The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Apr 7, 2012


Hi my names Chris. Here is everything you might have missed or forgotten. I am a freshman in college. I originally had a huge crush on my Frisbee captain Pike but that was shot down when he turned out to be straight. Ally, my sister attending CSU Fullerton, has informed me that my dad, a General serving in the Afghanistan war, has been shot. It is currently the first week of October and Long Beach beat Fullerton in the first Frisbee competition. Kyle, my current love interest, unfortunately plays for Fullerton. There is obviously some spark between us...

After the kiss that ended the competition weekend, I have been thinking nonstop about Kyle. His moist lips grazing mine, the interaction that our tongues had when they touched, the caressing of our faces against each other. That night I wanted to stay with him but since I had to take Bryan, Zach, and Andrew back home, I was cut short on the embracement.

That night I slept very soundly, almost sleeping through my alarm, had it not been Taylor Swifts "Love Story" playing over the local radio station. It seemed fitting for how I felt at the moment. My feelings of love and blissfulness were only further enhanced when I arrived to my English class later that day.

We had switched out of the figurative symbolism and were moving into Love Stories. The girls around the room were all giddy about being able to choose such stories while the guys released a muttered groan. Normally I would have been with the guys on the whole love issue but having met Kyle, something had changed. My hopes were dampened though when we were told to find some romance themed novels and write about them.

After class had ended, I approached the professor, Mrs. Steiner. She was a vibrant Mexican professor, a bit on the plump side. She had long black wavy hair which seemed to work in sync with her teal eyes. They were restricted by oval glasses but still managed to catch your attention. "Professor Steiner, I had a question/ issue that I was hoping I could run by you. I was hoping to look into any LGBT novels out there that pertain to romance. To my knowledge there are not that many out there that focus solely on the romance of two guys or two girls. The only one that came to my head when you were talking about the project was `A Single Man' and that was only because it was made into a movie."

Mrs. Steiner had been moving her papers into her rolling bag but the moment that I mentioned LGBT novels her ears seemed to perk up. As I had proceeded, she began to look more intently at me, hearing my claim. After I had finished, she grinned happily. "It is not too often that we have students wanting to focus on gay or lesbian novels. Most of the time it is Nicholas Sparks or Twilight. I do not deny that both Stephenie Meyer and Nicholas Sparks have been seen to be good writers, me preferring Sparks over Meyer, but when it comes to gay novels, that would be a great change to hear."

"So you are ok with it?" I ask, slightly stunned that so few have talked about gay novels before.

"Yea Chris, go ahead. Though like you said, good LGBT novels are hard to come by. Actual romance novels even harder. Most of the ones that I have heard or read tend to be coming out stories. Making sure that you cover all the points is what I am looking for." Mrs. Steiner finishes compiling her papers back into her binder then moves around to me. "I look forward to hearing what you have to say."

Having that been said, I was happy to be able to look for stories that were not focused on just women falling madly in love with men. Too cliché by my standards.

Later that day Frisbee had its typical Monday practice but it was amusing to see everyone all sore. Most of our "running" was more of a shuffle, our throws all off due to sore arms, and our fakes easily recognizable by whoever was marking. We still ran some drills, an "L cut drill" where we would "run" to the end zone then cut to the opposite corner, a gut pass drill where again we would "run" towards the disk being tossed at our chest. We tried to have some enthusiasm but as the practice wore on, the tiredness wore in and we were all lying flat on the ground.

Even though it was Southern California, with fall officially here, the nights were starting to get colder. Pike pulled us all in before we left to congratulate us on our win again. "We all did well last weekend. I am really proud of how we all worked together and took on Fullerton, especially having such a young squad. Our next tourney though is at the end of this month. While Halloween falls in the middle of the week, the tourney will be held the weekend before. In the spirit of Halloween it will be themed. Collaborating with other teams, we have all wanted to make it so that we wear costumes during the playing of the game." A slight chatter went through the team as we all started discussing what we should be. Pulling the conversation back Pike continued, "We still have a few weeks to decide so take your time then. Don't forget that October is midterm season so keep those grades up."

