The Unnaturals

By Cobalt-Blue

Published on Aug 22, 2005



Author's Note: This is an attempt to blend two of my favorite genres: Yoai and Supernatural. Each chapter should have some use of powers as well as a good hot sex scene. It is meant to be a story of a bisexual relationship between three people, two of which are brother and sister. It is set in a fictional High School and deals with a very supernatural based setting. I am interested in feedback at my email address: cobalt-

CHAPTER 1: Lorna and Kit

Well let me get this started by telling you a little bit about myself and about Hidden Falls. That would probably help you understand exactly why everything strange is happening around here. First off, I'm a twin, a very special twin, as you'll eventually figure out. My name is Lorna Grimwauld and my brother's name is Corbin. I'm going to tell you about what's going on in our lives in Hidden falls, and some of it's going be graphic. If you are offended by that kind of thing (sex between siblings, between teenagers, or gay sex) or it's illegal for you to read this kind of stuff because you're too young or the laws of your community say it is, then please go elsewhere and read some Pokemon or something. We're all fictional characters and none of this is real, so don't go out and try and cast any spells from a gaming book, and don't go out and try to seduce your brother or sister. They'll put you in jail for that. You'll only end up hurting yourself, looking foolish or more likely both.

Anyway, we're both fifteen years old and are freshmen at Hidden Falls High School. I'm five feet two inches and about ninety pounds. I've got straight black hair, which I keep cut even with my jaw line, and blue eyes. My skin is naturally tanned and smooth. As far as development goes, I'm about average for my age. My breasts are about he size of oranges, with dime sized nipples. I've only got a little hair around my pussy and that's thin. I like it that way and so do my two lovers.

Corbin is just a little taller than I am with the same straight black hair and blue eyes. He's got just a hint of a little mustache growing on his upper lip, but aside from that, he's pretty smooth. Like me, he doesn't have much pubic hair, but his dick is a good six inches long with nice bulbous head and lot's of foreskin. He's also nicely tanned, but never seems to go out into the sun.

Hidden Falls is a small town in North Central Alabama, about 45 miles from Birmingham, not far from not far from another smaller town- sort of a little bedroom community of a bedroom community. It also sits on a magical nexus point, and that makes things around here a little weird. The nexus point and its magical bleed-over attracts all kinds of people who understand what it really is and how to use it. That's mainly wizards and witches along with the occasional ghost, but we used to have a vampire who lived in that new house up by the old Cotton. He was kind of nice and actually worked with mom and the other witches and wizards to keep the town quiet. He's since left and my mom is worried about what kind of riff raff might decide to move in now that he's gone.

Yes, my mom's a witch and her name is Selene. She's rather powerful from what I can tell- I know the other wizards and such give her a lot of respect. Then again that might simply be from the fact that she also owns and runs Bard Publishing Company- you know, the one that publishes all those romance novels that are really just erotica and rape fantasy hidden under what passes for a formulaic plot. So we're kind of well off. We live in a restored old plantation style house just outside of town. It's really nice with all hardwoods and paneling, but updated with all the modern conveniences. Corbin and I share a whole floor to ourselves, because mom's room is on the main floor.

Dad isn't with us any longer. You see the problem with families in the unnatural community, especially families who are somewhat powerful is that you sometimes make enemies that can afford to wait a couple of hundred years before striking back at you. Mom says that Dad got caught in the crossfire between something that happened to her great-great-great grandmother and one of the family's traditional enemies. They never found his body. Mom was very hurt, and had a statue of him made and put in the library downstairs. She won't let anybody near it, but it's really rather good. He's standing there with an open book in his hand and a look on his face like he's waiting for you ask him a question.

But you know something, I know there's something different about us than even the other witches and wizards and such in town. You see both my brother and I have abilities of our own. Everybody calls my brother, "That Strange Kid Corbin" because to the naturals he's just weird with all his Dungeons and Dragons manuals and stuff like that- sort of a nerd, but a cute one. To the unnaturals he's even more bizarre. Mom says that she can't figure out how his spells work. He just opens up the Dungeons and Dragons: Players Handbook or other gaming manual and can cast the spell right out of it. No formalized magic, no rituals, and nothing else except the book, and whatever materials are listed there for the spell. Mr. Anderson next door says it's just weird, but a nice kind of weird.

