The White Knight

By Desert Rat

Published on Oct 17, 2022



The following story depicts graphic sex acts between gay males. If gay sex is offensive to you or illegal at you location, read no further. If you are a minor, read no further.

My stories are fantasies that exist in a world that is free of STD's. In the real world, play safe and live long.

As always, comments are always welcome and thanks to all of you that have taken the time to let me know your thoughts.

"The White Knight" Copyright 1999 by The Desert Rat

Nick Knight hustled along the second class section of the train bound from Cairo to Luxor. How the hell did Ben Ali find out he was on this train he wondered in disbelief. The plans had been so well thought out down to the very last detail including the lookalike decoy that had flown out of Cairo in route to Alexandria. The plan was to lure anyone following him in that direction while the real Knight proceeded on to Luxor for the drop. Now, Ben Ali was hot on his ass. He was certain of that.

Knight darted through the next car, moving just fast enough to where no one suspected he was being pursued. He cursed the black turtle neck sweater he had on: he was being drenched in sweat. Not only was it uncomfortable, he stood out like a sore thumb. He would ditch it but he had nothing on underneath and that would make him stand out even more. The sweater had been part of a disguise he had changed into at the Cairo airport. The man whose identity Knight would soon assume had arrived from Bern with what his passport claimed to be his wife and child. He had entered the men's room a few minutes ahead of Knight who was at one of the souvenir stands buying a Herald Tribune to distract any potential surveillant. Knight's double had the same clothes and sunglasses as Knight was wearing and an identical Herald Tribune stashed in the ragged knapsack that was casually slung over one shoulder. Knight then wandered into the men's room and ducked in a stall just as his look alike had darted out of it and stood at the urinals. The man left behind the pants, sweater, knapsack and a shaggy red haired wig. Knight donned the garb and ran his hand along the inside of the waistband until he found the hard oval lump. He smiled to himself as he stuffed the clothes he had taken off and the newspaper into the knapsack. Then he casually strolled out and into the arms of a young red headed woman with a baby in a sling who was waiting for him near the door. They walked out arm in arm and Knight cooed at the infant.

From there, they had headed across Cairo to the central railroad station where he and Stacy would part. At the station, he kissed her warmly on the lips. The kiss wasn't entirely for show. Stacy was a flaming great piece of ass and he had fucked her on several trips through Bern. He wished now he had been a little more insistent about her accompanying him as part of his cover but he had let MI6 convince him she would be in the way. As an afterthought, he tickled the baby under the chin and wondered where the baby had come from. Jesus, maybe it was his!

Everything had gone so well even if he hadn't been able to get a first class compartment. It was an all night trip but he had suffered worse fates. The delay at the counter had been just enough to allow someone to steal the knapsack while he bought his ticket. He knew not to set it down but it wasn't as if it contained anything critical. He couldn't make a fuss about it and not call attention to himself so he just drifted away from the counter as if it had never existed. Now, he was kicking himself for being so unobservant. A very bad habit for a secret agent. It seemed fitting his punishment for being so careless was being forced to wear the hot, sticky sweater. Little could be done about that now but at last report, it was 110 in Luxor and he would be even more miserable there. Then he made the mistake of ditching the stupid wig as soon as the train got out of Cairo. Right now, wearing it would have perhaps allowed him to blend in hidden behind a newspaper and he could more easily go undetected by his pursuers.

Now Ben Ali was in hot pursuit. That slime was for sale to anyone who had enough money. His eunuch Najeeb was behind him. Knight had no actual proof Najeeb was a eunuch but every time they had come in contact, Najeeb had leered at Knight in such a way that made him very uncomfortable. Once during a violent encounter, Knight had to resort to kicking the 6' 8" giant in the crotch and that hadn't phased him at all. Well, if nothing else, Knight knew he was a fag. He could just tell it. He and Ben Ali were probably both fags. Knight's views on homosexuality were not very liberal. It made Knight very uncomfortable to even think about it.

Knight was now in the Pullman car. A row of berths was on each side of the isle. Most had the curtains drawn. This was were second class passengers who wanted to pay a supplement could sleep for the night. Knight had paid the supplement but it had been too early for bed, at least it was for a night owl like Knight. That turned out to be a blessing or else he might not have seen Ben Ali and Najeeb board the train. Obviously Ben Ali had vast connections in order to get the train stopped at some isolated way station. He was confident they hadn't actually seen him. He was now in the last car before the third class section used by the natives. He would surely be noticed there and any one if the many people would be happy to point him out for the right amount of money and that was a disgustingly small amount at that.

He knew he had to find a place to hide. Just then, a fat Arab rolled out of his berth and was trying to arrange something in the berth. He hadn't seen Knight but he had the isle completely blocked. Knight knew if he rudely pushed his way past, he would be remembered and perhaps, the information would out of hand be passed on to Ben Ali. Knight glanced behind him and saw Ben Ali exiting the adjacent car. Within seconds, they would be in this car and Knight's mission would be doomed. With the gun he had concealed in a holster on his calf, he could defend himself but within the hour, the news of his whereabouts and destination would be known worldwide. The reception waiting for him on his arrival in Luxor would comprise a who's who of all the scum of the world.

Thinking quickly, Knight dove into one of the curtained berths. A young man lay there reading. Knight put his hand over the man's mouth to silence a shout. "I'm not here to hurt or rob you. Some Cairo thug is chasing me. Please help me." The young man nodded. Knight slowly removed his hand. The man didn't yell out for help. Knight held up his hand for silence. He could hear the scrape of metal against metal and realized Ben Ali was opening the curtains to search the berths. There were angry shouts in both Arabic and occasionally a European language. The nefarious pair ignored the shouts and curses. For good reason too, what Knight had would be worth at least a billion U.S. dollars to the right party and the right party was whoever had the billion dollars.

Knight had to act fast. He suspected they were only a few berths away. He quickly stripped off his shirt and stuffed it and himself under the bed covers. Knight pulled the man into his arms and planted a full wet kiss on the startled guy. His back was to the curtains, when they were pulled apart, all Ben Ali and Najeeb saw was two men in a passionate embrace. The young man reached past Knight and angrily pulled the curtain closed.

Ben Ali muttered something as he moved on.

Knight broke the kiss and listened intently. He heard a rapid exchange in Arabic with the man who was blocking the isle. Knight could make out enough to where he could tell the man was swearing no one had passed through this car in the past fifteen minutes. He heard Ben Ali swear loudly and from the footsteps, he could tell they were headed back in the direction they had come from. Knight pulled the man back in his arms and kissed him until he could hear the door to the next compartment open. He broke the kiss again but waited a few minutes doing his best not to look at the young man. Finally, he thought the coast was clear and he pulled the covers back to get his shirt. Pulling it from between them where it had lodged, he noticed the man had a hard-on from the kiss. The young man quickly pulled the cover back over himself. Another fag Knight thought. Jeez, was the world full of `em? Knight was a little disgusted but had never had a problem rationalizing and then dismissing the actions he took in order to save the world from scum like Ben Ali. If slipping the tongue to some fruit was required, so what? He pulled his shirt on trying to not really look at the guy. Well, if nothing else, he wasn't all that bad looking and he had a decent, no, actually better than just decent, he had a very good body. Quite hairy too which was better than being smooth. Smooth men always tended to be fruits. Knight wondered why that was as he parted the curtain and looked out. Everyone was gone and the fat Egyptian was back in his berth.

Knight turned towards the man and said, "Thanks, I owe you." He knew he didn't have to apologize about the kiss. It probably made his day! It was evident he had gotten more out of than Knight did. Knight would have added something at the end of the sentence like Dearie, or Sweetie or Mary and say it with just the right inflection to where the guy knew exactly what Knight thought of him. But that would be tantamount to suicide because all he needed was to have one of Ben Ali's agents asking around and some flamer who got her nickers twisted would be screaming bloody murder. Instead, he gave the closest thing he could to a smile of thanks as he rolled out of the berth. He closed the curtains behind him and headed in the same direction as Ben Ali. Knight knew it was risky but it was the only way he could go. The other direction was third class and that was the last place he needed to be seen. As Knight opened the door to the platform adjoining the two cars, he turned slightly and saw a head dart back in a birth. At first he was concerned but that melted when he realized it had been the guy he had kissed. Probably checking me out, he thought. In your fantasies, faggot, Knight thought with a chuckle.

Out on the platform, he saw Ben Ali re-enter the next car. Knight ducked out of the way. The toilet at the end of the car hid him from view. There was an `Out of Order' sign on the door written in several languages. It was locked. The cheap aluminum framing on the door gave easily as Knight forced it open. He darted inside but knew that he could be seen through the frosted glass window in the door. Knight quickly put his fist through the plastic cover on the fluorescent light fixture. The tubes shattered sending out a powdery cloud of smoke. Knight dropped to the floor, crouching below the window. He was certain in the dark his black shirt would blend in easily with the dark gray floor. He wasn't certain his head of short cropped white hair wasn't visible. He reached for his gun and held it ready just in case.

Ben Ali and Najeeb where standing out on the platform. "He is nowhere. He probably jumped from the train. We must find him tonight," hissed Ben Ali. Najeeb just grunted. All Najeeb ever did was grunt. And leer. Ben Ali spoke again rapidly but Knight couldn't make out the words. Within a few heartbeats, the train slowed and then stopped. Surely they weren't getting off out in the middle of the desert like this. Cairo was at least two hours away by car, by foot it would be days away, if they made it at all. As the train started moving, Knight stood and glanced out the window, which had been opened for badly needed but grossly ineffective ventilation. Knight could see Ben Ali and Najeeb sprinting toward a helicopter that was just touching down. It had obviously been following the train.

The train was almost back up to speed and the helicopter was no longer in sight when Knight returned his gun to his holster and left the lavatory. Standing on the cool platform between the two cars, Knight could breath easier now. He noticed a small cut on his hand and wiped it across his black pants. Now, he would probably come down with some weird shit from all the germs in that toilet and his nuts would fall off. He started walking towards the toilet at the end of the other car so he would at least wash the cut with soap and water when he saw the young man slip out of his berth. As he stood, Knight could see his crotch was full. He had probably jerked off fantasizing about him. Knight had always suspected guys did that thinking about him. Knight naturally fell into the category of stud. No matter what kind of clothes he wore, you could still see a mound of cock and balls at his crotch and even the baggiest of shirts failed to hide his heavily muscled chest, shoulders and arms. Knight shrugged; it wasn't like he was encouraging them. Knight jumped into a berth in case the man happened to glance back down the isle. He drew the curtains closed as a precaution and waited several minutes. When he heard the door open again, he felt confident it was the young man returning but he wasn't certain. There were a number of people Nick could think of whom he wasn't too keen on them knowing he was here. Undoubtedly Ben Ali, if not others, would have agents watching.

Well, since he was here, he might as well rack out. At least it would give him an opportunity to get out of this shirt, he thought. He was hot and the lack of circulation in the enclosed berth was making him more so. He felt the trickle of sweat down his sides as he pulled the shirt off. He dried his armpits and wiped his chest down with the shirt. That was better. Well, he thought, I might as well get comfortable. He pulled his shoes, socks and pants off and then unstrapped the holster on his calf slipping the gun under his pillow. Yeah, that was much better.