When practice ended, Bryan and Zach walked with me back to the hall, on the way discussing possible ideas for the costume. That night we had gone into studying but with me looking for love stories, I would often wander into thinking about Kyle.

Classes went well Tuesday, and as Pike had predicted, midterms were approaching. I had a strong feeling that I would need Zach's help when it came to Biology. Communication was easy; we needed to find a topic where we would try to persuade people.

When I got back to my hall though, I was happy to see that the General was online to talk. Pulling up Skype, I quickly messaged him "Hey! Are you able to talk?" It was about noon so quickly doing the math, it came out to being around midnight in the middle east.

Instead of messaging me, the General called me via video. Answering the call, I saw him pop up on the screen, slight bruising still visible on his face from where he had been in the fight. The bandages were still on his shoulder, his t-top covering the rest of his chest. He had a typical military close shave haircut but it was not able to restrict grey flakes from popping up in the brown hair that was given to Ally and me. His immediate smile started to say something but I was not able to hear any words. I noticed his bronze eyes piercing the screen, looking something. A second later his roaring voice came over my speakers "CHRIS! HOW ARE YOU?"

I quickly move to adjust the audio settings before answering him. Tears start forming in my eyes but I hold the dam. "I miss you so much. Why didn't you tell me when you told Ally?"

A pained expression forms on the General's face. "First off, no crying. I love you too much to see you break in front of me. Especially with me not able to be there for you. As for telling Ally, I didn't. I was unconscious for a day but as Ally told you, my laptop was shot. I had to borrow a co-worker's to get in contact but I was only able to send out one email before the internet was cut out. We have been living under a high security clearance for the past few weeks."

I stare at the image of him, wishing I could wrap my arms around him. The video freezes for a few seconds as I start, "When are you coming back stateside? Also who was it that died?"

Once the video started back up, I see that the General has shifted a little, the tent showing more clearly in the background. I was expecting him to be in barracks or a more fortified complex but this shocked me. "I am currently transitioning a new negotiator to take over for me. As you can see, we are a bit secluded out, living in the local villages. It was our way of working with the community. We were not attacked here but a village over. Sergeant Braith and First Class Petty Officer Wyclor died in combat. I was lucky to have made it out. Enough about me, how is college going? How are your classes?" The General switches over to dad mode, wanting to hear of how my life has been going while he is risking life and limb to protect this country.

Regaining my composure I start in on how college is going. I tell him of my classes; how boring statistics is for me, my interest in English. The General tells me to keep the grades up while I start in on what my extracurricular activities are. Briefly covering the LGBT club, I talk of the events we plan. He shows a slight interest but it is strained. I tell him of Frisbee and how much fun I have. Briefly covering the tourney, I bring up my catches and our wins. Then Kyle comes up. "So any love interests?"

"Well there is one guy. He goes to Fullerton State. Actually lives in the same hall as Ally, though a floor above. I just met him a week ago but it seems like so much longer than that." I beam at my dad, a radiant glow showing off my face. I start to think about Kyle before the General pulls me back.

"Well take it slow. I don't want you getting hurt. You tend to get attached quite quickly to a person, which is one of your biggest strengths but weaknesses as well." The General leans in to the screen. A fatherly smile shows, him being happy that I have met someone. "I hope to meet him when I get there. Hey Chris, I would love to talk longer but I need to get going. It is getting late here."

I look at the clock and see that it is 1:15. Man, we have been talking for the last 45 minutes! "Ok well be safe out there. I need to get going as well. I want to beat the traffic to get Ally her car back. I borrowed it for the weekend." We say our goodbyes and hang up. It was hard watching him leave but I look forward to getting him back home. Shutting down the computer I send a quick text to Ally. It is also at that moment that I realize that I don't have Kyle's number in my phonebook.

