The Young Knight

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Oct 6, 2003


"In days of old, when knights were bold..." began a rather bawdy chant I learned as a child. But Knights were nothing to laugh or sneer at! They were a boyhood fantasy full of horses, battles, swords and courage. I suppose part of what I love about Marines is what I love about knights. I must admit that even as a lover of peace, I am strongly attracted to warriors.

This story is dedicated to the real Nicholas.

THE YOUNG KNIGHT by RimPig (c) 2003

Chapter III

We spent a long time just laying there holding each other. I became completely comfortable being like this with Nicholas. Now that I understood the feelings that I had always held for Nicholas, and had the freedom to give full reign to my desires, it was heavenly being with him. I was wrapped in the warm strength of his arms and surrounded by his scent. I could reach up and run my fingers through his long dark hair to my hearts content and he would smile at me. But, best of all, I could kiss his beautiful mouth and taste him almost at will. My sudden change to an eager and hungry lover at first surprised but definitely pleased Nicholas.

"I seem to have created a hungry animal!" Nicholas laughed after I had sought his mouth for what must have been at least a score of times in a short space of time.

I colored and dropped my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly.

His mouth pressed down on mine unexpectedly and after quickly tasting me, he pulled back and I looked up into his eyes.

"When will you learn when I am making jest, love? I could not have ever imagined how much you love me! You kept your feelings so hidden. I never imagined how eagerly you would reach out for me." he smiled.

"How could I tell you what I was feeling? I didn't know exactly myself. I had no words for it. More, I had no idea that these feelings could exist between such like us." I said.

"You mean both of us being males." he said.

"Yes, I didn't know that this could ever happen." I said.

"From my studies, I've learned that it has been happening for almost all time, my love." he smiled.

"Sometime you will have to tell me more of this, but right now..." I said.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Right now I want to show you the pleasure that you have shown me." I said decisively, surprised myself at my own forwardness.

Nicholas grinned at me.

"Yes, my Lord!" he said, laughing.

I grinned back at him.

"Ah! Have you forgotten? That word is banned from this room, knave!" I laughed reaching over and tickling his sides.

Nicholas was laughing hysterically and rolling on the bed. It felt so good to bring such mirth and good feelings to him. Forgotten was the horrible unmanning that his father had visited upon him by barring him from training or defense of the duchy. We were young lovers but also we were boys together in that bed, having fun! Finally, he lay panting on the bed, trying to get his breath back.

"I never thought I would see this! My own squire becoming so manly!" he smiled at me and I could see the glint of pride and desire in his eyes.

"Yes, you did! You wanted this! Admit it!" I grinned.

"Yes, love, I did. I want you so very much." he said quietly, his eyes softening as he spoke.

"I am yours, Nicholas. Forever. By the blood of the Savior I swear that to you." I said seriously.

He sat up at my words. He knew this oath. It was the same one that a knight takes. It is the strongest oath that a man can give. He looked at me, and I saw the surprise in his eyes.

"Do you mean that, Robby? Truly mean that?" he said, his voice breathless in wonder.

"I would never have said it if I didn't, Nicholas." I said as simply and honestly as I knew how.

"Then, by the blood of the Savior, I swear that I am yours. Forever." he said, taking my hand in his, the seriousness of what he was saying evident in his voice.

We just sat there on the bed, looking deeply into each others eyes. Then Nicholas slowly raised my hand to his lips and kissed it gently.

"I think we just married." he said softly. "But the oath we just took to each other is stronger than any marriage oath I've ever heard."

"Perhaps it must needs be, my love. Males do have a tendency to ignore marriage vows when it is possible to do so." I grinned.

"My oath to you can never be ignored." Nicholas said.

"There is no other that could possibly make me ignore my oath to you." I said, smiling at him. "That you love and desire me is more than I ever hoped for. You must know that!"

