The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Apr 4, 2012


To readers, there is a slight issue in continuity. The tourney was supposed to be outside as stated in Chapter 2 but as shown in Chapter 4 and continuing into Chapter 5 it is in-door. To keep in line though, Fullerton had to move inside due to the fields being used for rugby and lacrosse. So if there are any questions or you had forgotten, I just wanted to raise that note.

"What the fuck are you doing here??" I shout in shock. Still lying on the floor where Kyle dropped me, I quickly rise to my feet and stare blankly at him. The groups around us have stopped talking and all focused on this new interesting spat going on. Kyle goes pale white as silence takes over the air.

Pike, realizing the slight problem at hand, intervenes. Speaking in a slight hushed tone, he pulls Kyle and I in closer, "Ok I think I know who you are but I am not sure at the moment. Introductions can be made later but right now you two need to take this a little more private." Pike points towards the door and nods his head.

Before either of us can head over, a tall brunette joins our threesome, "Pike, you mind telling me what is going on here?" She is very imposing, her long brown hair hanging at her lower back. The tan eyes of hers pierce into me, causing me to move into Pike's direction.

"Victoria, this is not our fight. This gentleman here" Pike motions his hand at Kyle, who has slowly regained some color to his face.

"Kyle" Victoria interjects obviously annoyed at the situation. Clearly there is something going on between Pike and Victoria, her forceful stare having now shifted to Pike.

He seems to brush it off as he continues, motioning to me at the same time, "and Chris have a slight history that they need to work out. It has nothing to do with us." Pike motions for us to walk to the door which we both do.

Kyle heads first, obviously aware of every one looking at us. Dropping his head down low, he pushes open the door and hangs out by the wall. I follow suit but hold my head high, looking back at everyone who has a sudden interest in our conversation. I notice that as I get closer to the door, the group moves closer and closer, almost wanting to become that fly on the wall, listening to every word we say.

I approach Kyle outside in the hall, more civilized. "We seem to have prying ears, can we move to someplace more discrete, like the stairwell?" I am trying to speak as softly as I can, while still reeling from having him standing in front of me. Kyle, the guy who I had just had sex with two nights ago, plays Frisbee as well. Not just that, he is part of the rival team. I had no problem with him being from Fullerton, big whoop but the fact that he is part of the rival team; well that throws a wench in my plans.

We both move over to the stairwell where I start in first, "Sorry for yelling and cursing at you. That was not how I should have reacted when seeing you. I just didn't know you played Frisbee and it caught me off guard." My arms, which were previously crossed, hang in my pants pockets, fidgeting around with the phone in one and keys in the other. I stand opposite from him, looking sheepishly into his eyes.

Kyle, showing a slight hurt in his eyes, looks back at me, "It's not like you told me either." His arms, previously in his pockets have gone to being crossed, almost as if he is guarding himself from me.

I move in front of him, causing him to avert his eyes. Resting my hand on his shoulder, I ask gently, "This is more than just me showing up here isn't it? I know I should have been there when you woke up, and to be honest, I feel really bad about leaving you. I was hoping to stop by after the game and try to chat but well, you kinda came to me." Taking my hand off his shoulder, I look around, hoping that no one is eavesdropping in.

Kyle returns his focus to me, calmer eyes almost breaking into my heart. "As for Thursday night, let's discuss that later. As for this, let's go into the games as if it did not happen." He sets his hand out in the air, looking for a handshake, "May the best team win."

Not really how I wanted to end the conversation but realizing the futility of pursuing any further, I reluctantly agree. Shaking his hand, I am reminded of how strong his grip is, nearly crushing mine. Pulling away, I shake it in the air jokingly, "Before you go and crush it, I need it to beat you at Frisbee."

Merely smiling back, Kyle shakes his head. "We will see about that," he replies moving past me back into the group room.

"Hey Chris, we're up next so get down here." I look down to see Pike standing at the base of the stairs looking back up at me. How long has he been standing there? While Kyle and I didn't really talk much, Pike doesn't need to know everything that is going on in my life.

"Let me drop off my stuff real fast then I will be down." I turn and start to head back into the room, hollering that statement down to Pike. The atmosphere has relaxed a bit but with my entrance back in, everyone hushes their speeches. Not paying attention to it, I drop off my keys and phone into my bag and head down to the courts to play.

