The Vortex

By John Bromfield

Published on Jan 12, 2019



The Vortex John Bromfield >

At the death of my cousin in his Will for some reason I don't know why. He gives me the "Hambleton Detective Agency". It's a bit of a one man band affair. Do you look a gift horse in the mouth? Maybe.

I took a couple of weeks off work to see how the land lies. I made an appointment with the lawyer to sign all the papers and obtain the keys. The office was a smart clean lined and I see a clear desk policy. Means also most of all his work was done on his phone or laptop. (I still like paper) Then I see the Clerk's secretary with stacks of files and paper everywhere. She is the one running this practice. Sack her and you will be in deep trouble. It was she that gave the paperwork to the Clerk who then brought it into the office. She was tall. Well she was in her high heels. Tight fitting red dress that just about kept her breasts from falling out. I wondered "How did she get a job in this place?" All papers signed and was given the keys. At no time was I offered a coffee or refreshments.

Thankful to get out of there I make my way to the east-side of town. The kind of area you don't go to after sundown without a gun in your belt. There were a few people around but I think they were lookouts for police raids or police activity. Arrive at the wooden building looking as if it hadn't been painted in 30 years. No windows broke but few with some cracks (I can live with that.) The door complained a little as I opened it and shut it behind me and decided to lock the door in case I was followed by some undesirable persons. Dust lay everywhere and pile of unread mail. Walking to the office it is clean and neat. Sitting in a captains chair I start going through the mail. Bill, bill, bill, bill missing persons report. Now here is something interesting. A report of a whole family disappearing in my neighbourhood. Police have given up on the case as "whereabouts unknown". Some local folks had asked my cousin to look into the matter.

The family were called Anderson. Lets check the filing system. The draws were locked but I have a key. Anderson, here we are Jerry and Susan Anderson married one child of 5 Neville. Worked as a mechanic at a local garage. Wife worked at a late night café. House built 50 years ago on Taho Street number 41 Enquires Pending

Tomorrow I will have a fresh start. I will look for a hotel that's a few blocks away from the office. A garish neon sign in pale blue "The Moonlight Restaurant" with a smaller sign "Rooms to Rent". I may have been there only customer that day as I walk up to the bar. The barman appeared "Yes can I help you?" in a manner of I was watching the game and you disturbed me. "Can I have a beer please" he opens the beer and gives me the choice of pouring it into a dirty glass or drinking from the bottle I decide the bottle is cleaner. The man was about to go around the back again when I stopped him. "Excuse me the sign said Rooms for Rent. Do you have any?" "We do 10 dollars per day not including breakages. Money up front" his demeanour was still the same I had stepped into his whole world without permission. I gave him 55 dollars and waited. A key scooted across the bar "Number 3 is available. If you go around the back you will see the rooms there" at last he could return to the game.

The room was basic but clean, the air was a bit stale. Had a shower and the extractor fan cleared the air. Put my clothes on and went out for a meal somewhere. The Moonlight Restaurant had customers sitting at tables and waiting staff eager to serve. Well here goes nothing. I am shown to a table by a polite young man. "Can I get you a drink sir" clearly the evening staff are better than the daytime staff. My meal was OK hot and freshly cooked. I left a tip and went to bed.

I arose early the next morning washed and shaved. Across the street was a small café where I had breakfast and recognised the young waiter from the night before. "Hi nice to see a handsome face again" his face lit up "Ah so you remembered me I only work there in the evenings". "Have been here long in the neighbourhood?" I enquired "I moved here about 5 years ago when my father died and I look after my mum and what are you doing in this part of town?" no menace in his voice. Told him about my cousin and the agency's last case and I figured I would like to solve the case. Then when the cards were on the table I asked about the Andersons. "Oh yes they disappeared during the night, I mean like furniture and all without removal lorries. People can get into a car drive to the horizon and beyond. But it takes time to empty a house of furniture" now I had my little notepad with me and wrote it all down. "Thanks" I told him "I think we will be seeing eachother again" he smiled and started clearing the tables.

I walked up Taho Street to number 41 the white paint was showing signs of neglect. I looked in the windows and yes the house was empty not a stick of furniture. Having surveyed the outside I decide to knock at number 42. A man came to the door "If you are selling were not buying" he said with gruff voice "Oh no I have come to ask about the disappearance of the Andersons" in quite voice trying calm things down a bit. "You a reporter or something?" still not happy I explain I how I took over the agency and this was the last one on the file. "You stay there" the man disappears for 2 minutes. "We were left these keys to house in case of emergencies. They aint any use to us now. Good luck. If you find anything let us know" "Thanks can I hold into them for the time being?" I asked. "Sure once you finished with them put them in the mail box" that was kind. "Thanks" and I turn to number 41.

I open the front looking signs of a forced entry. No looks fine to me. I go throughout the house checking each room. I have seen how the police operate on reality TV so I look everywhere, nothing. Went to the backyard over grown with weeds and so no clues there either. Conclusion I write: Anderson family whereabouts unknown.