Me? I'm a little easier to figure out. I can't cast spells or anything like that, but what I can do is pretty amazing. Mom calls me a biomancer, but I don't cast spells. I can make plants grow, or shrink, I can talk to and control animals, and I can heal or hurt almost anything. Some of it I just think about and it happens, but some of it have to touch the person or thing. I can also look at someone and tell his or her exact nature. I knew Mr. Lecroix was a vampire before mom ever told me. He just had this dead looking light around him.

And that brings me to my major concern about Mom, Corbin, and me. I can see something different about us that I don't see in any of the other unnaturals in Hidden Falls. I look at a natural person and I can tell if they're sick, usually what kind of sick, or if they're healthy or even pregnant. In an unnatural I can usually see sparkles and pulses in their bodies that tell what kind of unnatural they are. But we don't look like the others. There's an internal glow when I use my "special" sight on us that is almost blinding. I've never met anyone else like it- well that's not quite true. When Dad died, Mom left us with a sitter for a while, her name was Brunhilde- boy her parents must've been really drunk when they named her- and she had that same glow. It wasn't as bright as ours, but she had it. Mom said she was a friend of a friend and that she would look out for us.

Anyway, Corbin and I have always been close. Part of it is the little mind link we share. It's not very reliable and most of the time it's annoying but it does keep us pretty tight. We've always done everything together, and up until we were about nine, just before Dad died, we even bathed together. I used to giggle at his little thing as we splashed and played in the water. It looked kind of funny with its hood that he always had to push back to wash- funny, but neat too. He used to sometimes let me wash it for him and it would get all stiff and hard. I'd let him wash me down there too, and would really like it when he'd rub until my nub would poke out about half an inch from my outer lips.

We never let on with our parents about what we were doing, but I always got the feeling that Mom knew. If Corbin had rubbed me down there until I got all tingly inside, then when we got out of the bath and got dressed, Mom would always give me this neat little smile and tell Corbin what a nice little boy he was.

Just before Dad died, I got my first period and the baths ended. Mom took me aside and explained all about sex to me, and told me that now that I was a young woman, it was time I bathed by myself. I think she was afraid things might start to go further. I know I still wanted to play with Corbin's little thing.

One Saturday morning when we were about twelve, and I understood a little more about such things I felt something strange come through the link I shared with Corbin. It reminded of the feeling I used to get when he'd rub me in the bath- I now knew why it felt that way- but it seemed to be coming from his room. So, I slipped out of bed and made my way through the bathroom we shared to listen at the door leading to his bedroom. I was surprised to find it cracked open about eight inches so I peeked through to his room.

Corbin was lying flat on his back on his bed. The covers were thrown back and his eyes were closed. He was slowly stroking his dick that was pointed up at about a forty-five degree angle from his stomach. I could see the tip of the purple head engulfed and then emerge from the thick folds of foreskin. His hand, the slightly lighter shade of tan of his foreskin and the purple head were all glistening with some clear liquid.

I felt something rush through my pussy as I realized I was soaking my panties at the sight of my brother slowly stroking himself. I kept getting flashes of images over the link we shared. Kathy Sue Anderson with her cheerleading top pulled back behind her shoulders, displaying her milk-white breasts. Suddenly the image changed and it was Billy Neal in the bathroom at school goofing off and showing his dick. That surprised me. I never realized that Corbin might swing both ways. I could tell this was part memory, because unlike the image of Kathy Sue, it was much more detailed.

I could feel my pussy starting to heat up at the double assault of images from my brother's masturbatory fantasies and the sight of him pleasuring himself. I reached down and began to rub the hard little nub of my clit that was sticking out about half and inch from my outer lips, tenting my panties slightly. I could feel his orgasm beginning to build and wanted him to slow down so I could catch up.