I post a note on the door letting Bryan and Zach know where I am going then head over to Fullerton. The traffic is not too busy, as much as is expected by LA. It takes me about an hour to get to Fullerton and another 40 minutes to find parking in the student lot. By the time I am able to park and settle in, it is about 4 pm. Stepping out of the car, I notice off in the distance some students running drills. It is in the opposite direction of the halls but I decide to check it out.

Flipping the keys around in my fingers, I approach the fields and am amused to see it is the Frisbee team practicing. It would figure that I walked onto it. Hanging at the edge of the field, I watch them play similar drills as my team. The whole gut pass and L cut drills. Though I am standing under a tree trying to remain in the shade, I see Kyle lock onto me. A surprised look takes over his face as he breaks the drill and jogs over to me. I purr at him when he reaches me, "Hey stranger, how are you doing?"

Placing his hands on his hips, he catches his breath then begins "I am doing great. Day just got better seeing you here. What brings you here?" He has been working pretty hard at the drills, sweat dripping down from his brow to his shirt, dampening it to his chest.

"Oh you know, I heard there were tons of hot men at Fullerton and I thought I would check it out. Also I have to return Ally's keys to her." I shift my stance, moving more diagonal to him.

"Well if you want to stay and I can show you some of the hot men around here. Then I will let you in to get the keys to your sister." Kyle puts his hand on my shoulder and ushers me out of the shade and towards the team. They all look over at me, realizing who Kyle was talking to. A few of them speak softly to themselves but I have a general idea of what they are saying: spy, Kyle is a traitor, Kyle's love interest is here, etc.

Victoria, sensing my arrival, moves to get the others back inline and only glares at me. Clearly she has some stick up her ass that needs to be removed. Kyle turns back to me and looks into my eyes, "Ignore whatever they say; I am happy you stopped by. Let me finish up practice then we can talk k?"

Nodding my head, Kyle falls back into the drills. An hour later, Kyle finishes up. I had chatted with a few of the teammates, well the more friendly ones. I found out that the purple striped chick was named Ellie. She lived in a different hall but came from San Fran. Got to meet Kyle's roommate Steven. I have a feeling he is slightly gay as well, watching him play with Kyle. I even caught him checking me out a few times but didn't call him on it.

We got back to his hall around 6 and it was starting to get dark out. I was glad to get inside as I didn't bring a jacket. I really had not planned on staying this long. Rubbing my arms, I strike up a conversation with Kyle. "You know, even though we just met a week ago, something that neither of us has done yet is exchange numbers." I look at his ass as he heads down the hall to the elevator.

"Yea about that, I was thinking of asking your sister but I didn't want to make things awkward. But I would like your number, to chat with you and all." Kyle presses the button then focuses on me. A few other students join us as the doors open. Piling all in, I am pressed against Kyle, the aroma of his sweat drifting over to me.

Before long we are on the third floor. "Well I was thinking more of asking you out on a date. Since we did start this off on an unconventional pattern, it would be nice to talk in person and maybe take you to dinner some time." I knock on Ally's door but when it opens, it isn't Ally. "Hey you must be Ally's roommate, Trish. I am her brother. I was wondering if you could give these to her when she gets back."

Trish, a small Asian woman, takes my keys and smiles, "yea I will. I am in the middle of a family call so I have to get back. It was nice meeting you Chris."

Kyle and I head back down the hall and to the stairs, climbing them to the top floor. "Well you could join me tonight." He opens the door for me but I stop before entering. "I do need to shower first though." Before I can answer he pulls me into his floor and down the hall.

"I didn't really come prepared for a date tonight Kyle." I stammer.

"Wait here, give me a second to grab my things then we can continue to talk this over." Kyle rushes into his bedroom and closes the door. I stand in the hallway, blinking my eyes at what is going on. I am being date-jacked. Before I can fully process what is going on, Kyle emerges from his hall wrapped in a towel carrying his toiletries. "Have you even eaten?" He walks down the hall to the showers with me following.

