The Wrong Turn

By Zak556

Published on Aug 17, 2008



The pounding of drums somewhere in his brain slowly and torturously woke Tony. His head was splitting with the worst hangover he had ever experienced. He slowly opened his eyes, even his eyelids hurt. Every inch of his body ached as it never ached before. He lay naked on top of the bed, cross-ways with his feet hanging off the edge. He tried to raise his head but the pain was too much, he just lay there and moaned. He looked at the ceiling in the dim light of the dingy little cabin, disoriented, wondering where he was. He grabbed the blanket under him and pulled it over his naked body. Even his flaccid dick hurt this morning; it had been erect and demanding every morning he woke since he was probably ten, but not now. As he painfully searched his thoughts, he remembered. He remembered that wrong turn.

It was early Saturday morning, the day before, when he'd decided to take a weekend trip off by himself. He'd headed north to his parent's cottage on a quiet lake in the woods. Tony was a young and up-and-coming executive in a small recording business. He was good-looking, very much so, and had the good-fortune to have his choice of more women than he could handle. He was six-foot plus with a great build, a high school and college jock who just seemed to get better looking with time. He'd long lost count of the number of women he'd bedded and had proudly20perfected his seduction talents and love-making skills. In his early twenties, he had it all, looks, success, women and a bright future.

The day had started perfect, weather, traffic, the sites, but then, the detour. The highway was undergoing some major reconstruction which redirected everyone off and through the winding back roads. Tony, as most men do, felt he could figure out the route without a map or stopping to ask for directions. About an hour later, he realized he was hopelessly lost. Nothing looked familiar. He came to a crossroad, he looked left, then right, and chose right. When the road changed from blacktop to dirt, he figured he'd chosen wrong.

He came to a dead end at a white gate with a guard inside a booth. The sign overhead written in large script blue letters read, "Sunnyview Nudist Camp" and under that, "Clothes are NOT an option."

Tony shook his head. "Talk about being lost," he mumbled to himself.

The young man inside the booth leaned out, "Hello," he smiled.

Tony drove up next to the window. "Looking for Eagle Lake. A bit turned around here I guess with the highway construction."

"Yah, that'll happen in these parts," the guy continued. "So you're not here for the luau, I guess."

"No," Tony laughed. "Didn't even know there was a nudist camp in these parts."

"We don't advertise," the kid explained. "Have to keep a low profile in order to keep the doors open and the clothes off. Not sure where Eagle Lake is, but think it a long ways north of here."

"Great," Tony grunted.

"Sure you don't want to come on in," the attendant urged. "We've got a Luau tonight with a live band. Gonna be a hot night. And I think you'd really be a hit with the other guests."

"I don't know," Tony replied, wavering. "Walking around with my dick swinging in the breeze could be fun, but...."

"But what," the kid argued. "You'd love it, you know you would. What guy doesn't like his dick hanging free?"

Tony sat there considering it. He had to admit, he was intrigued by the idea of running around naked and the idea of all those bouncing, sun-tanned breasts frolicking in the wild didn't sound like a bad idea. He was proud of his cock, a very respectable size, he certainly wouldn't be shy about showing it off.

"How much and how does it work," Tony asked.

"It's one-fifty for an overnight, with your own cabin, the Luau, the band, and all the booze you can drink included."

"What the hell," Tony said, "Let's do it. Could be fun. Certainly will make the best of the situation. Getting lost and all."

"It sure will," the boy assured. "And I'm certain you'll be a real hit. Now all we need for you to do is fill out this form, we'll swipe your card and you're all set. You can dump your things and your clothes in your cottage and enjoy. Say goodbye to your worries, and your clothes for the next twenty-four hours."

Tony signed in and pulled his BMW around to his cabin. He unlocked the door and tossed his bag in a chair. He looked in the mirror over the dresser as he quickly stripped out of his clothes. He thought about walking around naked with women naked all around him, wondered how long it would take him to sport a full erection with all the beautiful scenery. His cock started to lengthen just thinking about it.

"Calm down," he told himself, trying to think of other things to keep his hard-on in check. He looked at his thick blond bush of public hair and his long thick cock hanging nicely over his loose full balls. He was pleased and ready to make his naked debut at the camp.

He slipped on a pair of scandals, grabbed his sunglasses and headed out the door. He paused for only a moment before turning the handle and walking out. The sun was bright and warm and the soft breeze from the resort lake blew across his naked dick. He reached down and gave it a couple pulls wanting to make a good first-impression for the girls. He headed toward to beach area. As he walked through the gate, covered with purple blooming vines, he scanned the other visitors, all nude, all tanned, chatting, swimming, playing table tennis, drinking, frolicking. What he didn't notice were any females.

"What the hell," he said out loud. "It's all guys."

He walked up to the outdoor bar crowded nearly body to body with naked men. "Hey," he said to the bartender. "Where's all the chicks?"

"I'm sure they'll be along soon," the guy replied with a laugh, echoed by several of the other standing nearby. "What'll you have?"

"Scotch," Tony decided, "straight up," with a tone of disappointment in his voice. He noticed some of the men nearby checking him out, no pretense of hiding their glances at his cock and ass.