Knight slid his ticket into the slot which would show on the outside of the berth so the night porter wouldn't have to wake him up to verify he was entitled to be in the sleeping car. He stretched out in the berth. His tall frame was cramped in the tight bed that was used primarily for the shorter Egyptians or students from western cultures who were used to such inconveniences. Knight had slept everywhere and under some of the most inhospitable conditions imaginable. This was a walk in the park by comparison. As he lay there waiting for sleep to come, he wished he had a good stiff drink but he couldn't risk returning to the passenger cars. Yeah, a good stiff drink and maybe a nice tight pussy. That would make his day for sure. The thought of a piece of tail caused his prick to stir. In short order, it was straining at the pouch of his underwear. He adjusted himself and noted he was getting hard. He tried to divert his thoughts but the harder he tried not to think about it, the harder it got. He lifted the waistband and his massive prick snaked out. He allowed the elastic to close down on it. That helped for a while but soon he was completely hard. He ran his hand along the surface that was protruding. He was surprised at how good that simple act had felt. Then he became aware of how uncomfortable the binding waistband was. Knight tried hooking the waistband under his large hairy balls but that was even more uncomfortable. He decided just to pull his underwear off altogether. His prick reared up off his belly. Yeah, that was better, he thought. After all, he usually did sleep naked.

Knight closed his eyes and relaxed but the hardness between his legs kept calling out to him. He reached down and rubbed his cock. Then he wrapped his fist around it and stroked it. Instantly, he was fourteen again and being beaten by his irate father who had come home early and found him naked with a boyhood chum. They were jacking each other off. His father had beaten him senseless. Telling him over and over that no son of his was going to be a goddamned faggot. As the young Knight lay sobbing and still naked on the floor, his father stormed out of the room. His friend Billy was no where in sight. The sobbing boy told himself the worst was over. He said it over and over as he pulled his clothes on even before he cleaned the blood off that was streaming down from his nose and out of his mouth. He had hid in his room for the rest of the night. He prayed his father would not come back. He hadn't.

Knight had lain awake trying to adjust to what had happened. His loving father had beaten him. It hadn't been punishment like he had gotten in the past. That he could have accepted. No, this was a brutal attack intending to do nothing but hurt. The worst was over.

The next day, he got up before anyone else in the house. He was bruised from head to foot. His face was swollen; one eye was almost completely shut. He dressed and left for school where he had told everyone he had been in a fight. Billy wouldn't talk to him. He hoped Billy had the sense not to talk to anyone about it. He had been sent to the school nurse and examined. She found nothing but soft tissue damage and said he would heal. She had asked some pointed questions. She knew no boy of equal age could deliver such a beating. Knight was large for his age and his reputation as a rowdy boy was well know. He could have defended himself easily. She suspected an adult had done it. An adult that the boy wouldn't be able to defend himself against. As soon as she saw the panic on the young boy's face when she had suggested calling in his parents, she knew the truth. Knight saw her eyes glisten with tears and had almost cried himself.

When he arrived home that night, he went to his room wishing he wouldn't have to see the look on his father's face when he saw what he had done in his fit of rage. He expected him to be contrite and begging the boy's forgiveness. Of course he would forgive him. The man was his father and whatever faults he had, Knight couldn't hold this against him. He was laying in bed reading when his dad walked in. He looked at his son and had walked over to the bed, jerking him out of it and beat him again. The boy yelled hysterically that he hadn't done anything but the blows continued. His still sore body was in agony. When it was over, his father walked out saying "Some day, you'll thank me for this."

He had to cut school the following day. One look at the additional damage that was done to him and they would know and call in the police. He knew he had to leave home but he was intercepted on the highway by a state trooper and returned home. He was beaten again. And again the next night and again the next. His father called the school and told them he had the chicken pox and would be out for a couple of weeks. By the end of the third beating, Knight had learned how to block the pain to where he wouldn't feel it any more. His father was right. He did thank him for that. As an adult, that ability had allowed him to be engaged in the most violent confrontations and not feel the blows.

The senior Knight had unknowingly killed his son's love for him. A fact that didn't seem to burden the man any. From that day on, Knight was incapable of even the slightest sign of affection for any male, most of all, his own father.

One other fatality from the beating was that Knight never jacked off again. Soon he discovered women and that kindled new fires. But Knight never knew the boyish satisfaction of seeing the first feeble spurt of cum ejected from his newly descended balls.

Knight cleared his mind of the thoughts and wasn't surprised his prick had gone soft. He looked around, half expecting his irate father to pop through the curtains. He laughed with angry bitterness to himself and defiantly started rubbing his meat. He thought of every erotic memory he could recall and his cock responded quickly. He tried to remember every woman he had been with. Once again, he could taste the cunts as he ate them out while they sucked his pole. He was pounding the pussies into submission as he remembered cuming time after time. The fist wrapped tightly around his now rigid prick moved with a steady stroke and was giving him pleasure he had never known he was capable of producing by himself. He found he could moderate the pleasure by slowing his strokes. Twice he stopped completely and rubbed his hairy balls instead. He started dripping and the slick lubricating pre-cum caused his hand to slide easily over his shaft. As his orgasm neared, he slowed his strokes more and more until his hand was barely moving. His first spasm was so violent his feet kicked the wall and his head snapped forward and then back down hard on the pillow. He bit his lip to keep from groaning loudly but still, his grunts were loud enough to be heard.

He lay there still squeezing his shaft, breathing deeply. Slowly, he recovered, amazed that such an intense release could have been caused by his own fist. He raised his head up and was shocked at the streaks of cum on his chest. He had never seen himself cum and had no idea a man came that much. Three ribbons lay from his navel to his collarbone. What looked like two more had landed just below his left pec and his belly was dotted with large splatters.

He chuckled, "Now what am I supposed to do?" He looked around. He had nothing but his clothes and the nearest toilet was down at the end of the car. It would mean having to walk past that guy's berth. The last thing Knight wanted was to display him self in this condition. He felt for his pants, no handkerchief. Of all the luck, Gerhard hadn't thought to include one but for that matter, this disguise was only to have been necessary until he was safely out of Cairo. That left his socks or his undershorts. The socks were essential; Gerhard 's feet were a size smaller than Knight's own and already he could feel irritations that would soon become blisters. Well, only one thing to do. Knight cleaned himself up with his jockey shorts. Too bad too, at least they had been his own! He tossed them in the little bin on the wall. He would dispose of them properly in the morning.

Knight surveyed the results. His chest hair was still badly matted but his shirt would cover that. His prick was almost soft. For a brief instant, Knight had given thought to another jerk off but decided against it. He could go another round easily. Women had no idea what Knight was capable of and more than one had begged him to stop before he was ready to. Two loads were easy for him and amounted to not much more than foreplay. The third he had to work a little for. The fourth required more effort and once, he had even achieved five. But even Knight had been a little embarrassed at that last one. It had been little more than rutting. Plus it left him with a sore prick for the following three days.

Knight couldn't explain it but the jerk off had almost, in a very small way, seemed liberating. He had never allowed himself to think about the beatings in any analytical way. He had no idea why his father had been so outraged. His dad had never spoken out violently about gays. He wondered if his dad had some experience he had never spoken of. Not that it mattered now. He might just jerk off again some day. He thought it was good to at least know he had that as an option if the need ever arose. It hadn't in all these years. Knight knew women found him attractive and desirable. They were always there, always beautiful and always his. Rather like Bond and his women. He wondered if he would ever have the courage to ask Bond if he ever jerked off. Knight doubted it. He gave out a long drawn out yawn but it would still be a while before sleep overcame him.

It seemed as if he had just managed a deep sleep when there was a light knock on the wall next to his berth and the porter was announcing the train's arrival at Luxor in a half hour. Knight's cock was stiff but he didn't have time to relieve it and for that matter, he didn't really feel like he wanted to. He pulled his clothes on, restored his gun to its rightful place and rolled out of the berth. He stretched knowing he hadn't slept all that well on the train. He could sleep like a rock on a ship but not on a train. He would kill for a cup of coffee. He started walking toward the lavatory to take a piss when the young man he had hidden with emerged from his berth. He glanced at Knight, recognizing him. His eyes diverted toward Knight's still rigid prick which was even more obvious without his having underwear on. Knight gritted his teeth and scooted around him without saying anything. When he had finished in the toilet, his prick was soft and quite a bit less obvious but still noticeable. Just the curse of having a big cock Knight thought as he headed to the second class cars where he hoped he could get some coffee.

When the train came to a stop in Luxor, Knight ran through his mind what would be taking place that day. He had a room booked in a tourist class hotel. It was an easy walk from the train station. He was to check in as an insurance salesman from Chicago on vacation in Egypt. Then in the afternoon, he would meet up with his contact and the microdot would change hands and then taken out of the country and turned over to MI6 in London.

Knight had liked the idea of a tourist class hotel. Maybe not as posh as the Hilton but usually full of women, usually traveling alone and always willing to have a roll in the sack with a great looking stud like Knight. His cock stirred at the thought of a piece of ass. As soon as he had made the drop at Karnak, he would be free to pursue some sex and recreation. He had to stay in Luxor a couple of days to allow his contact to get back to Cairo and then on to London. He had to lay low in case he was spotted and someone made a connection and suspect Luxor as the spot of the exchange and not Alexandria. He was certain Ben Ali was working alone on this one and would not pass on that he had seen Knight headed to Luxor but still, Ben Ali would have his own agents watching if he even suspected Knight had slipped passed him. But Ben Ali himself was probably now in Alexandria if he had heard Knight or at least his double was there. This was a high stakes game and no one was leaving anything to chance.

Technically, Knight was employed by SHARC. The acronym stood for Safe Harbor Aquatic Research Center. It was an independent oceanic research center in northern California. In reality, the CIA was responsible for a significant amount of SHARC's funding in return for certain "favors" SHARC performed under the cover of carrying out research. Knight was "on loan" to MI6 for this one. Bond was somewhere in South East Asia fucking his brains out and doing whatever else he did in his spare time. The CIA was miffed that MI6 succeeded in plucking this plum so they weren't willing to send any of their people but when orders came down (indirectly) from the President to support MI6, Knight was pressed into service. After all, why risk one of their own when a spin-off organization had a man of Knight's ability. Knight's abilities were legendary and many felt he was being wasted at SHARC. That fact ruffled feathers high up the espionage ladder but Knight stood firm in that SHARC was his home base and no one would ever persuade him to leave it. This blind loyalty wasn't so much because of SHARC but was because Of Knight's love for the ocean.

As Knight walked to the end of the platform, his body still seemed to be swaying with the train. An Egyptian approached him and asked if he was looking for a hotel room. Knight shook his head but a voice from behind him said that person was looking for one. Knight turned and saw the young man again. This was getting to be a little too close and was making him uncomfortable. He hurried passed the Egyptian and headed to the hotel.

At the check in counter, he surrendered his passport just like every other tourist. In Egypt, registration with the local tourist authorities was mandatory. He was traveling under an assumed name of Robert Austin. The desk clerk also gave him a fax that had arrived a few minutes earlier. It was cryptic and seemingly an innocent enough problem that had sprung up in the office where Knight was supposed to work. Only Knight could tell from the words that his contact was not going to arrive until the following day. Shit, Knight thought, something had gone wrong. He hoped Gerhard was able to evade capture. Knight knew Gerhard was one of the best and doubted he would have any problems. The plan was for him to surface just often enough to where he was known to still be in Alexandria and take the attention off Luxor. Knight sighed and headed toward the elevator just as the young man from the train walked in being escorted by the Egyptian who would extract a small tip from the hotel for providing them with a customer. It was the way of Egypt and happened everywhere in the country. Knight pretended not to notice them and went to his room. Once inside, the first thing he did was take a miniature bottle of scotch out of the small refrigerator that doubled as a bar. It was too early to drink but he felt that he needed a boost. He downed the small bottle in two gulps and instantly felt better.

The first order of business was a long shower. Since today was to be a waste, he would just relax. The second order of business was to find some cooler clothes Knight thought as he stripped off the hot shirt and pants. His chest hair was still matted and his prick looked a little sticky. Knight grinned thinking of the jerk off and his prick started swelling. Latter boy, he said to himself patting his meat.

