The Ultimate Man

By Charles Wolfe

Published on Apr 16, 2012


I am glad that you all have been enjoying the story. I know it was a bit of a hard last two chapters to get through, the attack and all but hopefully the Halloween Tournament lifts your spirits back up. Enjoy :-)

When I woke up Saturday morning, Kyle was spooning me, his arms wrapped over my chest and a boner rubbing into my ass. I would have normally helped him with the wood poking my hole, but after a quick glance at the clock, it is 7:20, I shuffled to turn over to face him. My movement disturbed his slumber, a faint grin appearing as he splinted his eye open.

"Hey sexy, we need to start getting ready." I speak softly to him, pressing my body against his, our morning glories wanting something else. Kissing him on the lips, I move down his body, pecking his stiff cock with a more pleasurable kiss before dropping down the ladder.

"You know that is not cool, leaving me all horny and all." Kyle leans over onto his side, the full image of his body showing up on my bunk. His left arm flexes, showing the muscle that holds up his head. I move to get some boxers, a pitched tent showing nicely through the fabric.

"Well I too would like to fool around but the game starts in 40 minutes. After last night, I think it might a good idea to shower." I grab a bag to place over my cast, taping the open end down, hoping to restrict the amount of water that might leak in. I grab my towel then flash a wink at him as I step out of the room.

It doesn't take Kyle long to meet up with me in the shower, him arriving nude in the room. Knowing he just ran naked down the hall, I pull him into the shower where we start to shower each other down. Taking care around my arm, Kyle washes me down.

About 10 minutes later we are back in my room, us changing into our respective costumes. Shuffling through my wardrobes, I find the hospital gown that I had snuck out. Placing it over my arms, I get it on easily but when I go to tie the strings at the back, I turn around to see Kyle putting on a batman costume. I guess it was a good idea that Long Beach switched to Doctors and Patients, having Fullerton be superheroes as well.

Motioning to him, I wiggle my arm around by back, attempting to catch the strings. "Hey you think you could tie me?" I look helplessly at him, a stupid grin plastered on my face.

Kyle, moving behind me, ties me up then wraps his arm around the inside of the gown. Moving his hands down to my groin, he whispers seductively into my ear, "I would cover this up if I were you. Showing your ass off might be hot for me but others might not be so inclined." Pulling his hands away from my cock, he taps the open ass, signaling his meaning.

Looking into the mirror on the door, I see what he means. My ass, as clean shaven and fit as it is, shows nicely through the opening of the gown. Quickly shuffling through some of my briefs, I hold a few up for Kyle to inspect and as expected he chooses the sexier one.

Placing a mesh, slightly short, brief on, we move to the door and start to head out. My ass still shows nicely through the brief as we move down to the first floor, heading out the door towards campus. "Why are we heading out this way?" I toss the question to Kyle as we start working our way towards the track. "I thought we were playing the tourney out near the Japanese garden, where we normally practice."

Kyle is silent for a minute, finally breaking his silence when we pass the Business Admin building. "There was a cancelation in the fields so Pike had to move it to the Walter Pyramid." We continue on, a slightly confused look emerging on my face.

"Why did he tell you and not me?" I question him. A slight breeze plows up my back, driving shivers deep into my body. I rub my arms, hoping to stimulate a little blood through them.

We had just passed the end of the parking structure. I am thankful that the sun rises from the east, not wanting to be in the shadow of the seven story car park. Looking up ahead, Kyle is right that the Frisbee competition is held at the Pyramid, a sign pointing in to the front door. Strangely though there is no one outside throwing a disk around.

"I don't know, it might have slipped past you or something. I only found out before I arrived last night. Victoria was the one that told me not Pike, if that makes you feel any better." Kyle shrugs his shoulders at his comment. A breeze blows through again, lifting up his cape. It flies in my direction, letting me know I was about to freeze as well. The icy needles pierce my skin, causing Goosebumps to erupt like sores over my skin.

We enter into the pyramid, taking in the central heating that rushes past our skins to fight off the bitter air outside. It is weird to see no one around, no players tossing a Frisbee, no spectators mulling around, not even my own team directing on comers to the game. The last part is simple to see as there are signs showing where to go but still, the lack of movement by anyone is making me slightly skittish.

Stopping at the entrance, first to warm up and second to look at my watch, I see that it is 8:00. Not hearing any screeching of shoes against the floor, or panting of players, I look at Kyle and ask in a worried voice, "Are you sure that it is here?"

