The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Nov 5, 2012


The epic conclusion to the night! How will it go? Who chased after Chris? What will he say to this mystery person (cause we all saw how he reacted to Ally)...

This section has been one of my most enjoy parts of the entire series. I know it is a little dramatic and sappy but for what is happening, this could not have played out any better.


Rising from my knees, I took off again, not wanting to confront who was chasing me. I was so distraught from the night my senses were all off. The sound of the grains crunching beneath my shoes made me feel sick but I kept pushing, willing myself to continue on.

"Chris! Please stop!" The cry came out again from behind me, a tearful reminder of what I had just done. Everyone whom I had hurt knew that song was for them. Even those who didn't knew there was some weird significance behind it. I had never felt so exposed; never so open to the hurt and pain that was striking my heart at that moment. Thunderbolts of damage ripped through my body with each cry that was cracking the silence behind me.

I broke down and stumbled into the beach, the particles of broken down shells and sea life flying up into the air. I couldn't fight anymore. I just couldn't. Lying there in the sand, I looked out to the tide, the ebb and flow inching closer and closer to me. Heartbroken tears streamed down my face to seep into the sand.

My trance was not granted much time as a body crashed behind me, grabbing me and pulling me close. Coming too, I struggled to get free but the grip held tight. "Let me go!" I shrieked out, the merciless cry to be left alone going unheard.

His hands seemed to constrict me, though not out of anger or hate, but out of care and compassion. "Chris, Chris please calm down." He was crying too, a teardrop falling through the empty space to explode on my flush cheek.

Still thrashing like a wounded animal, I glared up to his face, the moonlight glowing off his teal eyes. "Where have you been?!" I snarled at him as I managed to break free, throwing his arms off of me so I could creep towards the water. My back was against the crash of the waves, my face locked on Kyle's posture.

He was broken, almost worse that I was. Though extremely angry and distressed, I was surprised he had come after me. After all the times he had hurt me he just NOW decided it was a great time to chase me down? Kyle sat there on his knees, his feet under him facing the road. He couldn't even look at me as he murmured, "I've been scared Chris."

I really wanted to attack him right now. I was fed up with all the crap we had put each other through. "BULLSHIT!" I yelled at him as I got up and started moving quickly towards the water. The waves lapped at my feet as I waded in.

Kyle was up sooner than I knew it and before I could get too wet, he had me in a wrapped tight, my body flailing. He was pulling me back to civilization, the sorrow and pain we had caused each other flowing through our bodies. He desperately fought to control me but I wouldn't let him have it.

Right when he had pulled me out of the reach of the waves, I planted my feet on the ground and shoved back, throwing Kyle onto his back and forcing him to let me go. As I rolled off to the right, Kyle coughed out, "DAMNIT Chris! I know I fucked up. I'm SORRY!" He rolled over onto his side, coughing a little more from the impact.

He had finally said it. Not just that, he meant it. I was stunned. I couldn't move. That was all he had to say. Those two simple words; "I'm sorry." They echoed in my ears as I processed the magnitude of it all.

Rolling into my back, I looked up to the night's sky. Murmuring to myself, out loud though so he could hear, I spoke "We both did." I was sorry that it had gotten this far. It should have never had come to this.

Not looking to Kyle, instead listening to him as he moved beside me, I flinched when he spoke again. "I'm sorry Chris. For everything. I fucked up everything that we had going. You were the greatest thing I had ever had. And I threw it all away for what? Sex? It was a pathetic move on my part and I should have known better." I didn't need to look at him to know what he was saying was sincere.

"Why did you do it?" I sniffled out. I needed to know. What he said though was the truth, just as much to blame on my part as his.

"To be honest, I don't know. I had been so attracted to you physically that I didn't take time to get to know you personally. The only bridge between us was Frisbee and Ally. We moved to fast and it was my fault." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kyle sit up and look down to me, his hands brushing off some of the sand.

Thinking it over, the truth set in hard. Moving from a lying position to a cross legged sit, I looked over his Adonis body. We really were just physical to each other. Heck, even when it came to Michael, I was just as attracted to him as I was Kyle. I mean I tried a little more with Michael but in the end it all boiled down to sex. I had been having so much sex that I didn't put the effort in myself.

Sniffling out a chuckle I retorted, "It was good sex though." It was not the time to joke around but in tense situations, humor is the best remedy.

Kyle didn't break though, instead resting his hands on my knees. "Chris I'm being serious. We moved too fast and I derailed. And you... you blew up." Oh if only he knew, if only he knew.

Breaking my contact with him, I try to develop the right words to say. The ocean is calm tonight, its currents reminding me of how things always return to where they belong. Focusing back on Kyle, I gaze into his moonlit eyes, the glimmer of the night's reflection so sweet and so kind. "So where do we stand?"

