The Villa in Italy

By Hank

Published on Oct 8, 2023



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The Villa in Italy

(A Tale of Two Romances)

Laurence Harding is a bestselling author of fantasy novels. Jonathan Donato is a bestselling author of spy, crime, and mystery novels. Jon's sister, Marie Donato Grantham, is their literary agent. The two men are her best clients. They all live in New York City, but the authors have never met.

At this moment in time, early June, Larry is under contract to submit another novel by January 1st. The daily penalty for missing the deadline is very steep. Unfortunately, he is suffering so badly from writer's block that he hasn't even begun to write. He has rejected every plot his usually fertile brain has come up with. In the past, when he was this close to a deadline, Larry had submitted at least the first draft of a novel to Marie. Every time Marie asked him how he was doing, Larry skirted the issue. Finally, she made a luncheon date with him. Her intuition told her that something was wrong, and she intended on finding out what his trouble was.

Jon was having no trouble at all. He was working on two novels at the same time, and breezing through both. His only problem was a minor one. Occasionally he mixed up the two plots, but he was able to correct the error quickly. Although he had no contractual restrictions like Larry did, he was positive he could submit both novels by the end of the month. Then, he intended on taking the summer off, and just relaxing.

A word about the two authors. Larry is forty-five years old. He's single, but in his youth, he had one disastrous marriage. That marriage produced a son, Franklin, who was named after Larry's father. Frank just completed his senior year at Yale. He's just shy of twenty-two years old, drop dead handsome, and very gay. He's out to his father, but not to his mother. That's because he knew that his father wouldn't give a damn, but his mother would freak out.

Jon is thirty, and more handsome than either Larry or his son. Not only is he the exact description of an Italian stallion, he's a rich playboy. He's never had a relationship other than a one-night stand. On rare occasions, he might see his trick one or two times more, but a serious union is not in his game plan. He completed his first successful novel when he was eighteen.

Larry and Marie met for lunch at a trendy restaurant. Marie waited until they ordered before confronting Larry. At first Larry was evasive, but he couldn't convince Marie of any of his lies, so he finally confessed to his writer's block.

"I knew it," Marie said, "but fear not, I have a solution to your problem. After lunch, come back to my office and we'll discuss it."

After that, they had a leisurely lunch. Marie was confident that she could cure Larry of his writer's block, and Larry was confident in Marie. She never failed him.

Comfortably seated in her office, Marie said to Larry, "You know that I'm first-generation Italian-American. My family in Italy was very wealthy. In fact, my grandparents left me a beautiful estate in a small town about fifteen miles from Florence."

She reached into her desk, and pulled out a key, which she handed to Larry. The key was clipped to a very large and bulky key chain, which was engraved with her initials. MDG.

"Here's a key to the villa," she announced proudly. "Go spend the summer there. New York is too distracting. My home in Italy is quiet and relaxing, and there's no place more beautiful than Tuscany in the summer. I'll bet you'll get your mojo back. I have a caretaker who maintains the pool and grounds, does light housekeeping, and attends to any minor problems in the house, so you don't have to worry about a thing."

"I'm not sure that'll cure my block," Larry said, "but I wouldn't mind a few weeks in Italy. Sure, I'll give it a try."

He took the key from Marie, and she filled him in on all the details.

When he got home, Larry found his son, Frank, in his apartment. Frank had cleared out his furnished apartment in New Haven and moved home just a few days ago, at least, until he got a job and a place of his own. He hadn't started job hunting yet. There was no rush. After all his dad was filthy rich.

Frank's eyes were red and swollen.

"What's wrong?" Larry asked in alarm.

"George broke up with me just before we left to go home. He said that we were too young to get involved. The problem is that he's right, but nonetheless, I'm heartbroken."

"I know just what you need," Larry said. "How'd you like to spend the summer in Italy with me?"

"I sure would. Tell me all about it, and when do we leave?"

"As soon as we can arrange it."

Larry and Frank left for Italy on June 20th. Jon submitted both his novels on June 25th, and left for an extended summer vacation on June 30th. His last words to his sister were, "I'm taking the summer off."

"Where can I reach you?" Marie asked.

"You can't!!! Also, for your information, I'm not going to answer any of your phone calls. Don't worry. I'll be home right after Labor Day."

