The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Apr 14, 2013


Hey everyone, for those of you that emailed me about the orgy and open relationships just remember that this is a real life story. While certain things may happen in the series that we don't like, it can be found in normal life and I am doing my best to reflect every aspect in as true of a detail as possible. It does not mean that the series will continue in the manner nor will it possibly ever come to pass. It is nice to hear your opinions about such topics though so thank you for the feedback


What would it be like to have an orgy? I mean I had seen a few when watching porn but to actually experience one, even just a threesome, it seemed so foreign to me. As I thought more about it, even with Tay, the topic never came up.

Waking up on Tuesday made me feel so horny, I couldn't seem to find any way to relieve the tension. Even though I was back with Kyle, with us living apart it was no surprise that I still jacked off. That however didn't seem to help too much as I beat off. To add to my eroticized mindset, the type of stream I pulled up was a threesome. It was very generic but the thought of Kyle and I with some other guy was the main topic running through my brain.

After my session, I leaned my head back onto the pillow and closed my eyes. This was not the mindset I wanted when I went to class. Groaning, I opened my eyes to see that it was time for me to get moving, my sexual frustrations no excuse to be late. Cleaning myself up, I took a quick shower, the temperature of the water doing little to alleviate me.

Have you ever felt so horny that you undress every guy you see with your eyes? Yea I was in the moment this entire day, my walk to class analyzing over 20 guys. It was disturbing at times and to be honest, I felt kind of perverted. But it felt so good. I mean come on, I couldn't help but wonder if they would be the top, the bottom, or in between Kyle and I.

My classes were boring as usual but with the topic of sex being on my mind, I found other ways to occupy my time. It's been said that men can't go more than six seconds without thinking of sex, well today I was at a two second threshold at times. That's how bad I was.

When Wednesday came around, I was glad that the provocation for pent subsided slightly, the urge to undress every guy I was slightly deminished. Ever since my talk with Parker I had been wondering what happened with Peter. I felt kind of guilty for just abandoning him last semester, the sudden shutout not what a good friend should have done.

After my classes had ended that afternoon, I made my way to the pyramid hoping that I might be able to find him practicing. There was a slight chill in the air this evening, the breeze starting its annual skin cutting process. The walk over was short but it felt long as it had been a while since I had been over there.

Entering in, it didn't take me a while to confirm that someone was practicing. Moving towards the courts, I peeked beyond the doors to see who it was. Peter was there but so was the rest of his team, the guys bouncing the orange ball around the court. Taking a heavy breath I step inside and make my way to the bleachers.

I did my best to sneak along the side of the court, trying not to interrupt their practice. Peter noticed me but didn't wave, instead gripped the ball and continued to play on. I wasn't too hurt that he didn't acknowledge my presence too publicly, a quick nod giving me all I needed to know that he saw me.

Something was different in his playing style but I couldn't put my finger on it. I could have seat near the court but I wanted a bit of solidarity, moving further up into the bleachers than normal. Pulling out my homework, I alternated between watching them practice to attempting to work. It was harder than it sounded to work, the screeching of their shoes and the bouncing of the ball seemingly capturing my attention constantly.

Peter was a talented player, his height being a good advantage for him. Even though he was almost equal with the other players, as he moved left and right across the court, his fluidity was a great quality, the shots he made going in for a good number of times. Granted with every player there is a ratio of shots to misses, he did a great job of making the ratio looking appealing. Even still, when he did miss, those he was playing with picked up the miss to reshoot it in.

Practice ended around 4:30, a normal time from what I have seen for most sports. I had just finished up a section of my enlish homeowrk, the endless reading a constant issue for me. I actually wouldn't have noticed they finished if it weren't for Peter sitting down next to me.

Looking up slightly startled, I dropped some of my papers onto the floor, my notes going all over the place. Peter chuckled as he uttered out an amused "Boo." It was an after the fact statement but still had its meaning. Helping to gather my stuff, he leaned down around me. His sweaty funk moved around me, the smell slightly invigorating. "Hey Chris long time no talk. How have you been?"

As I move to grab my stuff, I stutter for my words as well. "I've... I've been fine... Yourself?" It was a stupid move for me to do so early but I couldn't think at the moment, his surprise attack still making my mind work for words.