"It is the same for me, Robby. I thought you would never accept my love for you. I knew you would do anything out of loyalty to me, but I didn't want you that way. I wanted you to love and desire me. I knew that so many times you became hard when you were near me but I was so afraid that you would never understand why it was happening to you." he explained to me.

"I did not until today. Now I understand why I was so often tongue-tied when I was near you and could not keep my mind from wandering. Your scent would cause me to forget everything that I was supposed to do! I am so glad you never punished me for all of my errors." I said gratefully.

"How could I knowing that I was the cause of them? No, my love. I waited. I wanted you to come to me of your own free will." Nicholas said.

I slipped my arms around his neck and pulled our faces together.

"Oh, is that what you call that kiss?" I said smiling.

"Was it not what you wanted, my love?" he asked.

"Oh, aye! It was what I wanted, Nicholas. Just as I now want you!" I grinned as I pressed my mouth to his.

Soon he was moaning as I pushed him back on the bed and began licking his neck and moving down his body. I did everything he had done to me. I reveled in the touch, the taste, the smell of him. I did not know if I would be able to lick his nether parts as he had done to me but, by the time I reached those parts, the overwhelming scent of him drew me there with no qualms. A deeper, darker, richer, more masculine scent than anywhere else on his body caused me to lose all control. Before I knew it, my tongue was deep inside his body and I was loving every moment! Especially from the moans I could hear coming from him.

I looked up at him from between his legs. I knew that next he would expect me to take his hardness in his mouth as he had done to me. This was not all that I wanted, however. I slowly lowered the foreskin surrounding him and gently began to lick at the fluid flowing so freely from him. It was sweet and I loved it immediately - especially because it came from his body. I then opened my jaws as far as I could and began sliding more and more of his hardness into my mouth. I loved the taste of him, the feel of him! Such softness surrounding such strength! I slowly began raising and lowering my head and I heard him groan at my ministrations. Just when I felt him start to harden more and to breath raggedly announcing his crisis, I stopped. I pulled from his stalk and instead lay once more beside him, my head resting on his arm. He looked at me curiously.

"Why did you stop?" he asked.

"Because I did not want you spending." I answered.

His eyebrows knitted together in consternation.

"May I ask why not?" he asked.

"Because I want you to spend inside me. I want you to breed me." I said softly.

Ever since his tongue had slid inside my body, my mind had been focused on the pleasures that were evidently available through my nether parts. I wanted to know what it felt like. I wanted that union with Nicholas. I did not feel as a woman, but in some strange way, I did feel like a bride. I wanted to be one with Nicholas - to feel him spend within me and to give me his seed to carry with me forever.

The look of surprise on Nicholas's face at my announcement was rapidly changing to one of lust, desire and finally concern.

"Are you sure, Robby?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm sure, Nicholas." I answered.

"I told you it can be very painful the first time. I do not want to hurt you." he said, his voice reiterating that concern.

"Nicholas, is it not painful for a maid the first time she is bred by her husband?" I asked.

"Well...I have heard that is so." he admitted.

"Then why should this be any different? Just as a bride is more than willing for the pain to experience the joy of union with her husband, so I am eager for the pleasure of union with you." I explained.

His eyes locked with mine as he searched for some answer to what I had said. Finally, I saw his eyes glistening tears and heard his voice, husky with emotion.

"Oh, Robby! I love you so very, very much! I will never feel that I am worthy of the love you give me!" he said.

"Nicholas, you are more worthy of my love than anyone I have ever known." I said softly.

He pulled me closer to him and held me firmly in his arms. He began showering gentle kisses all over my face. I reached up and twined my fingers in his beautiful hair as his mouth finally reached mine. No gentle kiss then! His mouth fell on mine in intense passion! I was temporarily lost once again in the incredibly strong feelings of my love for my young knight.

