The Young Knight

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Oct 6, 2003


"In days of old, when knights were bold..." began a rather bawdy chant I learned as a child. But Knights were nothing to laugh or sneer at! They were a boyhood fantasy full of horses, battles, swords and courage. I suppose part of what I love about Marines is what I love about knights. I must admit that even as a lover of peace, I am strongly attracted to warriors.

This story is dedicated to the real Nicholas.

THE YOUNG KNIGHT by RimPig (c) 2003

Chapter VII

Five idyllic years passed as we continued to live in Gareth's castle. Nicholas became Connor's assistant weapon's master and he and Connor were Gareth's main advisors though, at times, Gareth took to asking my advice on matters - but only if we were alone. Oftentimes, this became a matter of a code between us. Gareth would invite me to take a walk with him in the garden or down to the stables and it was on these walks that he would ask my advice about matters both diplomatic and domestic. I was shocked the first few times that he did this. I didn't think that I had anything to contribute but Gareth pointed out to me that I seemed to have a 'native wisdom', as he called it, when it came to seeing situations in their basic essence. He told me that it was Nicholas who first pointed this out to him but Nicholas had rightly told Gareth that the only way he would be able to draw me out was privately. I would not usually speak up in any kind of group - even if it was just the four of us, Nicholas, Connor, Gareth and myself.

Brendan grew like a weed, as young boys often do. As I had predicted, he grew to love horses more than any other animal. The foal that he had watched being born and that had become so attached to him did become his own steed. Brendan called the horse Etoile, which is French for 'Star', because of a white blaze on the young colt's face. And also, as I predicted, Brendan became quite a horseman, even surpassing his brothers in skill and daring! I know that it made his father very proud of him and, of course, it made Nicholas and I inordinately proud as well because we had both worked at helping to train him.

Brendan, of course, no longer slept with us. When he turned six, his father had given him a room next to ours and had the stone-masons cut a doorway between our suite of rooms and Brendan's. The door had bolts on both sides so that privacy could be given to either us or Brendan. We all knew that soon, Brendan was going to need that privacy - as all young, growing males do - for he was rapidly growing and we figured it would not be long before the beginnings of manhood would be upon him.

He was ten when he quietly came to me to ask about why his manhood became stiff - especially at awkward times. I explained the passage to manhood that all males take, explaining how this fit into the grand scheme of things. How babies were conceived and such. This didn't seem to hold much interest for him at the time, which is not unusual. I was convinced that the only part that he had any interest in was that about spilling his seed himself. I was sure that this was what he more wanted to know about then anything. At least at that age. Of course, he couldn't produce seed at that age but it seems he could achieve all the feelings of spending. I had not known that this was possible but Nicholas confirmed to me that he had done it long before he could produce seed as well.

Finally, the day came that we had been expecting. Nicholas, Brendan and I were in the training yard with Connor when a servant came to tell us that the Duke wished our presence. We found Gareth in his study with a visitor. I recognized him immediately as one of the officers of the garrison of troops at Baden Castle. Nicholas knew him as well and I could see the tension in Nicholas as the officer bowed to him.

"There is need of you at Baden, m'lord." he said.

"What? To be my father's stud and bed his chosen brood mare?" Nicholas said sarcastically.

"No, m'lord. To take up your place as Duke of Baden." The officer said solemnly.

This shocked all of us, especially Nicholas.

"And what has happened to the Duke, my father?" Nicholas asked quietly.

"M'lord, the Duke was injured in a hunting accident. He was thrown from his horse and he hit his head upon a rock. He has not woken since. The court physicians say that he has little time left to live and I was dispatched to bring you back to assume the Duchy." the officer explained.

"I see." said Nicholas.

Then he turned to Gareth.

"Will you allow Brendan to accompany us?" he asked.

"Brendan is your heir now. More importantly, he loves both of you very deeply." Gareth said, indicating me as well. "I don't think he could live through his heart-ache were you to leave without him. I shall miss him, but his place is now with you. If he is to be your heir, you must train him to succeed you as Duke - something your father should have done for you."

"But you have done an admirable job of that over these last years." Nicholas said.

"I? How have I done so?" Gareth asked, truly shocked at Nicholas's words.

"I have watched carefully as you have charted a path for your Duchy and it's people. I have seen what a truly caring and compassionate ruler is capable of. I only hope to be half the man you are, m'lord." And with this, Nicholas made a deep bow to his Uncle.

