The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Apr 10, 2012


While this chapter is not an erotic one, it has been a while since I have put up a disclaimer that this is a romantically erotic story. If you have any issues with but not limited to: sex, cursing, dark scenes (bashing, attacks, etc.), this is probably not a good story for you. I am trying to make it as realistic as possible so if there are any situations that I should take note of in the future please let me know. Thank you.

Also when it pertains to politics and other slightly sensitive issues, I try to maintain an open mind while covering all bases. I do my best to step back and look through how they might feel in the situation. If you feel I am being too biased please let me know on that as well. Enjoy the story. :)

After my run in with my sister, I had not been able to get back to Fullerton to talk with Kyle. Even though we had not seen each other, we still were trading texts at an astounding rate. You know when your parents get on your case about the explosion of texts messages you send when you get a better phone, well Kyle was my new phone. No I am not saying that he is a toy to play with but the connection that I have with him is feels so strong.

Over the next two weeks we constantly sent sappy love texts to each other, the typical "Hey sexy how was your day" or "I miss you, can't wait to see you again." Every morning it would be a race to send the first good morning text or in the case of evenings the last good night text. We also took time to get to know each other further; young crushes, first time we had sex (when we were horny at night), which celebrity we think is hotter, etc.

Also during the two weeks I tried to focus on my English project a bit more. I was surprised to find many sites dedicated to the "top 100" gay novels or this person's top ten or that person's top twenty. While I was able to locate all these picks online, when it came to being able to find them at the local bookstores, they were almost nonexistent. Some store had limited LGBT sections while others were erotic. Oh and speaking of erotic, I did manage to stumble upon an erotic stories website called Crafty. I saved that as alternative for porn.

Practice got a little more relaxed, us practicing hammers and perfecting our zone tactics. After getting it sprung on us by Fullerton at the tournament, we wanted to be able to fight fire with fire. We also had a few more members join the team, a transfer student from CSU Bakersfield named Adam and a sophomore called Matthew. We dubbed him Matt, to make it quicker and easier to say. Adam was a bit heavyset, but he carried his weight well. Being that we don't hold tryouts to play, he was able to join up. Pike picks the players to compete by those who show up. Matt was a thin guy, stringy mop style dirty brown blonde hair covering his dark maroon eyes. I typically was up at the front, working the cup position. Bryan and Tyler, being some of the taller ones in the team, took the rear to cover the end zone. It worked well for Bryan, having played quarterback in high school, to be calling the shots and telling people where to be going and what players are where.

The end of the second week was when the General was supposed to be coming home so Ally and I had planned out when we were going to get him. His plane apparently landed at noon from LAX so she picked me up at around ten to head over.

The ride over with Ally was kind of awkward, still dealing with her walking in on Kyle's nude body covering mine. We made small talk the ride over, completely avoiding the Kyle topic, covering other things like how our classes are going. There were a few times when we got stuck in traffic but we managed to make it to airport in 45 minutes. Not too bad for LA traffic. Taking another half hour to search for a parking spot, we finally arrived at LAX at 11:20. 40 minutes to kill before dad arrives.

We both make our way through the congestion of people coming and going, heading into the Tom Bradley Terminal. His plane was coming over from China, having stopped at Beijing then Hawaii. Looking at the arrivals/departures board, we saw that his plane was way ahead of schedule, arriving in the next ten minutes. Ally and I work our way to the arrivals area and sit down. We are both antsy about seeing the General, our first time in a year.

The half hour passed by quickly; us noticing when his plane landed, and then looking for people to start unloading. When we first caught eye of him, he was limping, evidence of his leg wound. He was in uniform, carrying only two duffle bags. A few other soldiers accompanied him, their families shouting out for their husbands or wives. We didn't need to call out, the General catching us in his eye right when he exited the queue.

Ally pipes up first, making a joke at his disability. "We know you are old but milking it out with a cane is a bit much don't you think?" Ally takes one of his bags while I take the other. His beret is under his injured shoulder, his flakey hair glistening under the lights.

Glaring at Ally, he retorts, "I may be old but I still move like a lion. Just a very old lion." Hobbling down the corridor we make a quick line for the exit, trying to get out of the crowds as soon as possible. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a blue placard, "Plus, you scoff all you want, being old err injured allows for me to get preferred treatment." He smiles at us as we reach the doors.

