The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Oct 11, 2012


Ok guys and girls, I'm not going to lie, the last chapter was a little out there but it kind of needed to happen. I had originally planned for more of an involvement from Peter and while he will be back down the line, I needed Chris to get back in with Bryan and Zach. I know that was a little immature on Chris's part on how he went about it but this chapter does deal with that. Also something really big is coming up in the next chapter...

I felt so refreshed when Tuesday came around. Waking up with the notion that I am going to be moving back in with Bryan and Zach somehow flooded me with a sense of complete relaxation, a renewal of life. Figuring I could find them in the dorms after my classes were over, I knocked on the door of my old room. Bryan opened the wooden door, the old familiar screech of the unoiled hinges bringing back a familiar memory.

Bryan was slightly surprised that I was at the door, "Chris, what's up?" Opening the door more to let me in, we both moved back into the room, allowing me to see the old dorm as it was. Zach set down his books as I moved to my old chair, ducking my head to avoid hitting it on the bed.

Turning the chair around, I look out to the two guys, my former roommates and good friends. "I was wondering if that offer to move back in was still open?" I rub my hands together while I look at them, the friction creating little warmth.

Bryan instantly beams a smile to himself. Clapping his hands, he looks to Zach, "You owe me $50." Then he looks to me, eager to explain what just happened. I am slightly confused as to what was going on. "Zach put you at two months before you would want back. I put you at a month or less. Don't get us wrong Chris; we are glad to have you back. We just wanted to have a little fun on your departure. It did seem like it was a little sudden."

Amused that they would make a bet off of my erratic behavior, I laugh a little myself. "Wow you guys, thanks for taking advantage of my situation." Thinking it over somberly, I realize how sudden my leave was from them, especially to have me return just as suddenly.

Zach moves from his bed down to the floor, then over to his desk. Opening up a drawer he pulls out some papers and hands them to me. "To be honest Chris we didn't even file your paperwork. We know we should have but we would have done it had I won. If you had shown that you were serious about staying with Peter then we would have submitted it."

The two of them get their shoes on as I look it over, the hasted choice I made looking at me right in the face. Looking up at them astonished, I try to speak but don't know what to say. Instead Bryan speaks for me, saying the words I knew I should have said, "Well let's go move you back in."

The move in was quick and painless. Sadly Peter was not present as we gathered my belongings. I knew I would have to come by later to talk with him but in his absence, I left a note for him thanking him for his hospitality. We were in and out in less than a half hour (partly the joys of not having too much to move). When we got back to the room it only seemed to take me 15 minutes to get back to my old self. Everything was put back to its old position; the flag on the roof, the pictures on the desk, and each article of clothing separates into its respective drawer.

That week things seemed to get back to normal. Granted I didn't have boyfriend but for once in my college career, and possibly my life, it felt alright. My classes were going great, my professors' awesome teachers, grades' looking alright. Things were looking up for me. And it was about time too because the other shoe had been on the floor for too long.

Come Friday I was ready for Spring Break. We were still a week out but the anticipation was there. Students in my classes were getting antsy and professors frustrated by the lack of attention by some students. I was lucky to have survived it and now only had one week left before San Diego.

On my way back to the dorms I ran into Michael, he too on his way back to his room. Instead of taking the elevator up to my room, I decided to hang out with Michael, the two of us talking over plans for Spring Break. "So is there anything fun on your list of things to do?"

Michael let me into his room as he informed me of what was in store for his week off. "The rugby team is heading down to San Diego to participate in a tournament there. It isn't till Wednesday but we are all looking forward to it."

Surprised that he was going to be there as well, I got a little giddy at the thought of having Michael at or near the Frisbee competition. "Really? Dude that's great! The Frisbee team will be down there as well. You should come by to support us!"

Michael looked at me with those nice navy eyes. "I'll definitely try too. It would be fun to watch you guys compete down there." There was a slight drop off in his voice as he looked down at his hands. He was fiddling with a gay pride surfer's bracelet that Skyler had gotten him.

"Michael, have you told your parents yet?" I ask him. Genuine concern shows in my actions as I move towards him to rest my hands on his legs.

Michael looks up to me as he shows signs of defeat, "Yea, though my mom was not too happy about it. My dad was supportive of me and when my brother and sisters talked with my mom, she started to come around. It is still a little hard though at times, the awkwardness getting on my nerves. It also kind of helped that Skyler was there as well." He put on a smile when Skyler came into the picture. He was really happy to be with Skyler and it was starting to show more and more.

Slightly surprised that Skyler would have been there with Michael, I back away a little. Breaking my eye contact with Michael I look down to my feet. The blue tennis shoes provide my no comfort as I instantly compare them to Michael's eyes. "You really are helping Skyler. Thank you." I say it in a low voice but it still audible enough for him to hear. Before I can anymore, a knock raps at the door, and then enters in Skyler, complete in his soccer gear.