Breaking the kiss, he let go of me and got up off the bed.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"No where. There is something here that I need to find." Nicholas said, rummaging through one of the several trunks in the room which held most of Nicholas's needs and possessions. Finally, he pulled from the second trunk he searched, a small alabaster jar which he brought over to the bed and placed on the low table beside it.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Some ointment which will ease things immeasurably when I enter you." he said. "Cook made it for me several fortnights ago when I was chafed between my legs from my armor. You remember! You helped me to put it on each night."

Despite all that we had just done together in the bed, I blushed furiously at the memory of that. To be able to touch him in such and intimate place and yet keep myself from going further, which I so much wanted to do at the time, was one of the most difficult services I ever had to perform for Nicholas. He looked at me blushing and knew instinctively what was going through my head.

"If you think it was hard on you, keeping my stalk from growing as hard as marble with you touching me like that, was the hardest thing I have ever had to do!" Nicholas smiled.

"At least this time when I anoint you with it, I will be anointing where I had wished to have been allowed before." I smiled.

"You would have been allowed had you but asked." Nicholas said softly.

"But I did not know to ask." I replied.

"You never have to ask again, you know." Nicholas stated.

"The only thing I need ask for is for God to give me another day in which to learn to love you more." I said.

Nicholas kissed me deeply and passionately as he lay me back down on the bed, this time getting on top of me. I felt so safe and protected with his body resting on mine, a feeling like no other I had ever felt. Resting on me, was the man that I loved more than my own life. Giving him comfort with my body seemed the most natural and simple thing in the world now. Nicholas again moved from my lips to my neck and down to my chest where he again began to suckle at the nubs of my teats. My back arched and drove them harder against his mouth as I groaned at the intensity of the feelings he was causing in my body - especially the hardening of my manhood!

After worrying both nubs, Nicholas rose from my body and knelt between my spread legs. He lifted them and pressed them back until my knees were almost resting on my chest. He had me hold them back while he lay face down on the bed and again began to use his mouth and tongue on my nether hole, opening me with such delicious feelings that I was soon panting and begging him to take me. He chuckled at my wantonness and began to anoint my nether hole with the ointment from the jar. I could feel his finger slowly slide up inside me and I moaned at the feeling. When he had loosened me enough, he then used two fingers. As he slid both inside me, he touched something within my body which cause me to almost see stars and to almost spend my seed with no further stimulation!

"Nicholas! What was that?!" I exclaimed.

"It is evidently something I heard about from one of the soldiers one night. Something within a male's body which brings great pleasure when stroked either with a finger or with another's manhood. He told me it is why a man would go through the pain of taking another's man's stalk within him, the feelings are that intense. Why, he even told me that it is possible to spend just from the stroking of this place with no other stimulation necessary! But I didn't believe him." Nicholas said.

"You should have believed him, love!" I moaned. "I very nearly spent just from your stroking of it just now."

"Then, mayhap, you will enjoy this more than either of us thought?" Nicholas said grinning at me.

I could see immediately that I had given my knight a goal. Nicholas would give me this pleasure or die trying. That is the way he has ever been. Though some high-born become spoiled and selfish creatures, Nicholas has ever been a soul of kindness and generosity towards all. He developed his rather cold and austere visage to thwart those who would try to take advantage of his gentle and giving nature.

He continued to insert yet another finger into my hole. This one cause some pain upon the initial insertion but eventually I was able to enjoy the feeling of all three moving in and out of my nether hole. I began to believe that this was going to be essentially a very pleasurable experience for both of us. Little did I know how very far beyond pleasurable it would be!

Having done what he could to prepare me, Nicholas began to prepare himself, dipping into the jar for more ointment and moving his hand toward his manhood to anoint the hard stalk. I cried out, "No!" and Nicholas looked down at me.

"I want to do that! That is my privilege!" I said, pleading with him.

He smiled and moved from between my legs until he was kneeling beside me on the bed. I let go of my legs and let them rest on the bed while I took some of the ointment from the jar and began to gently coat his manhood with the slippery substance. Nicholas groaned and smiled down at me as my ministrations to his manhood made him harder and harder.

