The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Oct 7, 2012


Welcome back everyone. I hope you have been enjoying the series thus far. It has been a while since I had talked about Peter but this chapter will show a bit of him. I hope you enjoy.

Ever since the tournament ended on Sunday I have felt like crap. No, crap isn't the right word, more just blah. Melancholy would be a second best word to describe my feelings. The thought of Michael and Skyler as a couple made me happy for them but for me it was just a thought of what I had failed at.

I was still their friend and supported them completely but to have my former boyfriend (ex is a dirty word to use about Michael) date Skyler, a guy who was just coming to terms with being gay, it was hard. I mean I had been so comfortable with myself but now everything seemed to have been turned around. I felt so out of place, out of body, out of time.

When practice came around on Monday, I didn't really care to be there. I performed well during the drills; actually I executed all the tosses spot on. I was a great player and played well with the team but my care was not there.

Pike and I were getting back to more sociable terms. He noticed my indifference about everything and did try to talk to me about it but I didn't know what to tell him. I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong either. After practice Pike called us all together, the typical team talk that was to be expected. "Hey everyone, I know Spring Break is still two weeks away but I wanted to inform you of the upcoming trip that we will be taking. San Diego hosts a weeklong tournament where 50 teams from all over the west coast compete against each other. We even have some traveling from Nevada and Arizona."

Pike enthusiasm definitely riled up the team, everyone looking forward to the fun times that were to come. I too showed a little interest in it as well or as much as I could put into it at least. It would be fun to get away from Long Beach, a break that is long needed.

Pike went on to congratulate us on our win over the tournament last weekend, confirming to us that we are one of the top seeds come the April tournament. I knew we were competing for a larger spot when it came to teams but as it began to actually dawn on me that we could be doing a little bit of traveling when it comes to playing Frisbee. "Depending on how we do during our regional's competition, there is a chance we could go back east to compete against better teams. For the coming weeks, I need you all to stay well and not try to injure yourselves; that goes for you Tyler." Everyone looks at Tyler and snickers, the joke that Tyler would intentionally hurt himself.

Ending the practice, Pike let us go, everyone scattering out to the winds to study and focus on school. Bryan, Zach and I all walked together back to the dorms, the three of us still thankfully living near each other. Making small talk with them, I talked of how it was rooming without me.

Zach was surprisingly the first one to respond. Rubbing his dark sweated back hair, he looked guilty in his maroon eyes. "To be honest Chris, I actually kind of miss you. It feels weird having that empty space on your side of the room." It was nice to hear that he missed me, apparently my influence on him changing him more than either one of us had expected.

Bryan concurred with Zach, "Yea we do miss you Chris. I mean it's nice in a way to have the space but for some weird reason it was fun when we were all smashed in together." Bryan laughs as he continues, "Also it has been kinda quiet when it comes to the drama."

Thinking to myself, `If you only knew the drama in my life right now...', "Yea I really haven't had much drama." I lie as I make a fake laugh. I do miss hanging with them. Thinking it over, they were the guys who I could talk with when things seemed to get bad.

Bryan tosses me a question, one that I should have been expecting, "It must be nice for you though `cause you have more space right? Plus Peter looks like a great guy, I hope he's a great roommate."

"Actually Peter hasn't really been in the room too much. He is always gone either at Monica's or practicing for Basketball or hanging out with his friends." I shrug my shoulders at the lack of a relationship Peter and I have been able to hold. I think we were really hoping for more when I moved in but it didn't really work out as we had intended.

Reaching the break off point for the three of us, I wave to them as I break off for my hall. Reaching my room, I enter it to actually find company in there; Peter lying asleep on his bed. Moving over to my side of the room, I make a careful note not to wake him from the slumber. He has the sheets pulled tight against his body but from what I can tell he is just in his briefs; the bare skin of his white upper body showing as well as part of his right leg.

Sitting down in my bed, I just rest on the cushion. The drawn blinds make for a cooling darkness, a relaxing aura hanging in the air. Taking off my shirt and tossing the sweat filled fabric to the corner; I fall back onto my pillow and close my eyes.