Ally leads the way to the car, commenting on the way, "I thought the Army didn't take preferred treatment." I laugh slightly at the comment.

"Are you kidding, I am going to use this thing for everything that it is good for." The General laughs. We might be moving at a brisk pace, but he is able to keep up with us, barely touching the cane to the ground before moving off again.

We manage to approach the car without any irate drivers honking angrily at us. Ally unlocks the doors and we place the bags in the trunk. The General takes the front passenger seat while I take the middle back seat. "So now that you are back, anything that you are itching to have?" Ally remarks as she starts to navigate the maze of cars and parking structures. Eventually she works her way back out to the 405 which has frozen to a standstill at the typical lunch hour break.

The General looks around the valley, seeing all the signs promoting video games, food, vacations, and flights. Passing an In-N-Out sign, Ally notices his eyes remain on the burger. Not even having to take his words Ally comments to everyone, "In-N-Out it is. I am more of a Habit person myself but you have always had a thing for animal style fries." Weaving her way through the traffic, Ally manages to get off at the closest exit and goes on the hunt for an In-N-Out. It doesn't take us long to locate one though, our hunger slightly spiking in all of us. Rushing to get in line, our stomachs rumble at the smell of the greasy fries and meat.

Ally orders for the General while he moves to find a place to sit. While we wait in line, Ally looks over at me, tossing questions at me. "So what are you getting Chris?" We both look up at the menu then she starts her second question before I can answer the first, "Does he know about Kyle?"

Glancing over at her, "I am getting a double cheeseburger with cheese fries. Neapolitan shake. And yes, well slightly. He knows that I am seeing Kyle but he doesn't know details." I look at her, my eyes boring into hers. "If he asks, yes I have had sex. You don't need to tell him you walked in on Kyle and I. That can be omitted from your memory if at all possible."

We move forward slightly as Ally closes her eyes and shakes her head. "God Chris, if I could I would. I have seen you nude multiple times but never with another guy. And Kyle of all people. Do you know how awkward it has been around him? He blushes everything he passes me. I know I am supposed to get to know my halls but that is way more than I wanted to see of Kyle." We move up to the register and start ordering. After paying Ally grins at me, "Nice body though, that guy."

Knowing it will be a while before our food is ready, we move back to the table that the General had saved. I am still red at the cheeks from Ally's comment of Kyle's body, which the General takes immediate notice of. "What were you two talking about?" A sly grin forms over his lips, eyes shifting between me and Ally.

Ally, being the sister that she is, immediately blurts it out. "Nothing. Just how I walked in on him waking up next to a guy who I watch over in my hall." She speaks it a little too loud, some conversations hushing down at the proclamation.

Immediately growing red, I jump into the bench and shrink down to avoid the stares of people around us. The General laughs wholeheartedly, tears starting to form at his eyes. "Oh dear, to see your face Chris, that is amazing."

"It's not funny dad!" I quietly shout to him, defiant staring at him. Ally sits down next to me allowing me to return the outing by punching her in the shoulder. "You deserve that so no whining."

Ally instead breaks out laughing as well, "You should have seen his face, complete terror when I walked in on him. Best part was Kyle, the guy he is seeing, tried to cover him but only made it worse by showing me his entire body. That poor boy has been shy around me ever since."

Hearing our number being called, I take that out and usher Ally to let me collect the food. Walking past the parents and families around us, some frown, but most smile. One teen hanging out with his parents starts clapping, embarrassing his family.

I collect the food and head back to the table, the conversation has changed now to classes and how Ally is doing. Being a junior, she is taking more of her major focused classes of Peace and Conflicts. The General is quizzing her on certain situations but stops once I sit back down. Before I start digging in, my phone vibrates. Quickly checking it, it is Kyle asking if the General has landed alright and to say hi. I shoot a quick text back saying he has and that we are eating.

I look back up to see the General and Ally looking at me, their mouth's full of food. The look is still on their faces, that "wonder who that is" look. Quickly moving in to my burger, I avoid having to talk about it. "So how long are you here for?" I raise the question to the General in between bites.

Swallowing his food, he pulls out his phone and responds. "Well there is a military dinner on Thursday that I am going to, I hope you two are free as well, then I am heading up to Sacramento to check out the house." Moving into his fries, he starts picking out the most covered ones, the cheese, onion, and dressing dripping down to other fries.

