The Virgin Buster

By GeorgiaGuy2 GeorgiaGuy2

Published on Jul 20, 2020



The Virgin Buster

This is a story about how I lost my virginity. It's not a true story, although there are elements of truth within it, especially about the college and the time period. Mostly it's a fantasy about a real guy I knew at the time the story took place. So it didn't happen, but it should have.

The summer of 1976 was a great time in my life. I was 19 years old and in college at a Christian school in a large Southern city, spending the summer taking a very intense three quarters worth packed into one of Spanish. Every day five days a week the class would begin at 10:00 in the morning and go on until 1 pm. Then, after a quick lunch, you had to head back to the language lab to spend another couple of hours listening to language tapes and practicing your conversational Spanish into a microphone while wearing headphones, and then you had written work that you had to have completed and ready to turn in the next morning, meaning that your late afternoons and evenings were devoted to Spanish as well. It was pretty brutal, especially when you combined all that Spanish work with the Bible class you were also required to take that met at 8 am every morning, then a mandatory chapel meeting that happened at 9 am.

It was tough, but as I said, it was a great summer. I had spent the previous year at that college so I felt comfortable with the routines and settings of the place. Despite all the religious stuff it was an intellectually demanding school with high academic standards, so I felt challenged there as I never had in my high school days, and I enjoyed the challenge. Plus, the summer atmosphere was pretty relaxed because only a small fraction of the normal student population took summer classes, meaning the campus was pretty quiet. There was one men's and one women's dorm open, and both were only about half full. In the men's dorm anyone who wanted a private room could have one, and so I did, and that was nice too. Since the college was a Christian one there was a very strict code of conduct, including a ban on opposite sex visiting in the dorms beyond the lobbies. That meant the halls and room areas themselves in my dorm were a male only preserve, and that basically meant most of the guys slopped around in their underwear or buck naked a lot of the time in the evenings. Each floor had two shower rooms and two restrooms that served a total of about 40 guys that summer (during the regular school year it was a lot more crowded, of course.) You'd go to take a shower in the morning and usually end up standing around naked or with your towel wrapped around you waiting in line for a stall to open up, and if you needed to shave or make use of the restroom facilities you'd do that naked most of the time, too. It was a comfortable, relaxed way of life in which you spent a lot of time naked and saw a lot of other guys naked too every day, and no one ever thought twice about it. There were eight floors in my dorm and probably a total of about 400 guys were living there that summer (normally it housed around 800-1000 of us, so it really seemed empty.) It was nice, you could do a lot of male bonding type stuff hanging out naked with each other. But while clothing standards were low, morality standards were not. Any sort of sexual activity on campus was completely banned by the administration. You could visit the girls' dorm lobbies but you couldn't go any further. As for the guys, if you were gay or bisexual (and there were some of us who were) you had to be very, very careful, because if you were caught in the act you were expelled, no appeal, and even if you only gave reason to suspect you might have leanings beyond pure heterosexuality you could be called in and made to answer some embarrassing questions.

So basically for most of us guys the only sexual outlet we had was masturbation. The college tended to turn a blind eye to that, but it wasn't something you wanted anyone to know you were doing, so it was something done quickly and furtively, in a restroom stall or late at night in bed when your roommate (if you had one) was asleep. I never heard of any circle jerks or group activities all the time I was at that college. They may have gone on, in fact probably did go on in secret, but I was never involved in any. That summer having time to take care of my sexual needs wasn't a problem, because as I said above I had a private room. Usually I'd finish up the work I had to do that day, go eat dinner in the Student Center cafeteria where I'd see some friends and socialize a bit, and then head back to my room, where I'd shut and lock the door, undress, and rub one out, usually on the vacant bed because it was a little more exciting to do that. It was nice being able to do that, and sometimes in the mornings I'd do it again after getting back from my shower. Generally my sexual orientation was towards women, but I had also come to realize that I could be turned on by a good looking guy. As a guy raised in a Christian home and conservative environment and attending the sort of college I was attending, it goes without saying that at that time I was a virgin. So were most of the other guys in that dorm. I'm sure that some other guys there also felt drawn to their own sex, but it was a rare guy who ever did anything about it. It was hazardous to your college career at that school, would have been devastating to your family, and according to the church teachings we were all exposed to, fatal to your immortal soul, which would spend eternity in hell if you so much as glanced at another guy's penis with lust in your heart. I know I was beginning to second guess a lot of the stuff I had been taught in church, but I wasn't at the point where I could give up that nervous fear of eternal damnation just because I happened to think another guy was sexy.

I repeat, the summer of 1976 was a great time in my life. I was busy with work that was challenging but achievable, I was in a relatively quiet, relaxed environment where I felt comfortable and had friends. Nationally the United States had weathered the Vietnam War and the Watergate Scandal and was celebrating the Bicentennial in what seemed like the best mood it had been in in years, and politically Jimmy Carter was about to become the Democratic Party's presidential nominee and was headed to the White House. I was a history major and I leaned toward the Democrats politically, and I found the Democratic convention and the presidential campaign very exciting. Since the college was a Christian one there were a lot of conservative Republicans among the students and faculty, but that didn't bother me too much because I enjoyed argument and debate. The weather that summer was as normal, very hot and humid most of the time, but the dorms and other buildings were air conditioned so life was pretty comfortable.

