The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Dec 20, 2012


Hey everyone IM BACK!!! I know it's been a while but I just finished with my finals so I hopefully will be able to get back to writing more. Where were we? Oh yea Spring Break had just ended and life is about to fall back into its normalcy. Let's see how that is working out for Chris.


I felt so beat. Even though Spring Break was supposed to be a time to relax, it was a constant go go go. I'm not going to lie I had a ton of fun but considering all that went on, I felt so drained. It didn't help too much that Kyle entered back into my life, throwing off everything that I had come to accept. I was just coming to terms with being alone for the semester, having learned from my mistakes that I had made, and then he reemerges, the white knight to help save me.

The emotional drag that he had dealt to me, after the break had ended and everything returned to normal; it was like a demolition's crew had not only blown up my heart but my body as well only to turn around and start construction on rebuilding my life. Lying on my bed on the Monday morning before school started, I did not want to get up for anything. I just wanted to lie in bed all day and not care at all.

Rolling over to the bedside, I groaned painfully as every muscle resisted the movement. Bryan and Zach had both moved from their beds and were shuffling around the room, their activities making it hard to sleep. Before too long, they left the room, returning a calming silence. Grumbling as I started to move myself, I knew it was time to get back to the grind of things. Getting out of my nice warm bed, I move around the dorm in my boxers, the slow warmth of the spring air spiking my body.

Shuffling over to my dresser, I grab some clothes out and, without a care of how I looked, put on the most mismatched shirt and pants. Yawning heavily, I looked at my desk at the stack of books. `This was not going to be a fun week back', I thought to myself as I organized my stuff. After a quick brush over my teeth, I left my hall and went to class halfheartedly.

My first class back delivered a huge slap to my face, waking me up to the stresses of upcoming papers and near instant tests. My Shakespearian professor had delivered upon us a last minute paper, and while it was only 5 pages in length, we had to compare a play of Shakespeare to popular culture. Even worse was my math class where we were going to have a test at the end of the week. After Monday's classes had ended, I was in a worse place than when I originally woke up.

Moving back to my room, I knew that whether I liked it or not, I needed to start back in on my studies. My only reprieve from studying came from Frisbee. It didn't seem to last long though because as soon as it ended, I was right back behind me desk fretting over papers and studying for tests. It seemed like that entire week back worked in that manner, almost a rinse wash repeat of classes. It didn't help much either that, on one of my bored excursions, I discovered that much to my dismay, I hadn't been doing as well in my classes as I had originally thought.

When Thursday came around, things were really starting to pick up their pace. Not only was the semester starting to come to a close, but Frisbee was making its presence more known. Pike had given his informational speech to us about how we needed to work hard this last game and while the semester is coming to a close, so is Frisbee so we need to go out with a bang. I did my best to pay attention but my mind was so focused on my homework that, at times, I seemed to blank out and miss certain sections. I did manage to catch the fact that we were playing at CSU Los Angeles, the last campus that we needed to go against.

Tossing the disk around with Andrew and Terry, I was so lost in my own world. Spacing out from time to time, I was horrible on my pivots and my grips were all off. Half of the disks seemed to flop over in the air, their wobble so unpredictable that it was hard to read where the disk was going to fly.

Frustrated at myself for how practice was going, I tried to shut out everything and focus on something, anything that could calm me down. He came into my sight, his blond hair and glimmering eyes soothing my exposed nerves but it only worked so much. I needed to hear his voice. I needed to see him. Practice slowly increased with the thought of going against Kyle, me imagining Kyle every time I played defense.

That weekend I began to find my groove. After forcing myself to sit down and plan out my papers, the words began to flow. Yea at times it still felt like bullshit but at least something was getting done. I figured that at the end of it, I could just have Bryan or Zach proofread it over and give their two cents worth. As it was, Bryan was slowly becoming the Grammar Nazi of the room and Zach the analytical one. Me, I was the idea guy, brainstorming the most stupidest but logical ideas when none could be thought of.

When Monday rolled around again, I was feeling a whole lot better than I had the previous week. Actually more so in a way as a few of my papers had been done, especially the Shakespearian one. It may have been stupid but I went the easy route and talked about how The Lion King related to Hamlet and the similarities that other Disney movies had when it came to old Shakespearian writings. It also allowed me to go back and watch The Lion King, which allowed me to relearn the ever useful phrase of "Hakuna Matata" With that movie came the relaxation that what will happen will happen and to have no worries.

As the week rolled on, I began to get more and more amped for the tourney on Saturday, the thought of a break already needed. Also what grew in intensity was my hunger for sex. It had been the longest time since I had had sex and while jacking off was helping from time to time, it wasn't really helping quench my thirst for an actual physical contact.

Thursday night came around and while I had jacked off almost each night, I still felt pent up. It was hard at times to do it because of Bryan and Zach which only seemed to add to the frustration of sex. Moving through my dorms entrance, I was getting itchy for the seclusion of my own time in my room. When the elevator doors opened, I moved to step inside but ran instead straight into Michael, our hurried movements not allowing us to take notice of each other.

Since Michael was a little bigger and broader than me, it was no surprise that he pushed me back out of the elevator, the two of us stumbling over each other as our steps fumble for footing. "Whoa! Hey Michael." I sputter out as I regain my stance.

Michael brushed off his shirt and looked at me apologetically. "Hey sorry about that. I was actually just looking for you."

`Now is really not that time Michael', I thought to myself as I stood there with a growing boner. Such a buzzkill... "What's up?" I was in a hurry to find seclusion and while I did not want to be mean, I really didn't want to stay too long.

