The Wedding


Published on Sep 8, 2023


The Wedding Part 5

I don't think I have ever been as scared in my life as when I heard the key turn in the front door lock. I looked up at Marcus, whose eyes must have been as wide as mine. If it was my mother, I would undoubtedly be thrown out of the house and cast into one of the deepest pits of hell. If it was Sophie, it would be less dramatic, she would probably just kill me.

I heard two voices outside, and it was with a sigh of relief I heard Naomi's voice shouting Aunt Sammy. It must be Caroline with her, so I whispered to Marcus to stay there and be quiet. He nodded and started to pull his trousers back on. I desperately tried to get my bra back on properly and pull my t-shirt back over my head. I tried to straighten my hair as I heard Naomi shout for Aunt Sammy once more. I pulled my t-shirt straight and walked out, firmly closing the door behind me. Naomi hugged my leg when she saw me and I tousled her hair. Caroline was in the living room, shot me a look, then at the two glasses on the table.

Hello little sis, she said, and was I having company tonight whilst mother was out. I felt my cheeks warm, and I said nice to you see you too. She grinned, stood up and taking a tissue she wiped something from the corner of my mouth. You should be careful Sammy, but I suppose you can't get pregnant. I was now beetroot red and angry at the thoughtlessness of her remark. She said that she wasn't going to tell mother what I got up to, but she wanted to know if I could sit for Naomi tomorrow night? Naomi squealed and asked me to please say yes. Of course I will I said to Naomi, I would love to see her anytime. I knelt down and got a huge hug from her. Caroline said she had forgotten to say thank you for me buying Naomi the new dress and shoes. What had that been for?

We went on an adventure, piped up Naomi. I winked at her, hoping she wouldn't go any further and said to Caroline, it was the wedding of a friend of mine at work. He and his husband were married at the Registry Office. I hope she didn't mind me taking Naomi. God, no, said Caroline. She hugged me, said be good sis, and they both left, Naomi skipping and waving at me down the corridor.

My heart rate started to return to normal, and I went back to my room where Marcus was sitting on the bed, now fully clothed again. I grinned and said alarm over, they've gone. He looked at his watch and my heart sank, knowing that gesture meant I'm going now. I sat on his lap, nuzzled his neck and asked him in a whisper if he really had to go. He nodded and said he was sorry, but yes, he had to go.

I kissed him and asked when could I see him again? He said he would call me, and my heart sank again. I also knew what that normally meant. I walked him to the door where we kissed once more before I let him out and watched him walk down the street until he disappeared around the corner. I returned to my room and collapsed on the bed. I couldn't even catch a break, I thought. I had been so close to having him, and then nothing. I sighed, then leant over and retrieved the dildo and lube from the bedside.

I woke the next morning tired after a fitful night's sleep. As manager of the beauty hall I have to look better than everyone else, so I spend a lot of time getting my face on in the morning. I normally love the whole process, but this morning I couldn't even raise the enthusiasm for that. The morning dragged, and I was constantly checking my phone for messages. I was so distracted people were asking me if I was OK. Today was also the day I was going to resign and that was worrying me too.

After lunch I told my Director who, although pleased for me on the surface, I could tell was annoyed as I had done a great job for them. By the time I left work I still had no word from Marcus and I was on the point of texting him when I got a call from Sophie. Could we meet tonight to discuss the business, she asked. I told her I had Naomi, so she said she would come across to the house. She also told me she thought Caroline was taking me for granted as a babysitter. Sophie and Caroline had fallen out a year or so back, and Sophie didn't cut her any slack. I told her it was OK; I liked looking after Naomi and it was my decision on what I did with my time.

She arrived at seven o'clock as I was listening to Naomi read. Her reading was in my opinion way above what was normal for her age, but I'm not at all biased, of course. Sophie and I talked whilst Naomi watched The Little Mermaid for the umpteenth time. Sophie nodded at Naomi and said that I was so good with her. I shrugged and didn't know what to say, but it made me feel good inside. We discussed the ideas I had for the Trans Girl business, and Sophie appeared to like what I had in mind. She asked about the funding I had mentioned and I kicked myself for saying anything about it to her until it was more definite.