The most important thing that happened to me that summer was due to my being in that intense Spanish class, so I need to describe it. There were probably about thirty students in the class, roughly evenly divided by sex. I knew quite a few of the other students, though I was a little younger than most of them. The professor who taught the class was exacting, but she was also good humored and a lot of fun, so that was pleasant too. We did a lot of vocabulary drills and conversational practice, usually in small groups which would alternate so that you worked with every other student in the class at least once a week. One of the students was Bart. He was probably 20-21 years old because he was on the verge of being a senior. He was a quiet guy but good humored and intelligent, tall with brown hair and a mustache and very large, dark brown eyes, which were pretty striking. They seemed deep and sort of liquid, somehow, and when he looked at you he seemed to see right into your soul. He had a good tan and dressed well, in khaki pants (shorts weren't allowed on campus) and polo shirts. The college was in a Southern state and most of the students, including me, were Southerners, but Bart was a "Yankee" from Boston, Massachusetts. He had that Kennedyesque Boston accent that left the Rs off the ends of words and sounded very cool and cultured among all the Southern accents. I didn't know him well, he lived off campus in his own apartment and thus wasn't in the dorm or Student Center or cafeteria much, but I had had classes with him before and liked him. He was always fun to talk to, and like me he preferred Carter and the Democrats over the Republicans, who were fighting it out over whether President Gerald Ford or Ronald Reagan should get the GOP nomination. As for me, I was tall and gangly, skinny with dark hair and dark brown eyes, fair skinned because I didn't tan well. During the week in mid-July 1976 when the Democratic Convention was going on in New York City Bart and I ended up being in the same conversational practice group several times, and that meant that during the required lab practice times in the afternoon we usually sat near or next each other while listening and responding to the language tapes using headphones and microphones. It was tedious work much of the time but I enjoyed having the interaction with him and the others in our group. During breaks we discussed the convention, which we watched on TV, and agreed that Carter's choice of Walter Mondale to be his Vice Presidential running mate was a good one that would strengthen the ticket.

On the Thursday of that convention week Carter was scheduled to give his acceptance address, and I was looking forward to watching him do so on the black and white TV I had in my dorm room. About an hour before he was due to start the phone in my room rang. It was Bart. "Hey, there, getting ready to watch the big speech?" he asked. "Sure, you must be too," I replied. "Of course, but first there's something I want to ask you." "Okay," I responded, thinking this must be something to do with Spanish. "I was wondering if you'd like to spend the weekend with me," he said casually. "You mean you're going to be on campus?" I asked rather densely "No, I mean here at my place. It seems like a good time, and I think we could have some fun together." I was a little perplexed but also intrigued. "Well, it sounds like fun," I hedged a bit, hoping to learn more about what he was planning. "Oh, it would be good for both of us," he responded right away. "I've been spending a lot of time with you lately, and I think I can help you out a bit." "Help me? How do you mean?" I asked, feeling a little confused but also beginning to feel a little excited. "I may be wrong about you, but I think I see that you need to get past something, or maybe lose something is a better way to put it." Now I was even more excited, but also confused. "Lose what?" I asked. "Maybe you've heard of someone called The Virgin Buster?" he asked. Now I was really interested. I had indeed heard whispers among some of the guys about a fellow who supposedly was willing to help males who wanted to lose their virginities, and weren't particularly picky about the sex of the other person involved when they did lose it. I had heard those whispers but hadn't really believed them, they seemed too risqu‚ and risky for the sort of college we were all attending. I must have just stood there with my mouth hanging open because he said "Are you still there?" "Um, yeah, that sounds like fun, and you're right about me." "I figured I was. Now, here's the plan. Tomorrow evening after class I'm going to do some work in the library over there. I'll park in the lot behind the library. At 7:30 you show up back there and I'll signal you which car. Get in the back and we'll head off." "Wow, OK, sounds great," I stammered. "Don't worry, it's going to be fun, you'll see. Just be careful and don't let anyone see you." "Sure thing," I stammered again. "Oh, and don't bother to bring anything, you won't need clothes! Bye, see you tomorrow in class," he said as he hung up.

After that exciting conversation I hung up, heart pounding, a little sweaty, and with a serious hard on in my pants. I sat down and took some deep breaths. Yes, I did indeed want to lose my virginity, and the more I thought about Bart the better I liked the idea of losing it to him. I sat and worked on getting my breathing under control, which was hard, especially after the implications of his saying I wouldn't need clothes dawned on me. After a few minutes I was calmer, and I thought through some things I would need to do. First, I called my parents. They lived in another state a couple of hundred miles away and usually expected to hear from me by phone on weekends. During the regular year I visited home every other week or so, but that summer, because the workload for the Spanish class was so huge I had decided it was best to stay on campus on the weekends and work to catch up. That night I told my mother that I was going to be part of a study group with some other people from the class and I would be staying off campus with them, but that I would be back Sunday afternoon. This wasn't too much of a lie and was plausible enough, and she accepted it without reservation.