Knight showered and realized he no longer had any shaving gear. He would have to find some although he doubted he could get American brands. Maybe he would just start a beard but in this climate, a beard would be hot and uncomfortable. Then, regretfully, he pulled the hot clothes back on putting the small snub- nosed revolver in his pocket. If he was going to try on clothes, it might be noticed and the last thing he needed was rumors to float around about an American tourist in Luxor with a gun. Knight took a cartouche out of the small compartment that was sewn into the waistband of the pants he had on. It was the typical gold cartouche that tourist bought as souvenirs but this one held a microdot that had the plans for a rocket that was for now, totally undetectable and in the right hands, the entire Middle East could belong to one dictator. No one really cared about control over Europe or even America, the future of the world was in Middle East oil and anyone who controlled that region, controlled the rest of the world. Knight fastened the gold chain around his neck. He downed the last miniature bottle of scotch and headed down to the lobby.

After buying a tour book, he asked the desk clerk where he could find some suitable clothes. He explained that Egyptair had lost his luggage. The desk clerk sighed knowingly and gave him a card with the name of a shop instructing him repeatedly to make sure he said that Abdullah at the Luxor Excelsior had sent him. Knight assured him he would. Judging from the clerks directions, the shop was not far but even at 10:00AM, the sun was unmerciful and within minutes, Knight was drenched in sweat. He longed for a refreshing swim but even if the hotel had a pool, he wouldn't use it. There was something unnatural about chlorine and water together. And to swim in the Nile was to embrace death. Knight sighed as he walked into the shop. At least it was cool inside. The clerk was dressed for the tourists in what could be taken for typical Egyptian clothing and his boy assistant wore a fez. Knight went through the formality of telling them who had sent him.

"Ah, for my friend Abdullah, I give you special price. Very cheap. Don't worry, be happy!" They snapped to and showed Knight an assortment of shorts and T-shirts. The shop was accustomed to European and American tourists underestimating the Luxor heat and flocking in to buy cooler clothes more suitable for the weather. The khaki shorts where safari type with pouch pockets and were shorter than Knight would have liked but he had few options and the prospect of spending the rest of the time in the stuff he had on was a forbidding thought. He struck out on underwear; all they had was the knee length boxer shorts Arabs wore under their dresses. Not wearing any would allow for more air to circulate around his crotch and probably be more comfortable. The T-shirts all looked too small for Knight's broad chest and bulging biceps but the assistant pulled out a stack of dusty tank tops that there had been little demand for. Knight guessed the hot sun was too intense to expose that much body. Knight's own torso was deeply tanned and could withstand the exposure. He selected two shirts, two pair of shorts, a pair of sandals, a hat and a canvas knapsack. Then the haggling began. Knight was already familiar with the ways of Egyptians and started out by offering a fourth of what had been asked. The shopkeeper was indignant, kept pushing the clothes toward Knight and countered his offer. Knight raised his offer, the man lowered his. The assistant was sent out for tea. The hot, overly sweetened beverage was oddly refreshing, even in the morning heat. A half-hour later, they settled on half of the original asking price. Then, to the shock of the two Egyptians, Knight stepped behind a table and stripped to change into his new clothes. He put the hat on and looked at his image in the dirty broken mirror propped up against a pile of rugs. Knight laughed; he looked like a fucking modern day Indiana Jones! If it weren't for the white hair that had become his trademark, no one would ever guess this was Nick Knight! Almost for comic effect, Knight selected a pair of imitation Serengeti Drivers. The man told him the price; Knight cut it in half and tossed the money on the counter. The man just bowed his head with a grin and said, "As you like."

Knight stuffed his purchases and old clothes in the knapsack and with the sunglasses on, headed out. He felt naked without the gun. Even with it in his knapsack, he still felt unarmed and always a little nervous when he was in that condition on an assignment. But now he was going to be Robert Austin, tourist. Even the cartouche made him look the part. The only thing missing was the camera. An oversight but even if they had thought of it, it would have been stolen along with the knapsack in Cairo. Now a bottle of scotch and then he would play tourist for the rest of the day. He found a small shop that had a meager supply of alcohol selling only to the tourists. But for the right amount of money, Knight secured a bottle of Black Label although he was assured it was at great inconvenience to the shopkeeper who had to send a runner to get the bottle from some other shop.

For the remainder of the day, Knight toured. It wasn't actually play. He was genuinely interested in what he was seeing. He had to avoid the Karnak temple until tomorrow. As the sun set, Knight realized he was hungry and ate in a small cafe, that had a large sign touting it being air-conditioned and offering hamburgers. Knight rejected the burgers and fries and ate Arabic food. If he were to play tourist, he would go all the way with the act. It was unexpectedly delicious and a far cry from the meat and potatoes he was used to.

He leisurely strolled along the corniche road back to the hotel waving away the onslaught of hacks offering to take him to shops, taxis, belly dancing shows, you name it and it was available. But he did stop to buy a Herald Tribune at a shop advertising English language books and magazines. Next door to that shop, he found a small shop that had a variety of goods including shaving gear and a can of Right Guard. At least he hopped it was the real stuff. He guessed he'd know if his pit hair didn't fall out! Now for some action!

Back in the hotel, he decided to have a drink in the bar and watch to see if any unattached women were about. He really needed a good lay. The bar wasn't much more than an alcove off the lobby with two small tables, each flanked by two upholstered chairs. Knight thought about a scotch on the rocks but decided a beer sounded better. He ordered a Stella from the desk clerk who also served customers in the bar. He settled down and opened his newspaper while he waited. As he glanced through the first page, he heard the desk clerk greet someone. The new arrival asked for a beer and seated himself at the other table. It was the young man from the train. Knight decided to not even acknowledge him and continued reading. The man was reading his tour book and sipping his beer oblivious that Knight was even there but Knight could tell he was being checked out. Knight was trained to be observant and he could feel the man's eyes on him even tough he seemed to be reading. The guy was good and briefly Knight wondered if he was an agent also. No, he couldn't be: he was too young. Yet, maybe. Knight needed to feel him out. Playing the part of a gay tourist might be a good disguise.

"See anything interesting today?" Knight asked. The man looked over at Knight and smiled. He told him about spending the day across the Nile at the Valley of the Kings. Knight recounted his own wanderings and invited the man to join him. The man got up and moved his own knapsack to the floor besides Knight's who noted that they were almost identical and would make certain no switch was made. Knight held out his hand. "Robert Austin."

The man shook his hand with a good tight grip. "Alan Waynwright."

"Another beer Alan?" Knight asked. Alan nodded. Knight ordered two more beers.

"Do you mind if I look at your sports page. I want to see how the 49'ers are doing." Knight was stunned. This guy followed football? No way was he gay! Over several rounds of beer, they got into a lively discussion about football and Alan even argued points about defenses and offenses and critical errors made during games. The guy had incredible recall and remembered the minute details of games back to when he was in high school.

As they talked, Knight absentmindedly toyed with the chain and cartouche that he was unaccustomed to wearing. Alan noticed his doing it. "Did you buy that here or in Cairo? Do you mind?" Alan reached for it. Knight lifted his chin up slightly. Knight wondered if Alan was more interested in feeling Knight's chest than seeing the cartouche.

"I got it in Cairo. It says Robert' but it could say fuck face' for all I know!" Knight lowered his chin. Alan's hand let go of the ornament but as he removed his hand, it rubbed across Knight's pec.

Alan ordered another round of beers and then Knight asked what he did for a living. Alan explained that he had just gotten his degree in Marine Biology and was taking the summer off to travel before trying to find a job. Knight was flabbergasted. This wasn't happening. Then it hit him: of course Alan was an agent! Why wouldn't someone be sent to get around Knight's defenses? He had all the right moves, the right vocation, the right football team and all those facts and figures. Knight remember the way the Soviets trained an agent for years feeding them endless facts and figures to where they could walk into American society and never be suspected of being born and raised in Russia. Knight got guarded and felt he had betrayed himself for being taken in like this. He went silent. He stretched his legs out in front of him. He noticed his cock was clearly visible and probably had been all evening. Knight was pissed and wondered if the guy was even really gay. He decided to tease him a little and see if he reacted to it. He rubbed his cock nonchalantly and then a little later, reached under his shirt to rub his chest. This exposed his flat belly, the ripples almost obscured by the hair. When he withdrew his hand part of his belly remained visible. He glanced over at Alan and could tell he had been looking. He could see Alan's cock was filling out from the display Knight was putting on. He wasn't wearing underwear either and from what Knight could see, he looked like he might also be well hung. He was as muscular as Knight was. His chest was sculpted and covered in what looked like fine brown hair. His belly was flat and hard. His thighs and calves were large and hairy also. Yeah, he could be a gay agent. Knight looked for tell tale signs of a gun and saw none.

Both men noticed how awkward the silence had become. It seemed as if each was waiting for the other to say something. Knight sat there looking at his feet and Alan was focusing on the wall opposite them. Knight looked at his watch and realized it was almost midnight. If any women had come in, he had missed them. He'd like to go to a club but not dressed like this and he still had his mission to think of. "Wow, I didn't realize it was so late. I guess it is time to rack out. I'm going over to the Valley of the Kings tomorrow and want to get an early start." Knight stood up and reached for his knapsack.

"Uh, I think that one is mine," Alan said.

"Oh, sorry, they almost look alike," Knight said handing it over to him. Alan got up also and walked with Knight to the elevator.

"Uh, would you like to come to my room for a nightcap. I bought a bottle of Martel from the duty free on the flight over," Alan said but he sounded a little embarrassed at the suggestion. Knight was confused. Was he just playing gay? Was this an elaborate disguise? Why not, Knight had kissed him while he was trying to hide. To Alan, this was probably just an assignment too. He had probably thought Knight was coming on to him a while ago. The thought that Alan might have thought Knight was interested in him made him blush.

"I'm sorry but I can't." There was no reason to try to explain. The elevator arrived and they got in. Their rooms were on the same floor.

"Then can I ask you just exactly what was going on last night on the train."

Knight laughed. "That guy was from Cairo. He said I deflowered his sister and was either going to make me marry her or kill me if I wouldn't. I did fuck her but she wasn't cherry. Believe me, I know these things. It's typical over here: force an American to marry a family member and soon the whole family is on its way to America. It happens all the time." The elevator stopped and they got off. "Well, thanks for the talk. See ya around." Knight disappeared into his room.

Knight got out his bottle, poured himself a stiff shot, and then stripped to shower again. Then as he always did, he took his gun out and put it under his pillow before turning in. The room was cool and Knight stretched out on the bed and took hold of his prick. He needed to pop a load. He rubbed his meat slowly with one hand while his other hand rubbed his muscled chest. He was thinking about Alan. Not exactly sexually, but Knight sensed Alan was in his room stroking his own pole and thinking of Knight. The thought of the young man's jerking off thinking of him unexplainable excited Knight. He wondered if he could assume the role of a gay man as part of a disguise. He already knew he could kiss a man. What else would he do to reinforce the authenticity of the cover? Would he suck a cock? Yeah probably. After all, it is just skin. How many women had he eaten? Lots of straight men didn't eat women. That didn't make it a perversion to do it. Cock sucking couldn't be all that different. Would Knight swallow cum? Well, if it were a cover, he probably would have to. Knight's prick was stiff now and he stroked it slowly while he thought of what Alan's meat would taste like. He started fantasizing about Alan. In his mind's eye, he took him in his arms, feeling the hard muscle and kissed him for a while tasting the insides of Alan's mouth. Their pricks would be solid. Maybe they would stroke each other while they kissed. Then Knight would push Alan over on his back and lick his way down his body. Women had always loved that. He wondered if a man would too. Then Alan's hard prick was in front of his mouth. He could see it and opened his mouth to take it in. He wondered what Alan's prick really looked like. He assumed the same fine hair he could see on the exposed portion of Alan's chest would be repeated at his crotch. Yeah, Knight could see the dense fine hair of his bush as he worked lower and lower on the shaft. Could Knight deep throat if Alan was as well hung as Knight suspected? Knight knew no woman had ever taken all of his 8" in her mouth. Knight knew he could do anything he set his mind to. Yeah, he could throat the guy. Knight could feel the intrusion of Alan's knob going deeper and deeper. He started sucking passionately and could actually feel the hefty piece of meat invading his throat. Knight Could feel Alan's body squirm as his orgasm started building and his prick erupted just as Alan's cock exploded in his mouth. He felt splash after splash of cum coating his chest and soak into his body hair.