The first two games played were a great way to start the tourney. We won both games with points to spare. Being part of the starting five, it was fun but challenging. The first game we started off receiving the disk, which quickly started out our win over the opposing team. They looked to be a new team, their throws off, fakes, and stacking all off. After getting a certain lead, we just decided to run one constant team, allowing for them to change out players while we kept the same squad on. The score ended at a solid 10 to 4.

The second game was a bit more difficult but we still won. They chose to receive the disk, so we had to work hard to not let them get the first point. Sadly they did but we got the second and after a few turn over's on the third point, the tired changed. We slowly began to take over them, running better stacks and forcing to a certain side better. The score was a bit closer than the previous, ending at 8 to 5.

In between the games I quietly watched Kyle play for Fullerton. There were only two games that I was able to observe on but they still allowed for me to see how he worked and moved. He was a great player, quick on his faking, dropping his shoulders fast at times then swinging the disk around the player on the opposite side. I was going to make it my personal mission to see how good he was against me, wanting to challenge him directly not some other player on his team.

At around 2 in the afternoon, everyone came to watch the ultimate match. While it was still in the stacking, watching CSU Long Beach take on CSU Fullerton was seen to be the match that everyone wanted to watch. I also had a small feeling that given the blow up earlier in the day, people wanted to see who would win, Kyle or me.

Before the game started Pike pulled us all in and gave us a pre-game speech, which was to be expected. "Ok so this is the team that we have to beat. We have been doing really well all day but if we lose to Fullerton, we will never hear the end of it. Just keep it calm and play safe passes." Putting his hand in the middle of the group Pike finishes up "On three, Long Beach. One, Two, Three."

"LONG BEACH!" We all shout as the starting five moves to the line and the rest move off. Rachel pulled the four of us in; Bryan, Zach, Tyler, and me. "Ok we are going to start off hard. Like Pike, I do not want to lose to them. We are going to have the stack as so," Rachel points at each person designating who goes where, "Tyler first cut, Zach second, Bryan third, then Chris last. Chris if you can piston in and out of the end zone that would be great. You might end up being our Hail-Mary at times. If it turns over, force forehand." We turn and line up on the line, prepping for Fullerton to toss the disk.

Looking down the pitch, I notice that Kyle has chosen to mark me. Well this is just what I wanted anyways so bring it on. Smiling at him, he grins back at me. The handler from the team, a short but stocky woman, manages to chuck the disk right down the pitch. It seemed to float so perfectly, crossing right over the bounds and bouncing into the wall. Rachel runs to catch the disk and move up to the line as Tyler yells out for everyone to stack up on him.

As we wait for everyone to pile in, Kyle approaches from my left and grins at me. "Somehow I had a feeling you were going to cover me." I smirk back at him. Before he can respond, I cut out to the right as disk is called in. Kyle manages to keep up with me but before he can sense it, I jet back to the end of the court leaving him trailing me. Rachel manages to break her force and tosses the disk backhand.

It is a great toss but before I can catch it, Kyle emerges back into my area and intercepts the disk. Stunned at his sudden emergence and catch, I stall for a second before moving around to start stalling him. Forcing him to toss forehand as Rachel had instructed, I cover his left side. Another surprise is tossed at me as he handles the disk in his left hand. Forehand is switched on him, allowing for him to toss backhand instead.

Still forcing what would normally be forehand, I reach stall 5. Kyle throws the disk out in front of him to the next teammate heading forward. The fourth in the stack, a small red headed guy, runs forward but Tyler manages to smack down the disk. Taking the split second opportunity, I cut out into the open corner of the field. "Throw the disk Tyler!"

Tyler sees me heading out, picks up the disk and tosses it. Kyle had sensed my movement and kept up but was a bit too slow. The disk was a bit high for me to catch normally but jumping I clamp my hands around the edges. My feet land in the end zone at the edge but with the motion of the jump, I run out. Turning around, I see the entire Long Beach team erupt into cheers. I just scored the first point for the game and barely too.

Pike trades places for Bryan, moving onto the pitch and congratulating me. "Still forcing forehand guys. Nice notice on Kyle that he was a lefty Chris. If we get the disk, same stack but I will handle. Rachel you fill in for Bryan?" Rachel nods her head as Pike puts the disk up in the air. Fullerton raises their hands and Pike tosses the disk.