"Military dinner? What all is going on?" Ally asks. Half of her burger is missing, having evaporated into thin air.

"Well it is a formal meet and greet. Talking with senators and congressmen about the war. Fighting for budgeting and all. Typical stuff that I don't care to be a part of but need to be." The General takes a swig out of his drink, looking at both of us. "Are you two free Thursday to accompany your old man to a meet and greet?"

Ally and I both nod our heads. While this might be getting in the way of Frisbee, I am sure that Pike will understand. It will be the first one I miss so I am ok with it. The General continues, focusing more on me, "I know you have a tendency to get heated over the whole Don't Ask, Don't Tell issue but since that is repealed, think I can have a civilized evening?"

"I'll do my best but no promises. I will defend who I am if it comes down to it." I state to the General, knowing this might cause a few issues.

"Just try. For me." The General almost pleads with me on this issue.

The rest of lunch was quick; us all nearly finished with our food. Ally didn't eat all her fries so the General and I fought over who would get them. Dividing them in half, we finish it off. After washing our hands, we move to the car and back out to driving. The General said that he was staying at the Seal Beach Naval Station so we headed down the 405 to drop him off. After going through the checkpoint it was a quick line to his housing. We dropped his bags off and then said our goodbyes. Before we left, he gave Ally and me a hug then told us that the base is where the gala was going to be held.

Monday was a rollercoaster of a day. It was not that anything big happened (classes were as to be expected) but with me presenting my English project on Wednesday I was still trying to find some good novels to talk about. Practice for Frisbee was relaxed, Pike again reiterating to us that it is midterm season. While we all had exams, he did try to get us to keep coming out as, and in his very words, "Frisbee is a great way to relax. You get fresh air; exercise instead of sitting all day, and to talk with others." We practiced our pop pass drills and zoning but the last hour was mostly spent to us playing games.

Our practice was slightly interrupted by the soccer team tossing a few taunts over at us, primarily focusing on me. Pike and Andrew held back Bryan and Zach from fighting as the team walked away. That was also a great way to come out to the new members on the team, Pike telling his gay friendly speech. Adam and Matt had no problem with it, brushing it off as if nothing happened.

Wednesday was my big day in English. I was kind of nervous about presenting the speech to the class but after talking with Mrs. Steiner, any doubts were quickly squashed. It was a simple 5 minute oral presentation but it seemed to take about 10. I covered several novels within the LGBT community that are well known, then brought up that for those who are not LGBT or know of any LGBT people, it makes it hard for them to hear of any topics.

The interest was perked when I started talking of the erotic novels, guys obviously showing interest in the lesbian novels. I will never understand how straight men can watch two lesbians make out and are turned on by it but when it comes to two guys making out they get all disgusted. I brought in my favorite novels, the Rainbow series written by Alex Sanchez. I talked of how it was interesting to get the whole Point of View writing, showing the love between the characters from all angles.

I finished up the talk with 30 seconds to spare but got a good applause from the group. There was one student in the back who while clapping, locked eyes with me. He had a sweet smile on his face that only disappeared when I sat down. I looked back at him every so often, him smiling at me every time. He was cute, wavy black hair reaching over his ears. He wore a typical Abercrombie and Fitch polo that defined his biceps to the ridges.

After class was over I worked the Frisbee stall, should anyone want to show interest in what it has to offer. Pike had wanted someone covering it during the lunch break as that was the time when most students were out and about. About halfway through it started getting busy, a campus tour group passing by here, teams walking by there.

I was surprised when the cute student from my English class came up to talk with me. "Hey you are in my English class right? I didn't know you played Frisbee." He sticks out his hand, meeting me half way.

"Yea, I saw you in the back today, do you always sit back there? And yes I am one of our many Frisbee players." I smile back at him. I attempt to check him out subtly, moving my eyes down from his hair to his eyes, a dark blue that envelopes me. His lips move but I didn't hear anything, being so caught up on him. "What?"

"We haven't officially met, I said my names Michael. I play rugby." He tosses an egg shaped ball at me. I catch it awkwardly, knocking off some pens from the table. Michael reaches over to pick up the pens, quickly allowing me to check out his ass real quick. The jeans he is wearing are a slim cut, so it shows his firm glutes. Placing the pens back on the table he continues, "I was wondering, if you don't mind me asking, how do you do it? I mean, word has been drifting through the sports teams on campus that you are gay, one of few that are out."