Gareth reached out and hugged Nicholas to him.

"My dear nephew! I cannot tell you how your words warm my heart. But you and I both are gifted with men who stand beside us who's counsel is the best that we could receive." Gareth said, acknowledging Connor and me with his words.

"Yes, Uncle. Without doubt neither of us truly deserves the love they give us." Nicholas said.

"My feelings exactly, Nephew." Gareth said smiling.

Connor and I looked at each other and smiled at each other. I knew that he, like myself, had very different feelings about the worthiness of the man that we loved. But there would be time for me to discuss this with Nicholas later, as I was sure Connor would with Gareth.

We hastily packed for the trip back to Baden. It would not take so long this time as we did not have to hide during the day and travel at night. I was concerned about such a journey being to hard on Brendan but the boy took to the road like a born trooper. It was hard to believe that he wasn't born in the saddle, the way he weathered the hardships of travel.

What was particularly hard about it was that Nicholas and I had almost not privacy during the journey except for a few nights we were able to spend at inns on the way. Rarely did Nicholas and I ever go a day without intimate contact between us and I could see that it was beginning to cause Nicholas to be irritable. Brendan noticed it, too.

"Why is Nicholas angry with me?" he asked, as we were alone, gathering wood for our campfire one evening.

"He's not angry with you! Why would you think so?" I asked.

"He was angry and short with me twice today when I tried to talk to him. I don't know what I did to anger him." Brendan said, almost in tears.

I dropped the wood I was carrying and took the boy into my arms. I noticed how his head now came up almost to my chin. He was growing quickly and would soon be a tall, handsome young male.

"Brendan, I swear to you he is not angry with you. It's just something that males go through sometimes when...well...when they have no time or place to relax. This is an arduous journey, after all." I said.

Brendan looked up at me.

"Does Nicholas's need to relax have something to do with not breeding you?" he asked quietly.

To say that I was shocked, is putting it mildly!

"And what exactly do you know of such things?" I asked him.

"I do remember the first time I saw him doing it. And I've heard the sounds the two of you make when you're alone." Brendan said. "On many occasions it has caused my stalk to harden and I have had to spill my seed to get it to soften again."

I know I blushed a deep scarlet because I could feel the heat in my cheeks! I didn't quite know how to go about discussing my intimacy with Nicholas with a ten year old boy! A boy far too intelligent to be put off with lies or stories.

"Yes, Brendan. That is at the root of it. Males used to such intimacy, crave it when it is denied and it makes them irritable until they are able to relieve that...uhh...tension." I said.

"But does it not bother you as well?" he asked.

"Yes, it does. But there is nothing I can do about it. Once we are to the castle and we are given privacy again, all will be well." I smiled.

"You love him deeply, do you not?" Brendan asked shyly.

"Yes, Brendan. I love him very deeply. More than anyone else on earth. But you are next in my heart." I said smiling at him.

"You love him like my father loves Connor." he said, not a question - a statement of fact.

"Yes, Brendan. I do." I said.

"It is different than the way men love women, isn't it?" he asked.

"Yes, it is different in many ways. In some ways it is the same. It is hard to explain." I said.

"The priests say that for one man to love another is a sin." Brendan voice was very quiet now.

"The priests are fools! What know they of human love - physical love - of any type?! They are supposed to not indulge in pleasures of the flesh!" I said, my anger surprising me.

"It is all very confusing. I see how Nicholas loves you and you, him. I see how my father and Connor love each other. I would give anything for such love myself. Am I wrong?" Brendan asked.

"No, Brendan. You are not wrong - just young. It all seems confusing when you are young. It did to me as well. Someday, when you're grown, it will all make sense to you. Something will happen, you'll meet someone and it will all be clear. But, at your age, things can still change within you. You may end up wanting a woman." I said.

"Perhaps you are right, but I think not. I do not seem to find anything attractive about them." Brendan said solemnly.

"That is now. It is still possible for interest to develop in you. Whatever you choose, remember this. To love is never sinful. Love is the best that we can give each other." I said.

"I will remember, Robby." Brendan said and then he kissed my cheek and I returned the kiss.

We continued to gather the firewood and took it back to camp where Nicholas and the young officer (who's name was Rolf) had decided to spend the night. I took Nicholas aside to speak to him.

