The Unseen

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jul 6, 2013



The Unseen

He's just my Bill, an ordinary guy.

You'd meet him in the street and never notice him.

From `Show Boat'

Music by Jerome Kern; Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II.

I guess you could say it started in middle school. Jacoby (Jake) Adams, at the tender age of eleven, was already becoming a stereotypical gay boy. He was very effeminate. He carried his books under his bent arm, like a girl. When his mother wasn't looking, he put on some of her makeup, and when he walked down the school hallways, he didn't so much walk, as he sashayed.

There were other hapless boys in the school displaying the same predisposition to homosexuality. They were constantly bullied by the alpha males who paraded the school grounds looking for trouble. But Jake escaped all that abuse. You see, he was an unseen child. Nobody seemed to notice him in spite of his effeminate ways. He was as invisible as a piece of Saran Wrap.

Lucky for him.

He started to whack off when he began middle school. It was the only relief he got until he was twenty-six years old; but that story will come later. When he stroked himself, he closed his eyes and fantasized that he was with another boy his age. The fantasy was simple at first, both boys jacking off side by side.

As time passed, they began to stroke each other. That lasted for a couple of years. All the while, Jake's fantasy boyfriend aged as he aged. His cock grew as Jake's did. He was cut like Jake was, and of course, they were the same size, both flaccid and erect. At fourteen, Jake became obsessed with all the male porn he found on the internet. Once he discovered oral and anal sex, his masturbation fantasies became more and more lurid. Now, he and his imaginary lover sucked each other's cocks, and as his climax approached, they fucked each other.

Somehow, he got through school, all the way through college, without ever making a friend or attracting another male. He was a nice enough guy, but he was without a personality, and he went through life completely unnoticed.

He worked hard at appearing more masculine, and achieved success. Although he majored in mechanical engineering, he couldn't even get a job as a junior engineer or a tech. The best job he could get was as a clerk in a mammoth manufacturing company. He had to settle. His desk was placed in a line with dozens of others. He spoke to nobody and nobody spoke to him. His co-workers on each side of him would have been hard pressed to identify him in a lineup.

His normal routine on a weeknight was to come home from work, and zap a TV dinner. While he ate he watched the evening news. He cleaned up the minimal mess he made, and got naked. Then he popped an X Rated male porn tape into his machine, settled into his easy chair, evoked his fantasy lover, and began to make love with him. His lover was the most handsome man Jake had ever seen.

On Saturdays, he got up late, had brunch at a diner up the street, and then shopped for his needs for the coming week. After that, he went home and resumed his hermit-like ways. On Sundays he went to church, had lunch at the diner, and returned right home. If the weather was really nice, he went to a nearby park and sat on a bench for awhile.

One Friday night he came home from work, not feeling well. He took his temperature. It was slightly elevated but nothing to be concerned about. Instead of his usual TV dinner, he made himself some clear broth from a bullion cube that had been lying around the house for a long time. He couldn't remember when he had bought it. After eating, he dug out a pair of flannel PJ's. He hardly ever wore them, preferring to sleep naked. He climbed under his covers and fell fast asleep.

Suddenly he felt his shoulder being shaken, and he heard a voice saying, "Wake up, wake up." He opened his eyes and stared into the face of his handsome fantasy lover. He touched the man's naked body and realized that he was real.

"You've got a helluva nerve," the man said. "You went to bed without satisfying me. I have needs you know."

"I know, but I'm not feeling well."

"That's no excuse, you wuss. Anyway, I've been meaning to talk to you. You're not much of a boyfriend. We've been lovers for nearly fifteen years and you don't even know my name."

"Shit," Jake said. "You're right. I apologize. What is your name?'


Jake tried to match a name to that gorgeous face. All he could think of was a lover of immortal fame, and he said, "Romeo."

"Yes, yes. You must have ESP. What about my family name?"

Jake blurted out the first thing that came to mind, "Arnaz!" he stated confidently. Somehow Romeo reminded him of Desi Arnaz without an accent.

"That's amazing. I wish I knew how you did that. Now that we have been properly introduced, take off your PJ's. How do you expect to make love all encumbered like that?"

Jake slipped out of his PJ's and threw them on the floor. Immediately after he became naked, Romeo was lying on top of him, kissing him with a wet slobbery tongue. When Jake began to have trouble breathing, Romeo slipped down and took Jake's throbbing cock into his hungering mouth. Jake writhed and twisted and screamed and came gushing inside Romeo's mouth.

