The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Aug 20, 2013


Hey everyone, sorry it took me so long to get this out. A lot of changes happened on my end, such as my admittance to my Master's program and my move to a different university. I hope you all are doing well.


Blinking my eyes against the early morning sun, I stretched my arms over my boyfriends' nude body in an effort to close the window blinds. Looking over to the clock on the nightstand, I saw that it was approaching 7 in the morning, the alarm about to go off shortly. Realizing that if I made any further movements Kyle would awake, I just collapsed, softly of course, onto his chest, enjoying the bliss of his heartbeat pounding against his chest.

The cool December weather was finally here so as I snuggled up to him for body warmth, I also tucked the blankets in as well, doing all I could to contain the heat. In doing the motions, I woke Kyle up, an unintended consequence for my selfishness for warmth. "Good morning sunshine. You're cold." Kyle murmured as he rubbed my shoulders.

Pulling me on top of him, he pulled the sheets over us and held me close, kissing my forehead in the process. Apologizing, I burrow into his body, curling up as much as I could. "Sorry for waking you. I was just trying to get more comfortable."

As Kyle caressed my back, slight growth in our nether regions started to occur, causing me to further shift my position. Kyle chuckled as he reached below the blankets to rearrange the -two of us. "It seems you're not the only one who needed to get comfortable. Should we do something about that?" The twinkle in his eyes gave a clear sign that he was slightly horny but not enough that he was begging for it. He didn't mind either way to have sex or just enjoy the moment.

Patting his chest, I slowly grind against his body, nibble then whispering into his ear, "Normally I'd love to but we have to get down to the fields to help set up." It was game day and the tournament started in an hour.

Kyle groaned playfully as he gripped the sheets. "But it's cold outside. Can't we just stay in here a little longer?" His warm body did feel nice, especially his nipples as they constricted against the cool exterior apartment air.

Kissing him on his crisp lips, I softly laugh, "Fine but only for," I steal a quick glance at the clock, "Two minutes." Wrapping my legs into his, I entangle our bodies to further share more warmth.

Kyle grips me firmly as he hunkers down into the sheets. "These two minutes will last a lifetime!" He roars as he rabidly kisses my mouth then cheeks then forehead then neck.

I start to giggle uncontrollably during the entire attack, his movements turning me on ever such more. "Kyle. Stop. KYLE!" I laugh out loud as he flips me over to mount me. "Gha you're turning me on!" I playfully slap his arms, desperately trying to escape.

Sliding his ass up and down my cock, he manages to get it rigid, the shaft pecking right at his taint. "That's what you get for waking me." He replies childishly, leaning down to kiss me again, much more passion put into this set than the previous.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The alarm clock rings itself into a tizzy, forcing Kyle to get off me to turn it off. "Looks like times up." Kyle says mocking sadness. The frown is hard for him to contain as he breaks it back into a smile. "Come on let's go play some Frisbee."

After getting dressed and grabbing some food from the dining hall, we lumbered out towards the fields. San Bernardino and San Dominguez had both already shown up and were tossing around while some of the Fullerton players were setting up the fields and prepping for the games. Following Kyle to his teams' camp, I dropped my bag and looked around, trying to determine if any of Long Beach had shown up. Seeing Bryan and Zach arrive early as usual, I waved over to them as I trailed Kyle towards Victoria. I knew he was obligated to help set up but I offered my own skills as well only to be declined.

Victoria, setting up the food booth, glanced over to me and then to Kyle, a knowing look on her face that we had spent the night together, stated, "Thanks for the offer Chris but we should be alright. Our team needs to pull our weight so go and relax." Shrugging my shoulders I complied and moved away, wondering if she was trying to separate Kyle and I for even a few moments.

Bryan and Zach were both unpacking their stuff near mine when I got near them, the cleats and jerseys tossed all over the grass. Sneering at the two of them, I commented at the clutter they were starting to make. "Creating a mess at our dorm is one thing but to do it here at Fullerton? Come on you two." I squinted one of my eyes and shook my head, trying not to break my composure and smile at them.

Bryan responded first, being as snarky as myself, "What does it matter, you're not there half the time." I stick my tongue out at him as Zach moves his stuff closer to his bag.