"If you prepare me any further, love, you may find there is nothing to prepare for! The act will be over!" he grinned slipping his manhood from my hand.

I grinned back at him as he got back between my legs once more. I raised my legs and held them as I had done before but Nicholas told me there was no need. He lifted my legs onto his strong, broad shoulders and brought his manhood to my nether hole, resting just the tip of it against me as he rested on his hands, his body above me.

"Just relax, Robby. The more relaxed you are, the easier this will be on both of us. Remember, I do now want to hurt you! If the pain becomes too great, let me know and I will instantly withdraw." he assured me.

I nodded my assent and I could feel Nicholas begin to press his manhood into me. I willed myself to relax and could feel him sliding slowly inside of me. His eyes locked to mine and I knew he searched my face for even the slightest sign of pain. At first there was some pain but not at all unbearable. Nicholas moved slowly and I was able to become adjusted to the size and girth of him within me. I could feel the hardness of his manhood slide against that special place inside me and suddenly all pain left and a feeling of such incredible pleasure hit me that I could not help but groan at the intensity of it.

"Are you all right?" Nicholas quickly asked, ceasing all movement.

"Oh, yes! Oh, yes, my love! What you are doing feels so good I can barely contain myself!" I exclaimed and he could see from the smile on my face and the joy in my eyes that my words were true.

He grinned down at me as he continued to slide himself deep inside me. Finally, I could feel the prickle of the hairs surrounding his manhood tickling my nether hole and knew that I had taken all of him inside me. A great sigh escaped my lips at this and an overwhelming feeling came over me. Nicholas and I were one! One body, joined now and forever! Suddenly tears of joy began to pour from my eyes as Nicholas looked down at me. He could see the tears but also the grin of joy on my face. This time he did not mistake them for pain. He leaned down and licked at them and then covered my mouth with his own in a deep and passionate kiss.

"You feel so wonderfully good, Robby! I cannot believe how wonderful you feel inside!" Nicholas exclaimed taking his mouth from mine but only raising his head a few inches.

I reached up and ran my fingers into his hair, pulling him back to my mouth once more. We moaned into each others mouths in a deep, long kiss while Nicholas's manhood began to withdraw from my body. He then began pushing back inside of me and I moaned all the louder at the wonderful feelings his movements were causing.

"Faster, my love! Harder! Please!" I begged him. "Take your pleasure on me for surely you are giving me such pleasure as I have never known!"

He did as I directed and his assault on my body came much faster and harder. He quickly saw that it caused me no pain and I could feel both speed and power increasing in his breeding of me. The soldier had told him true because I could feel that, as his hardness continued to stroke over that place inside me, I was about to spend and neither I nor Nicholas had even touched my manhood. This was a wondrous thing to me! That Nicholas alone, just by breeding me, could give me such total and complete pleasure! I began to moan at my own impending crisis while looking up into Nicholas's eyes. I could see that he too was lost in the pleasure that we were giving each other.

"Oh, God! Nicholas! I am going to spend! I cannot help it!" I all but screamed.

"Then spend, my love! I, too, will spend with you!" he moaned, throwing his head back and moaning in pleasure.

Within moments, my seed began to fly from my hard stalk, painting my face chest and stomach with it's whiteness. Nicholas seeing this happen began groaning loudly and I could feel his hips slamming into my buttocks as his manhood quivered within my body and I could feel his seed discharging deep within me. I could not tell how many times he did so, but there was so much of his seed inside me that it began to stream out of me around his manhood as there seemed to be no room inside me for both it and him.

Finally, with a great shudder, Nicholas all but collapsed on top of me. My legs went around his waist and I held him in my arms as he continued to shudder and small spasms seemed to grip his manhood still buried inside me. The warmth of him as well as the strong scent of him and our love-making surrounded me and I stroked my fingers through his long hair as he rested, weary from his efforts, on top of me. I never knew that such joining existed. Now I understood how males and females were drawn to each other in such devotion for surely it was very like what Nicholas and I had discovered in each other.