As the bartender prepared his drink, he noticed he was naked too except for a serving apron. He glanced around at all the guys, all the cocks hanging free, some standing much to close for comfort. He'd seen lots of cocks in gym classes and at health clubs, but these were out in the open, the fresh air, tanned, oiled, all siz es, all colors, thick bushes, sparse bushes, trimmed, shaved, and balls, more balls than he could count, hanging loose bouncing around with no shame or shyness.

He took his drink and stepping around all that naked skin, walked over to a lounge chair on the beach. He sat back and sipped his drink, still wondering about the lack of women. The beach was crowded with guys, horsing around, splashing in the water, jumping on and dunking each other. He wasn't there more than a minute when two guys walked up, one a red head with bright orange pubs and a long thin cock. The other guy had black curly hair and completely shaved pubs which he'd obviously done to make his dick look bigger. His cock was short and thick and bright red balls, shaved as well.

"John's the name," the red-head said. "Welcome, haven't seen you here before."

Tony reached to shake his hand, "Tony."

The other guy then reached for Tony's hand, "Richard," he added. "You better get some lotion on that cock of yours or you'll be real sorry, real quick."

Tony looked down at his virgin white dick and then at their deep tanned cocks and knew he was right. Richard handed him his bottle of lotion and they took the chairs on each side of Tony, slid them closer. They watched carefully as he oiled up his cock and balls and his white tights as well. They seemed to be smiling. Tony felt like he was on display.

"So where are the women," Tony asked again, still hoping.

"Ummm... I'm afraid they're not invited," John said. "This is a men only resort, that's why they don't advertise. We've got married guys here who just want a break from their wives, and men who just want to hang out with other guys. You know, that `man-back-to-nature' type of thing."

"Shit," Tony grunted. "No fucking women?"

John laughed, "No, No fucking women today or tonight. Just fucking men!"

"And I've got my cock all oiled up and nowhere to go," Tony added.

"Well," Richard went on, "there's a guy over there that wouldn't mind a little back-door action if you're into it."

"Very funny," Tony spouted, "but NO. I'm no fucking homo."

Richard and John gave each other a glance.

Tony resolved himself to the guys only' idea and since he'd read their no refunds' policy, he sat back and sipped his drink. And they kept his glass filled for most of the afternoon. They talked about their respective jobs back in the city, and their exploits with women and sports ... typical guy stuff. As they sat chatting, a group of guys playing catch, stumbled over them and all the naked bodies were piled on top of each other, rubbing and struggling to get free.

Tony pushed his way out of the pile but not before feeling someone grab his cock. And not before feeling a couple hard dicks pressed against him in the pile.

"Sorry man," Richard consoled, "they do get a little wild around here at times."

Tony just picked himself up after the group moved on and sat back down in his chair. The bartender brought him a new drink.

"Man I'd better slow down," Tony said, "these drinks are strong and I've been downing them for hours."

"So what," John replied, "they're free, and the night's young. Live it up."

Tony laughed as he took a drink.

As the sun began to set, they started lighting the torches along the beach and setting up for dinner and the band. The spread of food was incredible, meats marinated in rich sauces, salads of brilliant colors and vegetables Tony barely recognized. It looked delicious. The three of them filled their plates and sat in the sand around a roaring beach fire with some of the other guys. The circle of naked men kept getting thicker and closer together. It was hard to move without rubbing up against0Aanother guy. It was then that he saw a couple of the men in the shadows, barely visible by the firelight, hugging and he thought kissing.

"Look at those guys," he pointed, "over there. Kissing. Fucking queers."

"So what," Richard defended, "to each his own. This is a place where anyone can be who they want to be. It's no skin off my dick."

"But fucking kissing, guys," Tony went on.

"If you haven't tried it..." John continued.

"Disgusting," Tony added as he continued stuffing his face.

"So how's the food," Richard asked, changing the subject.

"Great," Tony replied between mouthfuls.

After the eating ended, the band began to play, the group crowded close in front of the naked musicians as the booming music filled the night air. The guys cheered and moved to the music, jamming closer and closer to the stage. Tony blew it off when guys kept pushing against him in the firelight of the concert area. Time and time again, he felt dicks pressing against his hips and his naked ass. He tried not to think about it as he continued to down his drinks and feel the music.

Richard brought him a another drink, `The Sunnyview slammer,' it was called - special of the house. It was prese nted in a large coconut shell, topped with fruit and those fancy umbrellas. Tony downed it without stopping.

"Man was that good," he slurred as he threw the empty shell over his head. "I'm wasted. Better find my way back to my room."

"Nonsense," John argued, "the night's young."

"It may be young," Tony went on, "but I can barely stand."

They listened and moved as the band pounded on. One of the guys jumped up on the stage and threw himself into the audience. They carried him across an ocean of arms and hands back across the crowd. As he passed over Tony and his group, Tony reached up and helping push him along, he accidentally felt the guy's cock. He quickly pulled back his hand with a groan.

His head began to spin, he staggered side to side between Richard and John. He fell forward against the guy standing in front of him and slumped to the ground. The last thing he remembered was being lifted above the crowd and then nothing till he woke to a totally new threshold of pain the next morning.

