The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Nov 11, 2012


Hey guys, I know I have been leaving cliffhangers on for the last few chapters but they have been good ones right? Let's see who interrupted their moment and what all Chris and Kyle are going to do about it.


Wiping the sand from my eyes, I took full scope of the situation. Kyle was subdued in the sand, clutching his eye where he had just been hit. He was on the verge of crying, though I think the anger of being hit was pissing him off more.

Looking around to take the attackers, I reacted with pure instinct. My senses were suddenly firing on full rage, the sight of seeing my ex on the floor angering me. Only I was allowed to hurt him like that. Even still, no one deserves to be hit without a warning.

I was lying on my back, turning to roll over to get up before they could hurt me. The worst situation that I had learned a long while back is not to be on the ground. I didn't have must time though as I saw a leg fly out towards me. The attacker's face remained hidden in front of the rising sun, its glare shadowing him.

Not even thinking about it, I grabbed the leg and pulled. The asshole screamed out in shock, the thought that I would react the way I did catching him by surprise. His balance leg gave in the sand, forcing him to fall onto his back. Not letting up one inch, I pulled him towards me and looked right into his eyes.

Previously filled with disgust, I noticed his tan eyes fill with fear. I was enraged, a blue fire spewing out of my eyes. His friends didn't have time to save him as I lifted my arm and slammed it down into his chest, forcing him to curl up into a ball, the air suddenly knocked out of him. Watching as he rolled over, I scurried over to his opening, standing up into a fight position. `I am NOT getting beaten again!' I thought to myself as I caught a good look at the attackers.

They didn't look familiar to me; then again I was not from San Diego so this could be their beating grounds. Snarling out at them, I took a step forward, "You have a problem with two guys sleeping together?!"

Kyle moved towards me, slowly rising to his feet in the process. He didn't look too good; a nice bluish purple blotch starting to appear on his right eye. The men take a step back, my advance catching them in a compromising position. Their disabled friend lies before me, still trying to catch his breath. One of the dicks steps forward, "It's fucking gross and perverted. Who do you think you are to display such actions in public?!"

I help Kyle to his feet, making sure his eye isn't injured too badly. He is covering it with his hand, the bruising starting to take full effect. He can slightly open it, enough to see not only me comforting him but the threat before us. Barking back at the group, I hold Kyle, "Your bigotry is perverted. You are on the losing side of history you creeps."

The group tries to move forward again, an intimidating threat. Worrying about Kyle I try to move between them but Kyle moves me to the side, taking charge of the situation. Growling out, Kyle glares at them menacing, "Try hitting me again asshole. I dare you."

The group, and me to be included, was not expecting Kyle to still have that kind of fight in him. He had been knocked down pretty good. With both Kyle and I ready to fight, the attackers smartly back off, looking at each other unsure of what to do. Almost turning the tables on them, I retort, "What? Are you afraid these faggots are gonna kick your pussy loving asses?"

That got them riled up. The main attacker started to move forward but his friends were smart to pull him back in, quickly grabbing his shoulders and holding him back. Muttering to each other, one of the backup guys comments, "They aren't worth it. Come on. Let's get Rob and go."

Kyle is infuriated. Taking a step forward, he snarls out. "We are more than worth it you little shit. We are so much better than you!" I was not expecting this from Kyle. Moving to hold him back as well, I press my hand against his chest, feeling his heart beat heavily. The thumping vibrated through my body as well, increasing the tempo of my own heart. Kyle notices my restraint and moves back to cool off, squinting through his weakened eye.

Holding our ground, we watch as the group grabs their fallen comrade, each of them struggling to get him up. He moans out in agony as the stretching of his stomach wounds him more. Pleased with my work, I look over to Kyle, wanting to inspect his wound more. "Come on. Let's get to my room so we can look at it." I instruct him as we walk to the boardwalk.

The walk back seemed to take 20 minutes, though it was more like 10. Kyle drifted from side to side, the depth perception off with the use of only one eye. I was beginning to fear that he might have a slight concussion when we got into the elevator, the sudden rise making him lose his footing. Walking to my room, he stumbled a little bit but looked to be getting his keel back in order.

