The worst/best day of my life

By Donny

Published on Dec 21, 2000



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The worst/best day of my life.

"Ring, ring" "Ring, ring" "Will someone get that?" shouted my mother. I of course was busy at the moment, jacking off as hard as I could like I'm always doing before school. "They hung up!" I shouted back as loud as I could. We've had a lot of crank calls lately, they were really getting dreadfully annoying. I decided to just forget the jacking off, the moment was ruined, which could only mean one thing, I was going to have a terrible day.

After taking my shower and trying to find my favorite sweater, I ran out to the bus, which of course I missed. So, I started my mile and a half walk. I hated that walk, I had walked it several times before, but today was different. Not only did I not get to jack off like I always do, it was snowing, and very cold. I could feel my tows starting to numb when a car started honking at me. I just kept walking at first, I'm not a people person. But, they kept honking. I turned to look and it was my friend, well my sort of friend, okay, it was someone I DESPISE but since I was So cold, I got in the car with him.

He, Jason, was the ugliest guy in the world. He had long, curly and very thick hair, which we tried to tame with mouse and hair spray and who knows what else. Needless to say, it didn't work. Not to mention the fact that he smelled like his plumbing was broken or something, so disgusting. But, it was better then walking, I think! "So, why are you walking today?" he asked while trying to get something out of his fingernail. "Duh, I missed the bus!" I said extremely sarcastically. He just gave me a dirty look, and I just prayed we'd get to school soon so I wouldn't have to smell him anymore.

Once we got to school, I wished I were still in the car with Jason. I realized I forgot to study for my trig final. The day was completely falling apart!

I went to the cafeteria like I do every morning to get some breakfast with some of my friends. As soon as I got into the food line, the bell rang meaning that I only had five minutes and then I had to get to class. Luckily, I have orchestra first period, and I could get away with eating my breakfast there. But, of course, my lunch account was out of money, so I couldn't take any of my food.

So, just to give you a recap of my day so far. First, I couldn't masturbate when I woke up, that's the worst thing! Secondly, I had to ride with Mr. Stink. Third, I couldn't even eat and of course the little trig final that I was going to flunk. I couldn't handle it anymore. I decided to do what any halfway intelligent student in my position would do. I got sick! Well, at least that's what my mom thought when she came to pick me up from the nurse's office!

When we got home, she had to go to work. "Sorry I can't stay home and take care of you." She said sadly. "That's okay mom, I'll be fine." Ecstatic at the fact that I'd have the whole day to myself.

So, of course the first thing I did was take care of my hard on. I ran into my room, watched mom pull out of the driveway and drive down the street. Then, I reached for the lubrication, popped in a video and stripped down to nothing. The day was going so terribly, this was going to turn it all around. The porno I was watching had this extremely hot guy, jacking himself off. I imagined that I was the one jacking him off, actually getting to feel his rock hard cock in my hands. After about five minutes of the movie, I knew I couldn't wait any longer. I arched my back and prepared to relieve all my stress from this terrible day. "Ring, ring", I couldn't believe it! "FUCK", I was so pissed.

I ran to the phone, naked and dripping pre-cum. I expected the person to hang up, just cause, well, come on, my luck sucks! But, it turned out to be my friend from middle school! I was so shocked to here from him. "Hey, what are you doing today", he asked me. "Well, nothing, I'm sick", I said trying to sound congested. "Oh, well I was wondering if we could hang out or something?" he said in a very sullen depressed tome. "Well, I'm not really sick! I just pretended to be today so I could get out of school!" "Great! I'll be right over!"

So, I started panicking. I haven't seen him, Jake, for almost six years. I cleaned up all of the mess I was in the middle of making. I threw the porn and the lubrication under my bed, and put fresh clothes on. Then I ran into the bathroom, and started putting on deodorant and cologne. "Wait a minute, what are you doing?", I asked myself in the mirror. Jake is ugly! About six feet tall, absolutely frail and sick looking, totally gross, he'd the ugliest person I've ever seen, even worse then Jason.

"Knock, knock" "He's here!" I said half-excited and half-bored at the idea of having to spend the day with him. I opened the door hesitantly, and almost died of shock. Here's this boy, still six feet tall, but built. He was wearing a wife beater and a pair of cargo pants, and had sandals on showing off the prettiest feet I've ever seen. His hair was, heavenly. It took me about five minutes just to say anything.

"Hi." I said dumbfounded at what I was looking at. "Hello!" He said with his adorable lips.

The first thing we did was go into the living room and play our favorite Nintendo game from when we were kids, Contra. We played for hours, it was just like old times. We caught up on everything while we were playing. He had a girlfriend, "SHIT" I though in my head! I also have a girlfriend, at least, that's what I told him!

When we finally tired of playing Contra, it was all ready 1:00. We only had four hours until my mother would be home. Not that anything was going to happen, but those four hours were the only time I had to try at it!