I spent the evening fairly normally, watched Carter's acceptance speech, stripped down to my underwear to go to bed, and saw some of the other guys who came by to talk, either naked or in their shorts, on political matters. The political events and the impending weekend with Bart kept me keyed up, and I had a hard time getting to sleep, and when I did sleep, I had some crazy dreams that caused me to wake up hard a couple of times. When morning came I got up at the regular time, walked down the hall in my shorts where I showered, then returned to my room naked, as was my customary practice, where I shaved with my electric razor, then dressed and went to breakfast. Afterwards I had my normal Bible class and then chapel, and then I hit the Spanish classroom for another tough few hours of intensive language learning. Bart was there, of course, but he and I made no reference to our conversation or our plans. We went through the class, ate lunch, did the afternoon lab work, and led our lives. He finished his lab a little before I did and as he got up and left the room he gave me a little nod of acknowledgment that sent a tingle through me all the way to my crotch.

So that late afternoon I was a bit jittery. I spent some time in the Student Center, walked around the campus a bit, saw some friends, and when the cafeteria opened for dinner went ahead and ate. Afterwards I returned to my room. Normally at that time of day I stripped down and masturbated, but in view of what was to come later that evening that wasn't appropriate, so I watched some TV news, tried to do a little of my Spanish work for the weekend, and kept an eye on my watch. I decided it was a good idea to get cleaned up so I stripped down for a quick shower and shampoo and then put on clean clothes. About 7:20 I stood up nervously, turned out the lights in my room, shut and locked the door, visited the restroom on the way out, and then strolled across campus. It had been another hot day but the sun had gone down and there was growing dusk, especially under the trees. I walked towards the library, keeping an eye out for anyone who might know or recognize me, and by taking a roundabout path eventually arrived in the back parking lot a minute or so before 7:30. I was very nervous, and in the back of my mind were questions like was this some sort of cruel prank that would get me laughed at, and possibly expelled from school, or would he not be there at all, or something similar. But as I stepped into the lot with its several rows of parked cars one flashed its headlights. I strolled towards it, hoping I was being casual, and saw to my relief that Bart was driving and that he was indeed alone. As I reached the car he gave a jerk of his head to the back, and I stepped to the rear passenger door behind the driver and opened it. Bart said quickly "Get in, lie down, and cover up!" I did as he said, using a blanket that was on the seat, and Bart started the car and began to pull out.

"I've got to drive through the campus to get out, and no one needs to see you with me," he said quietly as the car picked up speed and began to roll past the library to one of the roads running through the campus. The car was a nice one, only a couple of years or so old. I don't remember the model, but it may have been a Volvo or something similar. Bart's parents had money, as I could see from his wardrobe and the fact that he lived in his own apartment. We drove along the roads until I could hear from the heavier traffic that we were on one of the main city streets. I knew roughly where Bart lived, but had never been there and wasn't very familiar with the city since I didn't have a car myself. It must have been 15 or 20 minutes before Bart turned into what seemed like another parking lot. He parked and said "We're here."

I peeked out cautiously and saw we were in the lot of a large apartment complex, in front of a two story town house that was one of several in a row. Bart said again, "No one's around right now because it's Friday, but we have to be careful because some other kids from school live here. I'll get out and open the door and leave it open. Give me two minutes and then you follow." I did as he said, casting the blanket aside and opening the rear door, stepping out quickly and then past the car, across a sidewalk and up a couple of steps to where the door of the townhouse was standing partly open. I slipped in and shut the door. Bart was waiting there, and he said "Good job!" as he reached past me to lock the door. I looked around. We were in a small living room through which I could see a kitchen at the rear. The room was fairly basically furnished with what looked like older furniture that his parents had donated or bought cheaply for his use in college. There was a TV set in one corner and some posters on the walls, with a staircase leading up to one side. The place was neater than you might expect from a college aged guy, but Bart was a good housekeeper. He had me sit down on a good sized couch and disappeared into the kitchen. He came back in a few minutes with a couple of goblets filled with what looked like, and was, red wine. "Um, I don't drink," I protested. He laughed "I wouldn't worry about a little wine when you think about what we're going to be doing over the weekend!" It did seem silly, and I didn't want to be a prude, so I took a goblet and cautiously sipped. It was a pleasant, warm taste that seemed to flow into my stomach and spread from there. "Let's see what's going on with Carter," Bart said, turning on the TV to the news and coming back to sit beside me on the couch. We watched some campaign stories and continued to sip the wine. I realized at one point that he had an arm around my shoulder and had pulled me to him, but I liked it. We sat on the couch and gradually got closer until finally my head was leaning on his shoulder. His fingers began massaging my shoulders, and I reciprocated with my hand on his thigh. The news ended and he got up to turn off the TV again. We chatted a little about politics and then he said "Let's talk about this weekend." I turned to look up at him, and he sat back down with his arm around me again. "The most important thing to remember is that this is a one time thing," he began. I'm not really into guys as much as I am girls, what I like to do with guys is help them pop their cherries and get into it. I don't care whether you're gay or straight, it doesn't matter here, all we're doing here is having fun for a couple of days, then it's over. Understand?" "Sure," I said. "I like women better myself, but I have nothing against a guy like you." "That's good, just so long as we understand each other. I've helped a fair number of guys like you who need to get that first experience in the books. Some of them you probably know. In fact I know you know a couple because they're in class with us." "What!" I said, "Who?" running over in my mind all the guys who were taking Spanish that summer. "Naming no names," he said. "That's another thing to remember, what happens here stays here. I never mention your name, and you never mention mine again. We'll stay friends, but that's all. Remember, if you ever talk about this, we'll both get expelled, and while that's a crazy school with some messed up attitudes, it's still a pretty good place to get your degree from. Besides, why cause trouble with your family? We just enjoy ourselves, and on Sunday afternoon it's over. Fair?" "Fair!" I agreed.