"After dinner, I think that you and I should take a walk in the woods, my love." I said quietly to him.

"Really? I've seen woods before you know." he said.

"I think that you have need to see these." I said more forcefully.

At this point Nicholas looked at me funny, as if I had lost my wits. Then I could see understanding dawning in his eyes.

"Yes! I think I do need to see these woods, my love!" he grinned.

And so, after dinner, we left Rolf and Brendan at the camp and walked a ways into the dark woods. Before leaving camp, I looked over at Brendan and winked. He grinned back, knowing what was about to happen. Nicholas and I didn't have to go too far from camp before we found enough privacy in the darkened woods to be in each other's arms. Nicholas's mouth found mine in a passionate kiss and my hand slid down his body until it encountered his very hard maleness through the leather of his jerkins. Nicholas groaned into my mouth at the touch of my hand.

"Yes, my love, I need you so badly!" Nicholas groaned as his hands slid into my jerkins and caressed my nether region.

Loosening his jerkin with my hand, I let them fall to his boot-tops. I opened the laces on my own and slid them down and then turned away from Nicholas and placed my hands upon a tree trunk to give me support. I thrust my buttocks towards Nicholas and watched as he got to his knees and began to lick and knead my nether parts. I shivered as his tongue caressed the opening to my body and could barely wait to feel him enter me. I felt his tongue leave me and then heard him stand. Next, I felt his hard stalk pressing for entrance to me. I pushed back and he slowly gained entrance to my body. We groaned together at the intense feelings that his breeding me brought. It had been days since we had pleasured each other and we wasted no time in going at it like two yard dogs in heat!

Nicholas almost brutally battered me as he seemed unable to hold back. I was happy that he didn't because the strength of his breeding was exactly what I wanted and needed. Our emotions and feelings rose in a fevered pitch to a crescendo of moaning and cries into the night as Nicholas seed was impelled into my body at such force that I thought, for once, I could feel it deep inside myself! My seed catapulted from my loins without any assistance on my part and coated the trunk of the tree on which I leant.

Nicholas's stalk did not soften and in just a few minutes, he began to slowly move in and out of me - breeding me a second time. I was ready for him and again, perhaps taking a little more time, Nicholas strongly bred me as his hands roved my body, bringing extreme pleasure and small cries from my mouth. Nicholas chuckled low in his throat each time he could force such small cries of passion from me. Again, I could feel his stalk tremble inside me as he spent and my stalk answered by again anointing the tree onto which I held.

This time he clung to my back, licking at my neck and ears while his arms held him tight to me. His stalk gradually softened and slipped from inside me but still he held onto me.

"I love you so much! It is hell when we cannot be together like this!" Nicholas murmured in my ear.

"It is hell for me as well, my love - having you close but not being able to touch you and to feel you holding me!" I said.

"We will soon be back at Baden. Once I am Duke, we will never have to hide our love for each other again. I swear this to you!" Nicholas said.

"Evidently we aren't very good at hiding it how." I said, turning in his arms and resting my back against the tree.

"What do you mean?" he asked, looking askance at me.

"You have an apology you need to make to your heir. He asked me why you were angry at him because of the way you spoke to him today. When I explained that you weren't angry at him, he asked me if your anger came from not being able to breed me!" I said.

The shocked look on Nicholas's face almost had me doubled over in laughter but I knew this was no time for levity.

"He WHAT?!" Nicholas exclaimed.

"He asked if your need to breed me was causing your anger." I said quietly, smiling at him.

"By the Blood of Our Savior! Where in the name of Judas Iscariot did he get THAT!" Nicholas exclaimed.

"Evidently from seeing and listening to us breeding each other." I said. "Evidently, that door between our rooms was not that thick or well made."

"But he only saw us once! And he was all but five at the time!" Nicholas said.

"Yes and he remembers it vividly! He also figured out from listening to our groaning what was going on in our chamber at night. I fear all of us underestimated what a bright boy he truly is!" I grinned.

"Was he upset at it?" Nicholas asked, the worry evident in his voice.

"He only worried that you were angry with him. You know how he loves and idolizes you! He feared he had somehow unknowingly offended you. I think he was relieved to know it was just your passionate yearning to mate which made you so irritable." I said.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"I'm sure. He is well aware of our love for each other and his father's love for Connor. In fact, he expressed a very strong desire for another male to love in the same way. I told him that he would have to wait until he'd grown more to decide if he truly wanted a male or female mate." I said.