It sails straight down the line and right into the handler's hands. It is a different person this time: Victoria. Pike moves up quickly, starting the stall before Fullerton even has a chance to stack up. Kyle moved into the third position but with Pike's sudden advancement, rushes out to assist Victoria. I follow suit but he manages to catch a perfect disk before I can cover him.

"My turn." I grin at him as I wave my hands. He drops his shoulder to toss but I notice that he hasn't switched grips so I let it fall knowing he will come back up. He does. Reaching stall 4 Kyle starts to pivot around, looking for any open tosses but I counter every move he makes. A long extension here, a short step there, I cover it all. "Stall 6, Stall 7, Stall." I say right as he tosses the disk to a girl, her black hair with purple stripes catching my attention.

She misses the catch and Zach, who was covering her, moves for the disk. Pike shouts otherwise and moves in for himself. Zach taking that cue cuts a long run down the sideline and then veering into a more open area of the end zone. Pike hammer's the disk right down the pitch into Zach's open hands. Another point for Long Beach!

Having played two stressful games, I call for a sub and Terry comes on to replace me. Grabbing water, I drink while I watch the next two points play out. Fullerton manages to regain a point but on the next toss we manage to get it in the end zone. It would have been a point had Rachel not stepped onto the line when she caught it. Her marker moved into the disk and chucked it down the pitch, right into Kyle who was wide open. Andrew moves on to sub for Rachel and Sarah for Zach.

The next two points are made by Fullerton but it is how they manage to get the points that cause Pike to freak. Yelling to everyone on the pitch, he moves forward up to assist Sarah, who was holding the disk. "They are running zones!" Having never trained on zones before, the team was mostly confused till we caught on that they were using two markers to cover the person with the disk. Two Fullerton players were in the middle and Kyle was covering the end zone. They manage to get their first point by confusing us and the second by a turnover that was caused by their forcing.

I move back onto the pitch, taking Tyler's spot. Pike pulls us all in and motions for us to move into a different stack. "It's called pistioning. Everyone lines up and two move forward and two back. That will hopefully break their zone up a little. Let's do this guys. We can get back the two points. Still have 3 minutes left on the clock." Pike raises his hand as well all line up.

As expected, Fullerton still runs their zone but Pike, having changed it up a little, manages to break the cup by tossing the disk to Andrew who was at the far end of the piston. My motion, along with Sarah, had been to move back which I did. After seeing Andrew catch the disk, I cut forward past their middle player and caught the disk. Noticing Sarah and Terry in the end zone, I throw to Terry, being closer and more open out of the two. Kyle attempted to move to block the disk but it was too close to catch. Terry catches the disk in the middle of his chest, clapping the hands on the top and bottom. One more point to go before time runs out. We all rush down to the line. 1 minute 40 seconds left.

Pike throws the disk down the line, Kyle catching it. There is a quick stack up and a few turnovers in the process. Both teams are getting antsy, throwing bad tosses or catching improperly. 15 seconds to go to get a win. Pike manage to pick up the disk and with Kyle on my ass, I bust it long. I cut back, causing Kyle to continue without me. Pike notices my freedom and lobs the disk to me. Running up beside me, I pop pass the disk to Pike again then take off toward the end zone. Kyle, looking around for me, notices me jetting towards the open zone and targets me.

Pike looks for the open toss but none are open. Realizing I am the only option, he flings the disk forehand. Kyle jumps into the air, touching the tip and making it flip. Everyone starts to gasp as it wobbles left and right. I know it will be a long shot but I move forward towards the front of the pitch hoping that I can catch it before it touches the ground. Leaving my toes in the end zone, I fall forward, catching the disk before touching the ground.

The entire hall erupts into cheers and clapping as they see my catch. My stomach stings from the impact but the euphoria of the catch takes over me. BUZZZ!!! And there is the end of the game. We may not have won the game but a draw will suffice for me.

Pike rushes over to me and lifts me off the ground in a bear hug. "You did it!!" The entire team comes on to congratulate me. Dropping me down, we all line up and shake hands with Fullerton. There is a slight sadness in their eyes but the smiles on their faces tell that I deserve that catch. The last handshake was with Kyle.

Not wanting to be a normal handshake, he pulls me in and hugs me. Surprised by the move, I hug him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He whispers into my ear real quickly before heading off "You deserved that. Congratulations."