He awakened with a start. He was covered with semen as were the bed sheets. Jake thought that he had just had a very vivid dream, but his intellect told him that it couldn't have been a dream. He had touched Romeo and he could tell that his handsome lover was real flesh and blood. Jake cleaned up the mess he had made and lay down again, pulling the covers over him. As soon as he did, Romeo cuddled up to him and kissed him on the cheek. He laid his palm on Jake's cock and whispered in his ear, "Goodnight, Love."

The next morning was Saturday. Jake awoke; he was alone in bed. Once again he marveled at how real his dream had been. It didn't seem like a dream at all. He lingered in bed as he did every Saturday. Lazily, he got up, showered and shaved. Then he went to the diner for his pre-shopping brunch. He sat down at the counter which offered a degree of solitude. There was no place to look except straight ahead. He never took a table, which would have given him a view of some of the diner, and other customers.

He was still studying the menu, when the counter man asked if he could help him. Jake looked up, and almost passed out. The man standing in front of him was Romeo Arnaz, or his clone, or at the very least, his twin. Jake's jaw was hanging open and he couldn't speak. Romeo asked him if everything was all right.

Jake was the invisible man. It was not in his nature to make a scene or call attention to himself. He ordered quickly, ate even more quickly, and all but ran out of the diner. Somehow he managed to do his week's shopping, and he rushed home. Once inside his apartment, he became irrational. Knowing full well that he had nothing to fear from the counter man, he double locked his apartment anyway, and dragged a heavy chair up against the door.

That night as he got into bed, Romeo seemed to appear out of nowhere. He embraced Jake, and Jake swore once again that his fantasy lover had come to life. He was real. He wanted to ask Romeo about the server in the diner, but he didn't know what to ask him or how. Instead he said, "You did all the work last night so I want to do all the work tonight. Lie on your back, handsome."

Jake sucked Romeo's cock until he felt he was about to blow. He stopped abruptly and straddled the handsome man. He sat down on him directing Romeo's cock up his ass. Jake rode Romeo like a bucking bronco until Romeo came screaming, and Jake could feel his insides filling with cum. The lovers fell asleep in each other's arms.

In the morning Romeo was gone, but when Jake went to shit, a good amount of semen came out first. Jake shook like a leaf. Someone or something had cum inside of him. The only explanation was that Romeo was real, or that he was fucked by a gay succubus.

The next day after church, Jake went to the diner for lunch. He sat down at the counter, and was relieved when a pert young lady came over to take his order. He concluded that he had hallucinated seeing Romeo the day before. He ordered a BLT on toast and asked the young waitress to hold the mayo. Jake looked after her as she went through the swinging doors to the kitchen. As she did, Romeo came out. Jake panicked and nearly fell off his stool.

"Talk to him," he heard a voice in his head urging him. But he didn't. Then as luck would have it, instead of the young girl, Romeo himself delivered his order. As he put the sandwich down in front of Jake, he asked, "Would you like something to drink with that, sir?"

That was the opening Jake needed. "No thank you, I'm good," he said smiling. Romeo smiled back.

"Don't I know you from somewhere?" Jake asked. He had no idea where he got the courage to ask that question.

"I don't think so," Romeo replied, "and yet you do look familiar to me." Jake couldn't believe it. Never before had anyone admitted to his reminding him of anyone else, or of remembering him.

"Maybe you look familiar because I've seen you in here before." Romeo continued as he took off to take care of another customer. Before Jake started on the second half of his sandwich, Romeo returned.

"I believe you're right," he said, "I think we have met before, but I can't think where. I get off at four. Maybe you'd like to meet me for a drink and we'll talk about it and try to figure out where we might have met."

Jake's first impulse was to say, "No, never, I could never do that," but the voice he had heard earlier in the day told him to accept, OR ELSE!

"I'd like that a lot," he said instead, and from out of the blue a social grace finally kicked in. He extended his hand and said, "My name is Jacoby Adams. Call me Jake."

The counterman took Jake's hand and squeezed hard. "I'm Robert Arnold. Everyone calls me Robbie." Jake was dumfounded. This flesh and blood person, who actually wanted to have a drink with him, had the same initials as his dream man. That was good enough for him. He broke out in a grin that went from ear to ear.

With that smile his whole demeanor changed, and when Robbie said, "You're a handsome man, Jake," he nearly started to cry.

"I gotta go now," Robbie said. "I will see you at four, won't I? You won't disappoint me."

"Not on your life."

