The Undergraduate

By moc.loa@beXred1ioB

Published on May 17, 1999


The Undergraduate

Part III

I yawned and stretched my legs wide, sliding my hand down into my flannel boxers. My fingers wrapped around my hard cock, remembering the delicious pleasure of Professor Johnson's cock in my mouth. I always woke up all excited on the days when I had Professor Johnson's class. I jumped out of bed, stripped off my boxers, and headed quickly to the showers; thoughts of his muscular body pumping into me sent my head spinning. I fingered my chain collar on the way to the showers, the cool metal against my skin, remembering the day he collared me -- that always made me hard.

As I was heading down the hallway, wearing nothing but a towel I noticed Julio, my swimming instructor. (He was also the Chief RA in my dorm and had a private apartment up on the third floor. He was heading down the hallway dressed in dark blue Adidas track pants and a cutoff t-shirt. He had that early morning I-have-just-been-for-a-run look about him. I could see small sweat stains under his arms and as he approached he gave off a slightly musky odor. I could feel my cock swelling, pushing up against the nubby fabric of my towel. Damn it! Why couldn't I ever seem to control my cock?

"Hey bud, how's the ankle?" I had been out of commission for a few days since that day I slipped in the shower and sprained my ankle. The anguish of that day seemed so far off -- ever since I got my collar, I could think of nothing else.

"It's better, Julio. The swelling went down. I'll be back in class today finally," I replied, wondering if he remembered the scene when he'd discovered me in the shower with that troll sucking me off. God, that guy was ugly. I noticed Julio look down at my crotch.

"Well, Derik, looks like something else is swelled, bud" he said.

My face flushed scarlet with embarrassment, and I felt the warm blush traveling down my bare chest. In a vain attempt to regain a little dignity, I crossed my hands in front of my crotch. I knew the gesture was futile: he had already seen my swollen cock, building, tenting out from my towel.

"I um, ah, well..." my voice trailed off.

"Go get your shower, kid, I will see you later." He gave me a reassuring pat on my shoulder, and swatted my butt as I pushed past him into the bathroom.

I showered quickly, hardly looking at the tall dark-haired boy I usually teased in the shower every morning. I was running late, and after the first incident with Professor Johnson, I would never be late to his class again. I dressed quickly in green cargos and green t-shirt and black Docs. I dashed off to class, settling into my favorite front-row seat with only a few minutes to spare. My heart fell when I saw some strange beast of a bitch sitting next to the podium. Who was this fat cunt, anyway?

Class began and the woman introduced herself and explained that Professor Johnson was out of town and would not be here for the week, and that she was filling in. I sat and half listened to her boring lecture on "The Wife of Bath's Tale" and its relationship to the rest of the Canterbury Tales. Damn! I was so horny and what the fuck was I going to do now that Professor Johnson was out of town, for a whole week! The class ended and I bolted past the cunt and ran out into the hallway.

All day long I scurried aimlessly around campus. Even Steve wasn't at the Bio lab; he was off interviewing for a summer internship downstate. I guess I was feeling pretty abandoned when I dashed off to my swimming class. Why I was in such a hurry, I didn't know. I guess I was drawn to Julio; I had certainly jacked off thinking about him. He was so different from Professor Johnson. Julio was athletic and had that macho Latino look to him.

I changed into my Speedo and headed out to the pool area. I did some warm up laps and showed off my angular body. I enjoyed showing off for all the other guys in my class, wondering what their cocks looked like hard and full of cum. It was my own warped version of show and tell. Julio was certainly putting us through the paces. I was exhausted by the time class was over. Maybe it was because I was up all night thinking about Professor Johnson (and Julio too).

I hurried up in the showers, hoping the troll wouldn't be there. I was lucky because he was not there. The only other guy in the shower was this short red-haired Seth Green lookalike who I'd caught staring at my Speedo earlier. I gave him a wink and started shampooing my hair, closing my eyes and leaning my head back into the hot stream of the shower. I let the warm soapy water stream down onto my cock and balls and could feel my cock bouncing around in the water. (I had developed this shower-tease after many hours of practice.) A soft moan made me open my eyes just in time to see the little red-haired stud stroke a creamy load out of his thick mushroom-headed cock. I laughed to myself as I toweled dry: sometimes I thought I was put on this earth to make other guys cum: it was my destiny!

I changed and was combing my ash blond hair when Julio came into the locker room. He had a grin on his face as he approached me. He gave my ass a quick pat and said "Hey kiddo, you going for a GI look today?"

"Huh? Oh my cargos. Ah, just was in a green mood today." I replied.