His manhood finally began to soften and shrink until finally it drew completely from inside of me. At this point, Nicholas raised his head, which had been buried in my neck and shoulder, and kissed me deeply. He then rolled over so that he lay beside me, lay his head on my chest, put his arm across me and I soon heard the soft, rhythmic breathing of my love, sound asleep. I, too, quickly sank into oblivion, holding him in my arms.

I know not how long we slept but when Nicholas woke me by planting gentle kisses all over my face, the sun was low in the sky. I smiled up at him and I could see such a look of adoration in his eyes that I almost became embarrassed by it.

"I swear, if you were a maid, you would now be carrying my child!" he grinned.

"Then let us thank God that I am not! There are enough bastards of your father's running around as it is." I grinned back.

"Oh, ours would not be a bastard, my love! Have you forgotten, we are pledged to each other." he said softly.

"No, I have not forgotten. How could I? Since you have taken me and made us one, my love for you has only deepened. Promise me, Nicholas, you will do that more and often!" I begged.

"Have no fear, my love, for even as we speak, my manhood is rising again in desire of you!" he grinned.

"I think that if we are to have strength for you to once again breed me as long and as hard as I wish you to, that we should, mayhaps, think of nourishment before we faint from hunger." I admonished.

"You are right, as usual, Robby. You see, I cannot do without you! I would probably starve otherwise!" he laughed.

"And I could not do without you, Nicholas. Without you, I would lie in terrible torment of loneliness and unfulfilled desire. You have opened a door for me, one that I wish never shut again." I said.

"As you have done for me, my love." he said and gently pressed his lips to mine in a soft kiss.

"I do have one fear, however." I said.

"What is that, love?" he asked.

"I do not think that what has happened between us should be allowed to be known by others and I fear that I will do something, say something, look at you in some way that will give knowledge to someone of our different relationship." I said.

"It is too late for that, my love." he smiled and I looked at him in shock. He continued. "It has been already well noted that I treat you as no other knight treats his squire. All they will notice is that my care and concern for you has helped you blossom into a stronger man. That you are devoted to me is also already known. Those looks you worry about you have been seen giving me for a long time now. No one will note any real difference so do not worry about it. As to where you sleep, you have never slept in the place for squires but always in my rooms. No one need know that it is in my bed that you rest."

"I guess you are right, but I am worried about one more thing, Nicholas." I said quietly.

"And what is that, my love?" he asked patiently.

"What happens when you marry?" I said.

It was as if all sound, all air suddenly was withdrawn from the room. Nicholas looked at me with eyes that I did not know the meaning of. Suddenly I was very afraid that I had said something wrong. But as quickly as the mood came it was gone and Nicholas merely smiled at me once again.

"That is a long time in the future, pray God. I can promise you this, though some woman may be my wife, it will be in name only. I will not love her as I do you. I may have to sleep with her to produce children, but only for that purpose will I seek her bed. It is with you that I will continue to find love and pleasure. You are my only mate. Trust me on this, Robby. No one will ever come between us. I swear this." Nicholas said, his voice and tone so serious that I could see in him a future Duke of great distinction.

"How awful for her." I said quietly.

Nicholas looked at me quizzically and then kissed me gently.

"You have such a tender heart that you even care for someone who could be a rival to you, Robby. Yes, it will not be the kind of life I would choose to live but she will, no doubt, find love and happiness in raising our children. At least I pray such." Nicholas said sadly and then brightening said, "But let us not worry of this today! We have our own life together to celebrate. Let us order food to be brought here and much wine so that we can be happy together!"

"Let me go and get the servants to do as you desire, my love." I grinned and slid from his arms and began dressing so that I did not cause scandal among the servants at seeing me naked coming from my knights bedroom.