Jake ran home to get ready for his `date' that evening. His head was swimming. Robbie called him handsome, giving him every reason to hope that the man was gay. He was bubbling with excitement. When the elevator door opened, two people came out, and Jake wished them a good afternoon. They smiled at him, and wished him a good day as well. Neither of them remembered ever seeing this nice young man in the building before today. Was he a new tenant?

He entered his apartment and dropped his keys on the hall table. As he did, he looked in the mirror hanging over the table. He stared at a stranger. That is to say, it was Jake all right, but he looked different. He was glowing, and there was a smile on his face. His eyes were shining, and he stared in the mirror at a very happy man.

He agonized over what to wear and should he ask Robbie to have dinner with him, or would that be too pushy? In the end he wore a pair of jeans, a tee shirt and floppies, the uniform of the young dudes of his day. He decided to let Robbie dictate the evening since it was he who asked to meet him when his shift ended.

Jake decided to be fashionably late. He got to the diner at 4:05 PM, and found Robbie waiting for him at the cash register. He was chatting with the cashier. When he saw Jake, he said, "Thanks for coming. I was afraid you wouldn't."

"I'm glad I came also. I'm happy to be here."

"There's a small bar around the corner. It's quiet there, and we'll be able to talk. Is that OK with you?"

Jake just nodded and smiled. This was all so new to him. He didn't know what to make of it, and he wasn't sure how to react or how to answer any of Robbie's questions.

The bartender greeted Robbie by name, and Robbie told the man to run a tab for them. This worried Jake because he was not much of a drinker. Robbie ordered a scotch and soda, and Jake ordered a gin and tonic. At this early hour, the bar was practically deserted. They took a table for two in the back of the bar. The only other patron at the moment was a middle-aged woman, sitting at a far table and nursing a beer.

"So I've been thinking," Robbie began, "about where we might have met. I've come to a conclusion that we haven't really met, not in the flesh anyway."

Jake knew exactly what Robbie meant, but he said, "That's a strange thing to say. What do you mean?"

"I hope this won't upset you, and I have a feeling it won't," Robbie smiled. "I'm gay." He stopped talking, waiting for a reaction. Jake didn't say anything and the silence was becoming embarrassing. "Well?" Robbie asked. "Is this evening going to continue or are you going to bolt out of here?"

Jake placed his hand on Robbie's. "I'm not bolting. I'm gay also. But that doesn't explain to me what you meant when you said, we may have met, but not in the flesh."

"I thought you were gay. I'm so glad."

"I'm glad too, but are you ever going to tell me what you are getting at?"

"Please be patient. It's hard to explain. You see, you are my fantasy. Whenever I picture making love to a perfect someone, he always looks just like you. The more I picture you, the more real you become to me. Last night, I swear I felt you in bed. I could have sworn you were real."

Jake started to shake like a leaf. He began to cry, and Robbie jumped up to put his comforting arms around him.

"Why are you crying?" he asked.

"Because you have been my fantasy lover ever since I was eleven years old. I would know you anywhere. Last night you fucked me, and this morning your spunk dripped out of me. Are we both headed for the loony bin?"

"Not now, I hope. Not now that we have actually found each other. This is an incredible story, a paranormal story. We can't tell any one. Do you believe in guardian angels?"

"How else can we explain this? Oh Robbie, I have been in love with you for fifteen years." Robbie held Jake even tighter.

"Jake, Last night I imagined that you and I were making love. I felt you and you were real to me. I had sucked you off the night before, so last night I fucked you. I didn't use protection. No need to. I emptied a load into your bowels, and this morning you tell me that it dripped out of you. This whole thing is impossible. Are you real now, or am I hallucinating?"

"I'm real. And you better the hell be real also."

"Come home with me," Robbie pleaded.

"Where do you live?"

"Just up the street from the diner. I only work there weekends. I'm a full time student at City College."

"Yes, I'll come home with you. Let's hurry."

No dreams! No fantasies! They were real, and the two young men stood facing each other naked, examining their bodies. From the neck down they were clones, but Jake's hair was light brown and he had blue eyes. Robbie's hair and eyes were dark brown. Neither of them had any appreciable body hair, and both of them trimmed their pubic hair.

They fell into each other's arms, and kissed passionately. Their tongues probed the other's mouth, seeking to enter further and further. There was no decision to make, as to who would do what to whom first. They fell on Robbie's bed and began a sensuous game of sixty-nine. They had imagined this day for so long, they were both experts at fellatio. But because of their expertise, they both came very quickly, each one swallowing every last drop.

They lay together crunching their now flaccid cocks together, and suddenly Jake began to cry.