At that moment the film had reached the wedding of Ariel and Prince Eric, and Naomi asked me loudly over the sound of the film why Marcus hadn't got married in church. My face froze, and I wanted the ground to open up beneath me. Sophie looked puzzled, saw my face and then without taking her eyes from mine, quietly asked Naomi what she meant. Naomi had turned round by this time, and could see by the look on my face she had said something she shouldn't and started to cry. I told her it was OK, that she hadn't done anything wrong, and to come and sit with me. She buried her head in my chest and I wrapped my arms around her.

Sophie's face was like thunder. In an ice cold voice she asked outright if I had gone to the wedding and had I taken Naomi. I nodded, and she looked away, then asked me what the hell did I think I was doing, taking Naomi, was I mad? I made a face, trying to get Sophie to shut up for Naomi's sake. I told her, as calmly as I could, I wanted to go because he had done so much for me back then. My voice tailed off as I saw Sophie's face darken even more. I said Caroline had asked me to look after Naomi that day, so I took her along. Something in Sophie's mind clicked, and she said that the girl in the photo really had been Naomi, so why hadn't I said anything when she mentioned it in the car.

I said I thought it would upset her. She exploded, told me that it upset her even more to find out her sister had been lying to her. Naomi started to cry again and I glared at Sophie. She dropped her voice and asked if he had seen me. I put my fingers to my lips to keep her quiet because Naomi was still upset. Sophie stood up and said she was going, we needed to talk tomorrow. She walked off without even a goodbye to Naomi.

I stroked Naomi's hair until she stopped crying and fell asleep. I managed to move her to one side so I could lay her down on the sofa and cover her with a blanket. What had happened was my fault, not hers. I should never have taken her with me to the wedding. I had made her an unwitting accomplice to my scheme, and it had backfired horribly. I made myself a drink and flopped down on the chair. What a screw up I thought. If there was a way in which I could make a bigger mess of things, I couldn't think of it. The phone beeped, it was Caroline. She was breathing heavily and sounded strange. Could I look after Naomi for tonight? She promised she would pick her up in the morning. I had the feeling that she was actually being fucked whilst she was talking to me.

There were times when she disgusted me. For Naomi's sake I said yes, but warned her she had better be here early to pick Naomi up.

I held the phone and thought about calling Marcus when it went off, almost making me wet myself.. It turned out to be him anyway; he said he had to be quick, but could we meet tomorrow evening, He would text me the place tomorrow. I hesitated, unsure whether this was wise, but then said yes, OK. He hung up the call and a wave of self loathing flooded over me. Was this what it was to be like? A quick phone call here and there? A rushed encounter somewhere or the other? A grubby affair with a married man? I looked down at Naomi, and I envied her the sleep of the innocent.

I woke her up as I carried her through to my room. She put her arms around my neck and said she was sorry she had broken our secret. I told her she had done nothing wrong, and that she was not to worry about it. She fell asleep again as her head hit the pillow. Whereas, not for the first time recently I found sleep hard to come by. I must have fallen asleep at some stage because I was woken up by Caroline tapping on my door, telling me to wake up. I looked at the clock; it was five o'clock. For fucks sake, I hissed, did she realise what time it was.

She grinned and told me this one is the one; gorgeous and like a stud horse in bed. Too much detail, I told her, and as she passed me to collect Naomi, she had the smell of sex all over her. Thanks sis, she said, she owed me one. I snorted and kissed Naomi's forehead as Caroline carried her out. I lay down after they had left, but couldn't get back to sleep, so got up and made some tea.

The early morning is a good time for me to think, and I decided I needed to get control back over my life, otherwise it was going to be like a runaway train heading for the buffers. My first move had to be to break it off with Marcus; there was no future for me there other than a squalid little affair. I would make up with Sophie and concentrate on my new job. It would mean putting the business idea on hold, but I thought I could always come back to it. So, I had made three resolutions which I swore to myself I would keep. There's a Jewish proverb which goes Man plans and God laughs. I would shortly find out how true that could be.

I idled my way through the morning and was about to go to lunch when Sophie appeared in front of me and asked if we could go for a coffee together. We walked round the corner and sat in a small cafe where Sophie ordered coffee for her and tea for me. She was quiet for a moment and then asked me to tell her what exactly had happened at the wedding.