Opening the door, I noticed that the blinds were still shut, evidence that Pike and Ally were still asleep. It was barely approaching 8 so I expected them up anytime. Not wanting to make much noise, I ushered Kyle into the bathroom, the door right off to the entrance of the room.

Getting Kyle in, I shut the door and helped him sit down on the toilet. Grabbing a face towel, I soaked it with cold water and moved to compress it against his face. Squatting below him, I inspected his face, rubbing my hand gently across his skin. It was silky smooth, signs of teenage acne long cleared up here and there. "That was a brave thing you did, moving to defend me like that." I murmured to him as we sat in silence.

Kyle started to whimper a little, "I should have helped more. I am sorry." His grief of not being able to protect me made me feel a little off guard, the emotional weight of his psychological burden of wanting to protect me becoming clear.

Cradling Kyle's head, I countered, "Kyle, its ok. You did what you could. We are two leaders so we can't always be on top."

Kyle looked up from my shoulder and lowered the compress. "Why do you love me?" He was scared, a destroyed man wondering the most important question of his life.

I didn't know what to say so I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind. "Because you love me." With that I lean in to gently kiss him on the lips. Pulling him up, I start to take off his shirt. "Now come on, we need to clean you up for the game today."

Kyle squeaked out a fraught cough, "Yea like that is going to happen." It didn't stop him from letting me undress him, the ease of him just letting me undo his jeans and lower his boxers. Turning to initiate the water, I help him inside the shower. Closing the curtain, I move to the seat to let him take his time.

Barely a minute passed before Kyle opened up the curtain, smirking at me. "To save water, you want to join me?" It was the corniest of lines but it worked, the sense of showering with him compelling. Stripping down, I moved in behind him, laughing as he tossed some of his shampoo suds onto me.

Moving up to him, I ran my fingers through his hair, the water eradicating the shampoo with every run I took. Our bodies pressed together for the first time in a long time, the sensation overwhelming. Kyle leaned in, embracing my chin, and kissed. It was the most romantic thing I had felt in a long time, the sensuality of the situation making me overcome with bliss.

Taking the soap, I glided it across his skin, removing the particles of sand that were stuck to him. Taking a humorous note, I slid the soap between his ass, making sure that his hole was clean. Kyle gleaned at me, his eyes amused at the motion I had just taken. We both wanted to go further but this was neither the time nor the place.

Standing under the water, we both just held each other, the weight of our bodies wanting to pull us down but the strength of our conviction holding us up. The noise was absolute, the stream of water flowing over our skin the only music being made. The dripping of the droplets off our hair as we rested our foreheads together, the eloquent splashing of the water off of our elbows as we gripped the other's backs; it seemed almost tranquil how perfect this felt.

Reaching behind Kyle to turn off the water, we remain in our spot for a good two minutes just air drying. No words were said to break the silence but our emotions seemed to flow between us, heavy breathing coming out of our chests as we pressed our bodies together. Breaking the soothing scene, I stepped out and grabbed two towels, wrapping one for me and handing one to Kyle. The bruising had inflamed a little under the warm shower but it wasn't as bad as I had thought. Kyle meekly murmured "Thank you" as he attempted to dry himself.

Opening up the door, I stepped out into the room to see if Ally and Pike were awake. Peeking behind the corner, my face almost connected with Ally's; our sneaking was caught by each other. Yelping in surprise, I fly back to the wall as Ally jumps back as well. "Who is in the bathroom with you?" Ally whispers as if Kyle were not to hear her. She extends her index finger at the open door as if I would bring some random guy to the room.

Pike leans up his head at the commotion by the bathroom, the raspy whispering breaking his slumber. Kyle doesn't make an effort to hide himself, instead walking out with his right hand rubbing his shoulder. His head was down so they couldn't see his bruise. It was almost cute the way Kyle spoke when addressing Ally, as if he were in trouble for being here. "Hi Ally..." Looking up, he glances around the room.

Ally and Pike were initially shocked that it was Kyle, but the sight of his black eye made Pike fly off the bed; him rushing over to inspect Kyle. "What happened to you?!" Even through everything that had happened, Pike always seemed to play caretaker. Ally was no different, brushing past me to help Kyle out.

