The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Jan 6, 2013


Hey everyone, sorry for the delay. My computer decided to die out on me so I had to rewrite the entire chapter. Also I lost all my previous chapters so, short of getting them off of Nifty, I have none of them to edit. That is just a heads up for when I do go back to edit the previous chapters.


I was stressed. After the tournament ended, life seemed to revert abruptly back to its old self, all studying and freaking out over upcoming due dates freaking me out. Sitting on the first floor of the library, I was having trouble focusing as the sounds of furious scribbling happened all around me. Off to my right there was a pen etching illegible math symbols onto scratch paper and to my left two students were quizzing each other on the most random of terminology. Half of the words they spoke sounded like it was from another language.

Even though the semester still had two weeks, it was evident that finals season was here. Looking all around me, the place was jam packed, every seat taken and every computer being worked to its full potential. Looking back down at my notes I try to decipher what I had written but it all jumbles together into a blurry blob. Gha why can't I study over my notes?

Glancing at the date on the of the page, it slowly began to dawn on me what was going on and why I was stressing out: this was right around the time that I had screwed up with Pike. Flipping through my notes from my other classes I come to realize how screwed up I had become, not only messing up my friendship but also my schooling. Some of the sheets were covered more with doodles and scribbles than actual notes. Placing them all out before me, I rub my temples. There is almost a month of missing notes that I needed to study but couldn't.

I couldn't do anything about it so in a complete act of futility, I gather all my papers together and stuff them into my backpack haphazardly. Absentmindedly, I start to walk around the library, looking for anything, something, I don't know. Weaving in and out of the stacks like a lost puppy, I peer up and down at the novels, occasionally looking at one or two of them. The titles were quickly forgotten though as I moved on, crawling along the floor.

Moving downstairs, I slink in the towering bookshelves, their useful words of advice trying to get me to sit down and study. Like a mouse sneaking around the walls of a house, I move around the students without their notice, though it's not like they would pay much attention to me anyways. Slowly my wandering comes to a hault as I begin to realize where I have ended up: the dvd section.

Normally this would not have fazed me except for where I have stopped actually has some significance to me, it is where Skyler and I first ran into, well more like confronted, each other. Looking over the long forgotten titles, I flash back to when he kissed me, his first kiss with a guy due to the stress I had placed upon him. If only I had known that he would end up to become my ex's, er bestfriend's boyfriend. Sighing heavily, I slide down the racks to sit on the floor.

Flicking the movie "Valentine's Day" around in my hands, I close my eyes and just shut out the world. It was nice that the drama was coming to an end but in a way my life felt very empty right now. Was this who I was, a very dramatic kind of guy? Shaking my head, I refused to accept such notions. I was better than all that crap. Opening my eyes, I almost imagined that someone was next to me on the floor but after looking around, it became clear I was all alone.

Heaving heavily, I rise from the ground and gather my things. Pulling out my phone, I scroll through the contacts till I find Kyle. I wasn't expecting much but I just felt like shooting him a text, a small guesture that I was thinking about him. "Hey how's your body feeling after that tourney?" It was a short message so it was of no surprise to me that he didn't respond back immediately.

Looking around me, I grimmace as I pull myself to my feet. This was dispicable. I wasn't in the mood to study, much less do anything else. Leaving the memoraic row of DVD's, I head strtaight for the stairs, not even taking the time to weave in and out of the tabes. I needed to get out of the library and fast.

The end was finally in sight- just this week and then finals, then summer break. At this point I hadn't really made any plans as to what I was going to be doing. Even though Kyle and I were rekindling our relationship, in my mind, I had a strong feeling that seeing him over summer was going to be problematic.

While I was still stressing out from time to time, I was slowly beginning to get back onto my game. Studying was getting a little easier- I had to give up on my notes and go straight for the books, comparing the study guides that were given to the respective chapters that they corresponded with. Yea it was frustraiting at times because it meant twice as much work for me to do but it was my punishment for the semester.

As my studying was beginning to pick up, it was sad to see Frisbee start to die down. We were on our second to last practice today and everyone was half assing their thows.We all knew it but we were too focused on our studies and/or summer plans to give too much thought into changing it. Pike however was getting frustrated at it, consistantly coming down on us for our lack of completions.

"Come on guys, get your acts together. If you come back from summer like this, I will know. Even though it is summer I still expect you to play Frisbee from time to time. I am pretty sure that whatever city you live in, there is at least one pick up game happening. If not, start one. Show some initiative." He was pacing in between the groups, watching each of us like a hawk. "Would you guys rather scrimmage against each other?"