My lips touched his, the warm flesh of Peter's mouth pressing up against mine. Opening my eyes, I look into his cream green eyes, the smooth swirl of the color melting my heart. Wrapping my arm around his head, I gently grab his hair and pull him close, embracing our flesh further.

I am down to my boxers, the fabric hanging loosely off my body. Peter is lying below me with only his black boxer briefs on. My skin tingles as Peter slides his fingers down my neck down to my lower back. The feel of his nails lightly cutting into my skin elicits a deep moan, the noise from my body causing him to slightly dig in further.

Looking at him as he holds my waist to his, I enjoy the care and compassion he is giving me. Peter opens his mouth to murmur some sweet words, the very sentence turning me on more, "I have wanted this for the longest time. God it feels amazing."

His throbbing manhood grows under me, reaching a full erection under its sheath of fabric. My own cock grows as well, the crown rubbing gently against his. Moving my body slightly, I grind upon his, our bare chests pressing against each other to shoot electricity through the exposed nerves.

Moving back down to kiss him, I rub my hands through his olive hair. Peter duplicates my motions, running his fingers through my curly hair, tossing the strands into rows as he digs his fingernails into my scalp.

Nibbling Peter on the side of his neck, I breathe heavily, the warm air traveling up past his ears and into the pillow. Etching my way down his side, I stop my hands on his waistband, our elastic bands the only thing separating us from each other. Moving my lips down to his chest, I lick his nipples, nibbling the nubs gently, but with enough play to make them hard.

As I focus on one, I bring my hand free hand up to assist with his other nipple. The nubs become tender to the touch, causing a small but noticeable thrust every time I suck on them. Peter rolls me over on the bed, forcing me to lie under his toned body, the pressing of his muscles against mine turning me on further.

Peter moves down to my neck and sucks forcefully, and though I am not able to see it, he makes the creation of a dark blotch, the early start of a hickey. Giggling at the nibbling on my neck, I push him down my body, moving him to a different part.

Peter complies, pecking the center of my chest before circling around each of my nipples. The absent foreplay to avoid my nipples feels so great, the almost touch of his tongue to my breasts sounding erotic to my body.

Moving down to my chest, he moves his hands to undress me, exposing my cock to him. He eyes it lustfully, taking it in a grip with his right hand. Moving the hard piece of flesh to the side, he moves his face to my groin, kissing and nibbling at my skin. Taking his tongue, he starts at the base of my cock, running his saliva past the veins to reach the crown. Licking the precum that seeps out slowly, Peter envelops his mouth over my penis, starting off slow, and then increasing in intensity.

"Oh god Peter this feels great!" I cry out in ecstasy. My hands grip the bed as I arch my body up, hoping to force more of me into his mouth. Cum starts to come out faster, more of a flow pressing against my prostate as it starts to flow through my body. Not wanting it to end so soon, I moan out to Peter, "I'm going to cum soon."

Peter only looks up to me with covetousness in his eyes, the desire for my hot sticky fluid to fill him. He gets what he wants, my ejaculation filling his mouth to the brim. Swallowing my load, I release more for him to enjoy. "OH man that was amazing!" I whimper out, as my body starts to shut down, the testosterone flowing out of my system. Closing my eyes to relax, I feel Peter slide back up to kiss me.

My phone rings off to my side as our hot session finishes.

RING! RING!! RING RING! I roll over to look at the phone, my eyes fluttering open. Hot liquid presses against my boxers, the wetness almost showing through my running shorts. I see it is Bryan, and discard it as I look down to my body. Groaning out I realize that I just had a very erotic dream.

My silence is interrupted as I hear a voice off to the side. "Did you just call out my name?" I look over in horror as I see Peter sitting there on the edge of his bed, him sitting cross legged with his pillow cuddled close to his body.

Gulping, I hit my head against my pillow. Did I really call out his name during the dream? FUCK! Growing flush in the cheeks I look over to him. "Did I?" I ask out meekly. I could not believe this was happening. I just fantasized about Peter, MY ROOMMATE!

