The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Jul 18, 2013


Hey everyone, sorry it took me so long to get this out to you. I have the rest of this series written out I have just been very lax on actually writing it. I am trying to get myself back on track to posting. Enjoy :D


I had known Kyle lived in Santa Monica for a while now but as he drove through the 405 to turn onto the 10, I was beginning to wonder how into suburbia he was going to be. Unlike where I lived where we had huge plots of land, down in the LA basin land was hard to come by, especially being less than 10 miles from the beach. Unlike the last time he surprised me by driving aimlessly around to end up on the pier, this time he knew where he was going, and he showed it.

Weaving between cars left and right, Kyle demonstraited that he was a true LA native; his eratic motions left and right unnerving me at times. He held a cool demeanor as he punched the throttle to accelerate past a slow econobox of a car. Gripping the safety bar above my head, I gave him a stern look, hoping he would slow down. Kyle just looked at me and smirked, "What? They're tourists who don't know how to drive."

Shaking my head, I watched as we pulled off the freeway at 4th street. Peering at the bridge to the west of me, I yearned to see the sandy beach. Kyle caught my glaces and commented, "I could have gone further but I didn't want to deal with the traffic. It's a toss up at times taking this exit versus the next." Shrugging my shoulders, I smiled, happy just to be with him at the moment.

Kyle gripped the wheel firmly as he moved the car left and right between the traffic, heading north parralleling the freeway. Stopping at a yellow light, something I was surprised to see him do, he broke the silence over the music, "I've been mulling this over in my head, and I don't want you to get worried over it but I feel it'd be best to tell you." That's cryptic. "If, and it most likely will happen, my friends confront you about us, it's because they are being protective. After what happened last year, they have been super cautious about who I bring home, and the fact that it's you will only complicate things."

I couldn't help but laugh as I thought of what Tay did for me last year. "We all have friends like those. I'll take it as a compliment that they are grilling me."

Kyle was dead serious though as he continued on, "Yea true but really. Like they will be watching you like a hawk. It will be insane."

"Watching me like Darren does?" I couldn't help but bring him up, wondering what Kyle would say.

Kyle snickered a little as he increased his speed slightly to make a green light, "You've noticed that? I tried to tone him down as much as I can but I can only do so much."

Helping to calm him down on the Darren topic, I muse, "I think he's starting to come around. Slowly... but he is coming." Pulling onto Palisades Ave, I muttered under my breath that we were heading away from the beach, something I hoped wasn't going to happen.

Kyle laughed lightly as he slowed down a lot. "Quit complaining. I live right on the other side of the divide." I blushed slightly that he heard me, my shame coming out to his amusement. The neighborhood was really sweet, no two houses the same. Passing around the divide, Kyle pulled into his house, a maroon colored two story house with white strippings. It was being covered by a huge tree, its rustic leaves towering over the roof.

Turning off the car, the two of us sat there for a moment, each of us taking in the scene but for two different reasons. He was glad to be home and I could tell. The way he glowed as he looked over his family's property warmed my heart, the pride he took in his home endearing. I was in awe of it all. It was almost stereotypical but not so much to make it annoying. I enjoyed it all.

As we moved from our cramped locations, two college aged adults crossed the street to confront us, their shouts making Kyle turn around, "It's about time you get here punk!" Wondering what was going on, I watched as Kyle mischeviously smiled and ran to tackle the guy on the grass.

Shutting my door carefully, I try to assess the situation. Kyle gets up and laughs as they all hug: a guys and a girl. The girl spoke next as she hugged Kyle tightly. "This him? The guy you've been talking about?" She had a twinkle in her eyes as she looked from Kyle to me. She was a firey little girl, her peite figure rocking deep red hair with dark blue eyes. The braclets on her arms jingled as she continued hugged Kyle.

Kyle nodded his head to his friends and waved me to come closer, "Guys this is my boyfriend Chris." The way he beamed showed that he was proud to call me his.

