The X5 Plus Virus

By John Bromfield

Published on Dec 13, 2018



The X5 Plus Virus

Gay Science Fiction

My name is Jeff and I work at the Special Disease Control Unit. It's one of those places hidden from view and the reason for this is who wants someone working on this stuff in your backyard. Don't get me wrong this is a secured unit fully sealed with coded key entry and biometric key entry too.

The world had had many bad outbreaks of killer viruses and it was up to our department to find a solution or something to stop the spread of them.

After a slow start in space exploration the invention of "Star Drive" meant that at last they could travel at just under the speed of light. Men could visit most of the planets now. Back at the beginning of the last century someone had this theory that viruses came from outer-space. All astronauts had been through quarantine and no bugs were ever found. So the powers that be decided to cut the days that usually is deemed safe.

Space craft Adventurer 2 returned to earth from Pluto with huge amounts of samples collected and will take years to examine them all. The crew were fine and spent two days in quarantine. Two weeks later the crew were dead from a mysterious virus. We arrive at the house in biotech suits. Got our samples and return to the lab. As we disrobed I noticed a tare in my suit. I went for a complete scrub down. Hoping above hope that I was going to be OK.

After a few days I was feeling all right except I couldn't have a shit. I was all bunged up so I took some medicine. Then it happened a mad dash to the bathroom but what came out of my ass were white worms hundreds of them and flushed them away. I emptied more into the pan until there were no more. I kept one because I wanted to run tests on this creature. I placed it on my arm and it bit me and sucked my blood until it was boated. A leech type creature then. At the centre each has their own private lab which in turn is connected to a central lab.

The lab has a ready supply of blood to grow things on. My white worm grew well on and became like a giant slug. He was kept in a cage and well looked after and temperate just right.

It was winter and news said people were closing the shops early. On looking outside a full scale blizzard going on and I lived 10 miles out of town. There were camp beds in the stores and 24 hour ration packs for emergencies. I told my colleagues I was stopping here for the weekend and take a couple of days off next week.

I made myself comfortable and made some coffee and open the ration pack and found a packet of something. While all this was going on I stroked X5 and he liked the attention moving his flesh to my touch. X5 was no longer an infection risk to me. Then I sat down and watched the game. Red socks won again so no surprises there then.

Time for bed. I turned the thermostat higher so X5 and myself would be nice and warm for the night. I sleep naked and the camp bed is hard so using blankets made a soft layer to sleep on. I slept soundly but then felt a warm arm around my waste and I rolled and it move to completely surround my body. "What the fuck! What's happening?" Its was X5 he had me in his grip by a long white tentacle and pinned me to the side of his cage. "Let me go X5" as if this creature could understand English. X5 remain still for a moment he was not hurting me just a firm grip so I couldn't move. He started to change colour instead of his normal colour his was all the colours of the rainbow. As I watched my thoughts were X5 are we not a beautiful boy. Out of X5 came other tentacles one moved around to my cock.

"Please X5 don't hurt my cock. I am very fond of it"

But instead of eating it sucks it inside and sends ripples of pleasure through me making me thrust inside. I am going to cum Oh yes fuck yes take it X5 take it all aahhhh. X5 continues to suck every last drop out of me. X5 keeps his tentacle lock on my cock so it remains hard with a gentle sucking motion.

X5 remains still for 20 minutes just the colours change on his skin. My thoughts were well you have had your fun so now you will let me go. X5 moves a tentacle appears and makes its way to my head making it way to my mouth. I close it but it is no use it gains entry it exudes a bitter liquid and then I cant feel nothing in my mouth it then enters my throat and into my stomach where the head expands and locks itself in place. Along the tentacle flashes of rainbow colours radiate long it length as it pumps liquid into my stomach and my chest expands until I thought I was going to explode. Then it stops.

X5 turns a brown colour. "So what's next buddy?" I didn't have to wait long as a brown tentacle made its way to my ass. The end opened like a flower and on the petals were suckers. Once in place the inside searched for my opening. Then it found it oh fuck that feels amazing it pumped a fired projectiles at my prostrate. I am going cum again Oh no X5 was ready for me this time Aaaaaahh pump suck pump suck. Ah fuck

My ass fills as X5 plants his eggs, my stomach goes down a bit X5 gives me another boost of his cum.

He lets me go from his grip and I make my way to the bed where I lay down and try to sleep with the mating tentacles still in place. This maybe his only chance of making babies so my fate is sealed. Morning comes and my have I a sore throat the tentacle removed during the early hours. The one in my ass is firmly in place and is comfortable and feels quite pleasant. I walk over to X5 who is now a mottled brown and white. I stroke it and a pulse of pleasure hits my ass at the same time. My cock responses X5 starts to suck "Oh X5 I think I love you" the more I rub his back the more pleasure he gives.

"Oh no X5 please don't don't you know this is too much Aaaaah"

I collapse on the floor in a daze as my cock is sucked dry and my ass throbs in pulses of pleasure. Now I definitely look pregnant and feel things moving inside me. X5 has babies and they are inside me. I feel if I am going to burst I am so big.

Another tentacle comes out of X5 and makes it way to my ass it too opens like a flower with a different centre this time. The first tentacle inner breaks off forming a butt plug. Second tentacle reengages and locks onto my ass. It removes plug and start to suck in pulses "Oh X5 that feel oh so nice mmmm" and X5 babies are coming home to daddy. I start to reduce in size and see ripples returning to the X5.

When transfer is complete X5 removes all tentacles. X5 has his babies and they have human genes in them and how they develop we will just have to wait. He knows that we have a understanding now. It's X5 plus One now as I rub his brown back.

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