Theo and Leo and Me

By Jon Kent

Published on Aug 28, 2018





Everyone should accept the laws of his country, reserving the right to strive democratically to change those he disagrees with. Therefore, if the laws where you live say that you should NOT be reading stories like these, you are legally obliged to leave now and read no further. It does not matter if these stories are fiction, made-up, only written to entertain, instruct, engage, and inform. If for any reason, the law where you live says you are NOT allowed to read them, you have to go. So off you go. Live a healthy and happy life, and come back, if you want to, when your laws say.

And remember: these are only stories. They are made-up. They did not happen. And the writer does not believe they should happen. The first responsibility of adults is to protect children and their innocence. It doesn't mean some adults won't enjoy reading stories like this, but it doesn't mean they should go out and do things like this. Who knows? maybe reading stories like this will actually stop them going out and doing these things.

Finally - and most importantly - Nifty is a free site, but not for those who run and administer it. They need our help, not only with our contributions but with our donations, whether large or small, though in this case bigger is better. But whatever we do, let's do what we can. Remember you never miss what you've got till it's gone.


The first time I saw Theo I stopped breathing and my heart skipped beats. Maybe it was his red hair that did it. Maybe it was the way he looked at me. Absolutely expressionless but with a look that said: I know. I can see inside you. Straight red hair down his neck. Hazel brown eyes. A small perfect nose. Pink lips. Lots of freckles. But it was the look that did. It said everything by saying nothing.

Theo wasn't from my school. He was probably from another junior school in the area. This was Year 7. We were all starting secondary school. We were big boys now. And it was scary. At least I was scared. There were two boys in the class from my junior school but I'd never liked them and they probably didn't like me. I'd always been a loner. It's not that I'm bad-looking. I'm very good-looking. At least that's what the girls (and my mum) say. But I gave off something that said don't bother with me because I'm not interested in you.

So I sat there alone. Alone but not lonely. At least until I saw Theo. If my heart skipped beats, it stopped when Theo stood up, took a few steps and sat down beside me. "Mind if I sit with you?" he said. But he said it in a way that signalled he didn't give a fuck whether I minded or not. That's where he was sitting, and he sat. Very close to me. His thigh pressed against mine. I should have moved way but I didn't, I couldn't. I didn't press back, but when he pressed closer, I didn't move. I sat there feeling the warmth of him burning through my school flannels. My penis - I'd better say cock - started to thicken and lengthen under the thin fabric. I was mortified. But Theo said nothing, did nothing, and, as I relaxed, my cock gradually went limp, and I felt safe, or at least safer.

That night as I lay in bed playing with my hard penis all I could think of was Theo. I imagined us naked. Our arms and legs around each other, our mouths suck the breath out of our throats, our bodies stuck together with sweat, my middle finger deep inside Theo's bum - finger-fucking him - while I tried to cram his dick and balls in my straining jaws. I didn't know the words for these things then, I do now, and that's why I'm using them.

Two fingers up inside my anus, finger-fucking myself, then jamming the fingers in my mouth sucking on them, imagining they'd been up Theo's arsehold, and it was his smells I was smelling, his insides I was tasting. I don't know when I'd fallen in love with arseholes but I had. To me, they were beautiful, not only in how they looked but in how they smelled, in how they tasted. Like every boy, I scoured the net searching for the porn that aroused me most - teenage boys with ugly old men, men fisting and being fisted, a teen with two cocks up his hole at the same time - I even found one with triple penetration - but returning again and again, even when I didn't want to, to scat vids with shit dropping from men's arseholes, sometimes into the mouth of men lying below them, catching the shit in their wide-open mouths, and letting the logs slip into their mouths, their throats, their gullets, their bellies. As much as I hated myself for it, that's what I wanted - that's what I needed.

Theo and I became 'buddies' in school. Partners in most classes. He was very good at Maths and Science and boring stuff like that; I was very good at English, History and Drama. We were both good and, what was really lucky, we were both very good at badminton. We got right into the under-13s team, and, a few weeks later, Mr. Tweedie, our PE teacher, put us in the under 15s as well! That means we got lots of matches together, and, when, winter came we'd have some away matches at other schools. If the school was far enough, we'd stay overnight there and get to share a room together! That's what Mr. Tweedie told us, so I practised twice as hard. Theo was a natural; I had to work at it.

Then one day, it happened. Not in badminton; in wrestling!

Everyone now and again, Mr. Tweedie made us do a wrestling session. Just to strengthen up our muscles and agility, he said. I thought I'd hate it, but I liked it, and I was good at it. Anyway, I wanted to give Theo a chance to pin me, so I maneuvered myself around until I was underneath him. He was practically sitting on my face. I didn't intend this to happen, honest, but when it did I realised I'd reached heaven.

I thrust my head up, sticking my nose directly in the crack of his arse and breathed in as deep as I could. He wiggled his bottom for a few seconds before lifting up again and given two little farts. The smells flooded me. I felt my cock hard and start to bulge my PE shorts. Shit! I could be in real trouble. Above me, I heard giggling. That must be from Theo.

"Get the mats away, boys," called Mr. Tweedie.

Theo rolled off me, pushed me off the mat, face down, and, when I rose, shielding myself with one end of the mat, we carried it to the store room. Without a word, I turned and sprinted for the toilets. Behind me, I heard the same giggling again. In the classes, for the rest day, Theo was just his usual self and said nothing about what had happened. I was relieved and disappointed at the same time.

I'm not sure what I felt when Theo slipped me a note during the English period: Come over to my house after school. Mom and Dad won't be home till 6:00. We'll have the place to ourselves. I want to show you something." I nodded, he smiled and nodded.

We live in a good part of town. Theo's family live in th best. As we walked across Westpark, I realised Theo must live in one of those 'mansions' that circled the green lawns and the oak trees. We reached No. 30 of the thirty in the circle and went up a set of marble steps to double doors with stained glass windows, like you see in church, but was dragons and serpents in these windows. I waited for Theo pull out a key but he simply punched numbers on a panel and the doors swung silently open, to close behind us when we were over the threshold.