"Great," he said, getting back up and heading into the kitchen. I took the opportunity to step into a little powder room that opened off the living area to piss. When I got back to the living room he was sitting on the couch holding a peculiar looking lit cigarette. "I don't smoke," I protested, but he laughed "This isn't just a cigarette, babe!" The "babe" shook me a little, but what shook me more was when I smelled the fumes from the cigarette and realized it was pot. I'd smelled it in high school and even on occasion in the dorm back at college, but had never tried it. Now he took a drag from it and handed it to me. "Come on, something else new to learn!" I took a puff and my head spun a little. I gave it back to him, took a larger sip of wine, and started feeling pretty content and relaxed in the situation. We continued to share the joint and drink the wine for awhile. We had our arms around each other's shoulders and were sitting so closely that our thighs rubbed. Then Bart turned my head towards him, leaned forward, and planted a big kiss on my mouth, the first time I'd ever been kissed by a guy. It startled me but pleased me too, and I kissed him back. We sort of settled in to each other reclining and kissing on the couch. Eventually Bart squeezed out the joint and put it on an ashtray, then whispered in my ear "Let's go upstairs."

I was now in a state of euphoria from the wine and the pot and the excitement of what was going to happen, and I didn't so much walk up as float up the stairs. Upstairs was a good sized bedroom with a bathroom attached. The bedroom had the same sort of hand me down furniture as the rest of the apartment, with a chest of drawers, a couple of straight chairs, and most importantly, a good sized double bed. Bart led me to the bed and sat me down on the edge, then stepped around the room lighting several scented candles. He turned out the overhead light and drew the drapes on the window so that the room was shadowy. Then he knelt in front of me and untied my shoes and pulled them off, then did the same to my socks. He stroked and fondled my feet, which was a new sensation for me, and then pulled me to my feet. He slowly unbuttoned my shirt, opened it, and slipped it off my shoulders and tossed it to the floor. He ran his hands over my chest, tweaking the nipples and feeling my chest hair. "I like a guy with chest hair," he murmured, and he leaned forward to sniff and lick between my nipples. He stuck a finger in my navel and then rubbed under my arms. Then his hands moved down and I felt him working on unbuckling my belt, and then slowly pulling my zipper down. He got my pants open and slowly tugged them down to the floor, where I stepped out of them. My hard dick was straining against the white cloth of my jockey shorts. He felt of it through the cloth, and then slowly moved his hands inside the waistband and pulled them down. I stepped out of them too and he tossed them aside. Now I was standing buck naked and hard as a rock in his bedroom.

"Nice body!" he said appreciatively, tugging me so that I turned around so he could admire my back and ass. "I like your dick, glad you're cut, so am I" he said, giving it a feel and running a finger over my balls. "Now, I think it's time you got me ready, what do you think?" "Great idea," I replied. So he sat on the bed and I untied his shoes and removed them, then his socks, and stroked and fondled his feet the same way he had done me. I pulled him to his feet and got to work undressing him. It was a lot of fun unbuttoning, unbuckling, and unzipping him and I took my time. He was a bit hairier than me, and I liked the looks and feel of his chest a lot. It was a little awkward since I had never undressed anyone before, and the fact that I was naked and had a giant erection was a little disconcerting, but a lot of fun. Finally I got his pants off so he was standing in his boxer shorts, tented out in front. I unsnapped them and let them drop. He kicked them away and stood naked and hard in front of me.

We stood there for a moment looking at each other. I know I was apprehensive and a little embarrassed by the condition I was in, but also super excited. He seemed to understand that because he put his hand on my shoulder and said "Just relax, this is going to be fun." He ran his hand down my chest and touched my dick. I reached out and touched his dick in return. It was a little bigger than mine, circumcised like mine, with a hard and shiny head on a veiny shaft. We stood like that feeling each other's dick and reaching below to touch the balls and run our fingers through the crotch hair. We both had a thick bush of dark curlies, not much difference between them. Then he turned around, giving me a fine view of his back and ass, and pulled back the bedspread and top sheet on his bed. I could smell that the bedlinens were fresh. "Go on, hop in!" he said, stepping back and away. I did so, slipping in and lying back on one of the two pillows. He stepped around the bed and got in on the other side. We scooted to the center so we were lying just inches from each other, our heads on the same pillow. I could feel his breath on my face. My heart was pounding loud enough that he could actually hear it. "Relax," he said again. "Nothing's going to happen that you won't like." I had always enjoyed being naked in bed and had often masturbated that way when I had the chance, but it was even more exciting feeling my bare ass and the rest of my body in a bed that wasn't my own, lying next to another naked body! We were lying there with the covers down so we could see each other. The room was dim and shadowy, with flickers from the scented candles he had lit and set on the chest of drawers and bedside table. He slid an arm under my head and wrapped it around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. He leaned over me, smiled, then kissed me, slowly and erotically. I felt his tongue slip inside my mouth and realized mine was in his. We held the kiss for a minute or so then he broke it and leaned back a little "Enjoying it so far?" he asked with a grin. "Sure am!" I breathed. He smiled again, and then leaned forward and began to kiss his way down my chest, taking my nipples in his mouth, tonguing out my navel, and then reaching my crotch. He gave my erection a lick, which sent a shiver through me, looked up at my speculatively, then slowly but surely took me into his mouth. I gasped and squirmed as I felt his tongue working on me. My toes actually curled from the pleasure and I could feel myself getting close. Not wanting the experience to be over too soon, I slid a little backwards so my dick fell back out of his mouth. Now I was more curious than ever. I did the same things he had done, going in for a kiss, kissing and licking down his chest, until I was staring right at his hard dick. I tentatively stuck my tongue out and gave it a lick. It tasted warm and odd, but appealing in some way that I felt deep inside me. I opened my mouth and took him in to it. "Watch your teeth!" he warned, and showed me the way to roll my lips over my teeth. I started again and he sighed and relaxed. I sucked for a bit, enjoying the strange but appealing taste and the feel of it on my tongue, until he pulled back in his turn. "Pretty good first time!" he said with a grin. "Sure you haven't done this before?" "Never," I responded, pleased that I had done well at the start. "Then you're just a natural at this," he grinned. This was a good time to bring up something that had been worrying me. "So, okay, this is all great," I hemmed and hawed a bit, "but, um, are we going to, um?" He understood immediately "You mean are we going to do THE DEED? I'm not planning on it," he said with a grin "Are you?" I felt my face getting hot and I said "No, I'm not sure I want to." "Then we don't," he said firmly. "That's not something you ought to do unless you're sure. Plenty of other fun stuff to do without getting into that." Feeling relieved, I went back to rubbing myself against him and enjoying the kissing and tonguing and every now and then the licking and sucking that kept getting hotter every time. Eventually I went over the edge and I felt an orgasm wave wash over me, with semen shooting out of me in great pulses onto his chest, thighs, and groin. That triggered his and he shot all over my stomach and chest.

