The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Nov 20, 2012


And now the epic conclusion to the bitter game against ASU... This will be a great chapter.


It was hard watching Fullerton play and with me being forced to sit on the sidelines. I had really enjoyed playing alongside Kyle and, in a weird way, felt more connected to him that way. We had played so well and then all of a sudden Victoria pulled me out. Standing with Bryan and Zach, we all did our best to cheer on Fullerton but it was futile.

It was like watching a boulder repeatedly get smashed by water; I felt helpless to intervene and stop ASU from beating Victoria's team. They fought hard against Arizona but as the time began to tick over the second half, the tide was beginning to overwhelm them. Those of us on the sidelines that were watching did our best to keep the motivation up but when the two minute mark came around and it was 4-6 Arizona's lead we knew it was over.

While there had been games were a lot of points could be scored in lesser time, Arizona was too good and too dirty of a team to beat. Even with all the travel and pick calls being shouted, they still somehow managed to get the disk to where they needed it. I am not going to lie, I was pissed. Even more, so were the rest of the teams. Not only had the rest of my team put ASU at the top of our list but Irvine had done so as well, taking notes on what they needed to do to beat them.

When the game was over, it was a close score but not much had changed. The points had only been shifted one more up, a firm loss of 5-7. While we all didn't want Fullerton to lose to ASU, their defeat was bittersweet. They had, for the first time in a long time, played as a team and held their ground. With Kyle back on the team, their moral had been lifted a lot, his constant encouragement a boost to the players.

Walking off the field though, I could tell all of his encouraging was a show. With his eyes spewing anger and disappointment, he walked up to me and told me flat out, in the coldest tone possible, "Make sure you beat their asses." Glaring to ASU as they walked off the field, steam was almost blowing out his ears as he vented.

Resting my hand on his shoulder, I rub it and firmly reply, "I will. WE will." I look to my team as they all stand in front of us, as if to protect us from Arizona State. Victoria called her team together so they could talk things over so I let Kyle go and I walked over to Pike. He didn't show worry on his face, instead determination and strength of mind I had not seen out of him lately. Everything had always seemed a little easy for Long Beach but we now had a battle on our hands.

As ASU walked past us, the tall green eyed freak sneered at me, specifically, and grunted out "You're next." I wanted to beat him right there but right as I took a step forward, Pike and Bryan put their hands on my shoulders, making for an effective stopping power.

Our first game of the day was only a half hour away, and I was looking forward to competing. I needed to get out my stress and by playing, I could work through what needed to be done come our bout with ASU. The opposing team was a new team, though they had a name behind them: CSU Fresno. They were apparently really good a few years ago but ever since their leaders all graduated, it had been dead.

The new round of players had played well against us but they didn't stand a chance. As we played them we soon realized that we were going to win overall. They had little skill as a team and their cohesion, unlike ours, was all off. During our game, Fullerton and Irvine were over watching us as well, cheering us on. On the other side of the field though it was silent, a demented plot was being hatched out.

ASU decided to drop by our game and watch us, and like we had done to them, take notes. We were going against them right after this game so the sooner it ended the better. The game ended up being a slaughter, us leading 10 to 3 over Fresno. I kind of felt bad for the team but did give them credit. If kept up for the coming years, they could possibly make for a great team.

With our spirits uplifted we shook hands with Fresno and regrouped. As Pike called us in, the team captain of ASU entered into our fray, the nerve of him annoying most of us. Sticking out his hand, he looked to Pike with a devious smile, "Congrats on the win. You up for the game in 15 minutes?"

Given our win, we all wanted to enjoy it longer. Plus many of us were tired from working out and needed a longer rest. As objections began to pile up, Pike responded. Pike did his best to smile, trying hard not to show absolute displeasure with how the player had just tried to interrupt our bliss. Sticking out his hand to shake back, Pike very brazenly shrugged, "Sure, sounds great. Bring your A game." There was a slight sneer to his smile, but not enough to give him away.

The ASU captain, completely off guard with Pike's nonchalant demeanor, stood there stunned. This was not the expectation he was expecting, nor us, but after a few seconds we all got our second surge of energy. Rallying behind Pike we all moved into a semi-circle, focusing our attention onto the captain. With a hard swallow, he simply turned around and walked off, doing his best to hold his head high.

Prepping for our game against ASU was a real test of mental strength. Having already gone against them already, I was looking forward to my rematch. And this time I was not going to sit it out. Stretching with the team, we all conversed about who needs to go where and when to do what. Fullerton was still off to the side doing their team chat and ASU was at the end of the field playing in the sand.