Before Kyle can answer, Pike emerges from the side doors, the usual happy grin on his face. He is wearing a doctor's uniform, the stethoscope hanging around his neck, pens lining his upper pocket. His undershirt is a simple tee with the outline of a tie imprinted on.

Something is off about him though; issuing a small flag in my head. Maybe it was because of the previous weekend but my senses are heightened at the moment and while Pikes arrival does calm me down a bit, I still feel as if something is wrong. "Hey what's going on? Where is everyone?" I look at Pike, my questioning eyes watching every move.

"They are all here, just prepping before the games start." Pike states nonchalantly. "You guys coming in or just standing there?" He motions over with his hand.

Kyle leads first, catching up to Pike at the turn and the heading on. Pike hangs back, staring worried at me. "Hey come on. It's alright. Trust me." Pike is almost wooing me to join him.

At first it doesn't work but instead of standing around alone, I move towards him. My sneakers squeak off the floors, every step a roar vibrating through the empty building. When I finally approach Pike, he gently puts his arm around my neck, pulling me in close. Standing on my left, his right arm hangs over my shoulder, prompting me to move with him, every step he takes I take.

We reach the door and look out onto the court where our school's basketball and volleyball teams normally compete. Though, it is empty. Moving forward with Pike, we enter into the court.

Kyle has disappeared from my sight but once Pike and I are able to view the court, I understand why. Entering from where we did, I was not able to view the side or rear bleachers. All the teams were hiding out of my sight but once I began to see them they all rose and started clapping. It was a slow clap, not one of those happy quick claps.

A perplexed state overtakes me, all worry gone. I noticed the usual teams, Los Angeles, Northridge, Dominguez Hills, and others. Kyle had joined back up with Fullerton, the full superhero costumes all coming together. They had chosen to go with a DC comics theme; Victoria being Wonder Woman, Kyle's roommate being Robin, Ellie (the one with the purple striped hair) had dyed it blonde and was rocking a black and gold skin tight uniform. My guess was that she was the Black Canary, the only one coming to my mind.

Then there were others. In one area were some very hot men dressed up as pirates. They had short (and I mean short) red and white striped short's with a blue ribbon wrapped around the waste. The shirt really didn't conceal much, most of them sporting black mesh tops with crossbones imprinted in the corners. Red headbands on top of their hair and plastic swards in the blue ribbon finished it off.

Another team wore only briefs or underwear and simple tee tops. Their sculpted bodies overtook many of the shirts, looking a bit large for their clothing. The briefs clearly displayed their packages, some with decent cocks and others with under or over sized penises. It didn't take much to visualize how they would look nude.

Another team was a more elderly team but they hid it well under their drag. It was clear to see that most of the players on the "female team" were men, their wigs shaking back and forth revealing slight flecks of silver here and there. It soon became hard to distinguish the true women from the queens, the professionals of the drag world.

Out of the blue, I see my dad off in the corner, a bunch of marines standing beside him. They were wearing simple grey "Army" shirts, matched with the typical black shorts. They stood out like a sore thumb but with the rainbow pins on their shirts, it showed that they were with like company. I did not know how my dad managed to get this together, or what strings he had to pull but seeing the regiment there made me feel proud of my country.

There were a few more groups out there; some fit men in neon pink tutus, slightly elderly men and women all grouping together with their normally grey hair colored each a different color of the rainbow. On their shirts they all sported Michael Jackson "Thriller" Zombies.

Still slightly confused, I look back at Pike. "What is going on? Who are all these people?" I turn back to the stands, the clapping having died down a bit. They were starting to move down the bleachers to the court, each heading off in their own direction.

Pike, waving his hand to each group, explains what all is going on, "After you were attacked last Thursday, there was a massive outpour of support for you. The local groups already knew how LGBT friendly the Long Beach Frisbee was and after hearing that we were having a competition, many of them asked to join. With that happening, many of them offered to pay for the Walter Pyramid to be used. The rest of the proceeds are all going to the Trevor Project. As it is a few of their representatives are here to talk with you." Pike finishes up the quick overview as the Long Beach team gathers around.

The women in the group, while listening to Pike talk about the tourney today, check out the passing men. Rachel and Sarah subtly point out the fit guys in the passing groups: a pirate here or an underwear model there. The guys, especially Zach, also check out the gays; not so much to see which one is hot but more as comparing themselves to the fitness of these outsiders. While listening to Pike, I too glance around and take in the passing eye candy. Other teams are just as intrigued, many of the players looking at what was normally seen as unheard of.