The rest of the night went pretty much the same way. We'd talk, laugh a lot, rub and feel each other all over, kiss, suck (toes, fingers, nipples, balls, and other random spots besides dicks), climax and shoot onto each other, doze for awhile in each other's arms, wake up with a start and go at it again, all night long. There was plenty of talking. I had noticed in the dorm where nudity was so common that being naked around other naked guys encouraged chattiness and conversation in general, probably because you felt you had nothing left to hide so you might as well let it all hang out. This was a Christian school, remember, so that meant a lot of the unclothed talk was on religious matters, with prayer circles with guys standing in the raw holding hands were common, or debates on theological matters that took place with speakers and audience all being naked before the Lord. I tended to be shy and a bit inhibited in discussing personal matters, but I wasn't that weekend. He was the same way. We shared a lot of stuff while we were lying there with our penises touching. I was usually an early riser, even on weekends, but that Saturday morning, what with all the sex and fun stuff going on most of the night, I slept way up into the morning.

It was after ten a.m. when I finally opened my eyes and felt truly awake. I was lying partly on my side and stomach with Bart pressed up against my back, his head sort of draped over my shoulder. He was still asleep and gently snoring. I had a headache (probably a hangover after the wine and pot) and still felt groggy, but also very relaxed and happy. One of his legs was draped over mine, and I could feel his other one below mine. I could also feel his dick swelling and butting up against my balls from behind. I shifted one leg to let him poke it through and the head emerged, lying alongside mine, which was also stiffening. His head was slightly redder than my dark purple glans, and it was a bit thicker and longer looking too. It wasn't really comfortable but I enjoyed being there and didn't want it to end. Suddenly, he broke off in mid-snore and came awake. He kissed the back of my neck and shoulders and said "Morning, babe!" "Morning," I said back. He lifted his head and looked down my front. He reached around and gripped me, wagging my penis back and forth. A little goo came out of the piss slit and he ran a finger over it, then stuck it in his mouth. I reached and gripped his dick in return. He grunted as I stroked him and produced a little goo of his own, which I wiped off with a finger and stuck in my mouth. It was sweeter than his cum had been the night before. Slowly Bart rolled onto his back, pulling me with him so I was lying beside and half on him, our faces close together. I could see the room in the half light through the drawn curtains. There was a framed photograph on the chest of drawers across the room. I hadn't noticed it the night before but now I saw it was the young woman I had seen Bart with on campus many times during the previous year. "Girlfriend?" I asked with a nod. "Fiancee," he corrected me. "That's Elizabeth, we're going to get married after I graduate." "She's beautiful," I commented. "Thanks, she is, inside and out. It didn't take long after I met her to know she's the one." "So if you want to marry her, why are you messing around like this?" I asked cautiously, because it wasn't really my business but on the other hand, considering where I was and what I'd been doing with him, it really was. "It's like I told you last night, I like women better, but I enjoy messing around, as you call it, too sometimes." "Have you two ever?" I asked cautiously. "No, she and I are waiting till we're married. She'll be the last virgin I ever sleep with." "I guess I'm confused," I said. He chuckled and rubbed my chest and stomach with his hand. "I don't blame you. Here's the deal. I grew up in Boston. It's not that different from here, except the weather, but some things are a little more open. I went with a few girls in high school and first got lucky with one when I was 16. And there were some guys in high school too who didn't mind playing around every now and then." "I guess I could have done the same at my high school," I replied, "but I was raised inhibited." "Inhibited, yes, but it just takes the right person to make you come. . . out of your shell, that is," he chuckled, and I did too when I caught his meaning. "So you have probably always been a church member, then," he added. "Right, born and raised in it," I answered. "Me, I was born Catholic, but my family converted when I was about eight. I like the church over all, that's why I decided to go to the college, but some of the folks I've run into down here are really a challenge," he sighed, rubbing his own chest and pulling me closer to him "I know," I replied, "It takes a lot of patience to deal with those types." "It's OK to be conservative, but saying you have to be conservative to be Christian is going too far," he went on, "And I've actually had people tell me I couldn't be a Christian if I supported Democrats." "Me too," I said with a head shake.