I did, leaving nothing out. She nodded and asked if I had seen him since. I was tempted to tell her to mind her own business, but something told me I needed to get this out on the table. I told her I had seen him twice, but I didn't tell her exactly what had happened between us.

Sophie looked down and then back at me before speaking. She apologised for her behaviour the previous night; it had come as a shock and she handled it badly. She had no right to tell me what to do and anyway, whatever happened between her and Marcus had been over and done with a long time ago. She loved me and all she wanted was for me to be happy. I started to cry, and she picked up my hand, telling me she was so sorry.

She asked me what I was going to do. I said that I didn't see any future for me with Marcus and I intended to break it off. She was crying too by this time and we must have looked a sight. I had to get back to work but most of all to repair my makeup. We headed to the toilets to rescue our faces and after hugging each other I headed back to work.

I felt so much better now that I had cleared things up with Sophie and had things much clearer in my mind. So, when I walked back into work and saw Marcus waiting in the beauty hall, my stomach dropped. I grabbed him and asked him what the hell was he doing here. He said he had to see me; he had something he had to talk to me about. Can't it wait, I asked. No, he had to talk to me now. I looked around and it was thankfully quiet so I dragged him into the stock room and said we have about five minutes, so tell me what's so important.

He took my hand and said that Terrence had confronted him last night and accused him of seeing someone else. Marcus had not denied it and they had a massive row and Terrence had stormed out. I was speechless, what damage had I caused? You've got to make it up with him, I said. He shook his head, it's no good, He didn't want to make it up. I dreaded what he was going to say next. He looked into my eyes and said he didn't want Terrence; it was me he was really in love with.

The clarity I had from this morning was shattered In a moment. I sat down on a box and held my face in my hands. I told him I couldn't talk about this now; it wasn't fair on me to do it this way. He looked distraught, on the point of crying, and I could only guess what he had gone through with Terrence. I pushed him out of the stock room and told him he would have to wait until tonight to talk to me. Thankfully, he left and I could calm down a little. Luckily, my absence wasn't noticed, and I got back to my work, although frankly, I was a mess all afternoon. All I could think of was Marcus and the way he had looked at me.

He sent me a text asking me to meet him at a friend's flat where he was crashing for the moment. I rushed home, had a bath and changed out of my work clothes. I didn't want to overdo it tonight, so I pulled my hair back and secured with a hair grip and wore my blue jeans, a loose cotton top and a matching linen jacket. I took a cab over there and had him drop me at a pub on the corner. I was shaking and needed a drink to give me courage before I met Marcus. I walked to the flat and rang the bell.

Someone up there opened the door, and I walked slowly up to the second floor. Marcus was standing with the door open when I arrived, wearing black jeans and the tightest white t-shirt I have ever seen. I almost fell apart at the sight of him, he was so gorgeous. Pull yourself together, I told myself, you're going to finish this tonight. He smiled at me, a little tensely I thought, then gave me a peck on the cheek and I followed him inside. He told me that Justin, the owner of the flat, was travelling for a few weeks and he had let Marcus have the place while he was away.

He asked me if I wanted a drink, white wine or beer. He brought me a glass of wine and he sat there playing with a bottle of beer that he must have already opened. He apologised for coming to my work, he shouldn't have done that. He had been so upset he hadn't been thinking properly. He said Terrence had outright accused him of having an affair and when Marcus didn't deny it they had fought, and Terrence had left their flat. He had said that he couldn't trust Marcus any more and that as far as he was concerned it was all over.

I listened to this with so many contrasting emotions running through my mind. I was dismayed that I had been the cause of all this, but why had Marcus not denied it? It would have been easy to do, after all one blow job doesn't make an affair, does it? Why didn't you deny it, Marcus, I asked. He shrugged, then said that's easy, he was in love with me. He had been all those years ago, and when he saw me again, he realised he was still in love with me. I told him this was crazy; he was throwing over his husband for me, someone he barely knew. It didn't make me feel great, either knowing I was the cause of all this.