Knight lay there panting. Slowly, his breathing returned to normal. He let go of his still rigid prick, swung off the bed and padded into the bathroom. The sight of his cum streaked body and rigid prick greeted him in the mirror. Knight looked at himself and grinned. Although his heavily muscled body was liberally covered in thick body hair, it was the type of hair that the sun quickly bleached snow white including the hair on his head. It had always been that way and had earned him nicknames all his life. He was called Ice Man in high school and college because of his cold attitude towards every human emotion. In the navy, he had been called White Lightening and then when he went to work for SHARC, the CIA code named him The White Knight.

Knight squeezed his softening prick. No, if Alan were gay, he really couldn't fault him for being attracted. He flexed his biceps and then his cum soaked chest. His body even turned him on or at least it did right now. Well, if he was going to suck a cock and swallow a load, shouldn't he at least know what it would taste like? Hell, why not? Knight scooped some cum off his belly and without hesitation, licked it off his fingers. Knight thought he had tasted it before or at least something with a very similar taste. He continued pondering it as he ate more and then more but he couldn't quite put his finger on from where he knew it. He and was actually disappointed when it was all gone. Sure, he could swallow cum. No problem. Knight cleaned up and went to bed.

The next morning, Knight woke up with his usual hard-on and played with it for a few minutes but didn't cum. He didn't want to get into that habit. Plus tonight he would get laid. He showered, shaved and gave the Right Guard a try. It smelled like the real stuff. He took off the real cartouche and replaced it with a replica. He slipped the real one in his shorts pocket and dressed. To be on the safe side, he took his gun and slid it into the waistband of his shorts leaving the shirt untucked. Today was the drop, if word had slipped out, there might be need of some protection.

Instead of the corniche, he took the streets through town. He didn't want to run the risk of running into Alan. If he was an agent, he wanted him far away from the drop as possible. That was why he dropped it about going across the Nile. He had coffee in a cafe, on the way. It was still over an hour until the drop.

He had no trouble finding his way to the drop point. It wasn't well hidden, it was almost completely exposed but in the shadows. The perfect place for a photographer to change film. He took his spot and was reading his tour book and glancing around. A young woman came wandering in, she had on denim short shorts and had beautiful long legs. She looked like a great peace of ass and had a camera around her neck. He glanced at her, she took her spot. This isn't right Knight thought. She can't even be eighteen. It wasn't uncommon to use women these days but they were pro's. He peered at the camera. It was the new Nikon F5 and had a rainbow striped camera strap. That was correct.

Knight walked over, the girl smiled. "Hi, you an American?" she asked.

"Yeah, just got in yesterday. Is that the new Nikon F5?" Knight waited for the answer.

"Yeah, I bought it just for this trip. It cost a fortune but how often do you get to go to Egypt?" The words were all correct. There was no way this was a coincidence. Shit, she was hardly an adult. For that matter, Alan was young too. Knight felt a stab in his gut. He was getting old. These kids were the future, soon, he would be put out to pasture. The girl finished loading her film and walked away, "See ya," she called back over her shoulder. She dropped the film canister. Knight let her get a few yards away and picked the canister up, and with one hand deftly had the top off and the cartoche inside in two steps.

"Hey, you dropped this, don't want to leave litter behind, you'll give tourists a bad name."

"Oh, sorry, I absolutely never do that. I guess I just dropped it and didn't notice." My god, she was actually blushing, Knight thought. God was she good. She walked off stuffing the film canister in her fanny pack.

Knight sat down. Babies, he pondered, babies are replacing me. His head was swimming. Maybe it was the heat or the sun. He felt old.

"Hey you don't look so good," a voice said. He recognized it. It was Alan. God, a minute earlier, he would have ruined the whole thing.

"Yeah, I guess I'm just getting old."

"Fuck you," He said playfully, "you're still a stud and in your prime."

He is throwing the old dog bones, Knight thought as he got to his feet. Alan fished a bottle of water out of his knapsack and handed it to Knight.

"You probably need water, alcohol is a dehydrant and we drank a lot last night." Knight drank some, it was cool and he felt better.

"Thanks." Alan drank also. Suddenly Knight wanted to be with him. If he was an agent, keeping him occupied while his contact got away was essential. "You here to look around?"

"Yeah, you want to wander together?" he asked shyly, almost hopefully.

"Sure! Why not?" Knight hoped Alan hadn't remembered the lie about going to the Valley of the Kings.

They toured the site for a while reading to each other out of their books. Both seemed too interested to be putting on an act. At one point, they found a frieze that depicted a series of Ramses II with a massive erection: it was huge. They both starred at it. Alan was a little embarrassed. "Somebody had a very active imagination or an over inflated ego. No one is hung that well!"

"Wanna bet?" Knight grinned and was delighted to see Alan's eyebrows shoot up.

As the sun set on the Nile, they strolled along the corniche road back to the hotel. Just before they turned off on the street leading to their hotel, Alan stopped and faced Knight but couldn't look him in the eye.

"Look, I'm sorry I came on to you. I normally wouldn't do something like that but you're, well, your special. I'm sorry if that embarrasses you and I won't ever say anything like that again but I wanted you to know that."

Knight put his hand on his shoulder and squeezed it. It was firm with muscle. "Alan, I'm sorry I can't do that with you but it isn't me." Knight wanted to hug him but remembered the gun in his waistband and held back. Instead, he put his arm around Alan's shoulder. They started walking again. "You hungry? I know a place that has some great Arabic food," Knight said.

"Sure, sounds great." They ate and had a couple of beers and continued their discussion about football. Knight knew he had to stay away from Marine Biology. What does a Chicago insurance agent know about Marine Biology?

They walked back to the hotel in silence. They got off on their floor and said good night.

As Knight undressed, he wondered how he would have explained the presence of a gun to Alan if things had progressed to where removing clothing ever became an issue. Knight didn't jerk off that night although he wanted to. He was afraid he would be thinking about sucking Alan off. And not as part of a disguise either. He wasn't ready for any revelation about his sexuality. It was bad enough he just might have to admit he was getting old.

The next morning he met Alan as planned in the lobby and they spent the day together. Alan wanted to sail up and down the Nile on one of the feluccas. They hired one of the boats and spent a couple of hours sailing. Both men stripped off their shirts to enjoy the already hot midmorning sun, being on the water it wasn't as harsh and actually was enjoyable. Knight frequently caught himself looking at Alan's muscular chest, which always caused his balls to stir.

By the end of the day, Knight was so comfortable with Alan he had forgotten all about the young man possibly being an agent or even caring if he were gay. He also felt a growing attraction and found he was checking out Alan's body probably more frequently than Alan was checking Knight's out. In the early afternoon, they both needed to take a piss and wandered into a public toilet. It stunk and there was only a trench urinal. Both men flopped their cocks out and both started laughing when they realized they were trying to check each other out and not be obvious about it.

"Don't make me laugh, I'll piss on my feet," Knight said trying not to laugh. What the fuck, Knight thought, the least he could do is let Alan see the goods. No harm in that and it was a small price to pay for Alan being a great companion. Knight noted that Alan did have a nice prick, which might possibly be as big as Knight's own. He wondered what it looked like when hard and was only briefly shocked at the curiosity.

That evening, they sat in the bar and had drinks together. Alan would look at Knight and sigh; Knight would look at Alan and sigh. Knight still was torn and not certain he could take that first step. He knew there was a mutual attraction but Knight's insecurity wouldn't allow him to take the step. They lingered out in the hall outside the elevator. Each wishing the other would or could say the words. Eventually, they retired to their rooms.

It took several drinks before Knight could finally go to sleep and ignore his rigid prick. The next morning, he placed the call to the London phone number he had been given. A man answered. "May I speak to Sam Sanzone?" Knight asked.

"I'm sorry, Sam is away on business. He left for Zurich just last evening. I can give you a number where you may reach him upon his arrival."

"That won't be necessary, Thank you." Knight hung up and smiled. Mission accomplished. Knight brightened.

He meet Alan again in the lobby as planned, the poor guy looked as if he hadn't slept a wink. "Man, you look terrible," Knight said.

The young man wouldn't allow Knight to catch his eye as if he feared it might reveal some secret. "Problems sleeping, couldn't shut my mind down."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Knight knew what he was thinking about and it made him feel bad. He knew the guy wanted him. Knight wondered if Alan would be upset if Knight offered to let Alan suck him off but was told Knight wouldn't do anything but lie there. Knight was certain he himself would be offended at a similar offer even if a woman made it to him. Sex was a two way street.

They spent the day together, not speaking much. The night train to Cairo would leave at 8:00PM and once in Cairo they would go their separate ways and never see each other again.

They checked out of the hotel and walked to the railroad station together. Knight had a first class compartment but Alan was in second class and declined Knight's offer to share the cabin. Knight watched as Alan walked back to his car. Knight felt a sense of loss: he had become kind of attached to the young man.

Knight settled into his compartment. He had paid the supplement and had it to himself. The porter came along and offered drinks, Knight still had scotch in his bag but took the offered liquor. He wasn't really hungry so he passed on dinner. All he could do was think of poor Alan sitting so dejected in second class. After several scotches, he felt kind of woozy and decided to turn in. He rang for the porter who made his bed while he went to the toilet. Seeing his prick out, he remembered Alan's own healthy member. He felt his prick stir. He stuffed it back in his shorts and returned to his compartment. He locked the door and stripped. He stretched out and soon was playing with his prick that stiffened faster than usual. He wished Alan were here. What was this taboo bullshit about sex with men anyway? Why should it be wrong if two men enjoyed each other's bodies? If he sucked a cock, he couldn't see it making him less of a man. Alan was certainly still man enough. If Alan were here right now, Knight would suck him! Why shouldn't he? Why would it be so wrong if he did?

Knight sat up and made a quick decision. He pulled his clothes back on. He had to leave the tank top untucked, this time to hide his hard-on, not his gun. He left his compartment and went looking for Alan. He wasn't in any of the three second class cars. He waited in case he was in the toilet. After ten minutes, he wondered if he wasn't already in his berth and backtracked through the sleeping car. He peered at the tickets until he saw one that said `Alun Wanrit.' Well that was close. He listened and heard the rustle of a newspaper. At least he was alone. Knight took a deep breath and ducked in. "They're here again" he hissed pulling his shirt off and diving under the covers with Alan. He took Alan in his arms and kissed him. Both men sighed but Alan's was more of a whimper. Knight held the kiss for what seemed like an eternity. It didn't take long before Alan realized he had been duped. He relaxed and kissed back, rubbing Knight's back with his strong hands. Their tongues slid around each other and Alan's nudged Knight's tongue until it retreated. Alan wasted no time sliding his tongue into Knight's mouth. That was different Knight thought, most of the women he had been with had just allowed Knight to tongue them. It certainly wasn't objectionable. He felt Alan's hand drift down to his crotch. He rubbed it at first and then unbuttoned and unzipped the shorts. His hand slid in and he gasped at the size of Knight's rod. He wrapped his fist around it and started stroking it. Knight wasn't at all hesitant and slid his hand in Alan's undershorts. His fist wrapped around Alan's cock and found it to only slightly smaller than Knight's own massive tool. They managed to get each other naked. Knight let go of Alan's rod and putting his hand on Alan's ass, he pulled their crotches together. Their bodies ground together as they kissed each other passionately.