There was an elevator across the hall, and for a moment I though the 'mansion' was divided into apartments, but no, this was theirs, all theirs. "My rooms," said Theo as nochalantly as he might claim a handful of sweets. He opened a door, with the doorhandle, and I stepped in.

The first thing I noticed was a bed, a double bed, a huge fuckin' double bed. What twelve-year-old boy gets a double bed to himself. And a bathroom, en suite as they say, with a fuckin' jacuzzi in the middle. And French doors, upstairs double doors, giving onto a balcony that looked onto the park. And a huge office desk, and a tele (huge screen), and a computer (big screen), and... I wasn't over-awed, but I was impressed.

Theo dived onto the bed, rolled over, looked at me and said the last thing I expected to hear:

"So did you like smellin' my bum?"

I looked away. I felt my face on fire.

"Hey, it's no prob with me, Frankie. I've seen you looking at me. I like it but I wasn't sure. That's why I sat on your face. When you didn't throw me off, I knew you were like me. That's why I asked you if you wanted to come over here."

I still couldn't look at him.

"Hey, I've got an idea. Just do what I say. Don't ask questions. Just do it."

I nodded dumbly.

"Get out of your school stuff. Get naked. Lie on the bed. Get comfortable. But close your eyes, and keep them closed till I say you can open them. Promise."

I nodded.

I heard Frankie jump up from the armchair. I heard his feet on the carpet. The door opened. I turned. He was gone. I stood up and stripped off. It was like I was in a trance, like I was doing things without thinking, just doing what I'd been told. I folded my jacket, my shirt and my trousers neatly and laid them on the armchair. I took off my socks and slid out of my underpants and laid them on top of the clothes. The air was warm and fresh on my skin. My cock stretched itself and I stretched myself out on the bed - naked. I closed my eyes.

I heard the door open, feet cross the carpet. The bed creaked. Then nothing. I figured Theo was checking my erection. I was only twelve but already my dick was touching six inches hard, so I'd nothing to be ashamed of their. I even had a faint brush of hair down there. "Eyes closed," came a whisper. The bed creaked again as Theo shifted his weight.

"Okay, open your eyes."

I opened my eyes. It took a few seconds to figure out what I was looking at. It was naked arse - poised only a few inches above my face. Theo was kneeling so that he could hold his bum over my face! I could see his crack and how his cheeks curved down to his hole. Theo's hole!

His pale, smooth skin browned slightly as it reached what looked like a vertical little mouth. The lips were a bit puffy, bruised even. I examined them minutely, microscopically. Theo's hole was beautiful.

"Kiss it, Theo. You know you want to."

He lowered his bum. I raised my head, and, for the first time in my life, my lips made contact with a boy's anus - and it was the best moment in the 12 years of my life. I stuck out the tip of my tongue and ran it over the tiny serrations. I pushed higher and, as best I could, kissed his hole, once, twice... and then again and again. The smell was intoxicating. Suddenly, Theo farted and flooded my senses with the smells from his insides. That giggle again. I pushed my lips back to his hole - kissed, licked, sucked until my mouth and jaw ached. Above me, I heard little moans and whimpers, and I wanted more. Whatever was up there, I wanted it.

Theo started to rise but I grabbed his thighs and held him in place.

"So you like it, huh?

I mumbled something and added: "Just a bit higher and hold there if you can."

Theo rose a few inches and I had clear view of his rosebud. I learned later that's what you call it, his pucker, like a rosebud, or a starfish, though Theo's was bigger than mine, reddish and bruised. I wondered what he abused himself. Spreading out from his anus, the light brown skin gave way to ivory-coloured, smooth as satin skin I couldn't help but lick. I returned to his anus and was surprised almost the whole of my tongue slipped inside. I began to tickle his insides with my tongue when Theo let out a long, ripping fart that made my eyes water. I heaved him off me and leapt on him. I'm stronger and better at wrestling so it wasn't diffcult to pin him below me. He didn't put up much resistance.

He looked up at me and whispered: "Spit in my mouth - as much as you can."


"Don't think about it. Just do it," and he opened his mouth wide.

I'd stopped thinking. I was on automatic pilot, though I'd no idea where we were flying. I hawked up as much phlegm and saliva as I could, leaned down and spat it onto Theo's mouth. It took me three goes to get everything up. He pulled me down and kissed me open-mouthed transferring gobs of saliva into mine. I got the idea right away and transferred the gobs back to him - to me, to him, to me, to...

"Spit in my hole, in my hole."

I didn't need to be told twice. He flipped over and held up his bum. I jerked his cheeks open, used my thumb to prise his hole open and spat what I had left inside him. I didn't need to be told what to do next. I fastened my lips round the mouth of his anus and sucked as much as I could out of him and into me. I wormed my tongue around in Theo's smelly anus, half-afraid I'd touch the tip of a turd, and half-afraid I wouldn't. He smelled of shit but could I reach it inside him. Only one way to find out. As my dad always says: In for a penny, in for a pound.

There was a faint buzzing in my ears.

"Quick, that's mummy."


Whose mummy?

Theo's mum!

And she was at the door!

Theo started laughing as I sprang off the bed in panic.

"Hey, Frankie, there's no panic. That buzzer goes off in all the rooms. This is a big house, lots of rooms - and we don't have to go down and open the door. All that's taken care of."

By this time, my underpants were the wrong way round, and I was starting to pull on my trousers.

I slowed down.

"You mean, she's not going to come in here?"

"Of course not, you silly billy. Mummy wouldn't ever come walking into my bedroom without knocking and waiting. We're a civilised family... and wash some of that stuff off your mouth."

I hobbled into the bathroom, washed my face, reversed my underpants, and got dressed as calmly as I could manage, which wasn't much. By the time, I'd finished Theo was dressed and combing his hair in front of the full length mirror. He turned and kissed me on the lips. "Now let's go down and meet mummy."

As soon as I met 'mummy', I knew where Theo got his looks. Mummy was drop-dead gorgeous and looked like his older sister rather than his mum. Theo introduced us.

