The Unfortunate Life of Carla

By lauren westley

Published on Apr 7, 2020


The Unfortunate Life of Carla By Lauren Westley

(Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. I really advise anyone under 21 not to read my stories. It takes a certain degree of maturity to enjoy my writings without recriminations. Don't write a review if you don't like the theme of the story. That's just childish. But criticism is always good and helps me.)

Please note this tale will become more XXX as it progresses. It is fiction. Hopefully you'll enjoy it.


Carl was 23 but looked much younger. His life had been a lonely one after his mother had passed away and his alcoholic father had become so unruly Carl had left home at 18. The next three years of Carl's life was the college of the streets, washing dishes and solitude.

However, about two years ago Carl found work in a field he loved. Acting. Because he was only 5'6" tall and barely 135 pounds he found his first acting job in a small-town play as a stand-in for a girl who had gotten ill. There was only one line, "More tea Sir?" But this began several other small parts as a young woman.

Carl was serious about his acting and realizing he was never going to get the macho role he studiously changed his abilities to look and act the part of young girls in road house plays. He let his sandy hair grow long, made his eyebrows feminine, learned how to apply make-up, walk in high-heels and even spent time perfecting a feminine voice. Carl had shaved all his body hair even his crotch so no hair would show if at some point during a show his panties showed. He ate less in order to be svelte and maybe get a lead role one day. He was a perfectionist in his acting role.

All his hard work had him traveling from show to show across America. He had no permanent address and thus no driver's license, no bank account and no friends except for those in the cast of the play he was currently in.

Between gigs he stayed in cheap motels paying in cash. Careful about his diet to maintain the look that provide sustenance for him his weight had dropped to 130 pounds by the time this story begins.

Just weeks before he gone to a hypnotist in a nondescript northwestern town to stop smoking. A vice he had picked up on the streets and wanted to end. It was this fateful encounter which led to his future.

Carl had been abducted around 1am after the final performance of modern take on Ibsen's "A Doll House," where Carl played Helen the maid. Carl was still dressed as the maid while smoking a cigarette outside the stage door. (The hypnosis hadn't worked.) No one missed him. He never made the curtain call and by morning the cast had scattered. They had left the small town for either another play or back to their homes and Carl was forgotten.

Carl had been sedated, bound, and taken in a van for a ride of duration he didn't know as the drug kept him in a deep sleep. The van traveled for hours along a highway and eventually on a dirt road to a place hidden from the outside world.


Carl awakened in unfamiliar surroundings. Three men were sitting on a sofa looking at Carl in a chair facing them. Before Carl could say anything a single word, "Quixotic" put him back in a hypnotic state. A word weeks ago the hypnotist had created for exactly now.

The hypnotist was a large man called Steve. His two friends John and Bill smiled as Carl drifted into his hypnotic state.

"You were right," John said, "she'll make the perfect sex doll."

The hypnotist knew exactly what to do next. The three men had planned this from the first time they had seen Carl months ago in a play at a local community theater some 75 miles from where they currently were.

And, where were they? A hundred-acre farm abutting the most forbidding part of a National Park.

Bill got up and let the two Dobermans outside. Their names were Brutus and Atlas.

The hypnotist began.

"Carl can you hear me?"

Hypnotic answer, "Yes."

"Now Carl you have played many feminine roles and when you awake you will be Carla, a shy submissive teenager. From now on the only voice you will use will be your feminine stage voice. Do you understand?"

A feminine "yes" pushed out from Carla's lips.

"Carla, when you wake you will know you are Carl inside but you will always stay in the role of Carla unless instructed otherwise. Do you understand?"

"Yes," a teenage girls meek voice replied.

"The Carl inside you will be repulsed by what you are required. Carl will find the smell of male sweat, the taste of sperm as well as urine revolting. Almost to the point of vomiting but you will not vomit." Do you understand?"

"," came a stammering reply.