Jon had no intention of telling his sister where he would be. He badly needed the time off. If she had questions about either novel, she could bloody well reach him after he returned home.

When Larry and Frank arrived in their rental car, they were totally awed. The Villa was more than they could have dreamed of. There were an incredible eight bedrooms in the house. Father and son each took a bedroom as far apart as possible. That was just in case one of them, or both, got lucky. Neither believed it would happen in this tiny village, but as they say, "Hope springs eternal."

After settling in, it was still too early for lunch, so they lounged at the pool. They wore bathing suits, but both would have preferred to sunbathe nude. However, Frank is gay, and he found his dad to be very sexy. He was always horny, so he thought better of going commando. It was a good thing too.

They both had their eyes closed, when suddenly a sexy female voice asked, "Excuse me, sir. Are you Signor Harding."

Larry opened his eyes. Standing next to him was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was in her early thirties. Her dark brown eyes and black hair against an olive skin, mesmerized Larry. His heart was thumping erratically.

"Yes, I am," Larry said, "and who might you be?"

The woman held out her hand to shake Larry's. "I'm Sofia, the caretaker," she said. "Mrs. Grantham informed me that you were coming for the summer. Before I leave today, I'll give you my telephone number, if you need to reach me."

"I assumed that you would be a man," Larry blubbered.

"Are you disappointed?"

"Not in the least," Larry said. "There's one thing I need to know right away. Where's the best grocery store in town? My son and I need to buy food."

"It's very close. You can walk from here. I walk from home every day. Allow me to take you into town. I'll show you around, and tell you which vendors to avoid. They would most likely cheat you. The others are honest tradespeople."

"After we get over jet lag, we'll also go into Florence, and do some sightseeing."

"Good idea. You'll love Firenze. I'd love to show you around that city also, if you'd like," Sofia said.

"I'd like very much," Larry said as he flashed Sofia a seducing, come-hither smile.

"I have a few things I must do this morning," she said, "and then I'll take you shopping. There's a shopping cart in the pantry that you can use. Will your son be coming with us?"

"No need," Larry said. "I think he'd rather lounge at the pool."

"Right," Frank said.

He could see that Sofia was not wearing a wedding ring. It was obvious to the young man what was going on with his father, and he preferred not to be a deterrent.

Larry's agent could not have been more on the money. The moment Larry laid eyes on Sofia; a plot ran through his brain:

A man and his young son rent a villa in Italy for the summer. (Make that, much younger son.) The summer rental is an estate, and it comes complete with a beautiful female caretaker. She is exceptionally intuitive, and seems to be able to read the man's mind. Unfortunately, the father falls in love with her. As the plot unfolds, we learn that the beautiful caretaker is from an alien planet. The man has been hypnotized to see her in human form. Her real appearance is that of a lizard.

Larry writes fantasy tales, after all. He had no idea where the plot would take him from there, but it was a beginning in the writing process, and an end to writer's block.

Larry and Sofia walked into the heart of town. After completing his orientation, Sofia invited Larry to come see her home, and have lunch with her. There's nothing Larry would have liked to do more, but he asked for a raincheck.

"I have to get back to the villa with the food. Frank hasn't eaten since we left New York. As soon as we get settled, I'll take you up on your invitation," Larry said.

"Good. I'll look forward to it. In the meantime, I'll see you tomorrow."

Those two were more than just hot for each other. They were drooling in plain sight.

The food Larry bought made a nice lunch, but he didn't buy food, wine, or anything else for dinner. He vowed to drive into town the next day, and do a big shopping.

"Sofia pointed out a lovely little ristorante in town to me," Larry told Frank when he returned to the villa. "Let's have dinner there tonight."

"Sure, it'll give us a taste of Italy."

The swimming pool was right under Frank's window. The weather was beautiful this time of year, and Frank slept with his windows open. A little over a week after their arrival, Frank was awake and lying in bed early one morning. He was stroking his cock. As previously noted, he was always horny.

He heard a splash coming from the pool. He knew instinctively that it wasn't his dad. Larry never got out of bed before 9 AM. It was also way too early for Sofia to arrive, and if she did, she certainly wouldn't go swimming. He jumped out of bed and saw a man swimming in the pool. He put on a robe, and ran outside. As he approached the pool, the man started to come out of the water.

Frank yelled, "What are you doing here? You're trespassing. Who are you?"