"So you're that Frankie," she said, and leaned forward to plant a little kiss on my lips. I wondered if she'd do that if she knew where my lips were ten minutes before. "Theo's been telling us lots about you. He really likes you, and, believe me, our Theo is hard to please."

"Now, mummy, enough of that. Here's your Moscow mule."

What the fuck was a Moscow mule? I found out soon enough and I learned to make them to Angelique's satisfaction, Angelique being Theo's mother, and a Moscow mule being: a cocktail made with vodka, spicy ginger beer, and lime juice, garnished with a slice or wedge of lime. Theo handed Angelique a copper mug in which resided the afore-described Moscow mule.

I kid you not, that's the way Angel(ique) spoke, and, as she spoke, I saw her longer fingers reach under a side-table and "bbzzzz". There it went again, and, as if by magic, part of the wall opened, and a man walked in. Not a man, really. More an older boy, about 18, I'd say, and he gave the tiniest of bows to Madame.

"Ah, Henri," she purred, "take the boys down to the kitchens and see they are fed and watered. I've got calls to make, and I'm not to be disturbed." She kissed Theo, on the lips, and trotted after Houseboy Henri through the parition in the wall which closed behind us. It was only later I realised Houseboy Henri had been in the house while I was trying to touch Theo's turd with the tip of my tongue!

That night, in bed, in my own home, I tried to make sense of what happened chez Theo, gave up, gave myself a deep finger-fuck, sniffed my finger, gave it a suck, rolled over and fell dead asleep.

Next couple of days in school Theo behaved like nothing had happened. He was just friendly and anyway we had two badminton matches: first for the U-13s (our team won 5-3), then U-15s (4-4), and we won our doubles match that gave our team the draw! After the second match, mum (my mum) picked us up and we have early dinner at our house - fish and chips, and no Moscow mules: LOL

My mum liked Theo: "That boy has really good manners, Frankie. I hope you two become really good friends." Mum tended to punctuate her sentences with 'really' - really, she did.

On Friday we went straight to Theo's house. My legs were shaking a little bit as we walked across Westpark. I wondered if Henri would be around. Theo didn't mention him, so I didn't. We went up to Theo's bedroom and got naked on the bed without saying a word.

Theo took the face down, bum up position. I got on top, sitting back on my buttocks and thighs, stroked his straight ginger hair, his neck, his silk back, the rounded cheeks of his arse, and all the way back to his head. I pressed the heels of my hands into his back and began giving him a deep massage, causing him to grunt in pleasure. Aften five minutes, I settled my palms on his arse cheeks and used my thumbs to pull open his bumhole. There it was, waiting for me.

I started sniffing his browny pink hole. I pulled his left cheek wider and wormed my middle finger into his anus - again it was easier than I expected, so I added another finger. "Nngh!" Theo grunted, his rectum tightening around my fingers as I dug inside. I pulled my fingers out and I was excited to see brown streaks on it. There were little brown lumps under my fingernails. I made sure Theo wasn't looking around, stuck my fingers in my mouth and sucked off every little bit I could. I dug my fingers back in, pulled them out and held them under my nose. The smell was intoxicating and I felt a bit faint. Again I sucked them clean of their shiny brown coating.

I was so focused I didn't realise Theo had turned his head to gaze me. I jerked my fingers away and hid them behind my back.

"Do you want to watch me take a shit?" grinned Theo.

I mumbled something.

"Don't be shy. It's cool. Would you like to watch me taking a shit?" he repeated.

"Yes, please" he said.

"Well, you can. But not now. Because I took a huge shit before we came out of school."

I must have looked disappointed.

"Hey, Frankie, you'll only have to wait till tomorrow." (He paused.) "But there's something you have to do for me."

"What?" is what I meant to say, but it came out as "Anything."

"Fuck me. Here. Now."

"B-b-but I've never fucked," I said.

Theo got up on his hands and knees, pointed his arse at me, and said: "Go for it."

On my knees, I shuffled forwards, grasping my hard-on with my right hard while my left spread his anus open. His hole gaped at me. The pink gave way to a deep, glistening red. My foreskin was already rolled right back. I shuffled forward a bit until the head of my cock was right on his hole and let my weight fall forward.

"Ooooof - fuck!" yelped Theo as my shaft drove into into his anus. Like I said, puberty came early to me, and my dick was about six inches long and fat. Whammo, straight in it went. Theo's body shot forward and his head banged against the bedhead. He yelped again as his anus and rectum got used to the invader. I looked down and saw the ring of his anus closing round my glans. I'd watched lots of porn vids, so I did what they did. His sphincter muscles collapsed as I rammed myself inside him.

"Nngh!" he groaned over and over, as I drove in and out, taking my cock almost out, then hammering it home again. I got into a good rhythm and it sounded like Theo was grunting along in time with my thrusts.

"Say dirty things, say dirty things."


"Dirty things, say dirty things to me. Tell me what you're doing!"

In for a penny...

"I'm fucking your dirty, fucking hole," I shouted. "My cock's going in where your shit comes out! You're a dirty fucking cunt and you're getting what you deserve - bitch!"

Boys nowadays learn everything they need from gay boys tube (my favourite).

"I'm gonna push my cock in so deep you'll feel it in your belly, your chest, your throat, till it sticks out of your mouth and I can lick the shit off it." (That bit didn't make any sense - it still doesn't.)

Yahoo! I was really getting into it!

But I was only 12, going on 13, and I couldn't keep it up for much longer. My legs started to termble, then shake. My body took over. The cheeks of my arse started clenching. I glued myself to Theo's back and started hunching into him the way I'd seen dogs do it.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" and I was cumming, spurting, squirting deep inside my new friend's arse. I collapsed on top of him and held on for dear life.

"Get the fuck offa me! You're smothering me, you stupid cunt!"

This was a side of Theo I hadn't seen before.

I yanked my cock out of him.

"Ouch! You fuckin' bastard. That hurt!"

But he was laughing.

I started to laugh too. Then I suddenly realised I had to take a piss.