Knight broke the kiss and with his hand on Alan's neck, he gently nudged Alan down. The young man got the idea and moved his mouth to Knight's chest. He licked from the center of his pecs to a nipple and sucked it. Knight was astounded by the electric shock that ran through his body. Alan sucked harder and Knight groaned. Oh man, why had none of the women he had been with ever thought to do this to him, Knight thought. This is ecstasy. He put his hand behind Alan's head and pushed him down hard on his chest. Alan sucked harder feeling the coarse chest hair stimulate his lips. He nibbled on Knight's stiff nub making his body jerk. Alan reached for Knight's prick and stroked as he licked his way further south. Knight had been right in that at least he liked the oral work over. Knight lifted his head and watched Alan bury his face in Knight's dense bush. He licked and chewed on the hair before moving around and sucking Knight's large balls. Knight tried to remember if any woman had ever sucked his nuts or eaten his bush before. He didn't think so. Alan started licking Knight's shaft and then his dripping knob. He opened his mouth and took the thick cock in to the hilt. Knight groaned loudly as he felt his knob slide into Alan's tight throat. Alan started swallowing and the rhythmic contraction of his throat muscle massaged Knight's fat cock head while Alan's tongue lapped up and down on as much of the shaft as he could reach.. Alan pushed down hard and Knight pushed up hard. Knight was disappointed when Alan started sliding off but then his tongue swirled around and around the sensitive head causing a low groan to escape Knight's mouth. Knight knew he had never received head like this before and already regretted all the past nights they hadn't done this.

Knight looked up and saw the uncomfortable position Alan was in and felt a pang of guilt. He started tugging at Alan's body who managed to get in a sixty-nine position without letting go of Knight's pole. Both men were tall and the berth short so they had to cock their legs slightly to get in this position. Knight was grateful for the solid partition the curtains were attached to or else his feet would be sticking out of the curtain.

Alan's prick was now a few inches from Knight's mouth. He had never seen a prick, soft or hard, up close like this. He didn't realize a man's cock was so beautiful. He liked everything from the thick piss tube all the way up to the deep "V" on the underside but he was completely fascinated with Alan's knob that was emitting a steady trickle of pre-cum. It was shaped just like a little ski jump. The ski jump at Mount Penis Erectus soon to go volcanic. That thought made him laugh and since his mouth was open, he swallowed the mountain. Alan let out a muffled groan as Knight polished the surface wiping away the little river that flowed from the summit down to the valley. He opened more of his mouth and more shaft disappeared. He felt his throat resist penetration but he pushed relentlessly until it opened and he had Alan's pole in all the way. Maybe not as readily as Alan had done with him but this was Knight's first suck. He doubted it would be his last.

The two men got into an easy rhythm of sucking. Knight rubbed Alan's ass and decided the feel of a muscular, hairy ass wasn't all that bad. Slurps and muffled groans were evident and undoubtedly could be heard outside the berth. Neither cared. Knight knew he was getting close and sucked harder on Alan. It seemed fitting that for his first suck he should get to taste the guy's load and he was concerned that maybe after he popped, he wouldn't want Alan's spunk. As Knight felt Alan's ass muscles begin to tighten, he suspected it was almost time and relaxed to let he own orgasm peak. It did within seconds of Alan's. Warm cream flooded Knight's mouth as his body jerked violently. Alan's spasms were equally as intense as he sucked out all of Knight's jiz. They both were breathing deeply but reluctant to let go of each other. Knight finally rolled over onto his back. His mouth was open and a little trickle of Alan's spunk ran down his chin, he absentmindedly wiped it up with his finger and licked it off. It had tasted like his own cum. He still wondered from where he knew that taste. It had something to do with the ocean, of that he was certain.

Alan recovered and spun around to lie on top of Knight. This was new to Knight also. He had always lain on top of the women he had sex with. Knight could never remember a time when a woman had laid on top of him. Knight's hands roamed up and down Alan's back settling on his firm ass cheeks. Alan started kissing Knight and in short order, their passions were inflamed again and pricks with renewed hardness were being ground together. Knight was in complete wonder that a man could be arousing such feeling in him. Alan nudged Knight's legs apart and knelt between them. The instant he started lifting Knight's legs, Knight knew he was about to loose his cherry. He didn't care, it wasn't as if he needed it. His legs were lifted to Alan's shoulders. Alan's prick was visible and standing up looking menacing in its length and thickness. Knight wanted to give himself to the young man regardless of the pain he might experience. Knight's knees were now pressed into his chest. Alan spit on his fingers and leaned forward to kiss Knight. Knight felt a finger probing his hole. It slid in, Knight groaned and Alan kissed harder. The finger moved slowly in and out. A second finger was added and possibly a third. Then Knight felt the first probe of Alan's cock head and relaxed his muscles. He felt a sudden giving of his pucker and knew the fat knob was in him. Knight prepared himself to block the pain that would surely follow but instead only felt an intense pleasurable sensation. Alan continued rocking slowly as more and more prick disappeared into Knight's virgin ass. Finally, the firm pressure of Alan's hips told Knight he had taken all of him. Alan was rotating his hips as he wrapped his fist around Knight's thick shaft and started stroking Knight's cock. Slowly, Alan started pumping. The intense feelings emanating from the stimulation of his muscle heightened Knight's thrill. He had no idea being fucked by a man's cock could cause him to feel so much pleasure. Knight started rubbing Alan's shoulders and biceps. His hands drifted to the young man's chest and massaged the tight muscles. Alan increased his pace a little, his kisses broken by the need for deep breaths of air. Alan's hips continued the steady piston action that was driving both of them nearer to the brink.

Knight knew Alan was getting close but hoped he could hold off until they could come together again. "Buddy, I'm getting close," Alan gasped out. Knight tensed his muscles and relaxed them then tensed them again. He felt the tingle form at the base of his balls. His cum was simmering and soon would erupt from his balls. Alan slowed his pace until he was barely moving. Knight knew the time was at hand. Alan inhaled deeply and his hips shot forward just as Knight's first jet spewed out of his prick, grazing Alan's chest before landing on Knight's throat. Knight could feel the spasms rip through Alan's body just as he was feeling his own. More cum jetted out of Knight's cock as Alan's spunk shot into Knight's bowels. They stayed in that position until Alan recovered and lowered Knight's legs. He looked down at Knight's sculpted chest and rippled belly now frosted in pearly white that was barely visibly compared to the color of his body hair. He looked to be thinking for a few seconds before leaning over and licking Knight's torso clean. He was thorough and got every drop including the last trickle that seeped deeply into Knight's thick tuft of cock hair. For good measure he took Knight's softening prick in his mouth and licked it clean also.

Knight pulled Alan up into his arms and held him tightly, kissing him periodically just for the contact with his lips. They went to sleep in this position and stayed that way all night.

The light knock on the wall told them it was morning. They pulled apart and smiled at each other. Both seemed to be a little embarrassed at their hard-ons. Alan's looked larger this morning and Knight was surprised he had taken it all up his ass. Knight wanted to touch Alan but held back. They would soon be in Cairo and would find a hotel where they could be together. They dressed and took turns in the bathroom. Coffee was in order but neither spoke much.

"Where are you staying?" Knight asked as they got off the train.

"I've got reservations at the Grand Hotel on 26 July Street. Where are you staying?"

"Hey, how about that? I'm staying there too! You want to take a cab there together." Knight was trying to be casual about it but Alan could see through the act.

"Sure, uh, you know, we could save a little money by staying in the same room. The Grand has huge rooms with two or three beds in each room. It's really a great hotel for being right down town. Surprisingly not too noisy either."

"Sounds like a winner." Knight knew he should be catching the next flight to London but he would send a fax saying he was delayed. Hey, he had just helped save the Western world. They could do without him another day or two. He was looking forward to this. The thought of another night of sex with Alan excited him and made his cock swell.

They arrived at the hotel and checked in. Alan had been right. The room was huge and had three large beds and a bathroom that was old fashioned but in the same scale as the other room. He remembered his hotel in Tokyo had been smaller than this bathroom.

Alan said he wanted to grab a shower before they went out sight seeing. They had already decided they would go to the Cairo Antiquities Museum first and then if there was enough time, they would go to Giza to see the pyramids. Alan stripped and went into the bathroom. Knight sat on the bed trying to decide if he should jump the guy now or wait. His prick was getting firm but possibly that was because Knight was rubbing it. Ah what the hell, Knight thought and stripped, there was still time later tonight. He picked up his knapsack with his few possessions went into the bathroom to shave.

Knight stood at the mirror shaving when Alan shut the water off and slid the curtain open reaching for a towel. Knight looked at him in the mirror. He had never felt this type of attraction for another man before and right now, he would love to push Alan down and fuck his legs off right here on the bathroom floor. The thought made him stir but Alan seemed not to notice.

When Knight got out of the shower, Alan was dressed and ready to go. Alan wanted to walk to the museum so he could see some of the local color. He stopped at a vendor and bought bottles of water chastising Knight for not drinking anywhere near enough water. To Knight, water was something you swam in or made ice with. But Knight good-naturedly bought a bottle and put it in his knapsack.

The museum didn't take as long as they thought it would and soon, they were in Giza. As they were about to walk towards the pyramid grouping, they were approached by a camel boy who wanted them to ride his camels. For a fee, of course. Alan wanted to ride one of the camels. Knight agreed and was rewarded to see the laughter on the face of the young man as he tried to steady himself on the beast. The camel boy took a picture of them together with Alan's camera. Knight didn't know why but Alan made Knight feel young again.

When the day was over, they had eaten at a local restaurant the taxi driver had taken them to. Knight emphatically told the driver they weren't interested in any nightclubs or belly dancing. They wanted food, Egyptian food. Knight had no idea how much was added to the bill to cover the tip for the taxi driver but it was worth it. Knight could have eaten more but held back, he hated fucking on a full stomach and tonight, they were going to fuck. And fuck.

They got back to the hotel at sunset. There was a major traffic jam on 26 July Street and after ten minutes of sitting, Knight and Alan paid the driver and got out and walked. Knight was relieved at the break. The entire time they had been waiting, he hadn't taken his eyes off the outline of Alan's cock, which was snaked down the leg of his shorts. Knight's own prick was quickly becoming rigid and would be far too noticeable by the time they cleared the traffic jam.

Once they entered their room, Alan turned towards Knight, "What do you want to do now?" he asked.

"Something I've wanted to do since we woke up this morning." He took Alan in his arms and kissed him wetly.

When he finally broke the kiss, Alan said, "Yeah, that is something I also wanted you to do since we woke up this morning!" Knight grinned and kissed him again. They got their arms tangled up trying to get each other's shirt off. Knight held Alan tightly and started removing Alan's shorts. Alan's hand massaged Knight's thick shaft that was rapidly threatening to rip his shorts open. Alan's shorts were now down around his feet. Knight undid his and they stepped out of them kicking their sandals off. Knight continued kissing the young stud as he wrapped his fist around Alan's meat.

Alan broke the kiss. "I really should shower first. I'm covered in grit and sweat and god knows what kind of vermin I've gotten from those animals and I probably stink."

Knight chuckled burying his face between Alan's beautiful pecs. "You smell just great to me." With that he started licking towards a nipple but Alan pulled away.

"If you're going to do that, I insist on showering first," he said firmly.

Knight was a little miffed. He had been with lots of woman and had fucked in some less than hygienic locations and with less than clean bodies. It was sex. A little musky scent was okay. It wasn't like the guy reeked or something. He guessed it must have shown in his eyes because Alan pulled Knight into his arms and whispered in his ear, "But I wouldn't say no if you wanted to join me."