"Well, I wouldn't hold out too much hope of him chasing females." Nicholas said.

"I wouldn't either but I felt it best to cover any eventuality. I didn't want him to think that it was wrong or that we would reject him if he found himself attracted to females." I said.

Nicholas leaned forward and gently kissed my lips.

"Ever the wise one! Thank God that Brendan has you to talk to as well as me! Yes, you are correct - as usual, my love - I need to make apologies to the boy for my behavior." Nicholas said, somewhat chagrined.

We straightened out our clothing and then walked back to camp with Nicholas's arm firmly around my shoulders. I looked over at Brendan and winked again and he smiled. Then Nicholas took Brendan by the hand and they left camp for a short while. I never asked what was said, but they came back with Brendan riding on Nicholas's broad, muscular back and the two of them laughing and giggling like small boys. I was so happy to see peace restored between these two males that I loved more than any two people in the world. Rolf was grinning at the two of them as well so I had no idea what he thought about such goings on with his new Duke.

A few days later we arrived back at Baden. The castle looked no different than five years previously when Nicholas and I had fled it to prevent an unwanted political marriage arranged by his father. We were met by the Captain of the Guard who quickly welcomed Nicholas home and made obeisance to him as the new Duke.

"Then my father has died before I could arrive?" Nicholas asked, one eyebrow raised in question.

"Nay, my Lord. But the doctors say he can only last one, perhaps two, days at most." the Captain said.

"And who has been acting as Duke in my stead?" Nicholas asked.

"No one, my Lord! I have seen to the continued defense of the Duchy but no business has been transacted in your absence." the Captain was quick to point out.

"I sent a letter to the High King before leaving my well-loved Uncle's duchy, asking to be appointed Regent until either my father recovers from this accident or he dies. Until such time as that appointment arrives, I will act in my father's stead as his heir. Do you have any questions, Captain?" Nicholas asked, looking every bit the high-born royalty that he was!

"None, m'lord." The captain stated.

"Then return to your defense of the Duchy. I will expect to review the troops in the morning." Nicholas said.

The man bowed and left.

"I guess I should go up and see my father now." Nicholas said as if saying he was heading for his own execution.

"Do you want me to go with you, my love?" I asked.

"Thank you, Robby. I would not ask it of you but if you are offering, I will accept gladly." he said and for the very first time, took my hand in his publically as we walked up the stairs to his father's apartments.

His father's bedchamber was full of chanting monks and the Duke's physicians. Nicholas ordered them all out of the room so that he and I could be with his father alone. The old Duke did look near to death. As he had not woken in weeks, he was emaciated and looked many years older than when I had last seen him. Nicholas drew near the bed and gently tried calling out his father's name. There was no movement from the figure on the bed. Nicholas knelt beside the bed and bowed his head. I saw his shoulders shaking and quickly knelt beside him, putting my arms around him. He leaned over and was crying softly with his head on my chest.

"Why did he hate me?! What had I done to him? I only tried to be a good son but I could never please him!" Nicholas cried.

"You were a good son! You are the finest man I know! You have nothing to be ashamed of! He was just a mean and hateful man with no love for anyone." I said softly, gently stroking Nicholas's long dark hair.

"That was not always true." A deep voice from behind us said.

We both looked and there, standing in the doorway was the High King himself - Alred!

"There was a time, when his heart was filled with love. It is true, that as a boy, he received no love from his father at all. It was his father who was a heartless bastard if ever there was one! But when he found your mother, Nicholas, he found the love he had sought all his life. Her death unfortunately convinced him that loving someone was not worth the anguish of losing them. I often warned him not to treat you the way his own father had treated him, but he would not listen. He knew no other way. It is not your fault, Nicholas. If it gives you any comfort, he did love you. He loved you very much. He would regale me with stories about you for hours, if I let him. I'm sorry he never showed any of that for you." Alred said.

As the High King spoke, both Nicholas and I bowed our heads toward him in homage. Alred moved into the chamber and stood on the other side of the bed, looking down at the old Duke.

"You will soon rest with the angels, my old friend. I hope that your love is there to meet you." Alred said, taking the Duke's all but lifeless hand in his own.

"My uncle still thinks that he killed her." Nicholas said softly.