He sighed and said that none of it was my fault; he had started it all, and I had done nothing wrong, there was no blame on me. I thought a jury might take a different view, but he was insistent, it was all his fault. He couldn't stop thinking about me and that he knew he loved me. I sat there trying to get my scrambled thoughts together. What did I want? I had fallen in love with Marcus for sure and every time I looked at him my legs went weak and my tummy turned cartwheels. Could I cope with this? I was going to end it today, but that was when he was a married man, and I was cuckolding Terrence with him.

Oh shit, I thought, why am I so weak?

I stood up and went over to him as he looked up at me with anxiety written across his face. I knelt down in front of him, took his face in my hands and brushed his lips with mine. He closed his eyes and kissed me back, our lips touching, then pulling back and then touching again. He shivered a little as I ran my fingers down his face and stroked his lips. He kissed my fingertips, making them feel like they were on fire. I pulled him towards me, and this time I kissed him hard, mashing my lips against his. My resistance crumbled as his aroma filled my nostrils and the feel of his tongue against mine sent my senses reeling. I moaned somewhere in the back of my throat and it was as if my whole being was centred on this kiss.

He broke the kiss, stood up and picked me up off the floor as If I were a feather. He carried me still kissing him into the bedroom, and he said this time it was my turn. Laying me on the bed he pulled my top over my head, and bent forward to suck my nipple through the flimsy material of my bra. It was like a bomb going off in my head; I arched my back as he went for the other one, making me moan out loud. As in my fantasy he kissed my neck and then nuzzled my ear lobes.

I was shaking by this time and I had lost myself in the pleasure he was giving me. His fingers were playing with my nipples as he kissed his way down my chest, and I am sure he could feel the cartwheels my tummy was performing. I nearly screamed when he licked my belly button as he continued his march southwards. He reached the top of my jeans and he released his hold on my nipples to undo the zip. I managed somehow to get rid of my bra and my hands went straight to my breasts to continue what Marcus had started. He unzipped my jeans, kissing my skin as he gently pulled my jeans down. When he kissed me it felt like a small explosion of heat and desire every time his lips touched my skin.

I looked down as he pulled my jeans off completely which left me with just my panties on. My cock was peeking out of the top and he looked up at me as he flicked the tip of my cock with his pink tongue. I nearly levitated off the bed as he flicked it again and again. I started to raise my hips from the bed so he had to do it more. He pushed me back down and gradually inched my panties down, allowing my cock to gradually rise in front of his eyes. He slid them off completely and then licked my cock from root to tip in one long languid movement. This time I did scream, and he laughed as I hit him on the head with my hands. His tongue licked the tip of my cock and then finally, he drew my cock into his mouth. It was everything I had fantasised and then a million times better.

I don't have the biggest cock in the world and he had no trouble taking it all into his mouth, and I felt his nose brush my skin as he took it all the way. He used his tongue and his lips and his fingers to drive me to the brink, and then let me fall away again, before taking me back there once more, only to stop again to prolong the beautiful agony in my groin. I was writhing on the bed as he played with me until he decided to tip me over the edge. He sucked me all the way in one more time, and then with his tongue around my cock and his fingers fondling my balls, he pushed me over the edge and my climax pulsed through my body and out of my cock.

I think I yelled or screamed as i came into his mouth, I can't really remember much of those last few seconds. I finally fell back on the bed and Marcus slid up to lay beside me and kissed me, the taste of my cum still on his lips. I was still breathing hard from what he had done to me and he cuddled me for a while until I calmed down. It's not fair I said, I'm stark naked and you still have your clothes on. He grinned, sat up and pulled his t-shirt up and over his head. I ran my fingers lightly over his six pack and he flinched. Are you ticklish? I giggled. No, he said, but he was grinning. I tickled him some more, and he started wriggling and laughing. I jumped on top of him and ran my fingers down his sides as he giggled and shouted for me to stop. He was trying to escape, but I had him pinned down, and I kept on tickling until we were both laughing so much we had to stop.

I was still on top of him, and I looked down at him and traced a finger along his lips. He sucked it through his lips and rolled his tongue around it. I ran my other hand across his chest and tweaked a nipple hard and his eyes widened in surprise. So I did it again, and he groaned in pleasure. I slipped my finger from his mouth and took both his nipples between my fingers, feeling them harden under my touch, and as I tugged them he moaned and closed his eyes. Bending over, I licked first one, and then the other like a cat would. His nipples were rock hard now, and it was obvious he liked this. I looked up and saw his head back, so I pushed his arms out to his side and held them there with my hands. Marcus didn't resist, and I guessed that as big as he was, he liked to be dominated.