Knight grinned from ear to ear wishing he had thought of that. He took hold of Alan's stiff rod and led him into the bathroom. Alan clung to him as Knight adjusted the water. They stepped in and Knight took Alan in his arms and kissed him while the shower wet them down. Alan reached for the soap but Knight took it away from him and reaching under Alan's arms started soaping his back. Alan wrapped his arms around Knight's neck as they continued to kiss. Both pricks were hard as steel and Knight ground his into Alan's. The bar of soap slid down Alan's spine and Knight washed his ass going all the way to the young man's hole. Knight handed the soap to Alan moving his arms around Alan's neck giving the boy the same access Knight had enjoyed having. Knight continued kissing and grinding his big prick into Alan. Once Alan had finished, he handed the soap back to Knight.

Knight leaned back and started soaping Alan's shoulders and arms. Their crotches were still pressed together. He worked the lather in slowly and worked all the way down to Alan's hands before working his way back up. Then he moved down to Alan's chest. Knight watched his hands as he rubbed circular motions from Alan's collarbone down to the bottom of his pecs. Knight let his fingers dart into Alan's armpits and Alan instinctively lifted his arms up. Knight soaped the tufts. He was surprised Alan's armpits were so hairy. He wasn't even certain if his own would be considered hairy or not and couldn't even recall what they looked like. He worked his hands down Alan's belly continuing to soap very slowly. Knight's fingertips brushed through Alan's soft crotch hair. He soaped up the young man's heavy ball sac running his fingers back and forth over Alan's velvety hole. Alan leaned over to kiss Knight and Knight started soaping Alan's rigid cock. Knight pulled Alan into his arms and held a kiss for several minutes. Alan broke the kiss and turned to open the curtain.

"We're not through yet," Knight said dropping to his knees. He swallowed Alan's cock and started soaping up the backs of Alan's legs working his hand all the way down to his heals and then back up to his ass cheeks. Alan massaged Knight's broad shoulders as Knight continued the slow sucking of Alan's prick. Alan grew impatient and pulled Knight to his feet kissing the man hard as Alan fumbled with the faucets. They toweled each other off but missed a lot of spots in their haste.

Alan led Knight to the bed and pushed him down. Wasting no time, Alan devoured all 8" of Knight's thick prick in one deep lunge. He ground his face down feeling Knight's coarse crotch hair pressed into his nose and lips. He started that swallowing action that Knight loved feeling. Knight raised his head up and watched Alan as he slid up to where just Knight's fat knob was in his mouth lapping around the surfaces. Knight didn't now if the intense feeling was from the polishing he was getting from Alan's tongue or just from the sight of the guy's mouth surrounding his prick. Alan continued his oral onslaught rubbing Knight's muscular thighs with firm strokes.

Knight easily could have allowed Alan to bring him off. He knew he was worked up to where it would only be a few minutes but he wanted the man when Knight was at his peak. He pulled Alan off of him and up into his arms. They held a long kiss as Knight's tongue slowly explored Alan's mouth. He could taste his own cock. He rolled Alan over on his back and straddled his hips staying upright so Alan could see Knight's body. The sight wasn't wasted on the young man as his eyes drifted from Knight's craggy facial features down to the sculpted chest with its thick pelt of almost white hair. The contrast between the white body hair and the deep tan complemented each other; the tan made the hair look whiter and the white hair made the tan seem even deeper. He followed the heavy line of hair that divided Knight's abs and eventually widened below his navel into a wild tangle of deep blond hair at the base of his cock. Knight's prick was rigid and standing straight up, his knob had deepened in color and now, instead of its usual dusky pink color, had a deepening red tint to it. Collecting at the tip was a stream of his juice. Knight leaned forward, balancing himself on one hand. The other hand circled around both cocks. Even Knight's large hand failed to completely encircle both shafts. He squeezed them together confirming that Knight's rod was longer by what appeared to be a little less than an inch but Alan almost matched Knight's girth. A large glob of pre-cum oozed out of each. Knight let go of their cocks and collected the healthy seepage on the tip of his index finger. He rubbed it over Alan's lower lip and then bent to lick it off before plunging his tongue into Alan's mouth. He held the kiss, allowing his body to slowly rest on Alan's and started grinding his hips into the young man feeling their pre-cum seep out and smear on their bellies.

Knight broke the kiss and slid down a few inches. He started licking Alan's throat. He was surprised there was no evidence of beard stubble and liked the smooth texture. He licked down to Alan's Adam's apple licked it slowly watching it move as Alan swallowed. Knight could feel Alan's prick pressed into his belly. Knight's own cock was pressed into the young man's thigh. He slid further down feeling Alan's rod twitching from the stimulation it was receiving from Knight's coarse body hair. Knight was now licking Alan's chest. The short, pale brown hair was fine and offered no resistance to Knight's tonguing. The moisture from Knight's tongue left a matted trail as evidence of where it had been. Knight buried his face in the deep crevice between the two firm pectoral muscles. He licked slowly towards the nipple that already looked stiff. He darted his tongue over it, Alan's body jumped slightly. Knight ran his tongue in slow circles around the aureole barely brushing the sensitive nub. Opening his mouth slightly, he sucked it. Alan squirmed and grunted. Knight sucked harder and nibbled. Alan shouted and bucked under Knight's confining body. Knight could feel the wild twitching and pulsing of Alan's rigid meat struggling to get free. Alan hands were now on Knight's back clawing at him with heated passion. Knight wondered if he could make Alan cum doing this. He abandoned the young man's nipple and continued up the curve of his pec. The skin was smooth and just an occasional fine hair was encountered. Knight caught sight of Alan's pit hair and smiled to himself. Why not, he thought and lifted Alan's arm. The pale brown mat was dense and slightly longer than his chest hair. Knight nuzzled the tuft, deeply inhaling the scent that was half soap and half Alan. He ran his tongue over the entire surface. In response, Alan leaned his head slightly and started tonguing Knight's ear urging him on with the erotic feel of a wet tongue and his warm breath rasping in his ear.

Knight started licking along Alan's collarbone stopping briefly to give his mouth a deep kiss and then moved on. Alan lifted his other arm and Knight repeated the process of licking and savoring the delights of doing this to the young man. Alan's tongue assailed Knight's other ear. Knight could tell Alan's arousal was building and wasted no more time getting to the boy's nipple. Again, Knight's sucking and nibbling caused Alan's body to thrash. Knight continued on his journey down Alan's body and could feel his own juices coating Alan's muscular thigh as his cock slid along it. Knight moved lower still, he licked to the base of his sternum where the chest hair abruptly stopped revealing smooth tight skin. Dragging his tongue along the deep trough that divided Alan's abdominal muscles, Knight encountered a few fine hairs that increased in number as he neared Alan's navel. He darted his tongue on the hard little button and then worked his way lower. Slowly licking until the head of Alan's cock brushed his chin and jerked at the contact with Knight's heavy beard stubble. Knight pulled the boy's cock out of the way and licked the large circle where the body hair was plastered down with Alan's pre-cum and then the rest of the way down into the dense growth of hair at the base of the thick shaft. Knight nuzzled it, then licked and chewed on the tuft. Alan's scent was strongest here and Knight inhaled deeply to get as much of it as he could.

Alan reached down and with strong hands started kneading Knight's shoulders. His breath was becoming labored and his body was tense. Knight's satisfaction was growing from the knowledge that he was working the young man into a frenzy. He could already feel his cock buried up Alan's ass. Knight raised up, slid lower nudging Alan's legs apart, and sucked one of Alan's balls into his mouth. Alan's ball sack was densely covered in the same fine brown hair. Knight sucked harder as Alan's squirming increased. He let go of the hairy nut and sucked its mate into his mouth. Knight drew back, allowing the ball to be pulled from his mouth. Alan's cock was jerking wildly and Knight was concerned the boy would loose it too soon. He pulled the engorged prick upright. The head was liberally coated with Alan's juice. He licked it clean and Alan's body jerked from the contact. Knight opened his mouth and swallowed it to the root in one slow plunge pushing his face hard against the fine hair of Alan's pubic nest. He attempted the swallowing action he had enjoyed when Alan had done it to him but the technique escaped Knight. Unfazed by that particular failure, he slid back up to the boy's knob and licked it slowly. Alan tensed and held it. Knight felt a momentary panic and let go of the boy's cock; it slapped wetly on his belly. Alan was breathing in gasps. Knight froze and tensed hopping desperately the boy wouldn't cum yet. Alan slowly relaxed.

"Try to hold off buddy. We're just getting started." Knight grinned at him and winked.

Alan smiled weakly. "I'm trying stud, I'm trying," he said hoarsely. As badly as Knight wanted to continue sucking Alan, he didn't want him to cum until they were fucking. When he was satisfied Alan had come down, Knight slid his hands under Alan ass and lifted his hips off the mattress. Separating his ass cheeks with his thumbs, Knight buried his face in Alan's crack and started tonguing his hole. Knight had no problem doing this. He had done it to several women in his lifetime and had found they all liked his doing it. Alan lifted his legs and rested them on Knight's back. The groans coming from Alan told Knight the young man was enjoying this. Knight continued for a while and then lowered Alan's hips down. He lifted Alan's legs onto his shoulders and then leaned forward to kiss him.

Alan's body tensed as the realization of what Knight was going to do startled him out of cocoon of pleasure Knight had wrapped him in. He pushed back with his legs surprising Knight.

"What's wrong?" Knight asked.

"I've never been fucked before."

"Never?" Alan looked away. Knight cupped his cheek and jaw with his hand and pulled his face back to where he could look at him. "You never have? Buddy, I hadn't either but I enjoyed it. Just try it, okay?" Alan blinked but said nothing. Knight moved forward and again Alan tensed. "Hey Alan, cummon, just relax and let's see if we can work this out." Knight didn't have to touch his own cock to know it was dripping steadily and probably harder than it had ever been in his life. He wanted this guy and wasn't going to easily back down. Alan must have sensed Knight's determination and relaxed allowing Knight to move up to where he could kiss him. Alan's response to the kiss was restrained. Knight moved his hand to Alan's cock and found it had softened with the boy's fear. Knight felt badly that Alan wouldn't want Knight to be the first knowing Alan had been the first man Knight had ever had sex with. It seemed like it was only fair. He moved to Alan's ear and kissed it running his tongue along the ridges. Alan responded. Knight leaned forward with his hips and slid his cock along Alan's crack. The boy tensed. "Just relax," Knight whispered, "I won't enter you without telling you first. Just lay there and feel me. Can you feel how hard I am? Doesn't that tell you how badly I want you? I never thought I could enjoy it either but I did. Just let me try buddy. I swear I won't hurt you and if you can't take it, tell me and I'll stop but just try it." For once in his life, Knight wished his cock were smaller so maybe Alan wouldn't be frightened of it. Knight felt Alan relax a little and he continued rocking his hips, the fine hair along Alan's crack caressed his shaft. Knight moved to where he could kiss Alan and was relieved to feel him respond.

Knight was confused by this turn of events. Was Alan really gay? How could he be gay and never been fucked? He had to be gay! No straight man could suck like he did. Just the thought of Alan's mouth made Knight's cock jump and slap down on Alan's crack. Alan wiggled his ass a little. Knight abandoned his thoughts and pushed down, sliding with firmer strokes. Alan responded more. Knight reached for Alan's meat and was relieved when he found that although it wasn't rigid yet, it was getting harder. Knight relaxed and allowed his own kisses to build with renewed passion. He pulled off Alan's mouth. The boy looked him in the eye and said, "Okay but you're very big so go slow and go easy. Remember, you can hurt a guy with that log of yours."