Peter chuckles at my embarrassment, "While it's flattering that you thought about me, and I'm not going to lie I have thought of you, though probably not to this degree, I am with Monica. You have to remember that."

I felt horrible, embarrassed, shamed. This broke a very important rule of mine: No sex with roommates. That's probably why I got along with Bryan and Zach so well. I never had the urge to have sex with them before. Moving to a sitting position, I lay it out for him, "Peter you are a great guy. While this is an embarrassing moment for me, I can't have sex with you."

Peter looked kind of disappointed at that statement, as if he almost wanted me to have sex with him. "Oh."

"Peter, I don't have sex with roommates as it leads to very complicated situations down the line. Furthermore, you are in a relationship. I am not a home wrecker." My mind quickly flashes Pike, causing a shiver of guilt to vibrate up my spine.

Moving to my feet, I feel the dribble of cum moving around my groin. I needed to clean this up. "I might need to rethink rooming with you." Grabbing a spare set of clothes, I make for the bathroom. I know I left Peter depressed but with all the mistakes I had made recently, I was not going to add this to my list of problems.

Cleaning myself up, the dream came back to me in parts. Shaking it out of my head, I try to freshen myself up and get rid of the smell. Changing into my new clothes I head downstairs. I could not bear to look at Peter right now; it would have just been too awkward for me.

Walking outside, I knew exactly who I needed to talk with. Making my way to my old dorm, I enter the hallway and turn down the corridor. Knocking on the all familiar door, Michael opens it up, his face lighting up at the sight of me.

As he opens the door more, I notice Skyler off in the corner, his book out before him. It was a study party for the two of them. "Did I interrupt something?" I ask as Michael invites me in.

"Nah, we were just going to take a break anyways." Skyler comments as I enter with my bundle of clothes. Skyler notices them and raises his eyebrow.

Sitting in Michael's chair, I deflate, "I just had a dream about my roommate." Shuddering I find disgust in the thought of sex with Peter.

Both Michael and Skyler burst out laughing, Michael moving over to Skyler with tears starting to come out. "Really? What was he like?"

I start to fume, "It's not funny guys! Peter's a great guy but it would be weird! Shut UP!" I command to them but it falls short as they continue to roar with amusement.

Through the sniffles of delight, Michael tries to get serious. "It's not healthy if there is awkwardness. Was he there? Or did he say anything?"

I was not going to tell them that he has thought of me as well. That would only make it worse for me; they would roar with enjoyment and delight at the thought. "Yea he was there and he said he was flattered but he's with Monica! I just don't want to hurt his feelings by moving out."

Skyler cradles Michael as they both look at me, tears of laughter starting to slow down. "If he is your friend, he will understand."

I don't know if I could stay with him. I did think Peter was a great guy but this could lead to a very awkward situation down the line, and possibly a slippery slope should anything actually happen. Grabbing my things I move towards the door. "Sorry for interrupting."

Michael looks up to me, his glance welcoming. "Chris you are always able to come by. Don't worry about it."

Leaving to go back to my room, I open it to see Peter is still there, sitting on his bed. He now has a book with him, him peering over the material to study. Closing the door, I stand at the entryway silent. "Peter, I don't know if I can do this. I know it's very sudden but I don't want to ruin our friendship."

Peter looked up to me, a slight disappointment in his eyes. "I understand. It sucks but you have your reasons. It's a bit late to move out tonight. Want to just wait till tomorrow?"

Moving to my bed, I sit in it. I really haven't spent much time here but in a way I am not really going to miss it too much. "Yea I can wait." An extra night here won't be too much trouble for me. But come tomorrow I need to talk with Bryan and Zach. It's time I went back to my old home. Hopefully it will restore my sanity.

Well now... Think of his roommate in such a erotic manner... that was fun. Haha. It will be fun to see how things start to return to normal for Chris as he moves back in with Bryan and Zach. Hopefully this will be the starting point of a better semester for him.

Next: Chapter 42: Redemption 9

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