"Another thing and this you will remember. You have a GPS device implanted where you cannot reach it. You are at a very secluded and remote location abutting a National Park with many wild animals including bears, wolves and other carnivores. Also, there are two fierce Dobermans who patrol the area. I know you are already afraid of dogs but these two will always make you submissively afraid while they are around. This fear of these dogs you will feel when you awake but not the reason for it. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Carla hesitantly whispered.

"Did you ever get spanked when you were young?"


"Did you scream or cry?"

"I cried."

"Remember, whenever you are spanked you cry but unlike the boy you were you will cry like a little girl. Sobbing and then tearing. You will not scream. Do you understand?


"Whenever you hear the words, "high water" you will have an accident and pee uncontrollably but you will never realize it's from the words, "high water." Do you understand?


"Carla, when I count to three you will awake and assume your new role. You will sit quietly as I explain this rest to you in your non-hypnotic state. One....... Two......Three!"

Carla Awakens

As I awaken, I look around at the three men sitting there. Steve is about mid-forties, just shy of 6' and probably weighs 225 plus. A chest full of hair sprouts from the opening of his polo shirt and on his legs below the shorts he is wearing. A salt and pepper full beard with dark brown eyes and unkempt brown hair as he looked directly at me.

Bill, sitting to Steve's right looks around mid-fifties. Although apparently shorter than Steve he is very obese also with a beard and his thick forearms are covered by a hairy jungle.

John is also a big man. Taller than Steve he also has a salt and pepper full beard and a very full belly.

These were country boys who had been living `fat on the hog' so to speak.

I am frightened. A deer in the headlights of some perverted evil men.

I shudder as I hear barking and John gets up, goes to the door, and lets the two Dobermans in. I scrunch a bit in my chair definitely cowered as the Dobermans near.

"Carla, meet Brutus and Atlas," Steve says. "If you don't behave you may become their bitch."

Brutus and Atlas come over to examine me. I curl my legs up. Steve instructs them to sit.

"Carla, there are rules and regulations you will learn in time but before you will go to your room down the hall and change.

Steve handed me a printed sheet of paper and said, "here are a few you must commit to memory." 1. You will douche your hole with an enema unless you want to suck your shit off our dicks. Your enema bag is in your bathroom with instructions. 2. If you need to use the bathroom you must get permission by coming to one of the men, lifting your skirt high enough to see your panties and wait to be acknowledged. You will always refer to urine as pee-pee' and shit as poop'. And you will always sit like a little girl when you pee pushing your clit back between your legs first. 3. You will always curtsy as we've seen you do in your play before and after anytime a man asks you anything or gives you permission to go. 4. When a man asks you something that can be answered with a yes you will simply curtsy a yes. 5. The only time you should speak is when a man asks you to. Otherwise you are just a dumb blond bimbo bitch. 6. When you aren't servicing a man, you will clean the house, do the laundry, make our meals.

"Now go get ready and come back out here in your new life."

Scared, shaking I obediently curtsy and go to what is my new room and new life.

Part 1 -- An unfortunate Life begins for Carla.

(Steve, John and Bill are sitting on the couch talking while Carla attends to her instructions.)

Bill is holding a collar with a bell on it. John has a medium sized butt-plug in his hand. Steve is sitting with a hypodermic needle filed with a clear fluid.

Carla is in her room as her inner Carl looks around with trepidation. There is a bathroom will no door. The room is very frilly and painted pink and white. On the bed is a multi-printed satiny sundress, sheer white panties with matching bra. Also nude stockings white semi-heeled sandals. A note simply says, "Wear these!" On the vanity is everything a girl would want in make-up, earrings etc. but there is also a note with a pair of gold dangling earrings, a tube of pink lipstick and a perfume bottle. The note says, "Wear these!"

In the bathroom there is another note explaining douching/enema with a bag as well as hair dilapidator cream, Gillette feminine razor, Shampoo, girly smelling bubble bath beads etc.

Finally, on the mirror in the bathroom is another note, "Be Ready in 2 hours."

Carl/Carla realizes there is no escape. The dogs, the GPS, the burly men. Unknown location. Carl disintegrates his libido and begins the process of Carla.

Two hours later Carla emerges from her room. She was ready well before the two hours but decided to delay has long as she was permitted.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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