I found the servants and ordered food and drink as Nicholas desired and then went back into the bedroom to wait for them. Nicholas was not there when I re-entered but he soon came from the privy, still gloriously naked, his body breathtaking in it's beauty as he moved with sinuous grace like a great, sleek beast. He caught me staring at him and stopped mid-way across the room, standing there allowing me to admire his beauty. He even turned slowly so that I could see all of his body for, indeed, his backside was as beautiful! The broad shoulders and muscular back tapering to a trim waist and then flaring out to beautiful buttocks that I already knew I loved to kiss and lick. He was masculine perfection in living form and my breath was taken away by his beauty.

As he turned back to face me once again, he began moving, approaching the bed where I sat. He stood before me with only inches between us and reached down and lifted my chin with his hand until my eyes looked up into his.

"Do I please you, my love?" he smiled.

"Oh, God! Nicholas! You are the most beautiful male I have ever seen in my life!" I swore to him.

He smiled at this and then knelt before me, taking my face in his hands and staring deep into my eyes.

"Do you know that I feel exactly the same way about you, Robby?" he asked, his voice soft and low.

"I do not have the beauty that you have, Nicholas." I said quietly, trying to look away but he held me with his eyes.

"To me you do. Believe this, my love. There is no one as beautiful to me as you are. So beautiful that I have given you my heart and soul to carry within you. They are yours now, Robby, just as I am." and then he pressed his lips gently to mine and with his tongue bid me open to him. I did gladly and I do not know how long the kiss would have lasted but there was a knocking at the outer door to his chambers announcing the arrival of the servants with the food.

Nicholas let me go and I had the servants place the food on the table in the outer chamber. They then withdrew and I went to tell Nicholas that all was prepared. I thought we would sit at the table and eat but Nicholas wanted to eat in our bed. He helped me move the dishes to the inner chamber and then I stripped and joined him on the bed, again naked as he was.

We feasted on venison and quail from the forests, warm breads from the ovens, pears and apple's from the castle's orchards, sweet custard and savored it all with sweet golden wine. We laughed and joked with each other and shared sweet, gentle kisses. Without the burden of hidden longing between us, I think we laughed more during that meal than in the two years that we had been together as knight and squire. Surely there was a lightness to our being together that I had never known before. Perhaps it was me because I felt now, as Nicholas's lover rather than just his squire, a peace that I had previously never known. Even Nicholas remarked on it as I lay with my head in his lap after I had all that I could eat or drink.

"You seem more comfortable with me than you ever have, Robby." he said softly, looking down at me as he gently stroked my bare chest and stomach.

"I am yours in a way that I have never been before!" I said. "I no longer have to worry about being close to you and hiding all that I feel for you. See, my stalk rises and I am not even blushing!" I laughed.

"I can see that it has and if you would but turn your head, you would see that mine is answering it's call." he grinned.

I turned my head in his lap and, just as he had said, there was the tower of his manhood just inches from my lips. I leaned over and kissed it gently causing Nicholas to moan quietly.

"Do not do that my love unless you have intentions of going further." he smiled.

"Oh, I do intend to go further, my love!" giving him a wicked grin.

"It would seem the wine has turned you wanton!" he laughed.

"No, my love. It is you, the touch of your skin and your scent which make me wanton!" I told him.

"Then I am yours to do with as you wish!" he exclaimed.

"I think it would be best if we first removed all of these dishes, my love. I have no desire to share the bed with you and them." I said rising and beginning to gather them.

Nicholas and I carried them to the outer room where the servants would collect them later and then dashed back to the large bed, sealing the door to the bed chamber behind us. We both leapt onto the bed like little boys and then rolled into each other's arms; kissing, licking and sucking what ever part of each other's bodies was nearest. Finally we lay side by side, Nicholas stroking my flank as I again ran my fingers through his hair and stroked his cheek with my hand.

"So what do you wish, my love?" Nicholas asked me.

"Take me again, Nicholas. Breed me." I said softly.

"I could well do that, but I might have thought that you would now want to take me?" he asked.