"I've got to take a piss," I shouted. "I'm going to the toilet."

"Wait for me! Wait for me! Don't piss without me!"

In the toilet, Theo dropped on all fours again. Up went his bum again. Bum cheeks wide again.

"Quick, quick, don't waste your piss. Piss inside me!"

I told you Theo's a genius.

I dropped on my knees, shuffled forward, and worked my half-hard cock into his half-gaping hole, and cut loose.


My piss filled him up, then started running down the back of his legs... I'd already decide I was going to suck my piss and cum out of his arse, when...

The fukin' buzzer!

We had a quick shower - no time for hank panky - went downstairs and had sandwiches and tea with Henri because the Angel(ique) had a bunch of ladies with her and didn't want us around. I learned that Henri was 19 and was a sort of au pair boy around the house, though he went to classes three evenings a week to improve his English. It turned out Henri's mum was Theo's mums partner in one of her businesses; this one was in Paris and produced expensive perfumes or something like that. I was only half listening because the bulge down Henri's leg looked like he was hiding a little baseball bat down there!

After we swigged the tea and munched the sandwiches, I borrowed one of Theo's bikes (he has three of them!) and we spent an hour whizzing round the Westpark area. My bike was a lightflyer that took off as soon as I touched the pedals. Best bike I'd ever been on! I could only stay an hour because I'd promised to babysit my little brother Bratty Billy, a mouthy little gobshite, but we agreed to meet at Theo's house Saturday 12 noon - "We'll have the place to ourselves," and off home I sped on the flyer.

Saturday 12.15

"So, can I watch?"

"It's 'may' not 'can'."


"It's may I watch, not can I watch, if you're asking for permission. And the answer is Yes, you may. And we'd better get in the bathroom."

Theo's got a weird sense of humour.

We were already naked by that time, so we trooped into the bathroom as if we were trooping into the cinema. Theo sat on the toilet.

"How do you want me?"

"Well," I started, then hummed and hawed. "Is it okay if I...? I mean, can I...? May I...?"

"Get the fuck on with it, Frankie. You want to watch me take a shit, so how do you want me?"

"I want to watch from a special position, if that's okay," I managed to get out.

"And what would that position be?"

"Well, actually, I want to watch it coming out of you."

"Why didn't you say that in the first place? All you have to do is... Look, I'll show you. Get in the jacuzzi. (pause) Lie on your back. (I did.) Face up. (I upped my face.) I'm going to squat over you. (He did.) Just tell me how far above you want my hole."

I peeled Theo's cheeks apart and saw the pale pink pucker I knew could become a gaping hole. He flexed his sphincter a couple of times and I swear his rosebud winked at me. I began to lick around it getting closer and closer to the hole itself. My tongue stabbed and wiggled at his hole and the puckered muscle loosened. A circle of brown appeared at the centre and grew larger as Theo's intestinal walls expelled the shit inside.

"Here it comes," sighed Theo. "I'll try and hold it for you."

A solid turd began to inch out.

Trembling with anticipation, I stuck out my tongue and licked my friend's turd as I guided it into my mouth. Another inch emerged and without thinking I wrapped my lips around it and began to suck gently. The smell was over-powering but the taste was almost bland. How could something so bland be so delicious? It was much later I realised I was giving Theo's turd a 'blow job'.

"Can't hold it all," whispered Theo and the two inches broke off. Half fell into my mouth, the other half lay along my lower lip. I sucked at the piece inside my mouth and felt it break up and slide down my gullet. I used my finger to push the other half inside and chewed on it. I gulped for breath and over it went. Theo squeezed his sphincter muscle to hold the rest for me, turned round and watched me chew and swallow his shit.

"Well, look at you - you nasty little fucker," he laughed, but it wasn't a nasty laugh. Theo was enjoying me enjoying him. "I can't believe you're eat my shit. Didn't think you'd really do it. Here's another helpingt. Don't swallow it, just hold it."

Theo's chocolate-stained pucker, now about a hole two inches in diameter, expelled another four inches of turd that I managed to hold between my lips. Then he was sliding down by my side and before I could work out what was happening, he was sucking one end of the turd while I sucked the other. As they both began to break up, he pushed his mouth against mine and squashed the turd so that it was plastered across both our mouths. He rubbed his lips against mine and then against my face. I did the same to him. We must have looked like survivors from an explosion in Charlie's Chocolate Factory.

Theo turned away from me, his back to my front.

"The shit, the shit... use it as lube," he moaned. I'd no idea what lube was but that became obvious.

The last piece of shit was coming out of his hole. I pushed it back in. First with my fingers, then with my cock. Of course, most of the shit squeezed its way out of Theo's arse and coated my cock. I was so high I was going to explode.

Again he shifted position. This time my shit-covered cock was at his wide-open mouth. I pushed my cock in to the hilt, he sucked gagged, took it deeper and deeper. I deep-throated him ruthlessly. He was coughing up shit and phlegm... and cum, his eyes watering as he gagged and spluttered. He rolled away from me, and we lay naked in a jacuzzi, two twelve-year-old boys, their faces covered in shit, totally exhausted, totally spent, and totally happy.

The door to the bathroom opened.

Henri put his head round the door.

No expression on his face, just:

"Lunch will be ready in fifteen minutes."

And he was gone.

Theo must have seen the desperation on my shit-covered face.

"Who do you think taught me all this great stuff?" he laughed. "Let's get in the shower and get this shit off us. Then we'll see what Henri's got for us. He's a great cook. I bet he's got something special."

Henri was something special too. He had lunch with us - steak frites, hazelnut dacquoise and two glasses of white wine each! Not once during lunch did Henri mention the other stuff. Of course, Theo had to spoil things by looking at me and saying with his mouthful: "Wonder what this will taste like when it comes out of me."

I blushed furiously and Henri gave Theo a look that shut him up - at least on that topic - for the rest of lunch - but there was a smile round the French boy's mouth, and I smiled too.