"I know. Gareth could never accept the death of his sister - any more than your father could accept her death. I know it would pain her to have seen them at each other's throats they way they have been low these many years." Alred said. "Your father did not kill her, Nicholas. She died giving birth to you. There is nothing sinister or unusual in that."

Nicholas had no response to this. The three of us stood, looking down at the broken figure of the Duke in the bed. As we looked, the Duke's breathing seem to get shallower and shallower.

"It would seem, I came just in time. He appears to be rapidly slipping away." Alred said.

The High King again reached down and took the old Duke's hand into his own.

"Let go, old friend. Let your spirit fly to that place where there is no pain or sorrow, to that place where your beloved is waiting for you. You have a fine, strong son who will take over for you." Alred said, looking up at Nicholas. Then Alred looked directly at me. "And he has a companion so he will not be lonely like you were."

As if his words were commands, the old Duke seemed to obey because within moments he took what we knew was his last breath. The High King looked down at the old Duke's hand which he held in his own and gently slid the Ducal signet from it and then lay the hand upon the old Duke's breast.

"Come here to me, Nicholas." Alred said in a soft but commanding voice.

Nicholas walked around his father's deathbed to reach the High King, who he knelt before. Nicholas placed his prayer-folded hands inside those of the High King and recited an oath of fealty to the King. The King, in turn, placed the Ducal signet on Nicholas's hand, confirming him as the new Duke of Baden. Then the High King turned to me.

"Have you been knighted yet, Robby?" he asked.

I bowed to the king, answering, "No, your Majesty."

"Well, we can take care of that in the morning." The King said. "Perhaps you should let the physicians and priests back in now."

I went out to the receiving room and allowed the monks and the physicians back into the death chamber.

The High King left the room, indicating that Nicholas and I should follow him. I saw Brendan waiting for us in the ante-room and signaled for him to come with us as well. The King led us to the Duke's study where we all sat before the blazing fire in the fireplace. Servants appeared and Nicholas ordered wine and refreshments for us. While we waited, the King looked over at Brendan who was sitting on one of the couches against the wall, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.

"Come here, boy!" The King said. "You must be Gareth's son! The one that you wrote me about, Nicholas. So this is the boy you have chosen as heir, is it?"

Brendan had come all the way to the chair where the King sat before the fire and allowed the High King to examine him, looking him up and down.

"So, then! What is your name, boy?" The King asked at last.

"Brendan, sire!" Brendan said, bowing correctly to the King.

"Well trained already!" The King smiled. "So, do you think you will make a good Duke of Baden, Brendan?"

"I will never be the Duke that Nicholas is, but I will try to do my best, sire." Brendan said.

The King smiled.

"Well chosen words, boy. I can see, Nicholas, that you have chosen well for an heir. The boy seems to love you very much." the King said.

"And I him." Nicholas smiled.

"So I take it that there will be no Duchess in this castle." The King stated.

"No, sire. There is no need of one." Nicholas said quietly.

"No, I suppose there isn't." the King said, looking directly at me. "And how do you feel about Robby, Brendan?"

The King looked up directly into the boy's eyes as he asked this.

"I love him very much, sire. He and Nicholas have taught me much and have shown me much love. They came at a time when I was very lonely. I didn't think my father loved me because he was too busy always with my older brothers. He never had time for me. Nicholas and Robby, they always had time for me. I know now that my father does love me. It was his wish that I should become Nicholas's heir so that I would not be left just a 'teat on a bull', as my father put it." Brendan said to the King.

The King laughed heartily at this last remark.

"Ahh...Gareth! Such colorful turns of phrase I have heard from him over the years! I think, young Brendan, that you could not have found two other men to better care for you other than your own father and Connor." the King said.

All of us - Brendan, Nicholas and I - started at the King's mention of Connor's name. The King chuckled at us.

"Yes. I know of Connor. I've known of Connor since Gareth first swooned over him at age 14 when he became his squire! I am not by nature a judgmental man. Whatever a man does that makes him happy and feel loved is good and right in my book - just so long as it doesn't effect the security of the Kingdom, of course." the King said.

"So you have no difficulty with Robby and I, my lord?" Nicholas asked quietly.