"Did I hurt you?" Robbie asked.

"No, I'm crying because I'm so happy."

As they came down from the clouds, Jake said, "I want to know everything about you."

"There's not much to tell. I'm twenty-six. My mom is dead and my dad runs a consulting firm. He has a dozen engineers and accountants working for him. After high school I tried to get into acting, but I never made it."

Jake interrupted. "Not even with your handsome face?"

"Not even with that. I finally gave up, and my dad said that if I went back to college and studied engineering or accounting, he would hire me. He said that if I did well, the business would be mine someday. I'm majoring in accounting, and I actually learned that I have a talent for figures and finance. I'm graduating this June, by the way. Now tell me about you."

"I have a degree in mechanical engineering. I pounded the pavements for six months after I graduated, but nobody would hire me. I suppose it's because I don't show an exuberant personality. Anyway, I work as a clerk in the account's receivable department of Taylor Manufacturing."

"First of all," Robbie interjected, "you have a great personality. Second of all, Taylor Manufacturing is a client of my dad's, and finally, my dad always has openings for good engineers. I'll arrange an interview for you. Wouldn't it be great if we worked together?"

"You know what would be great?" Jake asked. "If you fucked me, just like you did last night."

"What a great idea."

The next day at work, two fantastic events occurred. As Jake approached his desk, he was whistling and happy. He greeted his two co-workers on each side of him, with a good morning grin that covered his whole face. To his left, Maggie smiled back wondering why she had never noticed how good looking he was. To his right, Tim smiled back, wondering why he had never noticed how good looking Jake was, and also wondering if he was gay. The three of them even chatted for a few minutes before attacking the in-boxes on their desks. At coffee break time, both of them asked if he would like to join them, and he gladly accepted.

The second shock came at about two in the afternoon. Jake's phone rang and a secretary asked him to please come to Mr. Taylor's office immediately. He rushed upstairs to the executive suite and the same secretary ushered him into the CEO's plush office.

Larry Taylor stood up to shake his hand and Jake took it and responded cordially. There was another gentleman in his office that looked vaguely familiar. Mr. Taylor turned toward the stranger.

"Jacoby," he said. "I'd like you to meet Lester Arnold, the head of our consulting firm. He tells me that you and his son are very close friends, and he would like a private word with you. I need to check on a few things so I'll leave you two alone."

Lester held his hand out to Jake, who shook it with a firm grip, but he was shaking like a leaf. He's going to tell me that I'm a fucking faggot who corrupted his son. I'll lose Robbie and my job, he thought. Imagine his surprise, when Lester let go of his hand and enveloped him in a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you," he said. "I have never seen Robbie so happy. He told me all about you, and that you two were in a committed relationship. How long have you known each other?"

"Since I was a teeny bopper." Jake did not feel that he was lying.

"I couldn't be happier," Lester went on. "He's finally got the acting bug out of his head, and now he's actually looking forward to working for me. He told me how steady and level headed you are, and I couldn't be more pleased. He needs stability in his life. Now I want you to come with me. He took Jake's hand and headed toward the factory.

He steered the quivering Jake to a huge piece of machinery. Mr. Taylor was standing there also talking to one of the workmen.

"This machine makes the rotating cog for the wrenches that are manufactured here," Lester explained to Jake. "It cuts off after every three or four units are made, and we have to wait several minutes for it to cool down to start it up again. Look it over, Jake, and see if you can determine the problem."

"You want me to diagnose the problem?" Jake asked incredulously. He was shaking.

"Robbie told me that you are a mechanical engineer. Do your job."

Jake circled the machine, looking and checking everything that he could see. Suddenly his eyes lit up. "Here's the problem," he said and he pointed to a long tube which housed the machine's wiring. His boss and Lester leaned in to see.

"The cap is missing from this tube and the wires are protruding." A long filament was protruding beyond all the other wires. It was about eight inches outside the tube.

"See this filament," Jake pointed. "It heats up rapidly. When this armature here goes into its up position it touches the filament. The excessive heat triggers the automatic shut off valve." Jake stopped talking and got down on his knees. He was searching for something under the machine.

"There it is," he proclaimed. "There's the cap. Look, it fell off and is wedged inside that elbow." He freed the cap, reconnected the filament to the correct wire, pushed the wiring back into the tube, and screwed on the cap.

"Try it now," he said with authority, as if he was giving an order. The machine went back to doing its job, and remained running the rest of the day.

"Go back to work, now," Lester said. I'll meet you at the end of the day. I want you to have dinner with me and Robbie this evening."