As Pike realized that it was bruising, he moved to the ice can to grab the bag. Kyle didn't want to talk of how his pride had been beaten so I told them. "We were attacked this morning. Don't worry, we scared off the bashers." Just speaking the words made me feel disgusted the sight of seeing Kyle fall beside me in the sand being replaying in my head.

Ally looked up from Kyle's face to inspect me. "Are you ok?" She almost went into mother mode, moving to check me over.

Snorting, I retorted, "Yea. I was not going to be beaten again. I actually knocked the air out of one of the guys. When they saw Kyle and I team together they backed off." Sneering, I thought of how awesome the two of us were together.

Pike told Kyle to keep the bag against his eye as he went off to find his phone. Moving out to the hallway, he made a quick phone call before moving back in. "Who did you call?" I asked out. As much as the police probably should have been involved, I didn't want to deal with the bureaucracy of the departments.

Pike moved to the bed and sat down. "I just called Victoria. She needs to know before others start talking." It didn't take Victoria long to get over here, the quick pounding on the door making very apparent of her presence.

Moving to let her in, Pike was almost plowed over as Victoria rushed in to check on Kyle. Not even rationalizing what she was saying, she blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. "Who the fuck hurt you?! I swear Kyle if I find out who did this I will make them ten times worse!" While she may have not have been the best person, I did have to hand it to her on the care and compassion, or at least defensiveness of her players.

Kyle and I both were interrogated by her death stare, and all we could do was shrug our shoulders. Kyle spoke up, simply stating the obvious, "We don't know. We only got one name and it was Rob."

Victoria paced in the room a few times before Pike got up to hold her down. "Victoria, what time is your first game? Cause if I remember right you have a game in a half hour."

Victoria was so caught up with Kyle that she had forgotten all about the game, Fullerton being one of the first teams to play today. Victoria muttered "Crap" before looking at us. Focusing on Kyle specifically she spoke as the authoritarian leader that she was, "Kyle, as much as I want you to play, because we really need you, I might be forced to bench you today. I don't want that eye getting too much worse."

Kyle started to object but Pike moved to side with her, saying it was for his best interests. Moving to grab his clothes, Kyle gets dressed in the bathroom as I get dressed in the room. It was slightly awkward with everyone there but I managed to work it without my towel falling down. Before ten minutes had passed we were all funneling out of the room, all of us heading down to the lobby where Fullerton was waiting to go play.

They were all anxious at their upcoming game, especially since many of them thought that Kyle was playing. When they saw him though, many gasped and got concerned. Irvine happened to be passing us at the same time and they too stopped to check up on us, Kyle's friend taking a lot of care in him.

The three teams all converged outside and walked to the fields, the anxious day ahead of us. I felt bad for Kyle that he was not able to play, especially since Fullerton needed him so badly. Approaching the sand fields, we looked out over the opposing team. Looking at who Fullerton was playing, I approached Victoria, "Hey with Kyle sitting out, do you need another player?" Pike was caught off guard by my sudden switch of teams, Kyle just as much until he noticed as well who they were playing.

Three of the four attackers were throwing around the disk, practicing their trick shot hammers and thumbers. It didn't take long for Pike and Victoria to pick up my interest, their anger rising in milliseconds. "Are those the guys that hurt you?" They both seemed to demand the statement at the same time.

Victoria was fuming that she couldn't do anything without damaging the team. "Yea Chris, we need you." It was a very blunt statement, not even a hint of asking Pike present.

Moving to get my stuff together, Kyle moves up beside me as Pike and Victoria sort out the issues. "Even though Victoria said I couldn't play, I will. I want to kick their ass."

Looking at Kyle, I don't even object to his proposal. In fact I am looking forward to it. Turning my attention to the opposition, I sneer, "Game on."


So what are your opinions on Chris and Kyle getting back together? Think they are moving too fast? Not fast enough? The next few chapters will be a blast as you can expect Chris and Kyle to work together to take on the rival team. I hope you all are doing alright

Next: Chapter 48: Redemption 15

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