"No not yet. But I was hoping to take you somewhere nice. Someplace where we can talk." We enter into the shower room, a similar setup to Long Beach. There are eight stalls, 4 on each side. Kyle moves into one and places his toiletries on the shelves. Dropping towel in front of me, he stands stark naked. I gaze in awe of how sexy he is; the light shinning off his freckled shoulders. He turns on the water, jumping back when a cold spray initially comes out. His body collides with me, sending me stumbling back. I grab him and steady him back up. "As I said before, I didn't bring any nice clothes Kyle."

He looks at me, his ocean blue eyes connecting with my steel blue eyes. I almost fall for him before he turns back and looks at the water. Seeing it now steaming, he puts on the biggest playful grin on that he could. Realizing what he going to do but too late to react, he pulls me in screaming. "KYLE no!!" It was too late though as my shirt is completely soaked, pants working their way as well. Thinking of my phone and wallet, I immediately strip out and place them in the only dry spot of the shower.

"You asshole!" I pound his chest as he pulls me in for a kiss. He pulls my shirt over my head, exposing my chest to him; my shoes already soaked through get kicked off as well as the socks. Pressing his nude body against mine, he grabs the soap and starts to wash me. "Don't worry about the clothes, I will give you mine." He slides his hands down my briefs, dropping them to the floor as he rubs my ass with the soap. Slightly turned on, we both grow to half mast.

I take the soap from him and push him against the wall, standing right under the water. While the water slips past our kissing, I slide the soap over his chest, outlining his pecks. Moving back and forth across his chest, I stop at his cock. Using the suds that are sliding down, I stroke him, eliciting a moan from his mouth to mine. He takes the shampoos from the rack and squirts a little into his hand. "As much as I would love to have sex in the shower, let's keep that for later. We need to go before the crowds form. I have the perfect place to take you."

He rubs his fingers through my curly auburn hair, scratching back and forth at my scalp. Using some of the foam, he massages my groin, cleaning my pubic hair. We continue to kiss, moving around the water, it dripping through my hair, down his body, back to my legs, then to his feet near the drain. The warmth of his body, combined with the heat of the water, feels so refreshing.

Kyle moves to shut off the water then grabs his towel. "Well now we have a problem. There is only one towel and two bodies." While he dries off, I gather my soaked clothes. After he has finished, he tosses me the towel. I move to place my belongings on the bench and start to dry off. We both have gone back limp but there is still sexiness about him, me eyeing him up as he moves around me to the look at the door. "I will go first and let you know if it is clear to follow."

We both move to the door and he runs down the hall to open his. Seeing that it is clear, I streak down the hall, holding my clothes over my groin and butt. We both get inside and start laughing. I change into some clothes that he gives me; some blue jeans, a white faded American flag shirt, and a black jacket. Before long we are both heading out the dorm and towards dinner. With him knowing the area, he leads the way, though with him hinting at "the perfect place", I am interested in where he is taking me.

It took us about an hour's walk to get to his surprise but as it appeared, I saw that it was a Laser Zone. During our walk we had a very good talk. I learned of how he was a single child. We talked of how it was for me to grow up with one parent being in the military. His parents live in Pismo, overlooking the beach. When we got in the building, I saw that it was a madhouse. Kids ran everywhere, left and right.

"You really sure that this is the best place to go?" I asked unsure. I looked to see where the kids were running to and saw that a mission was starting up soon. We moved to the counter to order some pizza when Kyle continued.

"I know the guy who works here. At 8:30 ish it starts to die down then at 9 they hold adult games." Looking at his phone, he tells me that it is about 8 anyways so the food will be good to eat before we play.

Moving to an open table we start to talk more. We talk of what classes we are taking, me telling my interest in English and my project, him gushing over photography and media. His major is fine arts with concentrations in graphic design and creative photography. Before long our pizza has arrived, him chowing down on a simple pepperoni pizza. My favorite pizza, the New York style with ham.