Caught off guard by the question, I stare at him blankly. "Umm, well our president made it a note from the beginning that the Frisbee team is very gay friendly. The team has defended me when it came to taunts from the soccer team. When there was that fight early on in the semester, Pike had gotten a few other sports societies together to defend the GSA on campus. There is the backing for the LGBT community; it is just that no one still wants to come out, for fear of what other teams might think. Or at least that is my opinion. Why? Are you gay?" I smile at him, trying to make it as welcoming as possible.

"To be honest, I really haven't given it much though. I have had feelings for men before but I haven't really acted on them. Women are alright but I don't feel as strong towards them as I do for men at times." Michael looks uncomfortable, so I toss him back the ball. He is shocked that I threw it at him but when he see's my smile, calms back down.

"Well, to be honest, there is not just gay, straight, or bi. I try to go by Alfred Kinsey's gay scale. Basically it says that we are not put into three categories but on a line. Some gay men do think that women are hot and would have sex with them maybe a few times but still are attracted solely to men. The same goes for straight men; they at times would enjoy an encounter with gay men but would rather have a female spouse for a partner." I write it down on a piece of paper, trying to best show it to him.

He grazes my hand as he takes the paper from me and turns it around, allowing for him a better look. "Here, have my number. If you want to talk, I am here. You are always welcome to come to the GSA to get more information as both gays and straights are there to help." Shrugging my shoulders I push the paper to him.

Before we can continue any further, a few of his teammates come up and start talking. "Thinking of switching teams Mike?" A large guy starts talking to him, while looking to me.

"Nah just talking with Chris, we share English together. I wanted to hear of how he felt he did on his project." Michael quickly changes subjects, subtly telling me to change subjects. Taking my cue to move on to a different subject, I talk with them about rugby and comparing sports. Before long they all leave me but within five minutes my phone twitters, notifying me that I have a new message.

Hoping it is Kyle; I reach for it and notice that it is instead Michael giving me his number as well. His text is short and simple, "Hey Chris, thanks for the talk. I am glad that you are there for me, I hope I was not too much of an inconvenience for you." I smile at the phone then text him back. After shooting Michael a text, I move to Kyle, "Hey I might be converting another one to our team haha."

The rest of the day was chilled and relaxed. I spent most of it studying in my room, referring to Zach for a test that I had tomorrow.

Thursday went pretty quick, the test in Biology coming out pretty easy. I spent the rest of the day prepping for the gala that night. Ally was supposed to be picking me up around 7 so I had a few hours to prep. As the night got closer I called Kyle via Skype and asked for his opinion on which color goes better, a straight black or black mixed with red. "Ok, I need you to focus on me and not my briefs. Yea it's been a while since we have hung out but I am working on it. This weekend k?"

On the screen Kyle playfully claws, as if he is trying to get through. "Fine. I would say red with black. Go red vest with black jacket. Red and black striped tie. How are things going?"

"Well besides missing you, everything is fine. Frisbee is prepping to take you down again in a week." Kyle coughs really loudly before I continue, "Classes are great. I think I did well on my Bio test, thanks to Zach. Scored on the English presentation."

"Yea about English, who is this rugby dude? You didn't really tell me much over the texts." Kyle crosses his arms, staring at me intently.

Catching the tone of the question, I move in to defensive mode "Are you jealous? There is nothing between us; him trying to figure where he stands on his affection to men and women, me having a huge crush on some possessive Fullerton student." That calms Kyle down a little as we talk about Michael a bit more.

Before long, Ally is ringing on my phone. Sad to end the conversation with Kyle, I tell him I have to leave. "Alright, take care tonight. K?"

Saying this for the first time, it kind of brought butterflies to my stomach. "I will. You too. I love you."

Kyle's eyes widen a little then moves back in. "I love you too."

I grab my jacket and head out the door, catching Ally as she pulls into the lot. Before long we head over to the gala, passing through the checkpoint and explaining our presence.

Before heading over, we pick up the General at his room. He looks pretty professional, rocking a suit, black tie and square rim glasses. We move into the car and cross the base to the meeting center where everyone is mingling. Entering in, the General is automatically assaulted by a fellow commander of his.

"General Jeremy Jacobs. So glad to see you again. Where is the uniform?" The big burley man grabs the General and pulls him in for a hug.