After Pike finishes, our first game in 30 minutes, I head over to my dad and talk with him. Ally is standing alongside him, the formation of the service members behind him, staring blankly. "At ease men. On my command, fall out and stretch. Use any facilities you need to before the games begin. Fall OUT!" The General roars over the hall, his voice catching the attention of many.

The men fall out, moving out all in different directions. A more human face appears on many of them, smiles as they start chatting up other guys around the hall. Moving in to talk with the General, I smirk at him, "How did you manage this? I highly doubt the Military is moving that forward that fast. Also what are YOU doing here?"

The General sits down, exhausted from standing in formation for such a long time. "Your pop's is getting a bit old for this. Especially with the leg and all." He pats his injured thigh and continues, "It took some arm wringing but when they heard that it was my son, a few were ok with it. Add onto the fact that we are looking for more recruits, I tossed the idea of using this as a subtle recruiting session. Plant the idea and all." His smile says it all. The military, having opened up its ranks to the LGBT community, was trying to woo the untouched.

"How is the leg? Are you going to be able to play alright?" I look down at him, the father now being cared for by the son.

"I may be old but I am sure to play better than you and that arm of yours. Plus Ally will be watching over me. If not you, then her. One of you always seems to be checking up on me." The General huffs and puffs playfully, knowing all too well that we care for his health. The years in the Army have taken its toll on him, and they were starting to show. "Now go hang out with your team."

Not waiting another second, I back away and move to my team. Kyle and Fullerton have all disappeared to a different part of the building. Pike informs the team that there are games going on all over the building, a feeble attempt to try and stay on track. We are using three courts for the weekend, the main court and two below where the clubs train at times.

Knowing this was a fun weekend, we all took pleasure in our first game. It was against the elderly group, their team name being `one step from dead'. As a starting joke, they performed a few of the thriller moves before tossing off the Frisbee to us. It was a good game, they played better than we had expected, and scoring a good 5 points against our 10. Not to be cocky but we knew we were going to win. Still for a group of 60+ men and women to score threw us off a few times. I didn't really play much: still working out the whole left arm tosses as well as a slightly throbbing middle section.

The second game of the day was against CSU Northridge. Their costume of choice was your typical Halloween choices but all done with excellent makeup. Coming from a film school, they had access to the designs and instructions to make great costumes. There were vampires with bloodshot eyes, pasty white ghosts (influenced heavily on the Ring), zombies with flesh hanging down, and even a mad scientist, white electrical hair and all. We played tough against them but sadly lost due to a close game. The final score was a tight 8-9. Knowing how we battled at the last tournament, they took the win happily, knowing that they fought for it.

Our next game was the highlight of my day: the pirate battle. To make it more amusing, their team name was fittingly The Swashbucklers. Waving their swards around, they showed off their bodies, playing pretend fights back and forth. They were smoking hot, many of them showing their bronze 6 pack abs through the mess shirts. Some of the pirates junk was quite visible through the short tights they wore. The collection of misfits was from Santa Monica, the local Frisbee group that played out near the beach every weekend. During the game one of them approached me off pitch and started talking to me. I had to sit out due to throbbing ribs but talking with him made the pain dissipate quicker.

He was a cute guy, maybe 23 or 24. Looking kinda shy he hung around me for a few minutes before striking up the conversation. His black hair was stringy and unorganized; my guess part timing as a surfer. "Hey, I just wanted to say hi and see how you were doing. My name is Ryan." Offering his hand out, I shake it with my casted arm.

Smiling back at him, taking in the cuteness of the situation, I gently reply, "Thanks for checking up on me. It is really nice all of you came together for me. I really was not expecting this to happen."

Ryan moves to my left, allowing some people to pass behind us, but doesn't move back. His arm grazes mine, sending signals up my body that we are interested in each other. He remains shut off though, his hands in his shorts, thumbs hanging out. "Yea to be honest, we didn't hear about it till Wednesday. What got us on the train though was that you were a fellow Frisbee player." His grass green eyes mix with my blue eyes, a mutual understanding overcoming us. Had we not been somewhere else, we might have been able to get to know each other.

Swallowing deeply, he finds the balls deep inside his heart, "Would you be interested in catching coffee sometime?"

Not wanting to break his heart but knowing my situation with Kyle, I do my best to keep it as open ended as possible. "I am sort of seeing someone at the moment but it would be nice to maybe talk sometime. Are you still at college or working?" Doing my best to change the subject I move into something that works for the weekend.