After finishing the pizza, Kyle asked if I wanted to play a game of Laser Tag. Voicing my enthusiasm, we both head over to the counter to purchase tickets. Holding hands while waiting, a few people look over at us, giving us that "This is a children's place, what do you think you are doing?" It really didn't matter because most of the children were gone and the few that remained were hanging with their parents packing up to leave.

The other players in the group consisted of a boyfriend and a reluctant girlfriend, a solid rating 10 girlfriend standing with her geeky boyfriend (one of those how did he get her relationships), some brothers rough housing near the end and then two guys near the front. They both looked at us and then smiled when they saw our hands clamped together. Whispering into Kyle's ear I motion towards the guys, "Think they are gay?"

Kyle looks the other way, not at the guys then back at the guys, then moves in to my ear, rubbing my chest in the process, "Most definitely. I saw we go team gay and try to get with them."

A few minutes later we all pile into the staging room and get our equipment on. The instructor tells the rules and instructions. We were lucky to have been placed with the other two guys, red packs hanging off our back. Looking across the room, the chick with her geeky boyfriend are both examining their guns, her showing him how to work it and what buttons do what.

We move into the field, a large city style layout. There is a central corridor with mazes on both sides. There are ramps leading up to a second story, allowing for high grounds and low grounds. The buzzer goes off and we all scatter, Kyle and I sticking together in our hunt.

"So should we go after the brothers or the geek with his girlfriend?" I whisper over to Kyle as we peer around a corner. We move stealthily through the maze then my buzzer goes off, indicating I am hit. Kyle drops low as I look for whoever shot me. Spying the chick up on the balcony, I drop out of view allowing Kyle to pop up and shoot her. "Well now we know who to target." Her buzzer rings up, Kyle smiling at his aim. "Never mind."

We continue on, knowing that most likely her boyfriend is close by. Rounding the corner to the ramp, we see the two brothers up on the terrace. Kyle and I both open up on the two, taking them out before they have a chance to react. Seeing the boyfriend coming up behind us, I move into protect Kyle but am too late.

The guys that we presume are gay come out from behind the geek and shoot him, high fiving each other at their win. Turning around we head back into the maze, knowing that if we are all on one side then it could turn out to be a slaughter. We reach the other high point, originally our home base, and take the windows. While Kyle looks out over the field, I stealthily move in behind him and grab his ass, causing him to squeal a little.

Catching the attention of the reluctant girlfriend and her boyfriend, they move in but Kyle and I see them before they can attack. We both open fire on each other, no one getting any hits. Knowing they will be coming up from each side, we decide to take on the girlfriend then backtrack to the boyfriend. The girlfriend goes down easily, both Kyle and I firing on her before she can react. She called out for her boyfriend, apparently named Steve, who came down to assist her and that is when we ambushed him. The two of them moved out to a different part of the field to regenerate their amour, leaving Kyle and I alone in the corner.

"You were right this was a great idea for a night out." I move in on him, cornering him and then kissing him. The battery packs make it hard at first but we work it out, both of us having to lean into each other a bit. Hearing some movement around us, we both break off and pull our guns up at the coming party.

"Don't let us stop your fun." One of the `gay' guys says to us as they pass by.

Both Kyle and I smile as we grab hands and run off to hunt again. The rest of the game is a blast. In the end, the hot chick takes the win with the most points. But when it came to a combined score, team gay won.

We left after the game as it was approaching 10. With an hour's walk back to Fullerton, we recapped the night, talking a lot over the game and debating on which of the two guys were hotter and if they were actually gay. It was 11 when we got back to the campus and when we got into his room, his roommate was already asleep. Not wanting to wake Steven, we both decided against the sex for tonight but still wanted to get close to each other. With me keeping an eye on Steven, Kyle began to undress me, taking off my shirt then moving to take off my pants. I silently kicked off my shoes and socks, allowing for Kyle to pull off my pants.