As if he sensed my need, I noticed he slowed down and the fantasy in his mind changed again. This time there was a strong undertone of guilt as the fantasy changed again. I saw memories from his point of view our times in the tub together as he reached out and stroked me. I was relieved that he remembered and what he remembered was so pleasant. I have to admit too, that I was flattered that he considered it something to bring himself pleasure.

You have to understand, I was just beginning to realize how sexy my brother was. I think it had something to do with what I was talking about earlier. Other boys just didn't have the same spark that Corbin did, there was no connection of power, even with boys I knew were beginning to come into their power as mages. The thought of sex with them left me feeling sort of cold, like they could never touch something deep in my spirit, but the thoughts of my brother touching me like that again were exciting.

It was then and there that I made a decision. I reached down and pulled the hem of my nightshirt up over my head and dropped it to the floor. Then shucking my panties, I moved silently into Corbin's room as he continued to stroke the hardness in his hand. Without a word, I knelt beside his bed and with a single slurp took the head of his dick in my mouth.

I'd heard of blow jobs before- hell, by that age, what girl hadn't- but I really didn't know anything about it. Looking up, I saw Corbin's eyes fly open as he looked down to see me taking about half his cock between my lips.

"Huh... Lorna!" he whispered at me. "What the hell are you doing?"

I took his dick out of my mouth and stroked it gently as I smiled up at him. "Hopefully, what you want me to do...?"


"Shhhh, Bro," I said as I climbed up in bed with him and stretched out facing his feet. "I want to do this, you were so sexy lying there playing with this, I couldn't resist myself."

With a sigh, he dropped his head back and closed his eyes again. I turned to look at the dick in my hand and smiled to myself. I just had to taste it again. Gently, I pulled the foreskin back and began to lick around it's head. The taste of the clear liquid coming from the tip was slightly salty, but very pleasant. I wanted more.

Corbin groaned and then I felt his hand slide gently up the inside of my left thigh until I came to the sopping wetness there. He guided me around so that as I bobbed up and down on his dick my pussy was right over his face. With what were first tentative touches, I felt his tongue play along my outer lips, sending small sizzles of electricity from the small of my back to the base of my skull. I could feel his hot breath on my clit as it grew even larger. Then he gently sucked it between his lips and lapped at the end with is tongue.

THAT sent me into squeals of pleasure, and I'm honestly surprised that I didn't bite down on him. It might have been just a reaction to being with my brother, or it may have been something about the link we shared, but usually when I masturbate, it takes between twenty minutes to half an hour to reach this point, but he took me from zero to there in nothing flat.

I could feel him gently sucking on my clit as his fingers slowly entered my wet hole. It was a glorious feeling and I wanted more so I pushed back until I could feel my hymen against his fingers. Taking more my brother's dick in my mouth, I gently rolled my tongue up and down its length and around its head. I pulled my mouth back and increased the suction feeling the foreskin roll up over the head again. I could feel the effect this had on him echoed through our link as wiggled against his fingers.

Letting go of him, sat up and swung my legs around. I knew what I wanted, and how I wanted it. Bending down and kissing the confusion from his face, I said, "I know what we both want." Then I reached behind me and grabbed his dick and rubbed it against my pussy. I could feel its hard, hot wetness part my outer and inner lips as it passed my entrance to rub against my clit.

"What about...?," he began to ask.

I smiled again and said, "Shhh... I can make sure I don't "catch". I have enough control over my powers to do that at least." I smiled at him and positioned the head of his dick at my hole and asked, "Ready?" He nodded and I sat back on his shaft.

I can't really say it hurt. There was a brief stab of pain, and then this glorious feeling of fullness. It echoed through my body, and the halls of my mind as our lovemaking somehow strengthened the link between us.

I could feel his cock stretching me wide, and filling me up like nothing I'd ever experienced before. At the same time, I could feel how the hot wetness of my sex was engulfing him and sending shivers up and down his spine. I sat there staring into his deep blue eyes, as we rocked back and forth. I whispered, "I love you Corbin."