Michael didn't seem to get the hint as he rubbed his arm, "We haven't talked much lately and I just wanted to see how things were going. See how you were doing and all..." He was trying to be friendly and that only added to my guilt... Instant boner killer...

Sighing heavily as I felt all the blood rush out of my cock, I stood there unashamed as I rearranged myself in front of him. "To be honest Michael, I am extremely horny. It's been the longest time since I've had sex and while jacking off gets me by from time to time, it's not the same as physical contact." Normal people might have blushed in such situations but I didn't care at this point. I might as well unload on him my frustrations and built-up sex drive.

Michael coughed lightly as he tried to keep a straight face. "Umm... wow... Don't really know what to say about that."

Sneering at him I give him the eye. "Shut up. You have Skyler so you can have sex whenever. With Kyle it's different, we are just starting out and I don't want to fuck things up but god I just... it's annoying." I try not to imagine who is top and who is bottom in Michael's relationship but images of Skyler sucking off Michael start to flash through my head. Shaking it to erase them like an etch-a-sketch, I focus back on Michael, his lips looking very red and lush.

Michael did his best not to grumble at the mention of Kyle, instead focusing on the reality of my situation. "You know what you are going Chris. You know you don't want to screw things up but this is a test of your convictions. Like you realized, I also strongly advise against it."

Not what I wanted to hear but I didn't portray that. "Besides Pike, which I really wish I could forget, I haven't had sex all semester." I almost felt like I was pleading at that moment for something, anything.

Michael brought me back down to earth that instant, a verbal slap striking my thought process. "Really Chris? Are you really that desperate for sex? There are guys out there that have gone A WHOLE LOT longer than a measly four months. Get a grip on your dick, not physically though. Come on Chris." That was a burn that I needed, though it was a little intense. "I'm sorry, that was a little harsh."

"Nah, I needed it. I'm sorry for unloading this on you." This was starting to get a little awkward for me, my wanting to have sex starting to cloud my judgment over everything. I needed to get alone before I do something stupid. "I need to get back to my room. I'll talk with you later ok?"

Michael shook hands with me and as he parted, spoke, "Stay strong Chris. And PLEASE do not do anything stupid."

Nude images of Kyle ran back and forth across my mind. His crafted body seemingly perfect in my mind, not a single flaw visible through my eyes. His finely tuned body: the abs so carved out that they almost seems washboard status. The glimmer of his eyes as he smiles out to me mutely calling me over to him.

I felt like I was in third person at this point, watching my body get pleasured by him, his lips curving around my cock as he starts to apply suction to it. It was almost a tease for me, the ability to watch myself get off without actually being able to enjoy such a time. I could even hear myself moan out his name a few times as he clawed his hands all over my body, etching in the lines of his fingers into erratic tribal designs.

The warm juice of my spunk flew out over my body, drenching my chest in the white viscous liquid. Flicking my eyes open, I look down my body to see a nice puddle swelling together, the gooey substance clustering into a nice stringy fashion. "Come on..." I mutter out loud, slamming my head against the pillow in the process. I don't know which is worse, the fact that I erotically dreamt about him or that it such a short scene that I didn't get to actually enjoy it as much as I had wanted to.

Hearing a cough out to my side, my eyes grow wide as I hear Bryan cough out, "Dreaming about Kyle?" It is late in the night, later than I had realized it to be. Both him and Zach were in their respective beds, though apparently Bryan had woken up because of me.

Tasting the annoyance in my mouth, I mutter out. "Yea... did I wake you?" I move to find my clothes in my bed, the boxers lying near my feet. Even though we are all guys and that I knew they slept nude from time to time, it still felt awkward at times just walking, or sleeping full monty in front of them. This was one of those moments that I wished I hadn't slept nude.

Bryan rolls over to look at the window, allowing me to move around my bed. "You were kind of calling out Kyle's name..."

If the lights had been on, I would have been flush with embarrassment. Grabbing my boxers and putting them on, I move down to the floor and towards my dresser. "Really? I am so sorry." First I was startled that Bryan heard me having a sex dream, and now I am embarrassed that he heard that it was Kyle. I didn't know what to say.

As I gather my toiletries to go clean myself, Bryan chuckles out, "You weren't the most subtle about it... I'm kinda surprised Zach isn't awake right now..." I couldn't respond so I just left, mortified that I had just done that with them right there.

When Friday finally came around, I knew I needed to talk with Kyle. Sending him a text early in the morning, I made it short and simple: "Wanna hang out later?" I didn't expect him to get back any time soon so I just put away my phone and focused on my classes, periodically checking it from time to time.

Around noon he got back to me, a simple reply to my simple request: "I have practice till5 but after sure."

The rest of the day seemed to drag on. My last class took FOREVER and when it was finally over time seemed to slow down even more, each subsequent hour seemingly two hours long. When 5 rolled around, I was antsy to see Kyle and do something... anything.

5:15 came around and impatience had overcome me. Thankfully he managed to text me at 5:20 letting me know he was on his way over. Not even waiting in my room anymore, I moved down to the lobby till he arrived. 5:30 he finally arrived. Opening the door to get into his car, I just buckle and sit down.

Kyle pulls out of the campus and, without me saying anything, just starts driving in some random direction. Raising my eyebrow to him, I ponder out loud, "So... where are we going?"

Kyle, mischievously smiling at me, merely comments, "I'm date jacking you. I can't tell you or it will ruin the surprise."


Date jacking? I'm sure Chris wasn't expecting this when he wanted to hang out with Kyle... I wonder where all Kyle will take him... Any thoughts?

I hope you enjoyed it and I wish you well on your holidays.

Next: Chapter 53: Redemption 20

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