The last game was pretty simple. A whole lot more relaxed to be honest. It was against CSU Dominguez Hills. Their team was relatively new, plenty of drops happening here and there. Due to our complete exhaustion, we lost a few points to them. It was not that we weren't playing hard, they deserved every point that they won. We eventually won over them 5 to 3. It was to be considered a close game by all standards.

That night we, as the CSU Long Beach team, headed out to Pizza Planet for some good, well deserved pizza and games. Rehashing the game out, we talked about what we needed to improve upon and what we did well. My game ending catch seemed to be a constant topic brought up, even getting a free coke by Andrew. The pizza tasted really good, being a meat feast style.

During the middle of our devouring of food, Fullerton and a few other teams walked in. They each sat at their own tables but still conversed with other players from different teams. After eating, I wanted to check out the gaming area. Having never been to a Pizza Planet before, I heard they had great prizes. Walking around, I saw rocket ships filled with three eyed green aliens, a spaceman escape themed game, and a pistol shooting game. Wanting to test the game, I decided to throw a few coins away at it.

Right when I was facing a huge squad of space invaders, I feel arms wrap around my waist. Startled a little, I squirm to escape but am held in the position. Dropping the pistol, I move my arms to try and break free. The wrap is dropped immediately as one of the hands catches the pistol and starts blasting away at the screen. "You can't give up this scene. It is one of the harder parts of the game." Kyle smiles at me as he continues.

I try to wrestle the gun away from him but he holds it out of my reach. Holding it behind his back, I try to go for it but fail. Even though he is in an awkward position, he still manages to take care of all the opposition on the screen. Stepping back, I realize how good he actually is at the game. Throwing a quarter into the partner pistol, I join up with him at the next screen change.

We play throughout the night on several different games, flirting each time. I would help him out when going for the plush toys and he would show me the tricks when playing the rocket racers.

The first two games of Sunday went relatively well. While we managed to win both of them, it was a hard battle. CSU Los Angeles tried to pull a few zones on us and while they did manage to get a few points in, we returned the zone by holding a stronger one. The piston stack worked well when dealing with the offensive tactics. In the end we won over them 9 to 7.

CSU Northridge was a bit more complicated, winning a few points away from us right off the bat. Chalk it up to tiredness or laziness but we were reprimanded by Pike, Andrew, and Rachel while Sarah was leading the on-pitch team. Eventually we got back into the sync of things and overcame them. Barely though as the score was a tight 4-5.

After all the games had been finished it was time for the stacking to be processed. This was going for who would come in first, second, etc. During our 20 minute break we all threw the disk around, teams joining other teams. Pike, Bryan, Andrew and I all joined up into a mashed group of Fullerton, Northridge and Los Angeles.

"All right players, so the teams vying these spots are as follows: for the Spoon are Dominguez Hills and Los Angeles, the platter going to either San Bernardino or Northridge, and to make the game interesting, with no looses on either team, Long Beach battling it out against Fullerton for first place. Best of luck to each of the following teams."

We were the last game of the day, so to occupy our time we tossed the disk around outside. Practicing some quick drills, we did all that we could to prep for the oncoming battle.

The game started off slow, both of teams playing each person to the tee. Kyle and I obviously paired up but early into the point Pike twisted his ankle. With a man down and not able to sub until a point is gained, Pike was forced to hobble after Victoria. Rachel, also being on the pitch with us at the time called for a switch up; Pike taking her person, her taking Kyle and me taking Victoria. It was not enough though as Fullerton got the point.

Pike was replaced with Bryan as we fought hard to regain our lost point. I stayed with Victoria while Bryan took on Kyle. I saw them talking a little, about what I was not able to decipher. There was little communication between Victoria and myself but with Pike yelling at the team, she would occasionally toss me a few glares.

With the disk in our possession, I moved quickly down to the end of the zone, managing to escape Victoria for a few quick seconds. She had noticed the escape and shouted out, "Kyle! Cover him; I'll take your guy."

Kyle looked over at me, barely catching up to me as Sarah hurls the disk right down the sideline. I manage to catch the disk but not before Kyle trips, and pushes me into the ground. Landing on top of me, he breathes heavily, some of his sweat dripping onto my brow. Noticing that he had wrapped his hands on my hips, he quickly moves to break off. I remain on the floor, clutching the disk. A slight roar erupts from the crowd as they see my feet inside the line, and my body sprawled flat against the floor. First point for the team today. Tied now, just need to get that last one.