"I love you too, Lorna," he said as he began to massage my breasts. I realized that this was the first time another person had touched them since they began to grow. It felt good. "Hmmmm these are nice," he said.

"Better than Kathy Sue Anderson's?" I asked. I know it wasn't fair, but I'll admit to feeling just a little jealous of her.

He nodded in enthusiastic agreement. "Actually hers are really too big for my taste."

I smiled. "Really?"

"Yeah, I like these better," he said as he reached up and began to suck on one of them.

"Oh?" I asked fishing for compliments.

"Yeah, they're attached to you," he said as his thrust began to become stronger. I could feel his passion building as he once again buried his face in my breasts.

I reached back and began to gently stroke his hairless balls as he pounded up against me harder. I could feel them begin to pull up against his body and craved what I knew was coming. Suddenly he went stiff and I could feel his dick tremble and vibrate inside me. That was all it took as wave after wave of pleasure swept over me, then through us.

I think I must have blacked out, because the next thing I knew, I was laying with my head on his chest, and his dick still buried inside me. I grinned up to see him gently stroking my hair. "That was fun," he said.

I nodded and snuggled in close to him. I could feel his heart beating under his chest as I ran my fingers along his skin. Corbin was really on the thin side, but it was sexy in a waif-ish sort of way. I could feel his hands slowly massaging my bottom and moving up and down the small of my back. It was then I realized that the dick buried in my pussy was still hard. I know he'd cum, I could feel it, but I thought boys were supposed to lose their erections after cumming.

He smiled over at me then rolled me over onto my back without ever dislodging himself. I pulled my legs up and wrapped them around his hips as he began to long languid strokes in and out of me. I could feel the head of his dick pulling almost completely out before sinking back into me. I could feel his balls as the pressed against and then away from my ass.

He kissed me deeply and our tongues danced against each other. Occasionally he would pull back and look down our bodies to where we were joined and smiled. At this point I knew that no matter how many if any other lovers I ever had, that Corbin, my brother, would always be the most special. Together we moved against each other until once again our passions began to build. I reached back and pulled greedily at his ass, and felt my fingers slip between the crack to brush against the sphincter there. Suddenly he groaned in pleasure at the touch and I remembered the image of Billy Neal. Smiling to myself, I pushed against his entrance and he groaned again and picked up the pace of his thrusts.

Before not too long we were frantically pulling and pushing at each other and then I felt another wave of pleasure boil over me. As I clamped my legs tightly and tried to pull him deep inside me, I felt him shudder again and he filled me up with his cum.

We've been making love now for two and a half years. We usually manage to get in a good session at least four or five times a week. We talked a lot too. Corbin eventually confessed to me that he was attracted to guys too, but he felt about the same way about other people as I did. They were empty shells. There was something missing from inside them, and for the most part he didn't think there were many he'd really let himself have sex with.



The children are nearly ready, and it is a good thing too. The forces of our enemies are gathering in the town and with LeCroix away I'm not sure I can effectively deal with them without tipping our hand. I am still waiting for my allies' forces to arrive. They promised me one of their "blessed ones" a witchcat, but so far no sign. A witchcat of course is a good idea, for I too have experience with such animals. I just hope that this cat is more fortunate than the lion I once raised.

This alliance is shaky at best. Although our peoples never really had that much contact, we have little reason to trust each other either. But I have to remember; the Northerners are nothing if not honorable. They gave me their word- SHE gave me her word. I have to believe that they'll come through.

The children have discovered their birthright. As my parents did before me, so they do today. I know that it is not acceptable in the realm of the mortal, but mortal they are entirely not. I mourn the loss of my beloved. We only had few short years before it was discovered that I'd awakened him. Now he sleeps again, and I fear that this time the curse that my cousin has brought down on him will beyond my ability to remove. May the servant of my aunt that carried out his will be cursed a thousand years in Tartarus. I will have my revenge for what they have done.