"Nah I am still in college. I go to UCLA. They didn't have any Frisbee teams there so I joined up with this team here. They are a good group of guys." Ryan looks out over the court, watching the players toss the Frisbee back and forth to each other. My team manages to score a point, erupting a cheer next to us. "Hey I'll chat with you more; one of my teammates needs to swap." Ryan waves to me as he runs on court. His thighs flex under every step he takes.

The rest of the game I took off, watching Ryan play back and forth. Pike did his best to cover him but Ryan seemed to be more experienced. The game was called at a draw. A sold 5-5 for both of us. Ryan had tried to get back over to me but was called away from his team, them having another game right after ours.

The end of the day was called around 5 in the afternoon. I did my best to play as many games as possible but my ribs kept me back a lot. I played at least one point each game, scoring one against Cal State Los Angeles during our 3pm game. Unlike last month's tournament, there was no after party for the night, instead us all going our separate ways. Kyle joined up with me, Ally and the Army regiment, the General calling for dinner at a local sit down restaurant. A few of the other teams joined us in our feasting but we were all spread out in the eatery.

Talking with the regiment, a few of them showed their support for the weekend, talking about how they know of gays themselves. "So even though you know of gays, why are you all doing this? While you have the General backing you, you could still receive backlash from your units."

One of the players, a cadet by the last name of Williams, simply commented: "Well my interest in this is because my brother had been beaten up multiple times when we were younger, just because he was perceived to be gay. I knew he wasn't but it didn't help that he dressed differently from others." A reflective gaze came over his eyes, Williams looking into the past at what happened to his brother. "I was not always there to help him so it hurt me too that I could not protect him, me being the big brother and all."

Another member spoke up, a Latino Second Lieutenant by the name of Olivarez, "With Don't Ask having been repealed, I feel it is safer for service members all across the board to show who they are. The army is meant to foster unity" Olivarez pauses and looks at the General before continuing, "but showing who you are also instills a sense of pride in you. Hiding secrets is detrimental to not only you but those around you." Shrugging his shoulders, 2LT Olivarez resumes eating his dinner, moving around his peas on the plate.

"Well it is nice to see you all out here. I truly did not expect the General to one show up, and two to get together a group so quickly." I turn to my dad and hug him, causing a slight redness to come over his cheeks. Turning back to the group I conclude, "Thank you."

Kyle is strangely quiet during the dinner, almost looking as if his mind is elsewhere. I pull him back to reality by subtly resting my hand on his, causing him to turn his head back to me and just simply smile.

After dinner, the General broke off from his group and drove Kyle and I back to the hall. While Kyle and I didn't have sex, Bryan and Zach were already out cold sleeping, we did spoon and kiss passionately. It didn't take long for us to crash out, exhaustion taking over our bodies.

The following day, Zach and Bryan walked with Kyle and I over to the sports center. It was more lively this morning; people moving in and out, Frisbee's being tossed left and right, and general excitement hanging in the air. The gay pirates returned, still donning their uniforms, hot as ever. Being out in the cold, their bodies were a little more firm, the nipples showing nicely through the mesh shirts.

Inside the underwear models bounced around, throwing disks around to each other. They had all changed briefs from yesterday but still had the sexy linen outlining their formed bodies. Having not gone against them yet, I looked forward to playing more games this day, regardless of how much my ribs hurt. Kyle broke off early on, leaving to search for Fullerton Frisbee.

Our first game was against the men in drag and I have to say, watching a few of them play in high heels was a sight. I personally covered a true queen, her rough voice echoing over the entire hall. "Come on you Bitches! You call that cutting?!" I at times had trouble keeping a straight face, and she knew it.

Her name was Monica, their team coming from WEHO. She wore a vibrant red dress, not exactly sports attire but during one of our walking sessions she informed me that she found it at a thrift shop. "You would be surprised what you can find at a thrift shop, especially in West Hollywood. During one of my ventures, I managed to find two dildos, some decent pumps, and wigs that would make any other queen cry over. I passed on the toys and wigs but got the pumps. These are actually one of the pairs I found." She sprints away from me, her team handling the disk.

Chasing after her, I do take notice of the candy apple red stilettos. Not being an expert in stilettos, I had to guess that they were a good two to two and a half inches tall. And Monica could RUN in them. She easily catches the disk and moves on the pivots, using the huge base of the toes to lean out. The high heel complicates things for her though, as she is only able to move out very little. "Having trouble there?" I joke to her as she moves back to a firm standing of two legs close together.