I froze. Though he had mentioned earlier this idea of me taking him and breeding him, I was not sure that he truly meant it. This idea somewhat frightened me because I did not want to hurt him either and I was not sure that I could give him pleasure the way he had given it to me. I was yet a boy compared to him. My manhood was as thick but not yet nearly so long as his. Almost, but he still had at least an inch beyond me. Was this enough to give him the untold pleasure he had given me? I did not know.

Nicholas noticed my hesitancy.

"What are you afraid of, Robby?" he asked quietly.

"I do not want to cause you pain. Nor do I know how to give you the pleasure you have given me." I admitted.

"If you do what I did for you, there will be no more pain than you experienced. Trust me, I can take it whatever it is. As to knowing how...I knew nothing before entering you. I have known no one, man or maid, before you, Robby. You know that." he said.

"I may not be..." I hesitated.

"Large enough?" he finished the thought for me.

My eyes closed in shame.

"Robby, look at me." his voice was soft but commanding. I could do no other. "Robby, your manhood is quite large enough. More than that, it is beautiful. I long to feel it inside me."

"Truly?" I looked at him in amazement.

"Truly. I told you so." he said.

Then he reached over and gently began to stroke my hardness with his hand. I moaned at his touch. No one had ever done this to me, only myself. It was strange to see and feel a different hand where mine had always been. I looked at him and he grinned. Then he leaned over and began to take me inside his mouth as he had done earlier. I groaned at the warmth of his mouth and the delicate movement of his tongue against me. I was afraid that I would spend in his mouth again but he seemed to know exactly when to stop and pull off of me.

He looked at me and grinned and then moved over on the bed away from me and lay down on his stomach. His beautiful buttocks were raised slightly and he moved them back and forth in the way a maid might do seductively. He grinned at me and I knew what he was waiting for. I moved over between his legs and lay down between them. I pulled apart his buttocks and the deep, masculine scent of the trench drew my nose and face closer. I inhaled the rich aroma of him and then began to lick through the trench, tasting his sweat, his musk and something that was uniquely Nicholas. We moaned together as my tongue began to lick around his hole and began to press inside him. Soon my tongue was as far inside his body as I could manage and I was rapidly moving it in and out of him, just as his manhood had done to my hole.

As I continued to feast at his nether hole, I felt Nicholas moving some and when I looked up, he was handing me the alabaster jar of ointment. He was leading me on to the next step. We smiled at each other as I took the jar from his hand.

"Just go slowly and gently, Robby. I want this so badly but it is still new to me." he said, his voice husky with desire.

"You know I would rather cut off my arm than ever hurt you." I swore to him.

"I know, Robby. Now go ahead. Make me yours as I have made you mine." he smiled and turned his head back around and rested it on his clasped hands.

I began to anoint him with the ointment and to work it into his hole. Soon I was able to slide one of my fingers in and out of his hole with ease. He was moaning his satisfaction at the feelings that I was creating inside of him. I added more ointment and began to work a second finger inside him. As the two fingers reached the maximum depth that they could reach, curled them and they both touched something that was growing very hard and solid inside of Nicholas. When I did so, he groaned loudly and his head and shoulders raised off the bed.

"Oh, God! Robby! You've found it!" he moaned.

He really didn't need to tell me. His reaction alone let me know that I had found that place of incredible pleasure up inside him. Now that I knew where it was, I could make sure that my stalk gave it as much stimulation as I could. I continued working my two fingers in and out of him and finally added a third. By the time that my three fingers were working easily in and out, I knew he was as ready as I could make him. I went to get more ointment to anoint myself with it but found that it was no longer laying beside him. I looked up and saw him looking at me with a grin on his face. He held up the jar so that I knew what he wanted.

"It is my prerogative, remember?" he grinned.