Knight was elated. "You got it stud. Remember, if you can't take it, let me know and I'll stop. I meant it when I said I don't want to hurt you. I could never hurt you buddy." Knight gave him one more kiss before moving back into position on his knees. He let Alan's legs slide down a little and Alan's ass was now level with Knight's cock. Knight took one look at his large knob in relation to Alan's little pucker and even he had doubts this would work. Yet he knew he had taken Alan. Maybe that little button just stretched a lot. He knew he was about to find out. Knight milked some more pre-cum out of his cock and with the abundance that had already accumulated on Alan's crack, he had a lot to lubricate Alan with. His finger slid in with quite a lot of resistance. Alan winced. Knight returned Alan's legs to his shoulders and leaned to kiss the boy hoping if he could engulf him in some passionate kissing, maybe he would relax. That seemed to work and soon, Knight had two fingers in and they were sliding in and out smoothly. Knight added more of the slick fluid. Alan now was moaning softly through the kisses. Knight slid a third finger in and Alan was pushing back with his hips. Knight knew if he was ever going to be ready, it was now. He pulled off the boy's mouth. "You think we can try now."

Alan closed his eyes and nodded. "Yes, please."

"I know baby, I'll be very gentle." Knight stroked his cock to refresh the slickness and then spit on his hand and rubbed it along the length of his shaft to add even more moisture. He truly wanted this to be special for the young man. Knight poised his cock head at Alan's hole. "I'm going in now. Just a little." He pushed forward slowly and felt resistance. "Relax baby, just relax." He milked a little more pre-cum out and pushed again. Alan's hole opened and Knight's cock head slid in. He could tell the boy was tight. Alan winced and grunted. Knight pulled back out and renewed the fluids. He tried again looking continually into Alan's deep green eyes for any sign of pain. He saw none and slid in an inch. Alan's low moan was more of pleasure than pain so he withdrew a little and slid back in. Alan seemed to be taking it. Knight felt his knob clear the boy's tight muscle. Knight would have preferred to be kissing while he entered Alan but knowing this was the first time and Alan's trust required Knight be aware of any discomfort. He inched in more, withdrew and then back in a little more. Alan's breathing was deep but he continued looking into Knight's eyes. Knight felt their bodies had merged with his last push that brought his hips into full contact with Alan's ass. He was all the way in. Only then did he allow himself to give Alan a long drawn out kiss while Knight rotated his hips loosening the young man's tight bunghole. "You okay?" Knight asked.

"Yes, ohhh, yesss."

Knight had had his share of female virgins but being the first man in Alan was overwhelming to him. He wanted to say something but his voice was choked with emotion. He buried his face in Alan's neck to hide his feelings. Slowly, he got back his control and returned to the boy's mouth. He backed off a little and slid in. Knight felt the tight grip Alan's muscle had on his shaft and he knew he was going to have to fight to not shoot within seconds after they started to really fuck. He circled his fist around Alan's rod and found it was again turgid. He stroked Alan slowly and pumped with short strokes until he knew the boy was still okay. Alan's groan was muffled by Knight's mouth. Both men were breathing deeply. Knight's pumping increased in depth and soon he was sliding in and out easily.

"Oh baby, this feels so good," Knight whispered. Alan kissed him, sliding his tongue in as far as he could and grinding their lips together. Knight pumped a little faster but still held back fearful he would hurt Alan and violate his trust. He continued stroking Alan's cock feeling the skin sliding up and down the throbbing shaft. Alan's breathing was becoming raspy and his body was tensing. Knight knew he had to be close and started concentrating on his own orgasm. When Alan's eyes flickered and he felt his body go rigid, Knight released his own spunk just as Alan's first jet of cream violently exploded and flew hard spattering their throats with hot man juice. Both men's bodies were welded together with muscular contractions that were causing Knight's hips to push forward and Alan's calves to hold Knight's neck in a vice grip. Jet after jet of Alan's spunk coated his and Knight's chest. Knight's own cream was filling Alan's fuck chute. Knight was positive he had never cum that much or that long ever in his life. Knight broke the kiss but stayed motionless, his breathing was still coming in gasps. He looked at Alan whose eyes were closed. His throat and neck were wet with cum.

Alan's eyes flickered open. "Wow" was all he could say. Knight just nodded. He leaned forward and licked the cum off Alan's throat and neck and as far down his chest as he could reach. Eventually, he pulled out of Alan's hole and finished cleaning the young man up with his tongue. Knight was astounding at how much of a load the boy had unleashed considering he came twice the night before. Knight lifted Alan's hips and kissed his pucker which was now puffy and rather distorted looking. So the little guy does stretch, Knight thought. Knight thought for a second and looked down at his still rigid prick. He glanced over at Alan who was smiling at Knight's attentions. The young man's prick was still rigid also. Knight felt his prick twitch. Somehow, with a little training, he thought this young man would be able to match Knight's own lusty and seldom satisfied appetite. Why the fuck not? Knight thought. He raised Alan's legs to his shoulders. The boy looked startled. "Again?" he gasped.

"No? Not again?" Knight said smiling as he leaned forward and kissed him. Knight thought he heard a muffled yes but the groan he heard as he slid in to the hilt in one smooth stroke definitely told him "yes." Alan's fuck chute was well oiled now and his muscle already stretched. Knight fucked with a little more vigor and Alan's hands squeezing Knight's chest, shoulders and biceps told him he was enjoying the solid slaps Knight's hips where creating on the boy's ass. Their kisses were only broken by gasps for air as the pounding Knight was giving the young man's no longer virgin ass brought them nearer to their second release. Knight broke the kiss. "Baby, can we cum together again?" Alan nodded. "Let me know when you're getting close." Knight returned to pumping and Alan started pinching Knight's nipples.

"I'm getting close Nick, It's gonna happen. NOW." With that, the boy's body bucked under Knight. Knight's own release was only a few seconds behind and surprisingly more intense than Knight usually had for a second round this soon.

Slowly, they recovered. Both still winded. Alan's load was substantially reduced but Knight did clean up detail again and as always wondered why the taste seemed so familiar. He laughed. Hell, maybe he was a cocksucker in a former life. Alan looked at him quizzically but stifled any question when Knight sucked his still dripping cock into his mouth. The boy winced at the sensitivity but couldn't deny Knight the pleasure he was getting from this action.

Knight let the shaft fall out of his mouth, smiled at the young man, and then lay down on Alan's chest leaning over and kissing the nipple next to his mouth. They lay there for several minutes. Alan seemed exhausted and even Knight felt a little spent. Knight got up and went into the bathroom cleaning his cock and chest before getting a warm wash rag to clean the dozing boy up with. When Knight returned to the bed, he found the boy breathing deeply, he hadn't moved. Knight gently cleaned him up, including his cute little bunghole. Knight tossed the wash rag over on the table. Then he managed to get Alan under the covers and joined him. Alan stirred enough to roll over and lay his head on Knight's chest, Alan's hand reached down and cupped Knight's balls. Knight smiled. I wonder what dear old Dad would say if he could see me now, he thought

Knight lay there holding the young man in his arms. Alan dozed, content to be held in Knight's muscular arms. Knight felt his chest hair being stirred by Alan's warm breath. Alan's limp cock was pressed into Knight's thigh and his hand still cupped Knight's balls. They hadn't even known each other a week but Knight recalled all the time they had spent together and knew it had all lead to the past two nights. He smiled to himself remembering Alan's delight at riding the camels and his wonder at the sights at the massive temple complex in Luxor. He remembered his laughter as the felucca had skimmed the surface of the Nile. He kissed the top of the boy's head. Knight knew Alan was still a boy. A boy in a man's body. Knight didn't know why but he felt a strong need to protect Alan, to keep him safe from harm shielding him with Knight's own broad muscular back even though Alan's physical strength probably matched Knight's own. But there was innocence to Alan that made Knight think he was somehow vulnerable.

Knight wished there was some way he could tell Alan who he really was and about SHARC but to do so would expose a lie and then how would he explain being under cover? Things like this weren't passed on to casual acquaintance for obvious reason. He wished he could get Alan a job at SHARC but how long would it be before SHARC's other function was discovered? He still hadn't ruled out Alan being an agent, even at his young age. But how could he say to Alan, "Hi, I'm Nick Knight?" Knight's eyes blinked and his jaw tightened. Something Alan had said. Then he relaxed, no, he was imagining things. They had both been worked up, in the heat of his own passion, he had only imagined Alan had called him Nick. Knight smiled to himself and pressed his face into Alan's coarse close- cropped hair and kissed him again. He tightened his hold on the boy who stirred, murmured something and went back to sleep. Knight slept too, sounder than he had in years.

Knight woke up next to Alan who was still sleeping soundly. Knight looked at his face and realized it was almost child-like in its handsomeness. Knight wondered if he had ever been that young. He sighed thinking that he was almost old enough to be this kid's father. He could see the young man's erection tenting the sheet that covered them. Knight gently pulled the covers off. Alan's prick looked delectably hard. Knight wanted him but needed to piss first and then he would deal with Alan's cock. He shuffled off to the bathroom to relieve himself. He also needed a drink of water but knew the Cairo tap water was deadly. He walked back into the room and reached for his knapsack and the bottle of water he remembered was there. He opened the pack and was fishing for the water bottle. His hand encountered his gun and then the water bottle. He pulled the bottle out and drank from it. As he returned it to the bag, he realized the contents weren't right. He pulled the gun out and at once knew it wasn't his S&W. This was Alan's knapsack. Knight sat down on the chair staring at the gun, not believing the obvious. If he hadn't been shocked into disbelief, he would have thought this was a sick joke. He wanted to laugh but more from the hilarity of the situation. He, the famous Nick Knight had allowed himself to be seduced by a boy. Not only that but by a boy with an inflated ego. For Christ's Sake, he couldn't even be original with his choice of a gun. He chose a German Walther PPK, James Bond's gun! Knight gave out a dry bitter laugh when he realized last night it hadn't been his imagination, Alan had called him by his real name as he was cuming.

"I believe that one is mine," Alan said from the bed. Knight leveled the gun at him. "Put the gun down Nick, if I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead by now."

"Keep your hands where I can see them. Who are you and who are you with?"

"We're on the same side Nick, put the gun down." His voice was steady, no indication of fear, just calm assurance that things would go his way. He sighed when Knight didn't respond and reached for his shorts on the floor beside the bed.

"Don't move!"

Alan froze and raised his hands up slightly. "I'm just getting my wallet. There is proof in it."

"Just stay where you're at. Don't make any sudden movements. I'll shoot you if I have to." Knight got up and used his foot to scoot the shorts away from Alan's legs. He squatted and picked them up holding the wallet and shaking the shorts off. The steady gaze of his eyes never left Alan. He tossed Alan the wallet.

Alan deftly caught it, also without taking his eyes off Knight. He extracted a business card and showed it to Knight. Knight was too far away to see the detail but the logo was instantly recognizable. To an outsider, it would look innocent enough. It was from a New York investment firm. Calling the number would get a switchboard and then with the appropriate extension number, the caller would be connected with a computer that would respond only to those voices that it had matching voice prints on. An agent could retrieve messages and assignment information. Agency heads and certain others higher up in the organizations could locate agents and what assignments they were on. It was the government's way of centralizing all the agencies it had control over and avoid incidents like one that had happened a few years ago when two NSA agents had been killed by the CIA assuming they had been working for the Soviets. The card also served as an unofficial ID card.

Knight wasn't completely convinced. "Okay, talk. Who are you, why are you here?" Knight really wanted to ask why they had had sex. Was he being tested? He felt a trickle of sweat under his arms in spite of the room being cool. He didn't think he was going to like the answer.

"My real name isn't important. I'm with Project Leopard."

"I've never heard of Leopard," Knight responded.

"It isn't an agency. It was an experiment on male sexuality. People high up in the government had long ago decided agents needed a broader background in sexual ability. The straight super studs were fine but they knew that during the Soviet era, their agents could jump in bed with either sex and make a convincing show of it. It worked on several occasions and they got to agents on the western side of the fence. When the Soviet block collapsed, the issue died until the growing involvement of Middle Eastern agents became a focal point. Arab men seem to have no problem with sex with men or women. You might say we felt we were losing our sexual edge. The issue was raised again. Recruiting bi-sexuals seemed to be the answer but that could take years before they were seasoned enough to be effective. That left the agents who were proven. But the government didn't feel they could just ask their agents to learn how to suck cock and be happy doing it. They conducted one small experiment of four agents and it failed totally."