By the time Jake got back to his desk, word had spread throughout the plant how he had solved the problem of the sick machine. Yesterday, he did not exist. Today everybody jumped up to greet him, congratulate him, and shake his hand. Tim whispered in his ear, that he would like to buy him a drink after work, but Jake asked for a rain check, explaining that he had a dinner date with his boyfriend and his boyfriend's father.

Yesterday Tim would not have given Jake the time of day. But today, learning that Jake had a boyfriend, he was crestfallen. He could kick himself for blowing a great opportunity to be intimate with such a great guy, and one so good looking at that. He made up his mind to be Jake's friend, and prayed Jake would be receptive to his offer of friendship.

Not only did Lester pick Jake up at the employees' exit, but Larry Taylor was there as well. Jake was more than surprised. Suddenly everybody in the world noticed him. More than just noticing him, they appreciated his worth. Jake was overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions.

"We're going home for dinner," Lester said. "Our cook is a wonder. No use eating out, paying big bucks, and not getting a five star meal." They all got into Lester's Mercedes. Larry sat up front and Jake sat in the back. He was having a hard time processing that he was riding in a Mercedes with his boss.

They reached Lester's house, or should it be called an estate? A butler actually took their coats, and Robbie came bounding down the stairs. He hugged Jake first and kissed him on the lips. Then he hugged his father and kissed him on the lips. Lastly, he hugged Larry and kissed him on the lips also. What the hell was going on? Life was moving too fast for Jake. He was beginning to think that he was better off when he was invisible.

Lester could see the look of confusion on Jake's face. He steered everybody into a small library and mixed them each a drink. He made Robbie a scotch and soda and he made Jake a gin and tonic. Jake had to believe that Robbie told his father all about him in great detail, right down to his drink of choice.

The foursome clinked glasses and Larry toasted the young men's union. "Kiss Jake," he admonished Robbie. Robbie was glad to comply. Larry went over and kissed Lester on the lips. Now Jake's jaw was hanging open.

"You'd better explain it all to Jake," Lester told Robbie. Jake looked at Robbie with great expectation.

Robbie took Jake's hand. "My mother died when I was two. I barely remember her. When I was about five, Larry started to come around a lot. He went with us wherever my dad took me; to the zoo, to ball games, on vacations, etc. When I was about eight, Larry moved in with us. Jake, my father is gay. He came out after my mother died, and Papa Larry has been like a second father to me." Robbie got up and embraced his two fathers.

Lester picked up the narrative. "I came out to Robbie when Larry moved in. By then he was old enough to understand. He had never had a mother, and he told me that I was such a great father, he was happy to have two of me." Lester started to laugh and he slapped Robbie lightly on his butt.

"When he was older, and he realized that he was gay also," Lester continued, "Robbie came out to me. He told me about strange dreams he was having about a phantom lover, and he described you to a T. When you two met, and he told me that you had the same dreams about him, we agreed to keep it a family secret or we might all be committed. Let's just give credit to guardian angels."

"Now Jake, about you," Larry interjected with a smile on his face. Lester is stealing you away from me. I expect two weeks notice, of course."

Jake didn't realize that Larry was kidding. "Of course," he said, and everyone laughed.

"There's something that I don't understand," Jake said.

"What?" the other three asked in unison.

"Robbie, why do you maintain a small apartment, and why do you have to work weekends? I thought you were a struggling student, but you seem to be wealthy."

"Jake, honey. My father is wealthy. I'm a poor struggling student. I want to make my own way in the world, and prove to Dad and Papa that I am worthy of inheriting their businesses." Jake realized suddenly that Robbie was heir apparent to two lucrative enterprises.

Larry put his arm around Robbie's shoulder. "You have more than proved yourself worthy, son," he said. He looked at Jake. "And so have you." He put his other arm around Jake.

Just then the cook came in to tell them that dinner was ready.

Jake went to work for Lester immediately, and Robbie joined the firm after graduation and a short honeymoon with Jake. They resisted moving into Lester and Larry's home, much to their fathers' disappointment. They preferred to rent a nice apartment of their own.

Because of their different fields the two men hardly ever went to a job together. Every so often, Jake had to visit Taylor Manufacturing to do some trouble shooting. He always stopped in first to say hello to his former co-workers. Funny thing, he was no longer unseen. Everyone recognized him now and fawned all over him. Tim and he became good friends, and he and Robbie often went out with Tim and his boyfriend.

It gave Jake particular pleasure when at lunch-time he ate his meal with his step-father-in-law in the executive dining room.

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