There's Something About Jake

By Blue Boy

Published on May 16, 2004



This story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes that involve sex between consenting adult males and if this offends you, or if you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material, leave now.

This story is set in England. If you're not from England, there may be some words and phrases which may be unfamiliar to you, but I'm sure you can work them out from the context!

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Jonny and I had been mates since we were eight and I'd moved to the area. We'd grown up together and here we were, nearly ten years on, still the best of mates.

Recently Jonny had gone to college, whereas I'd stayed on at sixth form, so I didn't see as much of him as before. He was making new friends at college and I suppose it was only natural for me to be a bit jealous -- but that was until I met Jake, and suddenly it was Jonny I was jealous of. I couldn't explain why, because I had never really felt that way about another guy before. Sure, I was curious and I always knew I liked boys a bit more than what was probably normal, but I was still too busy playing football, getting drunk and snogging girls to do anything about it.

There was something about Jake though. We met when Jonny invited me down the pub with a few of his college mates one night, and I liked him straightaway. Five foot ten, short blonde hair, big brown eyes, and a body to die for, he wouldn't have looked out of place in a boy band, and I bet he'd had no shortage of offers from girls. But I didn't just fancy the arse off him, I actually liked him too. In fact, the three of us soon became good mates, and Jonny seemed quite pleased that I was getting on with him.

The summer before my eighteenth birthday, Jonny's parents went on holiday for a week, and like for any other seventeen year old, this was the perfect excuse for a house party. About forty people turned up, Jake included, and we blasted the tunes, drank to get pissed, danced like dickheads, got off with girls, annoyed the hell out of the neighbours, and generally enjoyed ourselves well into the early hours of the morning. It was one of those nights full of crazy, random little episodes which make a party a party, and which we'd all remember and talk about in ten years' time; waterfights in the kitchen; people falling asleep in the hallway and others pouring Malibu in their ears for no good reason; the obligatory nutter on the dancefloor, trying unfailingly unsuccessfully to impress the girls with his eccentric dance moves; and even one of Jonny's mates (although sadly not Jake) flashing his cock for a dare; yes, it was a great party, and a night we'd always remember. And I would remember it for more reasons than one.

Things died down at about four in the morning, with people who were staying over starting to fall asleep under tables, on sofas, on kitchen desktops and bathroom floors and in various corners of rooms. Thankfully I wasn't one of these people though, as Jonny had reserved his parents' bedroom exclusively for his two best mates -- namely myself and Jake. We had a deal, though, that whichever one of us pulled first (if indeed either of us did) would get the room, and otherwise we'd share it. Although Jonny pulled a girl who had been after him for a while and took her up to his room for the night, neither myself nor Jake did, so it was the double bed for both of us. It was the first time we would share a bed, and if Jake was feeling uncomfortable about it, either he didn't show it or he was too drunk to. The feelings I had for Jake had been pretty deeply suppressed until now -- I really liked having him as a mate and didn't want to do anything to jeopardise that friendship.

"I'm fuckin' wasted, man," announced Jake, as we both stripped to our boxers.

"So am I, mate," I said, and we climbed into either side of the bed.

We talked about the night and the party, things that had happened, who had got off with who. We were lying side by side and looking and smiling at each other as we talked, and I just wanted to take him in my arms and kiss him. He looked so cute, lying there half-naked and half-covered up with the duvet, drunk but sexy, tired but gorgeous.

We fell asleep side by side, and the last thing I remember was fantasising about running my hands over his smooth body and slipping them into his boxers...

I woke up about an hour later, which was surprising because I usually slept like a log when I'd had a few drinks. It was a warm night and the duvet was pulled up only to our waists. I was on my back, with Jake quite close beside me, asleep on his front, snoring ever so softly... and it was only then that I realised he had his arm across my chest. He must have put it there in his sleep without realising, but I wasn't complaining. Infact it felt quite warm and affectionate, almost like we were two lovers in bed together. I smiled and touched his arm, as gently as I could, not wanting to wake him. His skin felt soft and smooth, and I just wanted to stroke every inch of that perfect body.

Suddenly Jake stirred and next thing I knew his eyes were open and he was staring at his arm across my chest, a look of confusion on his face. Then it registered, and he quickly moved it away.

"Sorry," he muttered, looking slightly embarrassed.

"You bad boy," I smiled at him, making him go even redder in the face.

"Shut up," he smiled.

"You just like touching my body, don't ya?" I joked.