Peter held the ball out before him and twirled it in his hands. "I've been better but I am surviving. It's my last year so I just need to get it done. Also" and he paused for a second, "I broke up with Monica."

Man I felt real bad at the moment. I had really left him to take care of my own problems and I wasn't able to help him with the Monica issue. Did she suspect he was gay? Bi? "I'm sorry." I didn't know what to say on that. Then I told him how I really felt, "I'm sorry Peter. I should have been there last semester for you. I kind of left you high and dry. That wasn't cool of me to do."

Peter sighs heavily as he looks at me, his off green eyes catching my attention. He was drifting off into space though as he rehashed his own semester in his brain. "It's all cool. Last semester was really fucked up for a lot of us."

Trying to explain myself, I fidget with my papers in my lap. "I was dealing with my own relationship issues at that time as well. If I had known I would have tried to help. I'm really sorry Peter." I move to place my hand on his shoulder. "So what prompted you to break up with Monica?" I really wasn't too surprised but in a way I was also happy for him; the bitch wasn't a good influence for him.

Peter places the ball at his feet, the orange object rolling against the seats as he rubs his massive hands together. "Well, I actually caught her cheating on me over summer. I had suspected for a while she was seeing someone else but I didn't know for sure." Taking a heavy breath, he continues, though this time into uncharted territory for him. "Dropping her though is kind of refreshing though. I mean I can now possibly date guys." He looked at me concerned, as if I was going to give him the ok on it all.

Sitting there slightly stunned, I blinked my eyes for a few seconds trying to absorb it all. I had a feeling, no, knew he was bi but I didn't want to call him out on it. Now though he was looking at me for some sort of support, or at least that's how I felt he formed that sentence. "Great, you should be able to date who you want." I move my hand back to his shoulder, rubbing it to show my support. "Just out of curiosity, have you told any of your team? I mean it's really none of my business on who've you told but I am just wondering who all knows."

Peter picks up the ball and leans back in the seat, propping up his legs onto the chair in front of him. "Actually no, I mean I'm not surprised you know but then again I wasn't the most subtle at times. I do want to tell them but I don't know how to, or in the best manner. I mean this is my last year, my last season. I don't want to screw it up just because of my sexuality. That's not fair to them, or me."

With my stuff all packed up, I sit there listening and occasionally commenting. "Well you should come out when you feel comfortable. But you also should want to feel honest with your team. Just don't do anything rash ok?"

Peter laughs as he mulls over the thought. "Of course I wouldn't. I mean yea I might not get into pro ball but I am ok with that. I just don't do be the guy to screw up the season before it starts."

"Peter, if your team supports you, which I am sure they strongly do, your sexuality won't impact the season. If they are good friends, they will care for you as a friend as well as a player. The same goes with your coach- he'll probably respect the choice you made to come out and tell him, and he hopefully will respect you." I do my best to tell him that his team will support him, especially since I had been hearing of other collegiate athletes coming out.

Peter then slightly changed the topic, though still related it to sports. "Would you actually be willing to help me talk with my coach?" My confused expression told him I was bewildered on what all he expected me to do. "Well, you are one of few athletes on campus that is openly gay and well known, and I feel that, with your recognition, you could help out a little."

"Umm... I guess... I never really thought of myself as the guy on campus to talk for other athletes but sure. When exactly did you want to talk with him?" Was I really in a position to do this? A bit of uncertainty started to creep into my stomach as I thought it over.

Peter rose as he realized how he was keeping me on the court, "I don't know right now, but preferably soon. Is that ok with you?"

I was not going to tell him no because when the time was right, he was probably going to do it regardless. "Yea sure, I can definitely help you out. I'll try and dig up what I can to help support but I can at least tell you that I'll be there. Just let me know when ok?"

Peter shrugged as he walked with me down the steps, the metal bleachers vibrating through the empty stadium. "Yea, I'll definitely give you time. This won't be a night before kind of thing. Thanks."

As we walked near the lobby, Peter broke off to head to the showers and me back to my room. Shaking his hand, I was reminded why I had him as a friend. He was a great guy and someone that I should not have just dropped. His smile meant well, and the charm behind it adorable. As I walked back to my dorm though I thought over on my mind; 'what I really the poster boy for gay athletes on campus'?