Zach piped up, the gentle coaxing of his voice calming Bryan and I, "Bryan does have a point Chris. You do tend to spend a lot of time over here at Kyle's place. Yea I know it's about equal between the two of you for time spent at each other's place but have you two talked about possibly getting your own place?"

Feigning wounds, I recoil, "That desperate to get me out Zach?" I laugh at the comment though the thought of moving in with Kyle did sound appealing. Thinking it over I remembered that, in a way, with us studying abroad next semester, it would be a great test run on kind of living together.

Soon the rest of the Long Beach team started to arrive; Rachel and Sarah arriving with the gear and Pike driving some of the team over. Most of the teams were here now but as was usual, Northridge was late. Discussing it with Bryan and Zach, we figured they wanted to make the grand entrance for the last game before the semester. Kyle had finished up setting the cones out and joined in on our conversation. He agreed too, but what he did on Thursday didn't get brought up. That was between him and I, none of the other team was to know.

About 10 minutes before the tournament started, Northridge did start but something was different. They weren't as confident, or cocky, as they normally were. Kyle and I picked it up instantly but the other teams began to recognize it as well. The aura of ignorance was gone, now replaced with the need to win, not for the supremacy of it but for the need of it. Their reputations were on the line and they seemed to actually know it. They were trying to take down the best but we had held them off long enough. This was the final battle.

Even Parker knew his place in the grand scheme of things. He was quiet, conservative, and frankly, contained. It was as if his team had finally put a leash on their mutt. When he passed by us though, man those eyes lit up with a raging fire. He knew what Kyle and I had done and he wasn't quite ready to back down. Rolling my eyes at his anger, I sneered at his muzzle, only angering him more. Right when he moved to say something, the actual captain of the team stepped forward and pulled him back, the surprise snapping him back into line. So all he did was glare at us, the seething rage trying effortlessly to burn Kyle and me down.

I was really bummed that we weren't able to go against Northridge first to just get them out of the way but instead we were dealt with CSU Los Angeles and San Dominguez. The games went well, reminded us what we needed to work on and what we were doing great on. Fullerton, just as unlucky didn't go against Northridge either but I was ok with that. I wanted to have the first round with Parker, TO'ing him before he could possibly do anything to Kyle or Fullerton. I did do my best to support Kyle as much as I could, watching his games from afar but shouting out to him whenever possible.

When noon came around, it was time to take on Northridge. After checking on the scores I saw they meant to take no prisoners this tournament. Their scores against San Bernardino and San Dominguez were complete slaughters, so tilted towards Northridge that the mercy rule should have almost been called just to end the pain. Walking onto the field though, it was clear they were nervous. They had lost twice against us so far and we meant to keep it that way. Parker however was out for blood, targeting no one else but me.

Pike threw off the disk, a direct line right to the back. They came off the line strong, instantly moving back to retrieve the disk then move it up the field as fast as possible before we caught up to their advancement. Their fluidity was smooth but a bit rusty at times. The fakes that could have been much stronger were half hearted for some reason. Marking Parker, I smile devilishly at him, eager to challenge him and see how much damage Kyle and I actually did on Thursday. Retorting from that night, I smirk, "So... ready for round 3?"

Parker was irate at my comment but he held his mouth closed, the commandments from his team towards him vibrating in his head. He was not to challenge me in any way and I knew that. Thing was, I could poke and prod him as much as I wanted; there was nothing he could do to stop me.

Northridge was so close to getting the disk to the end zone that for a few seconds I was worried. Thankfully Hanson was able to demonstrate his skills that he had been learning this semester and dove to stop a completion, resulting in a round of applause from not only our team but the entire sideline as well. Brushing off the grass he got up and broke into a sprint. Pike was moving towards the disk with full force as well, leaning down to swipe it off the ground as he moved into a pivot stance. With his right leg fully extended out, he forehanded the disk downfield, sailing it over everyone's heads right to where Hanson had ran to. It is a ballsy move to huck the disk to such a degree but Pike had his faith in Hanson, and in a way, so did the rest of the team.