"Staff Sergeant Halen, how I have missed you." The General manages to squeak out. SSG Halen looks to be about 10 years younger than the General, still sporting a full set of hair. His sunny orange eyes match his hair as he looks over at Ally and me. "Sadly the uniform was destroyed in the battle so I was not able to get a replacement before tonight. I can tell you though that I know I will be hearing about it all night long."

Ally and I break off from the two talking and make our rounds the room. Ally gets caught up talking to some Staff Sergeant, him making it very obvious to flirt with her. I bee line it for the food, grabbing cheese bits, meatballs, and other small delicacies. I meander through the room, shaking hands with several high profile members of the armed forces, many of them knowing my dad.

The dinner call came at about nine, saving me from having made any more small chit chat. It was a decent dinner, steak with potatoes and vegetables. Nothing too elegant but enough to make sure that the Armed Forces keeps its face of providing a great food to its service members.

After the dinner was over, some of the members left but the small chat resumed. I was outside trying to escape it all when I was confronted by a Lance Corporal. "Hey you are the General's son right?"

Not really wanting to talk with him, I just nodded and looked over the courtyard. He didn't take the hint as he continued, "What is your name again, he has been talking about you on and off throughout the night.

Turning to him, I raised my left eyebrow at him. "I'm Chris, but why was my dad talking about me? He was supposed to be talking military stuff, stuff that I really don't show much interest in."

The Lance Corporal sticks out his hand and sways, "Hi my Keith." A whiff of alcohol swirls through my nose, a bit strong for my taste. My guess is that he has had too many to drink. Keith doesn't let up, talking about how my father is a hero for talking with the `rag heads' and being one of few Generals who will go to the camps to actually talk person to person.

The guy is starting to get on my nerves but I hope that he leaves soon. What he says next hits my nerve. "So what are your views on Don't Ask Don't Tell getting repealed? Personally I am against it. I don't think men should show their affection for each other on the field."

Looking at him incredulously, I try to choose my words carefully. "It is soo much more than just showing `affection' on the field. What about off the field? What about not having to lie about who you are?"

"Off the field, well in most states, it's illegal to get married so affection should be right there too. It is wrong on so many levels to be gay." The guys spits on the ground to the side of us. He shakes his head in disgust.

Trying to contain my anger, I calmly state, "I don't feel like having this conversation with you. I am going in to find my sister."

"What? You can't tell me you agree with the repeal." It is almost as if he is taunting me into fighting with him. But it worked.

Turning back to him, I tear into him. "Listen you shit! Get your head into the 21st century. The majority of Americans, which YOU fight for, support marriage equality. Not just that, I AM gay. Everything you said right there was rude and disrespectful." My anger has gotten the better of me, moving my body really close to him.

Reacting in the same manner, he explodes at me, "You better watch who you are talking to son! I may have to follow the president's orders but I don't at ALL agree with him. I would be content with restricting how the gays work in the military and what rights they do and do not have. By displaying your sexual preference for all to see and hear, that shows individuality which is not cohesive for working in the armed forces."

Before I can say another word, the General cuts in. "Lance Corporal, step down." His presence has attracted a few gawkers, wondering what the commotion is.

Keith looks at me then back at the General. "You're lucky your father is a General. Otherwise this night would have ended a whole lot differently for you."

"Is that a threat?" I heatedly ask him. My anger is still high, the General not doing anything to subdue it.

"Chris, you too: Stand DOWN!" The General glares at me. Keith walks off, pushing his way through the crowd. "What did I tell you about making a scene?" His back is to the watchers, me seeing everyone stare. Ally appears with a younger man at the door.

"You taught me to stand my ground! He started attacking not only gays in general but me personally. I tried to walk away but he was too much of an ass to see it!" I cross my arms and look away from the General, avoiding those Bronze eyes shooting fire at me.

"Look at me. I will back you to the wall, but there are times when you have to accept that I will not always be here for you. Know what battles to pick. Christ Chris you are just like you mother, strong willed and stubborn." The General backs away from me a little, allowing me some room for air. He is still pissed at me, arms crossed in the fatherly style.

"I am going to head home. Ally could you take me?" I look back at the General while speaking to Ally at the door. My eyes fight the fire in the General's eyes, equal flames burning but for different causes.