Hanging out with Kyle on Thursday night was a time I had missed. The way he cuddled me as we both studies was nice to experience, the warmth of his body welcoming. Taking a break from my studying, I placed down my book and looked over my shoulder to him. "Hey K, how out are you on campus? Like do people know you're gay?"

Kyle was slightly caught off guard by my question so it took him a few seconds to formulate the answer. "I don't really know. I mean a few people know but I don't actively flaunt it. I'm normal I guess..." He was slightly confused as he said that statement, as if in his mind gays could be 'normal'... "Why?"

"Well I talked with Peter yesterday and he is thinking of coming out to his team and he asked if I could help him out with it. He said something that struck a chord with me, that I was a representative for the gay athletes on campus and all." Venting my frustration, I continue to figure out what I am supposed to do. "I mean, am I? I didn't ask for this, I just kind of fell into it."

Kyle pulls me close and hugs me as he looks over my head into the wall. "Well, do you want this?"

Sighing heavily, I close my eyes, "I don't know. It's not like I can really do anything to change it right?"

Kyle scooted me to the wall as he tries to get a better look at me. "Do what you feel is right. They can't really force you to be the spokesperson for issues pertaining to athletes if you don't want. I'll support you any way I can though, or as much as Fullerton will allow me to." We both got a slight chuckle out of that, the reminder that our difference in universities at times was comical.

"Yea, I guess. I just need to see what all is actually out there for players like us. I mean how many other universities focus on homophobia to the extent that Long Beach does? If it weren't for my attack, I don't even know if the campus would have even covered the topic." Sighing I shrug my shoulders and fall back onto his lap, my head resting into his squated legs.

Before we could talk much more, there was a light rap at the door; the gentle knock disturbing us from our tranquility. Kyle barked out to the outsiders, "It's unlocked!"

The door opened slightly and Darren peaked his head inside, his eyes widening at the sight of me then going back to their normal size. "Sorry, did I interrupt something?"

Moving from our positions to make it more welcoming, Kyle and I sat up to lean our backs against the wall. Wanting him to come in, I waved over to him, "Hey Darren, nah we were just studying. What's up?" Normally Bryan or Zach would have done some crude joke but Darren didn't take that path, instead moving to widen the door to show Leon and Monty behind him. "Oh hey guys, come in."

The three of them shuffled into the room, making it suddenly very cramped. Kyle and I sat on one bed as the otheer three sat shouler to shoulder to avoid falling off the other mattress. Leon looked eager to see us, his smile lighting up the room. "The three of us were sondering if you wanted to join us but if we are interrupting your studying, maybe we can go another time."

Monty nudged Leon for being so forward and clarified hsi remark, "What he meant to say was are you two interested in joining us for a late night movie? We checked the listings before coming over here and Resident Evil is still playing if you are up for some zombie killing."

` Kyle had always had a soft spot for the undead so it was no surprise when Leon mentioned that movie. I actually wouldn't have been too surprised if they all watched the Walking Dead. Kyle looked at me with a wanting grin and I just sat there groaning. Zombie movies weren't my favorite but I endured them for him. "Fiinneee..." I grumble out, causing all of them to cry out in joy, the thought of Milla Jovovich beheading things bringing out their masculinity.

It didn't take us too long to get ready, the four of them all rushing me to find my jacket and wallet. We were out of there in less than 4 minutes after they entered, the sudden change still working on my mind. We all drove over in Darren's truck; Darren of course driving, Leon next to him and Kyle Monty and me stuffed in the backseat.

My suspisions about Darren being in the ROTC were confirmed as he drove; my wandering eyes taking in everything I saw. The first clue was the truck itself- I couldn't help but notice that most of the officers at Long Beach drove trucks, a normal telltale sign. The second clue was the Army logo in the right corner of his rear window, but that could have been from a relative. The final clue was some forms he had laying around, the report cards sliding out as he drove manically towards the closest theater. Given my relationship with the Army, I respected his choice to enlist. It didn't change how I felt about him though, his untrust of me still there at times.