Hanson was in the clear when he caught the disk, a simple clap echoing over the field as he completed the run. It was the first point and while Northridge had made a good play, our toss back was even better, stronger in every way. Looking to Parker and shrugging, I turned and walked towards the winning line. I didn't need to look back to know that he was furious.

The second time we threw to them didn't work out any better for their team. This time Andrew was the one to get the disk down onto the ground, using his feet to kick it out of the air. Moving away from the disk, Andrew started to go downfield, doing his best to evade his mark. I was the closest one to pick up and handle the disk so I seized it from the ground and started to look for an open player.

As was to be expected Parker was on me like glue, though a bit more aggressive than I had wanted or expected. While I was doing my best to focus on a player he was not only waving his hands all over the place, which granted you could do, but he was also counting fast. Stopping the search, I called out, "Violation- fast count." All the players stopped moving around on the field at that moment and reset themselves to where they had just came from. Looking at Parker with a slight sneer, I mock him as I tap the disk back in, "Eager for me to toss the disk?"

Parker tried not to focus on it but he responded anyways, "Stall 5, I'm eager to put you in your place. Stall 7, Stall 8." We both knew he was getting close to reaching stall count and that I needed to either toss it to a different handler, which would have been either Rachel or Pike, or throw it off.

Seeing Sarah wide open in the end zone, I forehanded the disk down the sideline, hoping she would be able to get it. After I released it there was not much more I could do. My stomach churned as I watched it fly down; Parker's useless attempts to swat it amusing me. Sarah caught the disk right on the corner, toe touching the inside of the zone before falling out. It was a score! Moving away from Parker, I smartly reply, "You really shouldn't rush things. You've seen how that works out..."

Turning, I started moving back towards my line, knowing he was growing more frustrated by the second. They were lucky enough to get a point in that round, which allowed for me to sit out the following point. During my time on the sidelines, I stood in amused awe as the tide slowly shifted towards Long Beach, our movements more flowing than theirs. Parker did his best to stay in as long as possible, almost at times trying to challenge his team captain for what plays should be done and where certain players should go.

After halftime had passed, and we were in the lead now by a solid two points, Parker was pacing back and forth as his team formulated a plan on how to try and come back. Normally a two point lead would not be any big thing but since we were pretty much the top two teams, not including Fullerton, every point ahead meant two that needed to be gained back. This was going to be a battle for them and they were starting to realize it.

Pike held me out every other point, allowing me to regenerate my strength and stamina while he went in as my replacement. Alternating Bryan and Zach with Tyler and Terry, we had our own system going, playing well off the team's mini-cliques that we had. None of it was personal but Pike knew who worked well with whom and how to best combat their strategy.

Northridge began to fall apart fast in the second quarter, every move they made seemingly getting turned against them. Fullerton was watching all of this from the sidelines as well, mostly because they were Northridge's next contenders. During one of my off times, I moved towards Kyle, while also keeping a close eye on the game. Speaking in a hushed tone, I informed him of the situation, "They are breaking down fast. It will still be a fight for you but if you guys work it right you have a good chance at beating them."

Kyle looked out at the battle raging on the field, the throwing of the disk as if it were a bomb being blasted back and forth against two warring teams. "Good" He muttered with a solemn undertone.

"Also," Looking at Parker directly, I continue, "He's pissed, verging on enraged. He's starting to fight with his captains about how to properly run plays. Keep an eye on him."

Kyle only snorted as he mused out loud. "His judgment is clouded. He's probably having trouble thinking straight. It'll be all more enjoyable to beat him." With that, he looked at me and winked his eye but the twinkle wasn't all there. He was out for blood just as Parker was. Moving back towards my team, I got ready to go back in. We needed to finish this game.

And finish did we ever. Not only did we beat them fair and square, but we held a strong three point lead over them, the final score coming out to a solid 10-7 win. The only reason we didn't play longer was because of the fact that we had ran out of time. After shaking hands with them, we both went our separate ways.

Watching the Fullerton game was hard, probably harder than what we had just played. I really wanted to help out Kyle and his team but it was their fight to take not mine. When Northridge assembled on their line, the look in their eyes was one of ferocity. They did not want to lose and justifiably so. Fullerton though, they had smiles on their faces, but it was a playful mischievous smile, ones that knew of the battle ahead but that also knew this was supposed to be a game. Kyle's smile was meant directly for Parker as he locked eyes onto the asshole.