A subtle but noticeable cheer flowed from our throats, the thought of doing something besides drills sounding really nice. Pike moved us all into equal groups, then started the games. It was nice to run more and, even though our tournies were over, this was a in team tournament. I went against Bryan, Pike against Rachel, Tyler against Terry, Zach versus Andrew, Sarah pitted against Derek. It was fun seeing how much we had improved over the year, and with pitting us against each other, we were able to test the full potential of our skills without fear of pentalties being called.

After the game, Pike called us all in for his usual going away speech. "As you all know, we do have practice on Thursday even though it is Dead Days. The main reason is so we can have our elections for next years officers."

A muttled groan drifted among the group, the though of having to come out of studying just for an election not really sounding exciting to us. Pike rose his hand as he continued on, "Guys this is for next year's officers. We could do it today if you want." The statement was more a question as he left it openened for us to decide.

Andrew took a step forward and spoke, first at Pike then to the group, "Well I can't really speak too much for the others but I have no problem just having the same leaders for next year."

Pike chuckled a little as he resumed command of the talk, "As flattering as that is, we do need to have a vote on it. Are there any challengers to the presidency?" He didn't mean for it to seem like a fight for power but as he looked over everyone, he could tell that no one was ready, or fit to lead the way he was. Focusing lastly on me, he stood his ground as he looked a second longer than normal in my direction, causing a few heads to shift over to me as well.

Gulping I step back. I knew I was not going to lead this team. I wasn't ready to. Heck that one time I lead it was hard enough, and I had to have Andrew help me out. Taking a step back, I try to melt into the crowd and allow Pike to continue leading.

Pike finally looks away, shrugging his shoulders in defeat. "Ok well, in that case, I'll put it into the student union that we aren't changing officers. Also, I guess that we don't need to have practice on Thursday as well." The group releases a cheery sigh as they all start to disband. It was the first startof summer as all my friends started to walk away, the next time I'll be seeing them in August.

As I started to walk with Bryan and Zach back to the dorm, I look back at Pike; him gathering the disks and penne's together. I needed to know why he looked at me for so long so I turned back and headed towards him, waiting till he had collected everything before speaking up, "Hey Pike, why did you look at me so long during that speech about challenging you for presidency?"

Pike sighed as he picked up the gear bag, looking at me with thoughtful eyes, "Chris, what are your plans in this club? I mean I know you're just a freshman but in a year I, along with Sarah and Rachel, will be leaving. We will be needing someone to take over. Do you want to be a player or something more, a leader?"

I had never really put much thought into leading the group. Could I? I didn't know what to say so instead Pike spoke for me, giving me that knowful gaze, "Just think about it. You have a year to figure it out." His solemn gaze shifted into a smile as he walked off towards his car, leaving me there in the middle of the field pondering my involvement in this Frisbee club.

Dead Days came and went before I could really enjoy their presence. I spent most of my time studying and what free time I had was spent either eating, sleeping, or surfing the net. Michael and Skyler did drag me to the movies on Saturday for what they were hoping was going to be a double date with me and Kyle but Kyle again wasn't free. This time though he managed to get back to me promptly, telling me that he had a study group with some classmates.

I was getting frustrated with him but I knew that I had to keep a level head with him. Not only did we go to different schools but we had different social groups as well. It would take some planning and coordination for this to work and with us getting back together around finals, it made it for a very frustrating period. That weekend Kyle and I tried to arrange something together but with us both having to study it made for a useless weekend.

When finals week came, I was ready. Or at least as ready as ready can be for sccrewing up the semester like I had. I stressed over my tests which was to be expected but they were not as hard as I had thought. 3 out of 5 of my classes had them on scantrons, the multiple choice giving me one of 5 answers to choose from. The other two however were a little harder, the first being math where we had to show our work on the paper (which was bullshit by the way when you have a calculator doing most of the work for you), and my Shakespearian class where we had to analyze the stories that we had read during the semester. The professor had expected us to remember the main plot points of most of the stories we had covered and to write how they mattered in today's society.

Exiting my Shakespearian class on Thursday allowed me my final bit of freedom. Summer was here. First thing to do: sleep. Walking across the near empty campus, I entered into my dorm and crawled up to my bed to sleep. I didn't care that it was almost two in the afternoon or that Bryan and Zach were bustling around the room prepping to leave.They wanted to get out as soon as possible but I had to wait till Ally came and picked me up. Joys of not having a car, if you want to go anywhere far you have to either call a cab or have a friend come pick you up, both of which involved waiting.

Closing my eyes, I drifted off to dreamland, imagining that I am burning all my papers and shredding all documentation that this semester ever happened. It didn't seem like along nap though as a vibration off to my side maaged to disturb my slumber. Lifting up my phone, I saw that it was now 6 at night. Glancing around the room, Bryan and Zach had both left, most of their belongings with them as well. Plans for next semester hadn't really been arranged for housing so we didn't know where we were going to end up.

