The Wishing Well

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Oct 23, 2016




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


It was a beautiful summer day in June of 1937, and the party reflected the many colors of the flowers now in bloom. The ladies wore pastel pinks and blues and twirled dainty parasols over their heads, so that the new sun could not blemish their delicate complexions. The men were adorned in neatly turned out white suits and each wore a brand new white straw hat, flat-topped with a black band. Reminded of this, I took off my own straw hat and used it to fan myself.

"Why, Phillip Strand, where have you been hiding yourself?" I heard a female voice ask me. It was Stella, my cousin; I was staying with her family and she had been my escort (rather, I had been hers) to this soiree.

"Just keeping out of the heat." I said honestly. I was seated under a willow tree and the leaves were obscuring me to most of the guests.

"Now how do you expect to get to know everyone if you insist on staying over here by yourself?" she demanded.

I didn't answer, for Daniel Jackson had just come out of the house. As I looked on him, his large, well-formed body filling his clothing in the way that most of us only dream about, I couldn't help but sigh.

"Phillip? Phillip!" Stella was saying.

"Huh? I mean, I beg your pardon?"

"Where is your mind today, you seem positively distracted." Stella chided me amiably. Some of her friends were ambling over, she no doubt was staying by me with an eye to getting them to visit with her and thus with me, she was out to build a social life for me whether I wanted it or not. When all I wanted was Daniel Jackson, and how was I to manage that? "I can't even bring myself to talk to him!"

I hadn't meant to say that out loud. I looked at Stella, the only possible witness, in mortification but she hadn't seemed to have heard me, was looking at her friends. She turned to me and said, "I know what we should do, rather than hang at this boring party! Let's go to the wishing well!"

"Wishing well?"

"It's a well just a couple of miles from here, and it's oh, so magical!"

"Magical?" I looked at her, but she was serious. "A magical wishing well? How do you know it works?"

"Oh, it only grants one kind of wish. If you're in love and toss a dime in the wishing well and say the name of the one you love, that one will fall in love with you."

"You think so?" I believed because I wanted to believe.

But she heard the doubt in my voice anyhow. "Honest, I've seen it work again and again. I can't explain why, I just know. Now, what say you and I give our hostess our regrets and try it out?"

It wasn't that simple, for Stella's friends had come over by then and invited themselves along, three of them, and the five of us went to the wishing well. It was an old, unkempt well in a small glen of elm trees with an abandoned house nearby. Stella's friends were eager to show me how well it worked. The first one tossed her dime into the well and said into the well, "Jason Camberson."

"You like Jason?" another friend asked her in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

"I made my choice and that's that!" the girl defended herself. "Don't you agree, Phillip?"

I made a deprecating shrug. "You love who you love, after all."

"Well, it's my turn." the second friend declared and went to the well, tossed in her dime. "Kevin Stanfield."

By the time the third friend had tossed in her dime, Jason Camberson had showed up at the wellside, and went directly to the first friend. Kevin Stanfield was hard on his heels, and then Mark Wilkins. Those three girls had made a wish, and three men had shown up in this out-of-the-way place and come right to them.

"Have you seen enough, Phillip?" Stella asked me.

I took a deep breath. "Yes, I've seen enough." I agreed.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a dime. Flipped it into the well with what grace I could muster.

"Now lean in and say the name. Say it loud and clear." Stella urged me.

I leaned into the well and I said, "Daniel Jackson."

"And that's all you have to do." Stella said. "If you don't mind, I'll get out of here and leave you and Daniel alone. It'll be easier that way on you."

"Yeah." I agreed. Stella had driven me out here, but if I had to walk home, I could do it, about two miles like I'd said. It'd serve me right, being so foolish as to think that a well had the power of love. I was fooling myself, those girls and guys had set me up, that was what it was, they'd seen me mooning over Daniel and decided to get me to say it out loud, say his name, confirm that Phillip Strand was a pansy boy! Times were supposed to be changed, this was the year 1923 and our generation was rewriting all the rules. Sex with another man was fine. Don't let old Mrs. Grundy tell you what to do or who to love!