However, such thoughts must wait, for if my allies and I fail, then the whole world will be torn asunder, and even those immortals such as us may pass back to the Universe. This cannot be allowed.


Okay, I guess it's my turn. I've already heard Lorna tell about her and Corbin's "first time". I guess I need to give you some background on me. First off my name is Kristopher Robin Greenbough. However, if you call me Kristopher or Kris, I promise I'll rip your heart out and eat it. I go by Kit or by Robin. I don't want anything in the world to connect me to that slave religion and a name with the name of one of its Gods in it is just too much. My Pawpaw fought against my parents naming me Christopher and it took a great deal of persuading them to at least spell it with a K instead of a Ch.

I'm fifteen years old, and as you can probably guess, I'm something of a smart ass. I've spent the last two years studying magic with the elves of Alfheim and evidently I didn't do good enough job so now I'm here in Hidden Falls to learn my lessons.

In my human form- I know I'll tell you more about the others later- I'm 5'3 and 110 pounds, with strawberry blond hair and green eyes. I've got freckles across the brim of my nose and down the sides of it. With the exception of the freckles, I have what my aunt calls a peaches and cream complexion. What that really means is that if I look at picture of the Sun, I burn and then it turns to a golden tan. As for the "other" stats you want, with the exception of my pubic hair, which is strawberry blond as well, I'm pretty smooth, and my dick is about seven and a half inches long, and uncut.

I'm not entirely human, and I'm not entirely mortal. I know, I know. You're asking yourself, "what kind of line of bullshit is this guy trying to feed me?" Well, trust me it's not bullshit and if you piss me off, I may just decide to go all claws and fur on you and show you what I mean.

You see, I'm a witchcat. I know: what's a witchcat? Well think of a werecat, but with style. Okay, okay a witchcat is a special breed of werecat. Most lycanthropes, at least the ones that have been bitten by another lycanthropes just change at the appropriate time of the moon and can be pretty mindless- werewolves especially. Those that were born as 'thropus however, aren't quite as mindless and have better control of their forms. None of them however can use magic. That is the sole realm of the witchcat.

We also have a few other differences too, like two extra forms we can take. Other 'thropus have their human, their manimal, and their animal forms with their human form being the "default" form. For us, we have those plus we can become a housecat-sized version of our animal form. When we become a witchcat, and there are only nine of us at any one time in the world so that's not very often, our "normal" bodies change. We grow a tail, our canines become more pronounce, and our ears become catlike and move to the top of our head. We can still appear as a human, but it's not the form we take if we're ever knocked out. My tail and ears looks like a striped orange tabby and I turn into a real horny cat when in that form. My manimal form is seventeen hundred pounds of anthropomorphic orange tabby with six-inch fangs.

Like I said though, our biggest difference is our ability to use magic in our human and witchcat forms. We were created to sort of be a policing force among the unnaturals of the world. It's said that the Goddess Freyja taught a witch the trick of turning her cats into people, and we are their descendants. You see, when a witchcat has children they are either mundanes who carry a magical gene, mages or werecats. If they have the gift of spae, magic for those of you who don't know, then they are taught those arts. If they are a mundane, then they are left to carry on the line. If they are a werecat, then sometime around puberty, then they grow fur and claws.

Me, I was well on my way to becoming the latter when my grandfather up and died on me. Turns out he was the family's witchcat. Being as all of his children were mundanes, and so far I was the only one in the family to have an active gene, I became his replacement.

You have to understand something. I wasn't really happy living at home, so I spent as much time as my parents would let me, with my Pawpaw. He'd take me fishing, and show me how to track in the woods, and every now and then, he'd show me a little magic. It wouldn't be much, but it was usually impressive. My favorite thing he'd do, was when he'd "go away". One second he'd be there, and the next he turn, take a step and vanish into thin air. I didn't know it at the time, but what he was really doing was calling the Rainbow Bridge. Mortals can't see it, and since at the time I was mortal, it looked like he was just disappearing into nothing.