When the man left the pool, he grabbed a towel and started to dry his hair. He took a good look at the young man who was shouting at him, and Frank took a good look at him. The guy was swimming nude, and wow. Frank only had time to observe that the man was uncut, and had the most massive cock he had ever seen. Then, the intruder covered himself with a towel.

The chemistry that passed between Larry and Sofia when they first met, was repeated tenfold between Frank and the stranger. Frank erected under his robe, and a pyramid began to develop. He had no way to hide it from the swimmer. They both knew immediately that they played for the same team.

"What do you mean, who am I? Who the fuck are you? This is my home. I own it, and I live here," the stranger said indignantly.

As shocked as Frank was, he noted that the man was not Italian. He had a distinct New York accent. Frank would know that accent anywhere."

"No, you don't own this place," Frank shouted back. "Marie Grantham owns this place, and she invited my father and me to spend the summer here. She's a literary agent, and my dad is one of her clients."

Jon started to laugh. "Shit," he said. "I didn't tell Marie I was coming here. What a mistake that was. Marie is my sister, and we own this place jointly. I'm an author also, and she represents me too."

Frank was deflated. "This place is so peaceful. My dad suffered from writer's block back home, but he lost it here. That was Mrs. Grantham's intention. Now, I'm afraid we'll have to leave. It's a real pity. He's been writing non-stop every day, all day, and taking Sofia out for dinner every evening. Sometimes, he stays over in town."

Frank winked at Don when he said that.

"Your dad is very lucky. Sofia lost her husband about three and a half years ago. He was an avid skier, and he and three buddies went away for a ski weekend. All four men were killed in a surprise avalanche. I'm glad Sofia is dating again. She's too pretty to waste away her life. Is your dad as handsome as you?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because Sofia's husband was a real Italian hunk. I got an erection every time I was near him, so I figure your dad is very handsome."

"He is."

Frank started to leave to alert his father, and to pack for the trip home. Jon was not about to let Frank get away. He stuck out his hand for Frank to shake.

"I'm Jonathan Donato," he said, "and you are?"

"My dad is Laurence Harding, and I'm his son Francis. Frank to my friends."

"Your dad is Laurence Harding? I've read everything, he ever wrote. He's so imaginative, and now I know how good looking he is from the book jackets. Too bad he's straight."

Frank blushed. "I gotta admit, I've read all your books also, and I've never figured out `whodunnit' until the last page. Talk about suspense."

"Now that we're through flattering each other, let's talk about our situation," Jon said. "My sister invited you, and I want you to stay. I only have two requests. If you or your father took my bedroom, you'll have to move to a different room. I was grungy and sweaty from the long trip. As soon as I drove up, I stripped and took a swim, so I don't know which rooms you men are sleeping in."

He pointed at a pile of clothes and a small suitcase lying at poolside, as evidence that he went swimming before settling into his room.

"The second thing is, I can't abide a messy, sloppy kitchen. I'm a neat freak, and insects find the kitchen too quickly if it isn't completely clean."

"If my father or I happen to be in your room," Frank said, "I'm sure it will be no problem to move, but I'm afraid we've been leaving kitchen duty to Sofia when she gets here."

"Not good enough. I insist the kitchen be cleaned after each meal. I don't think that's asking too much."

"I'll see to it," Frank assured Jon.

Suddenly, Jon was all smiles.

"I see you have nothing on under your robe. Why don't you drop the robe, and take a short swim with me. Then I'll settle in, and we'll have breakfast."

Jon smiled at Frank, but it was more like a leer. Frank smiled back, and they both jumped into the pool. Immediately, they began to play with each other.

"How long are you staying?" Frank asked.

"All summer."

"Us too," Frank said. "It's going to be a great summer."

"I agree," Jon said, and he audaciously leaned over and gave Frank a very wet kiss.

When they left the pool, they dried off. Jon picked up his discarded clothes, and the small suitcase. He didn't have to bring much. Everything he needed was in the house. They passed Frank's room first.

"I shacked up in here," Frank said. "I hope it's not your room."

"No, it's not, but now that I've met you, I wish it were. You know what? The room next door to you isn't mine either, but it has an adjoining door to yours. Help me get what I need from my room, and I'll settle in next door to you."

"It'll be a pleasure," Frank said.

Fortunately, Larry was not in Jon's room either. He wasn't even home. He had stayed in town the night before.