The girl unlatched herself from him and made her way over first. With her right arm extended I moved closer for an expected hug but instead was greeted with a stinging slap to the face. Stunned, I recoiled and moved back quickly, trying to evade her. She didn't relent, instead moving to hug me as intended. "That was for hurting Kyle. Don't do it again." Her hug was tight, showing how much she cared about Kyle though me.

"I wasn't planning on it. And you are?..." My cheek stung like crazy as Kyle and his friend all moved up to figure out what just happened.

Kyle blurts out shocked, "Haley, what the hell was that?" His face went white as he grew concerned for my well being.

Haley comments, "That was my way of saying hi. Don't make me tell him what I did to YOU when we first met." She looks at me playfully, "It was a whole lot worse trust me. It's so great to finally meet you Chris. I hope I didn't hurt you too much."

Rubbing my cheek, I swallow my pride as cough out, "Nah it's fine." I really didn't know what to say. 'You slap like a girl?' She was a girl- and that slap hurt a LOT.

The other guy who hadn't introduced himself stepped forward at that point, extending his hand. Looking at it cautiously, then him, I slowly reach out to shake it. "Great job Haley you scared him. I'm not going to hurt you. I reserve that for Kyle. I'm Vincent." He was a tall broading guy, probably a year or two older than Kyle. His flowing brown hair hung over his ears, his brown eyes trying to hide behind his overgrown bangs. He had the definite skateboarder look going on. It was hard at first to try and imagine Kyle going through a skateboader phase but looking to him as he held our duffle bags I began to see it take shape. He was laid back enough to roll with the flow and, given the right push like Haley and Vincent, he could be swayed into boarding.

Shaking Vincent's hand, his firm grip expressed what wasn't being said, "Don't hurt him or I'll hurt you." The smile though was genuine, his parted lips at ease in my presence. Kyle interrupted the moment by passing by us, giving Vincent a look that seemed to mean, "Time to let my boyfriend go." Vincent released me and stepped back a bit towards Haley, allowing me to move to Kyle to take a bag. Kyle, with a free hand now, waved to his friends, "It was nice seeing you guys but we need to settle in. We'll talk in a bit."

Kyle ushered me into his house, slowly shutting the door behind him. "MOM, DAD I'M HOME!" He shouted past me as he started to move down the hallway. Walking behind him, I take the time to revile in his family pictures.

Each home has a different story to tell and it is with that that I always enjoy seeing their backgrounds. Kyle's family portraits were interesting in a way I wasn't expeccting. He had told me a long time ago that he was an only child but seeing the pictures of just him and his parents brought it all to perspective. Even though Tay was an only child, with Ally and I growing up with his family there were plenty of photos with us in it. Here it felt so small, so empty in certain frames.

Coming up behind me, Kyle rested his head on my shoulder and reflected on what he was looking at. "Being an only child has its ups and downs. If I had a sibling we probably wouldn't be living in Santa Monica. Coversly, it would have been nice to have a sister like you do, heck a brother to fight with would be great." He was somber in his speech, the idea of a larger family appealing to him.

Cheering up the mood, I reply after I peck him on the lips. "Well I didn't have a real brother but a friend and I butt heads a bit. It gets old after a while. As for sisters... Well they tend to do what they want no matter what you say." I thought back to all the times that Ally had driven me up the walls with her antics. I'm sure that it was just the same for her when she thought of me.

Coming back to reality, I looked around the house and down the hallway. The walls were a welcoming sandy creame color, its aura being matched by the darkwood picture frames. The furniture was well chosen as well, a beachwood brown leather set all focused around the on the wall. This house felt like a stereotypical beach house, but it wasn't obnoxious about it.

Kyle's mom called out from a sideroom up the hallway, her cheery voice ringing through the rafters. "Hey, I'm back here. How was the drive? Chris here as well?" A huge stone formed in my stomach as I heard steps approaching the doorway. Pressing into the doorframe of the livingroom, I watched hestitantly as she popped her head out.