As he lay in his bed, moaning, he slowly pulled himself up and staggered into the bathroom. Even pissing hurt. He had to get out of there, get in his car and start back home. He noticed it was two in the afternoon, he'd slept away half the day.


hot shower helped with his throbbing head, his aching body. He didn't want to think about how he'd gotten back to his room. He just wanted to hit the road. He couldn't believe he'd stayed when he found out it was only guys. He certainly wouldn't tell anyone where he'd spent the weekend. No one would believe it anyway.

As he pulled through the gate, he didn't even respond to the greeting from the attendant. He just left, drove south back toward the highway.

On Monday, when he got home from work, he sat with a beer on his balcony and started going through his mail. A package caught his attention, no return address, hand-written. He tore it open. It was a video with no label. Confused, obviously curious, he popped it into the VCR.

A fear came over him as the screen opened on a far too familiar crowd of naked men in the dark on a beach in front of a band. He swallowed hard. The camera focused on a guy being carried toward the stage on a sea of hands and arms attached to a sea of naked asses and dangling cocks. The hands mauled Tony's body as he moved toward the stage, squeezing and stroking and touching him all over. The Tony he watched didn't seen to notice, was far too drunk to care. The hands rolled him over on his stomach and guys started licking and sucking his cock as he continued toward the front. Erect cocks everywhere seemed to spring into view and pound and thrust towards anyone standing near. They lifted Tony up on the stage and onto a table that had been placed center in front of the crowd. The cheers continued as he was placed on his back and several of the naked participants began to fondle and lick and suck and stroke his semi-conscious body. Tony noticed his cock was rock hard along with everyone else, the camera had moved center front to catch every detail.

Three or four guys worked Tony's body making him hotter and hotter. They rubbed their own hard cocks all over his body as the band accompanied and the crowd cheered the action. Tony kept turning his head away from the cocks that kept jabbing toward his mouth. And then, as he opened to protest, a huge cock was pushed in. He couldn't believe as he watched a cock actually entering his own mouth. He was dumbfounded, confused, pissed.

And then, he gasped as he watched himself on the video, actually appearing to enjoy it. The Tony he couldn't believe, started sucking like a pro. He sucked wildly taking as much of the cock he could while another guy devoured his dick. When the guy tried pulling out of Tony's mouth he grabbed the guys hips and pulled him back. He sucked like he'd been doing it for years. He sucked like he needed it, he enjoyed, he wanted it desperately. He couldn't believe what he was watching.

They then rolled him over on his stomach, a guy pushed his legs apart and began rubbing his hard cock up and down Tony's ass crack. Tony seemed to move not away from the huge cock touching his ass, but toward it, pushing, thrusting with the movement of the cock. He felt an oily liquid pouring down his asscrack. He felt a finger pushing in his ass, oiling his hole. And then a cock positioned itself at the entrance, and in it went. Tony watched himself wince in pain as the cock entered his virgin ass. He never seemed to miss a beat on the cock that pumped in and out of his mouth and despite the obvious pain, he watched himself push back against the intruding man-tool that was now fucking his ass.

Part of him gagged at the site, being used, and yet he couldn't stop watching. How could this be happening? The fucker had got his ass nice and loose now and pounded away at the fleshy cushion that was Tony's own round ass. But the worst part as he watched, was that Tony seemed to be enjoying it, he pushed back against the thrusts, enjoyed beyond words the pounding, the fucking. He swallowed the cock in his ass and the cock in his mouth like something he did on a regular basis.

When the first fucker dumped his load in Tony's ass, he pulled out. Tony seemed to desperately not to want the cock to leave, he pushed back against the cock trying to keep it buried inside him, like he couldn't bare it's removal. As soon as that cock left, another took it place and he swallowed it too, deep inside him. He jammed his hips back on the new cock, taking it to the base before the assailant could push in. He rammed his ass back against the guys hips almost knocking him off his feet. He pounded against the guy consuming all of him, almost desperate. A whore.

He took one after the other, some in his mouth, some in his ass, he lost count how many had dumped loads of hot cum either down his throat or up his ass. He writhed in pleasure, out of control, an animal operating solely on lust. In all his years of fucking women, he never remembered losing control like that.

When the line of men had diminished, he fell off the table and crawled from one band member to the next, sucking them off too, taking their loads. He then stood in front of the crowd and jacked his own, jacked as they cheered and exploded an unbelievable load out into the crowd. The applause and shouts were deafening. He then passed out, falling into the front row.

He sat silent. As Tony starred in disbelief, the screen went gray. He just sat there. He couldn't move, nothing moved except the hard-on in his pants. He didn't know what to say, what to think. Nowhere in his life would he have considered or believe he was capable of the proof before his eyes. No one would believe it either. How could he take a cock in his mouth? How could he take a cock up his ass? Why did he seem to enjoy it? Not just enjoy it, but hunger for it? Who was he? How could it be?

He'd taken an wrong turn, a wrong turn to a new direction and what he feared most all, was that now, at this point in his life, there was no turning back.


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