You see, my parents could sense something was different about me. I wasn't big and athletic like my older brother. Instead I was wiry and just a little too smart for my own good. Sometimes I just didn't know when to keep my mouth shut, and on occasion would get my teeth loosened for my trouble. I think they also sensed my own sexual proclivities, and that made them nervous, so they were willing to let Pawpaw take me whenever he could.

When he died when I was thirteen, I was devastated. My grandfather had already helped me when I went through my first change. At the time he seemed especially pleased that my cat form wasn't one of the "big cats" but instead was a huge form of a housecat. I didn't know it at the time, but he knew he was dying and that this was a sign that I was going to be his successor. Anyway, after the funeral I was faced with the proposition of never having a break from the hell that was my family life. What I was really worried about was that the next time my Mom got upset with me for being a smart ass I would go claws, and paws on her and then be in some real trouble.

Anyway, as we were heading home from the funeral, this woman with white blonde hair and a figure that made Pamela Anderson look like a ten year-old-boy approached me. "Kit," she called to me. Okay, she won points for knowing not to call me by my given name.

"Yeah," I turned to her feeling just a little surly.

She just smiled at me and said, "Can I have a word with you please?"

I didn't know this woman from Thor's Goats, but she at least had the decency to call me by preferred name, so I thought I'd give her some of my time. Besides, it was either that or go listen to my mother faking tears again. I knew she couldn't stand my Grandfather. "Yeah, whatcha' want?"

She nodded over to a tall oak tree and said, "Let's talk over there where we can't be overheard. I've a message for you."

I shrugged and followed her over and leaned against the tree. Now normally, my tastes run towards guys, but I've seen a few women that intrigued me enough to actually want to do them, and this woman definitely fit that category. Pawpaw and I used to get a kick out of that. He knew I was bi with a leaning toward gay and for an older southern gentleman in the reddest of states; he seemed cool with it. She laughed and it sounded like tinkling glass. "It must be the cat in you guys, but every time I do this for the Lady, I get the feeling that each and every one of you are sizing me up to figure out how to get into my skirt- even the girls."

"Huh?" I asked a little confused.

She laughed again and smiled, "It's nothing." She looked over to where my family was gathering and then back to me, "I take it you don't want to go with them." It was a statement.

"What ever gave you that idea?" I asked in my most sarcastic of voices.

"What if I offered you another option?"

It was my turn to laugh. This woman thought she had something on me. "What other option?"

"A school, where you can finish the training that your grandfather started."

Okay, she had my whiskers twitching. Pawpaw had just started to teach me the rudiments of Galdr, the art of rune magic. He said that it might help me at a later date. "What training?" I asked carefully.

"Magic," she said.

I chuckled, "Dumbledore you're not."

She gave me another wry smile and said, "I know. I'm better." Then she sighed and leaned against the tree. "It's like this. You need to finish that training. We can give it to you, for free, we'll even pay you for it."

"And what do I have to do in repayment?"

"The same thing your Grandfather did."

"Which was?" I asked.

"Serve our Lady."

I shook my head, "Okay we're beating around the bush too much here. Exactly what do you want me to do? Is this some sort of government black ops?"

She smiled and shook her head, "No, more of a religious one."

"Religious?" I said. "Sorry, you just lost me. THAT is the one thing my Grandfather taught me that I will not give up. I'm not a Christian, and I'm never going to be one."

She just smiled, "Good, because your Goddess commands that you come with me." There was a steel in her voice, that I could feel reach the most inner parts of my soul, and only the cat in me could resist her command.

"I don't serve just one Goddess, or God for that matter," I told her. Pawpaw always stressed that there was much to learn from all of our Gods. There was one to whom we owed our existence, but that we should honor them all.

"And that is as it should be. However, before you can really understand what it means to be what you are, you must be taught." She looked over to where my parents were staring at us, "Do you really want to go back there?"

I shook my head and said, "No."

She smiled and said, "I didn't think so. Give me a few minutes, and I'll make the arrangements. Is there anything at home that you feel you just can't give up?"