"Get over yourself!" he joked back, seeming pleased that I was taking it in humour.

"I thought I had quite a nice body actually," I said.

"You have," he said, after pausing for a moment. He was no longer looking embarrassed but had a more serious expression now.

"Cheers, mate," I smiled. "Yours is better though."

The conversation felt slightly surreal, as it wasn't like any conversation we'd had before. We were talking about each other's bodies, how weird was that. Maybe it was because we were still pissed, or maybe I was dreaming, but I didn't want to wake up.

"I know," he said, with a casual smile, in response to me complimenting his body.

"Cocky twat," I said, and he was. Infact his cockiness was one of the things I loved about him though... did I say loved? I'm sure I didn't mean that.

"So what did you think when you woke up and my arm was on ya?" he asked.

"I kinda liked it actually," I said, deciding I might as well be honest.

"That's good," he said, and to my surprise, extended his arm and lay it across my chest again. "It feels more comfortable there."

Wow, it felt so good, and I couldn't think of anything to say so I just smiled at him. His hand was resting on my nipple, I don't know if it was intentional on his part but his fingers were pressing it ever so slightly, and I felt myself starting to get aroused. Slowly, his hand started moving around, at first just gently rubbing my chest, his fingers casually brushing over my nipples, but then up to my neck and down to my stomach, and my dick was growing with every touch. I was enjoying the feel of his hands on my skin so much, but I still couldn't think of anything to say.

"Your body's really nice, man," he said softly.

"Yeah, it's that new gym I've started going to," I said. It was the first thing that came to mind.

"The one in town? I might have to join, we could go down there together."

"Yeah, that'd be good."

As we continued our idle banter, his hands were exploring my body in a cycle, across my stomach, back up to my chest, over my nipples, then back down again. His touch was soft and tender, and was sending endless shivers down my spine. Then, without a word of warning, his hand suddenly swept down my body and grabbed my cock through my boxers.

"Woah!" I gasped, completely taken aback by this unexpected assault on my privates, and pushed his hand away. I don't know why I did that, because I wanted nothing more than his hand on my cock, perhaps it was just the abruptness of it.

But instead of feeling apologetic or embarrassed, he was looking at me with a cheeky smile. "You've got a hard on," he said. And now it was my turn to go red.

"No I haven't!" I lied.

"You fucking have!" he retorted, still grinning.

"Fuck off, I haven't!" I repeated. His hand went for my crotch again, but I caught his wrist just in time. I still wanted him to touch it, but I was now too embarrassed at having a hard-on. We stared at each other, a sexy, mischievous look in his eyes, and without thinking I started smiling at him. Suddenly, his other hand went for my boxers, and I caught that too, just in time. He turned on his side to face me, and tried to break his hands free, but I tightened my grip. Still smiling at each other, we wrestled for a few moments and I could tell he was enjoying the struggle.

I let go of his hands and immediately went to grab his cock. Just as I was hoping, it was as hard as mine was.

"You fucker!" he said, realising I had beaten him at his own game, and he pushed my hand away.

"What was that about hard-ons?" I said to him, with a superior grin. He just smiled at me in silence, and I moved right up close to him, so that our faces were inches apart. We were staring deep into each other's eyes. I wanted him so badly, and we still hadn't really done anything so I could still ruin everything by making a move on him, but fuck it, you only live once.

"You ever snogged a bloke before?" I asked. He just shook his head.

"What would you do if I snogged you right now?" I asked.

"I dunno," he said. "Try it and you'll find out."

A wave of anxiety suddenly swept over me. What did he mean by that? Did he mean try it and you'll get a slap? Try it and I'll tell everyone you tried to kiss me, you queer? Or try it and I'll kiss you back? I tried to read his expression but he was giving nothing away. My heart was racing, and telling me to get the fuck on with it. But my head was saying wait a minute, think about this, what the fuck are you doing?

I don't know how many seconds passed while I dithered like an old woman. But all of a sudden, the decision was taken out of my hands, as I felt his lips press against mine. I looked at his face, and his eyes were closed. He really wanted this. I closed my eyes and began kissing his lips. He opened his mouth and I wrapped my mouth around his. This was the first time I'd kissed a guy and it was fucking hot. I let my hand slide idly down his body and grabbed his hard-on again. This time I was met with no resistance, and he responded by pulling my face closer and kissing me even harder. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and found his.