The last five minutes dragged on forever. We would throw down the field only to get a turnover. They would repeat the process. Kyle and I had officially become each other's mark, Bryan being able to cover Victoria alright. I notice him too getting the same style of glare that I did. Whispering over to Kyle while standing in the end zone "Hey, do you what the deal is with Victoria and Long Beach? Does she have a vendetta against us?"

Kyle, his eyes focusing on the approaching disk, responds "From what I have heard, she has a history with Pike. Apparently they are exes. Again that might just be rumor so don't take my word on it." The disk turns so I slowly start to walk by to my end zone of the pitch. Picking up the pace, Kyle stays at my side the entire way. Quickly cutting back towards Andrew, who had the disk at the moment, I motion for him to pop it to me.

He spins it over to me, allowing for me to catch it. Kyle quickly moves to cover me but by that time I had already noticed Zach in the end zone motioning for an open zone. Hard part was it was the side that Kyle was pressing against. Reaching down to pull a fake, Kyle follows me down. Quickly switching grips, I spring back up and fling the disk backhand down the line to Zach. Two points on the board! Perfect. Now just to hold off Fullerton for the last minute.

We all reset back to the lines, Fullerton quicker than Long Beach. There is a silence in the hall as everyone watches the game. Fullerton has now less than 50 seconds to move the disk up field. Right when they put up their hands, Rachel tosses the disk. We all run up hard, forcing as best we can. The red headed guy on Kyle's team makes a good pass down the line but right when it reaches the point line, the black and purple haired chick dropped the disk. A small gasp comes out from the crowd.

30 seconds left to go, Sara picks up the disk and hammers it to the end zone, hoping that Andrew might have caught it. Sadly he doesn't and it resets Fullerton back where they started. By the time they all set up, there are less than 10 seconds on the clock. Victoria tosses the disk to the short stocky girl who then moves it to the red headed guy. Pike and the team are all yelling to stop the advancement of the disk up the pitch.

3 seconds to go. The red headed guy looks at Kyle, wanting him to cut out and into an open zone. Realizing that wasn't going to happen in time, he lobs the disk to the only open zone he sees. Kyle and I both rush for the disk, him jumping first and almost catching it. My jump was a little higher, allowing for me to knock it out of his reach. We both crash to the floor right as the buzzer blares over the speakers.

We both lie there for a few seconds, him looking over at me and vice versa. "Nice jump." He says to me, obviously glum that he didn't make the point.

Trying to cheer him up, I stand up and help him up "You are just as good as I am. Don't beat yourself up over it." I lean in and hug him. Lifting him slightly off the floor he starts to squirm. I drop him back down and hold his hands while looking into his eyes. "Are we cool?"

Before he can answer, the floor is interrupted by the emergence of trophies. He breaks the hands and starts to head over to his team.

We won the trophy for first place but when Pike came up to thank the group, he gave a shout out to Fullerton simply stating, "While Long Beach won the trophy, Fullerton played just as hard as us. Heck we all played hard this weekend. All this is is a piece of metal. The real winners are you guys for having the spirit and gamesmanship to play. Thanks Fullerton for hosting and I look forward to seeing you again." Dominguez Hills won the spoon and Northridge the platter.

After the handing out of the trophies, we all talked for a little bit. Teams chatted with each other, congratulated others. Less than 30 minutes later though people started funneling out of the gym and into the cool outside. Walking with Bryan, Zach, Andrew, we were almost at the door when I heard Kyle call out for me.

Turning around I see him running up to me. I toss my keys to Bryan and tell them to go on ahead before turning back to Kyle. "Hey what's up?" Timberland's `If We Ever Meet Again" starts playing over the speakers.

"I just wanted to answer your question earlier. On being alright and all." Kyle holds my hands as he gazes at me. His blue eyes flow as he moves in closer. Grazing his hands upon my arms and up to my neck, he pulls me in. I bring my lips to his as we kiss.

He pulls away first, then continue, "That answer your question?"

Not letting him go too far, I move him back in and kiss again, this time more passionately, our tongues wrapping themselves around each other.

Next: Chapter 6

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