Kyle hugged his mom, a petite woman whose golden locks dropped over her back. If I didn't know she was Kyle's mom, I could have mistaken her for a much younger woman. Age had been really nice to her, the distinct lack of lines on her face giving an almost flawless appearance. Shocked at her beauty, it suddenly hit me where Kyle got his good looks from. I could only imagine how handsome his father must be.

As Mrs. Thompson was being crushed by Kyle, she looked past him towards me, seeing my face peeking out from the wall. "You must be Chris. Kyle, you never told me he looked this handsome." Kyle immedaitely blushed as his mom came over to hug me as well, giving me the instant impression this was a very touchy feely family. "Hi, I'm Emily."

Releasing me to catch my breathe, I coughed out weakly, "Hi. I'm Chris."

Mrs. Thompson, er Emily, took a step back to allow me to take in the moment. It might take me a while to get over the whole formalities thing. Shocking my senses, Emily called out, "Bennette! Get in here and meet Kyle's adorable boyfriend!" My face went flush right there and Kyle's went snow white, the nerve of what she had just done embarrassing him to the core.

Mr. Thompson stumbled in through the back door, grass and leaves hanging from his burly hair. He was a darker blond, but looked to fit Emily well. A midsized man, he was slightly taller than me but not by much. His Opal eyes were wide with excitement as he rushed forward to hug his son. "Welcome home son."

Kyle was about equal with him as his dad attempted to lift him into the air, though quickly stopped to rub his back. The twinkle in his eyes as he looked at me told me he was proud of his son. "Hi, I'm Bennette." He reached out his hand, to which I shook. His grip was firm but not to the point of causing pain. He looked to be in his late 40's, slight grey forming on the side of his head. Where as Kyle got the looks from his mother, he had his father's personality, the freeflowing smooth talking demeanor putting me at ease.

Kyle stepped forward, interjecting himself between his parents and me. "Well... I'm going to take him to my room." He gently grabbed me by the arm and dragged me away from them. I simply waved as I was whisked away.

Tossing me inside his room, he quickly shut the door and fell face first onto his bed. Murmuring through the bedsheets, he sputtered out, "I'm soo sorry about how you are meeting my friends and family. This is so embarrassing."

Tossing my bag against the wall, I sat down on his bed, the blue and white sheets molding to my body. "Kyle, it's alright. My family probably would have done the same thing... Well my dad at least. Ally already knows you. My friends though, yea they might do something similar." I thought back to when Tay was snooping on Michael and me, his binoculars peering out of his window.

Kyle's room was really clean. Like super clean. My guess was that since he moved away to college, his family converted it into a sort of guest room. In the window was a small plant growing. The dressers were mostly bare of all items, only a picture frame of the family and a radio clock. The walls matched Kyle's eyes, the glowing blue radiating as the falling sun cast its final glimmers over us. Standing up, I wander over to the desk, his final holdout of claim to the room.

Although Kyle was not overly flamboyant about his sexuality, small signs here and there could be picked up to note that he was gay. For instance, right next to his desk on the wall hung a calendar with sports men for each month. Only difference was these men were barely dressed, or in some cases, not dressed at all. The nude photos had equipment cleverly covering their genitals. A soccer player seductively holding the ball for April, March a basketball player shooting a hoop with his bare ass showing, February a football player posing for the toss, each of them the months that their respective sports played. I couldn't help but get slightly turned on by the pictures.

Readjusting myself and moving on, I looked at his computer setup, a basic computer most likely hiding much more inside it. At times Kyle was known to be tech suavy, even though he didn't let onto it too much. Breaking my attention, I saw Kyle toss a pillow at me, then quickly proceeded to burrow back into his bed as if nothing happened. Leaning to the side, the pillow flopped harmlessly to the ground. "What was that for?" I scoffed, picking up the pillow to plan my counterattack.

Muffled, Kyle muttered out, "What? I didn't do anything." Even though he couldn't see it, I sneared at him and rose from the seat. Attempting to be as stealthy as possible, I made my way to him, then jumped on him, batting his back and butt with the cussion. Kyle squirmed and laughed as he tried desperately to break free from my barrage, the effort futile as I continued to pummle him into submission.