"Hey Skyler!" I say as Michael's boyfriend walks in. I was not expecting him to show up but then again, this is Michael's room so it was not to be too surprising. Skyler shakes my hand as he walks over to Michael to kiss him softly on the lips.

"Hey babe." Skyler coos to Michael as he relaxes onto Michael's bed. Snuggling up close to Michael, Skyler looks out to me, "What brings you around here Chris?"

Trying to look as unfazed about their sweet kiss as possible, I revert back to the conversation Michael and I were having. "We were talking about spring break. You have any plans?"

"I'll be spending most of it down at home in Oceanside. It is close enough to San Diego that I will be able to come down to watch Michael compete in the rugby competition."

Realizing that my time was limited, grab my things and start to stand up. "Oh ok cool. That's great that you are able to support Michael." Before much more could be said, I make my way out of the room, wishing to myself that I had someone to support me. As I walk to my room though, I think of my team and how we are all there to support each other. I am happy with what I have.

The week before Spring Break passed by in what seemed like a flash. I had a few tests but they were not too hard. The Monday practice was simple yet energized. The Thursday practice though was wound up. There seemed to be anticipation like no other in preparing for the break. Electricity seemed to flow through each of my teammates as we flung the Frisbees to and from each other. The prep was not too intense but we still managed to push ourselves hard, any last minute details being worked out.

Come Friday, I didn't seem to pay any attention to my classes; wishing 3 pm could come around as soon as possible. I knew we were heading out that night to drive down and I still needed to pack. At the last class I was thankfully let loose early, the professor realizing how futile it was keep us in class.

Making my way to my room, I received a text right as I entered the hall. Looking down at the phone I saw that it was an unknown number. Thinking to myself, "Who is this?" I unlocked the phone to read the cryptic message.

It was short and simple, but it seemed urgent. "We need to talk. I'm outside the dining hall."

Thinking immediately off the bat it was Kyle, I almost brushed it off till I realized the area code was not the same as I had remembered from his number. Heading down stairs cautiously, I exit the doors to look at the dining hall. Instead of seeing Kyle, which is a great relief, I see Ellie. She looks a little frazzled, pacing back and forth next to the entrance.

"Ellie, what are you doing here? And how did you get my number?" I ask her as I show my excitement to see her. Hugging her, I step back to let her talk.

"Hey Chris, I need your help..." Her voice trails off as she looks around nervously. "I know you're not going to like this but we need Kyle on our team again."

"Umm... Ok but how do you want me to help?" I was not happy that she wanted me to talk with Kyle. Or whatever had to do with him. "I haven't talked with him since last semester, much less seen him since December. What do you expect me to do?"

"I don't know Chris. If there is a way you could talk with him, it would be greatly appreciated. Please. Fullerton is about to fall apart... our moral just isn't there at all." Ellie is looking desperate at the moment, almost as if she would do anything to get the asshole back on her team.

Being truthfully sincere, I swallow hard, "Ellie I would love to help you but we are about to leave in an hour. I don't have the time to go and talk with him; mostly because I am sure that we have a LOT that will be needed to be talked about. I'm sorry."

It was hard seeing the defeat on her face but I think she understood. All she said though seemed to sting me, "Oh ok. Well if you see him could you PLEASE talk with him? Do it for us Chris. We only have 8 going with us." There was a clear desperation in her voice, the need for another player, though not just any player, evident.

"I will Ellie. I'm really sorry though." I say to her as I hug her. Letting her go I allow her to leave, allowing me to get back up to my room to finish packing.

Heading back to my room, I toss my things together. It is easier than I had expected to pack, me being done by 4:30. Bryan and Zach were also packing during that time and as we all collaborated on the required number of clothing, it became a simple task. Moving out of the room, we all headed down to the parking lot to load our bags into the vans Pike had rented out.

As I entered the parking lot I saw someone who I had not expected to see at all; my sister. Moving up to her nervously, I ask her in as best of a brotherly tone as possible, "Ally, what are you doing here? I missed you." Dropping my bags next to my feet I move to hug her before she could respond.

Ally wiggled free of my grip and looked me dead in the eye. "Chris, I have missed you as well but I am here to support my boyfriend..." Her voice trails off for a second before her smile reappears. It was the warmth that only a sister could give, the glimmer of hope that she had always been able to provide. "And my brother." With that she moved forward to hug me again, holding me close and tight.

Well as a few of you might have figured... Kyle will be returning... But how things go in the next chapter will be a huge surprise for everyone... and it will be getting a WHOLE lot better in the following chapters. I can't wait to write them out (I feel so giddy right now :-D)

Let me know what you thought

Next: Chapter 43: Redemption 10

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