Looking back at my phone, I saw that the text was from Pike, cryptically saying that my sister needed to talk with me. Shaking the cobwebs from my head, I looked at the text to see if I was reading it right. "Hey your sister wants to talk with you." Short, simple, and completely devoid of any details.

Slightly irritated that he woke me with a message from my sister, I shoot him a text back, "Why didn't she just text me? What's going on?" It was abrupt and slightly rude and I realized it after the fact.

Pike didn't waste time getting back. "It's more an in-person thing and I'm heading there anyways. I'm leaving in ten minutes. Get ready."

Groaning, I lean up in my bed and move to the floor. Slipping on my shoes, I switch down to Ally, "Hey Pike's dragging me over to you? What's going on?" It was a futile effort because, as expected, she didn't respond. Locking my dorm and heading down to my lobby I waited impatiently for Pike to arrive. Scrolling up to Kylee, I figured since I was going to be seeing my sister, I might as well see if he is home. "Hey Ally is having me come over. You at your room?"

Pike showed up a minute later and I got in, the tired look still fresh on my face. "Did I wake you?" Pike asks with a grin, the knowing look that he knew he had. "Also before you ask, I don't know what's going on, just that I needed to bring you over." He was full of shit because I could tell from the twinkle in his eye that he knew. He and Ally were probably planning this surprise for a while now.

Arriving at Fullerton, I note that Kyle's dorm light is out, making me wonder what all is going on with him as well. Pike fashions a keycard from his wallet and with that 'you didn't see that' look, enters. It was bad enough that we were on Fullerton's property, but to tresspass into their dorms was a whole other level. It looked like Pike had done this many times as he headed straight for the elevator, knowing what floor Ally was on and everything. Yea he was her boyfriend but to have a key to the dorm?

Walking down the hallway, I really wanted to be up on Kyle's floor to see if he was home, the thought of seeing his sexy build and blond hair arousing me a little. Ally's door was surprisingly open when we got to her room, her shifting back and forth around the confined space frantically. When she finally noticed our presence, she stopped moving and flashed a smile on her face. Moving towards us, Ally hugged me first then to Pike, kissing him on the lips quickly. "We don't have much time before Pike and I are heading out." Raising my eyebrow I look confused at what is going on.

Pike smiles as well as he lets loose that he knew what is going on. Ally reaches into her back pocket to pull out her car keys and hangs them out in front of me. "Umm thanks?" I say as I take them from her. I had driven her car multiple times so how was this different?

Ally reaches into her other back pocket to pull out another set of car keys, a magic trick that makes me look at her car keys in my hand and the car keys in her hand. "Keep it. I got one of my own. I wanted to surprise you with a first year gift. Also I talked with the General and he's ok with it all. Pike informed me that next year you will be allowed to have a car on campus so I figured you might as well have one."

I am stunned now as it all starts to sink in; Ally was giving me her car. It wasn't the best car but I was not going to complain. It was transportation from one place to another. It was mine. Breaking the cement that held my feet firm, I move to hug Ally. "Thank you soo much. This means a lot to me." Moving to Pike, I give him a quick hug as well. "Thanks."

He smiles as he looks at me then Ally. "You survived your first year, it's only going to get harder from here on." Changing his focus to Ally, he taps on his watch. "We've gotta get going babe."

Ally moves us all out of her room as she locks it. "I would talk more but Pike is taking me out on a date. I wanted to give the car to you so you can go back up home whenever you want." We all walk to the elevator and take it to the first floor. As Pike and Ally exit, I stay in. Ally, without even turning back, hollers, "I think he's still home, not sure though." I smile as the doors close.

The last time I was up here, I caught him with his roommate. It felt wierd coming back to his room, I didn't even know if he had a roommate yet. It was hard walking up to the door but as I approached it, it felt right. Knocking though, that was a harder task.

Taking a deep breath, I tap my fingers against Kyle's door, loud enough for him to hopefully hear but quiet enough as to not echo down the corridor. Waiting a few seconds, I try again. Then, one last effort to try and reach out to him, I pull out my phone and dial his number. The phone rings on the speaker and behind the door, I hear a vibrating object rattle against something. It goes for a few seconds then shutsoff, taking me to his voicemail.

Exasperated, I turn to walk down the hallway. I had really wanted to see him before I left for Sacramento. "Chris? What are you doing here?" I turn around to see that Kyle had snuck open the door and was standing in the hallway rubbing his sleepy eyes. His blond hair was a mess but his toned body made up for the imperfection, the sight an Adonis for me.

Stammering for the words all I could belt out was, "Hi."


Is this how this section of the series will end?? Really?? Stay tuned to see how this will all turn out... because trust me it will be hot.. ;-D

Next: Chapter 55: Redemption 22

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