Frank and Jon moved everything over pronto to the room next door to Frank's, and when they were finished putting everything away, Frank said, "We'd better get dressed for brunch. It's too early for lunch, and too late for breakfast."

"What's your hurry?" Jon asked. He grabbed Frank's arm, and threw him on his bed. He fell on top of Frank in a sixty-nine position, and the two men brought each other off quickly.

"More tonight," Jon said.

He completely (and conveniently) forgot that one encounter was his usual limit. He had never known love before, and he failed to recognize that he was gaga over Frank.

Larry and Sofia returned to the villa while Frank and Jon were preparing brunch. They anticipated Larry and Sofia's arrival, and the two young men prepared enough for four.

Marie screamed when she saw Jon. She gave him a warm welcoming hug.

"Signor Donato, I didn't expect to see you here. Your sister didn't warn me."

"She didn't know I was coming. I didn't tell her. I'm afraid you'll have extra work, Sofia. I've asked my guests to stay for the summer."

"Really?" Larry asked surprised.

Frank introduced Jon to his father, and filled him in on the situation.

"Jon invited us to stay, Dad," Frank said, and smiled at Jon.

It only took Larry two seconds to apprise himself of the situation between Frank and Jon. Romance was in the Tuscany air for sure.

"I don't mind the extra work," Sofia said, "but you'll have to find a new caretaker. I'll help you in the search."

"I'll be sad to see you go," Jon said. "Why are you leaving?"

"I'm not leaving or going anywhere," Sofia said. "In fact, I'm moving in for the summer. Larry and I were married last night by Father Feliciano. We've applied for a social security card and a green card for me on line. I'll be returning to New York with him and Frank after Labor Day."

Frank and Jon jumped up and embraced the happy couple. The four of them were in a huddle, and Frank said, "I'm so happy for you, Dad, and for you Sofia."

In the joy of the moment, Frank and Jon kissed very sloppily. Larry wasn't surprised.

"Look guys," Larry said. "I've been working on my book all day, every day, and I'm almost finished. The story has been running out of me like water from a faucet. I've never written so much so fast. I'm wearing out the keys on my laptop. I guess Sofia is a real inspiration. If I finish it quickly, I can send the first draft to Marie and my publisher. Then I can relax, and have a honeymoon the rest of the summer. Please, you three, figure out something to do today, because I'm about to isolate myself in my room. If I'm lucky, I'll finish my book today, or tomorrow at the latest."

"Let's go into Florence," Jon suggested, but we'll come back for dinner, and have ourselves one helluva celebration."

"Have fun," Larry said. "I'll see you later."

That night, they celebrated at the quaint little ristorante in the village where Frank and Larry had eaten the night they arrived, and then all four of them ran home. The honeymooners made love all night, as did Frank and Jon.

When they were relaxing in the afterglow, Jon lovingly began to fondle Frank's now shrunken cock.

"I have something to confess to you," Jon said. "I've never said this to anyone else ever before. I'm madly, hopelessly in love with you. If you feel the same way, move in with me when we get home."

"Jerk," Frank said. "Couldn't you tell when you fucked me, how much I loved you, and how much passion I put into it? If you hadn't asked me, I would have told you that I'm moving in with you, and don't argue. Besides, I'll make a perfect roommate. I've been dealing with a temperamental author all my life. I'll know how to handle another one. And if that's not enough, I'm thoroughly familiar with the publishing business."

"How would you feel about getting married someday?" Jon asked.

"I'd feel fine about it, but I have to get a job first."

"Done!" Jon said adamantly. "Marie is looking for a new assistant. Since you're so expert at handling authors, and you are so well acquainted with the publishing business, the job is yours. I'll text her first thing tomorrow morning."

"That's great. Nothing like keeping it in the family."

Suddenly, Jon started to laugh and sob at the same time.

"Why are you crying?" Frank asked.

"I was just thinking how empty all our lives would be, if your dad hadn't developed writer's block for the first time in his career, and if Marie hadn't found the perfect solution for his malady."

"Maybe it was no accident," Frank said, and he looked heavenward. "Maybe it was written in the stars."

Jon laughed. "Now you sound like one of your father's novels," he said. "I'll have to shut you up," and he did. He planted his mouth over Frank's and shut him up with his tongue and his lips.

Tobe continued ...

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