He mentioned that we should go swimming! "Sure" I said, trying not to sound to excited about it. "The only problem is, I don't have anything to swim in", he said with his killer tongue, " I have some extra shorts for you" WOW, he's going to wear my shorts! I knew then what I was going to jack off with tonight! I couldn't wait to get into the pool!

Just to let you know, the pool is indoors, I live in an apartment! If it was outdoors we definitely would not be swimming, and that would be terrible!

We got down to the pool, and walked over to the showers. He shocked me! He took off his shirt, revealing the most perfect body I've ever seen, and then took off his cargo pants, and his boxers. Right they're in front of me. He wasn't shy at all, of course he had no reason to be. Soft he was about seven inches. He was totally gorgeous.

I changed into my shorts, shy of what I had, cause it didn't even compare to his! He put on my shorts and started laughing. "They're way too tight!" "I'm sorry" "It's all right, I'll just swim naked?" I was so thrilled at that idea, of course there was the thought of other people coming into the pool, but he didn't seem to have a problem with it, so why should I?

We both jumped into the pool and played around forever it seemed. We kept having contests to see who could hold there breath the longest. I kept winning of course! I had something to keep looking at under the water!

When we started to wrinkle we got out. He put his cargo pants back on, and nothing else. He was dripping wet, with just his pants on, which were soaked at the ankles. I had to turn away from him, I was sticking out like a drag queen at a republican convention.

We went back to my apartment, still two hours until the old hag would be home. I normally liked her, but knowing she would be home to ruin my chances, made me mad. Of course, they were extremely slim chances, but hey, miracles can happen!

We were just sitting there bored, him still in his cargo pants and nothing else. I went in my room to change into some dry clothes. While I was changing, I started jacking off a little, I needed it SO badly. I wanted to get off all day! But, I stopped, knowing that it would be better later thinking about him!

After I changed I went back to the living room, he was watching a movie on cable. I didn't know what it was. The movie ended about two minutes after that, which made me feel uncomfortable. I had absolutely no idea what else we could do. Well, I did, but he wouldn't be up to it.

We sat and talked for a little bit, brainstorming something to do. Neither of us was coming up with anything. Then he started talking about how he missed his girlfriend. I said I missed mine too!

He started talking about how she sucks his dick, and immediately I started getting hard. I've read a lot of stories on the internet, about people in this type of situation. When they start talking about that, things happen! I got totally excited! But, realized that I shouldn't rush anything.

He started asking me really erotic questions. "Have you ever eaten a girl out before?" stuff like that. I lied through my teeth! "Of course", it's awesome!" I said.

We were lying opposite each other, so I could barely see him. But I noticed out of the corner of my eyes, that he was touching his chest. Stroking his nipples. I so couldn't control myself, I wanted to jump on him rite there. But, I knew I couldn't.

"I have to tell you something", he said very softly. "My girlfriend, well, her name is Scott" I almost died. Neither of us said anything for about ten minutes.

"I'll leave now, sorry about everything", he started to stand up. "No, wait!", I stood up as fast as I could and ran after him. He was putting his shoes on, and crying. I put my arms around him. He gave me this really sad look, and then kissed me, one long deep kiss. I almost fell to the floor!

We moved into my room, kissing the whole way. I shut my door, and when I turned around, there he was, completely naked, lying on my bed. I couldn't believe it.

I lay on top of him, rubbing my hands all over his chest. I started kissing his nipples, feeling the outline of his abs and just started to moan. It felt so incredible.

He got on top of me and took my clothes off. He kissed me from my head to my feet, then went back up to my crotch, and sucked me like he'd been wanting to for years. I had needed to get off so bed that day, after about thirty seconds of his sucking I was ready to cum. He stopped me and guided me down to his crotch. I was in heaven. Deepthroating the hottest guy in the universe. I sucked him for at least twenty minutes, and he started to moan. I was ready, I wanted him cum to shoot down my throat, I was aching for it. He pulled out and asked if I had any lube.

I reached under my bed and pulled my bottle out. He lubed my cock and got on top of me. I had never been the top before, I didn't know how I would do. He started very slowly, just going halfway down, it felt incredible. He started going faster and faster, then all the way down. He started pumping faster and faster, harder and I could feel myself getting ready to burst all over in his ass. I couldn't wait, I started moaning. Started screaming, I couldn't catch my breath, I shot so much cum in him, I thought I was going to die. I went down on his cock and he thrusted it into the back of my throat. I could feel the tip of his hitting my throat, then with one moan he let out the biggest load I've ever seen. I swallowed every last drop of is, wishing there was more.

Afterwards he said he had to leave, but he'd call me later. I knew what that meant, but I was happy with being able to have the experience.

My mom came home an hour after he left. "How was your day, are you feeling better?" she said in the caring mother way. "I'm fine now, I had a really good day!" I said with a smile on my face!

This day just proves that just because your day starts off badly, doesn't mean that the whole day is shot. By the way, the next day I aced my trig test, and put more money into my lunch account! And, I now get rides to school everyday with Jason, figured it was better then riding the bus!

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