We stopped talking for a few minutes to make out a bit, doing some heavy kissing and stroking, but we soon stopped "Let's save it for later," Bart said, "Better that way, Come on, let's get up." He slid out of bed and I followed on the other side, realizing as I stood up that I still had my headache and that I was very hungry. "Woozy, huh?" Bart said with a chuckle as he watched me. "A bit, and I'm starved," I said. "That's the pot and the wine, we'll clean up and then eat something." He turned and walked into his bathroom, giving me a good look at his back and ass. I followed, tingling a bit. When I entered the bathroom he was standing at the toilet pissing, which made me realize I needed to urgently as well. I joined him at the bowl and we pissed together for what seemed like forever. He finished first and shook himself off, then laughed as I finally finished my flow. "Shower time," he said, pulling back the shower curtain and gesturing me to go first. He followed me into the tub and we turned on the water. We had a good long hot shower together, soaping each other up and giving each other great hard shampoos. We were both hard by the time we turned off the water and stepped back into the bathroom, grabbing towels and drying each other off.

"I'll get breakfast started, take your time up here and come down when you're ready," Bart said with a slap to my ass and a pinch to my nipple. He padded out of the room naked. I continued to towel dry my hair and then combed it out with my fingers. I sat on the toilet to crap, stretched and walked back through the bedroom and downstairs in the nude, figuring since he had done that I should as well. It was sexy walking downstairs into his living room. The front window curtains were still shut but I could tell it was a bright day outside. I came into the kitchen and giggled a little. Bart was standing at the stove with a long apron tied around him, leaving his back and ass open to the world. "Not a good idea to fry bacon naked," he said with a grin. Quickly he set some bacon on, then cracked and scrambled several eggs. I looked around and opened a cupboard to find plates and silverware and used them to set the table. I checked the refrigerator for orange juice and poured us a couple of glasses. Bart had the percolator going and the smell of coffee filled the room. Expertly Bart filled out plates with healthy portions of scrambled eggs and bacon, set the skillets in the sink, then pulled off the apron to sit down at the table. I joined him and we had a great breakfast, feeling perfectly natural being naked.

"What did you do to your hair?" Bart asked after a minute. "I combed it out with my fingers," I replied. "That's no good, use my comb when you go back upstairs," he said. "You're OK with that?" I asked. He chuckled. "We've sucked each other's dicks, licked and felt all over our bodies, stuck our tongues in each other's mouths and shot our cum all over each other, do you think I care whether you use my comb?" I had to admit that was a little ridiculous and we both laughed. "So, how did this thing you do get started?" I asked after a minute. "You mean, how did I become the Virgin Buster?" he grinned. "It's quite a story. My freshman year here I lived in Meadows (referring to the other men's dorm on campus). It was OK, just noisy and crowded, but I didn't mind. Then one day in the middle of winter quarter I came back to my room and on the way passed a room that was empty with the door standing open. I mean, there was nothing except the bare beds, desks, and walls in there. I knew the guys who had lived there and had seen them just that morning, so it surprised me. I saw the RA for the floor coming down the hall so I asked him what happened. He shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes. I went on to my room and my roommate was there and he told me. The RA had walked in on those two guys and caught them." "Caught them?" I said, though I had a pretty good idea. "Caught them messing around, naked and playing with each other." "You mean like..." I said, thinking of what we'd been up to "Exactly," Bart said with a shake of his head. "The damn RA caught them doing what every one does, only this time they were doing it with each other, and he had to go all self-righteous and holier than thou and report them. They were expelled and had to pack up and leave. And he's a preacher now somewhere, I hope he's proud of himself." "Sick," I said "Yeah, imagine what they had to tell their parents," Bart said, shaking his head. I felt nauseous for a moment. "I know," he said, "I feel the same way. Anyway, after that I was through with that RA and that dorm. I considered transferring, but like I said, it's a good school with a good reputation. Fortunately my parents agreed to pay for this apartment, and this is where I've lived ever since the next quarter. I was lucky, my parents had the money to do it and didn't ask questions."