On reaching the front door as I open it I give a quick look back into the main lounge. There to my surprise is a huge hole. Now that was not there a moment ago when I came in. Now I don't know why but people throw things into holes to see how deep they are. I pick out a dime from my wallet and throw it into the centre of this hole. The laws of gravity state it should fall at something like 88 feet per second, It does not but hovers over the hole. Next I take a piece of paper screw it into a ball and through that and it immediately fell into the hole. Interesting I thought. I looked away for a moment and then the hole was gone. On the floor was a piece of paper with a dime on it, what was more to the point was something was written on it. "Greetings I am the Keeper of the Gate. My name is Michael. Leave a massage in the same area you found this one". It, however crazy I have got one more step forward in cracking the case. I wrote "I am looking for the Anderson family last known at this location and I'm concerned about their safety. Second question is Where are you? Yours Charles" I left the message as near to the spot as I remembered. We will see what tomorrow brings.

I go back to the office and type up my report. Not that anyone is going to believe it or even read it. I'm covering my ass if I get into any trouble. On returning to my room there has been a note put under the door. I sat on the bed and opened the envelope and message read "Charles my dear friend. The Anderson family came to me by mistake because someone left the Gate open. It was too late to close it as they had already arrived here. They do not wish to return as all their dreams in life can be fulfilled here. You wanted to know where here, is? This portal opens to another world that is a trillion light years away. You have an invite to join with me. See you tomorrow, Yours hugs and kisses Michael xxxxx" Well seems tomorrow I will get all the answers and some.

Ran a hot shower and slept and dreamt of that waiter who's trousers were shoehorned into that wonderful bubble-butt of his, that squared chin with a dimple. Short blond hair. But such I guy would not want me so lets not spoil the dream. I get up and go around restaurant and a young waitress shows me to my table. "Where's the young waiter tonight?" I enquired "Oh he doesn't work here every night. This is his night off" shame I thought would have like to see him again. Well I'll see him at breakfast.

Morning arrives and a hot shower and spray some "Savage" aftershave to show I may not look brilliant but at least smell good. On reaching the café there were no customers only myself. The waiter serves me and waits till I finish and takes my plate away and then sits down opposite me. "How's the Anderson case?" he said. I then proceeded to tell the story however crazy it sounded. "Then would you like me to come with you" he smiled at me "Would you? It's a bit scary and I need some support" he put his hand on mine saying "It will be fine don't worry" I went to pay but he said the meal was on the house. "Give me 10 minute to load the dishwasher and I will be with you". He closed the blinds locks the door and we both make our way down the street towards number 41.

I open the door and we both walk in and he turns and kisses me. Oh such sweet kisses. His strong arms enfold me and I feel safe in those arms. On breaking the kiss he says "I am Michael the Keeper of the Gate. I want you to be with me now and forever. Do you like me Charles? I give you this option. I will love you always and always be with you. This location is now known so it could be 50 years or more before the gate opens again. Well it can only be opened a short while or the whole world would sucked into the vortex." I kissed him and it was oh so nice. "Michael yes I want to go with you. I have to return the keys next door give 10 minutes" OK when you return I will open the gate" Quickly I write about all that has happened in the notepad and place it with the keys in the mail box. I return to the house open the door and the vortex is there. "Charles hold my hand and close your eyes trust me walk with me" I fall and open my eyes I am sitting in the lounge floor of number 41 but not on Taho Street. Michael has changed in appearance though. He is now an angel and he helps me take my clothes off until I stand naked. Then he kisses me wrapping his wings around me my cock is stiff and leaking pre-cum. He turns me around and I feel his cock enter me with no pain just the warm feeling of a stiff cock hitting my joy spot over and over again. Michael asks me again "Charles can I come into you and we will be together forever" lost in the joy of the moment "Yes Yes oh yes" my cock explodes in fountains of joy while Michael fills me "Oh yes yes" and then he was gone. "Michael where are you?" I didn't want to be alone in this strange place. "Calm yourself I am inside you I am part of you. Close eyes and think of me then open them" There he was I kiss him yes he is real. "Charles this your world all you do is think it and it will happen. The Andersons are very happy the husband has his sailing boat wife has her desert island while the young boy gets to meet all his friends at Disney World go on all the rides and eat as much candy as they want" "Michael all I want is you" I said "My you are easy to please. I will guide you through your world and Charles we can make love when ever you want" "Michael I think I am going to enjoy this place.

Notes: Using String Theory and Wormholes it is possible to travel from one end of the universe to the other in less than a second in theory. If proven it is how Angels and Demons travel. All Angels and Demons are male according to the Bible I was the office junior that had the files and my desk was always a mess of paper but knew where everything was. Boss wanted me to be replaced by a tall blond young girl in a short dress with big breasts. He got two grey haired pensioners in slippers. Within a year the branch closed and the boss was never to be seen again. I became a Private Investigator for 6 months and yes I was the key that solved the case My guardian angel is not called Michael

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