We arrived in record time, though as we all unpiled I understood why. Each one of us, short Darren, were white in the knuckles from grabbing onto whatever we could. Leon, Monty and Kyle all ran off to get the tickets at Darren and I strode up to the cineplex. It wasn't often that Darren and I had these alone moments so he jumped on it as soon as wee were alone, "So how's school been going Chris?"

"It's been well, about a month in so I'm trying to study but at times the summer creaps back into me and makes me procrastinate. You? How's ROTC going?" Making small talk I did my best to be a friend to him, at least show interest in his every day occurances as well.

It's been well. We have an FTX in the mountains in a week so there is a lot of training going in right now. Beyond that school's been slow, just a test here and there but nothing stress worthy." Darren had a more relaxed walk to him tonight, which I enjoyed so I didn't have to meet his goals. "Just out of curiousity, and I know this is random, but at your tournament, just how hard was Northridge? Kyle told me a little about it, especiayl about a cocky player of theirs but I was wondering how hard your team had to fight."

Cocky player- Parker. It didn't take me long to connect the two but I knew from that moment Parker had a deeper impact on Kyle than he was letting on. Swallowing hard, I tried my best to avoid talking about Parker as it would have opened an inquesition that I didn't want to deal with at the moment, and especially not with Darren.

"Northridge was a tough team. They managed to catch everyone off guard and if we hadn't been watching them go against Kyle and the team, we would have probably fallen as well. As for Parker," Shit I just said his name. Fuck. Crap. "He isn't too much of a worry. I actually think he's just a newbie player that needs to be broken, almost like how we were last year, young and naive."

"So that's his name- Parker? Hmm... You two talk much?" Darren crossed his arms as a quick wind cut through us.

"Just enough to know him."Jokingly I add, "Gotta know the competition right?"

It blows over his head as he walks quietly, the two of us rejoining the group less than a minute after. The movie was good I guess, though like most movies now it left the endi ng for another sequal. Alice was a great character as usual, though the whole clone thing caught me off guard. I guess it would help to have seen the series again to relearn what is happening and why. The entire drive home, the four of them were very animated in their actions over the movie. I tried to join the conversation where I could but it was hard, especially when I had trouble at times even understanding what was going on.

Darren dropped us all off near the dorms at Fullerton and left to head back home. I felt that when the topic of Parker came up, something changed in him, as if I had just solidified my fate of distrust from him. Moving with Leon, Monty, and Kyle back towards the dorms, I felt like the third wheel but I was ok with it. It was cute watching Kyle become so enthralled over the movie, as if it could influence him in some way.

After getting them to their respective dorms, Kyle and I went on our own way, snuggling in the bitter night. With our arms interlinked, he led me towards him dorm, though given all the times I had been here now, I could probably do it myself. His closeness was nice to feel as we entered into the warm lobby, the instant heat thawing our skin.

After a quick shower together, we nestled into the bed and kissed for a little but refrained from any sex. It was nice to take a break for once and just BE with him. With the light out, I wanted to fall asleep but one thing kept popping on my mind- Parker. "Hey Kyle, I have something I want to talk with you about." Rolling over in the bed to look at him through the moonlight, I rub his arm as I glance at his toned chest. "What do you think of Parker?"

Kyle rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling, a sign that this probably wouldn't be too good. "I don't know. I don't like him but I don't know him too well. Why?"

Resting my hang on his chest, I lean my head against his shoulder and look at him. "Please don't get mad," You know it's funny how people always get mad when you say that right? "but I have been talking with him. He texted me out of nowhere after the tournament and I am trying to figure him out, get to know him and all."

Kyle shuddered slightly and moved away from me slightly, forcing me to scoot towards him. "Please be careful around him. I don't trust him Chris. He seems... sketchy." He looked over to me with pleading eyes, the sapphire color glimmering under the fall mood.

Leaning up to kiss his forehead, I advise him in the most comforting voice I had, "Kyle, I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have. Parker may be sketchy but don't worry about him. I'm not."


Well, after a long time without Peter, we finally see how he is doing and a little has changed for him. What do you think about Chris being a spokesperson for LGBT athletes on campus? Is he mature enough for it? Let me know what your thoughts are.

Next: Chapter 67: The Ultimate Challenge 11

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