I still felt somewhat nauseous thinking about what a terrible thing had happened to those two guys. "So you started doing this after that, then?" I asked. "Right, starting that spring quarter after I moved here." Bart shook his head. "I figured I could help some guys do some exploring in a safer place than anywhere on that campus. Not that we're totally safe here. If anyone found out about us we'd both be gone." I nodded my head, still feeling sick. Bart saw my mood and said "Hey, come here!" He stood up and stepped to the kitchen's back door, which opened onto a little fenced patio. He opened the door and gestured for me to step out. I did so, awkwardly because, of course, I was buck naked and so was he. He stepped out beside me "Look at the sun and the sky," he said. "The world's a better place than we make it out to be. Even though we have to be careful, we can still have a great time." He kissed me while we were standing there on the patio. The sun was warm and I felt better. He led me back into the kitchen and shut the door, then we cleaned up the kitchen, him washing and me drying, standing side by side bare ass. "You're a good guy, some fellows I've had here won't lift a finger. They aren't all that great in the bedroom, either. I pity the poor women who marry them," said Bart. After everything was clean and put away we headed back upstairs. "First let's do something about that hair of yours," he said. We stepped into the bathroom and he took his comb and began to straighten out my hair. "You could use a trim, want me to do it?" he asked. I was putty in his hands by now and would have gone along with most anything, so I agreed to this. I sat on the toilet in the bathroom. He put a towel around my shoulders, then pulled out scissors and a trimmer and went to work neatening up my hair. It was great sitting there naked, watching his naked body while he worked on my hair. "There, that's better," he said. "Now duck in the shower and give yourself a shampoo." I did so, while he stayed in the bathroom and shaved. After I finished and came out toweling my hair dry he said "Want a shave, too?" He had a face full of shaving cream. Normally I used an electric razor but it, of course, was back in my dorm room. I said, "Sure," and after he finished his own shave he had me sit on the sink counter and he carefully lathered my face up and gave me a great, close shave, slapping on some of his cologne afterwards. My face felt super smooth and fresh.

All of this talking and emotion and the trimming and shaving had naturally led us both to get horny once again, so we went back to bed and spent the next few hours alternately making out, talking, dozing, and repeating. During one respite I asked "How many other guys have you done this with?" "A fair number, starting that spring quarter after I moved here." I was embarrassed to ask my next question, but I had to know. "How, how do I, um, . . ." "Compare?" he chuckled. "All of the guys want to know that. I'm not naming names, naturally, but I can tell you you're one of the better ones." "Really?" I was surprised because I felt as if I'd been pretty awkward at times. "Everyone's eager for their first time, but some are too scared to really relax and enjoy it. You did great. You went right along with the undressing part, and some guys were too inhibited to get into that. There was one guy who I had to do in his shorts at first." Bart laughed at the memory. "He liked the wine and the pot, though, and so he passed out early in the night. I took his shorts off and hid them. He was mad when he woke up naked, but then he got into it. And you're a good sucker. Some guys forget they have teeth." All of this talk got me horny again, and we had another intense time of it. "That's something else, your sex drive is like mine. Some guys are once and done, but not you."

By this time we were well into late afternoon and we were still making out in the bedroom. At last Bart stretched and said "We need to get out of the house for awhile. What do you say we go have dinner and then do a movie?" "That sounds great," I said. "Let me treat," I offered. "Let's split it, I'll get dinner and you can buy the movie tickets and stuff," said Bart. I agreed. Bart slipped on his jeans and went downstairs to pick his morning paper off the front porch. He brought it up and I thumbed through to the movie ads while he took his jeans back off. "What looks good?" he asked. "I'm not particular, you choose," I said. Bart took the paper and said "Hey, "All the President's Men" is on!" Both of us being political junkies we had read Woodward and Bernstein's best seller and had talked about Watergate. Quickly we decided that was the best choice. The closest theater it was playing in was not too far away in a neighborhood frequented by college students (there were several colleges and universities in the city), giving it a bohemian character different from what we saw around our own college. We got dressed. After nearly 4 hours in the nude my clothes felt a little weird and scratchy, but I got used to having things on again fairly quickly. We left the apartment and got in Bart's car. I rode up front this time. Bart said "We probably won't see anyone we know, but even if we do, we're two friends out having dinner and a movie, that's all." The car trip didn't take long. Bart drove us to a restaurant he was familiar with, a good steak and burger place that wasn't too expensive. We had good and filling burgers and fries, then drove on to the movie theater. I bought the tickets and we got Cokes and popcorn and settled in for the movie. It was a great movie, and what was even greater was seeing it with someone I had come to care a lot about. We sat so that our legs and thighs rubbed against each other, and a few times we let our hands wander across to the other guy's crotch for just a second. There weren't many people in the theater so that was safe to do.

After the movie ended we drove back to Bart's apartment, still discussing what we'd seen. Back in the apartment we sat in the living room for awhile, Bart bringing out the red wine and another joint. So we had fun and got a little high, then laughed our way back upstairs. We went through the undressing sequence again, only this time I started it by taking Bart's clothes off. When he was naked he went through the same procedure undressing me, then we hit the bed again for another night of sexuality. It was even better than the night before, very intense and fulfilling, including some rubbing of penises against asses, and we woke up late the next morning in the same circumstances, wrapped around each other with our penises touching.

We showered together and then Bart shaved us both. Returning to the bedroom Bart took a look at the pile of our clothes and the messy unmade bed. "I noticed last night that your clothes have a definite pot smell," he commented with a grin. "Tell you what, let's do laundry and I'll wash your things before you go back." I liked that idea a lot, particularly as he obviously intended to stay naked too. "Can't say the laundry is fully done unless you do it naked" was his explanation as he gathered a pile of his dirty clothes from the closet. We stripped the bed and carried it all downstairs to the little laundry area in the kitchen. Bart sorted out a colored load and started it washing. He made another big sloppy breakfast and we ate it together, then headed back upstairs where we made out again on the bare bed. When the first load was done we went down and transferred it to the dryer and then started the white load. We sat in the living room and laughed and talked. It was Sunday but neither of us thought of going to church, somehow that didn't seem appropriate with what we had been doing all weekend! We kept talking and making out, ending up having a passionate time of it on the floor near the front window.