Moving up to grab some water, I was surprised by the unexpected visitation of Michael and Skyler. I was not expecting them to be here today, figuring they would want to do something alone for their spring break. Michael spoke first as I drank from my jug, "Hey congrats on the win. Also, good luck on the next game."

Taking a break from rehydrating, I smile, "Thanks. And yea we will need it. We need to beat these assholes." Right as I spat out that word, it dawned on me that neither Michael nor Skyler had any idea of what had happened last night. Their surprised expressions over my distaste for ASU exemplified their confusion. Explaining myself, "Kyle and I were attacked by them this morning. Fullerton just lost against them. Long Beach won't."

Michael suddenly looked very conflicted, unsure of what to say. "I'm glad you two are ok. Just know Chris, I don't trust Kyle, not in the slightest." I wanted to tell Michael so much but this was neither the time nor place. Plus I have a feeling he would be very against it.

Moving onto the field, Pike called out the starting seven. I was lucky to make the starting seven, even when Pike knew my emotions were running a little high. ASU had the unfortunate chance to lose the toss up, thus allowing Pike to choose to receive the disk instead of tossing it off. Lining up on the sand, tensions were soaring. We knew that we were the top dogs and that there was a good chance that we would win but ASU had that fire in them, the kind that no matter how far down they were they'd still fight back.

Receiving the disk, we all formed up into our stack, me taking the number 2 position behind Bryan. As we waited for Pike to bring the disk back in, green eyes came up to mark me. Seeing him again made my blood boil, his mere presence angering me. He was a really tall motherfucker, the moron towering over me as we waited for the disk to be played. With his sneer looking down at me, I tried to ignore him but couldn't. "So we beat your boyfriend. It's your turn now queer."

Zach, standing right behind me, took a step forward to intervene but I waved him off. "It's ok Zach, he's harmless. Couldn't even defend himself this morning when I started fighting back. And let's see him try and beat us." At that moment, I cut forward, and then reverse the motion, running down the sand field. There was no way that he could stay with me, even with his long legs. During my escape, Pike had passed the disk to Bryan, whom in turn saw my breakaway and lobbed the disk downfield to me.

Catching it in the end zone was the most rewarding thing ever, especially when I saw the douchebag's face. Smirking at him, I mockingly displayed the disk as my team came walking toward me. Allowing Pike to toss it off, I line up with Bryan and Zach. We had discussed that we were going to run a zone before the game so when Pike threw it off, down the three of us ran.

I stood near the back as Bryan covered the disk. Counting down in my head, I hit 9 right as the short and stocky player moved to pivot a toss. Bryan threw his leg out right as the disk was released and managed to smack it down. With a scornful tone, he mutters out, "That was for my BEST friend."

As we all ran off, Rachel moved to pick up the disk. She was the closest one to the disk, and with her skill set, she had the know how to make the play work out. Cutting down the field, the three of us lead all the defensive players with us, their hurried scurry trying to keep up with us. Making a fake back towards Rachel we lead all our marks away from the zone and, before they could react, Terry blows through us and runs into the empty area.

With a simple flick, Rachel sends the disk downfield, landing it right into Terry's open hands. It could not have been any more perfect. Off to the side, the supporting teams go wild. It was one of those plays that, when watched, show you how much fun Ultimate Frisbee could be. It seemed almost too good to be true.

Walking up to the line, I high five my teammates and ecstatically cry out, "That's how we do it!" It was so nice to see ASU walk off again, our lead of two points making for a very great start. Even though we had just finished with a previous game, none of us were tired, instead our two wins pumping us up even more.

Sarah threw the disk this time, landing it almost near their line. We all tried our best to get to them before it could be moved up more but, before we could react, they all flooded past us then cut forward. Leaving a solo player in the end zone, he was all alone with our confusion, our main team all rushing forward to catch back up to their players. It was a simple bullet toss to the end zone, the player catching it before we could even shout out "UP!"

As we walked towards our side, a subtle but noted "Fuck Yea!" echoed out, a sign of their enjoyment on the point. Pulling us in before ASU could throw to us, Pike gave a mini team huddle. "OK guys. Let's hold this lead. This is our point and I know you all can do it. We are ranked higher than them so let's show them why we are better."

Never had I seen our team work so well. When we caught the disk again, we seemed to flow like a well oiled machine. Everyone knew their cutting positions. Each player knew when they were supposed to be near the disk and when to cut out and clear a throwing lane. Our resolve to beat ASU, as well as hold our lead, had shifted the mentality of Long Beach. We had a mission and we were going to stick with it.