It was Kyle's turn to look away, though I felt it was because he felt ashamed, his reluctance to accept our situation haunting him. Taking his hands from my knees, he turned to look away, the water beckoning out to him as well. "To be honest Chris, I don't know. I feel we've drifted too far apart. I really do care for you but I am afraid I will hurt you again. I want to love you but I don't know if I deserve your love."

As stupid as this sounds, Pike flashed through my head. I know it was random but his philosophical words spoke to me, the reminder of what he had told me in the car a long time ago coming back to teach me a lesson. "Chris, even though bridges may be completely destroyed, they can still be rebuilt. It will take a lot of hard work and effort but it is worth it if you care enough for that person."

Resting my hand on Kyle's shoulder, I ask apprehensively, "What if we did give it a try?"

Kyle moves his right hand up to his shoulder, gripping mine tenderly. A slight sob was audible as he moved closer to me. Turning to where he was able to face me, he leaned his forehead in and rested it against mine. "I will do my best to make up for everything that I had done to hurt you."

I needed to make him know that we needed to take it slow this time. Lifting his chin up, I previewed into his glazed eyes, the mourning and regret pouring out of his soul. "Kyle, we need to talk a lot of things over."

Kyle whimpered, "Yea I am not the best when it comes to talking." He lowered his head in dishonor, the task seemingly unbearable for him.

"Kyle, you have to try. I want to try. Please. For me." I almost begged of him to help me give this relationship, no this connection, a second chance. Kyle rose his head up and looked at me, unsure of what to say, what to do. So I took the first step.

Leaning in, I held his head with my hands, my care for him unending. Looking deep into his eyes, the glimmer of the ocean and the moon shimmered off his soul. Pressing my lips against his, I reignited the former flames that were still smoldering. The little embers that had never died exploded back to life. The cinders that were hanging on to the last breathes of hope jumped forth, the will and drive for a renewed life reinvigorating them.

All around us time seemed to stop. The waves died out, their push and pull against the earth forgoing a few batters as Kyle and I embraced each other. The moon seemed to dim out as the surrounding area around us faded from our visions, the thoughts of each other running through our minds.

This was not going to turn into make-up sex, as hot as that would be. This moment seemed to... perfect to turn into that. We didn't even French kiss each other, just the touch of our lips sending us to cloud nine.

The sensation of his mouth seemed so right, so perfect. It was what I had been missing for the longest time. I had always hoped that Michael was the right guy for me, or at least a good guy to help get over Kyle but nothing and nobody could have replaced him.

Breaking off, it stung that I gave in first but I wanted to look at him, embrace him. He looked so scared but yet so at peace. Our internal hatred of each other had boiled up so much that it had festered into something more, a renewal of all that was lost.

Jumping at Kyle, I moved over his legs and hugged him, returning the boa constrictor grip he had forced upon me what seemed like hours ago. Tears seeped down my face to drip down his back, the rear of his shirt laced with sand.

Kyle sobbed as well, whimpering into my ears as he clung to me. "I hate that I love you so much."

Chuckling, I pull off him to look at his face, wiping away the tears from his cheeks. "You are the most romantic asshole I have ever met."

We were both too drained to move, our bodies shut down from the emotional onslaught that had just been delivered. Collapsing back into the sand, we moved together and snuggled tight, him wrapping his arms around me as I rested my head upon his chest. The beating of his heart felt so relaxing, the thump thump thump coaxing me to sleep.

"What the fuck are do you think you're doing?!" The yelling blasted me awake, the shining of the light blinding my eyes. Blinking my way to coherency, I rubbed my face as I felt flecks of sand being flung towards me. Pressing down on the ground, I feel around for Kyle. Where has he gone?!

His grip emerges to my right as he moves to protect me from the unknown assailants. Coughing the sand out of my mouth, I try to regain my composure, "What the fuck?" I blink as I realize the light is the sun, the new morning has come, its early morning heat starting to press down on us.

The attackers are smartly standing in front of the sun, their shadows blocking a view to their face. From what I can tell there are four of them, their formation a semicircle forcing our backs to the ocean.

Kyle moves to try and stand up, furiously snarling out, "Who the fuck are you?" Before he could reach his feet though, I hear the smack of a fist collide with his face, sending him tumbling down beside me. Blinking, I see Kyle to my side, dazed from the blow. Now I am fully awake.


I feel like... crying... excuse me while I grab a tissue... haha. I hope you guys all enjoyed that chapter. I know I left it on another cliffhanger but this transition will be great, especially since Chris and Kyle will slowly begin to mend their hearts.

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Next: Chapter 47: Redemption 14

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