Seeing him lying below me in the fetal position still giggling histerically, I dove down and rolled him onto his back, his eyes flashing wide in wonder of what I was going to do. Pulling his arms back from his chest, I leaned in to kiss him, my eyes closing in the process. Kyle relaxed his body, stretching out his legs and pulling my neck down to him to increase the romantic gesture.

"Hey Kyle, what were you and Chris- Oh I am so sorry." Emily suddenly opens the door and walks in on us, startling all three of us. Her face though was priceless, her son under his boyfriend, both romantically kissing and in the moment. She went white for a second, then quickly red as her embarrassment took over.

Kyle and I were no different, quickly rolling off each other, me to face the computer, Kyle to face his mother. "MOM! Knock next time!" He was shaking, the moment getting shot down into oblivion. "Sorry for shouting, what's up?"

Shaking myself, I was both embarrassed and amused, trying my best not to laugh as what just happened. Pulling my lips into my mouth, I clench them hard as I turn to face his mother. She looked at me with a twinkle in her eye, the "I caught you two in the moment" look gazing upon us. With complete composure, she asked to the two of us, "Unless you two are busy, your dad and I were wondering if you wanted to grab dinner."

Muttering out to himself, though making it slightly obvious, Kyle responded, "Well we're not anymore." Raising his voice more he replied, "Sure, when and where?"

Emily turned and walked out the door, leaving us to get ready, "Five minutes, Beachside Grill." As she walked away, Kyle fell back onto his bed and smothered his head with the pillow.

After rearranging myself AGAIN, I looked at Kyle and saw he had a slight tent. Crawling my hands up his legs, I reach the rim of his pants and went inside. Giving a few strokes to his cock, I rearranged it and pulled my hand out. Tapping him on the leg, I stand up and say, "Come on lets go."

Kyle pulled the pillow off and stood up as well, whispering into my ear, "I've never felt so cockblocked in my life. By my own mother. MY OWN MOTHER." Smiling at him, I amuse myself with his downtrodden expression, following him out of the room.

When Wednesday rolled around Kyle literally dragged me out of the house to get away from his parents. I thought they were amazing, but with the way they were toying with him, I could tell he was slowly starting to get fed up. Haley and Vincent joined us for our trip to the beach, the three of them all desperate to show me their memories of growing up and interacting with each other.

Tagging along with not much of a say in the matter, I enjoyed the back and forth banter that they had, the proof in a way that they were such good friends that they claimedd to be. When lunch came around we ate at the Santa Monica Pier, the carnival food not overly healthy or filling but we didn't care. While Kyle was ordering food, I finally got the lecture I knew was coming. I had been expecting it from Darren for quite some time now but having Haley and Vincent give it to me was a whole different level.

Haley tore in first, breaking the lull of silence that had overcome the three of us. "Now that Kyle has stepped away, we need to talk." Very blunt, straight forward, as I knew it was going to be. "We don't want to see him get hurt again Chris. So if you're in this, make sure you see it through."

I just leaned back and chuckled. Haley paused for a second and looked at me bewildered. I calmly responded, "Haley, Vincent, you two have nothing to worry about. Kyle and I sorted everything out back in April. I don't plan on breaking his heart. And need I remind you, he's the one that screwed up the first time. But it doesn't matter, we've both moved on."

Vincent got to talk then, saying something that I, at that point, wasn't expecting. "Chris, this is different. He's always been a little guarded. When he messed up, and we both know cause we tore him a new one as well, he put up a wall, a wall we hadn't seen since sophomore year of high school."

My interest was suddenly perked by that. "What happened?"

Haley looked at Vincent, then to Kyle off in the distance, "Long story short, he fell in love with a sophomore and got his heart broken. He didn't date for three years... till he met you."

Wait what? Blinking a few times while processing it all, I look over to Kyle as he neared the register with our food. He seemed so cocky when we first met, the bravado about how he held the door for me and flirted. "What? How is that possible?" We didn't have long before Kyle returned. "He was really open when we first met. And the time at the club. There was no way he was guarded." I scoffed at the idea of it all.