Eventually the laundry was all finished and we sorted out my clothing. I was in no hurry to put anything on, and neither was he. We ended up back in the bedroom. Bart stepped into his closet and came out with a Polaroid camera "This is sort of a tradition with me for this stuff," he said. I was apprehensive, not wanting any photographic evidence floating around, but he said "Relax, I'm not taking pictures of your face." Instead he pointed the camera at my middle and squeezed off a couple of shots of my limp penis. Then he reached for it and gave it a little shake, making me start to swell and harden. He took a couple more shots of my erect dick and laid them all out on his bureau. From a drawer he pulled out an album and handed it to me. "I keep a record of everyone I've done this with. I leafed through and laughed at the pictures of hard and soft dicks. "And now yours are going in, totally anonymous, of course!" Bart took the pictures he had made and inserted them in the album. Then he said "And then there's one more souvenir." He picked up a small pair of scissors and said "I'd like some of your short curlies." I laughed and said "What for?" "Like I said, souvenirs, but anonymous again." He reached into the bureau drawer beside the album and pulled out a fistful of white envelopes. Each one had a date on the outside and something light inside. "No names, but lots of memories!" Bart laughed. He came over to me and carefully trimmed a selection of my pubic hair, getting some from my balls and under my navel as well. He stuffed the hairs into a new envelope, which he sealed up and then wrote the date on. "I'd like a souvenir, too!" I said. "Of course," he laughed, handing me the scissors. I carefully trimmed off a selection from his crotch regions and stuffed them in the envelope he handed me. We had another intense love making session, and by now it was late afternoon again.

"Well, congratulations on losing your cherry this weekend!"said Bart as we started dressing. "It's been great, thanks so much!" I responded. "Lots of good memories!" he replied. We dressed and returned to his car. Once again we drove through the city streets, heading back to the college. "I'll pull around behind the gym, it's quiet there on Sundays." No one was around as he pulled up. I gave his leg a quick squeeze. "See you tomorrow in class," he said. "And remember, this won't be repeated, and it will never be mentioned again, just a good memory." "Sure thing," I replied, getting out of his car. I waved as he pulled off, then made my way back to the dorm. It was still quiet so I had no problems getting back to my room. The first thing I did was to hide the envelope with Bart's pubes in the back of a drawer in my desk. I called my parents to tell them my study session was over, pulled out the Spanish work I should have been doing over the weekend and worked on that for a couple of hours, then headed over to the Student Center dining hall for dinner. There I met some friends I normally ate with. They assumed I had gone home for the weekend, and I didn't correct them. We had our normal Sunday evening fun seeing people returning from home visits and in the last hours before going to bed stripping down to our shorts or to our bare skin. I spent some anxious moments examining my crotch in a mirror before I decided the trimmed hair wasn't noticeable.

Monday morning arrived all too early. I went through the normal routine of showering, shaving, eating breakfast, and then going to early Bible class, chapel, and then Spanish. Bart was in Spanish of course, and we nodded politely to each other. The rest of the day and the week passed without incident. Bart and I worked together occasionally, but our discussion was always on classwork. Remembering what he had said about having initiated a couple of other guys in our class before me, I spent some time wondering who they were, but there was no indication, and of course no way to ask. A couple of weeks after my weekend I noticed another guy in our class coming in on Monday morning looking a little sheepish. I also noticed his hair had been trimmed over the weekend. Whether he was next on Bart's virgin-busting list, and whether he had occupied that bed and whether his penis pics were in that album next to mine, was of course impossible to know. If he had been on my hall I could have taken a quick ogle at his crotch in the showers and seen if any hair was trimmed there, too, but he lived on another floor, and I never saw him in anything less than his shorts in the dorm.

As I said, that was a great summer. When the quarter ended in mid August we all departed for a few weeks vacation before the fall quarter began in September. The college was more crowded and busy in the fall. I saw Bart occasionally, but we didn't have classes together. His fianc‚e Elizabeth was back in school after a summer off, and he spent a lot of time with her. I occasionally sat with them at meals or otherwise interacted with them. She was a good person, and it was both embarrassing and titillating to think that I had been intimate with Bart before she had. I kept the envelope with his pubes hidden away, pulling it out every now and then for a feel and nice memory. The election that November was fun, though Democrats were a very small minority in that conservative college. Bart, Elizabeth, and I were among the folks who cheered Carter on and had a good time celebrating on Election Night.

Life went on. Bart graduated the next spring, and sometime that summer he and Elizabeth married. I sometimes wondered what he did with his envelope collection and album, but I had no way to find out. I eventually misplaced my envelope, too. They moved back to the New England area, and I haven't seen either of them since. In the latest alumni directory I see that they are still married and living in New England, and that they've had several children,none of whom went to that college. My life went on as well. I graduated, married, and had a great career teaching high school social studies. I've been back to the college a few times, and I keep up with things through the alumni bulletins. After more than forty years things have loosened up there, apparently. There's a Rainbow Flag club there now, and the student handbook no longer has a blanket ban on sex on campus. It would be too much to say the place has gone liberal, but maybe, just maybe, guys doing a little exploration won't have to be as careful as Bart and I had to be all those years ago.

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