"I see, soldier." He winked. "Hey kiddo, you wanna go grab a bit to eat with me? I'm a good cook. And I think you'll enjoy tasting the specialty of the house."

"Sure!" My eyes instinctive focused in his crotch. Damn, was I so transparent?

"Well then pretty boy, get your ass in gear and let's go. Now." He said the last part ,"Now" with such an authoritative tone that my cock leapt to attention. I walked with Julio to his apartment on top floor of my down. His place was sparsely furnished: grad student economy furniture. Although it lacked the rich sophistication of Professor Johnson's brownstone, it did have a spare masculine charm. No fuss here -- Julio was a man of very basic tastes, I thought. I wondered why I so often compared the two men.

Julio took off his shirt, his chest was covered in furry curly black hair all over. Professor Johnson had some hair on his chest (tracing out the strong lines of his pecs) but nothing like Julio. He posed for me, showing off his thick muscled chest and powerful rock hard abs. I could feel myself building against my pants. Again! Damn!

Julio came over and stood directly in front of my slim body, his dark eyes looking down onto my face. He grabbed my collar and pulled me forward, growling in that rich accent. "Your Master is out of town, boy. You serve me tonight."

He kissed me deep, his tongue filling my mouth. My cock swelled and I pressed it against his leg. He pulled my t-shirt off and then yanked down my pants. He seemed impressed with the fact I was not wearing underwear. He muttered something that sounded like "easy access." He yanked me by my collar again and pushed me roughly into his bedroom. It was nothing impressive, expect for a giant four poster bed. Quickly he bound me to the bed, spread-eagled, my ass in the air. The coarse rope he used bit into my ankles and wrists. He took off his pants and stood next to the bed in his jock, his hard cock peeking over the edge. I noticed that he was uncut.

"That is right boy. I am all man, bitch, not like your fancy Professor man."

He slapped me across the face. "Ouch!" I could feel the stinging sensation in my cheek.

"That is for being a cock tease." Then he slapped me again. "Don't be a cock tease, bitch -- it will only make things much worse for you."

My mind spun. I wondered what he meant by that? Make things worse? Oh God, what was I in for? Why couldn't I learn to control my cock?

"Stop thinking, you fucking faggot! It's useless -- you have no choice now!"

"Yes Sir!" I responded, almost instinctively. It felt odd calling anyone but Professor Johnson "Sir." But I also needed this from Julio. I could not fight him anymore, I was helpless before him. He went over to his dresser and got out a whip. He ran the whip over my body, he pressed it to my lips and forced me to kiss is. Then he rammed the handle into my mouth and gagged me with it. He was getting a kick out of humiliating me like this. My mind had little time to process the humiliation before it felt the first WHACK. WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK With each stroke he lashed me harder. My body flew forward each time he brought the whip down upon my tender skin. A hot burning sensation filled my body. My skin felt as though fire ants were crawling on it, and I could feel that welts were beginning to appear on my back.

"Had enough, bitch?" I knew better than to answer. If I said yes, it would only mean more punishment with the whip; if I said no, I feared he had something far worse in mind. Instead I humbly lowered my head and buried my head in the pillow, feeling by body go limp in its restraints.

"Good bitch, you are beginning to know your place." He unbound my hands and ankles and pulled me off the bed into a helpless heap on the floor. But his humiliation of me was not over. He tied my hands together and attached the rope to a hook on the ceiling. Then he spread my ankles and bound them to the foot of the bed. And there was my damn cock, eagerly straining for more.

Julio stood before me and lowered his jock, exposing his cock and then he let forth a stream of hot piss. I felt his piss cover my body. he sprayed me as a dog marks a tree, covering me in piss. Then he took the piss soaked jock and shoved it deep into my mouth. I struggled in my restraints, but it was useless. The taste of his piss was not as awful as I thought it would be. I forced myself to think about something else, take my mind elsewhere, not remind myself that I was bound, pissed on, and gagged. He touched my ball sac, feeling my balls, giving them a hard squeeze. Then he applied weights to the loose skin on my sac. The weights were heavy enough to make me painfully aware of every inch of sensitive flesh and the slightest shift of my balls--and a thousand shifts seemed inevitable. He worked thoroughly, pinching the skin. When I flinched he took no notice of it, or at least did not care. Then he manacled my cock at the base with a heavy weight. My cock bobbed and I felt the cold iron against my testicles. I was helpless.

He stepped back to admired his handy work. Then he pulled a t-shirt on and his pants. He turned to me and said "You will wear these till I get back, bitch. I am going out for some food, then I will have more fun with you, bitch. And the only reason those weights should fall off is if you go soft. And if that happens well, don't make that happen, whore!" He turned and left the room, leaving me there. Every sensation flowed through my balls. I felt the weights tug, I felt my sac stretching under the strain, and yet I was more turned on than ever. I waited for what seemed like hours in his darkened room. The weights seem to pull at me, like fingers stretching my skin and tugging my cock. My cock was now jetting forward and had a purplish red hue to it.