Haley smiled, reminicing the moment. "Yea he did talk about you a lot at first. LIKE A LOT. But he was really worried you would also hurt him. That's kind of why it was very physical at first."

I turned my head slightly. "He told you about us? Like physically?" I tried not to be demanding but this was all news to me.

"Yea, but that's besides the point. You remember all the sex you two had?" Ohh yes I did. Vincent was being quiet as Haley continued, him occasionally looking towards Kyle as the lookout. "Well he eventually began to fall in love with you and it scared him. He didn't know how you felt so to make himself think it was physical, he slept with his roommate." I really didn't want to be going through this at the moment but Haley was on a roll and I really wanted to know what all she knew.

"After you found out and called it off on him, he came to terms with the fact that you actually did love him but that he lost it by screwing up. He had become the very thing he despised. And it hurt him a lot. After the whole Leon rebound phase, " Haley shakes her head in disgust, "he wentt back into his slump." Hence playing for Irvine. It was slowly starting to make sence.

Vincent turned towards us hastely and quipped, "He's coming back. Wrap it up."

Haley looked at me deeply, concern for her best friend deep in her eyes. "Just please Chris, don't hurt him again."

Well that was a very sombering experience. I looked at Kyle as he approached us, a happy smile on his face. He sat down next to me and distributed the food. I did my best to smile but now knowing what I did, it made the emotions harder to grasp. So instead I leaned over and hugged him, a completely spastic movement but one that I had hoped expressed how much I loved him. Whispering into his ears, I softly say, "I love you Kyle."

Kyle stunned at my movement, took a second, then hugged me back. Patting me on the back he repeated back to me, though more as a question. "I love you too?" Then he looked at his friends and squinted his eyes, "What did you say to him?"

Haley shrugged her shoulders and took a bite of her sandwhich. After swallowing she nonchalantly replied, "Only what he needed to know."

When Thursday rolled around, the day seemed to fly by quick. Yea it was Thanksgiving but after watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and playing Uno with his family, Kyle and I were quickly shuffled out of the house. Kyle only said as the excuse, "They don't like me home when they cook beccause half of the batter disappears." I laughed at the statement but understood completely. So as a way to pass our time we went to the beach again and just hung out, the two of us talking about our holiday traditions and the obsurdity of some of them.

Around 5pm we got the 'OK you can return' text from his dad and began our trek to his place. Walking along 1st street towards Palisades, our fingers brushed against each others at times and slowly, they began to interlace themselves. It felt so natural to hold his hand, the curvature of his palm fitting mine, the texture of his skin complimenting my own. Normally I wouldn't think anything of it but this one moment seemed to stand out for me, one of those small moments in life we love so dearly.

When we got back dinner was literally waiting on the table for us. Washing up quickly, we quickly sat down. Kyle said the evening prayer, something I hadn't done in a long while, and then we dug in.

The food was amazing. The roast beef juicy but not too raw. The mashed potatoes had the right amount of butter to salt ratio in them. And then the rolls- they were homemade! The fluffiness of their buttery goodness filled my mouth with joy. I was a college student enjoying a well cooked meal and I savored every bite.

Emily paused first to start the conversation, opening it up towards me, "So Chris, any fun plans for winter break?"

I swallowed hard as I looked at Kyle. This was now a good moment to talk about studying abroad. I implored with my eyes to tell them. He had a slight fear in his eyes, the apprehension scaring him. "Actually, I'm going to be prepping to study abroad. I'm heading to England next semester."

They weren't shocked as I had expected them to be. Here they had just met their son's boyfriend and he just told them he's going abroad for a semester. In fact... they looked impressed. Bennette then looked to Kyle and posed the question, "Have you thought of going abroad Kyle?"

Kyle looked at them then to me then to them. Placing his silerwear on the table, he comments, "Umm... yea... Well, I'm actually joining Chris." The unease of his statement made me feel slightly uncomfortable as well.