Like a role reversal of Fullerton versus ASU, I felt so great to slowly chip away at their bravado, stripping away their cockiness to show how bad of a team they actually were. As the points began to pile up, my team took note of who their star players were and how they operated in the face of defeat.

We won. It was not too unexpected given our situation but damn it felt fucking good. The official score was 8 to 5, enough of a lead to say that it was not close for a rematch. Hugging my team happily, we all lined up to shake hands with the opposition. When I met my attackers I took pleasure in putting a hard vice grip on and looking in their eyes. I wanted to mock them on their loss but I was better than that; our win was enough to rub it in their faces.

Walking towards our rest area, I began to look around for my water. I hadn't taken any breaks during the game, one of few that had the will to stay in the entire time. Right as I found it, I was jumped from behind. His hug was recognizable, the wrapping of his fingers around my chest warm and familiar. "Congratulations!"

Turning to look my aggressor in the eyes, his mouth connected with mine before I could refuse. Kyle moved his hands up from my waist to my neck, holding it firm as he embraces me. Eyes wide, I stand there stunned before caving in, kissing him back. The others didn't seem to care too much but I knew that, as ASU passed us, a few of them were disgusted with it.

I didn't care though, the gesture amusing and amazing me enough to leave me speechless. Kyle let go and stood back, then hugged me again, "Thank you for beating them. I would kiss your team but they might not take it the same." We both chuckled as we stood there, the bliss of the win hanging in the air.

Moving with Kyle down the line to talk with Fullerton, I slipped my fingers in to his, interlacing them and curling my fist to his. It was a short lived gesture as I caught sight of Michael. And Michael caught sight of me, with Kyle, holding hands. The smile on his face dropped enough for me to notice and what was going to be a happy gesture turned into a very statuette expression. The smile was still slightly genuine though its luster had diminished a little.

Skyler was absent, probably doing something else so when Michael came up to us, it felt very awkward. Looking directly at me, he commented, "Congratulations on the win Chris." Looking to Kyle, he extended his hand, "I don't think we have had the pleasure of meeting. I'm Michael."

I could tell that Kyle had suddenly become very uncomfortable, the extension of his hand to shake very cautioned. "Nice to meet you Michael, I'm Kyle." Michael instantly gripped Kyle's hand, causing a slight wince before Kyle fought back, gripping just as hard, if not harder since Michael let go first.

"I know." Michael commented frostily. Turning to me, he asked very forcefully, "Chris, can I talk with you for a minute?" Looking at Kyle, I had a feeling I knew where this was going. Doing my best to give an "I'm sorry" gesture, I step to the side with Michael as Kyle moves towards his team. Facing Kyle, I wanted to keep an eye on him to know where he was going.

When Kyle was out of earshot, Michael tore into me. "What the hell are you doing?! You can't possibly trust him again Chris, really?!" Michael turns and motions at Kyle, also glaring at him in the process. Kyle caught Michael's glare and, very noticeably, shriveled into his team.

Pulling Michael back to me, I grab his shoulder and force him to look at me. "Are you jealous??" I asked accusingly. "I think I can handle Kyle alright Michael. Thank you for your concern."

Michael took a step back stunned. "What? No I am not jealous." He almost said it with a sense of irritation. Calming himself down because he knew he had stepped to far, Michael took my shoulders and commanded to me, "I don't trust him and I don't want him hurting you again Chris."

Normally I would have been happy that Michael was protecting me but for some reason I was not at the moment. He was destroying my harmony that I was having with Kyle. Sighing heavily, I respond, "Thank you Michael for watching over me. It does mean a lot to me."

Michael didn't have any more to say, instead turning to take me back to Kyle. Kyle, stepping away from his team, rejoining Michael and I. Before moving to find Skyler, Michael peered deep into Kyle's soul and warned him, "If you so much as hurt Chris in any way, I will DESTROY you." With that, Michael walked away. Kyle, very shaken, moved his hand to mine, gripping it with a force not previously there. He now had to get the approval of a friend to be with me.


Ok guys, I am taking a short break for Thanksgiving but my next chapter will be posted early next week. I have about 5 more chapters before this series will be over but the ending (as I have it planned out) will be huge and something that has been missing the entire time (short of a few occasions).

I hope you enjoyed this. Let me know what you thought, especially with Michael at the end. :-D

Next: Chapter 50: Redemption 17

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