Ally pipes up quietly, "Yea, are you going to be ok to get back to your apartment Dad?" Ally's date, an airman, offers to take the General home.

I work my way past the General and towards Ally. "Get him home Ally."

Ally and I work our way through the crowd and to the car; the entire walk and journey home no words are spoken. I am still fuming over the asshole and his comments. Then the General not standing up for me only adds to the anger.

Before I know it, Ally is dropping me off at the parking lot. "Hey, he means the best for you." Ally tries to offer words of encouragement as I open the door.

"He has a weird way of showing it." I mutter to her as I step out. Closing the door, I let her start to drive off. Turning around I realize how dark it actually has gotten. It is about 11 at night so I start to head around the left side of the dining hall, trying to stay in the lit up areas.

As I walk into the quad though, I see a group of 3 men standing around the front of my hall. Had I not been fired up, my senses might have missed or dismissed them. The more center into the quad I get, the more I begin to see that they are blocking the entrance into the hall. A warning flag shoots off in my head, so I start to head around to the back of the building.

The men start to follow me, silently creeping up behind me. I pick up my pace, hoping to not have to confront them. Problem is though there is a small group of men at that entrance as well. Too late too, the group at the back see me. I try to back step towards an emergency phone but am cut off by the front group.

Putting on the best face I can, "Hey I'm not in the mood to fight tonight. I would really like to just get to my room." I start to move towards an open corridor but am quickly cut off by one of the men. Looking at his face for the first time, I notice that he is wearing a ski mask. That warning flag turns into a ringing bell as I turn back to the middle of closing circle.

"What is it you want?" I hiss at the group. The noose is tightening to the point where I can't escape. Realizing this will be a fight I shift my stance, hoping to keep as many in my view as possible. "Six on one is not a fair fight."

"Consider this a first warning if you keep playing sports, fag." One of the attackers jeers at me. I can almost see smiles on each of their masked faces.

Normally I don't like to throw the first punch but given the situation, I was already feeling as if my safety was being compromised. Finding the shortest one, I lash out at him. Moving a quick jab step to the left, I go to punch him in the gut. His reaction time is quick but I manage to place the blow.

He crouches over, gasping for air while the others start to move in. Knowing it is futile to scream for help, I continue my attack. Thank god for my dad teaching me some fighting skills. I may be pissed at him at this moment but I am more concerned with surviving the night. Channeling the rage from earlier in the night, I spin around and lift my foot up into one of the attackers face. He moves to grab his nose, reassuring me that it hit.

Before long though, I am overwhelmed by the other four guys. My balance on the one foot is knocked over as one of the men kicks the leg in. One of the other guys moves in to punch me right across the jaw. The stars shine bright for me, feeling the ground slam against my body.

I try to get back up but am kicked in the chest multiple times, ensuring my submissiveness. Grabbing out at one of the attackers legs, I try to pull him off his stance but instead have his other foot slam down on my arm. Pain shoots through my brain as I hear a crack. Not wanting to release my grip, I pull some hair from his leg, only to receive another stomp on the arm.

Curling up into the fetal position, I try my best to protect my vital organs. A few blows fly onto my head as I wrap my arms over them. The throbbing from my arm makes it hard to do though as more blows fly onto my chest. Nerves explode like bombs, sending millions of reports to my brain of injury. Feet being kicked, ribs under pressure, arm critical.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" A voice rings out over the quad. "Get away from him!"

The beatings slow down as the voice grows louder. Soon more voices join. "Leave him alone!" I hear feet running towards me as others run away. Trying to look at who is coming, I only see a shadow so I curl back up. The pain blistering my brain is starting to make me lose consciousness. I realize it too and try to fight to stay awake but the curtain is falling. Only able to croak out "Help", I start to seize.

Two familiar voices appear out in the distance, "That's right, run away! Assholes! Someone call 911!"

I look up to see Kyle standing over me, but it isn't his voice speaking. It is a mixture of Bryan, Zach and someone else. Trying to place my finger on it only furthers the onset of unconsciousness, me digging into my mind for whose voice it belongs to. Before long, I am lost in my own mind, everything around me black.

To everyone who reads my story, thank you for the comments and feedback. I have been enjoying everything that you have told me. I look forward to hearing more from you and if you have any ideas/suggestions, please feel free to let me know. Thanks :-D

Next: Chapter 8

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