I felt in my pants pocket for the Buck knife Pawpaw had given me and shook my head before saying, "No."

She nodded and said, "Good," before walking over to Mom and Dad. They had a conversation for quite a while before she finally reached into her belt and pulled out what looked like a check. Handing it to them, she shook Dad's hand and walked back to me with a smile.

"Things aren't usually done this way, but the Sand God's power is strong here in the South, so sometimes we have to make allowances. Your Grandfather did what he could do to raise you in his faith, but your mother fought him tooth and nail about it."

I nodded and replied, "I know."

She took my arm and pulled me a little deeper into the copse of trees. "Let's step out of sight just a moment. We don't want them to see us leave." I gave her a confused look. She smiled and said, "Now you get to understand what your Grandfather was trying to show you."

Something suddenly hit me, "Uh, I just realized. I don't know your name."

"Brunhilde," she said taking small amulet from under her blouse. There was brief buzzing sound and suddenly at our feet was a wide pathway made of rainbow light winding its way into the sky. She smiled and said, "The Bifrost Bridge, next stop, Alfheim."

Anyway, I won't bore you with the details. Let's just say that I spent the next year or so learning how to use various kinds of Norse magics, and having the best time in the world with a couple of really cute elf bois. At least I thought I was doing well learning magic. It all came crashing down on me about a month ago.

Riddari was living up to his name- which means horseman. In this case it meant that he was riding me but not necessarily like a horse, and there was one aspect of him that as definitely horse-like. I was laying flat on my back and he bouncing up and down on my dick as I stroked him off. I loved the way his long white blond hair would bounce up and down and he would get that blank look on his face. Riddari was definitely a looker. I swear if he ever made it to Midgarth, some modeling agency would gobble him up in a heartbeat.

Like I implied, the boy was hung like a horse, and I was almost having to use two hands to hold that monster. It was about ten inches long and had a huge mushroom shaped head under the foreskin. I could lay and suck on that thing all day long, but usually, we just ended up like we were that day. Me burying my dick up his ass until we both came. Odd thing about it, for a boy who was hung like that he certainly leaned heavily toward what the old one's called kottrinn inn blauði. It translates to "soft cat" but what it really means, is that the boy was a big ol' bottom, which will probably cause him all kinds of problems.

But somehow I get the feeling he can handle it. You see Riddari wasn't just a fellow student, but was one of the finest swordsmen to come out of Alfheim since Skirnir went off to procure his friend's future wife. So, if anyone gave him too much trouble over his proclivities, he could always explain it to them with a Viking broadsword through the gut. Swords are important to the Alfs, and they train very hard in their uses.

Well, about the time that we both were going to cum there came a pounding on the door. "Kit, I know you're in there. Brunhilde wants to see you now."

"Can it wait just a minute?" I called.

"Not if you want to keep that thing you call your favorite toy attached it won't. She looks fit to be tied."

"Now that has interesting connotations," Riddari said with a grunt and hot creamy liquid gushed out of his dick and began to coat my hands. That was all I needed as I shot deep in his bowels.

"She said that if you aren't at this door in fifteen seconds, to kick it in and drag both of you to main hall as you are."

"Shit!" I said. "She wouldn't do that would she?"

"Why not?" Riddari asked climbing off me with a grin.

"Because you two are playing ride the pony on the side too aren't you?" That's something most people don't understand about Nordic culture. Women are considered virgins until they have their first child or are married, NOT until they have sex. That means that "the choosers of the battle slain" can have lovers, they just can't get married or have children. Virginity and men aren't even considered in the same breath.

"What's that got to do with it?" he asked.

"Won't it embarrass her?"

"Brunhilde? The only way we can ever embarrass her is to not do our duty. She is our teacher after all." I nodded, not realizing how prophetic his words were.