Henri's English was almost perfect but he had the sexiest accent I'd ever heard. He explained he was taking a year off before he started at the Sorbonne - that's a famous university in Paris. He's going to study chemistry and then create perfumes for his mum's business. You won't believe how expensive some of these perfumes are!

Henri was fascinating to listen to, and lunch was over far too soon. Theo and I were going swimming. We didn't have to go far. Westpark complex has its own swimming facility - residents' only - and they even have a lifeguard at the weekend - the only time when under-16s are allowed in unaccompanied.

We grabbed our bikes and set off - but not before Henri had given me a quick peck on the lips and Theo a minute-long tongue session. I was so jealous I booted Theo up the arse and ran for the elevator. We could hear Henri laughing behind us.


His name was - actually, it still is - Leo, and it was Leo who found Theo.

Leo was still at our old junior school but he would be coming up to us in Secondary in September, and Leo's mum wanted some private lessons for him, tutoring in maths. The headteacher recommended Theo who, I've got admit, outshone me at maths while I was always tops at English in our Year. I don't think Theo would have accepted the job - even at £20 an hour - but, when I saw Leo, I knew immediately why Theo took him in.

The kid was 10 going on 11, easily passing for a couple of years younger. He was a little blond bombshell, hair bouncing off his collar, but managing to look the total boy. He seemed to know the drill. Into the bedroom he skipped and thew himself onto the bed as if he'd landed on a bouncy castle.

"Is this your first time here?" I asked.

"No," he piped, "fourth session - three for maths and one for French: "Je parle francais un peu," which was a lot more than I did.

"Let the rumpus begin!" yelled Theo diving onto the bed with Leo beneath him. Give his due, the kid wrestled boyfully, and it took Theo all of five minutes to have him stripped naked and panting. The ten-year-old lay there naked as a jaybird - "What's a jaybird anyways?" - legs splayed wide open and a three-inch erection pointing proudly up his tummy. Underneath, lay his ballsac holding what looked like a pair of walnuts. He was completely hairless, of course, with skin that looked silky, satiny, slippery and sweaty. Little boys demand to be licked, don't they? I stood staring at him and Leo obviously enjoyed the attention.

"Guess who's got the biggest dick?" asked Theo.

Leo frowned and gave it some thought. Then he said: "Me!"

"You cheeky little fucker. Right, Frankie, let's show him."

We stripped facing away from the bed, then turned to face the boy on the bed.

Leo mused a bit, hummed and hawed, though it was perfectly obvious I was at least two inches bigger than Theo, and it was easy to work that out because we both had hard-ons standing straight up our bellies.

"Frankie!" yelled Theo.

"Right then. Frankie gets first pick." Nobody had mentioned any of this before. "Go on then, Frankie, how do you want Leo," who protested not a word.

"Turn over. Lie flat on your front. But move closer to the side of the bed. Put your face on the pillow. No, not that way. Make sure your face is right on the side of the bed. Good boy, that's it." I paused for a moment. "Here's the deal. Theo gets your mouth. I get your bum. Okay?"

For the first time, Leo looked and sounded unsure.

"You're not gonna bum me, are you? I can't take all that."

"No, I'm not gonna bum you, Leo, but I'm gonna suck the shit right out of you."

"That's okay then," giggled Leo, bouncing onto his front and making himself comfortable. I wonder if he knew my statement of intent was literal - not metaphorical.

I sat on the edge of the bed only a few inches from Leo's face. I'd never seen a boy being sucked off before and I was curious about everything. Theo stood there naked, his stiffy hard against his belly. He pushed it to the horizontal and whispered, "Open up, sweetie. Wider, wider..." Leo's little pink lips opened to show perfectly white, perfectly regular teeth. "Wider, baby, wider. Say 'Ah!'"

"Ah!" - and Theo's stiff penis slipped into Leo's mouth.

"Suck, baby, suck. Suck for daddy."

This should've sounded silly but for some reason it didn't.

Theo began moving his bum in little fast movements so that his shaft slid in an out of the boy's mouth. I ciuld hear the sucking and my cock got so hard it ached. In out, in out, in out... then Theo would slow up and take longer to let himself slide in and out. The whole of his cock slid in until those little pink lips were pressed against the patch of ginger hair at the bottom of Theo's belly. I was amazed the kid didn't gag and choke though saliva did run down his chin in tiny bubbles.

On the spur of the moment, I dropped to my knees behind Theo, pulled his cheeks apart - he widened his legs for me - and began to finger-fuck him. As before, two fingers slid in easy through the greasy slop, so I added a third finger, then a fourth. It was only the wedge of four fingers that made Theo yelp, so I sawed the wedge in and out as gently as I could. I wondered how the fuck his hole could open so wide, then remembered the 'baseball bat' down Henri's chinos. No wonder Theo could take four fingers. I glanced at Leo's little hand and fingers and wondered if he could make a fist and...

I withdraw my fingers and licked them clean.

Yummy yums!

Leo's turn.

I knelt on the bed, parted the boy's legs and spread his cheeks. I blew on his tiny slit. He must have deliberately flexed his pucker and I gave it a little smooch of wet licks and kisses. I loved the tiny goose bumps that covered both creamy, ivory-coloured cheeks. It wasn't easy but I managed to prise his slit open and get an idea of what was inside - healthy, pink flesh through which a turd, if I was in luck, would slide down my hungry gullet. I pressed my nose against his anus, sniffing, a shitty aroma that made my cock actually throb. I speared my tongue and drove the tip into the kid's hole.

"Mmmggrrgh..." came the muffled groans, and I was tempted to yell "Don't talk with your mouth full," but I was in no position to make any sounds that made sense.

"Yay, that's it. Lick the shit out of the little fucker's arse."

Thanks, Theo.

I speared deeper, the smells became more intense, deep, dark, musty - the essence of small boy shit.

"Where was that turd? I wanted that turd! Give me that turd!" yelled the voice within my head.

Something else overtook me. I'd fucked Theo in his big, sloppy hole. But what would it be like to fuck a ten-year-old boy whose anus was so tight, sphincter muscles so tense, I could hardly get my tongue inside?