Knight blinked and his jaw tightened. He knees felt week and sweat popped out on his forehead. He sat back down on the chair.

"Using the cover of a faked serous flu outbreak, the men where drugged and conditioned. I won't go into detail." Knight didn't want to hear the detail. He had thought it had all been dreams caused by the fever. Knight looked shaken and Alan was startled and wondered if Knight could he have been one of the men. It didn't seem possible.

Alan continued, "Once they had recovered, all were placed in sexual situations with women but the women were removed before sex could occur. Then a man was introduced who offered a blowjob. All four men refused it and three masturbated rather than turn to a man for sex. One didn't even masturbated. The situation was repeated to make sure. The results were the identical. The experiment was labeled a failure.

"Still, the people who instigated the experiment refused to give up. That was how I got into the act. I was in my first year of college. A research team was on campus and students were approached to help in a study. The nature of the study was not revealed for fear of the results being biased. I was approached. It wasn't until I was well on my way that I knew they had been observing me. I guess you could say I was sexually flexible. I had no problem letting a man suck me off when I needed a sexual outlet. I had been that way even in high school. I never did more than let them suck me. At first, all they did was give us tests. We were being paid for our time so no one complained. Then the researchers left and one day I was approached by a man who asked to talk to me. I was a little uncertain but agreed. He told me the research was not over. Phase two was to begin soon but it wasn't going to be known to the public. He told me it was a study of male sexuality and would get very personal and that I would even be having sex while observed on camera. In exchange for this, I would be paid and my school expenses would be covered. The offer seemed legitimate. If they were just interested in making a porno, they could do it for a lot less money. I agreed. I won't bore you with all the details but I was exposed to a lot of sexual situation with both men and women. They developed a sexual profile on me with a lot of charts and graphs. My curves where lower for male sex than they were for female. They predicted only a 45% chance I could ever be bisexual. The other men all had much higher curves. For some reason, they kept me in the study even though with each phase, more men were being dropped.

"In my third year of school, they told me the real nature of the study and what they had hoped to accomplish. Rather than continue to loose ground, they decided some new recruits would be brought up with emphasis on sexuality. They had been watching every aspect of my life and they said my reflexes and mental acuity pointed to me being a good candidate for an agent. I liked the idea. It seemed glamorous and exciting. We started intense physical training. Training that was so rigorous any thoughts of sex were set aside. I was still in school also so I had a busy life. Once we were considered good enough to at least be interns, they returned to the sexual aspects. What they expected from us was outlined. I was so hooked on being an agent; I would do anything or anyone. We were taught how to have sex with both men and women. How to please them so totally, they would let their guards down. I took to sucking cock like I was born to it. I could kiss long and deep. And all of that was in front of a camera. My abilities insured they kept me on. A lot of the guys I worked on would be hard before they even took their clothes off just remember the way I had sucked them the time before. I've probably swallowed a gallon of cum. But the passion was always faked. A lot of time, I had to think about women to get hard. Believe me, it isn't easy thinking about pussy when you've got a man's cock in your mouth."

Knight looked at him. He suddenly felt older than that day at the temple. "What where you doing on this case?"

"Ah, it was kind of like my first assignment. Leopard got permission for us to be here. They thought our observations would be helpful in placing us." The man seemed pleased with himself. "All we were to do was observe. We weren't even allowed to act as a back up even if it were required. We were being tested to see what we could deduce from what was going on and then report our findings. We only knew it involved a microdot and nothing more. We weren't even told who would be involved in the operation. All we knew was that Cairo was where it was happening. We picked you out at the Cairo airport and I got to keep you under surveillance. I couldn't believe my luck. I was going to be following the famous Nick Knight. I knew it was you coming out of the men's room. I saw the guy pinch your knapsack at the train station. I thought it was part of the plan. I found your cum stained shorts in your train berth when I searched it while you were in the toilet." Alan giggled at the thought.

"It was just a fucking game to you?" Knight angrily spat out. "Even the sex, you faked it." Knight's voice trailed off. "I suppose all of this is going to wind up in a report on someone's desk," Knight said with a heavy tone of resolution to the inevitable disgrace. He couldn't believe any agency would be irresponsible enough to turn children loose to run amuck when so much was at stake. Knight's faith in soundness of his country's intelligence network was shaken. Also, Alan could have been killed. His face melted at the thought.

Alan felt like shit for having brought Knight to this. He got up and took the gun from Knight who surrendered it with no resistance and dropped it back in the bag. No Nick, he thought, if I had wanted you dead, it wouldn't have been with a gun. He knew he had been well trained. Alan remembered the assortment of tiny ultra poisonous pellets he could have lodged down his urethra so that when he came, he could poison his victim without his even knowing it had been done until later when his stomach acid dissolved the thin plastic coating. Or how when he had fucked Knight and had him on his back, a small knife slid between Knight's ribs and into his heart when Knight was wrapped up in his orgasm would have done the trick. Buddy, you'd have been dead before the last of your cum splashed on your chest. Leopard wasn't so named just in hopes that men could change their sexual orientation.

He dropped to his knees in front of Knight. He could see Knight's thick limp cock and two large balls hanging low. "Oh Nick, no, not a game! At first sex with a man was something I knew I could do but didn't think it would ever happen with you, not as an assignment or even as sport. That night we sat in the bar drinking and talking, something happened. I started to be attracted to you. That was why I came on to you. I wanted you. But I knew I couldn't have you. Buddy, the mission was over when we had sex on the train, I didn't have to have sex with you. I wanted you. I think my curve shot over the top when you jumped in my bed that first time. And I gave myself to you last night. I faked none of it. Please don't hate me. I had thought I would get away and then maybe some day we would run into each other again and then you would have to be told. But I didn't want to hurt you." Alan laid his head on one of Knight's knees. "And don't worry, not everything that happens on an assignment winds up in a report. I'd never say a word about what has happened between us."

Knight stood and pulled Alan to his feet and held him. Both their cocks were soft. Knight's was still larger but Alan's would be considered large by anyone's definition. Alan laid his head on Knight's shoulder. Knight couldn't fault the guy. Many women had fallen for him as he had used them in the course of his duty. Why was this any different? And Knight knew he was becoming a relic. Young men and women would replace him but the thought of Alan sucking a stranger's cock in the line of duty irritated him. Or was it jealousy?

"How did it feel to pop Nick Knight's cherry?"

Alan raised his head up and looked in Nick's pale blue eyes. "It wasn't as exciting as having Nick Knight pop mine." He kissed Knight fully on the mouth. Knight responded and pulled him to the bed. They lay there on their sides kissing while their pricks stiffened. Knight pushed Alan over on his back and kissed and licked his way to the man's cock. Knight felt as excited as he had been the night before.

"You're probably going to have teach me how to do this right someday," Knight said as he opened his mouth and took Alan's cock in to the hilt.

"Buddy, you're doing just fine," he said pulling Knight into a sixty-nine position. He took Knight's massive shaft in this mouth and sucked it. The two men continued sucking for a while, savoring the taste of the pre-cum that had started oozing out of their slits. Knight knew he already had learned to like sucking Alan but wasn't certain he could ever do anyone else. It didn't seem important at this moment. Knight slid all the way down to the base of Alan's shaft and felt of the soft bush on his chin and his nose being pushed into Alan's ball sack. Yes, this is right, he thought.

As Knight sensed Alan was getting close, he pulled Alan up into his arms and rolled to where Alan was on top of him. As they kissed, Knight wrapped his legs around Alan and guided Alan's prick to his hole. No words were spoken. Alan slid in slowly. He broke the kiss and they stared into each other's eyes as Alan stroked Knight's rod and pumped his ass. Each thrust of Alan's hips brought Knight closer to oblivion but Knight's control was unmatched and he could hold this until Alan was ready. Soon, Alan was getting close and Knight allowed his own orgasm to peak. They came at the same time continuing to look deeply into each other's eyes. Knight felt for an instant, with his blurred vision, he could see Alan's very being as he felt the cum splashing on his chest.

Alan lay there rocking a while, allowing the spasms to end. He kissed Knight deeply and then slid out of the man's hole. In one smooth move, he straddled Knight's hips and sat on Knight's cock. Both men gave out lusty chuckles and Knight started pumping, Alan leaned forward and kissed Knight with renewed passion as Knight plunged home time after time. Alan sat upright and started pumping his prick looking down on the stud that was claiming his ass. Knight also looked up at Alan and saw the handsome young man who had given himself to Knight. Knight reached up and rubbed Alan's deeply tanned chest. The soft fine hair almost felt like fur. This young stud was going to be hard to forget. To Knight's surprise, he came first. That was something he had never done before. Alan sat all the way down on Knight's pole while Knight's hot spunk coated his insides. As Knight recovered, he became embarrassed but tried not to show it. Alan was stroking his rod slowly. He rubbed Knight's chest, which was still streaked with Knight's own cum, smearing it in and matting Knight's thick chest hair even more. He pulled off of Knight's cock, slid forward and leaned over Knight's mouth. Knight knew what Alan was doing and opened his mouth just a few seconds before the first spurt hit the back of Knight's throat. Once he was through cuming, Alan slid down, smearing Knight's cum all over both of them and kissed Knight, tasting his own cum.

They stretched out facing each other, pricks were still oozing cum and softening. Knight leaned over and kissed Alan lightly on the lips. Alan smiled and pushed Knight over on his back and laid his head on Knight's cum smeared chest. He toyed with Knight's matted chest hair as Knight held him tightly. "My real name is Alan Spencer."

"That so Ace? Hum, I think I like Ace better than Alan."

Alan raised up and looked Knight in the eye. "Kind of like `Ace up your sleeve?'"

"No, I think I had `Ace in my hole' in mind!"

Both men chuckled at the feeble joke. Alan settled back down on Knights chest. "The microdot was in the cartouche wasn't it?"

Knight was silent. Even if they were on the same side, Knight knew nothing of Alan's clearances and even if the operation was over, details were still classified. "Why do you think that?"

"You had said you had gotten it in Cairo but you weren't wearing it on the train that first night. You had it on that night in the hotel bar and again the next day but the day after that and every day since, you weren't wearing it. Plus, you don't look like a jewelry type guy."

"Maybe it had been bought as an impulse. Maybe I got bored with it. And you're right, I'm not jewelry type guy. If you'd like, I'll give it to you. It's in my knapsack."

"Thanks, I guess I've still got a lot to learn," Alan said settling back on Knight's chest.

"If you're not with an agency, what happens to you now?"

"Our profiles are being circulated and maybe we will be picked up by other agencies. If not, I guess I become a mail boy at the CIA," Alan said sadly.

"Where you serious about the Marine Biology degree?"

"Yes, I've just got my Bachelor's but wanted to get some field work in before I go for my Master's and then there is maybe a Ph.D. in the future. I shouldn't have said anything but you have always been my hero I guess. I've followed your SHARC work for years." Alan looked up into Knight's eyes and Knight could see that if nothing else, this wasn't being faked.

"You know, I'm not without a little influence at SHARC, I might just be able to get you on as an intern. After all, your helping me to hide out on the train actually had saved the mission. Did you think of that? You played an invaluable role. Both to your country and to your new partner. I've always wanted a protege and like you said, you do have a lot to learn. AND I want you to teach me how you do that throat thing where you swallow. That feels great! But I'll warn you, one crack, EVER, about "Nic at Night" and I'll chew your balls off!!" He pulled Alan's head up and kissed him. He could see tears in the young man's eyes. Knight wanted to tell him he loved him but there were some things a secret agent just COULDN'T do!

The End

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