Looking at his parents, I tried to gauge their reactions. They were making it hard as they looked at each other. Emily turned back and only muttered "Oh." His dad just got up and walked out of the room, leaving us in an awkward situation.

"DAD!" Kyle cried out as he watched his father step out. "Mom, I've been meaning to tell you for a while."

His dad quickly returned with a bag and set it beside him on the floor. "Kyle, speaking for your mother and myself, first off, we are disappointed you hadn't told us earlier. Second off," he reaches down into the bag and pulls out a study abroad form for CSU Fullerton, "We had actually wanted to see if you wanted to go abroad."

Kyle's shock was adorable. "Wait what? You want me to go abroad?"

Bennette and Emily both responded with "Well yea!" Then Emily took over. "It'll be great for you and look great on the resume. Plus it'll give us an excuse to come over and visit." The smiles on his parent's faces made me glad that I strongarmed him into going abroad.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of it all. How hard it had been to coax Kyle into filling out the application only to have his parents wanting him to do it all along. I wondered when they would have asked him the question of going abroad. The rest of the dinner was filled with banter: the ideas flowing from his parents on where they want to visit, where we should go, and what all we should do.

That night it was quiet, watching a movie with Kyle on the couch. His parents had already gone to bed down the hall so the house was silent. "This was a very enjoyable Thanksgiving. Thank you Kyle." I turn around and kiss him on the lips, our enwrapped bodies staying warm under the blanket.

Kyle held me close as he kissed me back. I rolled him into the cushions of the couch, cornering him under me. I was getting a slight tent down below and I could feel as I slid my body against his that he was getting one as well. Pulling back from the passion Kyle squeeked out, breaking the silence, "Not now Chris. Especially not out here."

Stopping my thursts, I sigh and roll off to the floor. Whispering softly, I grab his thighs and stroke the blood up to his groin. "Ok, what about a quickey?"

Kyle groaned, either out of hesitation or out of ecstacy. I took it as the latter and nuzzled my mouth into his croach. Spreading his arms out his gripped the frame of the couch as I went to work releasing the belt from its confines and unbuttoning the top button. Weazling my teeth to his zipper, I pull it down, pulling him out a bit as well. Sitting at almost a 120 degree angle, Kyle looked down at my head, gently rubbing my hair in the process.

Pulling the demin apart, I slid down his pants to reveal his boxers, his cock already juicing an outline into it. Lowering the boxers down to his jeans at his kneecaps, I drooled in wonder at the cock that stood before me. Even with the dim lights I could still see it's girthy might, the full 6 inches of manhood presented on my boyfriend.

Not fighting the smell of his musk anymore, I moved in for the kill, wrapping my mouth around the crown, bobbing slightly. With each downward motion I made, more whiffs of his scent filled my nose; the deep filling of his pheromones covering my body. Soon this livingroom will smell like sex.

Kyle actually didn't take long to reach his orgasm, which kind of surprised me. I knew he had been pent up for a while but not to this degree. Catching the signs of his oncoming explosion, I tasted the cum as it slowly started to ooze into my mouth. His pre and actual load had two distinct flavors, like one was a teaser and the other the main course. Best part was I loved both equally. Kyle started to grip my hair tigher as I sucked harder, stroking him in the process. Feeling the veins plump up as his load shot through his cock, I realized I had less than a second to pull away. If I did though I would have gotten a facial covering, which normally I wouldn't have minded but not right now.

Fighting to maintain my clasp on his flesh, I felt him ejaculate into my mouth. Making a great effort to swallow as much as I could as fast as I could, I felt that I was losing the battle. His load was too big. Coughing up a bit of cum, I released my control and allowed for a bit to dribble down my chin. Wiping it off, I pull up his boxers and pants and coo, "Now that was fun wasn't it?"


Well I figured with my absence being as long as it had been, you all deserved a long chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. What did you think of it? The whole study abroad talk? Or how about Kyle's reasons for pulling away from Chris after their first breakup?

Next: Chapter 75: The Ultimate Challenge 19

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