"Nnngghh!" - "Nnngghh!" - "Nnngghh!"

I couldn't resist getting up to have a closer look. Theo was driving his cock harder and faster into Leo's mouth. I could see his cheek swell every time Theo drove him, his bum, thighs and legs moving in time with the face-fuck.. Getting behind Theo, I bent my legs, wiggled the head of my cock around until I found his hole and drove it in.

"Nnnnnnn! - Fuck me, Frankie, fuck me."

And that's what I did.

I stood behind my best friend, kissing and biting his neck, peeking down at little Leo, and fucking his arse in the same rhythm as he face-fucked the boy beneath us. It felt my shaft was going into Theo, right through his body, and out of his mouth into the small boy's throat. Ridiculous, I know, but I'm just describing how I felt. I looked down. Leo was masturbating, jerking his foreskin back and forwards over the head of his pretty penis.

"Let's try this," hissed Theo, and he adjusted us so that both our cocks were in Leo's mouth. Of course, we could only get the heads in and he couldn't really suck us both, but the little trooper did his best. We went back to me fucking Theo while he jacked off into Leo's mouth. I was able to watch him squirt cum into the boy, and seconds later I squirted into Theo.

We collapsed onto the bed beside Leo and both of us took turns licking, kissing and sucking his stiffy. Jerk, jerk, jerk, and Leo had his orgasm, his little body literally bouncing on the bed. It was a dry cum, of course, but they're as strong as the real thing even before puberty, aren't they? Then we lay there, laughing, giggling and trying to agree where we'd ride on our bikes. A quick shower - no shit - and off we jolly well went.

Next afternoon, we had Theo's place to ourselves again and he wanted to try out his new mobile phone - a Huawei P20 Pro 128GB 6GB RAM Dual SIM - with its 'revolutionary Leica Triple Camera, where aesthetic vision meets an advanced camera system that shines light on intelligent photography' - I copied that last bit so you could see what Theo was using.

"And I get to keep the bike?"

"Of course, you do," Theo told Leo, ruffling his blond hair. "I promised, didn't I? And I don't break promises," he added, crossing his heart or roughly where he thought his heart was.

"And it won't make, Frankie, sick?"

"No, I won't," I smiled, "and I best yours tastes yummy."

You can guess what Theo wanted to film, and, only after he agreed to delete it later, did I agree. In for a penny, in for a ... small boy's shit.

Camera - Lights - Action!

I ease down Leo's shorts until they're lying on the floor around his ankles. His tight, white underpants outline his rounded bumcheeks. I ease them down, and he steps out of shorts and undies. I hold his undies to my nose and breathe in: pure boy smell. I notice a couple of brown skids marks. I sniff and lick them - sweet, bitter, musky. His penis stiffens and rises to its three inches. I take it gently between to fingers and lead him to the bathroom. He giggles while Theo follows us with his mobile/camera.

In the bathroom, I strip naked, kneel behind Leo and separate his cheeks. A tiny, hardly-puckered hole, nestles between those ivory cheeks There's a, thin brownish glaze over the flesh of his cleft around the slit of his anus.

"Leo, I'm going to take care of you back here. I'm going to show you how to clean yourself." I hear what sounds like a little meouw.

My face enters the moist, hot valley between his cheeks, the fragrance of his hole ten times stronger than from his streaked undies. I can't get enough of him. My nose rubs against skin, my tongue flicks against the chocolate stains. I worry his hole with my tongue till its deep enough to retrieve little flecks of shit, fresh from his rectum. I play with his walnut balls and hot three inches.

I draw my face back and whisper,"It's time, Leo, it's time."

Stretching myself out on the bathroom floor, I grasp Leo's by his skinny legs and maneouve his backwards until the is standing over me, a leg on either side of my head. I urge him into a squatting position over my face. On the periphery, I can see Theo's camera. I resume licking and probing at Leo's hole while massaging his tummy to get him going. Watching his rosebud blossoming is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and the beauty is increased when at tiny circle of brown appears right at its centre. Leo's rosebud is about to bloom.

Half an inch of dark brown turd appears.

"Hold it, hold it there, Leo," whispers Theo.

There's just enough to get my lips around. I suck gently on it till it dissolves and disntegrates into my mouth... and down my throat. Leo releases a couple of inches. Brown becomes beige, and it's softer now but keeps its shape until my tongue and saliva make the turd mine, make it part of me.

The final three inches are very soft and some of the shit splatters around my mouth. I push Leo back on my body, pull him down, and bring my shit-coloured lips to his. To my surprise, he doesn't back away. His mouth opens. We tongue wrestle and I transfer some of his shit back to him. Theo's camera is only two inches away, and, though it's a bit disconcerting, we put on a show for him. Funny how kids always play up to a camera.

He disengages and giggles: "Is it my turn now?"

"Yep," says Theo. "You know the deal."

"And I get to keep the bike?"

"You get to keep the bike."


For a few seconds I imagine I'm to shit in Leo's mouth. But Theo, naked now, hands my the mobile: "I'm going to unload the biggest shit of my life. Make sure you capture everything. And wash your face first - you look disgusting," but he's laughing as he says it.

Leo stretches out on the bathroom tiles. Theo squats over his face. I get down on my knees and focus the camera on the action. Theo's bum is already gaping. He groans and bears down. His arsehole bulges and opens even wider as the head of the fat turd pushes through. A shit-log slides between Leo's pink lips, his little white teeth, and into his gob. He bites an inch or the rurd and starts chewing it. Theo's really doing it! Really shitting it, right into the tean-year-old's mouth! Oh God, this was the most exciting thing I've ever seen! I zoom the camera right in so you can almost feel the texture of the knobbly turd! The smell of it hits my nose. It stinks. It's a wonderful stink! Leo's tummy is connected to Theo's rectum by a turd!

Leo lies there shivering as if he has a fever.

Another three inches slithers into the small boy's mouth, into his throat. He must be deep-throating a turd. I try to film the turd in Leo's throat but I'm not sure what the bulge is. Then another two inches slides in!

Suddenly, Theo is up and on his knees.