Grinning at me, Monica raises her beefy arms and throws the disk right over my head. I react quickly shouting out, "Knife!" Pike moves to swat the disk but a queen hops in and catches the disk, her height dominating over Pike.

"Not really honey, if I can't get around you, I'll go over you." She smiles gently to me, before sprinting off to the end zone. I swear she has experience running in those things, her pace dusting me for a good few feet before I catch back up. Andrew though manages to intercept the disk, turning the game around. We all fought hard, our doctor uniforms showing signs of sweat down the backs and arm pits. The queens were no better off, a few of their hair pieces ruffled up. It was amusing hearing them grumble over it, talking of how they were going to have to fix it and all. We won the game but only at a 5-4 lead. Never underestimate a queen in pumps; they are vicious players who have a height advantage.

Our next game was against Fullerton. We played a whole lot more civil this time around; Rachel's sexy nurse costume going against William's Green Arrow. Unbuttoning a few of her blouse buttons, Rachel managed to get Will to cover her breasts more than her movements, allowing for easy tosses. Before long, Ellie, still sporting the Black Canary costume, covered for Will. This evened out the playing field, two very sexy women competing against each other.

Pike chose to cover Victoria, which was to be expected. Pike had changed out of the tie shirt today, sporting only blue boxer briefs with an open white doctor's coat. His hair was covered by the surgical hat. It was entertaining to see Victoria, her in the dominatrix Amazonian Wonder Woman costume chasing around Pike, his robe flying behind him, his chest bearing for all to see. While running from Kyle, I did manage to see a few gay men peeking in, watching Pike from a distance.

Kyle was a joy to go against, his skills better than mine at being a lefty. Like Pike with his coat flying around, Kyle looked like he was having fun, the batman cape flowing in the air every time he went for a jump. I enjoyed the game as well, being able to run around and throw the disk. Kyle gave me a few pointers on how to better toss, reversing everything that I knew to the other side of my body. "Playing a bit of a traitor there aren't you?" I joke to him as he stall counts me.

Briefly breaking away from the stalls, he grins at me, attempting to swat the disk. "Nah, just helping out a weaker opponent."

I manage to break him however and send the disk flying down the line to Terry, who was waiting in the end zone. It was not a great disk but managed to maintain its form just long enough to reach his hands. Terry, joking around, pulls out his stethoscope and presses it against the disk. Yelling to the crowd, he announces "It's a boy! Chris you're going to be a father!"

Long Beach laughs at the joke as we all reset. The rest of the game was back and forth. I did my best to play but about three quarters the way through I had to pull out due to the pain. Pivoting left or right really puts a strain on the chest, compressing or expanding the skin and ribs. We sadly lost the game but it was still in good spirit. Fullerton beat us only by two points, 9 to 7.

After that was finished we had a good half hour break so that we could format the rankings on who was going against whom in the finals. Looking up at the board where it was all posted, I saw that we were going against the underwear models, the only team that we had not gone against. We both were fighting for 5th place, the loser going to be in 6th. I saw that the General along with the US Army was fighting for first. The rival team- The Swashbucklers. .

After the other games before us had finished we moved out to the main pitch where everyone could see us. Moving onto the pitch we all started throwing the disk back and forth to each other. Rachel and Sarah were on the side facing the models, their eyes moving from guy to guy, while also keeping a watch on the disk.

Zach was a little uncomfortable in the situation, growing even more agitated when the game started. He was on the starting line, standing right next to me. I caught his awkwardness and asked, "Hey you doing alright? I am happy that you are playing but you really don't have to be here."

"I'm ok. Never seen so many gays in one place and when you add on the costumes, it gets to be a bit much. When we went against those Drag Queens, it was a bit of a shock. Especially when one of them started talking in a very masculine voice. It is just taking a bit of getting used to." Zach is trying his best to play professionally but right when we toss the disk and move up to the stack, he keeps a fair distance away from his mark.

His opposite was a very fit guy, a toned tan 28 year old. He was only wearing a white Andrew Christian brief, the pouch for the cock hanging out over his groin. His face was just as attractive, a slight scruff along the cheeks leading up to a brown unkempt hair. His olive green eyes called out to Zach, who was more focused on the disk than on his opponent.