Fullerton had the unlucky start in that they had to throw off, all but ensuring that the first point would go towards Northridge. It was a bitter pill to swallow but they did fight hard, making it known that they were not going to go down without a fight. Ellie had spunk in her that I hadn't seen a while, seemingly running circles around her mark. Parker was clearly running out of steam at this point as he attempted, futilely of course, to keep up with Kyle.

After the first few points between the two teams, it began to dawn on me that Kyle had the game in the bag. He was toying with Parker, not using his full potential. While the score only stood at 4-4, it was always Northridge that had to pick up the points. Parker was desperately, now at least, trying to stay in, even though his captains and fellow team mates would call him off the field. And even when he was "resting" he wasn't, it looked as if he were almost strategizing as to what needs to be done next.

Slowly but surely the tide began to shift towards Fullerton, the points coming in at a more frequent pace. Yea there were drops and interceptions which handed the disk to Northridge but Fullerton seemed to always come out ahead. To those on the sidelines, it was clear now that Fullerton was back, and not to be taken lightly. Victoria almost seemed to have a smile on her face as she reveled in her team's epic comeback.

Like us, Fullerton won the game by three points but theirs was right near the true ending, a 15-12 outcome. Everyone was quiet when they finished, not sure of how either team would react. Both teams did play it civil afterwards though, lining up to shake hands and congratulate each other. As I approached Kyle, he was shaking Parker's hand, with a firm grip no less, saying "Let this be a lesson." With that he turned and strutted towards me, the bounce in his walk evident.

Meeting him halfway, I hugged him tightly, almost lifting him off the grass. "Congratulations." I cooed to him as I kissed him passionately on the lips. "You deserved that win."

Kyle beamed with excitement as he agreed with me, "Fuck yea we did." He pulled me back in and kissed me hard, even exchanging a little tongue. Savoring it for probably a second too long, I pulled away and held his hand as we walked off the field.

"You know now that it's the two of us that need to duke it out right?" I let go of his hand as I reached my bag. I was apprehensive about what we were going to do.

Kyle's smile dropped a little, the sudden realization that not only did he have another game ahead of him but that it was against me. "Oh yea..."

"Well... Let's play as we normally would and go from there ok?" I tossed the proposal out to him hoping he would take it. Shrugging his shoulders, he nodded in agreement.

The game went anything but normal. Kyle and I did our best as we "normally" do but we also didn't go beyond what we "normally" do. I didn't want to beat him and he didn't want to beat me. We were, in a way, just playing with each other. To the rest of the teams it appeared to be a bitter battle as both teams kept tying it up but to our teams we were just playing, tossing the disk around with ease. There was a little strategy here and there but nothing too complicated.

As the last point approached, it had become Universe. Basically there was all the time in the world to play this point but whoever won it won the game. Before Long Beach threw off though, Kyle and I decided to sit it out, figuring that the two teams should win it on their own terms. The point seemingly lasted forever, every time Fullerton would get it to the line, they would fumble it and give it to Long Beach. Then Long Beach would get it to the other side of the field only to lose it there. It was a back and forth battle, one of the few endless points that came around very rarely.

With both teams getting tired, and the sidelines getting restless, everyone knew that the game was going to end soon, but who was it going to go to? Kyle and I both gripped each other's hands firmly as our respective teams' threw, only to relax the grip slightly if it dropped. As Long Beach approached the end zone line for another attempt, I leaned over to Kyle and pulled his attention away from the game.

With my one free hand, I turned his cheek towards mine and kissed him on the lips. We both closed our eyes as Long Beach threw off, not sure of it they made it or not. All senses shut down as we went into our own zone, one of complete bliss and happiness. Here there was an exchanging of tongue, a smattering of lips, and a caressing of hair. Neither of us cared who won the game because we had each other.


I'm sorry that I haven't been able to get back to all your emails. I do enjoy reading what your responses so even if I don't respond, I do read them.

Thank you all and take care.

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