I heard footsteps through the leaves that were spread about the ground, the brown detritus of past years. And through those leaves, heralded by their rustled syllables, there came Daniel.

He was wearing the same clothes he'd worn at the party of course. But his hat was missing.

I didn't dare to say a word, nor move. It could be an illusion, the hallucination of an anguished soul! Oh, God, if it was, never let me awaken! Let me live in this dream!

Daniel came up to me and his face was soft and his smile was that of the Mona Lisa, small but enticing. And then those lips parted and said one word. "Phillip."

I nearly swooned away, to hear those lips form my name in those tones. His hand came up and touched my cheek, softly but possessively, and I just closed my eyes and nuzzled. It was real. He was real.

"Phillip." came those dulcet tones again.

"Daniel." I sighed.

His arms went around me and they felt so right, so good, there. I opened my eyes, and my breaths were refusing to move, I couldn't inhale or exhale, I could only look at Daniel, so close to me, his face right next to mine.

And his lips reached for me and I would have died rather than failing to meet them with my own.

"Ahhh, Phillip." Daniel told me when he finally released my lips. My lungs revenged themselves, inhaled a huge gasp of air and then blew back and forth like a bellows, recapturing and replenishing my body's supply of oxygen once again. "If I'd only known, I'd have done this long ago."

"It's the wishing well." I panted. "If I'd known the wishing well worked, I'd have come here long ago!" My words were his own, only revamped, but I didn't care, it said what I wanted it to say.

"Yes, the wishing well." Daniel agreed. "There is a soft sward over this way."

He led me by the hand and I followed unresisting and uncomplaining. I had no idea what a "sward" was but felt I would know when I saw it.

Daniel led me behind a small group of bushes and we ended up in a soft oval region of grass nearly two foot high. To the middle of this oval Daniel led me and then he lowered himself and brought me down with him and the grass cushioned us and the grass shielded us and the grass welcomed us, two new lovers, here to express our desires.

My clothes were a hindrance to me now, though we fought our own and each other's garments as best we could. If either of us had been willing to take hands away from the other long enough to disrobe, we could have managed it in only a moment, but removing any part of our bodies from each other was agony, a moment's battle with a shirt button or belt and we would return the hand to whence it had come, touching and caressing each other. Daniel's skin was soft as a kitten's fur, as warm as a puppy's tongue, and as delightful as the songs of angels.

I finally had Daniel's jacket, shirt and undershirt off and his body, bare above the waist and unfastened below, was available for my kisses, and my mouth dragged my head that way, and I dove onto him and I half-kissed him, half-gnawed him, not breaking his skin but grasping and tugging at him with my lips and teeth, and Daniel gasped and moaned as I stroked over him and I felt his manhood, still trapped within its barricades of trousers and shorts, as a warm spot probing at my stomach as I tongued one firm, reddish-brown nipple.

Feeling his erection begging me for attention, I lost my last ounce of reserve and crawled like a cockroach on my hands and knees, skittering downwards, and then my hands could and did reach for his trousers, caught them at the waistband and I skinned him like a slain steer by the rancher, the pants slid down inside-out, but they yielded, with his shorts a white afterthought down his inner thighs.

And like a brown goose in a black nest, his cock rose up from the bush in which it had lain and crowed at the skies, eight or nine firm inches, thinner than some but proudly proclaiming its virility just the same.

And I caught that proud organ and it slid into my mouth and throat as if it had been born there, I was able, though not the most sophisticated of lovers, to take him well down my throat before my gag reflex began to protest. I ignored it but still was forced to relinquish Daniel again, for only a moment, when my gag receded, I again plunged down onto him, more saliva greasing the way and this time I went deeper and held it longer.

"Ahh, ahh, ahhhh!" Daniel gasped as I held him thus within me, and the warmth of my mouth and throat bathed him in moist appreciation. "Ahh, Phillip, at last, at last!"

And with that expression of his gratitude, I was galvanized into action, I began to move up and down his shaft rapidly, stroking him with my lips, with my tongue, with my throat muscles, for I was taking him deep and long.