Lying down in his bed, I still keep an eye on Steven while Kyle gently pulls off my briefs. Sitting nude in his bed, I work to get under his covers while Kyle puts away all the clothes that I had borrowed. He then strips down, silently dancing around, doing his best at a seductive dance while not disturbing Steven.

Steven thankfully rolls over to face the wall, allowing Kyle the free motion of stripping down. He takes off his shirt, pulling the midsection over his head then right arm out followed by left. His abs show clearly as he stretches. Unbuckling his belt, he slides that out then works at unbuttoning his pant. He is out of my reach so I sit and watch, amused while slight turned on. Unzipping his pants, he drops them to the floor, his boxers included. Like me, he too is getting turned on.

Pulling the covers back, he slides on top of me, our bodies connecting with warmth spreading to each other. The moonlight sneaks in to shine light on my face as he caresses his fingers down my cheek and around my lips. With his other hand he frizzles my hair. I move my hands down the sheets to his lower body, caressing the skin that connects to me. His lips move in close, me leaning up a little to attain the rim of his mouth.

Still careful not to make too much noise, we both move our tongues inside each other, muffling the moans that we both make. I move my hands to our cocks, stroking them together in one fluid motion. Adding to the motion, he starts to grind on me.

I utter a small moan but with my mouth still being surveyed by his tongue, it is dampened. Breaking off, we both utter a more audible moan into each other's ears. I release the hold of our cocks and motion with his body, the bed slightly creaking.

Getting close to release, Kyle wraps his arms under me and me to him. He nibbles on my lip a little and right before he cums, increases his breathing into my ear. That inturn turns me on more, causing me to cum a few seconds after he does. Hearing him reach his orgasm, the heavy drop off of breathing around the lob of my ear, is the exact key to set me off.

Dropping onto his side, he kisses me again, looking into my eyes. "Don't go running off again, stay till I wake." I start to get up to clean off but Kyle pulls me back down, "Leave it, I want to stick with you tonight." He winks at me as I lie back down. Rolling onto his side, he pulls me in close, spooning him. Had I been erect, I totally could have gone up his ass. I wrap my arms around his chest, one under his neck the other under his arm. He caresses my arm as we both start to nod off.

The following morning, I wake up with him still next to me. I didn't have to open my eyes to know he was there, the feel of warmth radiating to me was enough to assure me he was still there. There is a knock at the door waking him up. He looks over at Steven who is sitting at his desk, paying no attention to us. "Steven, think you could get that, I am kind of being held back."

Steven looks over at me, looking at my arm holding Kyle close. "Sure, but future note, keep it a little quieter next time." We both grin at him as he smiles at us.

"Sorry about that, I'll take the blame." I say opening my eyes up. Resting my head over Kyle's I look down at him. The sun shines off his face, a glow blowing through his blonde hair.

Steven opens the door slightly, still keeping us out of the view of whoever is at the door.

"Hi, this is your monthly room check. I just wanted to make sure everything is alright. Is Kyle in there?" A familiar voice converses with Steven. Perking my ears up, I start to take more notice.

"Umm... Well he is kind of," Steven looks back at the two of us, still snuggled in bed. "preoccupied."

"May I come in?" The voice starts to get more familiar. A slight awkwardness is moving down my stomach.

Kyle looks over at me, noticing my issue at hand. "Um actually, now is not a good time."

It was too late though, as the hand started to push open the door and a body was attached to the hand. A female body. My sister's body being that female body. Growing red faced really fast, all I can utter is a simple "Hi?"

Kyle moves on top of me, trying to cover my nudeness from her but it only complicates the issue further when she sees that he is nude. Slightly embarrassed as well, the only thing she can speak is "Well... Umm Chris, aren't you missing classes at the moment?"

Next: Chapter 7

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