I moved from between his legs and knelt beside him as he began to anoint my manhood with the ointment. His touch was warm and gentle and soon I was the hardest that I could ever remember being. He let go and smiled at me. I went back between his legs and he spread them further giving me a clear view of his nether hole. I put my manhood to it, leaned over on my hands as he had done earlier and began to apply pressure to his hole with my stalk. At first nothing happened and then I felt myself slowly sliding inside of him. God! He was tight! I had no idea how tight his hole would be. It felt like my stalk could barely fit inside him and yet I remembered that his had fit inside of me and he was bigger than I was. I heard him groan and I instantly stopped.

"Are you all right, Nicholas? Does it hurt too badly?" I asked, so afraid that this was the case.

Rather than answering me, his arms came back and his hand grabbed hold of my own buttocks and pulled me forward until all of my manhood was buried in his body. The tightness, the heat, the wetness of the inside of his body was so intense that I feared spending right there and then! But Nicholas's hands on my buttocks held me firm inside of him and did not allow me to withdraw. Gradually, his insides loosened around me and my desire to spend passed. It was then that Nicholas withdrew his hands and allowed me free movement again.

I slowly pulled myself from his hole a few inches. Then I pushed back in. The sensations were incredible! I now knew what Nicholas had felt as he bred me. I understood how wonderful this had felt to him. I withdrew more and shove back in harder this time. Nicholas began moaning.

"Yes! God, yes! Robby! Breed me! Make me yours! Breed me hard and fast!" Nicholas's voice was rough with desire.

As any good squire would, I heard my knight's orders and I obeyed. I was soon slamming myself hard and fast into his nether hole. I watched as the muscles of his back and shoulders tensed and released as he experienced the pleasure of my breeding him. I raised myself so that I could feel the hard area of pleasure inside him being rubbed by my manhood with each stroke I took. This caused Nicholas to moan almost constantly as I continued to move faster and harder inside of him. I could feel my own pleasure but I was far too concerned about his! I wanted to make him spend just as he had made me, without either of us touching his manhood in any way.

Suddenly, not only did his groans rise in pitch and volume but he raised up his shoulders and head so that now my mouth could lock to one of his shoulders and I could bite and nibble at it while I continued to pleasure his hole.

"Robby! I'm going to spend! Breed me! Breed me hard!" he moaned.

I wondered if I would know when he actually spent but I needn't have worried. Suddenly his body gripped my manhood and began almost sucking at it as he began spending. This was enough to cause my body to release it's fluids deep inside of him and we were moaning and groaning together as we found such utter bliss in this union of our bodies!

Finally, Nicholas collapsed on the bed spent and I collapsed on his sweaty back, my manhood still buried inside of him and still very tumescent. I raised my arms and curled them around the outside of his arms so that he was somewhat gathered into mine. We both lay there panting, trying to regain our breath, for a long time.

Eventually, my manhood deflated and was pushed from his hole. I rolled over on my back, exhausted from my efforts. Nicholas, freed from the weight of me, moved over next to me and put his head on my chest. I began running my fingers through his long hair as he gently stroked my chest. I think we were both too overwhelmed to speak at that point.

Nicholas raised his head from my chest and looked me in the eyes. I saw wonderment there and deep love.

"Now I am well and truly yours forever, Robby." he whispered. "Never in my life have I known such bliss as what I feel this moment. Have no fear, my love. You have performed well and have given me the pleasure which I gave to you. As you asked me, I hope that we can do this again - and soon!"

Then he grinned at me and I smiled back. I truly felt myself a man then. I had bred my mate and I had brought my mate pleasure in my breeding of him. Nothing else in the entire world mattered. Not Essex, not the Duchy, nothing! Only Nicholas.

"I think we should get some rest." Nicholas finally said.

"Yes, after that, I can hardly hold my eyes open." I said and then I loudly yawned.

Nicholas raised his head and looked at me grinning.

"So I hear!" he laughed and moved up until he could take me in his arms.

I lay my head on his arm and with his scent surrounding me, I slept.

The End of Chapter III of THE YOUNG KNIGHT

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