"Keep your mouth open, Leo. Keep it open. Don't swallow it. Just keep it there."

Theo sticks two fingers into Leo's mouth and twirls it mashing up the turd into soft shit.

"Quick, quick," he says to me. "Give me the cam. Fuck him in the mouth." He takes the camera.

I kneel on the other side of Leo and work my ahrd cock into his mouth. I can feel the warm shit around it. Shit and saliva are squeezed out of the kid's mouth. He's gagging so I withdraw a bit. I don't want to choke him.

Theo's beside me, filming and pissing at the same time.

Pissing into Leo's mouth!

I feel the hot piss hit may cock. It fills up Leo's mouth and spills down his chin... and I'm cumming - two, three, four squirts of creamy cum, straight into the boy's throat. Now he really is gagging, tears streaming from his eyes shit, piss and cum running down his chin, onto his neck, his chest, his little rosy nipples.

"Quick, Frankie, get him into the shower."

I help Theo get Leo up, gently, by the arms, and the three of step into the shower cubicle. Theo turns on the shower heads full blast. Lovely, warm water pelts us. He takes a shower head and tells Leo to open his mouth wide. He fires the water into Leo's mouth. He starts spitting it out - spitting it at us. Little fucker! Lovely little fucker!

We step out of the cucbile and stand under the overhead dryers while we towel each other down. In the bedroom, Theo sits on the bed, legs open wide, Leo kneeling between them as Theo towel-dries the kid's thick blond hairs. I can just make out what Leo's saying:

"Can we go out on the bikes, Theo? Please, please, please."

"Course we can," says Theo, "and it's your bike now."

"Yay! yay!" yells one very happy ten-year-old boy.

Now I don't want you to think we loved for sex. We didn't. School and sports and family take up a lot of time, so usually we saved sex for the weekend. That's when Theo's family were away most of the day and we had Henri to look after us. Henri was super cool. Though he knew what we were doing - even with Leo - he never said anything about it, never even made jokes. He seemed sort of friendly but distant. Maybe that's what made me want to know him better, or maybe it was the baseball bat down his trousers! After four weekends, I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Theo, can we have Henri with us?"

"'With us.' What do you mean by 'with us'?

"You know what I mean - 'with us'."

Theo gave me a look I couldn't interpret.

"You sure? Henri can be pretty far out."

I couldn't interpret that either, but a shiver ran down my spine.

"Yeh, I'm sure."

"Okay, I'll ask him - though me not say Oui."

"Ask him."

Theo asked him. Henri said 'oui' and "bring along Leo too."

And that's what we did.

Henri's apartment was in the basement but don't think it was a dark and dingy dungeon. It wasn't. It was what my mum calls 'spacious' and it was lit with ceiling lamps that made the same as daylight. You could dim the lighting, and that's what Henri did. If I thought Theo's double bed was huge, Henri's was humongous, with a dark blue velvety throw over it made out of satiny that was water and stain proof.

Henri even had his own kitchen in a separate part of the apartment, and a little lab. where he experimented with chemicals and scents that might produce the most expensive perfume in the world. One side of the room was taken up with a tv screen that covered most of the wall, and there were eight speakers - concealed - around the room. They were playing some music really low when we entered the room. There were also framed movie posters on one wall but I didn't recognise any of the movies. I only remember 'Casablanca' cos that's mum's favourite movie even though it's in black and white.

In the room, we sat at the end of the bed, Henri in the middle, Theo on his left, me on his right. I'm not going to try and write this the way Henri sounded. It would only turn out silly. He has a deep voice and he takes his time over what he says. Leo was standing in front of Henri.

"Now, let's see," Henri said.

"Let's take off this first. Raise your arms," and he slipped Leo's Lacoste t-shirt over his head. "Now your sandals and socks." Leo raised one leg at a time and put his foot in Henri's lap. The French boy eased off his sandals and then his socks. It was funny the way Leo had to keep balance. "Tennis shorts, please." Leo undid the clasp and Henri slipped them down so the boy could step out of them. "Underpants now," and he slid them down to Leo's ankles. Leo tried to step out of them but Henri put a hand on his arm: "Non, non, keep them there for the moment." Leo looked so tiny naked.

"Raise your arms high," Henri said, and to us: "Lick his armpits, boys." Theo and I looked at each other, then leant forward and started licking Leo's armpits. "They are like chalices, non?" I'd no idea what a chalice was. Leo's armpit - at least the one I got - was smooth as silk and a little sweaty and had no real taste. But as I licked it, I wanted to lick it more and more. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Henri's big hand and fingers rubbing Leo's stomach. Did I tell you Henri is at least six feet tall. When he used two hands, you could hardly see Leo's tummy at all, and Henri worked his fingers from his chest to below his tummy so you could see his little tummy bulge being pushed towards his crotch. I got hard just watching it.

"Suck on his nipples now."

So we did, though they were so tiny, you had to suck at them because you couldn't get them in your mouth properly. Mine tasted a little like raspberries. "Sit back, mes garcons," so we sat back on the bed. Henri ran his fingers down Leo's body and took the ten-year-old's stiffy between two fingers. Leo looked like a boy doll.

"You can see how Leo's erection is not pointing up his stomach. That's because he is just starting puberty. In a few months' time, it will stand straight up - like yours." Henri was absolutely right. We glanced down and that's exactly what our hard-ons were doing - straight up. This was better than sex education in junior school!

"Leo is lucky," continued our French 'teacher' as he moved Leo's foreskin until the little purply pink head popped out. Some boys have a very tight foreskin. Leo's is just right." He touched the head of Leo's cock with the tip of a finger. The three-inch shaft twitched. "Leo is very sensitive. See how he reacts immediately. Look how his balls are drawn up in their sac." We looked. I drooled.

"Boys, strip and put your clothes neatly on that chair. And, Frankie, bring that little bottle to me - the one on my desk."