I hear a key jiggle in the lock then I saw him before me again. He seemed satisfied with himself.

"Look at you, bitch. You pathetic cockwhore, is this what you want?" He shook his cock at me. He removed the weights from my cock, I let out a groan, a sigh of relief. He unhooked my wrists and unbound my ankles from the bed post and shoved me back on the bed. He placed leather restraints on my wrists, lined with fleece, all the better for hours of play he said. The restraints had clips on them, matching the clips on the leg restraints. Forcefully he shoved my legs up till they were over my head. He snapped the two clips together and I was bound that way, open, exposed, vulnerable.

My eyes looked at him pleading for mercy. He laughed as he began to play with my hole, fingering it, feeling it stretch and open for him. I longed to be filled again, I needed a man inside my ass again.

"Well, pussy boy, should I fuck you?"

I could only grunt inside my gag. The piss soaked gag contained my cries for him to fuck me. I wanted to scream for him to rape my ass, to plunge in. But he did none of those things. Instead he returned and took a jar of Crisco from the bag he was holding. I looked at him, wondering what was going on. He greased up his hand and forearm with Crisco. What was going on?

"Bitch, you ever felt a man's fist?"

I shook my head no. He laughed again and then said, "No time like the present!"

My eyes widened in hear. His hands were huge, I began to wiggle in my bonds. He laughed again and slapped my face, the Crisco leaving a greasy trail on my face.

"Boy it will hurt worse if you don't give it up to me. If you relax, this will feel like heaven."

He slowly worked a smooth finger in my ass; it slid in easily. Over the last few weeks, Professor Johnson had loosened up my ass. He slid in another finger and then another. My ass strained against his three fingers. I yelped as I felt him squeeze a fourth in. My ass felt as though it was on fire. Then slowly he inserted his hand inside my ass. I could feel his hand, building inside me, filling me like a cock never did. Then I felt him slowly make a fist inside me. I wiggled on his wrist, as he began to move his fist around inside my ass. Teasing me as he pushed slowly forward, soon he was inside me up to his elbow. He pulled his fist out and then plunged it back in again. He picked up the pace, my body reaching out to meet his fist, my ass hungrily swallowing his arm. I needed this, I wanted this, I was a helpless fuck slave. He pushed inside me further till it felt like he was up to his shoulder. Oh God, yes, I came in huge thick spasms, moaning deeply into the gag.

"Yes that's it, bitch. Surrender."

He pulled out of me and ripped the gag out of my mouth and shoved his cock inside my mouth. He face-fucked me fast and hard till I felt my mouth filled with his juices. Afterwards we took a nice hot shower and he cleaned up. My ass felt empty with out his fist inside of it. I felt so humiliated, so submissive, I felt like a slave.

My mind raced as I walked back down to my dorm room. My roommate took no notice of me. He was used to me coming and going at all hours. He assumed that I was out with the sorority girls. He had no idea I was becoming the campus fuck slave.

Julio and I saw each other several times that week. He seemed to be fulfilling the insatiable sexual appetite that I had built up since arriving at college. Once he called me at 3 am and ordered me to run naked up to his room. When I got there, he pulled me in, fucked me doggy style just inside his door and shoved me back out into the hall.

Yet I longed for Professor Johnson to return. I felt my collar at night, and dreamed of him. Soon he would be back.

I was surprised when Julio showed up at my dorm room one night just after supper. He opened the door with his pass key, and entered without even knocking. (Thankfully my roommate was gone!)

"I need you bad, bitch -- down on your knees!" he said, pushing me to the floor. Soon I was sucking away on his thick Latin meat. I came to love his spicy taste and thick cum when he shot inside my mouth.

"You are such a good bitch, such a good sucker, ugh, yeah, suck it whore!" He yelled at me as he slapped my face and spewed the last of his cum into my eager mouth.. Then I heard a noise at the door, I turned and looked there was Professor Johnson, his face flush with anger.

"What the fuck is going on here?" he demanded.

I tried to answer, to apologize -- but it's tough to apologize to your lover with another man's cock in your mouth. I looked at him, my eyes full of remorse and apology. I could see the anger flash in his eyes; I could feel my own heart sink. What had I done? What was going to happen to me? Instinctively, my fingers rushed to touch my collar, which felt as heavy at the lead weights on my crotch.

What was Professor Johnson going to do?

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