As our tongues played with each other, I slid my hand into his boxers and felt his cock for the first time. He let out an involuntary gasp as I gave it a little squeeze. His hands were once again all over my body, gently massaging their way down to my boxers. He rubbed his hands on the front of my boxers, and over my hard cock. I'd only got this far with one girl before, but somehow this felt a thousand times better.

After a few moments of kissing and fondling each other's cocks, we paused and came up for air. We stared into each other's eyes and didn't look away.

"You're fuckin' gorgeous, mate," I said. I don't know if I should have said that or not, because he didn't respond. It occurred to me that it was probably a bit strange to use the phrases "you're gorgeous" and "mate" in the same sentence. Just when I began to wonder if I'd scared him off, he slid down the bed and under the duvet and I felt him pull my boxers down. Then I felt his lips on my cock, starting at the base and slowly making their way up the shaft to my exposed head. I moaned, as he started licking at the head, in and out of my piss-slit, swirling his tongue all around it. I put my hands on his head and rummaged my fingers through his hair. He enveloped the head of my cock with his lips and then slowly began going down on it. It was an amazing sensation, the entire length of my seven inch cock felt warm and wet as it slid into his mouth, and I moaned uncontrollably. Up and down he went on it, sucking and licking and making me moan and sigh.

I tried to stop my orgasm, but once it started building, I knew there was no return. Jake must have sensed from my increased moaning how close I was, and he took my erection out of his mouth just as I shot my first spurt of cum. It landed as far up as my chest, and as Jake looked on in awe, I repeatedly shot load after load of the hot, creamy white stuff all over my body. Even I was impressed at the size of this one, I thought I was never gonna stop. But eventually I did, and I lay back and closed my eyes, attempting to get my breath back after such an intense orgasm. I felt Jake's tongue on my body, as I realised with delight that he was licking my cum off it. He slurped his way all the way up my body, using his tongue to wipe it clean. Eventually he reached my face and we exchanged another hot French kiss, this time with my man-juice in the equation. I'd tasted my cum a few times before by licking it off my fingers, but I have to say this time it was significantly more enjoyable!

We broke off and looked intently into each other's eyes once again.

"I want your cock," I whispered, as I reached for his boxers and pulled them down. He broke into a smile, took his undies right off and then sat up and brought himself forward, so that he was perched on my chest and his cock was right in front of my face. And what a magnificent cock it was too, it was obviously the first one other than my own I'd seen this close up and this hard. Slightly longer and thinner than mine, and pointing straight upwards, it really was a feast for the eyes. A thick bush of blonde pubes surrounded its base, with big balls hanging below, no doubt full of something I was going to relieve him of.

I licked at the large mushroom shaped head in front of me, and immediately felt the familiar taste of precum invade my mouth.

"Mmmmmm," I sighed, as I took the head in my mouth and licked it. But Jake's eagerness took over, and he immediately thrust the entire length of that big hard cock in my mouth. Eager to please, I started licking and sucking at it just as enthusiastically as he had sucked at mine. I had been more than curious, and slightly apprehensive about what cock would taste like, but I was pleased to find that I wasn't disappointed, I loved the taste. Jake thrust his hips back and forth, fucking my face furiously, and I grabbed his arse, groping and squeezing at the supple flesh of his arse cheeks.

"Yeah... ohhhh yeah," came Jake's grunts. "Mmmmm, that's so good..."

Jake's movement became harder and faster, repeatedly feeding his cock into my hungry mouth, as his moans became more and more frantic. I wanted him to cum in my mouth, and I pressed my face further into his groin in anticipation, feeling his cock press against the back of my throat. And sure enough, seconds later, I felt something warm and creamy start to fill my mouth. I swallowed and gulped as fast as I could, as Jake emptied load after load into my mouth. Eventually, his orgasm subsided and Jake took his cock out and wiped the tip on my cheeks and chin, leaving a trail of cum on my face. He moved back a little and I took his cock in my hands, touching and stroking it. Even when it was soft, it was an impressive size.

"Did you enjoy that?" he asked me with a smile.

"What do you think, big boy?" I said, with a returning smile. Cheesy line, I realised, but never mind.

"So you wanna do it again some time?" he asked, as he got off me and returned to his position beside me on the bed.

"Yeah," I said. "How about now?"

Jake looked at me in surprise. Before he could stop me, I was on top of him and pressing my lips against his. I didn't expect him to resist, and instead he returned my kiss willingly and pulled me closer. This night was far from over.

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