"None whatever. I might have preferred that you marry Nicholas so your bloodline is not lost but I also like the idea of the tying of the bloodlines of Baden and Valderon through young Brendan here. After all, he is your first cousin, Nicholas." The King stated. "And, of course, your father and I are childhood friends, Robby. Your heritage is noble even if your station is not. Frankly, I'm more concerned with what kind of a man you are than with your family history. But I know your father to be an honorable man and from what I've seen and heard, you are also. So, no, Nicholas, I have no difficulty with your relationship. However, it would be best to keep it, as much as possible, hidden from the peasants. After all, they are not learned and the damned priests have filled their heads with a lot of pious, superstitious nonsense!"

Brendan grinned at me over the King's words and I smiled back at him.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" the King asked.

"Oh, no, your Majesty!" I hastened to tell him. "It is almost word for word what I was saying to Brendan the other night about the priests filling people's heads with nonsense."

"You listen to Robby, boy! He's got a good head on his shoulders!" the King laughed.

"Thank you, sire." I said quietly.

"Now, I suppose we should talk about the two ceremonies we will have before I leave." Alred said.

"Two, your Majesty?" Nicholas asked.

"Yes. Your father's funeral and Robby's knighting! It's too bad, Robby, that your father cannot get here in time to see his son knighted but I'm sure you will write and tell him of it. I will as well. The ceremony is quite simple, if you remember Nicholas. We will do it in the chapel in the morning. I merely need to knight him, then he swears fealty to me and to you. Shouldn't take much time at all. As to your father's funeral, how long do you think we should wait for that?" the King asked.

"Frankly, I would like to get it over with as quickly as possible." Nicholas said.

"I agree. Lets set it for day after tomorrow. He can lie in state in the chapel after Robby's knighting and we'll have the funeral the next morning. That way, I'm out of your hair that much sooner!" the King chuckled.

"Your majesty, I would be honored to have you here as long as you want to stay!" Nicholas avowed. "And I truly mean that!"

"I know you do, son. But it's best that I do not tarry. I don't want anyone getting the idea that I do not vest full confidence in your ability to rule this Duchy." Alred said. "I will return at a later time when we can have a longer visit, never fear!"

"Thank you, sire. I did not look at it that way. I had hoped to glean more of your wisdom about running the Duchy before you left." Nicholas said.

"Well, there's plenty of time for that before I go. In fact, perhaps we can take some time now?" the King said.

"I'll take Brendan down to the kitchen while the two of you talk. It would be my guess that he is in need of sustenance." I smiled.

"As with any boy his age, he is ALWAYS in need of sustenance!" Alred laughed and clapped Brendan on the shoulder. "Off with you, lad! Let Robby try to fill that bottomless pit you have!"

We withdrew, allowing Nicholas and the King to speak privately. If there was anything that the King said that was important, I knew Nicholas would tell me later.

"So what would you like first, Brendan? Do you want to eat or see your new room?" I asked.

" be honest...I would like to eat first!" Brendan said.

"I figured as much!" I laughed and led him off to the kitchens.

That night, Nicholas ate in the main hall, seated for the first time at his father's place as Duke. He insisted that I sit beside him on the dias along with the High King and Brendan. It had to be the most uncomfortable meal I have ever eaten. I felt as if every eye in the hall was on me. I could barely eat anything at all. Nicholas noticed and allowed me to leave the hall and go back to our room. Brendan who sat with us wanted to go with me, but I told him that he needed to stay to keep Nicholas company.

I went back to our rooms, those rooms that so many years ago I first discovered the joys of physical love with Nicholas. I sat on the bed and waited for Nicholas to return. Before very long, he and Brendan came to our chambers and Brendan threw his arms around me and kissed me before heading off to his own room to sleep. Nicholas waited until Brendan left and then sat down beside me.

"What is wrong, love?" he asked, taking my hand in his.

"I am sorry, Nicholas. I have failed you." I said softly, hanging my head.

"How have you failed me?" Nicholas asked.

"Nicholas, love, I cannot bear sitting there in the hall beside you. I feel like every one is staring at me, saying 'There he is! There is the Duke's catamite!'. I cannot bear it!" I began to cry.

Nicholas reached out and pulled me into his arms, holding me while I cried, gently stroking my hair until I calmed.

"I understand how you are feeling. I, too, felt uncomfortable tonight but that was because Alred sat there beside me. If eyes were anywhere tonight, they were on him. People are already used to us being together all of the time. They see you as my companion and my friend. They do not think of what we do together when we are alone." Nicholas said gently.

"Do you really think so?" I asked tentatively.