Daniel groaned and squirmed below me, twisting around so that he could get to my own groin, he had unbuttoned my fly but done no more when I captured him, but he brought out my prick and stuffed it in his mouth and his own actions upon my prong were equally as ardent as my own.

The only thing our ears heard were the moist sucking sounds of our mouths and lips upon each other's cocks. Daniel's cheeks were sucking inwards as he pulled upwards on each stroke, I could see how his suction was keeping airtight by how much his cheeks sunk in each time he slid his mouth up to the glans.

My cock was practically writhing under this attention, I had Daniel with me now, we were loving each other, this was more than just a tryst in a warm summer meadow, this was the promise of many more trysts and many warm nights under soft, light sheets, and warm, gentle cuddling under heavy blankets in the winter, for someone that will be there for me in the light and the dark, in the good and the bad, this was...this was eternity.

Hubris, I know, my classical education in Greek and Latin rose to the fore, I know it was hubris to think that this one joining meant that Daniel and I would be together the rest of our lives, but the wishing well had worked its magic, hadn't it? If you can't depend upon magic, what can you depend upon to bring your love and keep him close beside you? It was a mark of the passion blurring my senses that made this twisted lock make perfect sense to me, but it did. The wishing well had brought up together, we would stay together!

And in that resolution, that epiphany, I reached my climax. My throat formed some warning groans, all I could manage, but Daniel did not falter nor withdraw, he kept milking at me and I had to let loose the deluge of my ejaculation upon him and it blasted into his mouth and throat.

Daniel manfully held on and gulped me down as best he could, but my ardor was a flood upon him, he caught most of it but some escaped and soiled his perfect cheeks, dappled his rosy lips with my pearls of love-balm.

I had held onto Daniel's prick even as I writhed in my ecstasy and I resumed my attentions as quickly after as I was able, but Daniel was a benevolent lover, he soon began to moan and grunted a warning of his own, "Oh, ah, Phillip, I'm undone, I am undone!"

And with that, my mouth and throat began to fill with hot, salty jizz. Daniel didn't blast, he flowed like a benevolent river, his offering was rich and thick and succulent, and I was able to take swallows of his man-juice and keep pace with him, and I drank from the source of his manhood and it was luxurious and wealthy and invigorating.

When we finished, I looked at Daniel, to see him panting and lazily licking his lips clean of my spunk that still lingered there and the sight of that handsome face ingesting my sperm sent a quivering thrill through every bone in my body.

"Oh, Daniel!" I sighed. "I can't believe you're here with me!"

"Didn't you wish for me at the wishing well?" he asked me, cocking an insolent eyebrow my way.

"Oh! Well...yes." I admitted, bashful now that the heat of our passion had cooled.

"And don't you believe in magic?" He asked me.

"I do now." I said firmly.

His chuckle was enough to shatter that newfound faith.

"So what did happen?" I asked him.

"Your cousin happened. Stella." Daniel said. "She put together that little gathering of friends and their beaus, and also told me to be ready to act on cue."

"On cue?"

Daniel rose, and pulled up his pants and shorts. "Come on, this way." he said.

I fastened my fly and followed him. Daniel had come out of a set of bushes, and I followed him as he went past them, and then around them and then back toward the wishing well. We ended up at a piece of well-covered wall, I had seen it close by the well but thought it to be only a large bit of rampant brush.

"We waited here for the girls to make their wishes. And then Stella, having convinced you of the well's power, convinced you to give it a try. And I was there to make your wish come true."

"I see." I rearranged my thoughts around this. Stella did have something of a matchmaker reputation I'd known. Then I smiled. "So the well did grant my wish after all."


"Stella said she never knew how the wishing well grants your wish. Just that it grants it."

"Yes, but...."

"So it used Stella to grant my wish." I finished triumphantly.

"All right, I give up." Daniel said, laughing. "So the wishing well granted your wish."

"That's good. Because my wish was to have you with me, forever and ever." I told Daniel.

And Daniel's answering kiss told me my wish had indeed come true.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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