Holding his arms still, I licked his chest, and he moved slightly. I took a nipple between my teeth and nipped it gently. He moaned, so I did it harder and not only did he moan, I could feel his cock growing beneath me. I repeated the action with the other nipple and was rewarded with another groan and a twitch of his hips. I slid up towards his head and slipped my cock through his lips and reached behind me to undo the zipper on his jeans. As he sucked my cock back to hardness, I released his cock and could feel it was already fully erect. I knew where I wanted that beautiful dick to go, but I was more than a little scared. I definitely would need some lubrication. As if reading my mind, Marcus said it's in the bedside drawer. I wondered how he knew it was there, but grabbed it anyway and squeezed it all over his cock and some into me. I slid down again and squatted over him. His eyes were wide open now as I felt his cock standing straight up beneath me. I guided it into the entrance to my hole and as slowly as I could I eased myself down.

I gasped as the head began to push its way in, stretching me until the pain became so intense, I had to raise up again. I came down again, and this time it didn't feel so bad. The head was pushing against my muscle and I tried to relax, but it still hurt. I raised up once more, then let myself drop down onto him. There was a sharp pain, and I cried out as he finally slipped into me. I moaned as my weight forced me onto his full length and I swear I nearly fainted. I had never in my life felt anything like this. I leaned forwards and braced myself with my hands on his chest and began to rock backwards and forwards. It was like I had a length of steel tube inside me. The pain began to ebb slowly away as I moved to and fro and then Marcus began to raise his hips and the pain flashed through me again. This time though, it was mixed with pleasure and I started to raise and lower myself in time with his thrusts. At some point, I can't remember when, the pain dissolved into pleasure and he began to increase his thrusts and I came down heavily on each one. I looked down to see he was sweating, making it look as if his chest was oiled and glistening in the light. The pace picked up and soon I was pumping up and down and he was thrusting hard against me.

He stopped thrusting and slipped out of me pushing me over onto all fours. He moved quickly behind me, and I caught sight of his cock in all its glory sticking out from his groin. He positioned himself behind me and pushed hard into me, slipping in easily and pumping with huge angry thrusts. I was pushed face down onto the bed and I felt him get up on his feet so he was almost coming straight down into me. He was driving himself deeper into me with every thrust and all I could think of was this monstrous tube ripping me apart. He started to drive faster, and I realised he was close to cumming. He grunted once as I felt his cock twitch inside me and he came, his cum pouring deep into me. He seemed to go on cumming forever, but he gradually eased off and as he slipped out of me, I felt the air rush into me and I was left with that horrible empty feeling.

I flopped over onto my back and he lay beside me, both of us covered in sweat and breathing hard. I knew I would be sore in the morning but right now I felt magnificent. I turned towards him and kissed his lips, my tongue dancing with his. I wrapped my leg over his, and our cocks touched, his dwarfing mine. He put his hand down and wrapped his fingers around them both, gently rubbing them together, the contrast in size and colour was beautiful to watch. We kissed and cuddled some more until I told him I had to get cleaned up. He pointed out where the bathroom was, and I had a shower and cleaned myself properly. I wrapped a towel around my hair and walked back into the bedroom. He was lying full out on the bed, his cock now flaccid but still large. He looked up at me and said that I looked beautiful. I blushed and told him he did too. Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, I sat on his lap, my arms around his neck and my head on his shoulder. He held me close and told me he loved me. I looked at him for a second, kissed him and told him I loved him too.

We sat there for a while before we began to feel cold, so we got dressed with much tickling and laughing. I told him I had to go, and he begged me to stay, but I wanted to sleep in my own bed tonight. I told him I would see him again tomorrow and we would have to sort out what to do next. He agreed, so I called a cab, and after another bout of kissing, I managed to slide out of his arms and down to the cab home. I texted him I love you from the cab, and got an instant reply, Me too.

Maybe, I thought, my life was getting back on track.

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Next: Chapter 6

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