"Yes, I really think so. After all, you don't look at people and wonder if they breed each other, do you?" he smiled.

"No, of course I do not!" I avowed.

"Then why do you think that others do? It is only your own fears of what others would think if they knew our true relationship that haunts you. I cannot say that some will not figure out what we truly are to each other, but those who do will most likely be those like ourselves - males who prefer the company of other males." Nicholas said.

"I suppose that you are right." I said, calming more. "But do we have to eat in the Great Hall every night? I miss the meals we would share in this bed together."

Nicholas leaned over and kissed me gently.

"And I miss what always happened in this bed after we ate." he smiled.

"We are alone finally. There is no need for you to miss it, my love." I smiled.

"I will make a bargain with you. We will take our meals alone every night but on Sunday. The great meal on mid-day Sunday is a tradition that I cannot eliminate. Join me for that one time in the week and all the rest of the times will be yours and mine alone." Nicholas said.

I shook my head in agreement. I could contend with eating in the Great Hall one time during the week.

"Good! Now, as you so correctly pointed out, we are alone and I have great need of your comfort and your love." Nicholas murmured and then his mouth met mine and our kiss rapidly became very passionate.

Nicholas finally pulled his mouth from mine and, without a word, began to disrobe me. It always amazed me how he took such delight in my body's nakedness - so much the way I took delight in his. His hands gently stroked their way across my chest until his fingers grasped my teats and he gently tugged on them, causing me to moan aloud at the feelings that went through me. Nicholas only smiled to himself and his hands continued to wander down my body until they encountered my jerkins. These he quickly undid and slid them from me with some assistance from me. My stalk was already hard, the foreskin pulled down exposing the head of my stalk and I was leaking the sticky liquid that precursor's my seed. Nicholas bent down and swiped his tongue against the head of my stalk and tasted it, moaning deep in his throat as he did so.

I knew what he was tasting. I had tasted it myself often enough - both his and mine. I always found his sweeter somehow. Nicholas raised his head and smiled at me as he licked some of the liquid from his lips. He took one hand and gathered some of the substance onto his fingers. These fingers he brought to my lips.

I knew what he wanted and, without hesitation, I licked my essence from his fingers. This somehow sent me into a frenzy of need for him. I quickly began removing all his clothing. He seemed as eager as I and helped to strip himself. When he was finally, gloriously naked, I pushed him back on the bed and began to attack his body with my mouth, tongue and teeth. It was like I wanted to devour him! I couldn't get enough of his body. I licked and nibbled all over him, even his arms and hands. His fingers I drew into my mouth and sucked on them like they were a cow's udders. Finally, I could take no more. I looked down at him lying there, so beautiful that I felt an ache go through me!

"Take me, Nicholas! Breed me! Please!" I begged.

He didn't say a word. He merely smiled and rose up, grabbing me and pushing me down on the bed before climbing on top of me. He kissed me passionately and I raised my legs and wrapped them around him. I could feel his hard stalk sliding into my nether parts as it sought my hole. My sexual frenzy had caused so much heat in my body that I was wet with sweat and between that wetness and the wetness leaking from Nicholas's stalk, I needed no further lubrication. His stalk unerringly found my hole and began to press against it. I relaxed and allowed it's entry. I could feel it slowly moving deeper and deeper inside me and I groaned into Nicholas's mouth as I felt myself being impaled on it.

Nicholas began to move slowly in and out of me, gently breeding me. Our kiss became deeper with each passing moment and I almost swooned from the intensity of my feelings. My own stalk was as hard as the steel blade which Nicholas carried at his side almost everywhere except to bed. Indeed, he used his manhood on me like a blade - thrusting and parrying so that it filled me and touched places all over the inside of me. Each thrust became stronger and faster as Nicholas neared spending. My own body was on the verge of giving up my seed when I felt Nicholas begin to spend inside me. My body answered his by spraying my seed between our bodies, sealing us to each other.

Nicholas, sweating and gasping for breath, finally broke the kiss and collapsed on top of me. The feel of his strong, beautiful body on mine sent feelings of safety and love through me as I wrapped my arms around him. His breathing became even and it was then that I noticed that, still with his stalk buried inside me, he had fallen deeply asleep. I reached for the bed-furs and, pulling them over us, went quickly to sleep myself.

The End of Chapter VII of THE YOUNG KNIGHT

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