My opponent was just as fit, wearing a black brief that clung to his hips, outlining his legs right at the top of his quad muscles. His face was rugged, a square jaw and fierce auburn eyes. His smile broke down the tough look that he maintained, welcoming me into his presence. I withstood the charm and managed to keep up with him when he broke off first to cut. Moving short forward, I knew he was going to cut back and waited. As expected he did not get the disk which resulted in him trailing back to me at the end of the stack to repeat the process.

The disk was instead moved up to Pike's partner, a stocky well endowed guy. His arms flexed as he caught the disk, then his legs as he pivoted back and forth looking for an open player to toss to. Pike, while as fit as he was, did not stand a chance against him when it came to muscle mass. Where Pike did have the upper hand was on skill, kicking his leg up right as the disk was released, sending it down to the floor.

It was a brutal game, their fitness obviously their greatest strength. Our strength was our skills but it only got us so far as we fought it out. The score was close but we managed to get ahead, 3 to 2. While everyone was already watching the game, more gathered in, not only to watch the models prance around in their underwear and t-tops, but to enjoy a good fight.

The following game was Fullerton against Northridge which Fullerton managed to get out ahead. It was a great game, seeing the DC characters go against the zombies, ghosts, and vampires. Being the final game, the Northridge players busted out to the Thriller Dance, happy to do the whole 10 minute dance. That was their "training session" before the game actually started.

Kyle played really well, being marked by a ghost who would always howl when running down the pitch. It was hard to keep a straight face half the time, vampires speaking in a very thick accent, zombies shuffling amusingly up the pitch, and the mad scientist laughing his head off whenever he would catch a disk.

The final game was a showdown of the US Army versus the Swashbucklers. This was the first time I was able to watch the General play, him always playing on a different court from me. It was an evenly split crowd of supporters, half rooting for the fit army men moving in a fluid motion back and forth and the other half rooting for the pirates, their teammates yelling out pirate lingo at the players.

My dad played very well, given his injury and all. His limp was growing more visible by the plays but he kept pushing through it. It was interesting to see him actually run the stacks rather than play handler. That was left to Olivarez, showing off his Frisbee experience and directing the players where to go. The General often played the end zone, requiring the littlest of running needed.

It was a great game but sadly the US Army lost to the pirates, a tough 5-7. Seeing the game end, I ran out to the pitch and helped my dad stand up while he shook hands. "You are getting to old to play sports. Next time, let the other players take over for you. Weakness may not be in your dictionary but brains are. Do the smart thing dad."

He merely smiled at me, wincing with each step he took. "Get me off this court and I will rest." The General shook hands with many of the pirates then made his way over to the stands where I helped him sit down. It was not too much later that the teams started moving back in, the awards ceremony beginning to start.

Moving up to Pike to help present awards, I started off for everyone, catching Pike by surprise. "Before we start the awards, I just want to say thank you to everyone. This weekend has been a great motivator not only to me but I hope to you all as well. We can clearly see that there is a great support system in the Los Angeles Basin. I never expected anyone to put this together and am happy that you all did. For me no less. I would have never asked for this to be done, and to be honest while I will never forget this weekend, I hope to move past the attack and get back to doing what I enjoy, playing Frisbee. Thank you." I glance around the teams, several of them standing up and clapping for me. I raise my cast hand up in the air to show my strength over the issue, causing more claps to sound off. Turning to Pike, I conclude, "All yours Pike."

Pike goes through the winners, each of them coming up and taking their spoons, platters, or trophy. With each team that came up they all gave me a handshake and told me they were happy I fought back. When the Swashbucklers came up, Ryan was the one to shake my hand, holding it for a few seconds longer than necessary. "Stay strong Chris."

Everyone milled around after the competition, some decided to play more Frisbee, and others handed out phone numbers to each other, most going to the pirates and underwear models. Ryan had disappeared before I could get his but with my situation with Kyle; I was not too worried about it. Getting his number would have been one of those nice to have things, not needed but wanted.

That night Kyle had gone back to Fullerton with his team, me heading back with Bryan and Zach to the hall. We changed before heading out for dinner then hung at the room to put in some last minute studying before classes resume tomorrow.

Hey readers and reviewers, I have been really enjoying the feedback that you have been giving. I really didn't expect this to take off as well as it did but with everyone enjoying it, I do plan on going through the entire four years of the college life for Chris (or at least attempt to).

Keep writing in and I will do my best to get back within a day or two. If you have any suggestions feel free to voice it. Just a heads up though, for the most part I have the next 5 chapters planned out so think long term or possible themes that you might like to see.

Next: Chapter 10

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