlike the previous few days, for some apparent reason the parking structure was nearly full today, maybe it was because of our tardiness.

After finding a spot near the top floor, we moved at our own pace to get into the convention, the rush of Tay not pushing us towards any particular goal. Being that it most likely was our last day, we wanted to relax and enjoy it for what the furry community was; a hobby.

Moving down the elevator, we were surprised to see so many other furs coming in at the same time as us. It felt kind of weird being the only humans in the elevator; a lion behind us, a cat and bunny to the front. On our sides were some really nicely dressed dogs, one of them appearing to be a Doberman, the other a Pit-bull. As much as I have been enjoying the community, I was glad to escape from the confines of the ride, the claustrophobia getting to me, all the animals piling out when the doors opened.

Flooding into the convention's lobby, Michael and I went for Ryan's booth, or HuskRy to be correct, as this was his persona while here. It was no surprise to see the two of them working there, HuskRy signing autographs while Tay helped out when needed. Approaching from a distance, the two of them looked like they connected well.

"Hey you two, how was last night?" I poke, diverting their attention. Holding a coy grin, I crossed my arms and waited for their response.

While I couldn't exactly see Ryan's expression, HuskRy's movements said it all, a quick look to Tay then back to his computer, not answering in Tay on the other hand held it well, his face expressing a "I don't know what you're talking about" emotion. It didn't last long though before the crack of a grin appeared, breaking wide across his face. "It was... great." Tay spoke softly, as if everyone around us knew what we were talking about.

Michael held a grin on his face as well, enjoying the banter between the group. While he did not partake in the actual conversation, I still knew he was there, his presence behind me welcoming. Raising my eyebrows, all I muster out is a "Uh huh." After a few seconds of enjoying the awkwardness, I break the ice again, this time on a different subject. "Well Michael and I are going to hit up a writing seminar. We will catch up with you guys for dinner ok?"

A simple but understanding nod was all I got from the two, the topic of their last night's romp not wanting to be discussed. It will have to be something I poke Tay about later on. As Michael and I walk towards the conference room, I couldn't help but wonder how good of a guy Ryan actually was.

Entering into the room, there were tables all around us, and groups already sitting down. Some furs were clustered together in one area, humans in the other. While I wanted to sit with the humans, I felt that the subtle segregation needed to be broken, moving instead over to the furry area, Michael and I grouping in with a dragon and two cats.

The three of them seemed to know each other and our immediate presence got their attention, a hush taking over their conversations. Making idle chat with them before the seminar began; we found out that they were professional writers, only coming to the seminar to brush up on their skills. It was a great writing class, focusing most of its attention on descriptors; the cats and dragon helping us out to write our own short erotic story.

It was a fun exercise, our group taking the dirtier aspect than the rest of the room. Poking fun at each other, Michael and I teamed up to write "the cat sucked furiously on the throbbing barbed cock" on our papers, and then pass them to the furs to see how we could improve upon the statement. Eyeing them playfully we watched as they teamed up as well, returning the paper with the sentence: "The frisky young cat mewed as he sucked down on the throbbing cock, furiously working over the barbs, almost ripping the nubs off the skin as the man milk seeped into the mouth, it's juices flowing slowing down the felines throat, adding a burning desire for more."

After reading it over once, I coughed hoarsely to Michael, "So what do you think if we were to start writing like this for Mrs. Steiner?"

Passing him the paper, he read over it, his eyes slightly bulging as well. The furs snickered off in their corner, their focus going back to writing their own stories. Michael laughs lightly, "Well umm... she would be surprised I can tell you that." It was amusing catching him slightly rearranging his pants, a bulge growing down in his groin.

The rest of the session was just as erotic, us seeing who could edge each other to the breaking point, writing the smuttiest thing we could think of, while also trying to make it flow. There were a few times when the dragon would correct us on our anatomy, what parts a feline has that a dog or wolf would not. It was even more amusing when we got to read some of their items, barely making it through the first paragraphs before things got heated.

After that, we wandered around a bit taking in the sights, wasting our time as dinner got closer. Meeting up with Tay and HuskRy at 4, we all went out for food at a local deli, a swarm of furs occupying almost half the diner. "So what are your plans for the rest of the day?" Tay asked us as we munched down on our sandwiches.

Looking over to Michael, I broke the news. "Well we were actually thinking of heading home, since there still is time for us to get back. If Ryan doesn't mind taking you home, we were going to leave after this."

Even though his mouth had become full of food, I saw a slight twinge of disappointment in Tay's face; the want for me to stay longer with him. Elaborating more on it, "School is starting next week and I am sure Michael wants to get back home to wash, as I do too. Also I need to pack everything back up Tay."

His face softened as he began to understand; my time here was done. HuskRy moved his paw over Tay's hand, then spoke out, "I'll make sure he gets home alright. It does suck that you two couldn't stay longer but if you have to get going, I understand. I'm lucky UCLA doesn't start for another two weeks. Gives me more time to enjoy the break." HuskRy releases a laugh as he nuzzles into Tay's neck, looking back at us with his wide eyes.

Finishing our dinner, it was a remembrance walk back, the four of us all talking about the convention, as well as Tay and HuskRy talking about what is still to come. I feel kind of bad during the walk that we are leaving, one part of me wanting to stay for Tay, the other for the convention to see if anything else really is worth the fun.

Once we get back to the car, Tay moves up to hug me, pulling me close. "Thank you for coming. It really has meant a lot to me that you were here Chris."

Holding him tight, I respond back, "Tay it was a lot of fun. If you ever want to do it again, I would love to come with you." I mean what I say, my emphasis showing that I am always up to join him.

Releasing him, I move to shake HuskRy's paw, "Take care of him ok?" I look sternly to Ryan inside the costume; my brotherly terms being laid out to protect Tay. While I may not be able to see his eyes, I make darn sure he notices mine, the commandment being placed before him that he better not hurt my best friend. I was happy to see Michael hug Tay, a sign that they had kind of gotten more on an even footing, the two of them respecting each other now. Smiling, I moved to the car, opening the door to set off. It was time to go home.

Michael drove a little that night, but around the halfway point I took over, mostly because of my insistence that he rest for his drive the following day. He left early the 15th, the drive down to Santa Barbara daunting. I was relieved to hear he arrived safe that night, a few quick texts assuring me his arrival before him heading to sleep.

A few days later I left with Ally, the two of us switching off every so often to rest. I was sad that winter break was over but it was time for the semester to start back up again. I was looking forward to hanging out with the Frisbee group, the thought of switching rooms to have Peter as a bunk mate intriguing me. The next semester will be great.

Pound! Pound! Pound! I wake from my sleep, rub my eyes, and look around. What was that noise?

Pound! Pound! Pound! Shouting out, I pull off the sheets and step down to the floor, my boxers hanging loosely from my waist. "Hang on! Hang on!"

Opening the door, this random dude stands before me, his face raged with fury. "What the fuck did you do to Skyler?"

Next: Chapter 34: Redemption 1

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