Ten minutes later, I found myself in the Great Hall of the school looking at a very disapproving Handmaiden of the Allfather. "Kristopher Robin Greenbough," she said as I entered the room. I winced at the use of my full name. I'd long since learned that witchcat I may be, seventeen hundred pounds of claws and teeth I might become, but this was a woman who saw Beowulf slay Grendal, and she could take me anytime she wanted. "So good of you to finally join us."

"I apologize good Lady. I was indisposed," I tried to explain.

"I am very well of your indisposition. You should be more concerned about MY indisposition." She reached down and took up a sheaf of parchment and seemed to read it. "I have here a report from your teachers, Master Greenbough. I wonder if you realize why you are here?"

I was confused. None of my teachers had ever complained of my performance in the past. As far as I knew, I was making good progress. I'd mastered most of the words that the Allfather mentioned from the Sayings of Har. My rune work and spae was excellent. My Saeth needed some work, but that wasn't unusual for a male, even one such as myself. "I'm sorry, good Lady. I don't understand."

"Perhaps, you are doing more thinking with another part of our anatomy than your braincase, Mr. Greenbough," she said giving me a stern looks. Surely she couldn't be upset about me and Riddari. It was harmless, and she knew it. It wasn't like she didn't have other lovers than Ridd.

"I don't under..."

"IIIISS!" she shouted and swiped her hand down in the rune form. I could feel the force of her spell hit me, and rolled with it. Drawing my own protective rune, I stood my ground but it was to no avail. "Silence! I will do the talking. You will do the answering, and then you'd better do the obeying!" She looked me in the eye, "Do you understand?" I nodded and she continued. "Good, we may be able to save your sorry performance yet."

My ears stung at that. I don't know how things changed so quickly. How did I go from being a good student to suddenly being dressed down in front of the entire hall of mages? "I understand Good Lady." I said between clenched teeth.

"Good," she said. "Since there are too many distractions here for you to keep your mind on studying..." Her eyes raked the room, and I didn't fail to notice that they lingered on three or four of my past lovers. "We are going to send you to Midgarth to finish your studies. If you manage to pass HIS lessons then I'll arrange for you to finally be promoted and released to carry out your duties."

"Midgarth?" I asked.

"Do your ears not work as well?" she demanded. "Midgarth. You will present yourself to the Wizard Andrew Griffin in the town of Hidden Falls. There you will study and perhaps finally master the lessons you have failed here." She looked over to where Ridd was staring as shocked as the whole room. "Riddari, you will pack his things, and deliver them to this hall in one half candlemark."

Ridd nodded, swallowed, and left the room his head hanging low. So this WAS about him. I never thought that Brunhilde would take our sharing a lover this way. Boy did I have her pegged wrong. Well, I didn't have a choice. I was being forced to leave Alfheim. I could protest, but I knew that wasn't going to get me anywhere. I could run away, but I know how short lived I would be as an outlaw. The only thing I could do was comply. Return to Midgath and hope that this wizard could teach me what ever it is I failed to learn here.

And that's how I ended up in Hidden Falls.


I have sent my agent to my ally as per our agreement. He's not as ready as I wish him to be, but hopefully he'll be ready enough. Oh, my dearest child. How I regret the deceitfulness we had to play upon you this day. Brunhilde was only doing as I instructed. If the spies I know are present were to get word that you were going to Hidden Falls then they would know of my intervention there. By making it seem like this is a punishment, I may be able to deflect too much attention from falling on you.

Skytreader taught me the error of my ways in trusting too much to the security of private places. A war of forty vassal kings and the darkest of magics to fill the halls of Volksvang and Valhalla was the price of that lesson. What we are doing is far too important than to allow the Sly One or anyone else to interfere.

If any ears were listening to what transpired today, they'll think you a dullard and not worthy of their attention. They will underestimate you, and that will be the edge you will need to survive, and to stop our foes. If our allies and we are not careful, we could set off a war that would make Ragnarok look tame in comparison.

Dearest child, if you survive this, then you will be covered in such Glory that even Bragi will write a song of your exploits. If you come out of this alive and stop our enemies then I will grant you any one boon within my power.

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