We did as we were instructed and returned to the bed where Theo was lying naked on his back, Henri sitting on the edge of the bed with only boxers on. When did that happen? I felt a but funny walking to the bed with an erection hard enough to break a plate. I glanced at Theo. He was the same, so I relaxed and went with the flow. I was also focussed on Henri. Handsome and with a body to match! We climbed on the bed and sat cross-legged at Leo's feet. The kid was wiggling his toes!

Henri held up the little brown bottle.

"Some people would call these 'poppers' but they're not. Poppers can make you dizzy. You might feel like you're going to faint. And they can give you bad headaches. Poppers make you feel sexy, but the feeling doesn't last long, and you have to keep sniffing them. This makes you feel sexy but you don't have to keep sniffing. And when you sniff it, you'll do anything that makes you feel sexier. I know because I made it myself."

He gave Theo a smile.

"That's right, isn't it, Theo? Anything."

Theo blushed - he blushes easily.

"Can I have some?" piped up Leo. I'd almost forgotten he was there.

"Mais oui, mon petit garcon. You're going to get beaucoup - lots."

Henri told us what to do.

I opened Leo's legs wide and crawled between them. Theo sat on his right side. Henri slipped off his boxers and sat on the left near Leo's head. He unscrewed the top of the little brown bottle and held it close to Leo's nose.

"Breathe deep, baby, breathe deep."

We could hear Leo breathing in deep. I watch his face go a bit red like he was blushing. His head began to roll on the pillow. Henri turned his face towards him and ran the head of his huge cock on the boy's lips. "Open, baby, open." Leo opened his mouth wide but there was no way he could get the head in his mouth. It looked like a great big plum. He began to lick it. "Kiss the mouth, baby, mouth to mouth." I saw Leo pressing his pink lips against the slit on the top of Henri's cock.

"Finger fuck him, Frankie. Finger fuck our baby. One finger. Only one finger. Till we get him opened up. Swirl your finger round and round inside his hole to loosen up him up." He paused. "Theo, start sucking his cock and balls. Get them all inside your mouth. Hold them there for a while. Don't try to make him orgasm. We got a long way to go. You know that."

I ducked down, got my face right between Leo's spread-eagled legs, pressed the tip of my middle finger against his tiny anus, and made circles, pushing just a little bit harder as I felt his flesh give a little. The I was in - up to the knuckle in one push. Shit smells rushed at me and it was hard not to stick my tongue right inside him, but I had to follow instructions. After a few minutes, I knew he was ready for two fingers. I added my digit finger and pushed them both in. Swirls. Swirls. Make swirls. Leo was beginning to twist on th bed, his bum moving up and down. I could feel his hole widening, the way elastic stretches.

"Theo, give Leo a rest. We don't want him to cum. Keep him on the edge but don't let him cum."

I heard Theo gurgle, which I took as yes.

I managed to look up and keep swirling.

The whole head of Henri's cock was inside Leo's mouth!

His jaws must be stretched till it hard. The cock must be touching his tonsils. Then Henri would take his cock out and rub all over Leo's face and closed eyes. Then he would touch his mouth with the head and leo would open wide as if it was automatic. Without asking, I went for three fingers and was amazed I would work them in without Leo screaming. The boy was only ten, for Chrissake (pardon my French). How could this not be hurting him? Then I remembered Theo's hole and how it could gape until you saw his insides, his real insides. Leo's body was really rockin' and rollin' now.

"You two, come up here... now."

We did as we were told, standing beside Henri, cocks erect against our bellies.

"Who needs a shit?"

Theo looked at me. I looked at Theo. We looked at each other. We both nodded.

"Get on the bed."

We got on the bed.

"Theo, you over Leo's chest. Frankie, you over his tummy. Don't start shitting till I tell you."

"Aren't we going to shit in his..."

"Non. Just do what you're told."

We squatted over Leo's body, both facing Leo's face, my cock pushing against Theo's bum.

I looked at Henri He had taken his cock out of Leo's mouth. "Open your mouth, baby," he said. "Open wide... and keep your eyes open."

That's what Leo did, and Henri started jerking his cock aiming at the centre of Leo'a mouth. His breathing told us the French boy was near orgasm.

"C'est ca. Start shitting."

I saw Theo raises his hips and a turd appeared below his bum. I felt a turd exiting from mine. The turds started slowly, as they always do, and then began to speed up. I felt mine touch Leo's belly and begin to squash into it.

"Now! Now!" breathed Henri, and I saw huge squirts of cum fire into Leo's mouth - four, five, six, huge sloppy spurts. Too much for Leo. He splurted a lot of the cum out onto Theo's cock and balls. Then Henri reached below Theo and scooped a handful of shit. He wasn't going to feed it to Leo, was he? No! He was feeding it to himself. Henri was slurping in the small boy's shit. Then he leaned over and took the bottom of my turd. It looked pretty sold and fed it to Theo who started giving it a blow job! Then Theo turned to me and I shared the blow job. Sucking one end while he sucked the other - all the way down till our lips met and we kissed furiously, frantically.

"A la douche! A la douche!"

"What's that mean?" I mumbled to Theo.

"The shower. We're all going to the shower. Come on."

Henri's shower cubicle was even bigger than the one upstairs - room for all us. We walked gingerly across the floor, avoiding the Turkish rugs, while Henri carried Leo in his arms. As we stepped into the bathroom, I asked Theo: "Are we finished?"

Theo laughed.

"No, we're not, but Henri doesn't want shit all over the place. We clean us. We clean the apartment. We have lunch... and then..."

"And then. and then..."

"You just wait till we suck on Henri's prolapse," laughed Theo again - and shoved me into the shower.

"What the fuck is a prolapse?" I asked myself. "And how do you suck on it?"

I didn't know then,

But I found out that afternoon.

And that as they say is that. I've been exploring my fascination with scat and I seem at last to have run out of any aspects of scatology that interest me - but you never can tell.

Thanks for your kind comments on some of my stories. Some of you have asked if I've written any others. I have indeed. Here are those I have been able to locate. The rest are somewhere in the Nifty archives. Only God knows where and He has yet to divulge their whereabouts to me. By the way, only the email addy atop this story is functional.

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